Fire Emblem Three Houses

Hello I want to talk about 3 Houses with normal Ganker residents and not fanboys on /vg/

I spent ~90 hours for Edelgard, Rhea and Claude routes, while I watched Dimitri route and all support events on youtube since I got burnt out already. I’ve only finished Awakening so I don’t know much about FE, but I remember that the combat was too barebone and lacked cool features that other SRPGs have (ex. All attacks are single target, ~2 ranges). Also, garbage sprites. 3H is way more fun with more variety of attacks. Also, improved graphic, QoL and other cool features like Shield and Gambit.

Maps are straightforward and easy, even on Hard. It got not-so-easy near the end though but that’s probably because I already got tired of putting effort into strenghtening my party through optional battles and monastery stuff. I heard that Maddening is actually Maddening with stats bloat, endless reinforcement, nerfed EXP etc. Doesn’t sound fun, so I skipped it. There should’ve been something in-between Hard and Maddening tbh.

And then Monastery stuff, the best and worst aspect of the game. I love talking to everyone every month for new lines. I’m surprised they actually voiced literally everything, and there are tons of them. But this gameplay loop of fishing-gardening-eating-tournament-choir is such a chore. Surely most people got tired of it by the end of Part 1. I sure did and in Part 2 of every route, I just spammed Seminars to progress ASAP.

I got memed into minmaxing my prof level ASAP in my 1st run. It’s all fricking pointless. By the time my prof level was high, I already got too burnt out of Monastery to even spend one activity point I was grinding for.

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  1. 2 years ago

    The Story

    This game put so much effort into characterization through minor conversations. They gave me TONS of information about each character’s personality, struggles, past, family, hometown, and especially relationship with other characters. It’s amazing. Unfortunately, all that is only a thing in Part 1. When the actual war happens, all those build up and complex matrix of relationship and politics stuff... they all got thrown away in favor of terribly written warfare, featuring the worst comically evil villain troupe in the history of gaming.

    War happened but it didn’t feel like war at all. It’s like nothing happened except when we were involved. Everything was so stupid I don’t know how to explain it. Everyone outside selected class acted OOC, especially Black Eagle. Why the frick would any student side with Edelgard when she’s obviously allied with such comically evil league of villains? Remember that Edelgard and her goons tried to massacre everyone multiple times in Part 1.

    I’m struggling to describe what was wrong with the story in War arc, since everything just seemed wrong. All 4 routes were moronic. If I have to describe it, the story had great build up to THE THING, but THE THING itself was terribly executed with no payoff.

    • 2 years ago

      Crimson Flower was the most rushed and laziest route out of 4. A pack of clueless teenagers beating up church straight because someone told them church is le bad. Nothing more, nothing less. We just Rushed B them and THE END, oh and the darkness cult are all dead offscreen in the epilogue!

      Silver Snow is the one that makes most sense because of course everyone in Black Eagle would oppose Edelgard. This is like that shonen anime cliche where MC and his friends try to get back that one traitorous friend. Also iirc, unlike in Verdant Wind, this is the only route where no student from other classes died a moronic meaningless death. Except Edelgard and Hubert.

      Verdant Wind is just copy pasted Silver Snow except Seteth is not Claude and we massacred literally everyone not Golden Eagle. It just feels wrong, narrative-wise. Everyone was on good terms and now they’re killing each other because the writer wanted us to believe that everyone would simply trust their delusional class rep and follow them to death lmao. Also, the last sob scene with Edelgard felt out of place since we barely interacted with her in this route. Still, I think this is the most enjoyable route since there were minor additions related to Claude and Alliance here and there.

      Azure Moon, similar to Verdant Wind where we killed literally everyone except in the most psychotic and edgy way with our trusted leader PUNISHED Dimitri... and then right after that, we got happy go lucky moment with Claude like nothing ever happened lmao. The story felt too Dimitri personal and branched out from the main plot. They didn’t even touch the darkness cult here.

      Anyway, they’re all moronic.

      • 2 years ago

        How the story and narration could’ve been...

        Edelgard’s motivation to eliminate the ~~*world order*~~ is nice, but it doesn’t align with her backstory at all. So the BADDIES tortured and exerimented on her because the BADDIES wanted Crest... that’s why Edelgard hates Church because Church governs over Crests and so she decided to side with the BADDIES... wtf is this mental gymnastic? This is like If you were robbed by a robber who wanted your money, and you ended up hating capitalism instead you know, the robber.

        Edelgard kept spouting church is le bad, and Rhea probably did some shady shit, but the problem is they never showed us the bad shit the church did. No one in universe should be able to relate to Edelgard’s view. Every single bad stuff that happened in the game was done by Agarthan, the comically evil cult of darkness, not the church.

        The easy fix is to simply remove the Agarthan from the game. Seriously, they’re so LE EVIL I can’t take them seriously. Make the church the actual evil ~~*shadow government*~~ that’s trying to create total world order and revive Sothis by doing shady shit. Make some group of people from the Empire (Edelgard’s henchmen) the initial villain who oppose the Church and try to expose their shady shit. Make only 1 coherent route and not 4 messy low-effort shit. They could’ve easily incorporated 3 classes into 1 route.

        • 2 years ago

          My fanfic fix:
          >game is split into 2, academy arc and war arc to prevent everything being rushed
          >1 route, we play as Black Eagle professor
          >monthly missions are field trips to different regions across Fodlan, learning about cultures, politics and situations in each region
          >Field trips are joint trips with other classes, this way, we could play as non Black Eagle students, especially those who are related to the region we’re currently visiting
          >during field trips, Edelgard keeps giving hints and leading us to something that’d show the suffering of WE THE PEOPLE because of Crest inequality and reveal Church’s shady shit little by little
          >we the player and our students eventually learn that Church is evil, Edelgard reveals herself, declares war and we side with her
          >end of 1st game
          >war arc
          >we battle Claude and manage to convince him that church must be gone. This fits Claude’s character too since he’s sceptic of the Seiros teaching and wants to open Fodlan’s border. It makes more sense for Claude to side with Edelgard
          >we solve misunderstanding with Dimitri and explain that Edelgard dindu nuffin, it’s all church’s fault that the Duscar tragedy happened
          >everyone works together to save the world from Rhea’s ambition
          Happy End
          Well, you know shit sucks when Cold Steel’s story is a better version

          • 2 years ago

            Speaking of Agarthan, the worldbuilding of this game doesn’t make any sense when you put them into the equation.
            They were VERY technologically advanced with Gantz armors, robots, voice changes, machines, MOTHERFRICKING ORBITAL NUKES and cyber city. Fodlan actually was at a point where those inventions were possible, which means, the world outside Fodlan should’ve been super advanced too, then? Since if Fodlan were so advanced, their influence should’ve reached the rest of the world as well.
            Fodlan should’ve been the only ooga booga primitive civilization in the current setting while the rest of the world are super advanvced since Fodlan was the only one that got Turn-A Gundam style “reset” by Sothis.

            1. Sothis genocided the entire world (unlikely since they explicitly said Fodlan)
            2. every single civilization of the world got genocided by their own respective goddess (very unlikely)
            3. Agarthan was the only super advanced civ in the past because they were the only ones that were blessed by Sothis while at the same time they never interacted with any region outside Fodlan, super closed border policy (very unlikely)
            4. The name "Fodlan" used to refer to the entire world, not exclusive to the continent Fodlan in the current setting, which makes 1 possible
            5. There were no civilization outside Fodlan until Fodlan got destroyed

            Explain this plot hole.
            The worldbuilding is moronic because it wants to set up world politics outside Fodlan, yet every piece of history requires Fodlan to be the only place in the world for everything to make sense, just like Zemuria in Trails.

            • 2 years ago

              And that’s it.

              It’s a fun game overall, just with moronic narrative execution post-timeskip that I can tolerate since my focus was on the characters and their support convos, which were amazing. The only real annoyance was the repetitive monastery loop.

              For a game with multiple routes, this game is too long and NG+ doesn’t have much to offer gameplay-wise since you can already recruit characters you like in your 1st playthrough anyway, it’s easy to get burnout. Triangle Strategy is far better in this aspect... well, Triangle Strategy is simply a better game overall. Go play that.

              Now, should I play 3 Copes? I really dislike Musou games. Braindead hack and slash. Is the story better at least?

              I tried looking for other FE games to play, but I just can’t stand ugly sprites. The only games that caught my interest were Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. Are those actually good and easy to emulate?

              What do you think of FE:3H?

              • 2 years ago

                >MC is best girl
                Shame I can’t go frick myself

              • 2 years ago

                I despise Setheth purely due to how much the game shilled him. I wish they’d stop forcing him on me all the fricking time. I wish he’d fricking stop micromanage Byleth’s every action in story. Why the frick is he a mandatory recruit? Flayn is more than enough wyvern riding green shit in my army.

              • 2 years ago

                SS Byleth needs a tard wrangler because the devs are moronic japs that went for a self insert protag that can't have real dialogue

              • 2 years ago

                >why does the gameshill a good person so much?
                sometimes why what it would be like to be a complete psychopath

              • 2 years ago

                >Ignatz better than Dimitri and Dedue

              • 2 years ago

                i see you have great biases in girls

              • 2 years ago

                >support convos were amazing
                >Hello Lysithea how are you?
                >I'm not a child
                >Hello Raphael how are you?
                >Nomnomnom food
                >Hello Sylvain how are you?
                >Hello Ferdinand how are you?
                >As a noble I cannot spend my time idly talking to you
                >Hello Bernadetta how are you
                >Uwwwahhh. I'm going back to my room

              • 2 years ago

                and that's a good thing

              • 2 years ago

                >Now, should I play 3 Copes? I really dislike Musou games. Braindead hack and slash. Is the story better at least?
                Not really, they give even less reason for why you should hate the Church. But it's got some good character moments, and a bunch of characters that were mentioned only in Three Houses (Hilda's brother, several people's fathers etc) get more prominent roles and actual appearances.

              • 2 years ago

                What the difference between 3 houses and 3 hopes in term of plot?

              • 2 years ago

                3 Hopes is what if edgelard did nothing wrong and claude was a nazi

              • 2 years ago

                >be a moron
                >start a war
                >nothing wrong

              • 2 years ago

                Byleth doesn't save the lords from the bandits at the start, instead Shez does. Byleth continues being a terrifying mercenary. This leads to a whole bunch of differences, and war breaks out 2 years after the academy phase.

              • 2 years ago

                Byleth doesn't save the lords and doesn't become their teacher so they don't grow as people.

              • 2 years ago

                the only one who grows as a person under byleth's guidance is claude. dimitri and edelgard stay the same

              • 2 years ago

                Edelgard became a lesbian

              • 2 years ago

                >implying she wasn't before
                She's even more lesbian in 3Copes. Monica is her deranged ex who she still has some feelings for but can't express because her responsibilities as emperor prevent her from being in a proper relationship during the events of the game

              • 2 years ago

                >Make the church the actual evil ~~*shadow government*~~ that’s trying to create total world order and revive Sothis by doing shady shit.
                But why? The Church is fine as it is. It's probably the most stable and admirable entity in Fodlan, even in spite of its issues and dissident factions.
                If anything it's kind of interesting how the dragons are the source of crests, as a result of having been exploited by humans. Yet the biggest crest hater in Fodlan isn't actually Edelgard, but Rhea, the biggest humanitarian in Fodlan who has done immense good for humanity and the poor in particular.
                It's interesting how in spite of all that humanity has put them through, Rhea, Seteth, and Flayn all still love humans.

                Rather than actually making the Church evil, they should have just made Edelgard's hypocrisy less schizophrenic.
                Have her own up to her ideals of aggressively imperialistic conquest, that are in the end, largely irrelevant and unrelated to crests or anything of the sort no matter what she may claim motivates her.
                And acknowledging that Edelgard isn't actually equipped to create a society free of crests, even without the Church, since the Church isn't actually to blame for the role crests plays in their society, might have been worthwhile too.

                They try to make Edelgard sympathetic but they should have just had her veil slowly come off throughout the game and have her stand as an unrelenting villain by the end of the game. In all routes. Crimson Flower included.
                Where all the nice sentiments and flowery words ultimately end up meaning little to nothing in the end in face of Edelgard's true core ambitions that still place the rest of Fodlan at odds with her regardless of anything else.


              • 2 years ago

                It's ok when Hubert and Ferdinand do it

              • 2 years ago

                >dimitri and edelgard stay the same
                Edelgard is less trusting in Hopes and Dimitri refuses to live for himself.

              • 2 years ago

                >Edelgard is less trusting in Hopes
                oh, i'm sorry i must have missed the part where she was so trusting in 3houses that she just talked out all her differences with rhea, and invitied you to join her super secret "let's kill rhe" club without having to waste your time on raising her support to b
                >Dimitri refuses to live for himself.
                nothing to do with byleth and everything to do with the fact that he doesn't go through the murderhobo phase, which results in him doing stupid shit for the wrong reasons that gets rodrigue killed

              • 2 years ago

                >oh, i'm sorry i must have missed the part where she was so trusting in 3houses that she just talked out all her differences with rhea,
                Anon, you do realize that that support was more for Byleth and not for Edelgard right? The support was to raise Byleth's trust in her so that they could give her the benefit of doubt when she attacked in the holy tomb. The game's main theme song is even about it.

                >nothing to do with byleth and everything to do with the fact that he doesn't go through the murderhobo phase
                Actually that does have to do with Byleth as that was an issue that was brought up before his murderhobo phase. Byleth ends up pushing him to think about his own desires. That is what allows him to come out of his murder hobo phase. In fact in the Femleth's tower event he even says that he doesn't have a future to give anyone, it's the same attitude that you get from Hopes.

              • 2 years ago

                >Anon, you do realize that that support was more for Byleth and not for Edelgard right?
                wrong. she desn't invite you to enbarr if you don't have support level B. it's all on her. Also good job ignoring the rhea part

              • 2 years ago

                No that was for Byleth it's why you don't have the option to protect her. Also I ignored the bit about Rhea because Edelgard at no point in time ever sits down Rhea and just talks to her. Even in Hopes she just uses a Rhea.

              • 2 years ago

                >everything to do with the fact that he doesn't go through the murderhobo phase
                Not quite, even without the murderhobo phase no one in his circle is willing to tell him he is allowed to live for himself, Dedue only asks if he can and Dimitri won't believe it because everyone around him was affected by the tragedy in some way and needs him to be king.
                When Rodrigue tells him to live for himself before dying he still doubts it because he saw it as Rodrigue sacrificing himself for Dimitri, not because he wanted to.
                Byleth is an outside voice with no connection to the kingdom or him outside of being his friend/professor which is why it finally gets through to him.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah but Chadmitri becomes even more Chad in Three Hopes.

              • 2 years ago

                You mean a ticking time bomb.

              • 2 years ago

                maybe, maybe not. just don't do stupid shit and dimitri won't rip your ass in two

              • 2 years ago

                >Leave my country, people and the church alone
                And Faerghus and Leicester lived in relative peace for the duration of King Dimitri and King Claude's reigns.

                And Claude is stupid enough to do it so it doesn't matter, meanwhile Dimitri is still suicidal.

              • 2 years ago

                >Leave my country, people and the church alone
                And Faerghus and Leicester lived in relative peace for the duration of King Dimitri and King Claude's reigns.

              • 2 years ago

                Edelgard starts a war after 3 chapters instead of 12 chapters and Byleth takes up the role as an antagonist after getting replaced by some self-insert OC donutsteel.

              • 2 years ago

                buddy Byleth is way more of a self-insert donut steel than Shez is

              • 2 years ago

                Byleth is my wife

              • 2 years ago

                Byleth a cute.

              • 2 years ago

                Shez is Koei self insert. It's like a dumb fanfic.

              • 2 years ago

                That's because it literally is one

              • 2 years ago

                Byleth is the OG and came first so no.

              • 2 years ago

                Well at least Shez has a personality and three hopes finally gave Byleth one to.

              • 2 years ago

                >Mymidon base with a special class that lets them sword harder with a second sword
                >Reckless but earnest and endearing personality
                >Among the men a manlet among the women one of the taller ones
                >Great chemistry with the blue lord
                Not that anon but upon further reflection you're right Shez is basically my ideal FE self-insert

              • 2 years ago

                >being an unironic memedon

              • 2 years ago

                >Now, should I play
                I think you should shut the frick up and keep your half baked juvenile opinions to yourself.

                You write like a child who just discovered that he can have his own ideas but lacks the experience necessary to express them well.

            • 2 years ago

              >3. Agarthan was the only super advanced civ in the past because they were the only ones that were blessed by Sothis while at the same time they never interacted with any region outside Fodlan, super closed border policy (very unlikely)
              Isn't this the canon reason? Their super closed border policy remains in fact to the current day, having only been opened up a tiny bit by the empire fricking about the surrounding regions. I think it was implied that the border policy was even more strict in the past.

              But you also need to recognize that the Agarthans also very obviously view themselves as superior to anyone and anything else. They would have never shared any of their technology with the outside world willingly. They nuked them instead.
              And even if some golem or some other artifact had found its way outside of Fodlan. There is no saying they would have had the means to reverse engineer the technology without Sothis's help.

              • 2 years ago

                If you're a technology advanced tribe, you'd venture, conquer nations and spread your territory right and left. Empire building is man's top instinct.

                >empire fricking about the surrounding regions
                You said it yourself
                Realistically Agarthans were fricking about the surrounding regions 10000 times as hard

              • 2 years ago

                >Realistically Agarthans were fricking about the surrounding regions 10000 times as hard
                They did though. Kind of literally. But from home. And using nukes. Then got fricked by Sothis before they had a chance to leave Fodlan.

          • 2 years ago

            >Well, you know shit sucks when Cold Steel’s story is a better version
            Also definitely give Three Hopes a shot. Plotwise, it's an alternate story that asks "what if Byleth didn't become professor at Garreg Mach" and it's a snowballing effect of how events play out differently. And it does bring in more things that were hinted at in Houses and in outside interviews with devs.
            The monastery stuff is reworked into the camp facilities system which is much snappier and there's no extra useless fluff. Facilities are upgradeable, which helps increase the Camp Level (Professor Level in old game).
            Lines of dialog in these camps aren't voiced, so it's faster to get through everyone's dialog. And there's fast travel to units too if you need to go to one, instead of only being specific areas.
            If you've ever thought "I wonder what Houses gameplay would be like if it wasn't turn-based", this musou scratches the itch for me. There's the demo available and Chapter 4 shows the core gameplay progression.
            And it's really cool to see how they "reorganized" certain aspects of Houses to this one, like classes and character abilities.

            • 2 years ago

              It's still Musou and there's no such thing as fun Musou game.

              • 2 years ago

                Amazing, you still repeat other people's shit takes from the 2010s. Learn to grow up a bit, widdle gay.

              • 2 years ago

                >liking mindless hack and slash game
                grow up

              • 2 years ago

                Don't listen to them, just watch a let's play on you tube.

        • 2 years ago

          >Make the church the actual evil ~~*shadow government*~~ that’s trying to create total world order and revive Sothis by doing shady shit.
          But why? The Church is fine as it is. It's probably the most stable and admirable entity in Fodlan, even in spite of its issues and dissident factions.
          If anything it's kind of interesting how the dragons are the source of crests, as a result of having been exploited by humans. Yet the biggest crest hater in Fodlan isn't actually Edelgard, but Rhea, the biggest humanitarian in Fodlan who has done immense good for humanity and the poor in particular.
          It's interesting how in spite of all that humanity has put them through, Rhea, Seteth, and Flayn all still love humans.

          Rather than actually making the Church evil, they should have just made Edelgard's hypocrisy less schizophrenic.
          Have her own up to her ideals of aggressively imperialistic conquest, that are in the end, largely irrelevant and unrelated to crests or anything of the sort no matter what she may claim motivates her.
          And acknowledging that Edelgard isn't actually equipped to create a society free of crests, even without the Church, since the Church isn't actually to blame for the role crests plays in their society, might have been worthwhile too.

          They try to make Edelgard sympathetic but they should have just had her veil slowly come off throughout the game and have her stand as an unrelenting villain by the end of the game. In all routes. Crimson Flower included.
          Where all the nice sentiments and flowery words ultimately end up meaning little to nothing in the end in face of Edelgard's true core ambitions that still place the rest of Fodlan at odds with her regardless of anything else.

          • 2 years ago

            >The Church is fine as it is.
            Yes. Church is actually good (or not really since Rhea admitted she did some many questionable things to try to revive Sothis) that's why the story doesn't make any sense. The very premise of the main plot (Edelgard's war) was based on how Edelgard hated the Church for... being the reason Crest-based society is a thing? When literally, LITERALLY ALL her problems were directly caused by Slithers, the shady group of people that she was working with.

            • 2 years ago

              >The very premise of the main plot (Edelgard's war) was based on how Edelgard hated the Church for...
              being the delusional conspiritard that she is, making her blame the Church for all her problems.
              And I really don't think the game would have been true if it had just leaned into her conspiracies harder, making them true or otherwise legitimate, as opposed to just being more honest about Edelgard being an extremely morally questionable conspiritard.

              Besides from the games various routes, and the DLC especially, the "questionable things" Rhea has done in the past are extremely unlikely to have ever been anything malicious.
              It's strongly suggested to just be things like morality behind creating the several homunculi (that she still cared for as if they were family) like Byleth's mother. Her greatest sin is that it's suggested that the chalice blunder from the DLC is similar to something that likely may have happened in the past. But it was very obvious from the DLC story that the whole chalice drama was developed with the best intentions in mind, and not just for Sothis/Rhea, but people at large.
              And even with all of that. With the subsequent failures she grew even more reserved and considerate. Which is why she has no longer has any such dangerous ploys in motion during the actual game. But everything suggests she was already rather considerate even before.

              Nothing suggests that Rhea's crimes are anywhere even close to as bad as any actually bad faith actor in the game. It's just that she feels several times more guilty about it than the other characters.

            • 2 years ago

              >When literally, LITERALLY ALL her problems were directly caused by Slithers, the shady group of people that she was working with.
              Which makes Edelgard the unreasonable one. And since she is the unreasonable one I don't really see the point in rewriting all of the church to fit her Edelgard's delusions just to make her come across as more reasonable.

          • 2 years ago

            just a false-flagging edeltard, pay him no mind

        • 2 years ago

          >Make the church the actual evil ~~*shadow government*~~ that’s trying to create total world order and revive Sothis by doing shady shit.
          >just make it more generic bro
          actual moron

          • 2 years ago

            Generic doesn't mean bad

          • 2 years ago

            This. The actual solution would be to remove the Agarthians as anon said, and just let the setting play out largely the same. The characters' motivations and misgivings against the Church are already fair and nuanced, there doesn't need to be an evil cabal of molepeople running around as well to generate conflict.

            • 2 years ago

              >The characters' motivations and misgivings against the Church are already fair and nuanced,
              They aren't, in fact Houses Claude actually disagrees with his 3 Hopes counterpart, and Edelgard in reality is just using the church as a pretense to justify her conquest.

            • 2 years ago

              >and misgivings against the Church
              What misgivings? Edelgard is just straight up bullshitting everyone, herself included. Claude was sceptical about the Church, mostly because he thought they were the slithers. But he chose to investigate further and learn more before taking action, learned that he was wrong, and did a 180 on the Church. And Dimitri didn't have any misgivings against the Church.

              Kind of ridiculous that some people want the Church to be the bad guys so bad when it's the Empire that are the antagonists, backed by the slithers. But with or without the slithers the Empire remains the antagonists. With Edelgard at the helm, like her red predecessors of prior games.

              • 2 years ago

                We don't even know any prominent person from the Empire. Their route (Crimson Flower) got shafter hard. From our perspective they're just morons blindly following Edelgard's moronation. or comically evil like Slithers.

      • 2 years ago

        >Seteth never learned of their relationship.
        so flayn was his secret side ho?

        • 2 years ago

          forever prime young hoe

  2. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      haha... that's our professor, the Ashen Chevalierr

  3. 2 years ago

    >he did not play a fresh NG maddening run
    You did not beat the game.
    >bbbut muh stat bloat
    Git gud. Maddening is only bullshit in the first maps because you are completely dependant on on good RNG. After that, 3H actually becomes FUN because your choices on how you build your students actually matter

  4. 2 years ago

    >while I watched Dimitri route and all support events on youtube
    the absolute state of Gankerirgins.

    • 2 years ago

      >just spend 200 hours for 100% completion bro

  5. 2 years ago

    This reminds me of the P5 fans that never played the game and saw everything on youtube and yet they called it their favorite JRPG. Absolute autism. I hate zoomers so much.

    • 2 years ago

      no one in their right mind would 100% FE3H
      I actually beat P5 after 100+ hours. I wonder why I took that long to beat it. I didn't even grind.

  6. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Perfect. It's so moronic.

  7. 2 years ago

    >forcefully joins your party

    • 2 years ago

      there are more things i'd love him to do forcefully

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing wrong with Seteth
      Wyvern unit so he's by default useful, and he's alright as a character. Enjoyed him as the surrogate lord in the church route.

  8. 2 years ago

    i love edelgard!!

  9. 2 years ago

    >Edelgard-sama, I advise that we cooperate with the evil cultists who experimented on you

  10. 2 years ago

    Sylvain fits GD so much better than BL.
    Any other characters that'd fit in other classes too?

    • 2 years ago

      >a character with close personal ties to half the members of Blue Lions, as well as a backstory that only works if he's a knight of the kingdom fits better in another class

      • 2 years ago

        school ain't about personal ties

        • 2 years ago

          If you're only talking about the school phase then sure but absolutely not in part two.
          Even then its debateable because Sylvain brings balance to the Lions and the Faerghus four, they're all pretty serious people and Sylvain sees it as his role to be the joking older brother that keeps things from getting too tense.

    • 2 years ago

      my iq dropped a couple of points just from reading this shit

  11. 2 years ago

    >Hello I want to talk about 3 Houses with normal Ganker residents and not fanboys on /vg/
    You think you want that, but you don't.

    This thread would be best received on


    Those same posters you don't like live here on Ganker. In fact, Ganker and /vg/ are the only boards they use.

    So if this thread even lives that long, expect it to become infested.

    (( Post on


    next time. ))

    • 2 years ago

      vrpg is dead

      • 2 years ago

        >ers you don't like live here on Ganker. In fact, Ganker and /vg/ are the only boards they use.
        no it's not. it's a slower board than Ganker but it gets decent traffic

  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    >hard mode got hard
    >battalions gave more variety to attack options
    Whoops they only have 1-3 uses per map, can’t double, and in 95% of situations you’ll find that it’s better to just waste them on monsters to break barriers.
    >3H had good graphics, better than garbage sprites
    HAHAHA the only thing that makes watching combat satisfying is the critical hits, and the only strength modern fire emblem has is giving characters critical hit quotes to signify that the next hit will hurt. The animations themselves are lackluster.
    >maddening is too much
    It’s actually the only way to make 3H have a challenge. Hard mode doesn’t make enemies threatening enough ever so you never have to sit down and actually think about what you’re doing. On maddening at least you have to plan ahead in the beginning because you’re limited in resources and every enemy can easily one round you. The extra skills enemies get is a small push in the right direction, but they could have done much more to make the game difficult aside from stat bloat.
    >but how could they have made the game more difficult without stat bloat
    Utilize the strengths of the customization units can have. Give enemies more accessories, give some units a weapon that’s not for the class they use with enough proficiency to use it (swordmaster that pulls out gauntlets to quad you), give them combat arts, stuff like that.

    • 2 years ago

      >It’s actually the only way to make 3H have a challenge
      forcing you to turtle bait & switch while moving in a pack isn't a challenge

      • 2 years ago

        >he didn't play maddening
        Turtling in 3 houses maddening is a TERRIBLE idea due to how broken enemy falcon knights are. You either take the initiative or you're getting your ass whopped
        Chapter 14 (the one with Randolph as the boss) is a prime example of this since you're constantly dealing with falcon knight reinforcements but you still have to move forward and clear the ballistas and cavaliers. You can't even solo the left side with your strongest unit because your strongest unit needs to steamroll the right side because the green unit is weak as frick
        Truly an underrated map in a shitty game

  14. 2 years ago

    Good read. Thanks OP

  15. 2 years ago

    are "Fire Emblem Three Hopes: All Cutscenes and Support Conversation (JP Voice / EN Subs)" videos out yet?

  16. 2 years ago

    3trannies maddening is like Conquest on normal, but the difficulty comes from completely different reasons.

    • 2 years ago

      cope. conquest is shit.

      • 2 years ago


  17. 2 years ago

    >I spent ~90 hours for Edelgard, Rhea and Claude routes
    How? My first playthrough took me 90 hours.
    The one thing that annoyed me the most were the optional battles during the month. They're all the same and give 0 challange. Paralogue ones were good though, some of them actually kicked my ass

  18. 2 years ago

    Im doing a maddening classic run ch 12 right now on Crimson flower, and with careful planning and min maxxing it's really not that bad and feels far more rewarding to keep everyone alive. I hate to be that guy but you didnt really beat the game OP.

    • 2 years ago

      >crimson flower
      You're not beating the game either though

      • 2 years ago

        if you beat any route on maddening/classic you beat the game.

        • 2 years ago

          This, and you can’t recruit anyone outside of your unit and you can’t reset

        • 2 years ago

          Crimson Flower is the shortest route and it's also unfinished fanfic. You did not even play 3 houses

          • 2 years ago

            crimson flower is tue most original route with the least amount of reused maps, and has more new locations.

          • 2 years ago

            Making tender passionate love to Edelwife >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AM, VW, SS

          • 2 years ago

            >Calling CF fanfic
            lmao seething churchcuck detected. Why don't you go back to whining about Claude being literally hitler because he doesn't want the alliance to be run by shape shifting lizardman illuminati in 3 Hopes?

            • 2 years ago

              >lmao seething churchcuck detected.
              Edelgard restored the church in CF. Play the fricking game Nick

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