First Civ game, I really want to like it but its so fricking boring and shallow

First Civ game, I really want to like it but its so fricking boring and shallow
I feel like I missed a major part of the game or something, I've done a Science, Religious and Domination victory so far and Diety mode is slightly challenging up until around turn 100 then its just a steamroll
I'd frick all the base game women for sure though

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  1. 1 year ago

    If you find 6 shallow then you'd hate all the previous ones infinitely more.
    Also I kind of find it hard to believe you're steamrolling the AI by turn 100 if it's your first Civ game. Not to say the AI is good, but that seems a bit of a stretch.

    • 1 year ago

      No, the game is challenging and unpredictable until you get things established by turn 100 - then it becomes significantly easier with things in place and set up.

    • 1 year ago

      its unbelievably easy once you get established, i stop playing most of the time because military conquest takes 5 fricking years moving 30 sets of different troop units across the globe, and no military can stand against me

      • 1 year ago

        Domination victories make me wish you could just demand surrender from weak opponents. The AI clearly has a calculus to how threatened it is, as evinced by when it will and won't negotiate. Moving your military within their borders and taking a city or two AFTER you've defeated a much more powerful neighbor should be enough to get them capitulate to you as vassals.
        This would also serve the dual function of minimizing the burden of additional micromanagement that comes with domination, as you accumulate a bunch of cities you may or may not fricking care about.

        • 1 year ago

          yea, its really bad, hopefully if we ever get a civ 7 they fix that shit

    • 1 year ago

      >Also I kind of find it hard to believe you're steamrolling the AI by turn 100 if it's your first Civ game. Not to say the AI is good, but that seems a bit of a stretch.
      All is possible when playing on easy

    • 1 year ago

      >6tards calling the other games more shallow than the literal most shallow game in the series
      Bloat doesn't equal depth, kiddo. Districts and policy cards don't make the game more interesting or challenging.

    • 1 year ago

      Play any of the real Civilization games, 2 or 4 or even 3.
      If you want more complexity and a proper challenge.
      Hexes are for brainlet tacticians that cant into strategy.

      have a nice day lying piece of shit.

  2. 1 year ago

    4 warlords is the last good one

  3. 1 year ago

    If you're finding Deity too easy, I'd recommend:
    Base game deity is really just about knowing the chinks in the AI's armor and exploiting them as efficiently as possible to snowball. I don't really enjoy it, and prefer playing on immortal or emperor with difficulty mods that make them more consistent over the course of the game.

  4. 1 year ago

    I played 6 for a couple games and liked it way less than 5, it feels like a mobile game for some reason

    • 1 year ago

      Looks like one too
      Impressive animations and voices but only used for the introductions, static and non-voiced for every other line
      I wouldn't be surprised if the initial pitch for the game was for mobile phones

      • 1 year ago

        NTA but I like the terrain and structures in 6 better. Would love to do an overhaul of 5. It's the better game.

    • 1 year ago

      Looks like one too
      Impressive animations and voices but only used for the introductions, static and non-voiced for every other line
      I wouldn't be surprised if the initial pitch for the game was for mobile phones

      NTA but I like the terrain and structures in 6 better. Would love to do an overhaul of 5. It's the better game.

      >Felt like a mobile game
      What the frick does this even mean, you fricker have been saying this for 7 FRICKING YEARS now. Where is the mobile port then? Why does no mobile game play like it, what about this game make it look and feel like a mobile game but not Civ 5 or even Civ 4?

      • 1 year ago

        meds please.

        • 1 year ago

          I fail to see how my Anticoagulant is going to help in this situation

      • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        >Why does no mobile game play like it
        Come on anon, don't act like Civ is some unique strategy game that is genre defining.

        • 1 year ago

          I don't but no game on the mobile market plays like it

          • 1 year ago

            There's a ton of free civ clones for android on the app store (pic related), not sure about IOS
            There's some paid for games too, with better gameplay

      • 1 year ago

        >others have been saying this for 7 years
        What? really? I wasn't even aware of that, I played civ6 last year for the first time and got the complete edition of civ5 last month
        Surely it means something if what I think happens to be the same thing others have been saying for a longer time
        By no means am I saying that civ6 is a bad game, but it's definitely less enjoyable than the previous games

  5. 1 year ago

    >Continents and islands
    >A faith tile to start
    >Multiple harbor spots within starting tile view
    Oh yeah, it's gaming time

    • 1 year ago

      >surrounded by volcanos

    • 1 year ago

      what mod for the tiles?

      • 1 year ago

        Civ V environment skin, vegetation variety, dark age lighting in all ages

  6. 1 year ago

    The AI sucks and can only try to beat you by cheating. Solo games are more for a comfy sim game. If you want a real challenge and competition, play online instead.

  7. 1 year ago

    Civ 4 was the last good civ game, and even that was pretty shallow
    It's baby's first 4X for a reason

  8. 1 year ago

    6 is by far the worst, most casualised, most soulless one, it's LITERALLY designed for toddlers and that seeps into every aspect of its design, from the mobile game visuals to the reddit-friendly tech quotes that refuse to reference ancient sources like in previous games because they're "problematic" and instead say things like "I WANT TO GO WHERE LE HECKIN PUPPERINOS DO".
    Play Civ 4 and 5, they're infinitely superior, and if you're okay with something more old-school try Civ 3 and Alpha Centauri.

    • 1 year ago

      People call Civ VI casual, but in my experience my Civ V games are so much smoother than my Civ VI games. Trying to pull off domination on Civ VI feels ridiculously slow because I can never get in a place where I'm efficiently refreshing military units and keeping up my science advancement at the same time (so my units don't get crushed by even meager defenses).
      In Civ V trying to pull off the same felt like I had more balance in my unit production and technological advancement. These were on the same difficulty too.
      Sure, I'm moronic, but in my experience Civ VI has kicked my ass more easily than V. The best mods are on V anyways.

  9. 1 year ago

    I think you are playing on easy difficulties Anon...

  10. 1 year ago

    I just downloaded this as my first VIC game, never played strategy games before either. Put it on medium diffculty (Pince? Or whatever its called). My autism when starting the game really went through the roof. What are people playing single player on usually? Just the normal settings?! I felt like putting it on a larger world is more fun perhaps? I don't know since it's my first. I also thoughr I'd put it on more rounds?
    I literally have no clue what I am doing. Why does building one thing take 30 turns lol

  11. 1 year ago

    Bought 5 on impulse last time it and all its addons and I enjoying doing a few runs on it, but now I'm extremely curious about 6 thanks to all the shitstorm about which version is better.
    Also why the frick does 6 have a billion DLCs for new civs just to bloat its price

  12. 1 year ago

    I've sunk thousands of hours into Civ V and VI but never was able to get into IV and SMAC. How do they compare?

  13. 1 year ago

    CIV VI sucks ass
    play V

  14. 1 year ago

    Civ 6 is utter garbage
    civ 5 isnt much better either

    the best one is civ4, although i would recommend trying Old World, its my goty 2022 as well. An innovative, but not copy pasted take on the historical 4x formula mixed with political simulation ala Crusader Kings 2 and a well made, highly mobile combat system that makes the wargaming a lot of fun aswell.

  15. 1 year ago

    muh stacks

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