

CRIME Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >actually buffing the Steel type

    • 2 years ago

      >steel only having 2 weaknesses
      >Grass being even more worthless offensively
      MEDS NOW

      sissybois love to cry about Fairy type when Steel is still the most bullshit, OP type.

  2. 2 years ago

    >steel only having 2 weaknesses
    >Grass being even more worthless offensively

  3. 2 years ago

    >sinnohfetus wants dialga to have no weaknesses
    you were not subtle enough

    • 2 years ago

      >steel only having 2 weaknesses
      >Grass being even more worthless offensively
      MEDS NOW

      >actually buffing the Steel type


      He should also get Solid Rock ability, so that those 2x weaknesses become 1.5x.

      • 2 years ago

        You know, if Solid Rock could give immunities to the Double-Weaknesses, it would just be necessary to just give it to ya, buddy.
        Can even help poor Carracosta and Camerupt in the process.

        play the game

        • 2 years ago

          >play the game
          >by which I mean the smogon fanfic meta
          haha no thanks I don't have a need to transition

          • 2 years ago

            You're going full schizo, Verlisify fan. You need to take your pills

  4. 2 years ago

    Just make him pure steel type and give it recover.

  5. 2 years ago

    You know, if Solid Rock could give immunities to the Double-Weaknesses, it would just be necessary to just give it to ya, buddy.
    Can even help poor Carracosta and Camerupt in the process.

  6. 2 years ago

    >nerfing grass
    >buffing steel
    Just give bastiodon solid rock

    • 2 years ago

      He should also get Solid Rock ability, so that those 2x weaknesses become 1.5x.

      Would it even be good with Solid Rock? I feel like it'd need some form of self sustain to keep itself in the fight. Are there even any good minmaxed wall Pokemon that don't have an easy way to heal themselves? I know Forretress fell to the wayside when Pokemon like Ferrothorn showed up but I'll admit I'm not too well versed in what exactly makes a Pokemon viable.

      • 2 years ago

        Heatran, Tapu Fini, Tyranitar. All great defensive pokemon and very important walls in OU but none of them have any recovery outside of leftovers (or Draining Kiss for Fini but it's not good outside of heavy investment). Ferrothorn pretty much counts too, yes it has Leech Seed but that's not very reliable compared to Roost, Wish, etc and many Ferrothorns don't run it at all.

        • 2 years ago

          >Ferro and Fini
          Bros you told me Grass is a bad type... did you lie to me?

          • 2 years ago

            Bulu is the Grass one (and it's UU because Rillaboom is just a better version of it in every way), Fini is water. But yes the people who think Grass is a bad type are morons.

      • 2 years ago

        Heatran, Tapu Fini, Tyranitar. All great defensive pokemon and very important walls in OU but none of them have any recovery outside of leftovers (or Draining Kiss for Fini but it's not good outside of heavy investment). Ferrothorn pretty much counts too, yes it has Leech Seed but that's not very reliable compared to Roost, Wish, etc and many Ferrothorns don't run it at all.

        Aside from buffing Rock and it's HP, what Bastiodon truly needs is more offensive pressure itself. All those other mons check or counter big threats and can threaten them out. Bastiodon does nothing but set up rocks and hope it can decimate something with Metal Burst because it's so fricking weak it can't do anything else.

  7. 2 years ago

    Steel should be weak to Water. Water rusts Steel.

    • 2 years ago

      >4x weak to fighting, ground, and water
      Kino. Make it happen, Gamefreak.

    • 2 years ago

      OK I make steel weak to water only.

      • 2 years ago

        >dialga still has no weaknesses
        discord thread alert

        • 2 years ago

          who? sounds like some sort of troon nickname on discord

  8. 2 years ago

    >buffing steel
    absolutely deranged t. steelgay

  9. 2 years ago

    >nerfing grass even harder

    • 2 years ago

      grass is an early game type like bug
      stop trying to use it in serious matches

      • 2 years ago

        t. Meganium hater

        • 2 years ago

          meganium can suck my balls
          venusaur is the only good grass starter, with an honorable mention to torterra

      • 2 years ago

        It's a starter type

  10. 2 years ago

    >OP triggering everyone for buffing steel
    Steel doesnt need a defensive buff, but Rock sure as shit does. However
    > Removing grass weakness
    Grass needs every little bit of offensive power it has, just like poison.

    Removing water weakness from Rock is fine though.

    Also give it Shore Up and Sand Stream.

    • 2 years ago

      sissybois love to cry about Fairy type when Steel is still the most bullshit, OP type.

      >buffing steel
      absolutely deranged t. steelgay

      Steel should be weak to Water. Water rusts Steel.

      >nerfing grass
      >buffing steel
      Just give bastiodon solid rock

      >actually buffing the Steel type

      Steel should regain its resistances against Dark and Ghost, Ground should deal neutral damage to it, and Bug should be nullified completely like Poison. In exchange it should be NVE against Ground and only deal normal damage to fairies. Change my mind.
      >b-but it’s broken!
      No. Steel’s point is to be a defensive type that resists almost everything but is effective against very little, the opposite of how Ice is an offensive type that resists only itself but is effective against many types. Removing its offensive power in exchange for buffing defense is being true to the point of Steel types. Since Steel has little in the way of offense in the first place this is a fair trade.
      >wh-why Dark and Ghost?
      Steel originally resisted both until it was unfairly nerfed in Gen 6. Sure Fairy type came into being but that didn’t justify weakening Steel for no reason. In fact if anything since Fairies took over Steel’s traditional role as the anti dragon type Steel needed to be buffed. I am just fixing GF’s mistake by restoring Steel’s natural resistances.
      >removing the ground weakness is bad!
      And in exchange I made Steel not very effective against Ground. Strengthening defense, weakening offense, kind of the entire point of Steel. A more meaningful type interaction without making Steel OP.
      >why no damage from bugs?
      Bug is a poor offensive type already relegated to the early game. This is simply a buff to compensate for…
      >normal damage to fairies
      Poison was supposed to be buffed by it being SE against fairies but Steel is better at this in every way and the huge number of Psychic/Fairies means that Poison really isn’t such a good fairy. Making Poison Fairy’s only weakness will make the meta healthier while balancing out Steel nicely.

      • 2 years ago

        mentally ill post

      • 2 years ago

        >bug should be nerfed b-because it just should be okay???
        have a nice day.

      • 2 years ago

        >Buffing Steel back to it's Dark/Ghost resistances
        >Now getting rid of it's earthquake weakness, for no reason
        Are you moronic?
        >Nerfing Bug even more
        Good lord yes you're moronic

      • 2 years ago

        Steel’s new type effectiveness chart under my proposed changes :

        No effect on Steel : Bug, Poison
        Not very effective against Steel : Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, Rock, Dragon, Steel, Fairy, Ghost, Dark
        Super effective against Steel : Fire, Fighting
        Normal damage against Steel : Water, Electric, Ground

        Steel super effective against : Rock, Ice
        Steel not very effective against : Fire, Water, Electric, Ground, Steel
        Steel does normal damage against : Bug, Poison, Normal, Grass, Flying, Psychic, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Dark, Fighting

        • 2 years ago

          take your meds

          • 2 years ago

            mentally ill post

            This is a thread about proposed type resistance changes and I proposed a type resistance change. If anything you’re the one posting off topic here.

            >bug should be nerfed b-because it just should be okay???
            have a nice day.

            Bug is already a bad type, no one uses bug moves on Steel mons anyways. If it bothers you so much maybe it could be changed to another immunity but I think bug works the best.

            >Buffing Steel back to it's Dark/Ghost resistances
            >Now getting rid of it's earthquake weakness, for no reason
            Are you moronic?
            >Nerfing Bug even more
            Good lord yes you're moronic

            Buffing means that you’re making something better, but Steel already had dark and ghost resistances. I am just restoring it, or undoing a nerf, not buffing. As for the loss of ground weakness that’s compensated by a reduction in offensive power. You should come up with better arguments instead of ad hominem.

            • 2 years ago

              So your solution is to make Bug even worse? Terrible rationale. Bug shouldn't be a victim of your own biases. Why not pick a type that actually deserves a nerf?

            • 2 years ago

              >Buffing means that you’re making something better, but Steel already had dark and ghost resistances. I am just restoring it, or undoing a nerf, not buffing.
              So getting rid of all of Psychic's weaknesses and offensive resists wouldn't be a buff to Psychic? Good to know.

              • 2 years ago

                The psychic TYPE itself wasn’t nerfed, there were just counters introduced for it. No other type directly was nerfed as badly as Steel was in gen 6 and that’s a fact.

                So your solution is to make Bug even worse? Terrible rationale. Bug shouldn't be a victim of your own biases. Why not pick a type that actually deserves a nerf?

                Thematically speaking Steel being immune to Bug makes sense. What’s an insect going to do against metal? The only other resistance to immunity upgrade I could think of as a substitute is Fairy, but if I nerfed Fairy too much that would just ruin the type interactions again and make the same problems that cause Fairy to be necessary in the first place. I’m open to discussion though.

              • 2 years ago

                >The psychic TYPE itself wasn’t nerfed, there were just counters introduced for it.
                Psychic was immune to Ghost in gen 1. In gen 2 it became a weakness.

              • 2 years ago

                This was a coding error rather than an intentional choice. Doesn’t count.

                absolutely deranged

                Why do you hate Steel type for no reason?

              • 2 years ago

                >This was a coding error rather than an intentional choice. Doesn’t count.
                If it was really a bug they could've fixed it in Stadium like they did for 1 in 256. Instead they kept it, because it was not a bug.

              • 2 years ago

                >why didn’t they fix all the errors in a spin-off game from the 90s
                Even if it was intentional (doubtful), Psychic only lost 1 type immunity that only lasted for 1 gen. Steel lost 2 that lasted for 4 generations. Steel was the only type nerfed that badly.

                >Steelhomosexual is delusional
                Your balancing would make Jirachi fricking unkillable.

                >what is Fire type
                Play the game schizo

                >I am just restoring it, or undoing a nerf
                Black person, that's a buff. An unnecessary, overpowering buff.
                You should kys

                >unnecessary, overpowering buff
                Yes, tell me more about how OP Steel was in Gens 2-5… oh wait, it wasn’t. At all. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to undo unnecessary nerfs.

              • 2 years ago

                Steel doesn't deserve to have any more resistances. It already resists enough things. Shut up.

              • 2 years ago

                Steel is a defensive type, if anything it doesn’t have enough resistances considering its many common weaknesses. Even so I am not saying to add any more resistances, just restoring Steel’s old resistances and removing some weaknesses. Learn to read.

                By that logic, Ice should be super effective against far more than just 5 types. It should be super effective to as many types as Steel resists then. It's only fair.

                Defense and offense are different, given the nature of STAB and how a Pokémon can have up to 4 different offensive type moves but only 2 defensive types. In addition Ice hits important and common types like Dragon and Flying super effectively which adds to its power. I do agree that it could be better offensively though.

                totally unhinged

                Yes I agree your autistic hatred for steel type is unhinged

                I thought you said Bug was a bad typing?

                >everyone that disagrees with me is the same person
                Less makey threads, more takey meds. And yes, bug is a perfectly strong type considering its archetype in the games.

              • 2 years ago

                >if anything it doesn’t have enough resistances considering its many common weaknesses
                More resistances and more weaknesses is better than less of both. Steel is already the strongest type in competitive due to its versatility and ability to blanket check a lot of threats, it deserved to be nerfed into not resisting ghost and dark, and it doesn't need its current weaknesses removed. If anything it should be better offensively, because steel types had little reason to run steel moves besides STAB.
                >Steel’s point is to be a defensive type that resists almost everything but is effective against very little
                Says you. No type should be that one-dimensional imo. It's not like there isn't offensive steel types - Bisharp, Escavalier, Excadrill, Magnezone, Metagross, Scizor and so on are all clearly meant to dish out damage.
                >the opposite of how Ice is an offensive type that resists only itself but is effective against many types.
                Not nearly as effective enough, and it shows in how bad it is. The main thing holding ice back is its defensive shortcomings, because it hinders the versatility of pretty much every ice type. Remember how I said more resistances and weaknesses is better than less? Ice gets neither. You can't switch them in and neutral matchups they don't outspeed usually become losing matchups. Even if you made it hit twice as many types super-effectively, it wouldn't "fix" ice types, just make everything run ice coverage.
                >Removing its offensive power in exchange for buffing defense is being true to the point of Steel types. Since Steel has little in the way of offense in the first place this is a fair trade.
                It's really not a fair trade. Flanderizing a type is not a good thing for the meta, because taking away steel type offensive efficacy doesn't really matter. They'll literally just stop using steel moves. The suggestion you proposed is a straight buff. You can see this in how steel types were even more prevalent pre-gen 6.

              • 2 years ago

                >because steel types had little reason to run steel moves besides STAB
                before fairies*
                >Ice gets neither
                Ice doesn't get resistances but still gets plenty of weaknesses*

              • 2 years ago

                >(you) have to pick a fire type because ONE mon happens to not take enough damage from Earthquake, Fighting Moves, BoltBeam, etc.

              • 2 years ago

                >No other type directly was nerfed as badly as Steel was in gen 6 and that’s a fact.
                The dragon type was, Dragon's were supposed to be this end all be all type, The final boss type and then game freak decided to crap all over logical game design by making an easily accessible type that completely craps all over it. You could make the argument that fighting was also nerfed as hard as Dragon.

            • 2 years ago

              absolutely deranged

            • 2 years ago

              >I am just restoring it, or undoing a nerf
              Black person, that's a buff. An unnecessary, overpowering buff.
              You should kys

      • 2 years ago

        >and Bug should be nullified completely
        Lmao where did the bug touch you?

        • 2 years ago

          Bug is already very good since it counters Grass, one of the three starter types, and Psychic, a very common typing for legends and pseudo legends. The Dark super effectiveness is icing on the cake. Any more strength and bug would be OP especially considering that it is an early game type. Making Steel as strong as it used to be justified the means.

          • 2 years ago

            totally unhinged

          • 2 years ago

            I thought you said Bug was a bad typing?

      • 2 years ago

        By that logic, Ice should be super effective against far more than just 5 types. It should be super effective to as many types as Steel resists then. It's only fair.

      • 2 years ago

        You're just as moronic as GameFreak, if not even more so somehow.
        Steel being the defensive type falls apart as a concept when its paired with just about any other type that isn't fricking rock or ice.
        Hell, its already way too fricking overtuned when given access to things like Body Press or Gyro Ball on something as min maxed as Ferrothorn

      • 2 years ago

        >Nerfing Dark even more
        >Making Steel even more boring
        Frick you

  11. 2 years ago

    >Steelhomosexual is delusional
    Your balancing would make Jirachi fricking unkillable.

  12. 2 years ago

    Water can cut through and erode rock. Plants can grow through the ground. This is why Water and Grass have type advantages against Ground and Rock.

    • 2 years ago

      >water erodes rock
      >grass absorbs minerals
      >not good enough according to wiener sucking OP
      >but martial artists breaking rocks with their bare hands is fine
      OP confirmed even more moronic than gamefreak

      >water erodes rock
      over thousands of years
      >grass absorbs minerals
      right so since I can eat things with the carbon atom in it, that means I can eat rock? dumb cope
      > [plants] grow through the ground
      has nothing to do with rocks
      rock != ground type in pokemon, cmon gay
      > martial artists breaking rocks with bare hands is fine
      it's from the land of weeaboos where one punch man is from, you uncultured swine

      • 2 years ago

        >over thousands of years
        Yes but also in seconds with enough pressure. Sorry man but rock being weak to water and grass is too engrained to be changed dumb b***h.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, aren't moves like hydro pump based on firing out pressurized water?

        • 2 years ago

          high enough pressure water can cut steel too, anything at high enough pressure will explode through anything

          dumb cope again
          seethe and dial 8

      • 2 years ago

        >right so since I can eat things with the carbon atom in it, that means I can eat rock?
        what do you think salt is

  13. 2 years ago

    >water erodes rock
    >grass absorbs minerals
    >not good enough according to wiener sucking OP
    >but martial artists breaking rocks with their bare hands is fine
    OP confirmed even more moronic than gamefreak

  14. 2 years ago

    I agree with steelanon, buffing steel is the path for a healthier metagame

  15. 2 years ago

    Honestly the actual buff Rock needs is resisting itself. It's such a common coverage type that it would help give them a lot more defensive utility especially for the dual-types. Also Stealth Rocks resistance.

    Other than that the only change that should even be considered is removing the Fighting weakness or even turning it into a resist. Rock was good back in Gens 1 and 2 (and to a lesser extent 3) specifically because there were practically no good Fighting moves around even though Water, Grass, and Ground were still very common. But gen 3 added Brick Break and Focus Punch which hurt their viability and Gen 4 just completely wiped them out with the introduction of Close Combat. Not only did this directly hurt Rock types but it also killed the viability of Normal types, and walling them was Rock's main niche.

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