finally beat this after it being in my backlog for like a decade.

finally beat this after it being in my backlog for like a decade. what can I say besides it's simply excellent and really laid the foundation for a great franchise.

what'll I be in for with 2?

also, general fallout thread

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  1. 12 months ago

    More content all around but it will suffer in atmosphere with all the lol so randumb xD cultural references everywhere.
    Still a good game though.

    • 12 months ago

      fallout 1 could have used some randumb humor. obviously no need to go overboard but the game was not funny at all and it was supposed to be.

      • 12 months ago

        0/10. Nobody's falling for that shitty bait.

        • 12 months ago

          it's not bait. Fallout 1 would have benefited from New Vegas' tone and humor

  2. 12 months ago

    >finally beat this after it being in my backlog for like a decade. what can I say besides it's simply excellent and really laid the foundation for a great franchise.
    But enough about dragon age origins

  3. 12 months ago

    the games steadily get worse until Fallout 3

  4. 12 months ago

    >what'll I be in for with 2?
    Fair warning.
    If people talk about Fallout 1/2 on Ganker, there is a 99.9% chance they are Beth drones that never actually played them. Seriously, it's completely absurd how much bullshit flies on this board about these particular games. Fallout 3 and it's rivalry with New Vegas made people go absolutely fricking mental, these are genuinely some of the hardest-to-discuss title on this board as a result.
    The rule of thumb is - don't trust literally anyone when they share their "opinions" on these two.

    • 12 months ago

      I lurk Fallout threads a lot and never see as much negativity directed at 1 or 2 as you're claiming

      • 12 months ago

        There is rarely negativity towards 1. 2 on the other hand...
        Well, see this moron

        >what'll I be in for with 2?
        a huge disjointed map with no direction

        theme park towns

        awful random encounters with like 20+ enemies in them

        talking animals

        The issue is that these two games have became simple proxies in the Fo3 vs. NV fanboyism. Specifically, Fo3 fans began to associate their game with 1, and NV with 2, and through that logic, concluded that Fo2 must be bad.
        And since Fo3 fans generally outnumber sane people, and endless culture of completely misleading, regurgitated bullshit about these two games, entirely made up to fit the "Fo3 is pure and atmospheric like Fo1, New Vegas is bad atmosphere-less Borderlands like Fo2" narrative has been normalized.
        Now zoomies are parroting the shit too just to seem like cool oldgays.

        It's fricking embarrassing, really.

        • 12 months ago

          >Well, see this moron
          suck my balls you Black person homosexual

          2 is terrible, even avellone admitted he thinks it is

          • 12 months ago

            contrarian edgy boy over here! did you just learn what "homosexual" means?

          • 12 months ago

            >Caring about what Chriminal Assaultvellone says

            • 12 months ago

              he won that case and she retracted everything lol

        • 12 months ago

          You're a fricking imbecile, ppl have been complaining about the change of tone of F2 long before F3 existed. Just STFU, you're ruining the thread.

          • 12 months ago

            Adorable. Besides your insecurity, is there anything else you want to share with the class?

            • 12 months ago

              Thanks for proving you have no argument.

              • 12 months ago

                What argument did you expect when your "point" is "NUH UH AND ALSO I HATE YOU LEAVE PLEASE LEAVE YOU SCARE ME!!!!"
                Fricker, I've been around for long enough to know quite exactly what the discourse around both the original Fallouts was.
                I know how things were, you know how they were too, that is why you are begging me to leave.

              • 12 months ago

                >Fricker, I've been around for long enough to know quite exactly what the discourse around both the original Fallouts was.

                Which is exactly why you have to watch youtube vids about Fallout, right zoomie? Go suck a dick.

              • 12 months ago

                >Which is exactly why you have to watch youtube vids about Fallout, right zoomie?
                What the frick are you even drooling about, child? When the frick did I ever mention anything about youtube? This isn't even projecting, this is your own insecurities and bullshit glowing like a fricking sun.

          • 12 months ago

            Nobody cared about FO2 until TK-Mantis made a video where he's assblasted about FO2 and people started parroting the same things he says in it.

            None of the people crying about FO2 have played it.

            • 12 months ago

              >I only know FO from youtube
              pottery, glad you admitted it

            • 12 months ago

              I never finished fallout 2 even though I finished one because the game was too bloated with shit quests.

              • 12 months ago

                Here is me at end game of 1

              • 12 months ago

                Fallout 2 has more places to visit than necessary. You can skip many locations and not worry. That's what I did last time I played Fallout 2.

              • 12 months ago

                That's what I did essentially, I have no recollection of some quest lines. I went to broken hills b ut fricked off pretty quickly.
                I much preferred the tight story of fallout 1, in 2 eventually I was thinking "what am I doing here" .

                Maybe it didn't help I played with restored content, but I did fallout fixt for 1 and that was good.

              • 12 months ago

                If you go off the world maps for both games...
                Fallout 1 has 12 locations. The Raiders area is small and tied to Shady Sands, so call it 11 locations. Vault 15 can be skipped, and I'd bet most forget about it.
                Fallout 2 has 21 locations. Toxic Caves, Ghost Farm, Stables, Golgotha are small and tied to main areas, so call it 17 locations.

                There's 6 more major places to explore in Fallout 2.
                In Fallout 1 I end up skipping Boneyard since it's too late in the game.
                In Fallout 2 I usually skip...Klamath except for car part, Modoc, Redding, and Broken Hills.

                New Reno is my major stop since you get a high gambling skill and play dice? for infinite money.

              • 12 months ago

                >not getting marcus and giving him a bozar so he oneshots deathclaws

              • 12 months ago

                he seems to waddle off screen at tiems and his movement speed is incredibly slow.

              • 12 months ago

                I usually play solo.

            • 12 months ago

              I have never watched a video about F2 you moron. Even Avallone admited to the complaints regarding 2 so I don't know why you have to bring ecelebs into this.

              • 12 months ago

                >Avallone admited to the complaints regarding 2
                you made this all up because you watched an eceleb talk about FO2 instead of playing it, because the only thing Avellone said about FO2 was that it showed why projects need creative leads

              • 12 months ago

                moronic tourist

                >what'll I be in for with 2?
                A mess but still a great rpg. But not a great continuation to FO1.

              • 12 months ago


                >Avallone admited to the complaints regarding 2
                you made this all up because you watched an eceleb talk about FO2 instead of playing it, because the only thing Avellone said about FO2 was that it showed why projects need creative leads

                he doesn't agree with any of your complaints

              • 12 months ago

                >managerial mishandled mess
                >both in general production and design wise
                >old FO = FO1
                >no creative direction
                >even though FO2 did have more stuff it didn't make it better
                Eat a fat pile of shit, imbecile.

              • 12 months ago

                you initially claimed fo2 was wacky themepark, he doesn't agree with your complaints, you are misrepresenting direct quotes because you never played the games and are repeating what Ganker says


                see [...]

                he doesn't agree with any of your complaints

              • 12 months ago


                >managerial mishandled mess
                >both in general production and design wise
                >old FO = FO1
                >no creative direction
                >even though FO2 did have more stuff it didn't make it better
                Eat a fat pile of shit, imbecile.

              • 12 months ago


                see [...]

                he doesn't agree with any of your complaints

                & see

                >Avallone admited to the complaints regarding 2
                you made this all up because you watched an eceleb talk about FO2 instead of playing it, because the only thing Avellone said about FO2 was that it showed why projects need creative leads

                you lost

              • 12 months ago

                >what'll I be in for with 2?
                A mess but still a great rpg. But not a great continuation to FO1.

                >managerial mishandled mess
                >both in general production and design wise
                >old FO = FO1
                >no creative direction
                >even though FO2 did have more stuff it didn't make it better
                Eat a fat pile of shit, imbecile.

                Enjoy, homosexual zoomie. Maybe watch some youtube videos on how to deal with asspain.

              • 12 months ago

                man, this sperg is really looking for a 'gotcha'.

              • 12 months ago

                That anon completely mind broke you.

            • 12 months ago

              literally who?

            • 12 months ago

              Why are FO2 fans such fricking crybabies?

        • 12 months ago

          >what'll I be in for with 2?
          Fair warning.
          If people talk about Fallout 1/2 on Ganker, there is a 99.9% chance they are Beth drones that never actually played them. Seriously, it's completely absurd how much bullshit flies on this board about these particular games. Fallout 3 and it's rivalry with New Vegas made people go absolutely fricking mental, these are genuinely some of the hardest-to-discuss title on this board as a result.
          The rule of thumb is - don't trust literally anyone when they share their "opinions" on these two.

          The main criticism of Fallout 2 used to be essentially "the story isn't as good as Fallout 1 and they could have toned down the jokes", but now I'm seeing more and more people saying that 2 is complete garbage while 1 is great. It's as baffling as the Fallout 3 vs New Vegas shitflinging. How can you say that one is a masterpiece and the other is irredeemable shit when, in both cases, the sequel is simply built on top of the original game and carries the exact same core gameplay?

          Actual Schizo. 1, 2, NV and 3 are the only good Fallout games.
          >B-but people are using extremes to shit on it!
          Yah, because that's the only way morons on Ganker discuss games in flamewars. Implying Falllot 1/2 threads are some proxy war for 3 vs NV is completely schizo.

          A better comparison would be: Fallout 3 vs NV is like DSgay discussing DS2 vs DS3. Nothing but shitposters. While FO1 vs FO2 is like DSgays discussing DeS vs DS1. Generally, a much more orderly discussion.

    • 12 months ago

      100% what said, morons like

      More content all around but it will suffer in atmosphere with all the lol so randumb xD cultural references everywhere.
      Still a good game though.

      are gonna crop up who just regurgitate shit they heard here instead of actually playing the game.

      Expect a weird earlygame where guns are king yet very difficult to get until you get to Vault City/New Reno and much better companion writing. You should consider getting the Restoration Project patch since it implements cut content and fixes some ammo types literally just not working as they should. It adds a few things like Cassidy's portrait but if you just want restored content you can toggle those in the installer.

      • 12 months ago

        >Expect a weird earlygame where guns are king yet very difficult to get until you get to Vault City/New Reno
        You can get pretty much everything you need for a standard gun-based build back in Klamath if you are just a bit attentative. There are decent guns stashed all over the city.

        Really, the super-awkward early game is just Arroyo and the road to Klamath. And then you have Den, where you'll already be strolling around with the submachine gun easy.

        >Well, see this moron
        suck my balls you Black person homosexual

        2 is terrible, even avellone admitted he thinks it is

        Thank you for illustrating my point so aptly.

      • 12 months ago

        >You should consider getting the Restoration Project
        I don't think that starting off with mods that add content is a good idea for a first playthrough of any game. Unofficial bug fixes are fine, but messing with the vanilla content is just going to distort people's perception and understanding of the game.
        But definitely do check out the Restoration Project on a subsequent run, OP. It's a great mod. I'm actually playing it currently, started a new character just this week.

      • 12 months ago

    • 12 months ago

      The main criticism of Fallout 2 used to be essentially "the story isn't as good as Fallout 1 and they could have toned down the jokes", but now I'm seeing more and more people saying that 2 is complete garbage while 1 is great. It's as baffling as the Fallout 3 vs New Vegas shitflinging. How can you say that one is a masterpiece and the other is irredeemable shit when, in both cases, the sequel is simply built on top of the original game and carries the exact same core gameplay?

      • 12 months ago

        >The main criticism of Fallout 2 used to be essentially "the story isn't as good as Fallout 1 and they could have toned down the jokes",
        Yeah, those are the actual fair criticisms. Fo2 has - let not mice words - shit villains that are very poorly implemented into the game, which drags the whole story down. It also has some needlessly silly moments and yeah, the jokes could use some tonning down.

        But yeah, now the meme is "Fallout 2 is terrible Borderlands clownpark with epic meme references" because again... morons from the post-Bethesda era.

        With that said, I don't agree the situation between Fo3 and New Vegas is comparable. Fo1 is a very atmospheric game with a lot of kinda bland writing, but also some pretty damn good moments. There is nothing wrong with it, the worst parts are still good, the best parts are great, in terms of both gameplay and story.
        Fo2 takes the solid mechanical foundation and the good world-building ideas, and expands on them - mostly for the better, at times taking a step back.

        Fo3 is bad. It features some of the absolutely worst world-building and writing I've ever seen in any RPG, ever. It's a straight up insulting and idiotic game.
        FoNV isn't expanding on it, it's fixing it. Which is a pretty big difference. You can argue that the gameplay is similar, but even there are major differences, as NV makes non-combat stats quite important to the gameplay, where as Fo3 does not. In an RPG, that seemingly small gameplay addition means a very different experience. Same goes for things like making all factions joinable.
        These are shifts that are far more drastic than the changes between Fo1 and 2. Fo1 builds a good foundation and Fo2 adds a lot more stuff to do in that foundation.
        Fo3 is rotten to the core, and New Vegas is a desperate patchwork to salvage that mess.

        • 12 months ago

          I get what you mean and agree regarding the bigger difference in quality between 3 vs NV and 1 vs 2, but what I am commenting on is how people pick sides and go to the extreme of hating one and loving the other as if they were entirely distinct games. Someone who calls NV one of the greatest RPGs ever has to at least admit that there is some quality to be found in Fallout 3, since it sprung from that foundation. It's inconsistent for that person to then turn around and say that 3 is, as you put it, rotten to the core. Then they would have to admit that NV is, as you also put it, a salvage. It's an impressively polished and refined turd, but nonetheless there is turd at the root of it.

          • 12 months ago

            >Someone who calls NV one of the greatest RPGs ever has to at least admit that there is some quality to be found in Fallout 3, since it sprung from that foundation.
            Yeah, the extremes get silly, but I can really relate to people who see Fo3 as essentially irredeemable, but still sees NV as great. I've... never really gotten into NV that much myself. I'm not sure why, but I always just fall off it in the late game.
            The thing is that NV does a classic RPG very competently. While Fo3 is really the worst imaginable take on it, and that is what drives the wedge so hard. Plus the almost diametrally opposite approach to world-building and writing.

            I think a lot of people flock to NV because they are old Fallout fans and they just don't want to lose the things that made it stand out to the flood of what Bethesda did to it. And that kind of nostalgia and feeling of being threatened by a greedy corporation arguably shitting on the game's legacy probably makes people increasingly irrational, and that will lead to the cultish extremes of the debate.

            I'm not free of this sin. I do honestly fricking hate Fallout 3. Completely. I might not be on the "NV is the best RPG ever" train, and I hated Fo3 almost immediately, after just a week or two of playing it back on release, long before NV was even announced.

            But my views on Fo3 are going to seem VERY extreme to most people.

            • 12 months ago

              I understand the polarization, RPG is a genre where writing and world building have central importance, so the quality of those aspects will tip the scales of judgment harder than in most other genres. I just think that people take it way too far and it's ultimately is very obvious that this entire rivalry it's more about Bethesda vs Obsidian fanboys than anything else.

              • 12 months ago

                >I just think that people take it way too far and it's ultimately is very obvious that this entire rivalry it's more about Bethesda vs Obsidian fanboys than anything else.
                Yeah. One thing that is telling how much unhealthy shit is involved is the fact that a LOT of people only started being hyper-polarized against Fo3 only AFTER NV came out.
                Which to me suggests their reasons for hating that game may be more about tribalism than the game itself.
                Before NV came out, Ganker was generally more lukewarm to Fo3. I was in a very small minority with my passionate spite towards it.
                Only after NV came out, the negativity towards Fo3 started really brewing up. On one hand, it's understandable, many people who were very new to the RPG genre only got a solid frame of reference after playing NV. On the other hand, it feels like a lot of people just started claiming they hate Fo3 purely because NV was now the one that was cool to like, and well, tribalism kicked in.

              • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        fo3 vs nv isnt a feasible analogy for fo1 vs fo2, 3 is built on the general principle of regurgitating old ideas, nv is built on advancing and building up on the existing material, NV vs F3 has a lot of moronic ingrates screeching just to fit in but the bottom line is that Fo3 is a very different beast compared to NV, and BGS never really cared about trying to move the IP forwards, most likely out of respect and fear of backlash, meanwhile NV builds upon the remains of a cancelled game utilizing much of work that was already put into both van buren and the fallout bible as well, made by a dev team that actively wanted to make the game because they had a story to tell. fo3 is more of a dumbed down introduction to the IP in that regard

        and much like 3 vs NV, 1 and 2 are more or less each their own thing, 1 does it own thing and 2 does its own thing, but 2 utilizes lore from 1 and also builds up on it, advancing it in a plausible and satisfying direction. NV doesn't build up on 3's ideas, instead it builds up on obsidian's existing ones

      • 12 months ago

        NV is much better than FO3 is every possible way. Characters, quests, RPG elements, world building, choices, consequences, basically every single thing you can think of.
        NV feels like a proper Fallout game and FO3 feels like a Fallout game made by hacks who don't actually understand what made 1 and 2 great. The Todd dicksucking needs to stop, Bethesda makes shit games.

        • 12 months ago
          • 12 months ago

            nice cherrypicking. let's see "oh my papa".

          • 12 months ago

            the reward for the ant quest is better than almost anything the ncr ever gives you lol

        • 12 months ago

          None of those things are important though

        • 12 months ago

          >NV is much better than FO3 is every possible way
          It's built on the same clunky buggy Bethesda engine and retains all the garbage that come with that. Awful weapon handling, movement, constant crashes, etc... NV would be vastly improved if it used a different engine.

          • 12 months ago

            >It's built on the same clunky buggy Bethesda engine and retains all the garbage that come with that.
            The clunky buggy-ness is pure soul though. They would be worse games without it. Have you ever heard of the term "diamond in the rough"?
            >NV would be improved with a different engine
            KEK no. The soul would be completely zapped out of it. Bethesda tailored the engine to cater specifically to Bethesda games.

            • 12 months ago

              >The clunky buggy-ness is pure soul though.
              I mean, if you're fond of it good for you but I have always been annoyed with the engine. The movement in particular handles like total ass, it's so weightless and floaty. And it's hard to be fond of buggyness when it means constant crashes and freezes and stuttering.

              Thankfully mods fix most of those issues, but yeah vanilla gameplay is pretty ass.

              Hilariously enough I decided to play NV again last week and downloaded some anti-crash and other bug fixing mods and they actually made the game even more unstable. Maybe I installed something incorrectly, but either way it pissed me off to the point that it killed my desire to play and I promptly uninstalled the whole game.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah you 100% goofed it somewhere. You new to modding or something? If you need a guide with some good QoL and gameplay tweaks check out viva new Vegas on google

              • 12 months ago

                New to modding NV, yes. It was the first time that I decided to try out NV mods and most likely fugged the installation of something. I still wanted to scratch the Fallout itch so I began a new FO2 game with the RPU mod, which is what I'm playing currently. When I'm done with that I'll see if I still feel like trying NV again.

              • 12 months ago

                >anti-crash and other bug fixing mods
                if you run them with mods that interact with the base game, it will make it worse because the bug fixing mods make changes to the game's scripts, so if you have a mod that calls on the original unmodified script, it will frick your shit up

            • 12 months ago

              It was for TES3 and that's mostly it. The bugs in that game let you become god by casting a soul trap into a wall while being your face in it. Oblivion had late game character save corruption and general shitty bugs, and Skyrim's mosley crashed a lot.

              I LOVED the neck break from New Vegas though

          • 12 months ago

            Thankfully mods fix most of those issues, but yeah vanilla gameplay is pretty ass.

    • 12 months ago

      >I don't like what people say about these games so I just assume they never played them!!
      holy shit I am so fricking sick of you morons, get the frick over yourselves it's been more than 20 years since 2 released, new perspectives WILL come about

      • 12 months ago

        >holy shit I am so fricking sick of you morons,
        I'm not suprised. Being called out your pathetic bullshit stings, doesn't it?

        >new perspectives WILL come about
        You are either right or wrong. There is nothing else to it. And you are wrong. Like all the other homosexuals here. Because your opinions, "new perspectives" are build out of ignorance. None of you fricks have played Fallout 2. That is why you are being called out.

        • 12 months ago

          So fewer than 175k people can have an opinion on Fallout 2?

          • 12 months ago

            >So fewer than 175k people can have an opinion on Fallout 2?
            Are you SERIOUSLY fricking defending the idea of people making sweeping judgements on games they never played, you absolute fricking cretin?!

            • 12 months ago

              >what'll I be in for with 2?
              Fair warning.
              If people talk about Fallout 1/2 on Ganker, there is a 99.9% chance they are Beth drones that never actually played them. Seriously, it's completely absurd how much bullshit flies on this board about these particular games. Fallout 3 and it's rivalry with New Vegas made people go absolutely fricking mental, these are genuinely some of the hardest-to-discuss title on this board as a result.
              The rule of thumb is - don't trust literally anyone when they share their "opinions" on these two.

              in the end, nobody could refute him

              99% of FO2 takes on this board come from parroting ecelebs and Gankertards

              • 12 months ago

                refute what? it's just surface level assertions.

        • 12 months ago

          >None of you fricks have played Fallout 2.
          but i have moron. about a decade ago and I dropped it about 2/3 the way through.

        • 12 months ago

          it's right here on my desktop next to two games that aren't completely mediocre you schizo homosexual

          • 12 months ago

            >look at these random old games I haven't played before aren't I cool
            case in point for this entire thread, a zoomer, late to the party, only playing games to not feel left out because some eceleb talked about the game and they saw Ganker parrot their opinion about it so now they feel compelled to play, or at least try to play the game, but most likely ends up dropping the game by the 1h mark

            • 12 months ago

              wow it felt like so much longer.. does it become less of an annoying memefest at 15 hours?

        • 12 months ago

          >So fewer than 175k people can have an opinion on Fallout 2?
          Are you SERIOUSLY fricking defending the idea of people making sweeping judgements on games they never played, you absolute fricking cretin?!

          did you get banned from your shithole for posting slurs or something? stop shitting up the board with your incessant whining
          Fallout 2 is just not a good game. no matter what your favorite e-celeb hbomberguy says

          • 12 months ago

            >stop shitting up the board with your incessant whining
            So yeah, you are completely unironically defending the people who lie about games they never played.
            And then you beg anyone with basic common sense stop oppressing you and leave.
            Wow, you people really are just the purest human trash imaginable.

            As for your question - I've been here for well over a decade. Before that, I used to be on Mad Brahmin and NMA.
            And I'm not going anywhere, I will make you feel horrible, scared and insecure here for as long as I'll please.

            Despite what your special snowflake zoomie twitter culture may have taught you, you are not entitled to being a moron here.

            • 12 months ago

              >accuse people of never playing game
              >posters show receipts
              >continue sucking wiener anyway
              let's hear it for the fallout 2 fanbase, everyone

              • 12 months ago

                You think a picture of the time you idled because you could not get through the Temple of Trials impresses anyone, child?
                Go back to deepthroating fallout 3 kid.

              • 12 months ago

                have fun sperging out for the next 9 hours like you did last time, i'm out. see you when i check the thread in the morning i guess.

              • 12 months ago

                >You think a picture
                Dumb moronic moron with mental moronation

                Catch, moron 🙂

              • 12 months ago

                wow it felt like so much longer.. does it become less of an annoying memefest at 15 hours?

                >zoomer alt tabs from the game while listening to his favorite eceleb talk about the game telling them what to think about it
                >"posters show receipts"
                I guarantee none of the morons ITT calling Fallout 2 a "wacky theme park" actually finished the game.

              • 12 months ago

                no shit why would you finish a lame ass game like this unless you were mentally defective

              • 12 months ago

                you admit you just alt tabbed in the game while listening to an eceleb talk about it so you could pretend on Ganker that you played the game?

                many a such case, sadly

              • 12 months ago

                i didn't acknowledge that scenario you invented because it was weird and made me feel uncomfortable honestly like i was talking to someone who was genuinely deranged

              • 12 months ago

                >i didn't acknowledge that scenario you invented because it was weird and made me feel uncomfortable honestly like i was talking to someone who was genuinely deranged
                and I didn't make mention of how some attention prostitute on Ganker posting screenshots of Ganker approved 3x3 games as shortcuts on their desktop is looking for validation by playing games he clearly hates.

              • 12 months ago

                validation? all you homosexuals do is seethe and sperg and piss and shit yourselves, why would i expect anything else from you?

              • 12 months ago

                yeah you're clearly just an epic troll posting your steam profile and pictures of your desktop with old, fairly well standing games to Ganker who hates new games, and not just looking for someone to give you a pat on the back and acknowleging that you own a copy of an old game Ganker likes

              • 12 months ago

                i see you are just going to keep imagining scenarios and motives because that's the only defense you have. i too wish fallout 2 stood on its own merits anon, i promise i was a good boy and did not watch any youtube videos during my playthrough, though i wish i would have, as it would have been a better use of my time. the next time we argue, i will be sure to leave VTM and arcanum out of the discussion as asking you to play good video games instead of dogshit like F2 is too much to ask. until next time..

              • 12 months ago

                i am fairly sure calling fallout 2 a bad video game already makes any recommendation you have for me irrelevant, but thanks

                also apparently you beat fallout 2 in 13 hours, i find that dubious unless you were using guides since my blind playthrough took 50hrs+

              • 12 months ago

                i am fully prepared to admit i drop shitty games before finishing them. sue me. i was able to finish fallout 1 in less time than it took for me to drop the bloatfest that is 2 in san francisco.

              • 12 months ago

                i am really unsure what you're doing in a thread discussing fallout 2 when the sum total of your posts is "fallout 2 is shit" and somehow you're still hanging around here, apparently you're not looking for validation, nor attention, but you're not trying to discuss the game either

                and somehow through all this you've managed to call me mentally deficient, despite yourself showing actual signs of psychopathy

              • 12 months ago

                suddenly you're above talking shit now? look at yourself jackass, go read your own fricking replies, did you think this argument would somehow expand into a meaningful discussion? what do you want from me, and why the frick should i care?

              • 12 months ago

                i dont care about your opinions because nothing you can add do this convo would be of interest to me

                however, i just look at your posts and i imagined this is what a person that unironically thinks fo3 is better than nv is whenever they're not actively "playing the role", i gathered from your agonixing over not being able to finish fo2 but quickly finishing fo1 is that you're someone who got into fallout late and probably enjoyed 3 and 4 over NV and your only purpose for playing 2 was to confirm to yourself that fo1+3 is better than fo2+NV and this all links back to the post upthread where a different anon made a similar proposition

                i know i'm probably reaching here but that's mainly the reason i kept replying to you

              • 12 months ago

                You have an odd habit of randomly pointing out you agree with other anons in the thread.
                A word of advice newfriend. Samegays do that to make it sound like there are many people in the thread supporting them .
                If there is no need to clarify you are not that anon don't announce you are not that anon. You will get accused of samegayging. If you do get accused of samegayging don't get angry when you respond. There is no reason to be angry if you aren't same gayging

              • 12 months ago

                im not pretending to be anyone else in this thread but me, I am merely referencing this post

                >what'll I be in for with 2?
                Fair warning.
                If people talk about Fallout 1/2 on Ganker, there is a 99.9% chance they are Beth drones that never actually played them. Seriously, it's completely absurd how much bullshit flies on this board about these particular games. Fallout 3 and it's rivalry with New Vegas made people go absolutely fricking mental, these are genuinely some of the hardest-to-discuss title on this board as a result.
                The rule of thumb is - don't trust literally anyone when they share their "opinions" on these two.

                most of the time I'm talking about another anon, I came into this thread thinking I'm going to have to call out the usual "fallout 2 wacky wacky reddit reddit" but I noticed a kindered spirit had already done so for me

                for the record

                fo3 vs nv isnt a feasible analogy for fo1 vs fo2, 3 is built on the general principle of regurgitating old ideas, nv is built on advancing and building up on the existing material, NV vs F3 has a lot of moronic ingrates screeching just to fit in but the bottom line is that Fo3 is a very different beast compared to NV, and BGS never really cared about trying to move the IP forwards, most likely out of respect and fear of backlash, meanwhile NV builds upon the remains of a cancelled game utilizing much of work that was already put into both van buren and the fallout bible as well, made by a dev team that actively wanted to make the game because they had a story to tell. fo3 is more of a dumbed down introduction to the IP in that regard

                and much like 3 vs NV, 1 and 2 are more or less each their own thing, 1 does it own thing and 2 does its own thing, but 2 utilizes lore from 1 and also builds up on it, advancing it in a plausible and satisfying direction. NV doesn't build up on 3's ideas, instead it builds up on obsidian's existing ones

                is my first post in this thread, at this point i never read the post I later referred to, but it more or less establishes my stance on 1, 2, 3 and NV and one could perhaps notice similarities in it vs. the "anon upthread" i kept referring to

              • 12 months ago

                Also never justify yourself to another anon. It is a sign of weakness.

              • 12 months ago

                wow you just assumed a lot of bullshit again and none of it is true. 3 and 4 fricking suck and i've played new vegas so much i literally can not bear to play it another minute. you should stop assuming shit so much and just debate the argument as it is presented to you instead of looking like a moron all the time.

              • 12 months ago

                i mean one of the first things you said to me in this convo was that i was mentally moronic for finishing and enjoying fo2 so at that point i didn't treat you like an anon that wants to discuss video games and more like a specimen that i want to dissect and see what's inside

                i said i was reaching, but in either way i don't think it was too far fetched to assume you're what i assumed you were

            • 12 months ago

              HAHAHAHAHA i called it. Get the frick out of here with your moronic raid.
              I'm not defending no one. I'm just offending man children like you. GROW UP. Your visual novel series is fricking dead you autistic ape.
              Fallout 2 is more expansive than Fallout 1 but it only has 13 talking heads opposed to Fallout 1's 21. The gameplay is awful, like I said. Wait for 20 radscorpions to take their turn, then wait for the brahmin you're defending to take their turn and in an hour you get like 3 actions until you do it all over again. It's a painstakingly slow game. With a shit ton of slop content only meant to fluff out a mediocre cashgrab. You can tell this piece of shit was rushed, kek.
              Stop god-defending a mediocre game from the 90s. Or, at least pick a good one, that isn't a bloated visual novel with shit tier turn-based combat.

              • 12 months ago

                it's more of a point-and-click adventure with mediocre combat. wtf were they thinking about restricting party control to 1 fricking character? just about every other RPG let's control most of your characters.

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm not defending no one. I'm just offending man children like you. GROW UP. Your visual novel series is fricking dead you autistic ape.
                Why do these games make you so insecure, child? If these games are, as you claim, dead, why are you pissing all over yourself right now?

                Why do you need to lash out at them so desperately, to a point where you do not see any issue with lying about them?

                Is it because there is this tiny, niggling doubt in your mind, that in reality, the issue may not be with these games, but rather, with your taste? That maybe you are a brain-dead zoomie child that literally does not have any shred of patience, curiosity, or any actual human virtue left. That maybe something is wrong with the fact that all you can consume now is insultingly dumb trash spewed by massive corporations that treat you like the brain-dead npc you are?

                Where does that fear come from, child?

              • 12 months ago

                >Why do these games make you so insecure
                Damn, I must be in a cinema, with all this projection.
                All this dogshit you wrote out, you didn't address a single thing I said. Do you even actually like this game you're god-defending? Or do you just like it because it gives you oldgay credit?
                There's nothing wrong with my taste. It's not a point of patience or any kind of virtue.
                It's funny you bring up corporations when you're god defending an IP created by one. Fallout was never a fricking indie game, so keep your pants on, virgin.

              • 12 months ago

                >you didn't address a single thing I said
                Nothing you said is worth addressing. You are seething because the games filtered you. Your point is "it's slow and does not have instant gratification and epic scripted battles like Fallout 3 does, and I hate that it exists, I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE YOUUUUUUUU!"

                I'm not really defending the games, child. They don't need that. I'm telling you what you really are. An obnoxious, moronic child literally angry that people before him had better toys to play. A person so insecure, so pathetic, so lacking in any dignity, that he literally believes it's his right to lie about games because they make you feel inadequate.

                Fallout 1 and 2 are fine games. Classics. People who have the mental capacity to appreciate them, have played them a dozen times already.

                The sole problem, and the sole focus here is you. The fact that you are literally a pest, a creature that has no human redeeming qualities anymore. A person purely reduced to endless seething insecurity, endlessly shitting on things because anything that is good reminds you of how shit you are.

                You have nothing of worth to say. You will never have anything of worth to say. You will just dance the moron dance. Lie, screech, shit himself, annoy others.

                And I do find that kinda funny, in a very morbid way. There is a point where something is so fricking grotesque all we have left is to laugh. And you reached that point.

              • 12 months ago

                >Fallout 1 and 2 are fine games. Classics.
                what makes them 'classics'?

              • 12 months ago

                >what makes them 'classics'?
                The fact that they were at the time of their release, and remained for many years later, some of the best titles in their genre. Good enough to be enjoyable even after all that time. They are titles that remain worth experiencing if you have interest in cRPG's.

                Is this the first time you encountered this word, "classic"? I wound lot expect that is something that needs to be explained.

              • 12 months ago

                >some of the best titles in their genre
                yeah. but why?

              • 12 months ago

                >yeah. but why?
                Numerous reasons. Do you expect an indepth analysis of these games in under 2000 letters? Things that stood out in particular are world-building, tone and atmosphere of these titles, especially the way they use classic fear of the bomb fiction, which they mix with dark humor. First game has great main story, with extremely memorable factions and villains. The second game has some of the best writing you can find in cRPG's - overal great world with ton of intricacy and depth to it, great and memorable characters, and just huge wealth of content.

                On a gameplay level, the thing that makes them great - an an integral component of a cRPG, is the variety of gameplay options tied to your specific build and character choices. Playing characters with different properties lead to distinctly different experiences. Quests have many solutions, suited for different builds - and narrative choices suited for different personalities you adopt. This makes different playethroughs actually feel different, allowing you to explore completely different angles, different storylines, different problems and solutions.
                This means that the game has depth, as depth is defined as the plurality of options that have meaningful (significant, gameplay and story-wise) outcomes. It also gives the game a decent skill celling to explore, as there is a lot of space for optimization should you desire. And of course, it gives the game great replay value.

                They of course do have issues, no game is free of those. The combat was never the game's strongest side. There is a decent amount of options to it, and it does reward thinking ahead, but at times it does feel like you have less control than would be ideal, especially when companions are involved.
                Also, the U.I. isn't great, especially the inventory.
                And of course as you probably heard, Fo1 is short and the writing can be bland while Fo2 does have issues with main story (the side content is the start of the show) and with tone.

              • 12 months ago

                what is the alternate paths for defending brahmin from radscorpions, anon?

              • 12 months ago

                >what is the alternate paths for defending brahmin from radscorpions, anon?
                The quest has three different outcomes, and also an entire hidden dialogue tree for low int build, child.

                Are you of the mind porting table top rulesets into video games is a good idea?
                That is not a widely held belief. It hasn't been since the late 90s early 00s.

                >That is not a widely held belief. It hasn't been since the late 90s early 00s.
                I know that gen7 morons can't cope with that idea. Widely held beliefs are more often wrong than not. cRPG are a fun genre.

              • 12 months ago

                Video games can do a hell of a lot more than tabletop systems can so porting tabletop rules to video games is a stupid idea

              • 12 months ago

                In this case porting table top rulesets into video games is a bad idea. It takes the worst part of table top and holds back video games.

                That is why it was abandoned as soon as it was feaydible.

              • 12 months ago

                There was never a time where it was only feasible to use tabletop rules for video games. They just did it because they lacked imagination

              • 12 months ago

                Are you of the mind porting table top rulesets into video games is a good idea?
                That is not a widely held belief. It hasn't been since the late 90s early 00s.

              • 12 months ago

                >That is not a widely held belief.
                The morons at Obsidian think it's a good idea

              • 12 months ago

                How is that working out for them?

              • 12 months ago

                Sadly there's little competition in the space so they can get away with making mediocre games with terrible design philsophies

              • 12 months ago

                Aren't they making the game about shrunk down kids trapped in the backyard?
                Oh and that artsy fartsy medieval game.

                I would say they have shown the value of porting table top rulesets into video games.

              • 12 months ago

                i think you're a bit of a homosexual and at best, you embellish your praise for what is a relatively casual game. sorry i even asked.

              • 12 months ago

                Adorable. You get a detailed answer, and yet you still screech in anger.
                Why did you ask about something you did not want to hear an answer for, child? Why did you waste both ours times?

                You want to hate the game, you are absolutely not interested in any qualities it may or may not have, so why did you ask?

                Video games can do a hell of a lot more than tabletop systems can so porting tabletop rules to video games is a stupid idea

                Hello, zoom-zoom. Shockingly, games can be a lot of things. I know the realization that not everything is designed for your moronic AAA-groomed tastes for endless instant gratification must hurt like hell.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm 37
                Tabletop rules systems are simple because humans have to play them out
                A video game rule system can be much more complex because the computer is doing all the mechanical work
                The only real advantage you have to using simple tabletop rule system is that it's easier for the player to do the mental math and theory craft

              • 12 months ago

                >I'm 37
                I am entirely confident that you are not. But on the very very slim chance they do - that just makes you look even worse.

                You are literally crying because there is a genre of games that again - does not offer that generic, safe, AAA industry shaped gameplay, because for reasons we discussed, they make you feel bad about yourself.

                If you are doing this at the age of 37, that is absolutely fricking pathetic.

                >A video game rule system can be much more complex because the computer is doing all the mechanical work
                Kid, this has nothing to do with complexity. And you have clearly never played ANY tabletops if your life.
                Tabletop rules can be as simple or as complex as they need. Games like Fallout 1/2 feature far more complexity than games like Oblivion or Fallout 3. INCOMPARABLY more complexity.

                You literally don't even know what a table-top rule-set is. That is how bad this discussion is.

                In this case porting table top rulesets into video games is a bad idea. It takes the worst part of table top and holds back video games.

                That is why it was abandoned as soon as it was feaydible.

                >In this case porting table top rulesets into video games is a bad idea.

                Kid, you don't like them. That would be fine. Frick off, let people who play them discuss them, talk about games you do enjoy.

                But you can't, can you? You NEED to be here, you need to shit on it because again - the existence of it makes you realize that your taste might be shit. And that is the only remaining cognitive force left in control of you.

              • 12 months ago

                >You are literally crying because there is a genre of games that again - does not offer that generic, safe, AAA industry shaped gameplay, because for reasons we discussed, they make you feel bad about yourself.
                Crazy projection, and a false dichotomy, your choice is not between tabletop rules or AAA industry shaped gameplay

                >Tabletop rules can be as simple or as complex as they need
                Tabletop rules can't be very complex because they'd bog the human players down, because humans have to play out all the mechanics

              • 12 months ago

                >Tabletop rules can't be very complex because they'd bog the human players down, because humans have to play out all the mechanics
                You have NEVER played a tabletop game in your life. You literally do not know what that term means. Just stop.
                How did you not at least intuitively figure out that different people enjoy different levels of complexity of systems, you absolute fricking MONKEY.
                What one sees as bogging the game down, others see as the most fun they could ever have. There are rules light, there are rules heavy systems, there are insanely compelex tabletop rulesets calculating balistics of every projectile.
                The fact that you failed to even consider this is telling me that you really aren't human anymore. You literally do not comprihend even basic of how humans work.

                While you pretend to make educated claims on hobbies that you have never came into ANY contact with. ENTIRE. FRICKING. HOBBIES that you need to lie about.
                How did you end up this way?

                > REEEEE why are you trying to talk about video games on a board for discussing video games?
                Perhaps a board with more moderation would provide the safe space you seek.

                True, more moderation getting rid of zoomer c**ts talking about games they don't know would genuinely help.
                But if you are trying to pretend there is anything defensible about idiotic children lying about games they never played because they hate the idea that they are aimed at older audience, you do not belong here.
                You belong to /b/. General shitposting.

              • 12 months ago

                >What one sees as bogging the game down, others see as the most fun they could ever have.
                I could create a rule system where it would take an hour to resolve the rules of a few turns of combat, whereas a computer could do it in a matter of milliseconds
                People have different tastes sure, but everyone's patience has it's limits
                You don't comprehend how game rules work

              • 12 months ago

                >I could create a rule system where it would take an hour to resolve the rules of a few turns of combat, whereas a computer could do it in a matter of milliseconds
                Child. How did you end up like this?
                You are continuing to talk about a hobby you have literally never engaged with.
                And you were called out on that, you are not going to fool anyone, we know you have never played any tabletop in your life.

                What makes a person this broken? What makes you go and continue lying, about something you provably have no understanding off?
                How desperately broken and fragile is your ego, if this is something you need to do, consistently?

                You talk about tabletops. Which you don't play. Never had, never will. Why? Why do you need to humiliate yourself this way? Why do you continue doing that if you know that the other person sees through your bullshit.

                Child, fricking AURORA is originally a tabletop game. There is LITERALLY NO FRICKING LIMIT to how complex a tabletop system can be. Because people who - unlike you - play them, actually fricking play them, and actively explore all kind of strange variations and possibilities and niches.

                Which is a concept that apparently deeply, proundly scares you.

                So again. What happened to you? Do you have no self control what so ever?

              • 12 months ago

                It's funny how you wrote all those words and said absolutely nothing
                Link me to a rule system that even approaches the complexity of what a video game does and I'll PayPal you 100 bucks

              • 12 months ago

                >It's funny how you wrote all those words and said absolutely nothing
                This is the most pathetic and cowardly response imaginable.
                I asked you some basic questions, you cowardly piece of shit.
                Why did you talk about tabletops, if you never ever engaged with that hobby?

              • 12 months ago

                Your questions are stupid and you're just having a tantrum, not an argument, the other guy is right, you're like a fricking woman
                I have engaged with tabletop games
                You don't understand games

              • 12 months ago

                >Your questions are stupid and you're just having a tantrum, not an argument, the other guy is right, you're like a fricking woman
                Why do you lie? is not a stupid question, child.

                You lie. Why do you lie?
                Aurora exists as a tabletop system. It's considered one of the most complex videogames of all times.

                You claims about nature of tabletop are provably wrong. They were PROVEN WRONG.

                Why did you lie about it?

              • 12 months ago

                Link me to the rules of Aurora please

              • 12 months ago

                I don't have a link. Contact the creator if you want. Now answer the questions.

              • 12 months ago

                I answered your quesiton, I have played tabletop games
                If you can't provide any rules for this tabletop game then your claim cannot be proven

              • 12 months ago

                >I answered your quesiton, I have played tabletop games
                You lied. I proved that you lied.
                >If you can't provide any rules for this tabletop game then your claim cannot be proven
                Kid, this is pathetic. Can you prove that there are no complex tabletop systems? Can you even name 5 different tabletop RPG systems?

                Look up FATAL, or Phoenix King, or unabridged versions of GURPS, you fricking mongoloid. Exalted, Rulemaster.

                Your claim is utterly and completely insane. You are insane. Genuinely, fundamentally mentally broken person.
                You right now refuse to comprehend that tabletop is a huge fricking hobby with countless niches.
                You cannot COMPREHEND THIS FACT. How the frick do you even live being this broken?

              • 12 months ago

                You haven't proved anything. I'm giving you the chance right now to show me a tabletop ruleset that can even approach what computers do, and you're coming up empty, no proof. I've seen GURPS, that is not a correct answer. If you want to prove me wrong, post a link to one right here

              • 12 months ago

                >You haven't proved anything. I'm giving you the chance right now to show me a tabletop ruleset
                I gave them to you, you idiot. Even though I never had to. Also, if you are going to completely fricking move your goal-posts, at least do it coherently.
                "Approaching what a computer can do" is completely fricking meaningless category.

                You are an idiot. Your argument is that tabletop systems can't be complex. Again, something you literally cannot prove, literally cannot name ANY tabletop system, deliberately ignore examples when they are given to you.

                What happened to you? Why did you lie about tabletop RPG's?

              • 12 months ago

                >Your argument is that tabletop systems can't be complex
                My argument is that computer game rule systems can, practically, be much more complex than tabletop systems because computers calculate rules MUCH faster than humans can
                This is empirically true: No tabletop systems even approach the complexity of computer game systems. I skimmed through the rules of one of the ones you mentioned, Rolemaster, and that remains true. You don't understand how games work. It has a fairly wide breadth of things it covers, but the depth is nowhere near what a video game does. Because if tabletop rules were as deep as video game rules, it'd take fricking forever to play the game

              • 12 months ago

                >My argument is that computer game rule systems can, practically, be much more complex than tabletop systems because computers calculate rules MUCH faster than humans can
                This is literally nonsense at this point. Complexity of a system is determined - and we have already established - on the number of meaningful choices you can make. This has nothing to do with calculation speed. 99% of of which will go into visuals anyway.

                You can make an insanely computer-taxing game where the rules are shallow. Most games do exactly that. Because again - rules a matter of DESIGN, your capacity to invent and define possible interactions.

                You are raving about computer calculations which have literally nothing to do with this, acting like the fact that game can have the most hardcore modern graphics and super-advanced physics engine - none of which by the way contradicts the game being based on a table-top rules anyway - automatically makes it a more complex game.

                Again. YOU ARE INSANE. And the fact that you tell others that they don't understand games is beyond fricking INSANE - you literally don't understand the difference between rules/states, and processing power you CRETIN.

                This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen in my life. Holy SHIT were you lobotomized? What is this absolute bullshit?

              • 12 months ago

                >Complexity of a system is determined - and we have already established - on the number of meaningful choices you can make
                That's your definition of complexity, my defintion of complexity is the complexity of the rules system, which is more objective
                You need to define what "meaningful" means here - are we talking meaingful in the strategic sense, in that you have to think what you're doing through carefully to determine what the best option to take is, or meaningful as in it just feels like you're roleplaying? Tabletop games can offer deep strategic experiences, but these games are abstract PVP games, not RPGs

              • 12 months ago

                >That's your definition of complexity, my defintion of complexity is the complexity of the rules system, which is more objective
                Serious question.
                How severe autism do you have diagnosed? You do realize you are also low-functioning, right?

              • 12 months ago

                There's different types of complexity. If we're talking about rulesets, it's assumed we're talking about mechanical complexity. It sounds like you're talking about strategic complexity, which is something different
                You lack the vocabulary to discuss game design

              • 12 months ago

                >There's different types of complexity.
                Not when it comes to game system design, autist. Your argument is also completely moronic because the form of processual complexity that that you cling to has no actual impact on the complexity of the percieved experience - it does not define how the game plays AT ALL (barring issue of hardware performance).

                That is ignoring an endless fricking sea of absolutely moronic things you said. Like the fact that you are unaware of the fact that tabletops are often aided by computer programs to handle the process of calculation for them. Again - that is what Aurora is, or was originally. It was a software used to track and automate calculations for the tabletop system.

                You are at this point completely raving, we are entirely disconnected from any of the original subjects, and digging through endless lines of autistic nonsense, inability to talk, inability to comprehend basic human behavior...

                You are completely broken, holy shit. Is there any part of your brain that works? And why did you lie about the tabletops, you idiot?

              • 12 months ago

                >the form of processual complexity that that you cling to has no actual impact on the complexity of the percieved experience
                It does, it's just not cut and dry
                You can have games with low mechnical complexity and high strategic complexity, this is the ideal scenario, but it's hard to achieve if it's not a PVP game where the depth comes from how you deal with your opponent
                Tabletop RPGs or single player video games are PVE, or player vs the game systems. For these games, you need complex game mechanics to create strategic depth. You can't really achieve this for tabletop RPGs, so they're not very deep

              • 12 months ago

                >You can't really achieve this for tabletop RPGs, so they're not very deep
                For the love of god, STOP and fricking look at yourself. Are you even human?

              • 12 months ago

                You haven't proved anything
                If you post sane, on-topic arguments, I will reply
                I'm not interested in nursing you through whatever tantrum you're having

              • 12 months ago

                >If you post sane, on-topic arguments, I will reply
                Kid. You have not said a single sane thing in this entire discussion.
                I have just explained how your understanding of complexity is wrong. I have also repeatedly demonstrated that there is no cap on how complex a tabletop system can be.

                You have never played ANY table top game in your life.
                And you are saying that you know for a fact that none of the literally tens of thousands of tabletop systems, including the fricking Aurora, simply cannot have depth.

                I've explained how complexity is a matter of design, not processing power. Your claim is "more calculation ALWAYS = more depth of a game" which is idiotic, and also, assisting software used for tabletops makes all computer processing power available to tabletops.


              • 12 months ago

                >I have just explained how your understanding of complexity is wrong
                No, you were talking about a different form of complexity
                I was saying tabletop games have low mechanical complexity because they're human run
                You're thinking of strategic complexity
                There is a pretty significant correlation between mechanical and strategic complexity in non-PVP games though, so tabletop RPGs tend to have low strategic complexity because the rules are pretty simple
                When you're using a computer to execute the rules of your tabletop game, it's no longer just a tabletop game

              • 12 months ago

                >No, you were talking about a different form of complexity
                Kid, you aren't talking about any form of complexity, you are raving literal moronic nonsense.
                You made up terms that you yourself do not even fricking adhere.
                All to argue that an entire hobby that you have never came into contact with is bad because you are an autistic moron that likes to say shit without having any clue what it means.

                Your argument boils down to "tabletop systems are bad and don't have complexity because computer can make more calculations."
                THIS. IS. NONSENSE. AND PROVABLY WRONG. NOTHING about this statement even begins approaching sanity.
                I have explained why. I have given you example of tabletop systems that have more depth, more complexity than 99.99999% of all existing videogames.
                I have given you examples of table top games that use computers processing power.

                You are a low-functioning autistic cretin.
                Holy shit. How do you live?
                Do you have a job? How the frick do you operate on daily basis if this is how your brain fricking works? What are you?

              • 12 months ago

                So just more tears and histrionics? You are a trip little lady. I will give you that much.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah. And also tanble direct examples of tabletops having near-unlimited complexity.

                But of course, that does not register with you.

                ANSWER THE QUESTIONS, CHILDREN. Why do you pretend to understand hobbies you never engaged with?

              • 12 months ago

                Table top's strength is the GM not the ruleset.
                So why would you port the weakest part of tabletop into video games?

                The obvious answer is you wouldn't unless you had no choice or imagination.

              • 12 months ago

                If you need a safe space the rpg codex or re**it are two places to look. If you get upset at others disagreeing with you this is not the place for you.

                The fact that you just keep getting madder and madder is blood in the water attracting sharks.
                Anons that may agree with you will join in just for the show.

              • 12 months ago

                >INCOMPARABLY more complexity.
                there's tons of empty space in these games. after all, most of the maps on the world serve as combat spaces and nothing else for random battles. compare this with Beth's titles which are filled with little details, dungeons, and places and sidequests to explore. i guess they have more reactive RPG elements to them and narrative choices. maybe better character building or something.

                the original games dont even have a Z axis by any means lol. let alone the freeform ways you could approach combat a beth title has.

              • 12 months ago

                >there's tons of empty space in these games
                Holy shit.
                You don't even understand words like "complexity".

                Why do you think porting the worst part of table top is a good idea?
                It is like attaching a horse to a Formula one race car. Sure it could work but it is not the best possible solution.

                Tabletop rulesets held back the industry until men of vision imposed their will.

                So I ask again why is porting tabletop rulesets into video games a good idea?
                I truly hope you aren't one of the cowards afraid to defend their position.
                If you are you will just attack something else to dodge answering a simple straight forward question.

                >Why do you think porting the worst part of table top is a good idea?
                What makes you, a mentally moronic mongoloid child with patience and intelligence of a fruit fly, capable of judging what is good or bad?

                >Tabletop rulesets held back the industry until men of vision imposed their will.
                You mean like Beth did?

              • 12 months ago

                So you are a coward afraid to make a stand. Not surprising given how emotional you are. You argue like a female and shy away from principled stands .

                To be fair I did ask the impossible sonit is understandable. Nobody on Earth could defend porting table top rulesets into video games .

              • 12 months ago

                >So you are a coward afraid to make a stand.
                I wish you could appreciate the multiple levels of irony of what you just said.
                You can't even fricking cite which part of the post you are replying, you fricking pussy.

              • 12 months ago

                Yet you still have not answered why you think it is a good idea to port tabletop rulesets into videgames.

                Just more feminine outbursts about how unfair things are.

                So are you still rinning from me or will you answer the question. I don't blame you for running. I would show no mercy if you took a stand.

              • 12 months ago

                >Yet you still have not answered why you think it is a good idea to port tabletop rulesets into videgames.
                Because that question is beyond moronic, something that should not be needed to answer.
                It's because tabletop systems allow for engaging interactions. I'm by the way completely ignoring the fact that you mistake table-tops for table-top RPG's - another example that you literally do not have the FAINTEST clue what we talk about.

                But even in that framework, table-top RPG's are made to facilitate complex gameplay options. Some people enjoy that kind of stuff. The fact that you literally cannot comprehend this fact is fascinating.

                The fact that you literally cannot comprehend why someone would enjoy a cRPG WHILE POSTING IN A FALLOUT 1/2 THREAD IS MINDBOGGLING.

                Why are you here? Talking about games that you cannot begin to comprehend on the most fundamental level.
                Why? Why do you need to lie about these games, why do you need to share your opinions on things you don't understand?

              • 12 months ago

                You are conflating the GM with the rulesets. The rulesets are the weakest part of table top and held back the industry for decades. You enjoying them is nothing more than a display of your poor taste in video games

              • 12 months ago

                Not that anon but both the GM and ruleset work in conjunction to reach the ideal tabletop rpg experience. Also the idea that a genre that was so dead it only saw a renaissance through crowdfunding is holding back the industry is hilarious.

              • 12 months ago

                If video games had a GM that could respond on the fly like a live one the rulesets would be tolerable. The rulesets on their own did nothing but hold back the hobby.

              • 12 months ago

                You DESPISE the concept of an RPG. On a fundamentally conceptual level.
                Why are you in a Fallout 1/2 thread?

              • 12 months ago

                > REEEEEEE why are you discussing videogames on a board designed for the discussion of video games?
                We may never solve that mystery Scooby.

              • 12 months ago

                >hold back the hobby
                It's crazy how people can say this about an entire genre. Imagine saying westerns are holding back the film industry, or mystery novels are holding back the book industry. It's OK if you don't like them but unless you can directly point out how EXACTLY a handful of CRPGs using tabletop rulesets makes like fricking Mario worse you're a massive fricking moron who should be rightfully mocked and ridiculed

              • 12 months ago

                It was holding back the industry. It got abandoned in the early 00s. Larian making nostalgiabait games is a solid niche for them .

                The issue is there are still people that tjink porting tavbletop rules into video games is a good idea to thos day.
                They need to be disabused of that notion

              • 12 months ago

                >it was holding the hobby back
                >it just was
                Truly we've got an intellectual giant here. Watch out when you get up from your seat anon, don't want to rattle the rocks in your skull too hard now

              • 12 months ago

                Reading comprehension not your strong suit? If you are disputing it was holding back the industry you would be the first in this thread.
                Look at Morrowind as the turning point. Morrowind adopted table top rules into real time first/third combat as close to perfectly as was possible. Morrowind also had the single most horrible combat ever implemented in video games.
                Once the industry saw there was a better use of the computing power available for use in video games they entered the modern age.

              • 12 months ago

                You're the one who brought up how CRPGs were holding back the industry. You need to provide proof of this, in what ways was SOME CRPGS holding back the ENTIRE industry anon? This is your last chance before I just go back to mocking you

              • 12 months ago

                Reread the post you just quoted and get back to me.
                It isn't holding back the industry today because outside a few niche studios it has been abandoned.

                The issue before us today is there are anons who still think this is a good idea. They can't explain why they think that just that they think that.

              • 12 months ago

                Mockery it is. Must be a sad existence to not be able to argue very well on Ganker of all places. Many such cases here

              • 12 months ago

                You don't think Mortowind's horrid implementation of a bad idea was the death knell for the idea it is a good idea to port table top into real time first/third person combat?

                Let me see how bad things are . You do agree Morrowinds combat was horrible correct?

              • 12 months ago

                >this one very well received game held back the entire industry
                I must've forgotten the saga of CoD Mario and Crash all breaking free from the constraints of tabletop rulesets lol. Truly it was a dark age, where every game ever made was using D&D rules lmao

              • 12 months ago

                It was a simple question. Your unwillingness to answer leads me to believe to you do not believe Morrowinds combat was horrible.
                Couple your defense of 30 and 25 year old games and the clear answer is nostalgia goggles are a factor.

                Perfectly valud position to hold but your childhood was , thankfully, not the end of game development.

              • 12 months ago

                Why should I entertain your bad attempt to deflect away from your inability to articulate why and how some games using tabletop rules was holding back the entire industry?

              • 12 months ago

                Again it is no longer holding the industry back. That design philosophy was abandoned because of how bad Morrowind's conbat was.
                There are still anons that think that is a valid design decision to this day. From what I can tell they don't even know why. Not a one can answer that question
                The only answer is nostalgia.

              • 12 months ago

                >I don't have to elaborate on my opinion because it's no longer doing the thing I cannot properly explain
                >he thinks there are right and wrong ways to make vidya
                This is why I mock you. You have been tricked into thinking only things you like are valid. This is like saying that using red herrings in writing isn't valid and is holding back the written word. It's insane how only vidya is treated this way, you're so caught up in your dislike of a small genre that you've convinced yourself that it somehow held the ENTIRE industry back. Creating problems out of no where for no reason then acting incredulous that someone would poke fun at you for being such a bozo

              • 12 months ago

                I never said better or worse. I said holding back.
                Trying to adapt video games to tabletop was not using the power available to video games to the fullest. That is why nobody ( yes yes the nostalgiabait studios) tries to anymore.

              • 12 months ago

                >I never said better or worse
                What are you even replying to in my post bro?
                >I said holding back
                Yes and I'm contesting that claim. You STILL have not provided any proof that the industry was being held back by these titles
                >Nobody makes these games anymore except for the people making these games still

              • 12 months ago

                Morrowinds combat. You keep ignoting that. It was the turning point for the industry. It showed there was no way to port table top rules into realtime first/third person combat.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes I am ignoring your bad argument that does not prove anything. You should make an actual argument instead of trying to divert the argument to if morrowind was good or not. how did these games hold back the entire industry anon?

              • 12 months ago

                It was the turning point. Nobody has tried to mix tabletop die roll combat with real time first/third person combat again.
                When the decision was made tabletop rulesets were universally dropped ( yes Larian ) in favor of real time first/third person combat.
                The industry could now move forward unshackled by men of limited vision.

                Sadly there are still slaves to convention that grew up in the dark age of gaming who miss their childhood.

              • 12 months ago

                Nice fanfiction anon except first person action games have existed since before morrowind, you might have heard of this little indie game called fricking DOOM, or I guess Hexen would be quite closer approximation? CRPGs have not ever been holding devs back from making games not tied to tabletop rules, EVER. Fricking moron

              • 12 months ago

                Did Doom try to implement tabletop rulesets into its combat?

              • 12 months ago

                No it didn't, which means tabletop rules was not holding them back. Which means every game not using table top rules was not being held back by games that do. Spoilers, there are more games that do not use these rules compared to the ones that do. Hope this helps, or makes you angry. Either works for me bozo

              • 12 months ago

                What do FPSs have to do with RPGs.

              • 12 months ago

                You said the entire industry, are shooters not the industry now?
                >inb4 I didn't say that

                It was holding back the industry. It got abandoned in the early 00s. Larian making nostalgiabait games is a solid niche for them .

                The issue is there are still people that tjink porting tavbletop rules into video games is a good idea to thos day.
                They need to be disabused of that notion

                >>It was holding back the industry.

              • 12 months ago

                > You said industry you clearly meant the impact on racing games.
                I truly hope for your sake you are merely pretending.
                Going by your logic then yes including table top rulesets in Doom would have ruined the genre as well.

              • 12 months ago

                >when I said the hobby and the industry I actually only meant a singular genre in that hobby and industry
                Maybe you should've said that instead of the thing you actually wrote moron. That said, tabletop rules STILL were not holding back the RPG genre as many RPGs existed outside of tabletop rules. So you're STILL wrong. Embarassing really, if I were you I'd stop posting now.

              • 12 months ago

                I would have thought the context would have been enough for native English speakers.
                You are correct I did not account for non native speakers.

              • 12 months ago

                >You're illiterate because you read what I said correctly

              • 12 months ago

                Is context not a concept in your Country?

              • 12 months ago

                The context was we were talking about videogames and you said a mechanic from a few games was holding BOTH the hobby and industry back. You're coping so hard right now it's pathetic. Posting through getting owned online is a brave strategy, I'm sure you'll avoid further embarrassment this way

              • 12 months ago

                Cope as you see fit third worlder.

              • 12 months ago

                >no u

              • 12 months ago

                I am not the one that did not understand the conversation did not include sports games. Even Slavic Countries understand context. Where are you from that context is a foreign concept?

              • 12 months ago

                >actually the industry and hobby only mean a singular aspect of the industry and hobby because context
                Stay in school kids

              • 12 months ago

                Yes it is clear context is not taught in your Country.
                Do you actually think you are coming off as the smart one right now?

              • 12 months ago

                Pretty sure 2 is fine vanilla. It does have a few known bugs, but it seems to be accepted that it's smoother than 1 is. There are mods that adds extra content, but it's not really necessary.

                One smaller note. I'm not sure if this problem was in Fo1, but in Fo2 vanilla, and even in Restoration, saving in battle results frequently cause corruption of saves. DON'T DO IT.

              • 12 months ago

                Its not exactly a "bug" I think it tells you not to do it in the manual (which is worth reading since its mostly written as in in-universe vault-tec manual).
                Basically make a fresh save whenever you enter a new screen, and before you leave the map to travel.
                I have found even on the GOG version, if you're playing on a laptop and acidentally do the pinch to zoom or scroll thing on your touch pad it will cause the camera to scroll endlessly in a random direction, and nothing to do except save and reload. Its kind of a nuisance but not game breaking.

              • 12 months ago

                It hasn't been an issue sincebthe early 2000s. Morrowind was the brwak point.
                Do we want first/third person realtime combat or tabletop rulesets? Tabletop lost that fight.
                You could be right in that tech limitations led to using tabletop rulesets and tech getting better meant they no longer had to use tabletop. I would by tech being the roadblock not design decisions.

                I have yet to meet an anon that thinks porting tabletop into video games was a good idea.

              • 12 months ago

                Dude, I have been trying to make some sense of him for two hours, don't make the same mistake.
                He is a completely delusional, deeply moronic autist that just has some sort of seething vendenta against Morrowind which he translates into ontological laws.
                He is literally babbling completely incoherently. He keeps going down to the same argument that A) all tabletop games are extremely simple (because he never interacted with tabletops) and B) more calculations = more depth and complexity of a game.
                That is all he has, these two insane deranged claims. It's not going to go anywhere.

                Most of this thread are people who are here specifically because they hate cRPG's with a profound passion. They hate the idea of something that isn't based on real-time input because they start seizing when they don't get smash all the controller buttons every 2 seconds, they hate the idea that character stats determine your options because they hate being in any way restrained by their own decisions other than their capacity to smash those buttons really hard, and most of all, they absolutely hate the fact that others look down on them for it.

                That is this thread in a nutshell. It always starts with the exact same, word-for-word copypasted claims about Fallout 2 being poorly written, and it always ends up boiling to the same "I fricking hate cRPG's, they are the worst thing in the world, and I need to get rid of anyone who feels otherwise".


              • 12 months ago

                can you gay nerds stop being so passionate about vg arguments
                frick off

              • 12 months ago

                I know he's a moron which is why I'm mocking him. The more of his stupid horseshit I can draw out the more I can make fun of him

              • 12 months ago

                >Most of this thread are people who are here specifically because they hate cRPG's with a profound passion. They hate the idea of something that isn't based on real-time input because they start seizing when they don't get smash all the controller buttons every 2 seconds, they hate the idea that character stats determine your options because they hate being in any way restrained by their own decisions other than their capacity to smash those buttons really hard, and most of all, they absolutely hate the fact that others look down on them for it.

                I enjoy all those things, they just don't translate into 1st/3rd person ARPGs very well.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes Larian still makes nostalgia bait games. No major studio does. Most indies don't either.

              • 12 months ago

                Well Larian does. Niche would be a strong word for that audience.

                >the people making the games don't count towards making the games because it's a niche genre
                Is this the part where we pretend PC RPGs back then weren't also niche?

              • 12 months ago

                Baldurs Gate was a hit by any standard of the day . Generally RPGs were niche back then though.

              • 12 months ago

                It would be like still using feather pens and inkwells in a modern office.

              • 12 months ago

                Clearly not because companies still operate while making products based off tabletop rulesets while no one uses ink and feathers.

              • 12 months ago

                Well Larian does. Niche would be a strong word for that audience.

              • 12 months ago

                Do you think Fallout is complex? It is the most simplistic version of TB combat. Instead of a tactical 6 sec turns where you select your actions and they all take place at once Fallout uses IGOUGO TB combat. That becomes nothing more than making a character that can hit first.
                If you think Fallout is complex you told on yourself.

              • 12 months ago

                The fact that you don't realize that there is more to an RPG than complex is pretty fricking telling on you.
                The fact that your argument is "this system is inherently better because I say so" is also pretty pathetic.

              • 12 months ago

                6 second turns is better than the more simplistic IGOUGO. It requires more tactical thinking and intellect on the part of the player. The latter is for simple minded power fantasy gameplay. Having seen that said I can see your point. Simple minded people deserve games to.

                I shall rephrase
                Since I am not a fan of simple minded combat I prefer the 6 sec a turn style of TB combat.

              • 12 months ago

                Why do you think porting the worst part of table top is a good idea?
                It is like attaching a horse to a Formula one race car. Sure it could work but it is not the best possible solution.

                Tabletop rulesets held back the industry until men of vision imposed their will.

                So I ask again why is porting tabletop rulesets into video games a good idea?
                I truly hope you aren't one of the cowards afraid to defend their position.
                If you are you will just attack something else to dodge answering a simple straight forward question.

              • 12 months ago

                > REEEEE why are you trying to talk about video games on a board for discussing video games?
                Perhaps a board with more moderation would provide the safe space you seek.

              • 12 months ago

                I've been around the turn-based RPG genre. I've played old megaten, nu-megaten, oldsona, nusona, etrian odyssey, Pokemon, fire emblem, final fantasy etc.
                Fallout 2 has some of the worst, most grueling RPG combat I've ever experienced. There's a reason why most RPGs keep it to 6 people or less in a party. There's a reason why RPGs that have more enemies, have multi-target attacks that aren't reserved to one weapon type (or just chance). There's nothing deep or interesting about Fallout 2's combat system.
                >it's his right to lie about games
                What have I said that's a lie? Fallout 2 is filled with dialogue boxes. THIRTEEN TALKING HEADS DOWN FROM TWENTY ONE FROM THE PREVIOUS GAME.
                Fallout 2 is a rushed mess of a "game"
                >rant about insecurity
                You're the one who pops into Fallout threads to seethe about bethesda.
                You are the pest, the vermin, you go on about. You spout nothing but lies. You do nothing but complain about other people. You don't even argue about the merits of the games.
                You'll write walls of text saying basically nothing but "I'm insecure that people don't like my favorite game. No, it can't be that the game I like isn't good, it has to be everyone else being wrong."

              • 12 months ago

                >I've been around the turn-based RPG genre. I've played old megaten, nu-megaten, oldsona, nusona, etrian odyssey, Pokemon, fire emblem, final fantasy etc.
                So no actual turn based RPG's, just JRPG cool-down console shit? Cool. I think we can already tell where the problem lies.

                >Fallout 2 has some of the worst, most grueling RPG combat I've ever experienced.
                We established the game completely filters you because you don't really know how to use a mouse, and the combat does not actually play itself.

                >You're the one who pops into Fallout threads to seethe about bethesda.
                No. I pop up to warn people with genuine interest in games not to listen to pure inhumane trash like you. Because you have been spamming these discussions with shit you mindlessly parrot, about games you never played and do not even have the CAPACITY to play, purely because of how insecure they make you.

                You even openly defend the right to lie about them, and get offended when someone suggests that you should not talk about games you do not and cannot understand or know anything about.

                I'm not a pest, because I do not lie. I am not dishonest, and I'm not motivated by hatered of people who enjoy something that is a bit too complicated for them.

                Once again, child - you contribute nothing but annoyance. You deliberately misinform people out of spite. You block any discussion because you hate the fact that people can appreciate these games, and you can't.

                I don't go to Street Fighter threads to endlessly yell at everyone how it's shit because I don't have the fortitude to play fighter games, shitstain.
                You do. You plague these threads with your drooling hate of something that simply filters you, and you actively make the discussion worse out of spite and jealousy.

                You. Are. A. Pest.

              • 12 months ago

                > the combat does not actually play itself.
                considering you dont do much outside of repositioning your character, attack, and using VATS on occasion to hit a weak point. i think it does to a slight bit. you dont even control your own squadmates. and if you fail? just load the last quicksave. sincerely a step down for TBT games. even JA or FFT has more depth.

              • 12 months ago

                See, how hypocritical you are. You haven't played a single one of the games, yet here you are talking about them.
                Persona is a PC game. Way better than Fallout 2.
                >b-but it's not a turn-based rpg because because REASONS ok?!?!?
                literally what makes picrel not turn-based or RPG? Persona 1 allows you to have different builds using different Persona and equipment and stats. There's multiple routes with different endings based on player's choice. There's the Sebec route and the Snow Queen Quest route. Each having good and bad endings. The combat is definitely turned based. With customizable equipments, stats, formation of the party.
                It's 100% a turn-based RPG
                >We established the game completely filters you because you don't really know how to use a mouse
                What does that have to do with massive battles that take and hour to finish one turn? I can use a mouse. I've played all the way through both of those games.
                >and the combat does not actually play itself
                I mean, for quite a few of these games, they have autobattle. But with random encounters, you pretty need it. Especially with high encounter rates in the original release of Persona.
                But auto-battle is for grinding, anyway.
                >i pop up to warn people
                and that's why you won't talk about these games at all, and instead just b***h about people with different tastes than you? KWAB
                >I am not dishonest
                The way you argue is dishonest in nature. You don't dare discuss the games. You instead just flounder about muh tastes instead of having actual concise points about anything.
                You make assumptions that people don't play the games because they dare to dislike it.
                >I don't go to Street Fighter threads to endlessly yell at everyone how it's shit because I don't have the fortitude to play fighter games, shitstain.
                Yet I see you/your type in Bethesda style fallout threads whining about Bethesda and how they desecrated your golden calf.

                So why did Fallout 3 and New Vegas copy so much from 2 if it's so bad?

                Copy the good and leave the bad. Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

              • 12 months ago

                >Persona is a PC game. Way better than Fallout 2.
                I played Persona games, and frankly, they are OK, I don't hate them. But they are nowhere near as interesting or complex as Fallouts. Firstly, they are ENTIRELY arbitrary, the systems barely at all interact with the world. Second of all, the actual fricking variety in builds is literally a matter of distributing different combat buffs and status effects to increase the spead of the combat.
                They do not go outside of that. You do not create a character, you create a combat setup.
                Which is fine. The combat itself then is as these games tend to be, massively held back by lack of things like positionality and terrain.

                They are not turnbased however. You might want to check what the term "turn" means. They are real time, with long cool downs that give it a distinct rythm.

                And if that is your thing, that would be fine. I don't go to Persona threads to shit on them either.

                But the fact that you even consider comparing them to Fallout is fricking HILARIOUS. They are not even remotely close to being in the same school of genres.

                >I've played all the way through both of those games.
                No, you haven't, and the fact that you STILL need to lie about that is a perfect illustration of this problem.

                >and that's why you won't talk about these games at all, and instead just b***h about people with different tastes than you? KWAB
                How fricking pathetic child. You think this:

                >yeah. but why?
                Numerous reasons. Do you expect an indepth analysis of these games in under 2000 letters? Things that stood out in particular are world-building, tone and atmosphere of these titles, especially the way they use classic fear of the bomb fiction, which they mix with dark humor. First game has great main story, with extremely memorable factions and villains. The second game has some of the best writing you can find in cRPG's - overal great world with ton of intricacy and depth to it, great and memorable characters, and just huge wealth of content.

                On a gameplay level, the thing that makes them great - an an integral component of a cRPG, is the variety of gameplay options tied to your specific build and character choices. Playing characters with different properties lead to distinctly different experiences. Quests have many solutions, suited for different builds - and narrative choices suited for different personalities you adopt. This makes different playethroughs actually feel different, allowing you to explore completely different angles, different storylines, different problems and solutions.
                This means that the game has depth, as depth is defined as the plurality of options that have meaningful (significant, gameplay and story-wise) outcomes. It also gives the game a decent skill celling to explore, as there is a lot of space for optimization should you desire. And of course, it gives the game great replay value.

                They of course do have issues, no game is free of those. The combat was never the game's strongest side. There is a decent amount of options to it, and it does reward thinking ahead, but at times it does feel like you have less control than would be ideal, especially when companions are involved.
                Also, the U.I. isn't great, especially the inventory.
                And of course as you probably heard, Fo1 is short and the writing can be bland while Fo2 does have issues with main story (the side content is the start of the show) and with tone.

                is "not talking about the games", you absolute lying duplicitious FRICK?!

                And I would love to talk about them more. But that would require shitstains, c**ts like you to FRICK OFF ALREADY. Stop. LYING. ABOUT GAMES YOU DO NOT PLAY.
                Stop being a pest just because you are jealous of people who enjoy them. Stop trying to mislead people because you hate the idea of them discovering them and enjoying them. Your entire argument boils down to the fact that you can't deal with turn based combat, and basic cRPG tennants.

              • 12 months ago

                >They are not turnbased however. You might want to check what the term "turn" means. They are real time, with long cool downs that give it a distinct rythm.
                Wrong. You set actions on your turn and it creates a mixed queue. One of your guys goes, maybe followed with another one of yours or an enemy. The order is based on stats.
                This is the most egregious, dishonest thing you've said, however. It's blatantly false.
                >Second of all, the actual fricking variety in builds is literally a matter of distributing different combat buffs and status effects to increase the spead of the combat.
                Not really, in SMT games you can build to use different spells.
                >Fallout and Persona are different because.... BECAUSE I JUST SAY SO
                they aren't. They're both different variations of the same thing. Persona is influenced by Wizardry and Wizardry is influenced by TTRPGs. Fallout is literally based on a TTRPG system, which was scrapped and replaced by their own propriety system.
                And that's the crux of this argument. Fallout 2 is primitive in anyway. It's basically a visual novel for people who don't like anime.
                >No, you haven't
                Au contraire, I have. You can tell the people who haven't played the games from the fact they only whine about muh pop culture references and don't bring any other critiques to the table, such as the lack of talking heads and the awful game design and writing.
                >And I would love to talk about them more.
                then do it. nothing is sto-
                >But that would require shitstains, c**ts like you to FRICK OFF ALREADY.
                Oh you want to circlejerk the game. If thats the case, just go back to NMA. If you can't handle criticisms of your favorite game, frick off.
                >jealous of people who enjoy them
                More like I pity them, kek. Like I pity a kid banging two rocks together because his mom and dad can't afford to buy him legos.
                Was any of my criticisms misleading? I stated facts. Less talking heads, slow as frick and bad turn-based combat, etc.

              • 12 months ago

                >This is the most egregious, dishonest thing you've said, however. It's blatantly false.
                Kid, check the meaning of the term "turn".
                There is no set order. Character can act when their cooldowns are off. There are no turns. Turns are discrete and symetric units of time.
                You have simply never played a turn based game in your life.

                >Not really, in SMT games you can build to use different spells.
                Holy shit your are an idiot.

                >Au contraire, I have.
                What is the point of clinging to a lie if you know your opponent has seen through it hours ago, child?

                >Oh you want to circlejerk the game.
                I want to talk about the games. The good, and the bad. There is plenty of both.
                I just don't want to have to constantly correct people who lie about them.
                LYING ABOUT A GAME is not "taking about a game". Lying about a game is shitposting.

                >If you can't handle criticisms of your favorite game, frick off.
                The only thing that even REMOTELY approaches a criticism so far from you is the lack of talking heads. Which literally is fricking irrelevant, a good sign of the fact that you can't read.

                Everything else you said is just bullshit, coming from a person who does not know the game, but desperately hates it.

                >More like I pity them, kek. Like I pity a kid banging two rocks together because his mom and dad can't afford to buy him legos.
                Holy shit you literally have NO dignity what so ever, do you? You are too stupid to play a turn based game. You don't even know what a turn is.
                And you pity others? For not having a mental breakdown when they have to wait their turn? For being able to read?

                Fricking look at yourself, you absolute trainwreck of a human being.
                You have to lie about a game you haven't played, to make yourself feel better because it filtered you. Obsessively, compulsively, systematically. You shake in anger when you see it discussed, you literally want to lie to people who never played it just to make sure they won't enjoy it, because you could not.

              • 12 months ago

                >There is no set order
                Because it changes based on stats, you tard.
                >Turns are discrete and symetric units of time.
                They are in Persona. You get one action per turn.
                The shit you're talking about is how final fantasy plays. Fallout has no discrete or "symetric" unit for a turn. Depending on your stats, you can take different numbers of actions. Depending on party size or amount of enemies, turns can take from like one second to an hour.
                Plus "action" points, lul. Fallout isn't turn based by your own definition.
                Also, why would you say it's real time, when you can only set actions once per turn in battle? You set the actions once and then stats determine who goes first and in what order the actions are carried out.
                I'm not going to respond to the rest of your post because it's not really saying anything.

              • 12 months ago

                >Because it changes based on stats, you tard.
                Did... did you think that is an argument?
                >They are in Persona. You get one action per turn.
                No, you don't. There is no turn. You get one action followed by cool down period for each character. This is far closer to what WoW combat is, than to anything in the realm of turn-based strategies.
                The time is not discrete. It's real-time.

                >Plus "action" points, lul. Fallout isn't turn based by your own definition.
                We established that you don't know what "turnbased" means, why do you keep making random moronic statements like this? Are you 12?

                >I'm not going to respond to the rest of your post because it's not really saying anything.
                Kid, by saying this, you are literally drawing attention to the fact that the rest of my post scares you and you can't cope.

                How are you OK with yourself having such irrational hatered for a game simply because it filtered you, that you need to compulsively invade and frick up any threads about them?

                Why do you need to lie about the game?

              • 12 months ago

                >Did... did you think that is an argument?
                Did you think this was an argument?
                >You get one action followed by cool down period for each character
                I think I partly understand what you're getting at. It's annoying and foolish, pursuing this line of dialogue.
                It seems like you're trying to show me how annoying it can be when someone goes off about a game they've never played and lie about it. Is that right?
                Comparing Persona to WoW in gameplay is absolutely moronic. So moronic I can only assume you're pretending to make some kind of point. Persona is not real-time whatsoever.
                A turn in Persona has 2 distinct phases.
                The phase where you set actions, then the phase where the animations play out and the action's effects are applied.
                In WoW, as far as I'm aware (i'm not a big MMO guy and I played it like once when I was younger), has you click or hotkey an action and it immediately plays out, then you have to wait until the cooldown is over to do the same action again. You can use multiple actions in succession. You don't choose a single action to take.

              • 12 months ago

                >Did you think this was an argument?
                No, you idiot. I can see why the lack of talking heads in Fo2 seems like such an unsurmauntable problem for you, you can't read or comprehend basic dialogue.

                >I think I partly understand what you're getting at. It's annoying and foolish, pursuing this line of dialogue.
                Kid. There is nothing foolish about using the definition for the term "turn" from the term turn based game. Also - "partly"? How the frick is that even possible?
                Are you just now "partly" starting to understand the meaning of the word "discrete"? How is it even POSSIBLE to have "partial" understanding of the word "discrete"?
                The frick are you on about?

                >The phase where you set actions, then the phase where the animations play out and the action's effects are applied.
                God what is it about this thread attracting actual, medical morons. The fact that you press a button an an animation plays is not fricking "turn-based" you absolute joke of a human being.

                "DISCRETE AND SYMETRICAL DIVISION OF TIME". If you just don't understand those fricking words - admit that you don't fricking understand those words.

                Don't fricking waste my time because you can't fricking google basic terminology.

              • 12 months ago

                This poster reminds me of comfy flame wars on old discussion boards. People don't usually write quite this way here, I guess since we're all anonymous and you don't have to show toughness in front of your little forum cliques when losing an argument

    • 12 months ago

      >there is a 99.9% chance they are Beth drones that never actually played them
      t. schizo, go watch Tim Caines Fallout 2 video the stupid pop culture references were part of the game from the very beginning. This shit has nothing to do with Bethesda you freak.

      • 12 months ago

        >twittershit picture
        >linking a youtube vid of someone else's opinion
        you realize everything in your post just correlates exactly 1:1 to what the post proposed? dumb fricking Gankerigger lol

        • 12 months ago

          >linking a youtube vid of someone else's opinion
          >the opinion of the F2 designer
          you're mind broken

          • 12 months ago

            that youtube video was made by the original director of 2 you clueless fricking idiot

            I know who TC is and I don't give a shit, you morons have already proven your inability in trying to form your own opinions, why do you expect me to trust you to gleam reliable information from opinions of others? All you can do is parrot easily digestible contrarian takes and try to spin word of god into a form that's convenient for you.


            >Avallone admited to the complaints regarding 2
            you made this all up because you watched an eceleb talk about FO2 instead of playing it, because the only thing Avellone said about FO2 was that it showed why projects need creative leads

            • 12 months ago

              damn youtube's mere existence really blows your butthole out doesn't it? that anon was referring to the video to source an OBJECTIVE FACT you dolt keep fricking seething until you need to take your blood pressure medicine though sperg

              • 12 months ago

                which "objective fact" are you talking about? that FO2 had pop culture references and you're losing your mind over it?

                you're the one who's seething about their existence and crying about a game most people other than you didn't have problem enjoying

        • 12 months ago

          that youtube video was made by the original director of 2 you clueless fricking idiot

    • 12 months ago

      >If people talk about Fallout 1/2 on Ganker, there is a 99.9% chance they are Beth drones that never actually played them.
      You're projecting too hard

      • 12 months ago

        I don't think saying "most people who like Fallout nowadays did not play the originals" is a very controversial statement

      • 12 months ago

        Fallout 3 is a tech demo. New Vegas is 20x better. Never played 4 or 76. Regards.

    • 12 months ago

      Okay, that's a little TOO accurate.

    • 12 months ago

      >If people talk about Fallout 1/2 on Ganker, there is a 99.9% chance they are Beth drones that never actually played them
      On Ganker? Yeah that's bullshit, this place has an extremely autistic user base that goes well beyond playing old 90's rpg's like Fallout. My only complaint about Fallout 1 and 2 is that early game is always a pain in the ass to deal with in those games otherwise I think they're great.

      • 12 months ago

        >On Ganker? Yeah that's bullshit, this place has an extremely autistic user base that goes well beyond playing old 90's rpg's like Fallout.
        Scroll through this thread and weep for the state that Ganker came into.

        • 12 months ago

          Not only do we have a bunch of moronic zoomers, but outspokeningly anti intellectual zoomers running the place. These children are nostalgic for fricking halo 3 and MW2

    • 12 months ago

      Pretty much this. Ganker was already a shithole but the redditors and discord people making all the awful memes and spamming this board for years killed Fallout discussion. Why? Who knows.

      • 12 months ago

        >the redditors and discord people making all the awful memes
        which ones do you mean? you mean the ESL italianon's memes? those are cringekino

        • 12 months ago

          You're the kind of person he's talking about.

  5. 12 months ago

    >what'll I be in for with 2?
    a huge disjointed map with no direction

    theme park towns

    awful random encounters with like 20+ enemies in them

    talking animals

    • 12 months ago

      it's definitely a Fallout game

    • 12 months ago

      >a huge disjointed map with no direction
      That wasn't a problem though. Made the world feel more real.

    • 12 months ago

      Played the game twice after finishing F1 3 months ago. This is pretty accurate.
      It's a jarring change, but combat and low INT remains pretty insanely fun so it's tolerable.
      I never felt like i actively wanted to stay in any of the towns besides Modoc or broken hills because of one-dimensional the rest felt.

    • 12 months ago

      One of the biggest issues I've got with FO2 is how absolutely fricking rocky the early game is if you're not playing a character with points in melee combat. Feels like the least they could do is give you a 10mm pistol at the end of the Temple of Trials. From a lore stand point it feels like it'd make sense as well. It was your starting weapon in the first game and practically the signature weapon of the vault dweller so you'd think the main character's tribe would hold on to it like they did the vault suit

      • 12 months ago

        Just go to the den and do Lara's quests until she takes out Tyler's guards. Free loot and a lot of guns and ammo.

  6. 12 months ago

    2 has better gameplay but less atmosphere and a worse story imo

  7. 12 months ago

    >what'll I be in for with 2?
    In general, both messier and better game. Fo2 is a bit all over the place, but the good stuff heavily outweighs the bad.
    The one big difference there is just the sheer volume of content. Fo1 is a nice and small game, you often have like 1 or 2 quests per location, and while it's technically open world, there is essentially only one intended path to play through it.

    Fo2 is comparatively huge and far more open. Far more and much bigger questlines, each location usually having more than one faction to side with. It's also far less conveniently laid out, so no more "cleaning up everything to do in a location before you move on". A single early game location may include quests that are actually entirely scaled for mid-to-late game characters - expecting you that you will be going back and for a hell of a lot more.

    Which all can feel a bit daunting and potentially, overwhelming.
    Also, as usual, some builds are entirely broken. The game isn't exactly... ballanced, which comes again from the scale of it.

    • 12 months ago

      thanks for the info

  8. 12 months ago

    >what'll I be in for with 2?
    a much more bloated game with some tonal differences over the first game. i still think its worth playing, but maybe not worth finishing.

  9. 12 months ago

    2 is just Fallout with more bloat, and a setup of who you are that is so moronic that it actively hurts the experience. They went went with a "quantity over quality" approach. There's a lot more generic side quests and dungeons. You'll often come across battles between 10 NPCs in the desert and have to wait for all of them to take their turns.

    • 12 months ago

      >what'll I be in for with 2?
      a much more bloated game with some tonal differences over the first game. i still think its worth playing, but maybe not worth finishing.

      Notice how these posts are essentially identical.
      People repeat the exact same things verbatim, it's fascinating.

      • 12 months ago

        >there is a conspiracy against this 30 year old computer game because people don't like it

        • 12 months ago

          Nobody said anything about conspiracy, child. You are just NPC. People literally unable to think. Utter and perfect drones.

  10. 12 months ago

    >a great franchise.

  11. 12 months ago

    >what'll I be in for with 2?
    A mess but still a great rpg. But not a great continuation to FO1.

  12. 12 months ago

    You are me few months ago, but I already started 2, played untill the Redding town and dropped. Didn't like it as much as the first game, but didn't dislike it either. Still planning to return, but it's so hard to remember wtf is going on and what I was going to do, so I keep postponing.

    • 12 months ago

      Redding kind of sucks, you'll probably have a better time if you leave it until later in the game so you don't have to spend as much time there.

  13. 12 months ago

    Fallout 1 was fantastic, but FO2 just seemed to be full of memes, I couldn't take it seriously or really care about anything happening.
    Talking deathclaws and scientology, okay, where's the real content I'm supposed to engage with seriously?

    • 12 months ago

      >Talking deathclaws and scientology, okay, where's the real content I'm supposed to engage with seriously?
      The two things you mentioned are near the end of the game, after all the serious content

      • 12 months ago

        I may have missed a lot of content then, but then again I went in blind.

        • 12 months ago

          You're just making shit up, because the scientologists are in the last town of the game and the deathclaws appear after you complete the first main objective, 80% of the way in

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah I remember dropping FO2 for the same reason, I really enjoyed FO1 though.

  14. 12 months ago

    I liked fallout 1 a lot, and feel like 2 really missed the mark in a lot of ways. It's a lot bigger, but I don't think that's a good thing. There is just lots of aimlessly drifting around from location to location, without feeling like any real progress is being made. I never finished it, despite putting in more hours than the first

    • 12 months ago

      new reno is where the game really gets good, personally i thought i was hooked from the get go, granted, i am biased due to being a NVgay

      • 12 months ago

        >new reno is where the game really gets good
        Yeah, all those gangstas larping old American mafiosos really sells the Fallout theme.

        • 12 months ago

          they're not "larping old American mafiosos" any more than gizmo, but keep parroting youtubers on Ganker

          • 12 months ago

            >50s looking gangstas together with the threads, hat and tommy guns

            • 12 months ago

              What was your favorite part in the episode?

              • 12 months ago

                You chortling on my balls after I imploded in your loose throat, what else?
                There was a gay like you yesterday, claimed that the bridge keeper was both in FO1 and 2. Tourists like you always make me laugh.

              • 12 months ago

                Right on brodaman, mine was when he called the mafiosos godfather part 4

              • 12 months ago

                based fellow northernlion enjoyer

              • 12 months ago

                Hell yea brodaman.

              • 12 months ago

                Not even denying it, huh? I can smell the tourism on you, despite your pathetic larp it's obvious that, ironically, it's you who's only seen FO2 through videos and what ribit says about it.

              • 12 months ago

                Tru dat, when did you start watching him? I come from his isaac letsplay.

                >I only know FO from youtube
                pottery, glad you admitted it

                I like you, and everyone else that never played FO2.

              • 12 months ago

                I played FOs back when they released and replay them often, when you weren't even born. That's how I know FO2 is subpar to 1, pathetic wienersuck tourist zoomer.

              • 12 months ago

                Same 😀

      • 12 months ago

        New Reno was where I started getting tired of the wacky theme park ride

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah I too skipped new reno in the youtube walkthrough I watched. It's just too wacky for me.

          • 12 months ago

            Why in the world would you watch a playthrough of FO2? That's insane.

            • 12 months ago

              I, too, watched the youtube walkthrough! Such wackiness it's great lol 😀

        • 12 months ago

          Agreed. Putting mafioso in Fallout confused me the most when I played.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah agreed as well. I think TK-Mantis put it best: "Fallout 1 was bleak. Fallout 2 while a great game in its own right, falls too much towards a wacky.. sort of theme park ride" and I have to say I agree. I haven't played Fallout 2 myself but after hearing TK-Mantis and other people on Ganker say the same I doubt I am missing much.

            • 12 months ago

              Catch, moron 🙂

      • 12 months ago

        I detested New Reno.

  15. 12 months ago

    More "open world" games should enforce a hard time limit on main objectives. It really keeps things interesting and always makes you wonder if doing side content is really worth it.

  16. 12 months ago
  17. 12 months ago

    2 is more difficult, making having companions feel much more necessary. Savescumming every tile will become a habit.
    There will also be a lot of poorly aged pop culture and political references of the time.
    A lot of time will be spent clicking on random things hoping they’re a container.
    The game gets better in repeat playthroughs after you learn where the essential things are and how to do them, but I’d recommend against a blind playthrough unless you like the rpg version of cbt. I like the game, but only after learning all the secrets I’d never know without learning about them elsewhere. I think Fo1 is better overall.

  18. 12 months ago

    Now watch Tim Cain's deep dives into the creation of fallout.

  19. 12 months ago

    Don't forget about Fallout Nevada!

  20. 12 months ago

    Fallout 2 is when they add the OP Redditor Advanced Power Armor.

  21. 12 months ago

    Try to make a 1 int character. You'll be surprised.

  22. 12 months ago

    >what'll I be in for with 2?
    A huge change of atmosphere. 1 was the only Fallout that was dark and gloomy. 2 is all over the place.

  23. 12 months ago

    The pop culture references are just the tip of the iceberg. The tribe just ruins it from the beginning. Even if you try to forget about it, there's a nagging feeling that who you are couldn't possibly have come from that tribe, their origin makes no sense and their stupid characters are moronic.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah it was poggers when asmongold reacted to the video we're both talking about.

      • 12 months ago

        What was your favorite part in the episode?

        I, too, watched the youtube walkthrough! Such wackiness it's great lol 😀

        Yeah I too skipped new reno in the youtube walkthrough I watched. It's just too wacky for me.

        So subtle.

  24. 12 months ago

    The game can't be excellent with how trash the battle system is
    Played it last year and had a great time though, most character interactions were great

  25. 12 months ago

    Isometric garbage

  26. 12 months ago


  27. 12 months ago

    Fallout 2 set the precedent for Fallout having no internal consistency with lore. They just threw stuff against the wall to see what stuck.

    They clearly did not put in the care and effort they put into 1.

  28. 12 months ago

    Fallout 2 is great but what's even better are fallout 2 mods, nevada olympus ressurection sonora they're all great. You shouldn't call yourself a true fallout 2 fan until you've played them all.

  29. 12 months ago

    >what'll I be in for with 2?
    Shit quest design for the most part. Hope you enjoy fetch quests.

  30. 12 months ago

    you could play Underrail, which is superior to both games.

  31. 12 months ago

    It's stupid how both games REQUIRE you to have a crit chance to make it to the end. Or that you can make it to near the end with a shitty character and not even realize it.

    • 12 months ago

      you could use emp grenades against the Master to pwn him

  32. 12 months ago

    Fallout 2.
    Myron invented Jet

    also Fallout 2
    People were addicted to Jet before Myron was born.

    The start of the mess Bethesda inherited. They should have just started their own post apocalyptic game and let this rot on the trash heap

    • 12 months ago

      Myron "says" he invented Jet, doesn't necessarily mean he actually did, which you could tell if you actually talked to him in FO2 and realized how high and fricked up he is.

      • 12 months ago

        Or the writers made an error

        • 12 months ago

          My understanding was that the bishops were essentially using Myron in order to bolster their reputation and gain an advantage over the other casinos, going as far as to do historical revisionism by claiming they have invented Jet even though it has been around before. Myron is essentially a prisoner tucked in a basement in a hidden location forced to work for them and the actual Jet manufacturing process isn't what Myron's "alternative" is using brahmin dung instead of proper chemical materials (brahmins did not even exist before for jet to have been made using their dung).

          • 12 months ago

            >My understanding
            That's not your understanding, that's your headcanon
            Myron was clearly intended to be the inventor of Jet, one of the writers just made an error

          • 12 months ago

            I don't know what the other poster about being addicted to jet before myron is on about, but it's a fairly popular belief that jet is a catch all term for meth in the Fallout world. The supposed prewar, pristine jet containers and finding jet in military bases, supposedly from pre-war times would suggest of a reference to soldiers being given meth during the vietnam war, instead of "lol bethesda forgot myron invented it and they put it into prewar containers". You obviously can't put "meth" into your game and hope to not raise controversy so it's just called jet.

      • 12 months ago

        It was just a loose writers room with poor communication. Collaborative writing is not an easy task.

  33. 12 months ago

    If you play 2 right after 1 you'll be burned out and find 2 to be long and boring.

    2 is more of the same with a few QoL improvements. The atmosphere and direction is a bit worse but it has better character RPG writing and more content in general.

  34. 12 months ago

    Quality discussion you got here, oldBlack folk. Almost as obnoxious as the NV troonys, lol.

    • 12 months ago

      Oh no anon, you just weren't here back in the GOOD OLD DAYS when everyone agreed which games were good and us gay ass old boomers jerked each other off all day!

  35. 12 months ago

    Should I get any mods for fallout 1?

    • 12 months ago

      Fallout Fixt. Fixes bugs and squad control. Allowing you to move people out of the way of doors etc.

  36. 12 months ago

    >what'll I be in for with 2
    lots and lots of reading text boxes.
    there are less talking heads in 2 than in 1 but like one hundredfold the dialogue. Most dialogue are in silent text boxes.
    Fallout 2 is less of a vidya gayme and more of a visual novel, kek.
    The way FO3/New Vegas presents the series is peak Fallout. It's just slop when it's text box upon text box reading for hours. It's just not fun waiting 30 minutes for a gaggle of radscorpions to finish their turn and then you have to wait for the fricking brahmin you're protecting to have their turn until you finally get to do like one action. It's terrible. That's why Gamebryo Fallout a best Fallout. Even though the engine sucks dick. You need to limit how many enemies and allies you have in turn based combat to make it good. That's why JRPGs are always up to 5 or 6 homies in a line. Fallout works better with action gameplay. But FO4 and 76 leans too much into gameplay over substance.

  37. 12 months ago

    >2d isometric """RPG"""
    I'll NEVER play your game. sorry (not sorry).

  38. 12 months ago

    Please look in the vase and use the item you find.
    You'll know it when it happens.

  39. 12 months ago

    Will there ever be a more badass fallout MC?
    >goes on a quest to save tribe in a wasteland he hardly knows
    >becomes a mobster, kills his rival gang leader and impregnates his wife and daughter
    >master porn star
    >curbs mutated freaks with just a spear
    >goes to Navarro and solos everyone in it
    >destroys an oil rig of the most powerful faction at the time, causing their eventual decline

  40. 12 months ago

    Hello youtube, it's your favorite video game reviewer here.
    In my expert analysis
    Fallout 2
    is actually...

    A GOOD game?
    Yes. In fact, tribal temples, talking molerats and TARDIS fits perfectly in the mature themes FO2 so perfectly conveys, IF you think about it.
    War. War never changes. Buy my Patreon.

    • 12 months ago

      Why do people here always think the Tardis is in FO2? Is it a meme/sarcasm?

  41. 12 months ago

    I'm such a fricking dumbass can someone point out how I can download on github?

    Want to see how it runs on android and I feel like a fricking old man everytime I use github

    • 12 months ago

      >click go to file
      >goes to code
      i understand grandpa. it's there on the right under releases.

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        >click go to file
        >goes to code
        i understand grandpa. it's there on the right under releases.

  42. 12 months ago

    how was i supposed to know that hooking up radios to puter allows me to remotely control laser gate in mariposa?

    • 12 months ago

      You can also use repair on the forcefield emitter next to the forcefields to disable them.

  43. 12 months ago

    brehs where the FRICK is the rope in the first vault you go to? i need to descend the elevator

    • 12 months ago

      pls rspond

      • 12 months ago

        go explore the first village dumbass

    • 12 months ago

      pls rspond

      You can buy some in shady sands.

      • 12 months ago


        go explore the first village dumbass


  44. 12 months ago

    Why do Western RPGs attract so many bitter autists? I haven't seen it for any other genre of game on Ganker

    • 12 months ago

      Old timers are scared and confused by new things. This makes them sngry.

  45. 12 months ago
  46. 12 months ago

    So why did Fallout 3 and New Vegas copy so much from 2 if it's so bad?

    • 12 months ago

      Because Bethesda thought if they made their own game, series and story, that it would alienate the Fallout fanbase. It's why 3s story is just 1 and 2 combined.

  47. 12 months ago

    Hopefully all the games get remastered. Higher rez art and pixels would be cool for F1, F2 and Tactics.

    • 12 months ago

      They don't have the source code.

  48. 12 months ago

    very sad to see the effect this site has had on the boomer psyche as they descend into dementia

    • 12 months ago

      or maybe I just think the anon upthread was correct in their assessment that the amount of people who previously didn't have an opinion on something they never experienced suddently have one due to an influencer making a hit-piece video on the subject which starts spreading among said people

      • 12 months ago

        If you could not offer your opinion on a game you haven't played this place would be deader than Troika.

        • 12 months ago

          You can but you'd be best to keep it to yourself. Discussing games on Ganker is already a chore, having to constantly call out people for their inherently stupid opinions like "fallout 2 is a wacky theme park" wastes time and contributes nothing but noise. I'd rather spend my time talking about Fallout 2 but any time I see a thread on Ganker I usually don't bother since most people who have an opinion on the game will have nothing to add besides what they've adopted from other people's opinions. I feel exactly the same way in that discussing Fallout has become almost impossible on this site.

          • 12 months ago

            I think the overly emotional anon is just trolling.I don't think they actually believe what they are saying. He will tire out soon enough.

  49. 12 months ago

    NV is the perfect blend of tone from the previous games
    the concept of tribals isnt inherently bad/wrong, but the stuff like the temple in 2 is a valid complaint
    go read the earth abides if you want to see what they were basing the idea of people returning to a simpler, tribal state of living on

    • 12 months ago

      Tribals are a great addition to Fallout and the people complaining about them are just unimaginative losers who take themselves too seriously

    • 12 months ago

      Fallout 1 already had tribals. It's called Vault 15.

      • 12 months ago

        >Fallout 1 already had tribals. It's called Vault 15.
        i know, but 2's depiction of tribals is much more stereotypical, bone-in-nose, oogabooga thing than shady sands, and way too soon for only 80 years after fallout 1.

  50. 12 months ago

    >what'll I be in for with 2?
    Basically more of the same, but with QoL improvements and a bigger sandbox.

  51. 12 months ago
  52. 12 months ago
  53. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      People have suggested that this special encounter is a reference to an earlier version of the game before it was Fallout. There was going to be time travel and dinosaurs.

      • 12 months ago

        Probably just a Jurassic Park reference, or there's a giant Deathclaw out there.

  54. 12 months ago

    I just want to point out that we have reached a point where the MAJORITY of people posting in Fallout 1/2 threads are people who profoundly hate the concept of a cRPG.

    That is the state of this board.

    • 12 months ago

      >concept of a cRPG.
      give us a definition

    • 12 months ago

      i think that's just one or two guys

    • 12 months ago

      > Guys I don't think games from 30 years ago are popular anymore.
      Well you solved the frick out of that one Sherlock.

  55. 12 months ago

    Did that guy really just say Fallout is similar to Persona and Wizardry?

  56. 12 months ago

    Fallout 3 is considered a gaming classic, and so is Skyrim.

    • 12 months ago

      It almost involves some kind of autism that you're still upset that New Vegas is better.

      • 12 months ago

        If he said Fallout 3 is a classic, it goes without saying that New Vegas is too. Avellone said NV was pretty much DLC to 3 see

        Because Bethesda thought if they made their own game, series and story, that it would alienate the Fallout fanbase. It's why 3s story is just 1 and 2 combined.

        • 12 months ago

          Obsidian could have used a Todd Howard type that understood the business side as well. The leadership at Obsidian seems to be made up of artiste types who have a lack of respect for the business side.

          • 12 months ago

            >The leadership at Obsidian seems to be made up of artiste types who have a lack of respect for the business side.
            They lied to the devs saying they could get a time extension from Bethesda Softworks and they're the same people who refused Avellone's healthcare for his mother that had cancer.

      • 12 months ago

        NV isn't a classic because it's basically DLC, though. Fallout 3 revolutionized Fallout and thats undeniable. Fallout New Vegas just improved upon Fallout 3. It's not original at all.
        Also, Skyrim is a classic that is cemented into pop culture. A lot more people are gonna know "arrow to the knee" more than sgt dornan or the lottery guy.
        Of course, fallout 2 is a cult classic (though iirc it sold pretty well in it's time). Barely anyone gives a shit about Fallout 2. There are no fanatics with Dornan funko pops. All the fallout fanatics are from Bethesda era Fallout.

        • 12 months ago

          >NV isn't a classic because it's basically DLC, though.
          Holy shit im glad I'm not the only one who thought this too. NV feels like some woke liberal spin on the fallout games that wants to feel unique but in reality is just a pile of garbage with tons of empty space.

          • 12 months ago

            Fallout 3 feels like a tech demo. New Vegas feels like real Fallout with more content. Fixed.

          • 12 months ago

            nothing to do with politics, /misc/tard. New Vegas is derivative work, which is difficult to be called a classic in this sense. New Vegas doesn't innovate enough to be considered classic. It just piggybacks off of FO3's innovations.

            >Most of this thread are people who are here specifically because they hate cRPG's with a profound passion. They hate the idea of something that isn't based on real-time input because they start seizing when they don't get smash all the controller buttons every 2 seconds, they hate the idea that character stats determine your options because they hate being in any way restrained by their own decisions other than their capacity to smash those buttons really hard, and most of all, they absolutely hate the fact that others look down on them for it.

            I enjoy all those things, they just don't translate into 1st/3rd person ARPGs very well.

            I think it translated excellently. FO3/NV are the peak of the series. They're the RE4 of Fallout.

    • 12 months ago

      Bad games being popular is not a new phenomenon

  57. 12 months ago

    >what'll I be in for with 2?
    A game that looks like Fallout, has some nice QoL improvements, has a lot more volume, but has far worse writing and quests and is full of memes and pop culture references.

  58. 12 months ago

    Anthony Burch wrote stuff for Fallout 2 as his first writing job despite being incredibly young, but it was entirely uncredited. If you disagree you are an upset Fallout 2 baby.

  59. 12 months ago
  60. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      lmao at chris's avatar. but don't trust his opinions nowadays because he is an agreeable sort. once a woman on twitter convinced him allowing the player to side with the legion was bad literally because they were the villains of the story.

    • 12 months ago

      Fricking OBVIOUSLY. Obsidian used MODDING TOOLS provided by Bethesda to add content to an existing game. That's a whole different thing than making a game from scratch. Everyone can take a Bethesda game and change things up. EVERYONE.

      Even with the required resources, it's not a quarantee the result is a working game. Or a good game. THE CREATORS OF FALLOUT made Outer Worlds and no one gives a shit.

      • 12 months ago

        >and no one gives a shit.
        specifically because it lacks the soul of a janky bethesda game

      • 12 months ago

        Anyone who knows the creators of Fallout made the outer worlds also knows that the people who wrote 99% of the game were not those people, that's why no one gave a shit. Despite that I'm pretty sure it was still a commercial success considering the sequel currently in development, so clearly more than no one cared

      • 12 months ago

        If another studio does the heavy lifting for them Obsidian can do good work( KoTOR and NV) left to their own devices you get everything from exercises in mediocrity ( Outer Worlds) to rolling clusterfricks ( Alpha Protocol)

        • 12 months ago

          Exactly. New Vegas is so great because the devs only had to focus on writing, quests, adding content.
          Everyone here can download the mod tools for a Bethesda game, and learn how to create a quest in ONE DAY.

      • 12 months ago

        The majority of games (especially in the last 20 years) are not "made from scratch". I have no idea why people think that. Especially when discussing Bethesda games. The difference is that Bethesda has a bigger team dedicated to art and animation.

      • 12 months ago

        >Obsidian used MODDING TOOLS provided by Bethesda to add content to an existing game.
        >modding tools
        They had the same engine and used plus unused assets. They had all the heavy lifting done for them.
        >THE CREATORS OF FALLOUT made Outer Worlds and no one gives a shit.
        Because the outer worlds is bad

  61. 12 months ago

    I finally played through Far Harbor and I appreciated the interesting conflict but I still felt like it was too shallow and not long enough. I get that it was just a DLC but like damn we really jumped straight to the third act with that memory banks thing huh.
    I hope the lead writer really is the dude making the Starfield main quest and he’s been given enough resources to make it good.

    • 12 months ago

      Bethesda hasn't had good writers since Morrowind.

    • 12 months ago

      Far Harbor showed me Bethesda knows what should be done to make a great game, but consistently don't bother.

      • 12 months ago

        Far Harbor shows they know to rip off modders anyway.

        • 12 months ago

          What mods were they ripping off?

          • 12 months ago

            Autumn Leaves I believe. Therexwas a thread about this a week or so ago. Even the mod author was OK with them ripping him off

            • 12 months ago

              Apparently the guy that ripped it off is in charge of writing for Starfield. I hope he watched Outland with Sean Connery and plagiarizes that.

            • 12 months ago

              Looked it up. Looks like they ripped off the robot murder mystery quest? At least it wasn’t the main quest.

  62. 12 months ago

    Is melee cooler than ranged combat? I think it probably is, more manly.

    • 12 months ago

      IMO there is nothing more satisfying than tearing people to shreds with a Bozar or Minigun. Unfortunately all Big Guns are late game weapons, so you are kind of forced to specialize in a secondary weapon skill to utilize through the early and mid game.

    • 12 months ago

      I played unarmed in 2 , 3 and NV. I think its best in NV and 2, NV since your punches actually change, special move etc compared to 3. ANd for 2 there's a lot of unarmed content like New Reno and Shi.
      In 1 though I did beat the khans ass and save Tandi

      Love & Hate is still my favorite weapon in New Vegas

    • 12 months ago

      Only morons play unarmed in any game. In Fallout 1 it's at least excusable because getting power fist and it's required ammo is somewhat difficult, but generally if someone is playing unarmed it's some diaper wearing moron with down syndrome.

      • 12 months ago

        Unarmed + Logan's loophole

  63. 12 months ago

    I used to recommend fallout 1 as baby's first rpg. Now I realize the fallout series was a mistake and should not be played by anyone.

    • 12 months ago

      Why? And what would you recommend now?

      • 12 months ago

        Because it's braindead goyslop and people can't move on.
        Suicide, probably. Alternatively, Knights of the Chalice 2.

  64. 12 months ago

    I wish Fo2 has more original music. Don't get me wrong, I love Fo1's music more than anyone, but it's still kinda weird that there's only like 5 new songs.

  65. 12 months ago

    After reading through this thread. I think it's safe to say that Fallout 3 is the best game in the series.

    • 12 months ago

      Morrowinds combat. You keep ignoting that. It was the turning point for the industry. It showed there was no way to port table top rules into realtime first/third person combat.

      Go away.

    • 12 months ago

      Let me ponder that for a second........................... No, I don't think that it is.

    • 12 months ago

      You can fix some of it with TTW, but the core remains the same.

    • 12 months ago

      ..Yeah, I'm thinking Fallout 3 is the most based

  66. 12 months ago

    >377 replies
    >66 unique IP
    stop replying to yourself moron

    • 12 months ago

      all me btw

    • 12 months ago

      Fallout and elder scrolls discussion is always this, none of it is organic.

  67. 12 months ago

    Yeah, the game is good. It has things that newer titles are sorely lacking. Mostly a straightforward and simple story, but with interesting and compelling characters and really cool weapons and armor designs, both those rooted in reality and some that are highly fantastical.

    I really wish modern Bethesda titles could take a hint from older titles and calm down their desire for over the top bullshit and their disregard for good armor and weapon design.

  68. 12 months ago

    reminder that if you played the digital version of Fallout without fixt then you played censored trash and didn't play Fallout.

  69. 12 months ago

    Morrowind is genuinely awful, doe.

  70. 12 months ago

    >fallout 2

    very dated popculture refrences, and much better perks. the second game took a massive shit on the setting, but improved a lot of on the exploration side of things.

    the best playthough in my opinion is a high, charisma, endurance, agility, luck build; with a low intelliegence, so you can become a porn star, and frick your way to victory. female perferable, but the male path is just slightly less viable.

    >charisma 9
    >endurance 9
    >agility 8
    >luck 8
    >int 4
    >i reccomend dumping the rest into str instead of per, but its more player choice. unarmed is one of the better skills in 2. you can also join the boxing ring with a decent unarmed, and str helps contribute to your "sexual ability" value. the boxing ring can help you get better chances at the audition.

    the charisma path in fallout 2 dwarf every other playstyle. the followers this time around are why you want to play fallout 2.

    • 12 months ago

      You'd think END would be the stat that factors your ability to bone

      • 12 months ago

        END is one of the main stats, but CHR is the other one that is arguably more important, since it affects everyones disposition towards you (which barely works as its a buggy mechanic), how many followers you can have, and how strong they are.

        playing a porn star makes you really rely on the support of your team to help you because you're pretty dumb, and nearly incapible of helping yourself in combat.

        sex appeal also helps with this run, and reduces prices at pretty much every store, since most are run by men. the few times you trade with a woman, CHR helps prevent being overcharged.

  71. 12 months ago
  72. 12 months ago

    op here, been mostly absent from this thread. i'll be starting 2 soon. are any mods or patches necessary or can I just jump right in?

    • 12 months ago

      Pretty sure 2 is fine vanilla. It does have a few known bugs, but it seems to be accepted that it's smoother than 1 is. There are mods that adds extra content, but it's not really necessary.

    • 12 months ago

      Just get the version from GOG. It has all the patches needed to make it playable.
      There's some restored content patches you could find separately, but I'd suggest playing the game as-is first, there's plenty of shit to do anyway.

  73. 12 months ago

    >can't talk about FO 1 & 2 without flame wars
    >can't talk about FO 3 & NV without flame wars

  74. 12 months ago

    Can't wait

    • 12 months ago

      never ever

  75. 12 months ago

    Objective Fallout ranking:
    1. FO1
    2. FO2
    3. FO NV
    4. FO4
    5. FO3

    • 12 months ago

      I don't think it's fair to separate New Vegas and FO3

      • 12 months ago

        Why is that?

        • 12 months ago

          They're pretty much the same game tbh. New Vegas is basically a rerelease of FO3.
          >but muh QOL
          Rereleases have QoL changes.

          • 12 months ago

            you never read any of the dialouge in either did you?

            newvegas has a smaller map, but more content.

            fallout 3 has no content, but a really big map.

            if you were like me when i was a teenager playing through both and not giving a frick about what i said in converstations, then yeah, they're the same game. the only difference is that the good options in fallout3 are very easy to do, and in NV you get upset when you cant just say the good option and be hailed as a hero

            • 12 months ago

              >you never read any of the dialouge in either did you?
              it doesn't matter, honestly. Not to say that dialogue doesn't matter in games. But that's the main difference between New Vegas and Fallout 3. But in the core, New Vegas is the same as Fallout 3.
              >newvegas has a smaller map, but more content
              no, the map is slightly bigger. The problem is with content distribution. There's no exploration because there's only a few locations that don't have a quest point you towards them.
              Fallout 3 has less content, but the content is distributed through the map differently to make the map feel bigger. The main quest doesn't take you to a lot of the areas.
              How do we define content though? quests? locations? dungeons?
              FO3 is more of a survival game imho, EVEN THOUGH fallout new vegas has a hunger meter.
              If you ignore main quest and play on Very Hard, it's actually pretty fun survival. Food and water heals you slowly. Stimpaks are rare and expensive at first. You're basically scraping together all the time. Having to frequently run away from fights because enemies become bullet sponges and bullets get pretty expensive due to the shitty economy in fo3.
              New Vegas is a different spin on FO3 where it focuses on story rather than dungeon crawling resource management. Everything is very plentiful in the Mojave. You can get a companion pretty early if you plan for it. You can make a lot of caps easy.

              >They're pretty much the same game tbh
              Holy frick FO3 fans are braindead.

              bro, it's basically DLC

              • 12 months ago

                actually yeah, it was harder to get nessicary items in FO3. on very hard, i switched to just using explosives, and sneak attacks to circumvent getting destroyed by groups of enemies, and it felt realistic in a sense. instead of running in with an assault rifle, i set traps, and broke formations by throwing grenades.

                NV just has me running from point A - B using a revolver. some mechanics are really interesting and should have been fleshed out more, like the disguise mechanic.

              • 12 months ago

                I think all of the Fallout games have some fun to be had.
                Fo1 or 2 for a classic rpg experience for boomers to have fun
                FO3 and New Vegas both have their fun, FO3 with atmosphere and survival, New Vegas with fun characters and writing
                Even FO4 is fun because if you know what you're doing, you can be real creative with settlements. Watched this guy called SkooledZone who makes tutorials focusing on Vanilla FO4 and you can do a ton.

                Of course, that's true of any tool. You can make good looking art using MS paint if you know what you're doing.

          • 12 months ago

            >They're pretty much the same game tbh
            Holy frick FO3 fans are braindead.

            • 12 months ago

              >Holy frick FO3 fans are braindead.
              This one is more desperate than brain-dead. Brain-dead ones claim Fo3 is better than NV. Smarter ones try to rationalize around this, and claiming that "akshuly NV is Fo3" is one of the tools to do that.

              • 12 months ago

                do you know how bethesda games work anon? That's like saying the Frontier or Project Brazil is it's own spin-off game of Fallout New Vegas, lol.

              • 12 months ago

                No he's braindead

            • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                Fallout 3 fans are braindead.

                t. I wrote that post.

  76. 12 months ago

    Lol Fallout 3 gays are so pathetic. Imagine sitting in a Fallout 1 thread for hours to repeatedly post garbage.

    • 12 months ago

      exploring fallout 3 is more interesting, but going back to play through the game made me realize how dumb the writting is

      • 12 months ago

        fallout 3 was a fresh breath for me since i didn't have a lot of hours in it compared to NV. There was a lot of content I hadn't done in 3.

        You're the kind of person he's talking about.

        the memes are funny because they're bad. When you see a clown, do you get mad or do you laugh? moron.

        • 12 months ago

          >its good because its bad
          actual cancer

        • 12 months ago

          >breath of fresh air because i didn't have a lot of hours in it compared to NV.

          fair enough i suppose. i did enjoy another playthough in 3 since it go rid of Games for Windows Live. Playing through as an Evil character is somhow comedic gold. it did make me realize that NV had more player choice when it came to how you wanted your character to play though.

          >expect to leave vault as an child filled with rage about dad leaving.
          >act like a child and say the dumbest shit ever to sound edgy
          >commit mass murder but still not scary at all
          >try to be calculated evil, but it's still just childish evil bullshit

          >shot in head
          >turn into phineias gage
          >crazy schizo angry problems i cannot control
          >small things that annoy me have, turn me into a vicious lunatic
          >still try to live a normal life and do good
          >become respected NCR officer, with a rich history of evil misdeeds

          >restart playthough and play a character who thinks the legion is right in their philosophy
          >blind to any form of evil they commit, always telling people that they're the good guys
          >do good deeds on behalf of the legion
          >ironically help people fight for their independence so they can be stronger for when the legion takes them over
          >the independence strengthens both the legion and the people of vegas, the fights will kill the weak and give each sides more combat experience

          the LARP is real

  77. 12 months ago

    Similar as the first one, but larger scale with more pop culture [for the time] references and improved companion system.

    It looses some of the impact and power that you got with the glow, the master,first entering the brotherhood. It's not as darkly atmospheric in fallout 2, but still good.

  78. 12 months ago

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