First Character

What was your first-ever tabletop character? I made a lizardman cleric in 3.5e.

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    I ran my game the first time I played because even as a 9 year old I hated myself.

  2. 8 months ago

    Half-elf hunter in DSA (The Dark Eye), a premade character for a one-shot beginner adventure. My first actual character was a noble fencer in the same system.

  3. 8 months ago

    A Super Mutant preacher from the Church of Atom in Fallout GURPS when I was in high school. I regularly randomly started preaching very loudly, giving the party thief time to rob whatever traveler we met on the road and were sharing maps with.
    Before then I'd DMed for D&D 4e, but not very well because I'd only read half the rules. The only reason it went sort of well was because my players had similarly read none of the rules. I was reading 2e AD&D rulebooks since I was in kindergarten but I didn't have anyone to play with until 4e was already out in middle school.

  4. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      First TTRPG character ever was a nameless halfling rogue that my uncle helped me make when he was teaching us how to play D&D (3.5) for the first time. He didn't do much other than forget to check for traps and fail to check for traps when he did remember.

      My first INTERESTING character was Zekkan Quixote, a fullblooded orc cavalier that had delusional grandiose dreams about becoming a knightly hero and uplifting his fellow orcs by uniting the tribes under one banner. He died fighting a mummy lord because he flew into a range when it told him that his companions think he's stupid. (they did, he was) Zekkan forgot his knightly conduct and attacked the mummy, but got his ass kicked while the rest of the party stood around and watched.

      >I made a lizardman cleric in 3.5e.
      No, you didn't.

      >first character was freakshit
      Kys OP.
      I bet you started with 5e or Pathfinder.

      You came to this thread just to tell us you're nogames.

  5. 8 months ago

    My clueless-ass kiddo self awkwardly scribbled out an anime guy Fighter/Mage/Thief on the included character sheet on the back of my 3e core rulebook, because I wanted all of the loot and to be able to do everything.

    Nearly two decades later, I cracked open AD&D as my friends wanted to mess with it and after realizing that my original goofball build was actually functional in it remade that character as a High Elf Fighter/Magic-User/Thief. The group quickly lost interest in starting a game though, which was a shame.

  6. 8 months ago

    dirk longshaft a half giant barbarian

  7. 8 months ago

    I played a Gnome Bard, notable for banging the innkeeper while the party tried to frame their murder as a suicide, and at the end of the campaign for getting access to a Gnome-sized mechasuit and not being able to use it because our GM was just experienced enough to hand out fun things but just new enough to not know how to handle it and pulled the rug out from under me
    This almost immediately killed the campaign but it was a fun year

  8. 8 months ago

    morris goldberg the israeli wizard

  9. 8 months ago

    I made a nobleman fighter with a rapier

  10. 8 months ago

    Shadowrun half german half japanese street samurai called Karl Von Fujimori. The keks were worthy.
    Else dragonborn fighter called Firelord. Died before his time. RIP. Frick you Roondar!

  11. 8 months ago

    >I made a lizardman cleric in 3.5e.
    No, you didn't.

    • 8 months ago

      What exactly is dubious about the idea of running a lizardman cleric in 3.5?

      • 8 months ago

        I will let you run your wheels trying to figure out why I think your post is bullshit. If you get it right I will let you know.

        • 8 months ago

          It's not my post, I'm not OP. I'm just saying, a lizardman is hardly some kind of obscure race, they're if anything a fantasy staple. D&D's got a few different options and 3.5 even has the stats to roll up a lizardfolk right in the Monster Manual.

          Like I know the default is to assume that no one on /tg/ plays games, but it's not like OP said anything completely impossible or baffling.

        • 8 months ago

          I'm OP. You're probably thinking of a Dragonborn, which was introduced in 4e, but he was a lizardfolk, which was in 3.5e.

      • 8 months ago

        It is just naming 3.5 that triggered you, psychopath-kun?

        Please explain, I'm really curious what's going on inside your head.

        First TTRPG character ever was a nameless halfling rogue that my uncle helped me make when he was teaching us how to play D&D (3.5) for the first time. He didn't do much other than forget to check for traps and fail to check for traps when he did remember.

        My first INTERESTING character was Zekkan Quixote, a fullblooded orc cavalier that had delusional grandiose dreams about becoming a knightly hero and uplifting his fellow orcs by uniting the tribes under one banner. He died fighting a mummy lord because he flew into a range when it told him that his companions think he's stupid. (they did, he was) Zekkan forgot his knightly conduct and attacked the mummy, but got his ass kicked while the rest of the party stood around and watched.

        You came to this thread just to tell us you're nogames.

        he's making it up

    • 8 months ago

      I will let you run your wheels trying to figure out why I think your post is bullshit. If you get it right I will let you know.

      It is just naming 3.5 that triggered you, psychopath-kun?

    • 8 months ago

      I will let you run your wheels trying to figure out why I think your post is bullshit. If you get it right I will let you know.

      Please explain, I'm really curious what's going on inside your head.

    • 8 months ago

      my first (real) character was a lizardman paladin in 2e, played him for a month. even made a thread asking for advice on /tg/ because our dm was a shitter at the time and flipped his alignment for touching magic water. my point is that you are a homosexual who calls others stories fake because you and your group lack imagination and you assume that nobody can have an interesting ttrpg experience because of your crippled brain.

  12. 8 months ago

    Sture Sturesson, a dwarf pirate who i rolled really low movement on. Slow on land, fast as frick in water. Eaten by a linnorm at the second session.

    Second was a Duck Thief, Kraxel Hålvinge, but the group fell apart when i dumped my ex.

    • 8 months ago

      >Eaten by a linnorm at the second session.
      You met a Linnorm in your second session?

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, we were exploring a cavern and took a wrong turn, we were supposed to run but sture was too slow.
        Now that i think about it, the gm's gf didn't like me, so that might have had something to do with it.

  13. 8 months ago

    A human-raised drow thief named Iliira for the one and only tabletop AD&D game I played in 2000, who was just adapted from my Baldur's Gate 1 Charname but with the Bhaalspawn stuff removed. Never played with the group again (nothing happened, we just never found the time), and then I was Forever DM'd from 2005 thru to 2016.

    But man when I finally got a fellow player/DM to run 5e and I got to play Iliira again, it was worth the wait.

  14. 8 months ago

    BECMI Elf. Went up to the last attack class, it was nice.
    I wish I knew of the splats that allowed to advance spellcasting too, back then.
    Oh well.

  15. 8 months ago

    I can't remember. It was back in 3.5e, my father and his friends used to play. When they gathered at our house they would let me choose from a handful of pre-mades and let me join their party as a hired mercenary or fellow adventurer, but only while dungeon crawling.
    I was like 10 or 11.

  16. 8 months ago

    >First game
    We were drawing lots from a hat, since GM decided making character for us will be easier and faster than spending entire afternoon on this, while none of us had any grasp of the rules.
    I drew a merc with bunch of supporting skills for hunting and wilderness survival. It was fine. We were doing wilderness exploration of an uncharted river, so it fitted like a glove (unlike a priest[ess] of a hippy religion, a wizard's apprentice and a blacksmith)

  17. 8 months ago

    3.5e too. It was a human druid inspired by some combination of shirtless Frazetta barbarians, Warhammer Norscans and Mongol riders.

  18. 8 months ago

    2e wizard. I forget his name

  19. 8 months ago

    Human Spirit Shaman in 3.5e
    Lasted 1 session, probably not even 2 hours
    He got trapped and crippled in a corridor by another PC and left to be killed by monsters because the player wanted to play Spirit Shaman and GM only allowed one "rare" class per party and you needed to roll beforehanded, I rolled good, the other player didn't. He then suicided his character to be able to reroll to get a Spirit Shaman

    • 8 months ago

      Your GM was a double butthole.

  20. 8 months ago

    >first character was freakshit
    Kys OP.
    I bet you started with 5e or Pathfinder.

  21. 8 months ago

    AD&D Dwarf cleric of Dumatoín. Due to plot, he died many, many, many times. Including for science.

  22. 8 months ago

    A halfling cleric in a 3.5 homebrew setting who worshipped the God of harvests, fertility and familial bonds and I had like 30 kids.

  23. 8 months ago

    Generic-ass cleric man. Me and the gang played D&D after we spent a whole day at the arcade so I named him Olcadan after the Soul Calibur character and made him look like the Shadows Over Mystara cleric.
    His greatest moments were bashing a pile of corpses into mush in frustration, getting mooned by an orc and accidentally leaving behind a fallen comrade after a trap nearly wiped the whole party.

  24. 8 months ago

    First ever played? The barbarian from heroquest when i was 7-8 years old.

    First ever made by me? A barbarish norse warhammer chaos warrior inspired fighter in ad&d 2e. I played other characters before this one but they were all pregen made for me by other players/gm in ad&d 1e (a generic nameless fighter) and merp (a gondorian fighter named Iorlas, which actually exist canonically in lotr, he's the uncle of some gondorian kid pippin met).

  25. 8 months ago

    mountain dwarf fighter because I wanted something simple for my first game,

    since played a cleric a warlock and a rogue,

  26. 8 months ago

    Tempest Cleric.
    We rolled 6 d20 to decide attribute scores.
    I think my array ended up being 18, 14, 16, 13, 19, 7.
    And he was a normal human, so I had 20 wis at at level 1.
    Command was the MVP in that game.
    We played for 10 god damn hours straight, only stopping when we realized the sun was rising.
    Shit was cash.
    Been in love with the class ever since. Currently playing a 3.5e game and I love it so much.
    I fricking love the Ordained Champion prestige class.

  27. 8 months ago

    A red dragonborn vengeance paladin in 5e. I've since gotten engaged to the DM of that game.

  28. 8 months ago

    Lizardman wizard, 3.5. He had a lizard familiar named Eddie (Izzard).

    Notable moments include indirectly destroying a city with undead, becoming the most wanted criminal in the nation, feeding a necromancer's undead factory to a shoggoth, feeding yuan-ti pirates to a shoggoth, and warring with the bard over what the airship was called.

  29. 8 months ago

    preserver wizard in dnd second edition dark sun.

  30. 8 months ago

    Dwarf Billy Mays

  31. 8 months ago

    Drell Redmoor, a half-orc paladin of devotion, in 5e. We played Hoard of the Dragon Queen. He was sheepish, a poor actor, a total dork, and saddled with a party of... "pragmatic" people who severely tested his oath and his patience. But he was also a fresh-faced young adult and had 7 intelligence. Still my favourite character I ever made, and I hope to play him in another adventure eventually.

  32. 8 months ago

    Half-Elf fighter who fought with two shortswords and had an Int higher than his Dex or Con and would fashion weapons and armor from monster parts. He was fricking awful at everything...

  33. 8 months ago

    still have his sheet somewhere, made a half-orc barbarian in 3.5 that I then dipped 4 levels into druid for a "free horse"

    also used that old dnd name generator that used your initials

  34. 8 months ago

    2e thri-kreen thief
    didn't know what a thri-kreen was i just thought being a mantis was cool and also I wanted to do assassin-y things

  35. 8 months ago

    I think it was probably a human Sorcerer in 3.5, but it might have been a Warlock. I spent a lot of time messing with characters before I got to actually play, so it's all kind of fuzzy.

    Dug this out of my old HD.

  36. 8 months ago

    A hobbit burglar in the Middle-Earth RPG. Can't remember his name anymore.

  37. 8 months ago

    i can't remember his name. He was a male human fighter in a blue rulebook adventure.

  38. 8 months ago

    A Dawn Caste Solar Exalted (2E), a barefisted warrior of the Solar Hero Style. A lonely man from the frigid norths who had lost his clan to roaming undead, giving him a personal grudge against the Underworld. His story lead to a war against the forces of darkness, and eventually defeating a Deathlord personally.
    It was a pretty dramatic introduction to tabletop. The GM and other players were really kind with my floundering. His personality was "gruff but caring, hates evil", his first solution to everything was to punch it, I wasn't exactly professional quality writer.

  39. 8 months ago

    Tulamid juggler in DSA(The Dark Eye) 4.1. I didn't know that characters start with skillpoints to spend so I underperformed at every opportunity, but at least I had a mule.

  40. 8 months ago

    AD&D, nameless mage with 4 HP, my semi-moronic friend building a dungeon using the random generation rules in the back of some book (DM guide?) and rolling for every room i entered.

    in order to teach me how to think about disarming and avoiding traps, he murdered my character about 5 times just trying to open the door to the dungeon. good times

  41. 8 months ago

    It was a half elf ranger named Duncan. He ended up joining mid combat with 3d6 in order for stats, ending up with a 12 in dex and strength and 18 in charisma. My first action was to intimidate an orc patrol. There was a succubus DMNPC that just had sex with the wizard. When I proposed that we rest in a safer room, the DM rolled a d20 and got like a 9.

    "Alright, so my succubus tears out your heart. That's the spell, you don't get a save."

    And then proceeded to erp with the wizard, while the other pc actually managed to save me.

    Anyway, ending up being the only one able to do any form of strategy. Dumbass wizard would always end up in frontline because succubus DMPC was just broken and because horny brain, but AC is still AC and he got killed. I left the voice chat when they started to call each other gays.

    • 8 months ago

      You can't stack two shoulder slot items no matter how light they are

  42. 8 months ago

    Wild magic sorcerer in 5e, made in 15mins after being called to play out of the blue by the DM since we played some board games in the store before, and me being curious about RPing. He died to a death knight.
    Now i'm gonna start DMing next week

  43. 8 months ago

    Bugbear wizard, specializing in illusion school.
    DnD 3.5

  44. 8 months ago

    Elven Fighter/Mage; 2nd Edition AD&D (not that old, was using father's old books).

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