For anyone who was around to experience it, was Old Roblox really better?

For anyone who was around to experience it, was Old Roblox really better?

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  1. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      ^this, it was a time where people actually made FUN games to play on the platform instead of the cookie cutter cash grab game that's made to wring the money out of braindead children (who most likely used their parents' money).

      It's hard to adequately describe how pure and innocent early Roblox was. More so than even Neopets or AdventureQuest it really seemed like just a place for kids to hang out and goof around. No predators lurking in the shadows, no draconian monetization and most of all newbies were encouraged to learn to code in Lua so they could give back to the community.

      But, all good things must come to an end.

      don't forget about toontown and wizard 101

    • 4 months ago

      This. There's still a small number of good things (some of which are from that time) amid the sea of shit. It is also worth noting that there was a lot of shit back then too, just less of it.
      The absolute point of failure was when they removed Tix. There's plenty of bad moments before then, but that was the point of no return.

  2. 4 months ago

    It's hard to adequately describe how pure and innocent early Roblox was. More so than even Neopets or AdventureQuest it really seemed like just a place for kids to hang out and goof around. No predators lurking in the shadows, no draconian monetization and most of all newbies were encouraged to learn to code in Lua so they could give back to the community.

    But, all good things must come to an end.

    • 4 months ago

      I wouldn't say it was 100% pure. Predators always flocked to sites like Roblox and Club Penguin. But it certainly was no where near as bad back then as it was now.
      It really wasn't until coomers started picking roblox as their go to ERP service and the LGBTQ started making dedicated places with full on voice chat rooms and panic buttons in the GUI that would bring up an overlay to hide the game from any on locking parents.

      I am not trying to let nostalgia cloud my view. But if I had young kids I would not let them on Roblox as it is in it's current state. If it was anything like what I played on over a decade ago, then I would. But I have just seen too many disgusting and predatory uses of the platform that I can't have faith in it to not show horrible stuff to unsupervised children on a daily basis.

      Actually if I did have kids who wanted to try Roblox, I could actually get them to play on a revival version. It wouldn't have any community, but you can't possibly get tighter parental controls than using a fork of an old version of roblox that requires zero interaction with it's community.

      • 4 months ago

        >panic buttons in the GUI that would bring up an overlay to hide the game from any on locking parents.

    • 4 months ago

      I joined in 2008 and played up to around 2013. nailed it. There was certainly adults who played roblox, predators or not, but from memory it was mostly kids and teenagers just being young and having fun blowing shit up, completing the nth obby, completing a tycoon, or just exploring cool shit people made.

  3. 4 months ago

    Yea, but there's also other aspects of how the internet worked that made it possible for Roblox to be a thing. There was a much bigger push for kids to be creative and learn the game's tools to express themselves.
    Giving the players tools to monetize their games made the whole system insanely predatory. Sure that now there's a lot of games in it that have bigger teams, bigger budgets and a higher production value, but a lot of them focus on the money making aspect and not on the player's expressing themselves through it.

  4. 4 months ago

    Back in 2010, it was a paradise. Guests and tix as far as the eye could see.

    • 4 months ago

      2008 - 2012 i'd say was peak era. My god i had so much fun back then.

  5. 4 months ago

    I started playing in late 2010 and stayed a regular until mid 2016. So while I am by no means an OG roblox player. I did see the site transform from the software that was marketed as a creativity tool and physics engine for kids into the early stages of what it became today.

    Most of the places where either just build with friends, survive zombies with really basic AI, PVP bloxing, obbies. There where more sophistiocated games like "Survive the Disasters", "Roblox Titanic", "RUN", "Disaster Hotel". But even then, those still played more like 3D flash games and not like the quasi-AA quality games you see on the site these days.

    As for the userbase, it was certainly rarer to run into older users. They did exist, but the majority of the community who actually participated in the forums, groups, and commented where typically below 20. Although the userbase is still fairly young on average now, the people who actually participate in the successors to these social outlets are typically older teenagers and young adults who where on roblox as a kid.
    I also remember the late 2000s lol-random type humor being very persistent on Roblox, even for a while after that kind of humor died else where. While it is no stranger to fads, a lot of the community really latched on to the memes and fads made from 2004 to roughly 2009.

    Oh and since an anon mentioned it while I was typing. TIX where the primary currency on Roblox. By the time I joined both systems where in place. But TIX was basically assigned as a participation award for logging in and rewarded players for basically just playing the game; while RBX was the premium currency. Even the older Builders Club systems ended up giving you more TIX than they did Robux. Although the inflation of TIX certainly was an issue. When I joined I remember there was an exchange rate of 11 TIX to 1 RBX, that increased to nearly 20 TIX to 1 RBX around early 2015, a year later to 40 TIX to 1 RBX right before they ended TIX.

  6. 4 months ago

    YES. I played with legos obsessively as a kid and this was like crack to me, because I couldn't afford a shit ton of legos and it was like virtual legos with other kids n sheit.

  7. 4 months ago

    >get a bunch of cool hats from 2008-2015
    >stop playing for 7years
    >read a thread where an anon talks about how his account got hacked and he lost all his good hats
    >check my account
    >nearly all my cool hats (and some gears) are gone
    >contact support
    >sorry bro you had to contact us in 24h
    i wonder if old roblox support wouldnt be homosexuals about it, but it is what it is. mostly sad about some of the eggs and my helm of lightning.

    it was more creative back in the day but you did have a lot of common genres such as tycoons (ranging from fun to broken), obbies (my favorite back in my early days), standard sword fighting or gunfighting, and survive X games. yet, you could still find high quality games to play and interact with other kids with some different fun games appearing on the front page of the games section nearly every week. i used to keep in contact with a decent amount of them until we grew apart due to age/timezones/etc.

  8. 4 months ago

    It definitely was better back then, I used to play around the 2010/2011-2015 era of Roblox when I was younger and looking back at it now, it was probably the best era to be around during Roblox since It was still kinda niche around that time, there weren't that many shills/Micros transaction stuff being filled to every single game, and finally the community seemed way more calm than it does seem now since the community feels to be filled with nothing but kids, annoying YouTubers, and actual fricking pedos roam the site as well.

  9. 4 months ago

    Game quality was absolute shit but they had soul. Original creations and a bunch of meme games. Quality of the games increased as roblox got more popular, but so did David's greed, so developers started focusing more on making money rather than making good games. Thoever I have to give David some credit for pursuing a capitalist's dream; he took full advantage of it. I equally respect him and fricking hate him for that.

  10. 4 months ago

    >Games made for fun and not money
    >Admins actually made events and even had a team dedicated to it
    >Tickets could be exchanged for robux meaning you could buy anything if you saved up
    >Chat wasn't filtered out of the ass
    >Website layout didn't look like mobileshit and even had themes
    >No absurd screeching about pedos

    2009-2012 was the peak but 2013, 2014 (mostly because of murder mania and siege of quebec) and even 2015 to an extent was alright

    Going mainstream basically murdered it, there are some okay games from what i've heard and my brother and friend still play it but i don't have much interest in playing them but if i did it would be mostly be for older games like SFOTHIV or SFT.

  11. 4 months ago

    Man, yeah. I’m nearing thirty and I still miss old school Roblox. The ideas were simple, stupid, but they were fun. The people that put serious effort into their games really did stand out and it mimicked the glut of tycoon games that came out around the early 2000’s. As with most anything, it’s own popularity did it in. There are still some old school maps around and there’s nothing stopping you from trying to capture that old style of super simplified gameplay that used to be predominant, but the community is different, most everything’s a bit of a cash grab, and you’re gonna be dealing with tons of literal kids and wannabe streamers.

    • 4 months ago

      >The ideas were simple, stupid, but they were fun. The people that put serious effort into their games really did stand out
      Fortnite is going in a similar direction currently with how much they keep funneling into the Creative system.
      As it stands, finding anything worth playing is a huge thorn in the ass though.

      • 4 months ago

        Nothing about that game’s ever really attracted me to it. I get that Ganker automatically calls it shit but really in all of the time it’s been up and running there doesn’t really seem to be anything unique about it aside from playing Your Favorite Characters (TM).

        • 4 months ago

          Sure, but I'm talking about the Creative mode, which is basically another Roblox type system, just instead of Lua, it's Unreal.

          • 4 months ago

            Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t that still be kind of limited since Fortnite’s base is still a shooter and fighting game?

            • 4 months ago

              Eh, not really.
              It's got parkours, egg hunts, tycoons, in addition to bunches of shooter format stuff. Creative is steadily getting more robust over time.

              • 4 months ago

                It could net something interesting for sure, but for some reason that makes me think of that Dreams, “Game,” that was a flash in the pan. I’m sure there’s somebody that will come up with something really cool and niche, but given the community that would be handling it, it’d likely be done to death before it really got a chance to take off. That could be my own cynicism talking but I’m speaking more from the observation that a lot of creators are caving to demands instead of standing their ground with the direction they originally intended to go in.
                Or I’m just overthinking this.

              • 4 months ago

                speaking of egghunts I wish they kept the egg drops but with the way roblox was going there was pretty much no way they'd keep doing the egg drops across every place, even if roblox kept being good
                that and the egg catchers were going to kill it anyways

              • 4 months ago

                That just makes me think of TF2 and how having hats hit differently before they added the Mann Co. Store.

  12. 4 months ago

    Now that we're all here, anyone know of any games like Roblox but isn't filled with morons? Where developers can make stuff and we can play with custom avatars?

    • 4 months ago

      Can't say I know. Every now and then I hop in to check the Showcase maps some groups put out, stuff like the Shiguto group did. I really like these exploration based maps that have little corners made by different people. Would be super interested in some if people had recommendations.
      But as far as actual games, I haven't checked those in a good while

      • 4 months ago

        Oh, my bad, thought you asked for games people made inside Roblox. There was a Roblox clone a while back that hopped on hard on the NFT space that is currently flopping

  13. 4 months ago

    I played around 2008-10. I didnt know what i was doing man, i saw an RP server that had knights and castles in it, but i didnt know what RP was so i was very confused with why there was nothing to fight or do.
    I spent most of my autistic time on the building servers. I remember you could do a trick with a massive bouncepad to put a block in space, and you could make a satellite. Course the servers reset every 12 hours or so, but it was fun to do it each time.
    Thanks for reminding myself of these memories OP.
    I havent touched roblox since then, but i know my account still exists.

  14. 4 months ago

    Saying it was better is an understatement, what the game has become is saddening.

  15. 4 months ago

    I still remember when they had Lifetime BC. LIFETIME! What a fricking no-brainer buy. Eventually they realized how much money they were using at got rid of it. But to this day they're still forced to honor anybody who purchased it and give their account lifetime...whatever the subscription is called these days.

    • 4 months ago

      losing and*

  16. 4 months ago

    I spent hours on this type of shit

  17. 4 months ago


  18. 4 months ago

    I started playing around 2009 and got addicted to it pretty quick, i think my first game on there was Miked paintball with the two castles? such a damn fun time

    • 4 months ago

      that one desert ctf game, mike's minigames, dodge the teapots, sword fight on the heights

  19. 4 months ago

    Still some decent games out there, thoughalbeitever.

    • 4 months ago

      what gaem

      • 4 months ago

        zeppelin wars (remake of an older original). runs like fricking garbage and you're constantly surrounded by either 2000 hour players or small mexican children, but when it all comes together it's real fun

  20. 4 months ago

    We should really push for kids to get back their containment spaces. Those fricks genuinely shouldn't use big social media. We aren't wired for that level of attention at all times

    • 4 months ago

      I genuinely wonder what Gen alpha will be like in the future when this shit comes to pass

  21. 4 months ago

    I liked it a lot when I was a kid. I'd play that RuneScape and club penguin. Sword fight on the heights was always a good one. I played with Telamon once on Nuke the Whales. It was a solid game until they put the weird body mods that don't make your character a square anymore, it lost its charm after that.

  22. 4 months ago

    I vaguely recall Roblox being something of a footnote when Minecraft was up and coming in its various pre-release iterations. What made it explode in popularity? People wanting an alternative?

    • 4 months ago

      The "oof" meme and youtubers

    • 4 months ago

      Idk but it really started blowing up in 2016 when the oof got popular
      Can't tell if Roblox got popular off the oof meme or if the oof meme got popular because Roblox was

    • 4 months ago

      I can't remember, it just sort of happened. One day it had a medium-sized community, nothing too crazy, the next it's one of the biggest things on the planet.
      I blame the israelitetubers.
      >t. 08 user, played until around 15, then checked in and out on and off to see how it's doing

    • 4 months ago

      It started on June 12, 2015, with patient zero: DanTDM

  23. 4 months ago

    Simpler with less visual clutter and interact mostly with blocks.
    Camera zoom zoom zoom

  24. 4 months ago

    Better is subjective, but it certainly had a far different quality then it has now. It was the vidya equivalent of the pre 2.0 internet.

  25. 4 months ago

    I got into Roblox pretty early I think by late 2006 when I made my first account. It was strange because at that time I was playing a lot of Blockland/Return to Blockland and dismissed Roblox for a very long time. It had cool explosion physics when it came out though it didn't keep me from coming back. It wasn't until the last couple of years it became extremely popular. It's crazy to think I have one of the earliest accounts made.

  26. 4 months ago

    any oldgays like me here still play roblox despite how bad it's gotten? how many of you are devs?

    • 4 months ago

      I started in 2008, but I never play any games on there now, I just work on my own stuff instead.

  27. 4 months ago

    I miss old roblox beveled bricks and stencil shaders, memories about just playing when these were a thing invoke the biggest nostalgia possible in my brain to this day

  28. 4 months ago

    i've played on and off since 2009

    there were some fun games but as another anon said, the quality was dog shit

    i had a toaster at the time (and my parents wouldn't buy me any games anyways), so i had to play games that were straight up copying tf2 or l4d

    it was fun as a kid because you didn't know any better

  29. 4 months ago

    It was fantastic, from all the dumb survive x games to the build servers, tycoons, demolition derbies... A few select memories: I'd join a gear testing server when gear was first added and I'd get the rocket firework, it was affected by the angle of your arm so I'd jump and fire it backwards, using it to kill people until my shit kid self was cry-laughing.
    Another is in build games when someone would decide to troll and stick a high powered thruster to you it was a mixed experience because it was annoying but also the "oof" was affected by velocity so you'd get an extremely slowed or sped up death noise based on how fast you were going that was absolutely hilarious.
    There was one game called build a pet or something where you could make creatures and while using it to build hoverbikes and such I discovered you could build a floating leg pillar beast with a seat on the front that would let you clip into other people's build zones and frick with them, if anyone knows how to find this particular game again please frickin tell me.
    God I miss old Roblox.

  30. 4 months ago

    does anyone remember this old-ish roblox war game where its a war between a green and yellow team on a map surrounded by big rocks and there was an extensive choice of weapons and there were vehicles to drive

    • 4 months ago

      basewars: the land
      i played the shit out of it, got to like 3k kills before i reset my counter to get a better kdr ratio to unlock the master assassin class (32 movespeed, 1 hit kill knife and some other stuff). i ended up having 6k kills and a kdr of 5.2. the trick with that game was playing in third person with an unlocked cursor to make it into a point and click adventure
      there was a glitch with roblox data which made everyone lose their progress one day. it got reverted within a day if you didn't make any progress afterwards but i did and lost all my shit
      that account got hacked by an armenian in 2017 or so, the recovery email had the same password so shit's completely lost

      • 4 months ago

        thats the one, thank you for helping me bring back good memories

  31. 4 months ago

    yes. you can earn free tix which was currency to buy fashion mostly

  32. 4 months ago

    I dunno I didn't play that shit but my nephew is obsessed with it. Just seems like Garry's Mod but with shittier ironic graphics. He already got busted being groomed by perverts on it by his mother and they had that talk but he still plays it with his irl friends.

  33. 4 months ago

    tix era was good.
    After the removal of tix it went shit.

  34. 4 months ago

    Yes, you had a better community, games that actually were fun and not copy and pasted from one another. New gamemodes. It was like garry's mod really. But I guess NOW you can play call of duty on your roblox. But Battle Bit does that but better because its an actual game.
    Man back then even the games where you build to survive had sprawling maps and the physics were more fricked up and you could use cheat engine. The murder gamemode was also fun to play woth friends and Kohls admin house amazing because you could steal a house and kill everyone with your keyboard typing skills. You also had this stalker game with various gadgets to locate and defend yourself against one guy and this game that was all about capturing people inside pokeballs. 4 towers was more fun back then

  35. 4 months ago

    Absolutely because EARLY early roblox was never about attention retaining game, it was just people making games for fun. Dodge the trucks is still one of the most fun games on that entire site.

  36. 4 months ago

    only roblox can make falling the stairs fun

  37. 4 months ago

    Yes. Roblox went to hell with the update to the physics. Planes become stuttery, you could barely be flung by random objects and every in game interactable switch was broken and had to be remade so nearly all the old games that never saw updates were permanently broken.

    • 4 months ago

      The physics system did break most of the older stuff, but honestly their 'new' constraint based physics system is really impressive and fun when you take the time to use it properly.
      Especially that new aerodynamics system they recently implemented.

  38. 4 months ago

    i remember this one where you shot up a whole bunch of awesome faces that rolled towards you (or jumped if it was a green one) but i cannot remember the name, i thought it was "attack of the smileez" but it turns up nothing. i know there were stuff like sometimes having waves with smaller ones or a boss fight as well.

  39. 4 months ago

    Loved this shit as a kid, how are there not any opensource or freeware alternatives to the concept. Its not like its complicated at its core. Its just some block based building and physics.
    The only alternative in the same vein i've manged to find was some early access account required nonsense locked behind a discord server, and blockland, which i didn't care for the controls of.

    • 4 months ago

      There is something of sorts just like that, look up Sodikm++ or Novetus Client to understand what exactly I'm talking about

  40. 4 months ago

    It's a mixed bag, but overall no.

    Networking was terrible back then, you were so desynchronised with everyone, people were often several studs away from where you thought, let alone trying to show smooth velocity - objects would just jump around. Don't even get me started on basic shit like hinges and motors - these would glitch really badly.

    Today we have:
    -faster networking
    -better constraints
    -better scripting tools (module scripts, built in functions like pathfinding, remote events/funcitons, etc)
    -better animation (cursed R15 has on-the-fly inverse knimatic options and is more expressive)

    There's too much to really talk about, but if you're a developer, things are so much better now.
    As a player, the games can do a lot more as well.

    I do miss the sovl of old roblox, it just seemed to pop out of the screen more.
    What went downhill?
    -the economy / marketplace / gear is completely fricked, just stay away from it. when they first released gear you had options like a sword and a pretty weak staff, then even after a few years you had guns which deleted peoples characters, even through shields.
    -the kind of games which are popular, I can't say much on the style of games played, it looks like the popular shooters are call of duty rip offs, which hitscan. i think guns have got too good in roblox, the inaccuracy and bizarre behavior of them really put a low skill ceiling on them, which kept every game very casual.

    -YOU. yes, you are old now and roblox isn't a place where you can go and talk to your peers, if you choose to play a game, you will be surrounded by dumb and obnoxious children, there is no social component in roblox for you. the best you can do is build cool stuff in roblox studio - there is no opportunity to make passing friends with people, you are so much older than them, that there is no opportunity to make new friends with anyone. today roblox has more than 200 million players a month, but you will feel more lonely than ever

  41. 4 months ago

    Thanks for the thread Ganker, I've been trolling on cart ride to nowhere for an hour and laughing my ass off.

  42. 4 months ago

    Played from 2009-2018 the later years only really hopping on the shooters when I was bored.
    Just observing, I don’t know if they know what game they want roblox to be. Early years when it was super limited it was very social based with rudimentary worlds/games. Then around 2013 they started showing off roblox as a shitty game engine for children. Now it’s recent changes pushes it to be a second life clone? Just super weird

  43. 4 months ago

    i still have access to my 2008/9 account. i like to play bee swarm simulator and i never had trouble with people hacking my account. i never spent a single cent on this game so none of the stuff i have were ever considered valuable.

  44. 4 months ago

    Died the moment they banned Left 2 Die

    • 4 months ago

      I thought that game was made by a groomer?

  45. 4 months ago

    Been playing since 2009. No, old roblox wasn't better. I have no memory of the very oldest stage of Roblox but from what I've seen the games were even more rudimentary and active participation even more limited than it was in 2009 and 2010.

    Old Roblox essentially consisted of tycoons (didn't exist until early 2009 for that matter), obbies, tag and get tagged games, building places (which have always been griefed. You were lucky if your build survived for more than an hour) and sword and gun fight games. Some games were more immersive, for example the games by stickmasterluke but even these were either variants of already existing tag games or were in essence role-play games with basic scripts spawning in bricks and similarly.

    Things changed around 2012 once more complex games started popping up with a GUI different than the very basic ones provided by Roblox. Since then, the quality of the engine and the roblox platform improved massively. Shame only that the platform got flooded with simulator games starting in 2017.

  46. 4 months ago

    The best roblox game categories were survive the disasters, king of the hill, tycoons, and the quest ones where you can customize your character to an absurd extent

  47. 4 months ago

    I think I played until 2014 I want to say.
    I remember somehow getting perma'd from this one building place, then I ended up starting a huge argument, then somehow we managed to work things out and ended up getting unbanned.

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