Final Fantasy XI

>play FFXI pre 75 cap increase
>favorite job is Bard but enjoy others
>first job wasn’t really Bard but I learned their stigma pretty easily while leveling up White Mage
>while leveling up Bard I kept myself /anon to ensure my endgame ls would never find out I had it
>ran Bard with a separate endgame shell with different times to facilitate entering some events
Was there any other game where your reputation mattered this much? Its a shame this aspect of the game has been lost to retail. Mercenaries everywhere.

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  1. 2 years ago

    How can people stand playing these poopsocking games?

  2. 2 years ago

    I unironically never encountered any such issue nor heard anyone talking about BRD as anything but mandatory in most parties. You even needed to have a backup BRD to call onto on long parties if they exceeded your allocated time, so they would not be without one for too long.

    • 2 years ago

      I don’t think you understood the post.
      I /anon’d so my endgame shell wouldn’t know I had bard leveled cause then I would only go to events as Bard

      • 2 years ago

        Fair enough then. Carry on.

  3. 2 years ago

    job wasn’t really Bard but I learned their stigma pretty easily while leveling up White Mage

    • 2 years ago

      In base FFXI Bard and red mage provided two highly sought after things: haste and refresh, no other jobs in the game had both of these at the same time and without them most exp parties wouldn’t work properly.
      Bard was particularly special tho because outside of those things it was also the buff support specialist making it more wanted than any other job in the game.
      Eventually more buff based jobs came along to balance it out such as cor and the game eventually released scholar which alleviated the need of refresh to all mages but before then it was an understatement to say bard was necessary in almost every party composition and red mage while not necessary was the best healer in any lowman situation.

  4. 2 years ago

    I don't know what you mean. I soloed everything.

    • 2 years ago

      >soloed everything at 75 cap.

      Strong disbelief. Red and Blue could pull off some crazy shit when well geared, but you couldn't even get to WSNM's solo let alone farm the gear to enable you do crazy shit.
      Unless you are that one autistic LiveJournal monk who capped merits solo chaining imps in Caedarva Mire.

      • 2 years ago

        He’s being facetious by glossing over the fact that he meant playing the game with trusts post 75cap

  5. 2 years ago

    Ah, a fellow FFXI player. I miss those days. I played a bit of private servers and retail and while it was fun for some of the nostalgia - it def wasn't quite the same.

    >Leveling Paladin
    >Get party invite/ask within 10-20 minutes of logging on regardless of whether party flag was on
    >"Hey thanks for coming out, so hard to find a tank. Can I add you to friends?"
    >Starts leveling Ranger
    >"Hey, can you come tank for us"

    Yet, I only played it in end game stuff a few times. I mostly played RNG and BLM

    Anyway, as for other games the only one that comes to mind to me was Classic WoW because everything was server based so you ran into the same people over and over so usually at least one guy in your group knew someone else in your group and if they sucked.

    • 2 years ago

      Its mostly not the same cause people who play on those servers have the game mostly figured out.
      Its why I’m interested in HorizonXI.
      The server does seem quite promising if it delivers on the whole era+ message.
      The main things I am worried about is how they will nerf rdm and nin.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, I saw that when they announced it.

        I'd be surprised if they are able to deliver on a lot of that though as it is going to be a TON of work.

        Will be worth a try for sure though. Hopefully I'll see you there.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, I saw that when they announced it.

        I'd be surprised if they are able to deliver on a lot of that though as it is going to be a TON of work.

        Will be worth a try for sure though. Hopefully I'll see you there.

        Also looking forward to Horizon. Did they say they plan to nerf anything? Thought they only wanted to further balance jobs that don't get to actually play with others (primarily BLM's in XP parties)

        • 2 years ago

          Without copy and pasting the novel they wrote on reddit they are looking to do job balancing and adding post 75 expansions + their content as 75 content. (ie WOTG at 75 instead of 99)

          Nothing about nerfing or reducing things though.

          • 2 years ago

            I'll say, I'm definitely excited for a time locked experience. It'll be nice to not have to either go to Whitegate or level sync down at level 54. Heard players used to do camps in Delkfutt's Tower and Sky.

        • 2 years ago

          They will definitely adjust jobs and they have workshop channels for each job up to wotg in their discord where people discuss things that need to be balanced in the job or suggest adjustments and stuff.
          At the start it was heavily implied they would remove 1 shadow from /nin sub somehow and that nin main would have their evasion skill cap reduced.
          A lot of people have also been clamoring for nerfing rdm tanking though we don’t know exactly how yet, the smart thing would be to do what SE did and just nerf the enmity gain on some of their spells.
          A lot of people are b***hing about removing haste from rdm which I personally don’t agree with but no word on that either.
          Other things of note would be that devs heavily implied jobs wouldn’t have changes they got along the way on release, for example whm not getting afflatus solace/misery on release, so that people would have something to look forward to going forward.

          • 2 years ago

            Aren't most of the devs the trannies that destroyed that other private server though? Why would anyone have faith in this one after what happened to Wings

            • 2 years ago

              You seriously need to stop taking everything you read on Ganker seriously, a lot of people here have serious mental issues.
              What actually happened on wings was a dev that wanted to monetize the server came back and took it back by brute force (because even tho he left he was still server admin). His devs didn’t agree with his stance and he basically drove them all away with an iron fist.
              I can’t think of a single troony in any of those servers other than one who asked to be able to put their pronouns as a tag on their name to able to role play a troony mithra and that guy wasn’t even a dev, just some random literal who that had just joined

              • 2 years ago

                Not that guy but that sort of stuff has always been my fear with private servers. One day the guys running it are just going to stop caring or it is too much work for too little gain (or in this case a power struggle of sorts).

                Not that official servers can't just shut down but they are at least incentivized by the money they are getting, I guess.

                It's especially bad for FFXI imo cause it is not a time friendly game so you generally have to put in a lot to get a lot out of it.

              • 2 years ago

                I mean yeah theres always a risk no matter where you are. I understand your fears and why you don’t want to commit but to be frank, who cares? You either try it or don’t. I only brought up the server because it seems to have some cool ideas and I haven’t seen anything super garbage yet. For example, lots of people were clamoring for racial stat normalization but that finally got stamped down as a no on release and I doubt they will change it going forward as the devs say race choice is very integral to the game. homosexuals b***hed and moan more and more about taru hp and they still didn’t bat an eye so they’re okay in my book for now.

          • 2 years ago

            I wonder what that means for pullers. Specifically BRD, will we need to use some actual DD gear or maybe subbing RDM to do more enfeebles.
            Should be fun regardless.

  6. 2 years ago

    Always found the concept of Bards so silly they break suspension of disbelief and lower appreciation for the setting as a whole.

    I guess they were originally inspired by Tom Bombadil and the Pied Piper?
    "The party's spirits raise because of a rousing song!" I could believe but the degree it's pushed too is goofy as monks.

    • 2 years ago

      Many interpretations of Bard, like the one in FFXI, just cast spells with music. I can't really see that being any less believable than waving wands or reading mantras.
      I'd say using magic through music or song is much more established in real world mythology than typical fantasy wizards.

  7. 2 years ago

    >You will never be 14 years old playing FFXI in 2005 ever again
    Feels bad man

    • 2 years ago

      Now instead I'm 31 years old playing FFXI in 2022. Still having a pretty good time.

  8. 2 years ago

    Ffxi is the only final fantasy I've played and it's one of my favorite games of all time. I wish we could have mmos like this again

  9. 2 years ago

    I've been playing this for months now and I'm still addicted.

  10. 2 years ago

    What's the best private server for someone who's never touched this game?

    • 2 years ago

      CatsEyeXI if you want trusts and quality of life features
      Tabula Rasa if you want to see how hardcore the original version of the game was
      Wings if you want a big community

    • 2 years ago

      Right now either eden or wings. Don’t listen to anyone telling you to play on a server with trusts if you are looking for something that is similar to the original experience of the game.

      I just installed the game, which server are >we playing on? Also how important is minmaxing in this? I'll mostly play solo but if I ever need to join a party, would people care if my character was sub-optimal?

      If you intend on playing solo just play retail. The original game could basically not be played solo.

  11. 2 years ago

    I just installed the game, which server are >we playing on? Also how important is minmaxing in this? I'll mostly play solo but if I ever need to join a party, would people care if my character was sub-optimal?

    • 2 years ago

      Sub-optimal is different than minmaxing.

      Are you asking if people would mind if you're going out of your way to be purposefully shitty? Yes, they would. I'm not going to invite someone who is 99 without a subjob as an example. You're just going to make more work for everyone else because you're too lazy to do the bare minimum.

    • 2 years ago

      Play on catseye they have trusts which can carry you through the majority of the story solo.

  12. 2 years ago

    Anyone else on retail unable to login to the game right now...? Game just hangs after I select my character and then dumps me back out.

    • 2 years ago

      There's some kind of error with POL, most people can't get in.

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