Foundry VTT

So, I looked into this when it was newer and it didn't appeal to me (when it just looked like Roll20), but someone showed me 3d Canvas and the 'Landing Pages' people are making these days, and it finally got me to pull the trigger on buying Foundry, since I don't have to do the top-down 2d battle maps thing.

> What are some of the better built-in features I should try?
> What's modules / extensions are good for it, that I should check out?
> How do you guys handle multi-level buildings in Foundry 3d Canvas?

t. Foundry Newbie.

CRIME Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 weeks ago


    My friends are all on the east coast and I have just moved to the west coast for work. The only way I can game with my friends is to figure out how to use a VTT. Playing in person here is the thing that would require me to game with unvetted randos.

  2. 3 weeks ago


    You're really butthurt about <the gays> on the internet.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Auto Rotate
    Dice so Nice
    Dungeon Draw
    Splatter (can be a bit of work to get working)

    Foundry's a lot of work to set up initially but once it's done it's smooth sailing. I am hotswapping multiple worlds over several systems and having a ball. Word of advice, while Foundry has gotten really good about backups, if you make homebrew stuff then make an analog copy. Save it to a word document or something. Saves you trouble down the line.

    3D canvas looks cool, but I've been pirating RPG content since the day I started and that isn't about to change. One-time payments for eternal access or no sale.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >One-time payments for eternal access
      It's a one time payment for eternal access. Ongoing Patreon is only required for new update patches. I plan to pay for the 3d plugin once, and then cancel.

      >if you make homebrew stuff then make an analog copy
      I havent decided if I want to use it to handle game mechanics, definitely not initially. What I want to run isn't in there even before I factor in my houserules, it would require a whole bunch of "homebrew" that I don't want to do.

      >I am hotswapping multiple worlds over several systems and having a ball.
      What do you mean by hot-swapping worlds over systems? You run the same homebrew campaign world in multiple game systems?

      >Word of advice, while Foundry has gotten really good about backups, if you make homebrew stuff then make an analog copy. Save it to a word document or something. Saves you trouble down the line.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Multiple campaigns over almost as many systems, Foundry lets you set up 'worlds' which is self-contained versions of a system. So for example if you want to run CoC and your own homebrew modication to CoC you can create two worlds, which do not affect one another. I'm running two games of Traveller + Delta Green, and accessing each of these has no bearing on any of the others. It becomes very obvious what I mean the moment you launch Foundry. Cross-system transfer is not possible, as far as I know, but I am moving things between the two Traveller worlds as I need them.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Gotcha. I would have expected it would be easy to transfer stuff from one campaign to another in the same game system. Good to hear that it is.

          First tip: Revert back to v10 or something. V10.312 is what I'm using right now. Sure, the core features aren't quite as shiny, but there are some top-tier modules that broke with the updates to higher versions.
          Second: Organize your folders before you start making lots of maps. Figure out a comfortable way to access all your assets, maps, token icons, etc. If you reorganize your folders you'll have to change the paths of everything that linked to those, and that's a huge pain.
          Thirdly, here are the modules I'm currently using and enjoy.
          >Advanced Drawing Tools
          >Combat Utility Belt
          >Cycle Token Stack
          >Dice So Nice!
          >Dice Tray
          >Dynamic effects using Active Effects
          >Find the culprit
          >Grid Scaler
          >Health Estimate
          >Initiative Double Click
          >Item Macro
          >Item Piles
          >lib - Color Settings
          >Mass Edit
          >Midi QOL
          >Monk's Active Tile Triggers
          >Monk's Combat Details
          >Monk's Common Display
          >Monk's Hotbar Expansion
          >Monk's Little Details
          >Monk's Player Settings
          >Monk's Scene Navigation
          >Monk's TokenBar
          >Monk's Wall Enhancement
          >Perfect Vision
          >Pull Players to Scene
          >Scene Defaults
          >Simple Dice Roller
          >Tidy5e Sheet
          >Tidy UI - Game Settings
          >Token Attacher
          >Token Auras
          >Token Health
          >Token Info Icons
          >Token Z
          >Wall Height

          Noted. The main reasons I bought it were for 3d Canvas and the Landing Screen stuff by 'Baileywiki'. Breaking those would be a dealbreaker. I don't really care too much about R20 style 2d battlemaps, and the game systems I intend to run are not supported for any real kind of automation. (old, niche shit).

          I will investigate that laundry list of modules. Thank you thank you. That's a big list.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Oh, I guess probably most of them won't be useful to you if you're not running D&D 5e.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Ah. Yeah, it'll generally be a *heavily* home brewed 3e, Rolemaster 4e, GURPS, Ars Magica, or *maybe* Dark Ages Old World of Darkness. Maybe also some AD&D. I played and ran some 5e, and I found I alternated between bored and frustrated with the system the whole time. So back to my old man Millennial systems (and GenX systems Itried after they were out of print) I go. But of the games I would want to run, the only one that seems significantly supported in Foundry is GURPS.

              Which leaves me thinking maybe I handle dice rolls outside foundry, and do character sheets on google sheets like I've been doing since '09 when we started playing in person with college laptops full of PDFs.

              • 2 weeks ago

                There's a great Ars Magica implementation for Foundry, so you're covered there. Can't say for some of the others. I know there is a WoD 20th anniversary implementation, which should work alright for Dark Ages, but it is fairly bare-bones

              • 2 weeks ago

                Not bad. The iframe bit I expect to pull a lot of weight. I combined it with the "simple world builder" system, and the character sheet tabs seem to just be HTML documents.

                Anyways. I shoved in an iframe to a google sheet that does calculations and though the sheet isn't finished it seems to be working well so far.

                That seems to be a good shortcut for a missing system far less time consuming than building sheets an whatnot in foundry, and I can do some basic data validation as well, plus the sheets are editable outside foundry.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You've definitely got more computer savvy friends than me. There's a couple people in my usual group who I think would struggle with needing to tab over to handle their sheet.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Oh. I *think* they can edit it from inside foundry if I set the doc to public. But I can lock down what they can edit so they can't break formulae. And I should be able to have level up be a thing they can do on their own between sessions.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yeah if it's all running off an external file, they can just edit the file between sessions. I wasn't 100% sure if I could actually edit the file when I tested it, but if you can that's huge.

                With the same concept, or the PDF modules, you can also just use an editable character sheet PDF. I wonder if the ones that auto-calculate would work...

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'll check tomorrow to see if I can make it editable inside foundry and let you know. But I think it should work.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >3D canvas looks cool, but I've been pirating RPG content since the day I started and that isn't about to change. One-time payments for eternal access or no sale.

      But you can pirate patreon modules as well.

      • 3 weeks ago

        You certainly can if you can find them shared somewhere. Yep. It's still just files.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I didn't respond to the one-time purchase above but this falls under that as well, that obviously you can nab the files, or pay for them once and just never do it again. Perfectly reasonable options both. But with something as grand as 3D canvas I'd be very concerned about an update breaking something, and needing to reacquire them. This isn't a big deal, but it's the sort of thing you can't do while the other players wait.

        On the whole I try to limit my Foundry experience to just being a digital tabletop. I have other concerns with 3D canvas too, like being limited to whatever models you are able to acquire or make yourself, which puts a restraint on creativity. Maybe one day I'll get into creating a 3D library of assets to use, but as it stands that feels like a bridge too far when some decent drawing modules gets me everything I need to run a good game. All that said though, I do think 3D canvas looks really cool, and I'd like to use it. I messed around with Levels for a while, but found it too claustrophobic with the 2D pov. 3D is definitely a goal, but just not yet.

        no problem. if you've got any other module requests, just ask. been using foundry for quite a while so i'm pretty versed, and so goddamn glad i found an alternative to that piece of shit system that is roll20

        I was recommended Foundry by someone who had experience using roll20, and I took their advice on account of their experience. I am glad I trusted them, and I am glad I got the advice. Now that I know enough to tell the difference, it is staggering how much better Foundry is.

        As for modules now that I have some drawing tools I'm quite happy, going to set them up and get a feel for the new way of drawing. But if you know why audio files will sometimes refuse to load for the host that'd be interesting. As far as I could tell Foundry seems to prefer .ogg, but I don't quite believe that? So I am holding off converting everything until I find a more trusted root cause. If you have a module called "fixaudio" to pull out of your hat that'd be appreciated.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >update breaks things.
          Yeah, I plan to not update foundry regularly, and update once a her or so only after making a backup in case the update breaks shit.

          >limited 3d assets
          I have a bunch of 3d printable models, and I can use blender and zbrush. You could also use videogame rips and pose them, or convert the packs of 3d models people use for TTS.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >not update foundry regularly
            Probably a smart decision.

            >use videogame rips
            Not familiar with using 3D modelling software, I'd have to learn that. I also fear for the incredible amount of storage space I'd need to create a library of 3D assets, picture files are bad enough.

            I had problems where the game would play audio for my players but not me when I played around with the animated dice and they strained my toaster too much.

            While my rig should be mighty enough to handle it, it is possible I just aren't allocating Foundry enough virtual memory. I'll try that as a first step, it's easy enough to handle and easy enough to test.

            • 3 weeks ago

              foundry updates breaking things is a little overhyped, the main time you want to worry is in the jump between major versions, ie V11->V12
              the control over updates is a major appeal of the software though, you dont get roll20 pushing through some shitty update mid session. just dont be a moron who tries to update their game with 100 modules 1 day after a new version comes out (i'll wait a month+ and check on my modules individually) and you should be golden

              • 3 weeks ago

                updates breaking things happens more often with individual modules if the c*ders don't test their shit

              • 3 weeks ago

                but unless they're completely incompetent (in which case, why are you using the module to begin with), there's usually a fix shortly after. i've mashed update all before sessions with 100+ modules for years and almost never had an issue

              • 3 weeks ago

                I remember skyrim forced updates breaking all my shit. No forced updates is a big part of the appeal here.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >disk space
              Yeah, a decent external hard drive would be a good idea.


              So, I looked into this when it was newer and it didn't appeal to me (when it just looked like Roll20), but someone showed me 3d Canvas and the 'Landing Pages' people are making these days, and it finally got me to pull the trigger on buying Foundry, since I don't have to do the top-down 2d battle maps thing.

              > What are some of the better built-in features I should try?
              > What's modules / extensions are good for it, that I should check out?
              > How do you guys handle multi-level buildings in Foundry 3d Canvas?

              t. Foundry Newbie.

              Monks active tiles.

          • 3 weeks ago

            So this is interesting, I'd been heavily considering getting Foundry or looking into alternatives. Fortuitously timed. Basically I was looking for the same; Foundry looked good, and I didn't even know it had 3D yet until this thread. Really like the idea of buying software once and being done.

            I want to do music and sound effects. I want 3D terrain for mapping to have the advantages/clarity of that, because I've always been disappointed playing games and just kind of winging it with whiteboards and shit. I already tested during an initial meetup casting images and music from a tablet to show maps/information. My thing is, I'm still playing in person, I don't need full VTT functionality. I'm just using it because graph paper and handmade terrain are a pain in the ass and I don't have the time/money to do it well.

            My PC is in another room. I was using a tablet to cast it through directly from it. Foundry doesn't seem to work on tablets/android/etc. Is there an alternative anyone suggests on that? Does one of the plugins work for that? I don't need to worry about player connectivity and would be doing most of the mapping and the like from there, but would just need to control it from the tablet at the table. Otherwise I'd be using TTS or one of the other Steam-based VTT things, running a fricklong HDMI cable, and having to wing it with sound somehow. Anyone done this, any suggestions?

            80 once you get the 3d stuff and custom display 'landing screen' stuff I'm getting it for. What's the alternative? Talespire & RPG Engine and just making due with the extra tedium and missing functionality? It's currently the best option for the use case.

            Before, I was considering discord (for voice) + a Photoshop file with a million layers + either talespire or tabletop simulator, + OBS, and tons of although tab and hoping everything doesn't crash. This looks like it will replace several of those tools and reduce my frustration.

            stuff like foundry and roll 20 are the staging grounds for liberal Spyware by companies that want to police how you run your games. you have freedoms now but within the next couple of years it'll introduce AI that listens in and goes through your games for "problematic" content and lock you out until you change your own settings.

            stick with stuff like Tabletop Sim or discord alternatives (discord will also be doing this)

            tabletop sim is the only one with problems here lol

            tabletop Sim isn't made by democrats and Blackrock wiener suckers that want to push an agenda

            Tabletop Simulator would be the king if its pop-up tools (for showing handouts, characters sheets,etc.), it's camera controls (being able to control other people camera's as GM) and it's ability to share documents weren't complete shit.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I had problems where the game would play audio for my players but not me when I played around with the animated dice and they strained my toaster too much.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >3D canvas looks cool, but I've been pirating RPG content since the day I started and that isn't about to change. One-time payments for eternal access or no sale.
      it is single payment (no updates though, just like old software).

  4. 3 weeks ago

    First tip: Revert back to v10 or something. V10.312 is what I'm using right now. Sure, the core features aren't quite as shiny, but there are some top-tier modules that broke with the updates to higher versions.
    Second: Organize your folders before you start making lots of maps. Figure out a comfortable way to access all your assets, maps, token icons, etc. If you reorganize your folders you'll have to change the paths of everything that linked to those, and that's a huge pain.
    Thirdly, here are the modules I'm currently using and enjoy.
    >Advanced Drawing Tools
    >Combat Utility Belt
    >Cycle Token Stack
    >Dice So Nice!
    >Dice Tray
    >Dynamic effects using Active Effects
    >Find the culprit
    >Grid Scaler
    >Health Estimate
    >Initiative Double Click
    >Item Macro
    >Item Piles
    >lib - Color Settings
    >Mass Edit
    >Midi QOL
    >Monk's Active Tile Triggers
    >Monk's Combat Details
    >Monk's Common Display
    >Monk's Hotbar Expansion
    >Monk's Little Details
    >Monk's Player Settings
    >Monk's Scene Navigation
    >Monk's TokenBar
    >Monk's Wall Enhancement
    >Perfect Vision
    >Pull Players to Scene
    >Scene Defaults
    >Simple Dice Roller
    >Tidy5e Sheet
    >Tidy UI - Game Settings
    >Token Attacher
    >Token Auras
    >Token Health
    >Token Info Icons
    >Token Z
    >Wall Height

    • 3 weeks ago

      based and updatedpilled but you forgot terrain ruler, which is one of those things I went back to v10 for though I think it's a standard feature in v12 now.

      Here's MY list (ignore the system related stuff and houserule content unless you want to play edgy cyberpunk with swingy dice)

      You certainly can if you can find them shared somewhere. Yep. It's still just files.

      Consort with beasts.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >consort with beasts
        I dunno what this butthurt over basic observation is about. Are you the one who made them with a complex about muh pierassy?

        I just paid the $20 for the current version yesterday. Get the stick out of your ass.

        • 3 weeks ago
          • 3 weeks ago

            Clearly I don't. Thought you were telling me to go frick animals. Was that an obscured reference to where the modules are shared?

            • 3 weeks ago
            • 2 weeks ago

              Yes, it was. The extension is .su now, in case you find an older path. I've been able to find Foundry modules there before.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You mean Patreon? Because I'm looking for official ones and I only found outdated ones on TNW.

                Speaking of... looks like one of my ISP's dynamic IPs is banned on IRC. Should I just wait for a new one or can I DM someone about this?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Hmm. The only animal themed file site I can think of is I will have to dig through old PDF share threads to see if I can find it I guess. Thanks for the hints.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    Lol @ people paying 50 bucks for this.

    • 3 weeks ago

      80 once you get the 3d stuff and custom display 'landing screen' stuff I'm getting it for. What's the alternative? Talespire & RPG Engine and just making due with the extra tedium and missing functionality? It's currently the best option for the use case.

      Before, I was considering discord (for voice) + a Photoshop file with a million layers + either talespire or tabletop simulator, + OBS, and tons of although tab and hoping everything doesn't crash. This looks like it will replace several of those tools and reduce my frustration.

      • 3 weeks ago

        See and

      • 3 weeks ago

        God forbid any of you idiots use your imagination.
        When I was a child I also had to have little toys and visual representations to play with.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I'm not 11 anymore. When I was 11, I played with graph paper maps behind the gm screen and only descriptions.

          Recently, (as in, after age 25, the last decade) when I game in person, it's with a TV to show BG art and npc portraits (sometimes ones I make myself, sometimes not), miniatures I paint myself, and 3d terrain made mostly from foam, but with 3d printed bits the last few years. I got a printer in 2019.

          Now that I'm across the continent with a small apartment, I don't want to have to downgrade back to gaming like when I was 11.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Have fun with your little toys lol.
            Make sure and make all the battle noises to.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Nta, but I will gladly make weapon and casting noises just for you pal.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >I'm creative, unlike you frickers, that's why I have no creative skills to speak of.

              Don't worry, I'll write some code if needed to pull up atmospheric background noise as appropriate. If someone else has done it already to my satisfaction, I'll just curate the SFX folder.

              Enjoy playing your... What, BX with graph paper dungeons and thumbtacks on a corkboard? Or is that too fancy for you? Maybe a copy of Microlite20 you mom mailed to you with a letter, with pieces of folded paper in a cup instead of dice that you can play with the other inmates?

            • 3 weeks ago

              Arts and Crafts are at least half the fun, Mr. Killjoy.

            • 3 weeks ago

              No need. There's a plugin for that if you want it.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >Make sure and make all the battle noises to.
              if you don't make the explosion noises and monster roars you're not a real GM

              • 3 weeks ago

                you're supposed to sit in reverent silence, this is serious business

              • 3 weeks ago

                This. I have a soundboard when I use Foundry, and I never use it for in-game sound effects. I only use it for bullshit, because I need to make machinegun noises with my mouth. There's a strange subset of people who think that RPGs need an air of legitimacy around them, when it is just people getting together to play pretend with rules.

            • 3 weeks ago

              >come to the board for playing with little army guys and using their imagination
              >cry because they're playing with little army guys and using their imagination

              I know you're baiting, but isn't there anything better you could be doing with your time?

      • 3 weeks ago

        >foundry vtt
        >3D canvas
        >Landing pages
        wtf are you me? did I make this thread in my sleep? if not this is a huge coincidence,OP, I'm almost in the exact same boat (plus fantasy craft and Mythras)

        So this is interesting, I'd been heavily considering getting Foundry or looking into alternatives. Fortuitously timed. Basically I was looking for the same; Foundry looked good, and I didn't even know it had 3D yet until this thread. Really like the idea of buying software once and being done.

        I want to do music and sound effects. I want 3D terrain for mapping to have the advantages/clarity of that, because I've always been disappointed playing games and just kind of winging it with whiteboards and shit. I already tested during an initial meetup casting images and music from a tablet to show maps/information. My thing is, I'm still playing in person, I don't need full VTT functionality. I'm just using it because graph paper and handmade terrain are a pain in the ass and I don't have the time/money to do it well.

        My PC is in another room. I was using a tablet to cast it through directly from it. Foundry doesn't seem to work on tablets/android/etc. Is there an alternative anyone suggests on that? Does one of the plugins work for that? I don't need to worry about player connectivity and would be doing most of the mapping and the like from there, but would just need to control it from the tablet at the table. Otherwise I'd be using TTS or one of the other Steam-based VTT things, running a fricklong HDMI cable, and having to wing it with sound somehow. Anyone done this, any suggestions?

        • 3 weeks ago

          There are android apps that will let you use a tablet as a monitor, and mouse / keyboard, over WIFI. They don't gave the fastest refresh rate. But that can be done.

          Tabletop Simulator would be the king if its pop-up tools (for showing handouts, characters sheets,etc.), it's camera controls (being able to control other people camera's as GM) and it's ability to share documents weren't complete shit.

          Yep. Tried it in 2017 and those were a deal breaker for me.

          Is there any tool/module/etc that replicates Character handout (Character sheet + Bio Info in one) from Roll20?
          I organize a game in Roll20 (character sheet, handouts, folders, etc) and my GM's thinking to port everything to Foundry and the thought of trying to accomodate every character to a new VTT exhausts me.
          I know he's going to forget about this soon, but I really would like to be safe if he decides to go further with this idea.

          OP here. I was planning to use google sheets. But there are character sheet and journal modules I've seen for foundry if you're running a popular / newer system.

          • 3 weeks ago

            My GM is an ass when it comes to excel/sheets/etc. He wouldn't do that at all.
            To be clear, our game is World of Darkness. I noticed on Foundry There's a "book" functionality which you put a name/theme on the book and put pages in it for people to check out. This could be good for laying out character creation, features, merits&flaws, basic systems and so on.
            But I wouldn't enjoy clicking on a book of a Clan/Tribe/Tradition and each page is a character with their description, while there's a need for a hidden folder with all character's sheets in case GM needs to roll. It's too much work for something Roll20 already fused in one window.
            Also, GM Notes function is used sometimes and I noticed Foundry don't have those (at least on the games I played).

            • 3 weeks ago

              I feel like I'd need a visual for all this shit, but I think it handles all that fine. Though even with the WoD system installed, GM might need to manually add all the actual rules text and shit.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Foundry doesn't seem to work on tablets/android/etc.

          It's a web server. You run it on the PC wherever and access the web page on a mobile device.

          With that said, it only works well in person if each person has their own tablet and can use it without getting distracted from the game, and/or if you have a really giant screen to use as the map (pic related). The module Monk's Common DIsplay is made for a big touchscreen or projector, using a fake "player" as the shared PC display.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Gotta be something modern though. Not some 8 year old phone or 10 year old chromebook. Also anything Apple made that's too old won't work, desktops included. Had one player on an older Mac that used a version of the OS that was phased out and no longer supported after v11 Foundry.

            • 3 weeks ago

              What about a potato running Linux. Then its a modern browser still, right?

              • 3 weeks ago

                Is the potato moldy? How old are we talking? It isn't really about your browser so much as the hardware. But I can't imagine anything someone would call a "potato" PC could be worse than a decades old fake laptop.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I was thinking an 8-10 year old laptop running Linux. Not as the host, but as a player. Since it's a modern OS, they'd have a modern browser, but it would be a weak machine.

              • 2 weeks ago

                If it's an actual laptop, should probably work fine. The only problems I could foresee is if you start running a lot of animations or gigantic maps with equally gigantic file sizes.

          • 2 weeks ago

            That's a fair enough point. I think I got thrown by the fact the app doesn't work on tablets for design, but if that works that way, the tablet is brand new and only from about a year ago, and specifically bought it for reasonable power, so I may look into it more. That's basically the idea, but a TV on the wall instead of a table, though that looks sick. Good info, anon.

            • 2 weeks ago

              You can run it on a raspberry pi hooked up to your ethernet. It doesn't have to run on a full-blown PC.

      • 3 weeks ago

        There isn't really anything at Foundry's level of capability and customizability, but there's a bunch of few free lightweight options if you're okay being locked into a particular style.

        CCFolia is great at providing a more VN-style presentation; Udonarium is another lightweight Japanese client that allows conversion of image files into standees on a rendered 3d board; and Owlbear Rodeo and Cauldron are lighter weight "gridmap D&D" options.

    • 3 weeks ago

      God forbid any of you idiots use your imagination.
      When I was a child I also had to have little toys and visual representations to play with.

      There is not a single thing Ganker won't get worked up about.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Reminder if you play online in any way shape or form and not around a table with friends, you have never actually played a ttrpg.

    • 3 weeks ago

      you say that like its something to be proud of

    • 3 weeks ago

      >if you try to game online so you can hang out with your friends after you all grow up and several of you move away, it will rewrite decades of your life where you were able to game together so it never happened!
      Right right. Tell me the one about cooties and miasma and 5g mind control next.

      • 3 weeks ago

        You sound like a seething discord troony. Go make some irl friends, it's literally that easy.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >seething discord troony
          Of course you're obsessed with the gays on discord. Jerk off *before* posting if you have to. I don't care about your fetishes.

          >ditch your lifelong friends to hang out with the locals like its 1534 and the internet doesn't exist! Its easy!
          I didn't say it was /hard/. I'm sure I will find someone in this podunk redneck town I get along with fine, given time. I said I like the friends I have, who are not local. Learn to read.

          >my games aren't games and are therefore better.
          >obsessed with the gays
          >you have to discard your friends and trade them for the locals when you move.
          Reject technology, embrace amishism!
          >all while I post on he internet!
          You need a therapist, sir. I'm not qualified to fix whatever is wrong with you.

          • 3 weeks ago

            No no. They're still games. They just have to be games you can play in prison. No fancy graphics or props or anything you can't fit on a single sheet of paper.

      • 3 weeks ago

        you see, the problem with girls is cooties. we all know they have them, but what you don't know is that the cooties control the mind of the female with a miasma of phermones which then direct the female. this is why they often behave in such a perplexing and contradictory manner; a new colony of cooties gained dominance, and their pheromones took over. what the jab was designed to do was to inject tiny carbon nanowires so small they can infiltrate cells, which then activate by means of induction produced when the subject walks through a power field identical to the one produced by 5G broadcast towers (G standing for 'Girl', of course). but why does that matter?
        simple. the bioelectric fields generated by the nanowire structures inside the woman's body can be modulated by targeting satelites owned by israel to induce changes in the cooties DNA and direct it to produce a specific miasma and thus coordinate shifts in the behavior of females.

        as we all know, societies are made or broken by the availability of women. with this technology in hand, the powers that be will be able to twist women into any insane behavior they want.

        what did you think all that bearposting was about last week? systems test.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Hahahahaha. Good delivery. Thumbs up.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    stuff like foundry and roll 20 are the staging grounds for liberal Spyware by companies that want to police how you run your games. you have freedoms now but within the next couple of years it'll introduce AI that listens in and goes through your games for "problematic" content and lock you out until you change your own settings.

    stick with stuff like Tabletop Sim or discord alternatives (discord will also be doing this)

    • 3 weeks ago

      tabletop sim is the only one with problems here lol

      • 3 weeks ago

        tabletop Sim isn't made by democrats and Blackrock wiener suckers that want to push an agenda

        • 3 weeks ago

          they are already censoring things however

    • 3 weeks ago

      If that happens through foundry (which is self-hosted), I will drop it. Roll20 is SAAS garbage.

      >discord will
      Yeah, I do want a self hosted FOSS alternative to discord. I hear matrix is a discord alternative. Maybe it can do the voice and webcam stuff.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >self hosted FOSS alternative to discord

        • 3 weeks ago

          For voice and video streaming more than text.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I know some Matrix implementations have both, but I haven't tried them myself. I usually use Mumble for voice, but it doesn't have video.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    At what point does it not just become a video game lol.
    Get a life.

    • 3 weeks ago

      you don't make no sense boy

    • 3 weeks ago

      Arguably pbp TTRPGs already cross that boundary. I don't worry about such nonsense. I also play videogames a couple times a month.

      >get a life.
      My wife plays them too. We bonded over Broforce, with Sambuca and coke in our 20s.

      > I play games without computers and that makes me better than anyone who plays games that include computers
      Ridiculous. Get your head out of your ass. Games are games. I don't care if it's Mario, Chess, Poker, D&D, Warhammer, Darts, Pokémon, or Football. It's just a matter of game preferences.

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's not about imitating video games, it's about being better than video games

  9. 3 weeks ago

    >foundry vtt
    >3D canvas
    >Landing pages
    wtf are you me? did I make this thread in my sleep? if not this is a huge coincidence,OP, I'm almost in the exact same boat (plus fantasy craft and Mythras)

    • 3 weeks ago

      Same idea, but swap Fantasy Craft for Eclipse d20 by Distant Horizons with bits and pieces from other d20 books like Mongoose Strongholds & Dynasties.

      I saw another setup for "theatre of the mind" combats in Foundry for when you don't want to bust out a map. That sounds decent too.

      I a unsure which setup I want to use for letting players build out a town from a few tents surrounded by palisades. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >"theatre of the mind"
        I actually want to use 3D canvas for theater of the mind, just to show location from fixed positions and the rest of the positioning being handled via Imagination™

  10. 3 weeks ago

    I'm like OP, I can't really get into it unless someone is streaming music, sound effects, there is a TV showing info and characters, there is a full hi res map, painted minis, interactive touch screen, and full motion capture video of each attack a character does.

    Thank god!

    • 3 weeks ago

      >it's the smugly superior "my games aren't games, babies" moron trying a new approach. You can tell by my insulting hyperbole!

      So go play your 1 page diceless mapless miniless "rpg" crap with your other inmates if it makes you happy.

      • 3 weeks ago

        No no no, you don't understand, i NEED this stuff, because I'm not just a little kid anymore!

        • 3 weeks ago

          Hey (you), what's your point than just baiting reactions?

          • 3 weeks ago

            Seething. His point is seething for the point of seething. Reject technology embrace the Amish. Also something something troony something.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Its gaming. There is no need. I *could* just use a discord voice channel and my 20+ year old book of voice. But I *like* props and visuals and maps. They make the game better, and its also fun to make art and maps.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Orcs not about "I'm not a little kid anymore" it's about "I have a real job now and can afford things that improve my games".

        • 3 weeks ago

          Are you just too poor and too without the art or coding skills to make or buy props or useful game tools? Are you just bragging about being broke?

  11. 3 weeks ago


  12. 3 weeks ago

    Pings (and thus Settings extender)
    Universal Battlemap Importer
    CautiousGM's Pack

    I find Foundry's basic features quite useful as well, especially the Journals which can double as map markers.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    I'd be very interested if someone had a suggestion for a module that gives you better drawing options. My own searches have been fruitless.

    • 3 weeks ago

      boneyard drawing tools
      advanced drawing tools
      drawing presets
      precise drawing tools

      i believe these all work together, but you can look up the individual packages to see if their features appeal to you

      • 3 weeks ago

        Hey, these are exactly what I wanted. Thanks!

        Honourable mention to ADT which I wasn't very impressed with when I tried it.

        • 3 weeks ago

          no problem. if you've got any other module requests, just ask. been using foundry for quite a while so i'm pretty versed, and so goddamn glad i found an alternative to that piece of shit system that is roll20

  14. 3 weeks ago

    >Install Precise Drawing Tools
    >Doesn't work on world 1
    >Doesn't work on world 2
    >Disable all other modules
    >Doesn't work
    >Start new world 3
    >Enable same modlist as on world 1
    >Works on world 3
    >Doesn't work on world 1 or 2
    >Go back to thread to ask for help
    >Double check something before making this post
    >Enable a random feature of another mod*
    >Works on world 1 and on world 2
    >Disable the same feature
    >Works on world 1 and on world 2

    Foundry this is some nasty-ass UX shit i hate u so much but that customisability game ridiculous

    *'Actually Private Message's 'all seeing GM' toggle. On or off had no bearing on whether PDT worked after it somehow magically resolved it. Mod config didn't get saved?

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Foundry this is some nasty-ass UX shit i hate u so much but that customisability game ridiculous
      so angry he had a stroke

      • 3 weeks ago
  15. 3 weeks ago

    Is there any tool/module/etc that replicates Character handout (Character sheet + Bio Info in one) from Roll20?
    I organize a game in Roll20 (character sheet, handouts, folders, etc) and my GM's thinking to port everything to Foundry and the thought of trying to accomodate every character to a new VTT exhausts me.
    I know he's going to forget about this soon, but I really would like to be safe if he decides to go further with this idea.

  16. 3 weeks ago

    Played roll20 for my old campaign and switched to foundry two years ago.
    It's like day and night and I'm very glad I switched.

    The ability to work out stuff on your own machine without constantly needing to upload every little bit of shit is a blessing. You can just throw in pics and mp3s and everything into folders and just add it in whenever you need it.
    Customization is also a lot better and once you bought it, the price will just be a one time expense instead of a subscription model. I value that very highly in this day and age.
    Playing FFG/Starwars and it works great.

  17. 3 weeks ago

    My question is how hard is it to actually update a module to work from 10 to 11/12. Because having to roll back my app for Lancer was needlessly annoying and I got steamed when I found out it's because the original author was waiting on 2.0, a system we have no information or release date on. Which basically makes me think he just didn't want to.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >How hard to update
      Shouldn't be crazy hard. They're not encrypted files. Check your systems folder. It seems to be a bunch of yml and js and css files.

      You could load some other rulesets that got the update into a diff tool to see what they had to change, and use that as a basis to update your lancer stuff to 11/12.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Some are easy and you can literally just tell it that v11 works (or something like that) and it'll just werk.

      Some straight up refuse to work and there's nothing you can do besides rolling back (gotta have my terrain ruler),

  18. 3 weeks ago

    Question: how are your campaign data files / player character sheets / journals stored? Can they be edited outside of foundry? Can you back them up?

    • 3 weeks ago

      >how are your campaign data files / player character sheets / journals stored?
      >Can they be edited outside of foundry?
      Foundry uses json and db filetypes. "Can" is an ambiguous term, I would say it is "not easy for the layperson to edit these files outside of Foundry", but it is not impossible. You can expect to transcribe from outside to inside, and from inside to outside, there is no native transfer function.

      >Can you back them up?
      Yes, Foundry has a native backup feature that you can trigger whenever you want, it also requests it from you before any updates. There is also nothing that prevents you from backing up the files yourself with simple ctrlc+v.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Are the "db" files basic SQL databases? If so, that's inconvenient but yes, still ultimately editable.

        JSON is a mess to work with in a text editor, but there's probably a decent editor I can use, and I could probably python together a decent converter to CSV or something.

        Inconvenient but doable is better than nothing. M

        • 3 weeks ago

          Sadly Foundry now uses LevelDB (.ldb files).
          I haven't found a convenient way of viewing or editing them yet.

          Speaking of modules, anyone has the updated WFRP modules after the recent effect rework?

      • 3 weeks ago

        It would be helpful to be able to (conveniently) edit character sheets and journals and whatever else outside foundry. But Json is better than compiled or encrypted formats.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    Thanks for putting the thread up OP i was considering grabbing it for the upcoming ACKS integration. I mostly play Theatre of the Mind but it's nice to have a shared board. After reading through everyone takes i think I'll stick with Owlbear

  20. 3 weeks ago

    1. Buy an ad.

    2. This belongs on Ganker.

    • 3 weeks ago

      2. No it doesn't. Still playing GURPS.

  21. 3 weeks ago

    if anyone is thinking about buying Foundry VTT, wait ~May 19 for their anniversary discount (-20%)

    • 3 weeks ago

      Thanks, anon

    • 3 weeks ago

      Frick. Wish I knew that two days ago, before bought it and made this thread.

      • 3 weeks ago

        try a refund and repurchase?

        • 3 weeks ago

          Looks like it's manually reviewed and is about 'it doesn't work on my hardware.' While it would be nice to have benefitted from the $10 discount, I'm not willing to put in that much effort to try to back out of my existing putchase just to weasel my way into the discount. Thanks for the idea though. Just mildly annoying. I would have held off until the 19th if I had known a sale was coming up. Oh well. More time to figure out my campaign setup I suppose. I'll make use of the time to figure out how to set up Monk's Active Tiles for BG art and monster images now, then off to figure out a landing page and the 3d thing. I dunno how I should set it up for my players to do town building. Buildings-Minis? (I could do that with a bit of effort) Have them place walls and do it at battle-grid scale and then it's a battle-map for the town getting attacked or conflict with NPCs? I'm not sure what the best way to do it would be.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I see some talk about setting up actual servers on a Pi or the like. Is there a good reason to set up a dedicated server for it, rather than just running it from my PC when I'm running a session? I have an old laptop with no battery in the closet I could install linux on an use as a server on a shelf, but - why would I want to? What am I missing?

          • 3 weeks ago

            NTA but I host from the machine I'm running it on just fine. It's possible that if you've got some really fancy stuff going on or a lot of players connecting a dedicated server might be better, but for six players and a fairly standard game setup (no gigantic animated assets, no 3D canvas) it works perfectly well.

            • 3 weeks ago

              I'm planning to use the 3d assets, but, my main machine is not a 15 year old potato laptop or something. 32GB Ram and a GTX1070 should be able to handle some modest 3d. It runs Blender fine.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I'm no expert but you've got a much nicer machine than me, for what it's worth. If I had to guess I think you'd be totally fine.

                Is there any real reason to want the server on 24/7? Or only so you can sign in and edit your campaign when you're not home?

                Not that I can think of. I guess if you wanted your players to be able to pop in and make characters or something before game night that could be a use-case for it. For your typical TTRPG I don't think there's much of a reason for people to be logging on randomly though, except as you mentioned, if you're GM and you want to log in from somewhere else. I actually just point Foundry to a USB drive and take that with me when I expect to work on another machine (I do all my set-up on my desktop and run the game off a laptop on game night).

              • 3 weeks ago

                That sounds reasonable. I was planning to do the prep from a laptop an then run from my desktop I use for 3d modeling. I use an app to sync some folders across multiple devices on my WiFi. Similar idea to the USB drive.

                >character building.
                No system module in foundry. I'll be handling character sheets via google sheets. Cool. Saves me the hassle of setting up the old laptop.

                (I fix laptops sometimes and relatives tend to give me their old and busted machines when they replace them, so I have a bunch of old machines that work that I don't need every day or that I'm confident I could get running again over a weekend).

                I could probably sell them but I wouldn't get much, so they just sit in the closet until I have a use for one.

              • 3 weeks ago

                You HAVE to choose a system module when creating a world, but there are generic ones. How comfortable are your players with typing their rolls out fully? Some people can't seem to grasp the concept of /r 1d20+7 for some reason.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I was thinking I might handle the rolling outside foundry too, tbf. Just stream it to discord via OBS (I have two monitors, so I could run foundry on one and discord and gdrive and my notes on the other) and have them interact through a discord dice bot and the google sheets character sheets. I dunno, but I imagine it's a lot of work to write up a system for Foundry.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Is all of this being done in person, or online? If the latter, I'd just stick to having the players actually make use of the program more. Sure you can keep copies of the character sheets in a gdrive or something, but I'd have them in journal items assigned to each player too.

              • 3 weeks ago


                >have the players use the program more.
                How would I have them build their characters in the program, let alone handle all the dice, or let them check the rulebook PDFs if they want?

                I was thinking of not having them use foundry at all, and only using it GM-side. It seemed really impractical without a system module. Is it not?

              • 3 weeks ago

                But as I said before, you have to use a system module of some kind. Even if you're just using it for yourself. As for PDFs, there's actually modules for adding entire PDFs to journals.

                I guess it just seems odd. Even with you playing a game without a system built, all the fun parts of Foundry kind of hinge on the players actively logging into your world. Seeing the scenes you've made with background art, or outright maps. Art for characters and items. The built-in sfx player for music or atmosphere.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >add PDFs to journals.
                Oh. That's neat. Didn't realize that.

                >seeing the scenes
                That's what I was going to use foundry forin the absence of it being able to handle gameplay. Maps and visuals. I figured I would run it on my end to show 3d environments or over world maps or whatever, capture it, and then stream it to them to see via discord, and have them do the gameplay through a discord dice bot and character building through a google sheet that does the math automatically, and what I would pick for 'system' would probably be the most minimalist out of the way thing I could find.

                If I can do everything with them inside the app, that's great, but if all It's going to do for me is let them see what's on my screen, I could stream that to them without them needing to open it.

              • 3 weeks ago

                I fully admit, I'm brand new to foundry, and my inclination to default towards gsheets in the face of difficulties is because I've been using it for character sheets for inperson games for over a decade. But if foundry can actually handle it, then great. Can you tell me what you have in mind? How would I go about putting in everything I need for a system that lacks a foundry module?

              • 3 weeks ago

                Different anon here, but you can embed googlesheets into foundry journal tabs.
                Or you can use the Custom System Builder module recommended earlier in the thread to build your own character sheets.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Can you? I only saw one for google docs that converted docs into html an then converted that into a journal entry.

                >custom system.
                Maybe that's a lot less involved to do than I thought it would be? I'll at least check it out.

              • 3 weeks ago

                You can check out both Sandbox and Custom System Builder and decide which one you like better.

              • 3 weeks ago

                You can. No module required. It's just an embedded iframe.
                >create a journal
                >add a new text page
                >press the </> button (Source HTML)
                >add the below iframe
                >replace the src with your googlesheets url
                >replace the title with whatever
                >change the height and width as desired

                <iframe src="PAGE_LINK_HERE" style="height:1000px;width:1000px;border:none" title="PAGE_TITLE_HERE"></iframe>

              • 3 weeks ago

                NTA, but holy frick that's impressive. Learn something new about this damned thing every day.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Interesting. Wait. Can I just shove in any arbitrary HTML I want?

                Obviously they aren't going to be able to click on their stats to just roll 'em.

                Is there a good module to have player plug in their stuff as dice macros?

              • 3 weeks ago

                >add PDFs to journals.
                Oh. That's neat. Didn't realize that.

                >seeing the scenes
                That's what I was going to use foundry forin the absence of it being able to handle gameplay. Maps and visuals. I figured I would run it on my end to show 3d environments or over world maps or whatever, capture it, and then stream it to them to see via discord, and have them do the gameplay through a discord dice bot and character building through a google sheet that does the math automatically, and what I would pick for 'system' would probably be the most minimalist out of the way thing I could find.

                If I can do everything with them inside the app, that's great, but if all It's going to do for me is let them see what's on my screen, I could stream that to them without them needing to open it.

                It could take some work, but the Sandbox module would allow your players to do everything straight out of Foundry and the other is PDF Pager that could let you just add the PDFs straight in. For Sandbox you would need to pay close attention to the tutorials but it shouldn't be difficult, just kind of time consuming.

                On the other hand, what system are you even using? Or what do you think might be the closest to the system? One could easily use an entirely different system module if they are alike.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >what system are you using.
                A house ruled 3.5like with a different pool of options and point based character builds instead of rigid classes.

                I covered my rules setup in another thread here.


                But in short, imagine 3.5, with nearly classless point buy characters, a different skill list, WBL rendered unnecessary, a different-ish pool of feats(with their prerequisites largely removed), a martial arts system; a town builder, and some other bits.

                The 3.5 SRD module might be a reasonable starting point, but what I ended up with would look pretty different.

              • 3 weeks ago

                That sounds convoluted as hell. Why not just use GURPS or HERO System, out of curiosity?

              • 3 weeks ago

                I want to use the d&d 3e/PF monsters, magic items, and magic, GURPS combat is a bit fiddly, and it's kind of shit for realm management and building fortresses, while 3.x had several versions of that to choose from and one I really liked. I also have far more experience running 3.x. I did look into GURPS and HERO though. Making them do what I wanted looked to be far more hassle than I've already gone through for this. Cherrypicking the bits I'm using was a very GURPSlike process though, I admit.

                On the player side it'll be straightforward and decently organized, albeit obvious from the formatting changes that It's stitched together from multiple books and some homebrew documents. But the PDFs only include the stuff in use, because PDF editing software.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Checking out its tutorial videos now.

                >PDF pager.

                Thanks man.

                Okay, I just checked the 3.5 SRD system module. I didn't dive deep into it, but looks like you can customize a lot of the skill stuff.

              • 3 weeks ago

                The bigger question would be how to take it from normal 3.5 classes to point buy.

                I think embedding a google sheet and using one of may be the way to go though. Didn't realize that was an option. I will have to try it out.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Using one of the more custom options.*

              • 3 weeks ago

                Checking out its tutorial videos now.

                >PDF pager.

                Thanks man.

              • 3 weeks ago

                You can. No module required. It's just an embedded iframe.
                >create a journal
                >add a new text page
                >press the </> button (Source HTML)
                >add the below iframe
                >replace the src with your googlesheets url
                >replace the title with whatever
                >change the height and width as desired

                <iframe src="PAGE_LINK_HERE" style="height:1000px;width:1000px;border:none" title="PAGE_TITLE_HERE"></iframe>

                You can check out both Sandbox and Custom System Builder and decide which one you like better.

                Just wanted to say thanks.

                I'm going to do the iframe thing; and also to embed google doc journals so the PCs can see them between sessions, if for example, a player misses a session, to catch up on what happened.

                The most useful looking modules to me so far seem to be:
                > 3d Canvas; (for combat maps, town maps)
                > ConversationHUD; (NPC Dialogue)
                < Calendar / Weather; (Self Explanatory)
                > Monk's Active Tiles. ('Theatre of the Mind' backgrounds, maybe show monsters onscreen for Dragon Quest esque combat with a few enemies and simple terrain where I don't really feel a battle map is adding much beyond showing tracking flanking and AOEs).

                > Visual Novel Dialogues looks promising, but it's new and apparently a bit buggy. I might pick it up next month, depending on how it looks.

                System, I haven't decided yet. There are some guides to using it 'without a system' (generics)

                > "Simple World Building"
                looks like a decent way to hook up character sheets to a google sheet or three. And fast to get up and running. The google sheet can then still handle any points math validation. They'll also be able to open their character sheet from their phone or something, if they want.

                Sandbox and Custom System builder look decent too though, but a lot slower to get up and running. I'll try Simple World Builder first, and see how to hook it up to sheets, speed things up, and reduce the learning curve (I had already built half of a sheet there before I even started considering using Foundry, I was just going to use Discord or Zoom and stream an OBS stream and show maps and whatever).

                > PDF Pager
                Will almost certainly be useful for letting them reference the game rules during play. Worst case (if PDF Pager performs poorly), I'll toss them up on my google drive and let them access them there instead.

                Thanks for the pointers. I wish you guys luck getting whatever setup you want for running your own games.

              • 3 weeks ago

                Worth noting that there's a popular mod, Dice Tray, which just adds clickable dice buttons at the bottom of the chatbox so you don't have to manually type commands. Click the D6 button to roll a D6. Click it twice to roll 2D6, etc. It was mentioned up in that big list of mods near the top of the thread, I recommend it for anybody who's going to use Foundry for rolling. Sounds like it might not be necessary for that Anon's use-case, but still. Good mod.

                There's also Custom System Builder, which is a mod that adds a pretty robust GUI into Foundry itself for creating basic character sheets and stuff, but I haven't messed with it. And I don't know if I'd recommend one of the more complicated mods on the platform to someone who's just getting Foundry anyway, particularly because I don't have any experience with it. Still, it's out there.

              • 3 weeks ago

                In the near future, I plan to run Distant Horizons' Eclipse, with a bunch of house rules. So, a somewhat less fiddly set of 3e style math, with point buy characters, and again, a bunch of house rules and homebrew. Building what I would need from the 3.5 SRD or PF1 modules would be impractical.

                Someone asked what I was running in another thread. 1 sec.


                > There will be modifiers.
                > It'll be convenient to store them in the roller.
                > The Chargen won't be supported inside of foundry, but I can easily make a calculating sheet in Google sheets to handle it for my needs.
                >There are a couple discord dice bots that look like they might be suitable, and I could hopefully male it relatively quick for PCs to copy paste commands that add their sheet variables to the dice bot. My character sheet could generate the commands.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Is there any real reason to want the server on 24/7? Or only so you can sign in and edit your campaign when you're not home?

  22. 3 weeks ago

    How many actors in the sidebar are too many before it starts slowing down performance? Is there a rule of thumb or does it come down to your/your places computers and connections?

    • 3 weeks ago

      depends on how data heavy they are, but a couple hundred actors/items shouldn't hurt. Just note that anything that isn't in a compendium is basically loaded/sent over the network (scenes, journals, macros, everything).

      This is usually not a problem unless someone has particularly bad internet or computer. If you're worried, just put anything you're not using in that session into a compendium.

    • 3 weeks ago

      depends on how data heavy they are, but a couple hundred actors/items shouldn't hurt. Just note that anything that isn't in a compendium is basically loaded/sent over the network (scenes, journals, macros, everything).

      This is usually not a problem unless someone has particularly bad internet or computer. If you're worried, just put anything you're not using in that session into a compendium.

      There's a limit even with decent internet and hardware. What is that limit? Why it's the entire D&D5e bestiary circa 2020! I learned that one the hard way when I imported everything off of DnDBeyond. So yeah about a hundred or so should be fine, just don't try to have thousands. But the best practice is usually to keep stuff in a compendium folder until you use it.

      • 3 weeks ago

        if you're running 5e, you should be using plutonium (download via anyway. it works with quick insert, so you can just import as needed with drag/drop, and delete the stuff after you use it.

  23. 3 weeks ago
  24. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      That's rough, buddy. Worst case you can always rent some web hosting and install it there. Or, try to figure out how to get your port forwarding working right.

    • 2 weeks ago

      If it is your network, contact your provider and request ability to forward ports, this is adequate in most scenarios.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Download ngrok, the port for Forundry is 30000

      All you need to do is open ngrok and type "ngrok http 30000"

      Then go to your ngrok account and post the endpoint link and your players will be able to connect.

    • 2 weeks ago

    • 2 weeks ago

      I have Xfinity and the only way I got it to work was to use the app on my phone and use their chat AI to get to the port forward page. Apparently the AI is the only way to reach it because you don't have the permission to go to the port forward page on your own.

  25. 2 weeks ago

    What is the best module to add in webcams?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't think a module is even required for that. I've never used the built in voice and video, but it's there.


  26. 2 weeks ago

    Anyone have issues where some music you have just won't play for some reason? It happens to me occasionally. Very frustrating.

    • 2 weeks ago

      i'm a huge foundry fan, but the playlist/audio side has consistently been an issue for me, to the point to where i switched to using watch2gether in lieu of the built in playlists
      the best advice i have is to use smaller and shorter tracks, and if you're self hosting, check your upload speed. it might struggling to share your audio files with all your players. also, a refresh can usually fix desync with audo

  27. 2 weeks ago

    On the topic of Foundry cutting the music sometimes I did some testing and I think I found a solution. Solution(?) at end.

    Allocated Foundry more resources despite it not needing it, and predictably this had no impact on music playback. Disabled client and websocket compression within Foundry, this also had no impact on Host-to-self musical playback cutting out. Looking into the log it threw up a caching error every time it failed to load, both when it did so under normal operation (used Foundry as a music player for stress testing), and when I rapidly toggled between songs. Notably .flac format caught way more often than not, but not exclusively. The only commonality between the failed playback was that larger files had it happen more frequently. Running Foundry in administrator also did not help.

    So between the simple thick as pigshit solution of just googling the error message and my own genius tier of brain knowing to "try to turn it off and on again." I went into console (F12), and disabled caching under the Network tab. I then deleted the playlist and reloaded it, still with network caching disabled. Now it runs smooth like silk no matter the file size. Forced track change 100 times and it didn't catch, been listening to Foundry for an hour and no catch. Seems to solve it, something is either wrong with how Foundry caches music files, or music files of a certain size.

    So if you are having issues with music tracks getting caught on loading
    >Disable caching in console
    >Create new playlists
    >Use only compact file formats to lessen the % of failure if the above is not possible

    There's an obvious issue here for people running potato rigs, for which I'd recommend the second solution and without disabling networkwebsocket caching, especially with a poor internet connection. Though you'd have to do your own testing there.

    Good thread.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Good tips. Thanks.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Update: After 4-5 hours of continuous use another .flac file failed. Since this is still reasonably within the scope of a single session, I would recommend to not use .flac and other large filesizes.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    >running game in foundry
    >update it
    >suddenly all my players need to use different browsers to connect, even after going back to the backup

    • 2 weeks ago

      My players have had that issue too. We haven't worked out a solution yet but try deleting all memory of the address in your (their) browser and see if that helps.

      >Show all history
      >[link to browser version of Foundry]
      >'Forget About This Site...'

      Not sure about Chrome or others, but quick internet search should tell you if you don't know already.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    Thinking about getting Foundry during the upcoming anniversary. I'm not very technical, is it hard to host everything you need from your own machine or is it better to just pay for one of their dedicated servers?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Foundry is as complicated as you want it to be (and the more you use it, the more mods and other fiddly bits you're going to acquire), but hosting a game is pretty straightforward.

      >Open your Foundry world
      >Go to the "Settings" tab and click "Invitation Links"
      >The resulting pop-up will show your internal and external IP address
      >If your friends are in the same house as you, send them your internal address. If they're playing remotely, send them the external one.
      >They plug that into their browser; done.

      The world is online so long as you are. When you close Foundry, it kicks everyone out. It's like being the host in a multiplayer game.

      • 2 weeks ago

        thanks, anon, that looks simple enough. I've read some stuff about port forwarding and the hassle changing between worlds/campaigns, any comments on that?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Port forwarding is its own thing that can be a hassle, if you ISP blocks it by default for example. But once you know how it's as simple as typing in an address.

          No issue moving between worlds, literally none. If you are running the same system on multiple worlds that can be tiresome, but why would you?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Maybe I'm just lucky but I haven't had to mess with any of it. For me it was plug-and-play, but YMMV.

          Regarding worlds, if you self-host (which I do), those are stored directly on your machine. I think they're in the AppData folder by default, but Foundry's settings let you point it to whatever folder you want (even a USB drive if you intend to switch machines). You can have as many worlds as you want on your machine, and when you create a new one in Foundry it just creates a folder wherever you pointed it and stores all your world data in there. Here's a picture of a Foundry main page with multiple worlds that I got from Google.

          Each of those worlds is its own campaign. When creating a world, you choose a bunch of stuff about it, including its name and the RPG system that it'll use when you load it up. You can see in this screenshot that each of those worlds is using a different game system (DND5E, PF2E, DCC, etc.). If you click on one of those worlds, it'll load up a landing page where you choose who to log in as (by default you're the "Gamemaster" player). Once you're in the game, you just follow the steps from my previous post and the link you provide will lead to the world you've got open.

          So in short:
          >Make a world
          >Load it up
          >Follow the steps from before to provide the link for your players

          That's basically the whole process. The set-up for the world itself can be really easy or super complicated depending on the system you're using (simpler systems, or popular ones, tend to have breezy set-up, while more complex or niche systems tend to have wonkier support), but when it comes to actually creating a world and hosting it it's pretty straightforward.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Oh right. Foundry uses UPNP. I suppose all modern routers support that, so you might not need to configure port forwarding at all.

            You might need to get an external IP address from your ISP. If you can't get a static one use something like DynDNS or you will have to send people a new link when your address changes.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's relatively simple. The Windows version comes with an exe file, so you don't even have to install nodejs.

      As long as you're ok with tinkering a bit, you'll be fine. Once it's set up it'll just work.

      Do make sure you're connected to the internet via cable rather than wifi if you're the one hosting.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Can I use foundry to just project the player stuff onto a T.V. with out needing every player having a foundry account?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Monks shared display? Something like that. Theres a plugin to make that work better.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Only the server owner needs to own Foundry/have an account to begin with, so that shouldn't be an issue. I believe there's also a "streamer mode" that you can use to put up a second window with GM-only info obscured by default, but there's probably addons to improve that. Haven't looked into this use case myself.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    >made night vision
    >made nice maps
    >realize turning everything green makes the maps look worse

    • 2 weeks ago

      Well if by night vision you mean the modern stuff, yeah that sounds about right.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    where would I find patreon-exclusive modules available for free?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Apparently some animal named site that ends in .su no clue what site that is.

      how hard/cumbersome it is to prep for 3D canvas?

      The YouTube tutorials make it look pretty easy, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet. Check out this playlist,
      and this video at the end of the list for a worked example.


      It doesn't seem too crazy once you learn the module

      • 2 weeks ago

        ah I found the animal-themed website, thanks for the hint

        • 2 weeks ago

          Can you give me a real hint? I have been trying to figure it out since yesterday. I reshared someone else's hint that got me nowhere. Lol

          • 2 weeks ago

            it's not a specific animal, it's the word "animal" in japanese

            • 2 weeks ago

              Ah. Thanks. Sick. I was stuck on specific animals and kept looking for other sites named similarly to catbox

          • 2 weeks ago

            btw a lot of patreon foundry content requires that you link your account on one to your account on the other, so a lot of modules aren't actually available through this site

  33. 2 weeks ago

    how hard/cumbersome it is to prep for 3D canvas?

  34. 2 weeks ago

    anybody got a ripper93 puzzle locks link you could provide?

  35. 2 weeks ago

    Anyone seen an example of spacial distortions and shifting rooms? Like the house of leaves book (as referenced by a doom wad and that laminated horror game that my vtuber wife-of-the-day played a bit too much)

    I think I got the basics of teleporting down which can account for most of this stuff but I could use as much help as possible.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    For some discussion: show a screenshot of somethkg cool and talk about how you set it up?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I made this landing page for a tomb of annihilation game that sadly died.
      I made the actual background using dall e, then edited it on paint.
      Generated a photo on dall e for every location in the module. I add it to the blank spot as a tile
      Added a scanline texture as foreground.
      Used the better text module to import a pixelated front, then used the text tool to write down the summary on both boxes.
      yeah pretty mad this group died because this took some work

      • 2 weeks ago

        Frick. That's some cool-ass eye of the beholder shit. I'd be mad too.

      • 2 weeks ago

        That is sick.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I want something with this perspective for much of my next campaign.

        Theatre of the mind Scenes, popup NPC / monster artwork in front, rather than 2d maps. I was thinking maybe get hi res MTG land art crops.

        And then intersperse in the occasional 3d canvas scene.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Frick. That's some cool-ass eye of the beholder shit. I'd be mad too.

        That is sick.

        I want something with this perspective for much of my next campaign.

        Theatre of the mind Scenes, popup NPC / monster artwork in front, rather than 2d maps. I was thinking maybe get hi res MTG land art crops.

        And then intersperse in the occasional 3d canvas scene.

        I also did something similar for random encounters. I didn't like using generic battle maps, so I wanted to resolve them with theater of the mind, but also have some form of positioning, so I set it up as a first-person scene inspired by old-school RPGs and added sprites for each actor that can appeari in a random encounter. For positioning just simple front row/back row rules that aren't relevant to the thread.
        I did some cleanup and deleted those sprites so somee of them show up as the default foundry token
        Finding sprites and assigning one to each actor was also a huge pain in the ass

        • 2 weeks ago

          Frick yeah. That's exactly what I had in mind.
          I was going to use MM art. Finding good pixel art would have been tricky, unless you were going to grab all your creatures from old games.

          What was your setup for swapping in the enemies? Did you preprogram each one as an actor at the correct scale? Or did you have some faster setup where you dragged in images as needed?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Manually. Made a separate compendium with those actors, and went one by one changing the character art and token with tokenizer.
            I also used midiQOL to set up sound effects for hit and damage confirms using Dragon Quest and Earthbound SFX

            • 2 weeks ago

              Damn that's a lot of effort. Individually resized, I assume?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Nah didn't resize anything, the 5e systeem already resizes tokens based on the sheet size.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Ohhhh. That's why you have such a small grid on that screen! So the huge creatures are 3x3.

    • 2 weeks ago

      made this for a west marches pf2e campaign, was fun while it lasted but no one else in my group of 25 people ever stepped up to try being the dm. I was hosting 2-3 sessions a week and it was exhausting.

      for the map i made that in inkarnate, then i used photoshop to layer it onto an old tea map, i added tiles so if you move your token onto nethys it opens the pf2e wiki, and on the bottom right the health potion heals your char back to full.

      ....various of my players added little drawings to it

      • 2 weeks ago

        also for some reason multiple of my players REALLY wanted to frick my dragons it got pretty annoying after the 4th one.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >also for some reason multiple of my players REALLY wanted to frick my dragons
          I guess just take it as a complement on your ability to write/play noble wyrms or whatever you did with them.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah there's always someone who can't help but doodle on the overworld maps and/or landing screens. I don't mind it if the others get a laugh out of it, but do tend to wipe it clean when I make changes.

  37. 2 weeks ago

    What do you guys use for sharing music & ambient sound? Is there something good thats built in or a good module for that? SFX might be fun too, but mostly I'm thinking my OSR tracks from old PC RPGs, and weather effects.

    • 2 weeks ago

      *OST - not OSR.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's all built in and works fairly well. There's a playlist ui and you have a lot of control over volume and such. Easy to set up am ambient background noise that'll be quieter than the music, and keeping both low enough they don't get in the way of whatever voice program you're using. There is also the ability to place sounds directly onto a scene, so say you got a map and part of it is next to a river or ocean. You can add those sounds and set how far they go on the map.

      • 2 weeks ago


        Nah didn't resize anything, the 5e systeem already resizes tokens based on the sheet size.

        I meant your big monster tokens for battles, that fill much of the screen.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    Looked into it a while back, really liked the fact it was a one time purchase and you could give to help support it further.
    But I have heard that you have to dabble with port forwarding and messing with firewall permissions in some cases and Really didn't want to mess with that despite how easy it seemed.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    frick I really need to get off my ass and configure vtt properly, it's so good when it's done properly.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    So We're in autosage. Never thought this thread would last a week. I'll make another thread when my setup is better. Or if one of you do, I'll come back.

    • 2 weeks ago

      yeah this was more popular than i expected. i might go through the trouble to make a proper OP with links and stuff even if I don't bake the next thread.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I started it just looking for advice.

        Maybe we start sharing cool /tg/ made VTT assets in future threads?

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