>flopped sales. >Pokemon designs based on literal garbage. >terrible graphics

>flopped sales
>Pokemon designs based on literal garbage
>terrible graphics
What went so terribly wrong?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    It's a shame there is no pokémon game that just gets it all right

    BW and its sequel have amazing dialogue and aesthetic choices, but have weird level progressions and a pretty subpar set of new mons, which stings more due to the fact there are no returning ones in the first game

    XY made so many QoL changes that make the games so much more pleasant and entertaining, the multiplayer was the best in the entire series... But the dialogue and aesthetics were so bad!!! I thought they learned to do interesting things after BW!

    It's like they saw how BW sold bad and though "oh I guess people want dogshit stories then, I see"

    shit really is fricked, but I liked PLA so the future is looking bright

    • 3 months ago

      It didn't even sell bad. Pretty much every new-gen Pokemon game in that era sold around 14 million and this sold... 13 million. It was the lowest-selling newgen, but not by much

    • 3 months ago

      I mean, ORAS is right there.

  3. 3 months ago

    is she right?

  4. 3 months ago

    What prompts this level of obsession with Unova? Honestly, I've never met a anon in this entire website that doesn't make hating Unova his entire personality and lifestyle.

    • 3 months ago

      >People make loving Unova their personality for years
      >Constantly call it the greatest and best region
      >People get fed up with the fart sniffing and start hating Unova lovers for their smug arrogance
      Not that complicated. Don't want to be hated? Don't be bastards.

      • 3 months ago

        >fans liking their favorite games? NOOOOOOOO!!!
        So, it's just plain bitterness? That's fricking pathetic.

      • 3 months ago

        You're a c**t but it's true, if you ever actually like something unironically people on Ganker will pick up on it and deride you for it. It's true of literally anything. It's not justified, it's basic post-irony cope bullshit, but it happens every time all the same.

        • 3 months ago

          its almost like Ganker is a terrible disingenous and cynical forum

    • 3 months ago

      Kalosgays have always been salty that pokemon fans hate their games

      • 3 months ago

        >Unova seethe thread
        Kneel before your eternal boogeyman, /vp/

        It's truly sad, because these people are literally mad about Unova fans simply enthusiastic about their favorite games. Which tells me that they want to act the same way about their favorites but can't for whatever reason. So, they take their bitter resentment out on Unova instead of simply enjoying their shit regardless of what others think. Of course, there are going to be Unova fans that act like buttholes, all region fans have them, but these people uses a minority to justify their already confirmed hatred for the rest and act accordingly.

        • 3 months ago

          >Unovabortions shitting on every other game that isn't BW
          >People don't talk about their favorite gens for "whatever reason"
          Yeah, cuz whenever another region that isn't BW is mentioned, Unovatrannies have to let everyone know that BW are their favorites

          • 3 months ago

            >Unovabortions shitting on every other game that isn't BW
            Cool schizo headcanon

          • 3 months ago

            shitting on every other game that isn't BW
            >Of course, there are going to be Unova fans that act like buttholes, all region fans have them, but these people uses a minority to justify their already confirmed hatred for the rest and act accordingly.
            Already addressed this. Plus, it's not just "Unovabortions" that shit on every game, but you guys always want to make it seem like it is. Just so you can blame every single problem in your life on those evil Unova fans.

  5. 3 months ago

    flip flop flip flip flip FLOP!
    That's what BW was!

  6. 3 months ago

    > What went so terribly wrong?
    BW flew to close to the sun. Masuda listens to everything people despised about Johto in HGSS (being a tumor of KANTOOOO, only a measly 100 johto mons, johto mons being too rare in their own region, the dex being a glorified expansion pack with evos for KANTOOOOOOOmons and dex space wasted on the god awful worthless babymons, shit story, babyish moeblob designs, etc, and worked himself to near death to avoid those when making BW, his magnum opus. But Genwunners couldn’t cope that Unova focused on itself since of being slaves to KANTOOOO like Johto, so they threw a tantrum and started a smear campaign against Unova that moronic normies feel for.

  7. 3 months ago

    Played since Red and Blue, BW were the first games that had dogshit starters, so I wanted to go catch a wild pokemon like a pidgey to be my starter, but then all the pokemon in the grass were shit as well. Sold the games and didn't play until XY came out

  8. 3 months ago

    designs based on literal garbage
    But the rock with arms, man in a skirt, pedophile mime, israeli pedophile hypnotist and literal sludge pile of waste were all OK for you?

  9. 3 months ago

    >My anus is tingling at a speed never seen before!
    >my hecking gentlemen and ladies and everything in between, I can confirm that this discordine thread.

  10. 3 months ago

    >Unova seethe thread
    Kneel before your eternal boogeyman, /vp/

  11. 3 months ago

    Hey so not to totally hijack the topic but I'm grinding BW2 to complete the PWT, but tbh I'm really lazy when it comes to the IVs, so will I be ok if I focus solely on EVs + proper natured pokemon?

    • 3 months ago

      You'll probably be fine, unless the IVs are literally 0 in multiple stats. I didn't do IV breeding or whatever as a kid and I was able to beat the PWT.

      • 3 months ago

        IVs are literally just 30 stat points at level 100. It's basically nothing, it's just a tiebreaker more or less. The only reason it matters so much in comp is because everyone runs the same meta teams and ties that need to be broken come up often. You'll be fine.

        Thanks I was making myself paranoid due to the stress of doing things proper but I always hated EVs and IVs. The former I at least understand what to do but is grindy while frick IVs what the shit were they thinking with that garbage it should have been canned I don't care they made it easier to manipulate in later gens its still mega trash.

        Oh and since my question was answered I'll place my opinion here:

        Its the fault of the haters of gen 5 for the direction this series has been headed. There is absolutely no counter-argument to this.

    • 3 months ago

      IVs are literally just 30 stat points at level 100. It's basically nothing, it's just a tiebreaker more or less. The only reason it matters so much in comp is because everyone runs the same meta teams and ties that need to be broken come up often. You'll be fine.

  12. 3 months ago

    >slightly less than 1 million of XY and RS
    Sure Jan.

    • 3 months ago

      >worse sales than a game before that came before despite being in a more receptive era of Pokemon than RS ("Pokemania is dead! Pokemon is gay! Long live PS2!")
      Yes, that's generally how this works.

      • 3 months ago

        You're delusional if you think it was in a more receptive era.

        • 3 months ago

          Pokemon had accumulated an actual western fanbase again during Gen 4, compared to Gen 3 when you were literally bullied and ostracized for liking Pokemon as a result of Pokemania no longer being in vogue.

      • 3 months ago

        >worse sales than a game before that came before despite being in a more receptive era of Pokemon than RS ("Pokemania is dead! Pokemon is gay! Long live PS2!")
        Holy shit, I finally realize why this moron board gets so pissy over Gold and Silver lol

  13. 3 months ago

    If Gen 5 flopped then so did Gen 3,4,6,7 since they all sold about the same.

    • 3 months ago

      If you look at the install base the DS games sold very poorly. GBA and 3DS Pokemon games are all in the top 10, DS doesn't have any Pokemon games in the top 4. The DS is one of the best selling consoles of all time.

  14. 3 months ago

    Your mother not swallowing

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