Final Fantasy SNES

Alright so until recently I didn't know these games had so many translations and was curious why. Is one better than the other or what is it that convinced so many people to make so many various rewrites of this game.

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  1. 2 years ago

    FF6 is one of the most popular and commonly emulated JRPGs out there while also having its script very well documented, so pretty much anyone can shit out a fantranslation. Which one is better comes down to what you prefer in translations: literal scripts vs something more lyrical and natural but liberal. It's a debate that extends outside of vidya and no one can give the right answer but yourself.
    If in doubt, just play the OG SNES translation. If nothing else, it's the one that made the game popular in the US to begin with and inspired so many rewrites. I think a truly worthless translation wouldn't inspire so much passion in people.

    • 2 years ago

      >literal scripts vs something more lyrical and natural but liberal.
      Nice objectivity there, localizer gay.
      >I think a truly worthless translation wouldn't inspire so much passion in people.
      Retroactive millennial bullshit. People took it to task for over a decade until brain dead uncreative morons who can't distinguish between liking a game because of some words and liking a game because it's just a well made fun game. Hence why you have a cult of homosexuals who devalue FF6 because they need to enshrine a mediocre translation that even its own author acknowledges is faulty because of time and censorship constraints.

      OP, just get the GBA script in the SNES version. It even keeps a few Woolseyisms.

      • 2 years ago

        If you translate a script literally you will end up with something that doesn't sound natural, that's why the whole dynamic vs formal translation debate exists to begin with. Sorry that you only know about translations through video games.

        They are popular games and translations of that era are not the best.
        But there's no need to bother with any of them there are no improvements that are worth it if you just want a fun jrpg.

        This is ultimately the correct answer, it doesn't matter that much OP. Just be sure to play the SNES version for the higher quality music and correct colors.

        • 2 years ago

          >If you translate a script literally you will end up with something that doesn't sound natural
          >I am dumb shit who thinks literal = Engrish and broken syntax
          Don't you have a Working Designs thread to post in? Also nice job parroting a tired passive aggressive bullshit argument even though FF6 has a natural, accurate translation on GBA.

          No, putting in pop culture references and late 20th century slang isn't "natural". Maybe you should learn how to write.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, the GBA translation is good too and is more accurate than the SNES one. I don't know why you think I'm dissing it, judging by the Working Designs swipe it looks like you're not really responding to me but rather the voices in your head. That being said:
            >No, putting in pop culture references
            Hmm, wonder why someone would put pop culture references in the script...The SNES translation actually botches that particular reference, so would you consider that a point in its favor? :^)

            • 2 years ago

              bravo lucas

          • 2 years ago

            GBA translation is fine but it's not sufficiently better to be worth playing over the otherwise superior and authentic snes version.

            • 2 years ago

              GBA translation is better on the merit that it isn't *incomplete*.

              The SNES translation has LESS plot, details, and content carried over from the original. The missing content isn't just side banter from npcs but crucial plot elements and character arc resolutions. The SNES translator is not satisfied with its current state.

              Moreover, none of the GBA and SNES translations are "literal", they're both adaptations, "localizations" as some would call them. But the SNES translation is considered "sacred" because its very flaws are the basis for the modern localizer ethos.
              >more lyrical and natural but liberal
              "The furthest it is from the original work, the better. If the rewrite turns out to be trash, blame the original work."
              This is why you'll find those defending the obviously shitty translations for Secret of Mana (glaringly incomplete sentences), Final Fantasy IV (entire moves, story beats, and rooms missing) and VI and not the slightly better Chrono Trigger (still outdone by the DS version).

              From a technical standpoint, the SNES version lacks a ton of QoL fixes and bug fixes the GBA version has. Some of them are pretty significant, such as entire stats and their equipment doing nothing, and potential moves causing game crashes.

              So make sure to play the SNES version with bugfixes, uncensored graphics, and the GBA script inserted in. If you really feel like it you can play russian roulette with the retranslation (not relocalization) fixes, although the only really good ones are non-English ones (because they have no particular attachment/pressure to some translation draft rushed in 30 days that 2 decades of soÿlent addicts constantly cite as an inspiration to legitimize their poop jokes).

              just play psx relase are the canon ones

              SNES translation with loading times, woohoo

              • 2 years ago

                >Final Fantasy IV (entire moves, story beats, and rooms missing)
                Every mention of FF4's translation in this thread has been shitting on it. Schizo.

              • 2 years ago

                >GBA script inserted in.
                there's no tried and tested romhack that ports the GBA Script because for years manbabies would cry screech and yell at the romhacker if he ever changed the Woolseyisms in favor of the more accurate and better GBA Script.
                Even after the fact that Woolsey himself admitted that he did a sloppy job at VI's translation.

              • 2 years ago

                >it's the crying manbabies
                Do it yourself if you care that much.
                Personally the one I'd prefer is gba script with woolsey names ( fire3 instead of firaga, etc) and I'm sure that will never happen. But not that I care anyway since I can freely read as much about the story and translation as I want online while playing worlds collide for the gameplay.

              • 2 years ago

                Dude get over yourself, you write like an ESL person yourself. You seem to be a talented person with big-fish-in-small-pond syndrome. Pay more attention to your own writing and less to the Important Society of Peers you're stooping to impress (with moronic cool kid passphrases like "soÿlent"). Make fewer grammatical errors yourself as you lecture everybody about quality in writing. Find a social context that suits you better so you don't have to be irritable and uppity all the time.

              • 2 years ago

                Literally no one defends any aspect of FF2US. The only notable thing about it is the "spoony bard" line, and only because it became a meme and has been retained in every single one of the gorillion official retranslations, which actually makes me wonder why they can't seem to settle on any of them to this day the way they have with FFVI.

              • 2 years ago

                Because the official retranslations are rewrites of the same old FF2US translation. It started with the PS1 version which didn't make the same cuts as the US SNES version so they were forced to make new translations for that content, but the rest was mostly the same, translation errors and all. And yes, because Ted Woosley was involved and put some memes (more like he had no way to write something that made sense within 20 characters and had to improvise something loosely related).

                A fan retranslation of FF4 existed (mainly for the purpose of playing FF4 without all of the american gameplay cuts and removal of magic spells) and its existence was deemed the worst sin against Ted Woosley ever, until it turned out the "editor" for that fan translation took the base script (properly translated by weeb autists) and instead of correcting it grammatically "added flavor to it" (including some lines from the official loc, including the Ted Woosley memes), and so it lost all credibility and one of the FF2US script rewrites was shilled instead.

                FF3 and FF4 were retranslated from scratch for their DS remakes, but only FF3 was ported to the NES original (with some changes needed, as it was no longer the exact same game). There's not really any "options" to play FF4, it's the same script with some minor fixes applied here and there, and it's kept that way for "legacy".

              • 2 years ago

                Woosley had nothing to do with the FF4 translation
                I'm also pretty sure that FF4 was never really properly translated by fans, that one fan translation going around is a hodgepodge of random shit.

              • 2 years ago

                >Woosley had nothing to do with the FF4 translation
                He *is* involved. He worked on it with the same lady who translated the unreleased FF2 NES.
                Same as FF USA, FF5 (some of it may or may not have been used in the PS1 port by a texan dev), and FF6.
                >FF4 was never really properly translated by fans
                lurk more, it was done around the same time as FF5

              • 2 years ago

                >He *is* involved. He worked on it with the same lady who translated the unreleased FF2 NES.
                No. Pic related.
                >lurk more, it was done around the same time as FF5
                The J2E translation? That's exactly the one I'm talking about, its not much of a proper translation for the reasons both you and I have said.

              • 2 years ago

                >He *is* involved. He worked on it with the same lady who translated the unreleased FF2 NES.
                No. Pic related.
                >lurk more, it was done around the same time as FF5
                The J2E translation? That's exactly the one I'm talking about, its not much of a proper translation for the reasons both you and I have said.

                i've noticed theres a constant trend of people despising official localizations constantly spewing misinformation and i wonder if its all the same user
                granted ff2us is pretty ass and only should be played if you're an absolute purist about not using patches

          • 2 years ago

            who hurt you?

      • 2 years ago

        It's the late millennials who shill inferior GBA crap all the time. They're the ones who were 9-15 when GBA came out.

      • 2 years ago

        holy seething weeb, go touch some grass you fricking incel

  2. 2 years ago

    Just play the originals and enjoy.
    Don't ever listen to remaster/retrans troons.

  3. 2 years ago

    They are popular games and translations of that era are not the best.
    But there's no need to bother with any of them there are no improvements that are worth it if you just want a fun jrpg.

  4. 2 years ago

    I think William Shatner is more convincing than you.

  5. 2 years ago

    IV really needed it because the SNES II translation often gets near Unga Bunga levels of truncated barebones english. VI is much more serviceable but people are really salty about Woolseyisms and mid 90s NoA censorship

    • 2 years ago

      Too bad every version past the SNES one censors Celes getting punched.

      Woolsey is vastly superior to all the trooned-out late-comer versions that try to ride on his coattails while claiming to be superior.

      You sound like a moronic gay. Please keep your brain damage and buzzword shit to yourself, frickface.

      • 2 years ago

        I believe those changes are coming from Japan anyway now, so what are you gonna do? I'm kinda ambivalent on it, Locke would still try to play the dashing hero even without seeing her get roughed up because he's desperate for any girl to fill the Rachel-shaped hole in his heart, and if anything it makes it slightly more believable that she'd get suckered into believing Gestahl had changed for the better when they all go to Vector instead of stupidly going back after being tied up and left as frickmeat for the grunts

      • 2 years ago

        Found the seething troon

  6. 2 years ago

    Woolsey is vastly superior to all the trooned-out late-comer versions that try to ride on his coattails while claiming to be superior.

  7. 2 years ago

    FF2/4's original translation is kind of weird trash, play a retranslation or the GBA port instead the Euro version fixes a bunch of glitches in the JP/NA versions.
    FF3/6's original translation is kind of better by a long shot, the retranslations aren't as good. Play it with the bugix patches, save the hacks like Brave New World till after you've played the vanilla (ish) version.

    • 2 years ago

      The GBA port of FF4 is hot garbage. If the restored abilities aren't reason to play it (and they aren't) the translation definitely isn't. Play any snes version, or psp if you must. DS version is fine only after playing original.

      • 2 years ago

        GBA version is good if you get the Euro ROM.

  8. 2 years ago

    just play psx relase are the canon ones

  9. 2 years ago

    Can any absolute FF autist tell me if any of these bugfix patches for FF4-6 are actually necessary? Not those QoL ones, actual fixes to supposedly "broken" game mechanics.
    Like, is that Fractional M patch for FF5 something the average player will notice making a difference or is that just barely noticeable damage number autism.

    I'm asking because some of these recent overhaul patches list a frickton of patches included from inu's patch compilation and stuff from Slick Productions but then there's also morono shit on top like the enemy count patch which overwrites the less abbreviated monster names just so you can see that there are indeed 3 bats you're currently fighting. But then some monster names are still too long and don't display a number count. This inconsistency just gives me autistic agony.

    • 2 years ago

      Just don’t brother with them.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not like they weren't played to completion without issue by millions in their released state anon, you'll be fine without them, it's just that the game mechanics would technically be more accurate to how it was mean to play with the patches. Generally the "game-breaking" aspect of the bugs favor the player or just do wildly unintended shit but only after a very specific series of intentional inputs/events that you would probably never encounter in normal gameplay

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not an absolute FF autist but I played FF"2" and FF"3" as a kid and I can tell you that although the original SNES releases generally work fine, it's at least a little better to have some of the complexity-decreasing changes in FF4 removed (especially the removed character abilities) and it is very much possible for the original FF"3" to completely break if you do the wrong thing by accident (I know cos it happened to me and my sister). So if you can find romhacks that ONLY alter those things, or that alter those things along with other things you're confident you'll like, then yeah you should go for 'em.

      But stuff like "QoL fixes" and that monster count thing you're talking about should probably be avoided. I mean it could theoretically help but I would never trust some random romhacker to do a genuinely good job with that kind of thing. And there's little or nothing unfriendly or wrong-feeling about the original English-language releases, except for that one biggest FF6 bug that can mess up your game.

  10. 2 years ago

    The FF2US translation isn't that bad. I played it back to back with against a fan translation and didn't notice much difference.

    • 2 years ago

      That's because the fan translation going around uses a lot of the work from FF2US
      Compare it to the FF4DS' translation (the scenes that are in both games, that is) and you'll notice a massive difference

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