>Finally adds a character people want

>Finally adds a character people want
Ready for next season to only have 4 characters again and only 1 being an actual fan favorite?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Also, why the absolute frick is it 4 DLC a year? What happened to 6? As far as I know, NO ONE buys the battle passes in SF6.

    • 1 month ago

      >As far as I know
      You must be blind, or never go to battle hub. morons buy all the cosmetics and shit for their avatars, that cost more than the characters themselves!

  2. 1 month ago

    He looks stiff

  3. 1 month ago

    >Ready for next season to only have 4 characters again and only 1 being an actual fan favorite?
    That's usually how fighting DLC passes work. 1 or 2 heavily requested characters and everyone else is there to fulfill a unique playstyle or a dev favorite.

  4. 1 month ago

    >Finally adds a character people want
    >It's just Ryu but demon
    This is why I'm glad devs don't just listen to fans for DLC.

    • 1 month ago

      >It's just Ryu but demon
      that's KAGE

      • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >ask Fans for DLC suggestions
      >it's just girls that nobody actually used and shotos as the actually unique characters are more niche
      Fans are moronic.

      • 1 month ago

        >Sakura fans cry about Blanka, E-Honda, and Dhalsim

    • 1 month ago

      There's many variations of Ryu at this point.
      >Ryu but blonde
      >Female Ryu
      >Evil Ryu
      >Evil Ryu but now known as Kage
      >Old man Ryu

    • 1 month ago

      >ask Fans for DLC suggestions
      >it's just girls that nobody actually used and shotos as the actually unique characters are more niche
      Fans are moronic.

      >tfw you end up maining an unpopular guy
      >only hope for their return is if some prominent person on the dev team likes them
      feels bad

      • 1 month ago

        Raiden has a good chance of getting into CotW just off the fact that there aren't that many popular FF characters.
        He's far from the most popular, but considering his competition is characters like Bob Wilson and Cheng I think he'll find his way in sooner rather than later.

      • 1 month ago

        Wasn't he fat and with a beard?

    • 1 month ago

      The game would unironically be better if every character was a shoto btw

  5. 1 month ago

    What the frick is he wearing? Did he miss the start of the game because he was busy being an extra in elden ring?

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        I'm asking why he's dressed like Conan. Where's his gi? And his skin is so tight he barely looks human anymore. Been hitting those test cycles I guess.

        • 1 month ago

          That's a regular outfit you saw on characters before

      • 1 month ago

        Pretending to not understand what he's saying is crazy, especially when Capcom themselves is releasing Akuma with a skin that reverts him to his standard looks

    • 1 month ago

      I'm asking why he's dressed like Conan. Where's his gi? And his skin is so tight he barely looks human anymore. Been hitting those test cycles I guess.

      Why is he so fuzzy

      SF6 is a really ugly looking game.

  6. 1 month ago

    Why is he so fuzzy

  7. 1 month ago

    His dive kick is too slow. It'll get parried to high heaven. FRICK.

  8. 1 month ago

    >only have 4 characters again
    I am half thinking they will drop 6 next year for 2 reasons. Firstly because they are listening to feedback as they want to make SF a popular franchise again and people are kind of pissed at 4 chars in a year. Plus other games (MK specifically which is their main competitor) has 6 chars and they are releasing them in around 6 months.
    Secondly because they have already made the game and got stuff sorted like the launch connection teething issues etc they should now have more time to focus solely on new character and balances.

    If it is 4 chars for the year I dont even think I am gonna buy the season pass, I will use all these rental fighter tokens I have that I am not allowed to stack more to try the characters out and only buy ones I want to play with. Which will probably be none.

    Did anyone realise and be pissed that ALL 4 characters are "tricky" characters.
    Like we didn't have a single easy to use or balanced character.

    Defo aint getting news until EVO that is for sure.

    • 1 month ago

      >Did anyone realise and be pissed that ALL 4 characters are "tricky" characters.
      >Like we didn't have a single easy to use or balanced character
      Yeah, I'm annoyed at this, it's almost the same archetype minus Akuma.

      • 1 month ago

        Not exactly but in game it tells you what type of character they are and while akuma is not out yet he is sure to be tricky and all the other 3 are tricky.
        Like they have extra shit you have to do in their combos just to be optimal.
        Its annoying.
        I am not a tard I could learn them if I want to but personally I prefer to just play a kind of honest balanced character.
        Saying that I am forced to main blanka in SF6 because nobody else suits my playstyle and he is also tricky.

        Still next patch is making ryu denjin not auto use on any foreball or hashogeki only on his hards so I am gonna defo main ryu after akuma drops.

        I bet nearly everyone online will be playing akuma, he is a easy nuke character.

        >Did anyone realise and be pissed that ALL 4 characters are "tricky" characters.
        I'm fine with it because the only SF6 characters I use now are Ed and Rashid. But tbf I'm probably a massive outlier, didn't even play SF until this game which is probably how my taste ended up being so weird.

        Don't know if I'll get season 2 because I assume there's no other SF characters that play like them, so I'd just be wasting money.

        >only SF6 characters I use now are Ed and Rashid. But tbf I'm probably a massive outlier
        Its not like they are super difficult to use it is just there are general archetypes. Example, Ryu and luke are balanced characters, easy to use.
        Then you have chars like dhalsim, blanka, ed, rashid who are all tricky.
        I think most, majority of the chars are tricky now.
        Chun,jamie,JP, kimberley, all 4 DLCs etc

        You would think they would be smart, release 1 tricky, 1 easy to use, 1 grappler etc. So that players of all preference can play a new char that kind of suits them.
        No they just shoved 4 tricky chars in as DLC.
        Imagine if they did that for next year, 4 easy to use characters. People will be pissed.

        • 1 month ago

          It's not the first time I head that "nobody finds their character" in SF, I wonder why is that.

          • 1 month ago

            Like any fighting game people complain that their main is not in.
            I dont particularly have a main in SF, but I have a playstle. I like honest rushdown with plus frames and a grapple just for the oki fear/mix up.
            In SFV I didnt find my character until alex. If alex was DLC in SF6 I will find my char again (he is defo not gonna be DLC as he was DLC last time and jap players hated him, had a low play rate)
            SF4 I was ken player.
            Didn't really play SF3
            SFA3 I was akuma main.

            ATM blanka suits my rushdown, plus frame with a grapple, even know it is easily counterable they still have to be aware of it.
            Before the game released I was gonna main marissa but she is TOO easy to use, and her grapple is shit really.
            Manon was my next choice but I hate her normals and combo routes.

            >1 grappler

            Lots of people like grapplers gay.
            Sure you got gief and manon but giefs playstyle is wholly unique and as I said above manons shtick, her combo routes are all shit

            • 1 month ago

              >Lots of people like grapplers
              they should also kys themselves

              • 1 month ago

                You getting SPD and powerbomb PTSD bro
                2 grapplers in SF6 are fricking broken. Manon gets 4-5 medals 1st round you are fricked and PSD does too much damage and with SF6 TTK so low rounds only last a few seconds.
                Its bullshit.

              • 1 month ago

                There is nothing wrong with grapplers

            • 1 month ago

              >ATM blanka suits my rushdown,

              It's not the first time I head that "nobody finds their character" in SF, I wonder why is that.

              sorry ATM blanka is the only one close to my preferred playstyle. I dont specifically like playing him. He is the closest of all the characters that suits my playstyle.
              I could probably have played honda too but I dont like his shit either.
              I like to be in the opponents face, brawling, playing neutral not bouncing around the screen.

          • 1 month ago

            Because they murdered gief (not that he was very alive in 5 anyways) and there's no other grappler that I enjoy and that fits the ol' "me big body, me scary, me scoop". If at least we had Hugo or Hawk back I'd be happy but even that , at least for Hawk, is not gonna happen since they made Lily whom I fricking hate. Yeah I like grapplers, and this game has been shitting in my throat for it, of course I'm not happy.

        • 1 month ago

          >1 grappler

    • 1 month ago

      >Did anyone realise and be pissed that ALL 4 characters are "tricky" characters.
      I'm fine with it because the only SF6 characters I use now are Ed and Rashid. But tbf I'm probably a massive outlier, didn't even play SF until this game which is probably how my taste ended up being so weird.

      Don't know if I'll get season 2 because I assume there's no other SF characters that play like them, so I'd just be wasting money.

  9. 1 month ago

    Biribeast ahh muscle definition

  10. 1 month ago

    >SphereHunter is the reason Testament and Bridget got ruined in Guilty Gear Strive
    >Capcom has been taking tons of input from him for their recent games
    So I'm assuming Poison will be voiced by a man or some shit if she gets added?

    • 1 month ago

      >a random trans eceleb is somehow the reason why Strive is gay and moronic
      please start taking thorazine

  11. 1 month ago

    >we're doing one massive balance patch per year!
    >a few tweaks per character
    >virtually zero system changes
    Enjoy another year of slime rush fighter until they don't fix it again next year too!

    • 1 month ago

      >Ready for next season to only have 4 characters again and only 1 being an actual fan favorite?
      We will see what Capcom will do, tho I think that it was a fricking shitty ass move to put Akuma behind a paywall.
      Kinda like how Armor King in Tekken 7 was crazy popular and yet he's absent from the base roster, these companies know what they are doing.

      >virtually zero system changes
      Has that been confirmed?
      I was really hoping they would at least give some options (just like Alpha 3 -isms).

      • 1 month ago

        >Has that been confirmed?
        literally nothing's been confirmed yet
        this entire thread is just morons making up scenarios to get mad about

      • 1 month ago

        >Has that been confirmed?
        Like other anon said, not "confirmed" but japs are playing the akuma build and reporting the only system change found is drive reversal frame tweaks
        Capcom said the akuma update comes with a big balance patch, which it does, and it doesn't make much sense to have two big patches next to each other, so it's likely that this is all there will be

  12. 1 month ago

    yay, can't wait to slime rush from crouching medium kicks like every other fricking character in this game.

  13. 1 month ago

    so akuma is dlc in a street fighter game, but was base roster in a fricking tekken game

    really jogs the noggin

    • 1 month ago

      Akuma should always be DLC. Base roster fights always have worse animations and less effort put into their movesets and combo routes. Just look at how boring Luke and Ryu is compared to Akuma in SF6.

      • 1 month ago

        That's a shitty reasoning. The real reason why akuma should always be DLC is because he's supposed to be OP and if he's in the base roster of a new game, you're learning both the mechanic and the OP shit

  14. 1 month ago

    >add a cool character like AKI
    >she's bad to play as

    I can't believe Capcom did this. Hope balance patch will fix her.

  15. 1 month ago

    Still waiting for my boy Vega

  16. 1 month ago

    Why wasn't he in at the start wth

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