Final Fantasy X

Will we ever get another game set in Spira? This game had the comfiest setting of any I have ever played and it seems like it's gone under utilized.

There's so much they could have done to exploit the success of this game:
>prequel about Braska's pilgrimage w/ Auron and Jecht
>prequel further back with different summoners
>Blitzball game
>remake or more fleshed out remaster
>sequel set a long time after X

I play through FFX once every few years and I'm just not satisfied that that's it. Even X-2 which had a weak, half baked story was still great due to Spira being such a great world

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  1. 4 months ago

    No from FF11 on its the nuFantasy military larp fashion and I hate it

    • 4 months ago

      11 was pretty similar to 10 in terms of aesthetics though

  2. 4 months ago

    No, never. QQ moar, homosexual.

  3. 4 months ago

    I haven't played anything that was as comfy a FFX since, and FFX-2 though pretty funky offset the funk with a little more travel freedom around the world.
    You could always make your own . . .

  4. 4 months ago

    X-3 rumors were strong as frick during 2020 and then got replaced by FFIX remake rumors. I don't know where they could go from here, the character's have had their arcs, we know every minutiae about the world unless they want to bullshit and say the map we see in the Fahrenheit is just one side of the planet

    • 4 months ago

      The audiobook they attached to the remaster probably killed any chance of a direct sequel in X-3 and as you said, it's unnecessary. Having Sin return immediately just undoes the story of FFX immediately and cheapens it.

      There has been ~~*rumours from a credible leaker*~~ that a FFX remake is on the way according to some youtube video I saw recently but he also said that Square Enix is about to go on a remake frenzy which makes me think it's bullshit because they've been hesitant to invest on single player games for like 2 decades now

    • 4 months ago

      >X-3 rumors were strong as frick during 2020
      Nah its still happening. They've pretty much soft confirmed it they're going back to FFX.

    • 4 months ago

      I want a single player FFXI like dragon quest 10

      bevelle-zanarkand wars era mmo would be kino

      >Blitzball game

      Oh god please no, no more fricking blitzball

      frick you blitzball was great

  5. 4 months ago


  6. 4 months ago

    be careful what you wish for because they took a MASSIVE SHIT on Final Fantasy 7 and that's all that they would do

    X-2 was cringe beyond the battle systems

    never forget

    • 4 months ago

      The way people are eating up the remakes with the fricked combat and the fricked bloated open world garbage and the moronic fricking story...

      It hurts. How could anyone accept a company selling a game back to you over three installments? Just to rape it? They're raping FF7

      • 4 months ago

        it's people who never played the first game

        they think this generic AAA button-mashing action beat-em up garbage is very good, but it's all wrong, it's the wrong genre

    • 4 months ago

      X-2 is such a conflict for me. The minigames and non-linear gameflow were fricking incredible on top of it having the best use of ATB in the entire franchise and a kickass job class system to boot. But the way they shit on the characters and lore is just such a pain. Even if it grew on me to some extent in the long run. I wish they had just taken all the development decisions and made a game in a completely different setting with them.

      • 4 months ago

        It's sad because a story with yuna figuring out her life now that she won't die at 16 and learning to be more upbeat WAS a good direction to go. The charlie's angels approach with someone's OC added in wasn't it though.

    • 4 months ago

      I do worry about that.

      It seems like Japan has began to flanderise themselves in an anime direction, also western VAs. I can't stand the exaggerated uwu kawaii tbh schlock. People shit on X's voice acting but I think it is great because the voices actually match the characters rather than being
      >generic anime male voice #1, 2, 3
      >generic anime female voice #1, 2
      everyone sounds identical in everything now

      It's the main reason I haven't touched FF7:remake yet, it hurts to know that it is based off Advent Children as a style guide rather than the original game

    • 4 months ago

      >he doesn't know about 2.5
      X is beyond fricked already, any new content it gets is going to be far worse than what happened to VII

    • 4 months ago

      >Cutie hot as frick underaged teenage girls dressed in loose skimpy outfits
      >Kick-ass pop-rock soundtrack
      >Amazing fusion combat system
      >Varied mission types
      >Beautiful world that doesn't fear annihilation anymore
      >Energetic fun tone and story
      Imagine my surprise when I find out that a moronic frog poster is indeed moronic

      • 4 months ago

        I have the X-2 remaster which is the international version but I've been too lazy to play it. From what little I've played, the int version is even wackier with an in built Pokemon monster collector system and other playable characters. They got really creative with X-2, it reminded me of Majora's Mask where the team where given liberty to play around with the engine

    • 4 months ago

      >X-2 was cringe beyond the battle systems
      No fun allowed.
      Sorry you were embarrassed by the games intro when you played in front of your father.

  7. 4 months ago

    >Blitzball game

    Oh god please no, no more fricking blitzball

  8. 4 months ago

    A prequel would be the best setting IMHO, a would like one centered around the born of sin, the machina wars and the zanarkand summoners.
    It is possible a remake, but i don't know if I want it

  9. 4 months ago

    about Braska's pilgrimage w/ Auron and Jecht
    the fact they considered making this and just didn't still saddens me

    • 4 months ago

      Why do people want this it would just be the same pilgrimage as x but with a slightly dif party

      • 4 months ago

        Where can I preorder

      • 4 months ago

        I think it has been long enough now that they could get away with telling a fairly similar story with a lot of the same beats.

        The story is already written for them, they just need to build up a bigger Spira and sprinkle in some adventures and character development

    • 4 months ago

      Why do people want this it would just be the same pilgrimage as x but with a slightly dif party

      The only FFX "remake" I'll accept.

  10. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago


  11. 4 months ago

    I'm regularly thinking about remaking X with a world map traversal and exploration.

    • 4 months ago


  12. 4 months ago

    Reminder X-Will is 100% canon.

    >Remember how we did all of FFX to get the Fayth to stop dreaming which had the side effect of killing Tidus? And then we retconned that in X-2 to give Yuna a happy ending. Yeah Tidus fricking dies again in 2.5. He kicks a ball he thinks is a Blitzball but is actually a bomb and his head lands on Yuna's lap. Yuna goes on adventure with a ghost where he tells her Fayth are made by fricking dead bodies, no really. Yuna realizes summoning is just controlling Pyreflies, similar to Yu Yevon, which she uses to recreate Tidus, so he's revived AGAIN. Except she gets him wrong and in the end she decides to break up with him. Auron has a daughter? And also Sin is revived making all of FFX pointless. Yuna's Eternal Calm was the shortest one yet.

    • 4 months ago

      It seems like this was a bad idea that was shelved and should not have let anyone see. It's just too silly to be 100% serious, that or the producers just wanted to kill the franchise because they are bored of it

  13. 4 months ago

    I haven't played X since I was a kid but I haven't had any desire to either and I've revisited every other game at least once. I get that it's loved by people who were prime age when it released but it is honestly nothing special

  14. 4 months ago

    we had too many already. I honestly can't think of any direct Final Fantasy sequel that was actually good. Maybe if count Ivalice as a whole.

    • 4 months ago

      Ivalice is just Star Wars which the early devs had a hard on for. I wouldn't be surprised if FF12 is Square's proudest creation

      • 4 months ago

        >I wouldn't be surprised if FF12 is Square's proudest creation
        >fires the main guy who worked on it halfway during development
        >drops a shit load of planed content even after the game was released
        >game had no direction to the point where they needed to keep changing the gambit system every time it was ported
        That game was pure mess

      • 4 months ago

        Boy did they love Star Wars. I remember there is an interview with FFX's director and he lists his top 5 influences as the then 5 Star Wars movie. I don't even know if Attack of the Clones was out yet.

  15. 4 months ago

    I've never played a single final fantasy game

  16. 4 months ago
  17. 4 months ago

    It had the best music but as a bit too linear for me

  18. 4 months ago

    Yes. Nomura said X-3 is coming after the third FF7R game and the audio shit is not canon according to the writer of X who only wrote that because he was pissed with Toriyama bringing Tidus back in X-2 and undoing the whole hero's journey and tragic romance like a fanfic writing tween.

    • 4 months ago

      But Nojima wrote both X-2 and the book

  19. 4 months ago

    I want a single player FFXI like dragon quest 10

  20. 4 months ago

    They already said that Spira is the same as Gaia (FFVII). morons.

    • 4 months ago

      same universe. different planet and time

  21. 4 months ago

    tidus is so hot..

    • 4 months ago

      They weres so asian looking in the cutscenes

      • 4 months ago

        i wish the in game models looked this good..the cgi still looks so good

  22. 4 months ago

    also saw an ebic game theory that Jenova is Yunalesca. Shinra (character) canonically traveled through space to Gaia

  23. 4 months ago

    The music and art direction really sells the comfy factor for me. Also biased because I love the ocean and the game has gorgeous art of it.

  24. 4 months ago

    linear trash

    • 4 months ago

      >walking over an empty field is NOT linear, therefore it is GOOD
      >walking through fully developed interactive zones with characters and lore is linear, therefore it is BAD
      this is your brain on late 00s Ganker propaganda

      • 4 months ago

        I love FFX but it is linear. I'm not exactly sure why it works so well for only this game though. Open worlds have their charm too but truthfully most of it is a bunch of nothing.

        • 4 months ago

          The obsession with non-linearity has killed and buried single player RPGs and action adventures. Open worlds+sandbox styled games allow for laziness, you are always going to have vast stretches of nothingness as opposed to linear designs where you are getting a densely packed experience as intended.
          This game had a heavy focus on it's setting and characters and was a lot more intimate than the previous games, it focused primarily on telling it's story.

          It's just quality v quantity. Another example is Zelda, which in the past required every dungeon to be consistently good but nuZelda can present you with 500 copy pasted minidungeons and get away with it because it's vast and you can go empty fields in any direction you like, JUST LIEK SKYRIMMMMM!!!

      • 4 months ago

        cope, it's proto FFXIII

        • 4 months ago

          13 failed where 10 succeeded because 13 had 0 depth, a terrible story, characters, battle system and leveling system. It had nothing to do but go advance, there was never a break where you could learn about the world, there were no other characters. It had some cool songs but that's it.
          13 is the bizarro 10, taking all of it's strengths and turning them into weakness.

          Maybe 13 would have been better recieved if it was a shorter action game with Lightning the only playable character and it wasn't labeled Final Fantasy. If it played like Kingdom Hearts and was called Lightning's adventures, it would probably be a cult classic.

  25. 4 months ago

    This moronic Black person wants a Final Fantasy X Compilation. Are the garbage novels and audio dramas not enough?

  26. 4 months ago

    FFX-3 (2032) is happening after FF7 Remake Part 3 (2028). There was a rumor about a potential FFX Remake, but no word on FFX-2.

  27. 4 months ago

    Seems like they fell more in love with Ivalice for a while. But why not both? Spira on one side of the map and Ivalice on the other with something like Zanarkand/Farplane in the middle like the Maelstrom in WoW

  28. 4 months ago

    FF VII Rebirth is coming out and it's the same world tbh. We will get Spira tie-ins in either this game or part 3

  29. 4 months ago

    Linear Kino
    Hub World Kino
    Hub World Kino
    Open World Slop
    >FF7 Remake
    Linear Kino
    Hub World Kino
    >FF7 Rebirth
    Open World Slop

  30. 4 months ago

    God I hope not. The entire reason I like final fantasy is the reset mechanic they USED to.


    Do with each new release. It is is new world a different time different rules. A brand new experience with some perpetual echoes of past titles making an appear. Chocobos/Magic/Cid/ect.

    The first game to do this was X-2 which was SHIT! Then we got 3 games worth of pink hair armpit shit that literally no one gave a single frick about. It is a Final Fantasy for a reason. It is godamn final.

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