Freedom Force

Why did it never become popular?
>squad based strategy game
>superheroes + you can make your own
>Western comic book style
>... and RTwP combat

Is it the last point? I do think it would be probably more interesting & you could make more superpowers without losing balance if it was turn-based.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Because it's honestly not a very good game. It has a great concept, presentation, a shitload of soul and a couple fun mechanics that were really cool for their time (environment interactivity with tossing cars, jumping up buildings and such), but ultimately it's pretty shallow and repetitive.

    • 10 months ago

      But why hasn't anyone taken the concept and the fun mechanics and made it good.

      In example, with fast paced turn based strategy combat!

      • 9 months ago

        >But why hasn't anyone taken the concept and the fun mechanics and made it good.
        The early 2000s was the twilight of the risk-taking and innovation mindset in the videogame industry, giving way to the more conservative proven business mindset. Notch became a billionaire because of this.

        3rd Reich came out a year after the best Marvel movie (Spider-Man 2)

        Raimi Spider Mans (and Nolan Batmans) are proto-capeshit (Singer X-Mens are debatable). True capeshit in the modern sense didn't really become notable until almost 2010. That's when cheap digital effects became good enough you could just throw together any comic book story you wanted and people would go see it. That's when they just started being spammed.

      • 9 months ago

        Because that's hard.

    • 10 months ago

      There were some great mod campaigns. The Strangers was as long as the original campaign if not longer and had a ton of new additions and actually game some challenge and interesting fights. Or at least so I remember, I'm as puzzled as OP at how dead it is, there aren't even youtube videos of the mod. Embarrassingly this was probably one of the most formative games for me growing up.

      • 10 months ago

        >Embarrassingly this was probably one of the most formative games for me growing up
        Same anon, game was pure soul. I think I got it because it got a glowing writeup in the computer gaming magazine my mom bought a subscription for at the school magazine drive. No one else I knew had ever even heard of the game.

        It was a game before its time in many ways. The superhero lull between Batman & Robin and Batman Begins where Spider-Man was pretty much it (and you're hardly going to be web slinging in FF). UI design while better than the 90s was still kinda clunky. PC gaming was entering its dark age where among other things everyone just wanted multiplayer FPS/MMOs and smaller devs were lucky to even get shelf space.

        And probably most importantly, the modding scene was still in its infancy. Dedicated modders existed but major community hubs were lacking. Often times modders would have their own website and that meant hosting costs so sites would vanish constantly. Then you have internet speeds and data limits.

        Modding itself took the shape of entire models and skins with the tools to make those not being easily available. It was a game begging for a character creator you could make objects for but it just wasn't how things were done then. It was all or nothing.

        Had it come out 10 years later, maybe even 5, it'd be a modern classic.

        >The superhero lull between Batman & Robin and Batman Begins where Spider-Man was pretty much it
        Yeah I distinctly remember thinking what a novel concept having a superhero PC game was, funny looking back

      • 10 months ago

        I remember seeing exactly one "ad" for this game, in that a catalog that included reviews mentioned it when discussing indie games, but didn't really show it off. Otherwise I've never seen it being sold anywhere or discussed, though it looks like you can get it on Steam.

        >there aren't even youtube videos of the mod
        You should be the change you want to see in the world and just make the videos yourself.

    • 10 months ago

      Pretty much this. The combat doesn’t feel as responsive or intensive as it should, and while the physics were cool for its time, it’s still kind of boring that different element attacks are basically the same thing but just gain modifiers regarding target weaknesses/resistances. I want to set a proper forest fire with El Diablo, damn it.

      That being said, I also loved the sheer soul of it, even though I usually rabidly dislike capeshit.

      • 10 months ago

        It probably would work better turn-based, to be honest. Do that and up the lethality, and the game would require more tactics than ”bang the enemy with your most powerful attacks”.

    • 10 months ago

      This. The combat was fricking dildos with the inaccuracy and the only good defense being kiting. You had to wait too long to make your own hero who could actually hit things and even then the point system was holding you back. It should have encouraged you to be powerful and balanced around that.

      There were some great mod campaigns. The Strangers was as long as the original campaign if not longer and had a ton of new additions and actually game some challenge and interesting fights. Or at least so I remember, I'm as puzzled as OP at how dead it is, there aren't even youtube videos of the mod. Embarrassingly this was probably one of the most formative games for me growing up.

      But on the other hand, this.

    • 10 months ago

      This. Just play the Rumble Room a little and then uninstall. The story is frankly not worth it, there is no payoff and there are too many pointless missions and pointless heroes and no steaks.

    • 10 months ago

      >They can least tell you what was wrong with it but they can never tell you how they’d improve it
      >it’s also a twenty year old game
      The real fun comes when you get enough juice to make your dream custom superhero. The level of customisation is astonishing.
      I’ve beaten it multiple times and anyone who says it’s ‘shallow’ I disagree with on principle.

  2. 10 months ago

    I heard the 2nd game is better but you have to fight against comic book parodies of Nazis. That's cringe. I wanna be the Nazi.

    • 10 months ago

      You could just play Danger Room with all the nazi villains as your party and fight against swarms of communists if you really wished.

    • 10 months ago

      I never considered Freedom Force Vs The third reich a sequel, all this time I considered it basically a stand alone expansion. You fight the nazist scientist, the not-mussolini opera singer and the japanese cloning samurai. It had a very nice ending.

      • 10 months ago

        >japanese cloning samurai
        that homie was so underutilized goddamn I wanted to scale a japanese castle base to kick his ass properly, not just fight him a couple times randomly when he pops up out of nowhere

        • 10 months ago

          All of them were. You could tell they were meant to be early game set dressing to the real plot at the end.

    • 10 months ago

      Nazis are the most kino human enemy in vidya, if for nothing else you don't need to feel even fictional remorse for blowing them up like balloons. Pure glee.

      • 10 months ago

        Your hands will catch fire.

      • 10 months ago

        Go back to plebbit, israelite

  3. 10 months ago

    The hidden power sources was a pain in the ass to progress characters.

  4. 10 months ago

    It was a game before its time in many ways. The superhero lull between Batman & Robin and Batman Begins where Spider-Man was pretty much it (and you're hardly going to be web slinging in FF). UI design while better than the 90s was still kinda clunky. PC gaming was entering its dark age where among other things everyone just wanted multiplayer FPS/MMOs and smaller devs were lucky to even get shelf space.

    And probably most importantly, the modding scene was still in its infancy. Dedicated modders existed but major community hubs were lacking. Often times modders would have their own website and that meant hosting costs so sites would vanish constantly. Then you have internet speeds and data limits.

    Modding itself took the shape of entire models and skins with the tools to make those not being easily available. It was a game begging for a character creator you could make objects for but it just wasn't how things were done then. It was all or nothing.

    Had it come out 10 years later, maybe even 5, it'd be a modern classic.

    • 10 months ago

      >late 90's pc gaming was a dark age
      Insanity. 98 to 2005 or so was when we had the most power to the players. The most control over our maps, servers and mods.
      The golden age was massive amounts of free content while having plenty of new creative games to look forward to.
      ZERO exploitation or micro transactions.

      • 10 months ago

        FF was 2002. The only highlight of that decade was FPS multiplayer. MMOs swallowed vast amounts of the market starving it, planting the live service seed. Every small, high quality dev either died or got bought out having been starved. This exacerbated the fad chasing AAA game design with every fricking game being brown and bloom. The movement away from code and innovation towards graphics and marketing. Spore was going to be our saviour but got ruined at the 11th hour. And that's not even getting started on the consoles. Every problem we have today started there.

        It's also a literal dark age, as it has the most games that simply don't function on modern systems. Even when they do, due to the movement from single to multi core they can run like shit.

        • 10 months ago

          >The only highlight of that decade was FPS multiplayer
          Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War and C&C Generals/Zero Hour would like a word with you.

  5. 10 months ago

    when I was a kid (in my 30s now) I checked so many shops to see if they had Freedom Force 2 in stock. eventually found it for like 50% off. bought it and played the shit out of it.
    was hooked ever since I played the demo of the first game.

  6. 10 months ago

    The Ant and Microwave are the fricking coolest
    I will always hold out for a sequel, or a spiritual successor

    • 9 months ago

      Based Freedom Force chads. What a great fricking game, esp with the expansion "Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich". Goddamn I miss this shit like you wouldn't believe, and I usually hate capeshit. These games had so much personality and soul.

      Nice dude, two of my favorites as well, in addition to Man-bot.

  7. 10 months ago

    >Why did it never become popular?
    Because its capeshit, capeshit and games that require at least modicum of thinking dont mix

    • 10 months ago

      capeshit as we know it didn't even exist at the time

      • 10 months ago

        3rd Reich came out a year after the best Marvel movie (Spider-Man 2)

        • 10 months ago

          The best marvel movie was blade idiot

          >noooo blade cant be the best marvel because hes a, hes a, hes a n..nn.nnn.nn

          • 10 months ago

            I don't care if he a n.nn.nnn.nn, whatever that means

            I don't like Black folk

          • 10 months ago

            It's the best because most people didn't even realize it was a comic book film.

          • 10 months ago

            which blade?

            • 10 months ago


  8. 10 months ago

    I think the 50s cringy aesthetic is what turned most people off. Granted, today you would probably get this game with the nonbinary racial diversity aesthetic which is even worse (ala the Marvel games we have now) but

  9. 10 months ago

    >Why did it never become popular?

    >Western comic book style

    Those reasons. Superhero games don't have a good track record and they aren't really that interesting as a concept. Western comic book style, or rather superhero comic book style, isn't an appealing key point either. You don't see that style in western things outside of superheroes.

  10. 10 months ago

    I know people are talking about the aesthetic but.. the game while fun is also rather bog standard for the time too. The Aesthetic is actually one of the things that let it stand out comparatively given the fact that it was a weird mix of RTS without base building that didn't do too well at the time when RTS was in its thriving point.

    The 50's aesthetic was probably the main thing that let it remain memorable. Not even current capeshit tries to evoke the good old comic days anymore.

    • 10 months ago

      >the game while fun is also rather bog standard for the time too
      No? I can't think of another game quite like it, even now.

      What happens if I skip the first game and go straight to the 3rd Reich ?

      It's better in every way right ?

      3rd Reich is really two different story arcs. The first arc is fine not knowing anything but the second you really want to know these characters. It's a meta character driven thing but not in that horrible "comics am I right?" modern way. It's really clever and if you're a comic book fan you'll appreciate it. It was their plan to go through all the different eras of comic books but it never came to be.

      the style with plucky, old-timey golden age sort of superheros was completely out of fashion
      2000s was when everyone wanted dark, gritty comics, full of edgy and angsty characters, like Punisher and Wolverine

      I also feel like western comic book fans are very particular about branding and want characters they are familiar with
      I bet if it was with licenced Marvel™ characters instead of store-brand versions, these nerds would have been more likely to buy it

      too soulful for typical comicbook fans, in other words

      2000s is when editorial wanted those things. Meanwhile we all hated Dan DiDio and his endless maim/rape-a-thon.

      >old time superheroes
      It's just the second most cringy era of comic books after the current LGBT israelitery era

      No that's the obsidian age where everyone became drunks and drug addicts so kids could be berated with social messages.

      • 10 months ago

        >obsidian age
        wtf just stop at that point lmao. what's the name for the current era of comics?

        • 10 months ago

          Modern, they ran out of materials. Although with how things are, we may have left that and entered a dark age or woke age. And I misremembered, that was bronze age. Obsidian was either the 90s or post crash 90s. There was a JLA book of that name which is probably where it came from. And to highlight the constant state of decline comics have been in where it's not even metal at this point.

          • 10 months ago

            I genuinely don’t know why Marvel and DC are still in business.

            • 10 months ago

              It's because "get woke go woke" is just cope, it's not real.

              • 10 months ago

                Tell that to Target, Disney and Budweiser, gay.

            • 10 months ago

              It's because "get woke go woke" is just cope, it's not real.

              >anon makes assertion with evidence.
              >nuh uh, your unmentioned slogan is just cope!

              the hutzpuh of your pipul makes me verklempt.
              mozel tov!

            • 10 months ago

              DC exists for Warner's animation, merch and occasionally movie departments.

              Marvel? Without all the movie money I don't see how they could exist. Warner probably would have ended up buying them instead of Disney just for the Spider-Man merch.

      • 10 months ago

        >s the obsidian age
        this isn't a thing, the cover you posted is bronze, the post-80s edgy era is "dark"

        • 10 months ago

          I know I corrected myself.

          Modern, they ran out of materials. Although with how things are, we may have left that and entered a dark age or woke age. And I misremembered, that was bronze age. Obsidian was either the 90s or post crash 90s. There was a JLA book of that name which is probably where it came from. And to highlight the constant state of decline comics have been in where it's not even metal at this point.

          Obsidian was a term used 20 years ago when I first got into comics. I haven't heard it in recent years come to think of it, guess it either fell out of use or never really caught on. I mostly hear the 90s called "the fricking 90s" these days.

      • 10 months ago

        In my opinion if you play freedom force now there is no reason to don't play the first one and the second just as one long overarching game, because as you say, the second part of the second game get sweet if you played the first one. Also, if you like the game, you like them both, there is no reason to play just one game. It's not a job, it's entertainment, there is no reason for look for a time discount.

    • 10 months ago

      The silver age aesthetic actually works extremely well for a video game too, ironically enough. The story can be kinda formulaic because its just silver age wackiness and they get away with video game logic all over the place because of it, like having the dinosaur time travel level right next to fighting mob bosses and so on.

      What happens if I skip the first game and go straight to the 3rd Reich ?

      It's better in every way right ?

      They're both great. 3rd reich is in the same style and setup, so really what you're getting with the second game is more heroes, more villains, and so on. But the first game is a bit tighter in a few ways, you spend more time with the main roster and get a bit more focused story. There are also a few plot things in the second game that you won't understand as well without the first, but iirc you do get a kind of cinematic recap that's pretty fun either way. The second also has fewer "tutorial" levels, so its easier to get into.

  11. 10 months ago

    I'd love some sort of Superhero sandbox game where you create your own heroes and just fight crime and save the day in a city you patrol, both regular everyday criminals and supervillains with the odd major comicbook emergency happening like an alien invasion or what-have-you.

    Would be especially good if you could create multiple superheroes, with the ability to form them into teams etc.

  12. 10 months ago

    It's especially weird because the title should appeal to Americans.

    • 10 months ago

      It also had like no marketing.

      • 10 months ago

        I remember seeing an awesome color ad in PC Gamer that sold me on it but yeah, by and large Freedom Force was a business failure more than anything. The sequel in particular was published by a horrible company called Digital Jesters that included borderline malware DRM and was prominently featured on boycott/warning lists at the time of release. Shame because IIRC they had a whole plan for a third Bronze Age sequel but it was such a massive commercial frickup that it will never ever happen.

  13. 10 months ago

    What happens if I skip the first game and go straight to the 3rd Reich ?

    It's better in every way right ?

    • 10 months ago

      It'll spoil some things from the first game. Though honestly both are pretty good.

  14. 10 months ago

    the style with plucky, old-timey golden age sort of superheros was completely out of fashion
    2000s was when everyone wanted dark, gritty comics, full of edgy and angsty characters, like Punisher and Wolverine

    I also feel like western comic book fans are very particular about branding and want characters they are familiar with
    I bet if it was with licenced Marvel™ characters instead of store-brand versions, these nerds would have been more likely to buy it

    too soulful for typical comicbook fans, in other words

    • 10 months ago

      >old time superheroes
      It's just the second most cringy era of comic books after the current LGBT israelitery era

      • 10 months ago

        Nah, the alphabet soup era is a horror of its own. It's pointless to compare others to something like it.

  15. 10 months ago

    Minuteman is a israelite controller golem, just like Goymerica
    The big head alien is the israelite

  16. 10 months ago

    my mans doing the nae nae dance

  17. 10 months ago

    >people saying the 50s aesthetic brought it down while ignoring fallout 3 and bioshock sold well because of said aesthetic

    • 10 months ago

      They don't like the hopeful part of said era. Preferring cynical and bitter while tearing down the era.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, that's why Team Fortress 2 died within the first year of release and never got popular, right?

        • 10 months ago

          >inb4 Artifact poster

        • 10 months ago

          its been dead for like 8 years anon dota 2 raped it.

          Frick it we might get TF3 some 2030

          • 9 months ago

            If 9th most played on steam is dead then vidya is looking grim.

    • 10 months ago

      They don't like the hopeful part of said era. Preferring cynical and bitter while tearing down the era.

      F3 was a pretty hopeful game. You could die like a 100% hero, too.

    • 10 months ago

      >fallout 3
      I hate you so much

      • 10 months ago


  18. 10 months ago

    Is there a tier list of good heroes/good abilities?

    • 10 months ago

      It's been 20 years but I remember abusing range a lot. El Diablo and Man-O-War have effective ranged attacks and can fly. The Ant has pretty damn good grenade. Melee characters tend to suck.

      • 10 months ago

        yeah I used el diablo for fricking everything, it's a huge breath of fresh air when you get him

      • 10 months ago

        Bullet was possibly broken tier IIRC
        Especially if he was carrying around a traffic light, I remember fricking up the robots with him, you could just knock them down, run away, knock them down, run away, etc.

        • 10 months ago

          Bullet was an exception. The Ant's melee wasn't completely terrible in a pinch either. Patriot, the poster boy of the game was fricking terrible though.

          • 10 months ago

            Minuteman was alright. His sidekick with the grenades was genuinely horribly though.

            • 10 months ago

              The absolute worst was Sea Urchin
              >starting homing projectile will target allies and acid burn them
              >damage over time ailment will ensure that even if you spend a medal to recover or heal they will get damaged badly, if you don't spend a medal they're basically ded
              >incredibly fragile with low HP, so can never actually get close enough to enemies to try to target them

      • 10 months ago

        Bullet is busted, but he's not as busted as supercollider from the first game. Melee characters are either S tier or kinda terrible depending on their ability to stunlock enemies with autos and get in close in the first place. Bullet's speed makes him really good at getting in, and his healing just lets him shrug off fights so easily, so he's really the only melee who doesn't care about repeat knockbacks.

        Bullet was an exception. The Ant's melee wasn't completely terrible in a pinch either. Patriot, the poster boy of the game was fricking terrible though.

        Minuteman was alright. His sidekick with the grenades was genuinely horribly though.

        Minuteman is decent in the second game iirc, he's bad in the first. Once he has the speed to keep whacking enemies back over and over he's solid enough, but if he doesn't get that first hit he dies super fast. Really depends on abusing environment objects to get more range. Liberty Lad is awful up close, but the grenades do have great aoe and their bounces can let them hit angles that are otherwise really hard to manage. He's one of the few heroes who can do things like stand on a rooftop and bomb people for example. I found him decent, but really too tedious to manage to be worth it.

        The absolute worst was Sea Urchin
        >starting homing projectile will target allies and acid burn them
        >damage over time ailment will ensure that even if you spend a medal to recover or heal they will get damaged badly, if you don't spend a medal they're basically ded
        >incredibly fragile with low HP, so can never actually get close enough to enemies to try to target them

        Homing attacks are generally worth the other drawbacks. She does have one nice utility in that her acid has uptime, so if you can get the hang of having her tag a strong enemy she can almost solo them by running away forever. Its a very boring playstyle though. Man O'War is legit though, stunbolts and elemental basic attacks is so nice.

    • 10 months ago

      anyone who can shoot straight and therefore kie, or absorb attacks like a boss. So basically nobody in the main cast. Blackbird is an optional purchase for like 2000 points and she's accurate. The little girl out of the two seafarers is good because she does decent damage and has bullshit dodge. There's also a brick with 1000 hp but he has accuracy 1. You're really better off making your own hero.

      • 10 months ago

        kite. Also I just remembered that there's an ability (energitic?) that halves your energy bar from 100 to 50 but doubles your regen. Max the power stat (which is cheaper than the others) and you can make custom powers that cost loads (and therefore cost less points, and can be made accurate AND do damage) but since you now regen all your 50 energy in 2.5 seconds you can still spam your powers.

  19. 10 months ago

    Imma just watch a let's play of the first game and then play the 2nd one if it's good, fr.

  20. 10 months ago

    Last played 12 years ago jesus, I hope the compatibility is good on modern pcs

    • 10 months ago

      >49 MINUTES

      I don't know about steam but gog version works perfectly on windows 10, high res 1080p even windowed with -w

      • 10 months ago

        To be fair i was probably running on some trash prebuilt machine then.

        On new windows something was fricky, my left clicks were not working, was too lazy to see if there was a fix on the steam frum, i might have the gog version

  21. 10 months ago

    They need to make more videogames about superheroes, but ones not tied to DC or Marvel.

  22. 10 months ago

    When I played the demo as a young teen, little more than a child, I liked it so much that I tried to get the boxed original from my parents. Finally I convinced them, but after I returned to the store the game was gone (a similar experience happened with AoM). When years later the game+expansion arrived on steam, I instantly bought it, and enjoyed it a lot. It was, and is, a great game, great interactivity, great gameplay, interesting characters and powers, nice soundtracks (Nuclear Winter soundtrack was the best, other villans deserved proper tracks for them), and had also a soulful silver age super hero writing, so a style pretti different from the 90, early 2000 super heroes, and totally different from the quirky marvel speak we have these days.

  23. 10 months ago

    >western comic book
    It's not about cowboys you moron.

  24. 10 months ago

    An indie reboot/spiritual successor with isometric 2D with 3D models (so you can easily make your own superhero) with turn-based combat and more pronounced RPG elements.

    What more do you need?

    • 10 months ago

      There needs to be more superhero rpgs.
      Superhero League of Hoboken simply can't carry the weight by itself.

      • 10 months ago

        I've known about this game for a long time but I never played it, I just assumed it's probably bad

        • 10 months ago

          Its old, really old, but I found enjoyment from it.

          You can buy it on the various marketplaces now such as Steam.

    • 9 months ago

      there was some kickstarter a while back for a FF successor involving halloween looking monsters and shit. it was kinda ass looking, it didnt have destructible environments or physics like FF

      • 9 months ago

        Without destructible environments we wouldn't have had Mr. Mechanical and his giant mech. The ability to break apart things and make them weapons was one of the cooler bits for melee characters. Just feels like missing parts of things for the sake of making it easier.

      • 9 months ago

        that sounds lame as shit, kickstarter grifers not even once

        • 9 months ago

          Without destructible environments we wouldn't have had Mr. Mechanical and his giant mech. The ability to break apart things and make them weapons was one of the cooler bits for melee characters. Just feels like missing parts of things for the sake of making it easier.

          they were former employees of Irrational and i cant find a single trace of it anywhere at this point.

          on the other hand, it just gets me how the only people doing RTWP are some lame ass BG clones. and not a single one of those games ever explores what FF did.

          • 9 months ago

            >on the other hand, it just gets me how the only people doing RTWP are some lame ass BG clones.
            I still haven't played FF but I agree on this.
            RTS is really more about strategy and APM than tactics.
            RTwP has a ton of potential for tactical depth it's wasted on tabletop adaptations

  25. 10 months ago

    It would be funny if Minuteman accused Oppenheimer of being a communist spy instead.

  26. 10 months ago

    Does anyone else think

  27. 10 months ago

    Do I want to play 1 or skip straight ahead to 2?

    • 10 months ago

      Play both. The gameplay is basically the same, with 2 only receiving some additional skills and a larger hero roster. But the campaign in 1 is just as good, so there’s no reason to skip it, and on inverse, if you end up disliking 1, 2 is not going to feel any better.

    • 10 months ago

      Just watch this for the first game and play the second game.

      • 10 months ago

        He skips too much combat.

  28. 10 months ago


  29. 10 months ago

    I had a dream about playing the game and it was much better than the game itself

  30. 10 months ago

    Would play a 3rd Reich vs Freedom Force mod.

    • 10 months ago

      As stated earlier, there's always the Rumble Room

      • 10 months ago

        >you can play as Big Brain Adolf or three generic nazi mooks

        • 10 months ago

          That's just who I picked you gaylord. You can also play as flying nazi eyeballs, nazi gorillamen, roman legionnaires, or turn one of the nazi troops into an actual hero.

    • 10 months ago

      A parallel world mod would be cool, just reskins and redubbed voices, maybe different powers to reflect the new personalities
      Like a straightforward "good guys are evil, evil guys are good" scenario, or an alt-history scenario where Freedom Force are nazi/communist heroes instead of American heroes, and guys like Nuclear Winter are the Allies instead
      Then instead of fighting Timemaster you fight the original timeline heroes in a mirror match
      I know multiverses are overdone these days but they used to be fun

  31. 10 months ago

    I don't understand how points are balanced in the rumble room. I made a generic custom hero who can fly and attack and 4 of them beat Nazi Riflemen and Generals who cost 2x the points

  32. 10 months ago

    Is auto-attack supposed to work? My heroes do nothing after they beat an enemy, even if he's shooting at them.

    • 10 months ago

      They should melee any hostiles in melee range but no, I don't think they chase down people even if they're shooting at them. Unfortunately you have to micromanage the shit out of your heroes but at least there's only four dudes to keep up with

    • 9 months ago

      The gamekiller aspect of Freedom Force.

  33. 10 months ago

    Post your tier list.

    I ranked them just based on how much I liked them in the first game.

    • 10 months ago

      Did Man o War nakadashi Sea Urchin's dicky?

    • 10 months ago

      My main gripe with the games is that the bad guys are literally the underdogs all the time.

      There are like 10 heroes for every villain, villains literally have to 1v4 every map, the mooks do nothing.

    • 10 months ago

      What would happen if you were fricking the Law and she suddenly changed with Order?

    • 10 months ago

      I love how Sky King is just The Rocketeer but played by Joe Quimby, it works shockingly well
      When I look at this tiermaker thing I feel like it's missing some heroes, but then I remember all the custom heroes I would make and how they're all long gone at this point

    • 10 months ago

      Played through and beaten the game with all the characters, just a power tier list for the 2nd game. Wouldn't know it at first attempt, but those sidekick characters are both better than the guys they're sidekicking for.

      Tombstone's skills and attributes trivialize a lot of the sequel's scenarios. So he's mostly OP in a gamebreaking sense. Manbot is OP by design. Most of the other chars can have their moments of usefulness. D-tier are mostly trash across the board. Minuteman might be the worst hero in the game, super slow, doesn't hit as hard as others, can't take a hit that well, has very little utility, etc. But he is a favorite cause the very earnest Captain America spoof is endearing.

      • 9 months ago

        I might be mixing up the games, but I remember minuteman being alright in the second game.
        At least I remember using him a lot, although he's locked into a lot of missions too.

        Green Genie is almost as OP as tombstone, if not more, her speed and attacks alone can cheese almost every mission if you're willing to spend the time and her other abilities are pretty good if clunky. She's just terrible against bosses for the most part, but cleans up the rest of the levels easily. Rest of the list is pretty solid, although I found black jack to be decent with his acid card ability but that might have just been him being the best of a bad set for the past missions next to sky king and tricolour.

        • 9 months ago

          His party buff was a bit better in FFvTTR, but that was about it. Imo he's a bit underrated in the original. In the original he's the only one who can get multiple revival badges, and 300 Percenter + Smash can pretty quickly take out high HP monsters like the ants in Shadow's chapter. Being limited to physical attacks and a crappy 1 damage projectile just made him fall off a bit.

          • 9 months ago

            The projectile always kinda sucked. Not enough damage to be good late, but decent enough against starter mooks, fine as a stun and close in choice before later levels where they're stacked up. iirc his party buff is almost functionally nonexistent in 1 which made me avoid it for a while in 2, so I had a hard time evaluating it. The extra medals are surprisingly useful even on harder difficulties, it made him pretty good against bosses iirc, since he could guarantee getting in close with them and then repeatedly knockback or hit em hard.

            I think part of why he was better in 2 was tombstone and genie, they're so effective against mooks that its a lot easier to cover minuteman's weaknesses in teambuilding. Toned down supercollider/bullet also doesn't hurt, he doesn't have to compete with two OP characters for the melee dps slot.

  34. 10 months ago

    >Average playtime is 5 hours for first game and 3 hours for second game.

    • 10 months ago

      5 hours is a lot for games back in the day

  35. 10 months ago

    Do lowered resistances even matter? Sounds like free points for custom characters.

    • 10 months ago

      Depends if you feel 1 is plenty of HP because you're not going to get hit ever.

      Do people still play this actively in multiplayer

  36. 10 months ago

    Do people still play this actively in multiplayer

    • 10 months ago

      Yes there is a lively pro scene

  37. 10 months ago

    So is Mentor one of those gray big headed aliens or not? The intro never made it clear. I thought maybe he possessed the bald headed prisoner or something.

    • 10 months ago

      He was. The ones we see are those that were changed by Lord Dominion since Mentors race was conquered by Lord Dominion and changed.

  38. 10 months ago

    >Green Genie
    Why even bother giving them intro videos? They have as much impact on the story as The Bard/Supercollider/Iron Ox/Blackbird.

    The story of 3rd reich sucked also, what the frick does that Alche-thot see in some dude who is huffing his own farts in a can?

    • 10 months ago

      >The story of 3rd reich sucked also, what the frick does that Alche-thot see in some dude who is huffing his own farts in a can?
      You don't read comics, do you? Whole thing play into a lot of capeshit cliches.

      • 10 months ago

        In X-Men it was males chasing after the female (Jean Gray had Cyclops and Wolverine). That's fine. But a woman chasing after a man? Especially someone bland like Man-Bot?

        • 10 months ago

          Women get wet for tortured souls in comics, it's a thing. And yes the characters are simple, it's the silver age which is why everything goes nuts when she starts acting selfish, she's going against the flow of the setting by adding complexity to the characters.

          • 10 months ago

            Do you think it's a silver age thing that there's a glaring plot hole in the ending? Alchemiss erases herself from existence, but if she didn't exist nobody would have been able to save the team from Big Brain Hitler

            NTA and unironically asking. It's always bugged me but I assumed it's kind of the point, pulp comic stories aren't meant to stand to any scrutiny. And shit, it's not even as bad as the plot holes Black Mirror comes up with in what's supposed to be big boy modern storytelling

            • 10 months ago

              It's a very retcon of the silver age thing. It's what happens when DC has a "crisis". Also she didn't erase herself entirely.

              The whole thing was a transition into the 70s and 80s sequel that we never got. Would've been funny to see Liberty Lad shooting up heroin.

              • 10 months ago

                Nah Liberty Lad probably would've gone the route of Winter Soldier given the tie. We'd need someone to go full penance.

              • 10 months ago

                The Ant. Instead of spikes it's ants biting him. Still, that moronation would have to wait until the modern game where Green Genie is suddenly black.

  39. 10 months ago

    The more I play this game the more I wish someone remade the game. Everything is perfect except the mechanics.

    >fast paced tactical combat
    >better character customization (maybe like you create your main character and all the others join you)
    >more quality villains, less mook quantity

    • 10 months ago

      We need more turn based superhero strategy rpgs.

      • 10 months ago

        There's a few I remember that are coming out sooner or later. Can't remember the name of them though but they had demos and they were actually quite alright.

    • 9 months ago

      >better character customization (maybe like you create your main character and all the others join you)
      Playing through FF1 again I kind of want to try a challenge run where you recruit a custom hero at the earliest opportunity (I think the frozen park). Like just the MALE_SUIT guy with no abilities and stats high enough to not get killed as he's tagging along with Minuteman and Mentor. Give him every XP canister and gradually turn him into a flying demigod able to solo everything.

    • 9 months ago

      Reminds of the turn based Sentinels of the Multiverse game though that one was way too jank.

  40. 9 months ago

    Minuteman would get cancelled today

  41. 9 months ago

    Alchemiss is less attractive than every other Freedom Force girl, change my mind.

    • 9 months ago

      Including Sea Urchin?

      • 9 months ago

        Especially Sea Urchin

    • 9 months ago

      It is pretty stiff competition, someone has to place last
      I didn't care much for Tricolour

      Found one game in this vein simply called Capes on steam.

      Looks pretty bland, unfortunately
      As far as strategic superhero games go I'd prefer something that delves into more eras and aesthetics of superheroism than whatever the modern one is

  42. 9 months ago

    Found one game in this vein simply called Capes on steam.

    • 9 months ago

      It's clearly a Troubleshooter rip off, barely any superhero flavor

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah it does. Hoping the full release might do something for it but it's so rare to see games like this.. Or they're done like Sentinels of the Multiverse where it was just complete meh.

  43. 9 months ago

    I would take the power/hero building system from Freedom Force and improve it with even more "stronger power at cheaper price" negative traits applicable and create the ultimate Hunter x Hunter game

  44. 9 months ago

    Does this game have romancable waufus like BG

    • 9 months ago

      No, the romanceable girls are all ugly

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