Fire Emblem

Did you enjoy Engage? What do you hope stays for the next entry and what should change?

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  1. 8 months ago

    haven't played a new FE game since fates. The series got too complex for me (except the fe2 remake but I already played fe2 enough). I'll stick to replaying thracia

  2. 8 months ago

    I just don't want another mute self-insert as protagonist. I was so fricking happy when I heard Lueur talking.

  3. 8 months ago

    Engage was okay.

    Half way through I stopped playing because it just wasn't as compelling as previous entries.

    The marketing for Engage was fricked. The marketing team wanted to sell this game to kids even though the game's content focused on marital relationships. I mean it looked colorful enough for it, but wedding rings aren't exactly children's toys either. Kids just don't understand the significance and so the marketing was a mismatch. They could play it but did so without understanding anything despite how watered down and basic its writing had become. Bless their hearts they would just grind those stages over 100 times before they'd get a clear because a lot of them were harder than what you could expect a child to be able to overcome.

    So it had been nearly a decade since the last Fire Emblem its community could shit on and so Nintendo without fail produces Engage, a mediocre Fire Emblem game even though they had produced an excellent one not even a year before. People in the future are not going to remember Awakening. Thank goodness the terrible Engage arrived just in time to remind people to not trust Intelligent Systems to do what Koei Tecmo could do in less time, at a higher quality, and for less money.

    • 8 months ago

      >they had produced an excellent one not even a year before
      >Koei Tecmo
      >Higher quality
      I hate FEggots so much it's unreal.

    • 8 months ago

      >excellent FE game

      • 8 months ago

        It had good gameplay and story. It was honestly at least better than fates

        • 8 months ago

          It had horrendous gameplay, especially maps, it's only better than Awakening and Echoes in this regard
          And the story is riddled with issues stemming from their over ambition and routes ended up samey and moronic as a result
          The one thing it really excels in over other FE games is characters, but that's not enough to make it replayable compared to a game like Conquest

          • 8 months ago

            The sounds like a whole lot of subjective garbage regarding the story. They reuse maps across all routes sure but I would hardly call the story samey just because of that. I had no issues with the maps, that also sounds like subjectivity, I would say conquest had better maps sure but maps do not encompass the entirety of gameplay. The only thing cringe about houses for me was the protagonist being a young generic looking anime protagonist when the protagonist is supposed to be a professor.

    • 8 months ago

      We've been too harsh on Awakening. 3H is the worst thing to happen to Fire Emblem fans.

  4. 8 months ago

    Vtumor emblem. The gimmick is too corny and stupid, too. A real shame that one of the best entries gamplay-wise is covered in so much liquid shit.

  5. 8 months ago

    I just can't believe they made the best girl in the DLC expansion vore people

  6. 8 months ago

    The cutest.

  7. 8 months ago

    Not RPG.

  8. 8 months ago

    Forgot about it truthfully

  9. 8 months ago

    Some of the ugliest character designs I've seen in a while. Not to mention horrendous writing and story. It's good it's been forgotten.

  10. 8 months ago

    >fates-tier censorship and troonslation
    It never had a chance

  11. 8 months ago

    The combat, boss battles and animations are absolute peak for Fire Emblem, not even close. The story is anniversary trash but it's tongue-in-cheek enough that I don't mind it. Overall one of the best FE games, I'd rather replay it over Awakening/Fates/PoR/RD

  12. 8 months ago

    Excellent gameplay, but the vomit inducing character design keeps me from playing it. It’s honestly genuinely surprising to me that character design could sway me this much but its just THAT fricking bad, its fricking disgusting. It doesnt help that people tell me the story is shit too

    • 8 months ago

      Ys IX made me appreciate Engage designs.

      • 8 months ago

        Considering I hate the designs in pretty much all the latest ys games I can tell my hate is not wrong. Literally puke inducing

        • 7 months ago

          what about X ?
          i think most the nordic designs are fairly decent.

      • 7 months ago

        >people actually play this shit

        • 7 months ago

          can it, toothpaste head

    • 8 months ago

      Ys IX made me appreciate Engage designs.

      Some of the ugliest character designs I've seen in a while. Not to mention horrendous writing and story. It's good it's been forgotten.

      >Pikazohaters are still seething
      Engage has the best designs in the entire franchise.

      • 8 months ago

        Well contrarianed friend!

        Why don't you go back to the general to discuss how great this latest franchise entry was?

  13. 8 months ago

    Touristhomosexual thread.

  14. 8 months ago

    >Did you enjoy Engage?

  15. 8 months ago

    Play a better strategy game. It has better developed waifus as well.

    • 7 months ago

      Wasn't the fan translator intentionally altering lines to avoid anything alluding to lewdish humor? Screw that. Just translate it properly and let me judge it myself, I don't need some fricking prude judging things for me.

  16. 8 months ago

    They need to change to base combat system for once. Doubling is too much of a centralizing mechanic for unit balance to ever be achieved.

  17. 8 months ago

    >Did you enjoy Engage?

    • 8 months ago

      I think Ivy is the only character who wasn't complete dogshit. After 3 houses which I'd say hit about 75% of its cast, Engage was such a fricking disappointment

      • 8 months ago

        I think Pandreo has the best supports in the game. I'm not religious myself but I did enjoy seeing his relationship with religion and how he used it as a way to deal with his harsh upbringing as well as a way to help others.

  18. 8 months ago

    This actually legitimately is not an RPG.

    • 8 months ago

      TRPGs are still RPGs, baybee.

  19. 8 months ago

    Less bloat
    Cut skirmishes, mycastle, turnwheel, and rings, streamline reclassing and skills, and put a bigger emphasis on inventory and resource management. World map ought to go as well unless they do something genuinely interesting with it.

    • 8 months ago

      >and put a bigger emphasis on inventory and resource management.
      >just make it focus on things the series has not and never will be good for bro

      • 8 months ago

        >I am an awakening baby
        Thanks for letting everyone know your opinion is worthless.

        • 8 months ago

          Fire Emblem sucks ass and was never good, homosexual.

          • 8 months ago

            You're welcome to go to a thread about something you actually like, then.

      • 8 months ago

        Yes? What's wrong with making the game better?
        I guess you can never improve on something with that logic.

  20. 8 months ago

    I've been getting a lot of 90%+ missed hits followed by 3% crit deaths lately.

    • 8 months ago

      >3% crits
      stop selling your goddess icons

  21. 8 months ago

    Man what the hell are these characters? FE used to at least be tolerable but this is really something else.

  22. 8 months ago

    I wanted to get Engage but then I saw its another fricking FE game that brings back "heroes from the past"
    I've never played Marth's game, im not gonna play another game that makes me miss shit because I dont have the context of a character's backstory I haven't played.

    • 8 months ago

      >he didn't play marfs games

      Guess IS better remake it...FOR THE THIRD TIME.

      Honestly, their individual stories don't play that big of a role in the plot. They just have optional maps based on their games were they recap the scenario they face before trying to kill you to unlock new skills.

      I think the devs even mentioned the idea of using original 12 gods or crusaders first before deciding to use the main lords cause the numbers match up. It honestly might have helped if this entry wasn't the "anniversary" game.

      • 8 months ago


  23. 8 months ago

    Engage was horrific. Terrible terrible story, meh gameplay.

  24. 8 months ago

    It was okay.
    Abominable story and characters, decent mechanics.
    Middle of the pack Fire Emblem, very mediocre as an SRPG in general, manages to once again make Hard way too easy, and Maddening tedious.
    It sure is the next Fire Emblem game/10.

  25. 8 months ago

    Frick this game's characters.
    You know you done fricked up with the 2008 internet humor, random LMAO Alpacas! man is among the ones I want to stab the least, and when I am laughing at your tragic villain being stabbed in the gut.
    What a fricking joke of a game

  26. 8 months ago

    Engage is my favorite of the series. They just need to bring back the art style of Fates back.

  27. 8 months ago

    >Did you enjoy Engage?
    It was ok. My least liked game in the series tho'. After beating it on maddening I'm not playing it ever again.

  28. 8 months ago
  29. 8 months ago

    >Did you enjoy Engage?
    Nope, didn't buy it. I lost all interest when they revealed the art style.

    >what should change?
    The art style. This rainbow vtuber shit needs to go. I swear the devs took inspiration from Genshin but they're too incompetent to copy the art style.

  30. 8 months ago

    Gameplay was fun. OST was outstanding. Character writing/designs were hilariously bad. I am so fricking sick of the player avatars completely shitting up these games, but it doesn't seem like they're going to be going away anytime soon.

  31. 8 months ago

    I am interested in engage because of the gacha system. 3 houses is probably too much story / VN for me.

    • 8 months ago

      the gacha system barely matters, you get shitty rings from it that are slight statboosters until you can outfit your whole squad with proper Emblem Rings
      Only a few of the Gacha ring have actual abilities on them and then it's random to get them, and basically only the Olwen Ring which turns Thunder tomes into a Brave weapon is significantly powerful

      • 8 months ago

        I really like Renewal on your <30 HP Qi Adept as well.

      • 8 months ago

        Why even have a gacha system if all the rolls in it are fricking useless tho? I swear Gameplaygays hype up this game too much. Also the artstyle is literal cancer compared to 3H, so no thanks brother.

        • 8 months ago

          you are too far gone if a gacha system not being critical is a dealbreaker for you
          its useful early when you don't have enough emblem rings for all of your deployed units, but stops mattering once you do

          • 8 months ago

            Still doesn't refute my other point, anon.

            • 8 months ago

              I won't argue that, the game is fricking garish
              way too many bright primary colors all over everyone

              • 8 months ago

                Primary colors are strictly blue, red, and yellow, to be clear.

              • 7 months ago

                >primary colors
                That was actually an intentional callback to the old FE character designs

                >In the days of the Super Family Computer (known as the Super NES in North America and Europe), I think the characters from the Fire Emblem series stood out as having primary colors. I like how the designs in this title resemble those days.

                thats amusing when the characters stick out really badly next to the old FE characters in the game

                It's because they're trying too hard to be ani-may-mei designs. They don't don't feel true to the pseudo-medieval setting they're in, all it ends up reminding me of is those shitty isekai-knockoffs as a result. 3H, despite it's flaws, is probably the most aesthetically grounded game we've gotten besides Thracia or Genealogy.

              • 7 months ago

                the really modern casual designs don't help either
                I still think GBA FE is peak aesthetics, perfect mix of medieval fantasy and anime designs

              • 7 months ago

                Tellius just keeps winning

              • 7 months ago

                >primary colors
                That was actually an intentional callback to the old FE character designs

                >In the days of the Super Family Computer (known as the Super NES in North America and Europe), I think the characters from the Fire Emblem series stood out as having primary colors. I like how the designs in this title resemble those days.

              • 7 months ago

                thats amusing when the characters stick out really badly next to the old FE characters in the game

      • 8 months ago

        Man, I was pretty bummed to learn Olwen was the only ring that good.

        Yeah, they can't be as good a full emblem but it would have been neat add skills that could work with specific builds. Especially since getting them is so tied to RNG.

    • 8 months ago

      Are you malaysian

  32. 8 months ago

    >Did you enjoy Engage?
    >What do you hope stays for the next entry
    >and what should change?
    Design and story(something less cringe, i would like main theme to be war instead of dragons, relations and other drama stuff)

  33. 7 months ago

    Attack animations mog every srpg out there

    • 7 months ago

      >good animation, UI, QoL elements
      >lots of neat maps
      >generic plot with goofy characters dressed like clowns
      >dlc with better story but poor main game integration

      This truly was MonkeyPaw Emblem.

      • 7 months ago

        tbdesu, the gameplay was just okay. It's better than the waifu emblems, but at what cost? They went completely off the deep end with this one, it has perhaps the worst story in the entire series, to the point I'd rather have 3H's story back over this slop. Also frick the gacha elements btw, this is FE, not a Mihoyo game.

  34. 7 months ago

    The swordmaster crit isn't cool.

    • 7 months ago

      You want some cool crits?
      Warrior's beyblade. The Mercenary. The Paladin.
      The Swordmaster crit is kinda cringe tbh

  35. 7 months ago

    I really hated the character design, and how the entire cast are literal simps.
    Gameplay was par for the course for an FE game. My only wish is that they get rid of the somniel/socialization stage of the game, or at least make it optional.

  36. 7 months ago

    >wtf is this autistic weeb trash, I'll pass because I'm not fat or gay
    >4 years later
    >frick it, there's a copy for $30, I'll try for an hour and give it to my brother if i don't like it
    >5 hours later
    >have to pull myself away from the tv to actually do stuff i need to do
    I admit it's actually bretty good and you aren't fat or autistic for liking fire emblem.
    I have a sneaky suspicion the prior games are better in terms of actual gameplay though.

    • 7 months ago

      >I have a sneaky suspicion the prior games are better in terms of actual gameplay though
      And you would be correct. Thracia and Echoes are the best classic games, but 3H mogs all the modern titles, and it's not even close.

      • 7 months ago

        Frick off hipster homosexual
        >3H mogs all the modern titles
        Count on a 3Hgay to have terrible reading comprehension

        • 7 months ago

          >terrible reading comprehension
          Comprehend what? Out of all the modern games, Houses stands head and shoulders above the rest, simple as.

    • 7 months ago

      the fact of the matter is that you're not going to know which games in the series you like or not until you try them regardless of what homosexuals like the other one who replied to you say. this a series where fans tend to like 2 or 3 games and get really butthurt about every other one

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >I have a sneaky suspicion the prior games are better in terms of actual gameplay though.
      Previous and subsequent, to be precise. 3H and Echoes/Gaiden are the uncontested 2 worst games in the franchise and it isn't even close.

      • 7 months ago

        Let me guess: Awakening gay?

        • 7 months ago

          You guessed wrong kek. Awakening is actually down there too. I do give it some credit for being the guinea pig for pair up before it was perfected in Fates, however.

          • 7 months ago

            Honestly, I hated DS and 3DS FE games so much, I didn't want to think about playing any FE game after that.

            >clear bias against games with booty-ass gameplay
            >"hrrmmm i bet you're an awakeningbab"
            this kind of buffoonery can only come from a fodlangay

            ...and here we have one. 🙂
            You guessed right, I am Fodlangay. Team Edelgard.

            • 7 months ago

              wrong again, started with gba and favorite is fates
              i'd say to play more fire emblems before trying to be smug about them online but we both know that won't happen

              • 7 months ago

                >2nd anon who denied it
                Totally understandable.

            • 7 months ago

              >I didn't want to think about playing any FE game after that
              I would bet SOOO much money you haven't even touched half the series. Why pretend your opinion is worth anything?

              • 7 months ago

                Ok, I'll take the bait.
                Is that just weird font, or does the game shows hP 80/80 with small h and capital P? If so, why?

        • 7 months ago

          >clear bias against games with booty-ass gameplay
          >"hrrmmm i bet you're an awakeningbab"
          this kind of buffoonery can only come from a fodlangay

  37. 7 months ago

    The gameplay was fine.
    >things I hope they change
    1. Character design, it was so bad I couldn't finish engage and that is fricking saying something
    2. How they balance out growths. I am not really a big fan of characters not having the proper growths to work on their base classes, the first mage you get is a perfect example of this.
    3. Let me picked between fixed level ups that alter based on growths and random level ups. The former is what I think the series should just use as a default at this point, but I understand that theres some people that like the RNG of random level ups so thats why I think it should be a toggle like in PoR

  38. 7 months ago

    Well that just happened.

    • 7 months ago

      based and completely deserved for being such a dogshit character design

  39. 7 months ago

    Should I wait to play Engage until I'll finish most of the other games? I have completed Awakening and currently trudge through Echoes, Fates and Three Houses. Hoped to try GBA games after finishing all of those.

    • 7 months ago

      Their backgrounds aren't really relevant to the story. The most connection they have to their original game is their paralogue map is a reference to a map that was arguably the most famous chapter of their story. Except Lyn's.
      You can play Engage without having played the entire series.

    • 7 months ago

      i think the sigurd avatar just straight up spoils fe4 out of nowhere sometimes but other than that it shouldn't be a problem

  40. 7 months ago

    The corny emblem rings and cringe story put me off the game on release but the gameplay won me over when I gave it another try.
    Everything else about the game is shit though. I really hope the lower sales coming from 3h makes is wake up and fire their writers.
    Not saying 3h was perfect but komuro or whatever the awakening writers name is does not understand fire emblem.

  41. 7 months ago

    the best way i can describe my problem with engage is that i just don't feel like managing rings and all the other minor variables. not even in fricking genealogy do you spend so much time in menus and doing abstract things just vaguely optimizing your shit, wasting time. three houses had this going on too but at least going through it there feels brisk and structured, relatively speaking. berwick has it too but the advantages conferred to you are so much more straightforward and the results feel much more tangible

    engage plays like a lazy sandbox game. like you can concoct some great strategies if you know the ins and outs of everything and really put some thought into it. but you can also just do whatever (within reason) and it works well enough even if your shit's held together with elmer's glue and feels bad

  42. 7 months ago

    I liked it a lot for a franchise where there are like only 4 good games, Engage managed to be another good one. I thought the ring system was cool if less customizable than say the Fates skill system.

    I thought most of the characters were fine personality wise and frankly the only part of the game I felt was incongruent with the rest of the franchise was the color pallet, the game's way too bright for its own good and that made everyone just assume it must be V-Tube Emblem. I felt the lack of minor antagonists was disappointing while they also squandered having a reoccurring cast of villains by making them massive jobbers.

    The way the changed the weapon triangle was dumb and despite trying to make it feel more important they arguably managed to somehow make me care about it less than normal. The class spread was very boring having 3 different flavors of most classes based on which weapon type their flavored in was stupid and made most characters feel very similar though not as bad as 3 houses was in that regard.

    I really liked the fact the game was built around handing you extremely strong tools and letting you actually use them. Emblems as a concept are a cool way of making your characters feel different but they might be a bit too over centralizing making it hard to say is this character strong because of the emblem or the character themselves.

    I'd say it was a great game definitely top 3 in the franchise for me, hopefully what its down isn't thrown out the window for another teaching sim game.

  43. 7 months ago

    Haven't played engage, I've just got back to fire emblem and started 3H, don't really know what path to pick

    • 7 months ago

      Whichever you like

    • 7 months ago

      Pick another game.
      If that's not an option
      Pick the Golden Deer if you want to play the house that doesn't really matter.
      Pick the Blue Lions if you want a normal fire emblem experience baring a twist in the middle of the game.
      Pick the Black Eagles if you want to play the route the game really doesn't want you to play first.

      • 7 months ago

        >Pick the Black Eagles if you want to play the route the game really doesn't want you to play first
        what if I told you I chose to do it first anyways?

        • 7 months ago

          Jeritza is worth it to do Crimson Flower first. I know I did it for him and him alone.

          • 7 months ago

            I haven't played through CF since launch so I haven't used him

            • 7 months ago

              Jeritza is worth it to do Crimson Flower first. I know I did it for him and him alone.

              Yeah, I played at launch and chose to side with Edelgard. Naturally that route ended up with the only non-DLC post-release touch up. When I came back to the game a year later for the other routes, I ended up also playing Black Eagles again due to that. Played all 3.5 routes at once, alternating save file per chapter. Took over 200 hours combined. Meanwhile, even with DLC to possibly sweeten the pot, I am not 100% sure that I will get around to replaying Engage a second time with femAlear.

        • 7 months ago

          Don't worry I did too, I picked it when I went in blind.

    • 7 months ago

      Blue lions is the best route

      • 7 months ago

        Pick another game.
        If that's not an option
        Pick the Golden Deer if you want to play the house that doesn't really matter.
        Pick the Blue Lions if you want a normal fire emblem experience baring a twist in the middle of the game.
        Pick the Black Eagles if you want to play the route the game really doesn't want you to play first.

        >blue lions
        Cool, I'll go with this first.

  44. 7 months ago

    I only really like this one.

    • 7 months ago

      If only we could have this artsyle back.

      • 7 months ago

        It was cleaner. I miss it. Still very anime. But not so ostentatious. So many new characters look like the got puked off of deviantart and everyone needs to be special awesome visually. There's no, for want of a term, uniformity.

        • 7 months ago

          >There's no, for want of a term, uniformity
          It's called coherent art direction, which even 3H had, but not Engage for some bullshit reason.

          • 7 months ago

            It always felt like there was a sense of uniform fashion. Nomads dressed a certain way, soldiers had a theme running through their armor. Characters generally had a sense of practicality if not realism.

            • 7 months ago

              Unironically this. Barring worldbuilding and character needs, Units should share common visual archetypes specific to their role, so you can tell them apart on the battlefield at a glance, but not be too visually distracting. Subtlety is key here, kind of a lost art these days.

              • 7 months ago

                for all its faults, even Fates has that
                the only game that doesn't really is Engage, which makes the character design even more offputting

              • 7 months ago

                >which makes the character design even more offputting
                As if Mr/Mrs Pepsi-Colgate over here wasn't already offputting from the word go. Like tf were they thinking with these designs, man?

              • 7 months ago

                I get the MC design, its stupid but I get it
                theres no visual cohesion to any of the rest of the playable characters. Not between characters and their classes, not even between the regions really.
                You line up every playable character randomly and ask someone unfamiliar to line up who is connected by what region, they probably get the royal siblings all together and no one else

              • 7 months ago

                >they probably get the royal siblings all together and no one else
                Only because they all look like Vtubers, lol. If it was only one faction that looked like that, i'd understand, but it's not and that's the problem.

              • 7 months ago

                the siblings all have colors and visual themes that connect them, so it'd be easy to pair them
                Alfred and Celine are yellow with vines and flowers
                Diamant and Alcryst have similar red/black armor
                Ivy and Hortensia have similar hair colors and roses
                and Timerra and Fogado are both black
                Aside from maybe Amber to Diamant and maybe Rosado to Hortensia, you would have no chance of connecting retainers to their lords, let alone their countries

              • 7 months ago

                >Aside from maybe Amber to Diamant and maybe Rosado to Hortensia, you would have no chance of connecting retainers to their lords, let alone their countries
                It's almost as if they were more occupied with chasing modern visual trends, rather than any distinct and coherent artstyle.

              • 7 months ago

                clearly, based on the jarring modern casual clothes everyone has for no reason

    • 7 months ago

      It’s one of the easier games, but it does have a lot going for it.
      The world and story is very expansive and well put together (mostly, there are a lot of threads you need the sequel to get), the characters have personalities but aren’t nearly as gimmicky as anything post-awakening, the base conversations and support system are probably the best in the series, the artstyle looks good in 3D without getting too isekai anime-y, and maps generally are pretty varied - with a lot of different win conditions and objectives.

      >There's no, for want of a term, uniformity
      It's called coherent art direction, which even 3H had, but not Engage for some bullshit reason.

      3H does it better than any of the other NuFE games, but that’s sorta it’s big appeal - they went out of their way to make their world feel like an actual place, I’d say just behind Tellius and comparable to Jugdral (with obviously a lot more fleshed out characters, who about 50/50 on being gimmicks)

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah there's a good sense of actual narrative progression. It's pretty standard heroes journey stuff but that's effective. You go from a young idealistic merc in training, to discovering your family history, overcoming loss, meeting a beautiful princess, and after coming into your own as a hero you save the day and blow up the death star.... wait. But joking aside I feel like the story does work in the ways a lot of FE plots don't even if they hit the same beats. Stakes feel a bit more personal. A lot of the lords lose family but it never feels like they really FEEL it.

        • 7 months ago

          >A lot of the lords lose family but it never feels like they really FEEL it.
          because for most lords they have other stakes to be more concerned about, usually they're royalty so you get "I don't have time to personally grieve, I need to reclaim my kingdom"
          The parent thats killed is also usually royalty and killed as the instigation of a war, which is less personal
          Ike isn't bogged down by either of those, so Greil's death hits closer
          The gameplay does an excellent job of making it more dramatic for the player too, as two of your strongest units who were loyal to Greil but not Ike leave right before a seemingly hopeless defense map

          • 7 months ago

            That's sort of the thing though. There's not really any reason they can't personally grieve and still be motivated for reclaiming their kingdom. Toss in a bit of personal doubt and give them something of a character arc to overcome and you're in business. It doesn't even have to be especially huge or complex but just something that makes them seem less wooden.

            You don't even need dead parents. You ever see/read The Heroic Legend of Arslan? The basic premise should sound familiar. Young prince has his kingdom overrun and needs to take it back. He gathers a loyal retinue of friends and allies to build his force and reclaim his home. But beyond that he has goals that go beyond just taking back his capital. He wants to actually reform it because he learned first hand the reason it fell and the flaws he never questioned and took as absolutes To further complicate things he began to question if he was even actually the rightful heir to the throne at all when he finds one of the collaborates of the invading force claiming that right himself.

            Hell I don't even much like 3H but you can't say there isn't decent conflict beyond the standard "Invasion is bad!"

            • 7 months ago

              most of the games before Awakening really struggle with that because of story and characters taking a backseat to gameplay
              the best you get for that pre-Awakening is 4/5, but that complexity is hurt by unequivocal bad guys
              Not to say Awakening or Fates have that, because they don't. Awakening was written by grabbing personalities out of a hat of old FE characters and hindered even further by not committing to a main character, so all 3 attempts at one fall flat. Fates is its own mess of moronic writing to bother getting into, and Engage writing wise feels a lot like Fates.
              The closest to what you're describing would actually be Alm in Echoes, as he gets much more of a clear character arc for what hes doing and if hes even doing the right thing. A shame Celica had to suffer for it but we can't have everything

              • 7 months ago

                Wheelchair knight class will save fire emblem. First, wheelchair riding character is released in Heroes, and next, FE sequel in CS will have Wheelchair knight. Which weapon would they use?

              • 7 months ago

                Few years ago my nephew broke his leg on halloween and was bummed out about it so me and my brother in law basically tricked out his wheel chair to look like a kick ass war chariot. He got so much candy that year he wanted to break his other leg the following year.

              • 7 months ago

                why do you keep spamming this everywhere
                go play WoW instead homosexual

              • 7 months ago

                For Wheelchair knight would be cool idea. Weapon would be Axe/Tome or Sword/Tome.

  45. 7 months ago

    Put my boywife Rosado in Heroes already IS

    • 7 months ago

      His "uncute" voice sounds better.

  46. 7 months ago

    Wheelchair Knight as new class for more needed and inclusive makeover. Which weapon would they use?

  47. 7 months ago

    No, I did not. I got the divine edition because it looked nice, but I did not enjoy the game. I did one run, on maddening, and I still claim that it's not balanced.
    Maddening is only ballanced for those who bought that cheating DLC, and I'm not one of them.

  48. 7 months ago

    troonyjanny thread.

  49. 7 months ago

    I haven't touched Engage with a ten foot pole. The designs and the voice acting is atrocious. Call me when we get back to serious Fire Emblem again rather than this puerile vtuber shit.

  50. 7 months ago

    There are like two fire emblem games where you can 'line up every playable character randomly and ask someone unfamiliar to line up who is connected by what region' but you disengenuous homosexuals are fine with modern casual clothes when vika wears jorts and femleth looks like a dangan ronpa character

    • 7 months ago

      Black person you're the disingenuous one claiming a normal outfit comparable to the other shit we see laguz wearing is jorts
      femleth's design is shit too, its out of place with how everything else in the fricking world looks
      That doesn't change at all that none of the designs in Engage make any fricking sense if you think about it for a second. Nothing about for example Panette and Merrin's designs suggest at all that they work together, in a desert region, for the crown princess.

      • 7 months ago

        >doesn't count, no u
        of course
        keep pretending that anything about franz, gilliam, and seth's designs or any other fricking package of starting dopes of ANY other fire emblem suggests they're affiliated from visual design alone. yeahhh dude pheraean armor is so obviously distinct from ostian armor and you can tell just from the portraits. ilyana and larachel fit so fricking well into those worldw with those characters. joshua is so obviously a desert prince because he wears black and has a hat. frick off

        • 7 months ago

          >pheraean armor is so obviously distinct from ostian armor and you can tell just from the portraits
          I mean yes? The shape of the pauldrons are different, and it's standardized when you look at who's coming from each country. Ostian pauldrons tend to have a buckled shape, leading to a ridge across them, while Pheraean pauldrons are smooth, and often relatively low.

          And yeah, Ilyana doesn't look terribly out of place, so it's a weird fricking character to pick to try and make your point with tbh. She dresses almost identically to how Mist does, down to having the cape and the same cut in her sleeves. Like I have no idea what you were going for here

          And your sacred stone picks are also strange. Joshua does dress like he's from Jehenna. Look at Caellach and Carlyle's portraits - they all have the same black, very high collars right there as part of the profile shot. And L'Arachel dressing strangely is sorta the whole point of her character? She's a rich idiot playing at being a hero - and people recognize this in universe

          • 7 months ago

            >Pheraean pauldrons are standardized
            Yeah, you can tell Cecilia and Percival are from Pherae too because they have smoothed, low pauldrons. They even have gold trim. Oh wait, they're Etrurian and their armor is like that because ALL cavalier armor in those games is like that, and Ostian armor is like that because ALL armor knight armor is like that. Saying that a character's armor reflects their background more heavily than what they ride into battle is a blatant lie.
            >It's ok that Ilyana looks and acts like an out of place slice of life anime schoolgirl because the literal child also has a skirt and cape.
            Mist also doesn't wear latex high heel boots, which also apparently does not count as modern or casual clothes, let alone fricking impractical or against the tone and setting. You know, like how Larachel also doesn't do that because the game says it's ok and she's just quirky! By the way, how is it immediately obvious that Rennac and Dozla are affiliated with Rausten royalty just from their designs?
            >Jehenna characters all have, uh, popped collars
            Oh you mean like Seth and Orson? Forde, Rennac, and Selena have black collars too, does that mean they're from the desert? Why doesn't Marisa have an exaggerated collar? Ismaire's the queen, and she doesn't get one. Gerik is from the desert too, but he doesn't have one, why is that? Did he forfeit the collar when he became a mercenary? Marisa doesn't.

            I don't even know why I'm bothering to argue any of this. It's not like muh clvssic FE purists will ever actually use good-faith arguments against Engage like how the base character designs often don't reflect their growths or class. It's always just b***hing about anime and having to look at too many colors while making shit the frick up about how the older games were so much more uniform and understated and NEVER ostentatious. My fricking ass.

            • 7 months ago

              >Mist also doesn't wear latex high heel boots,
              Neither does illyana. You're inability to recognize material is not a slight against the game

      • 7 months ago

        NTA, but honestly with a few tweaks, this outfit wouldn't be half as bad.

        • 7 months ago

          It's fine as is. Only the color makes it KIND OF look like jeans but otherwise if the worst you can say about an outfit is shorter pants and a backless top (For bird people) then you're still head and shoulders above some of the crap they're parading out in the game

          • 7 months ago

            >Only the color makes it KIND OF look like jeans but otherwise if the worst you can say about an outfit is shorter pants and a backless top
            Still a tad too modern, methinks. If she was wearing something more along the lines of a proper corset and bloomers, I wouldn't mind as much.

  51. 7 months ago

    I'm not reading all this, but in past games where factions were visually distinct, it was entirely because of class biases or exclusivity, which is way more important than visuals anyways. Macedon got dracoknights, Khadein got mages, Dolhr got manaketes, bandits got brigands and thieves, etc. Classes are designed first and the character is just a head that gets swapped on.

    • 7 months ago

      I don't think anyone is denying that there was a major element of practicality to it but that's sort of the point as well. They managed to make characters distinct while holding to that. Character represented their job/team/class rather than needing to be stand out special snowflakes and as a result even the goofiest character had a degree of professionalism and sincerity as a result.

  52. 7 months ago

    should I play engage or three houses?
    my new pc should be able to play switch games
    also I really hate FE games where you have infinite exp until ultra lategame because exp management is the only thing I like about this series

    • 7 months ago

      Just don’t do optional fights???
      No game in the series forces you to grind or use arenas or anything

    • 7 months ago

      Engage is much more respectful of your time and has vastly superior balance. It suffers from bloated mechanics, but many people say it has among the best gameplay in the series.

    • 7 months ago

      In Engage on Maddening, there's not a lot of skirmishes available for you to grind exp on if for some reason you can't stop yourself from using them. I only saw 1 or 2 pop up on my last run. There are some maps with infinite reinforcements, but you don't get exp off them so grinding isn't possible there either.

      • 7 months ago

        I beat awakening on lunatic. Sometimes I like playing on harder difficulties and sometimes it feels like too much of a slog.

        • 7 months ago

          I didn't find Engage Maddening that difficult, but it might be because I did a Hard run first so I knew what to expect going into Maddening.

          • 7 months ago

            the first missions on lunatic were basically impossible because you have like 40% chance to hit and there are multiple enemies that have more hp and damage than you
            then you unlock classes and traits and such and the final boss was really easy

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah Awakening Lunatic(+) is infamously the worst difficulty setting in the whole series, even worse than PoR Maniac. Engage Maddening, by comparison, is much more balanced and even-handed, but it can get unforgiving to experimentation with poor investments later on.

          • 7 months ago

            I feel like the reason I only did half a run on fates is because I got bored by setting the difficulty too high but I also don't want to just grind out perfect units that trivialize the game.

            • 7 months ago

              That's why you never go above Hard for your 1st run.
              With that said, it depends on the route in Fates. The difficulty nosedives regardless at the beginning of Birthright, and Revelation breaks itself by giving you all the royals.

      • 7 months ago

        Skirmishes also don't give a ton of exp and are way more trouble than they're worth on maddening, the level curve in engage is such that you probably don't need to grind ever if your team is decent. The DLC does kind of break everything, though, all the maps give absurd amounts of experience.

    • 7 months ago

      play engage if you care more about gameplay and 3 houses if you care more about writing

      • 7 months ago

        Unironically why can't we have both? Why must the Devs be so moronic, as to make us pick and choose?

  53. 7 months ago

    unironically some hacks are god tier and better than than engage or any recent fe game

  54. 7 months ago

    anyone got that fanart of the famitsu cover after the time skip?

  55. 7 months ago

    Havent played engage. I feel its a bit too anime uwu for me. 3H was absolutely chad emblem. Try to convince me to play it.

  56. 7 months ago

    Ignore my profound mental moronation and accept this free thread bump, OP.

  57. 7 months ago

    Everyone in Fire Emblem looks like a girly ass homosexual.

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