FRICK metroid, lets talk about the real GOTY.

FRICK metroid, lets talk about the real GOTY.

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  1. 3 years ago

    pretty good game but all of arkanes games are held back by bethesdas(and now microsofts) meddling

  2. 3 years ago

    The game was alright, but the lack of options in ways to approach the final loop is a big fricking slap in the face for a series and developer that usually values and facilitates player expression. Even within individual target kills their routines are super basic and sometimes they are even completely stationary in a single location.

    Game was way shorter than I expected and the things you can change within the loop by setting stuff up early and coming back later are really minor and heavily scripted. Was really hoping for a more clever use of the time loop than just making sure to hit every place at every time to explore it during certain windows. I can feel the diminished scope of this game when crunch and covid forced them to roll back their ambitions.

    Enemy AI is too dumb even after it starts ramping up and the only real challenge comes from invasions, but matchmaking is ass and the hunts are very one-sided because of Colt's reprisals. Still, Julianna duals are fun and quick and brutal and you can tell a lot of the game's sacrifices (low enemy count, small levels structured like arenas, limited and easy to identify weapons, plentiful scattered healing items) were done to facilitate it.

    The limit to two slabs is essentially only one because why would you ever give up the sheer utility of shift? And gun variety is a bit lacking too. The gun quality and jamming systems become completely irrelevant within a single loop once you get a good gun and infuse. And infusion is way too cheap and easy. You can almost always infuse every single thing you would want to on every loop.

    Still a good game, but not one worth playing through again and with minimal lore or secrets to uncover and not enough challenge to inspire system mastery.

    • 3 years ago

      Just finished it yesterday. It was good but frustrating in the sense that you can easily see the much better game that could have been. A lot of what said (though I rarely ran shift: either aether and havoc, or sometimes nexus instead of havoc) but the lack of equipment options is still a big issue. It could have been really great but isntead it's just decent and a bit of a let down.

      Endings were not great either.

  3. 3 years ago

    >the real GOTY
    pic unrelated

  4. 3 years ago

    Is PvP as dead on consoles as it is on PC?
    Even on the second week after release when I picked it up it seemed like there was no one to invade.
    I wonder if it's just people playing in offline mode or just low player count and limited situations where invasions are even permitted (Visionary presence).

  5. 3 years ago

    In a lot of ways, this game feels like an answer to all the complaints people had about the Dishonored games.
    And to me, as someone who generally liked those games, it really shows that those people complaining didn't know what the frick they were talking about.

    I'm not mad, just disappointed.

    • 3 years ago

      I did enjoy not feeling penalized for killing people. I understand the story reasons for low chaos being the goal in DH1&2 but it's also frustrating to feel like you're not supposed to use half the abilities. Using nexus and karnesis indiscriminately was pretty fun.

      • 3 years ago

        >Using nexus and karnesis indiscriminately was pretty fun.
        I will agree, Deathloop does feel nice be off the chain and allowed to rampage.

        The thing I disagree with was that Dishonored punished you for violence. Everyone in gaming calls them Good Ending/Bad Ending, but really they're just Dark Ending/Hopeful Ending. And the High Chaos ending for Dishonored is honestly a much more dramatic and satisfying conclusion, I think. The game is reactive, and once you get good you can even be a sprinting death god that ignores stealth and still get low chaos if you know all the tricks and evade as many guards as you kill to focus on your targets

        Dishonored 2 even toned down the High/Low chaos thing to make it less dramatically different, which I think was a bad move.

    • 3 years ago

      >In a lot of ways, this game feels like an answer to all the complaints people had about the Dishonored games.
      Yeah, we were all asking them for braindead AI and zero variety in taking down targets and enemies

  6. 3 years ago

    >Threads about this dogshit game again
    You will never be a real immersive sim. You have no real options, you have no open ended gameplay, you have no intricate and interactive world design. You are a dumbed down shooter twisted by hacks and diversity hires into a mockery of great games.

    All the "critical acclaim" you get comes from people who hate videogames. Fans of actual Arkane games mock you, long term players are disgusted and ashamed of you, they laugh at your AI and simplistic gameplay.

    Players are utterly repulsed by you. Dozens of years of disappointments have allowed them to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even in the Void engine your gameplay looks nothing but a cod clone with powers. Your roguelite mechanics and zero enemy variety are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to fool a poor player, he will turn tail and bolt the second he gets a look at your broken, shitty pc port.

    You will never be a good game. You can get 10/10s from all the journos you want and have twitter circlejerks shill you, but deep down you'll always be the turning point representing how a great developer household finally went to shit.

    • 3 years ago

      holy kek

    • 3 years ago

      Fact is... all of this is true

  7. 3 years ago

    >Colt's outfits are all unlocked from playing as Julianna invader
    Fricking why? b***h already has her own unlockable skins tied to her awful side of the peer-to-peer matchmaking.

  8. 3 years ago

    Black folk are simply not human and this game is bad

    • 3 years ago

      Well, you're half right.

  9. 3 years ago


  10. 3 years ago

    Game was fun but the ending was shit. Why can't Arkane write good endings?

  11. 3 years ago

    it looks bad, probably the worst immersive sim ever, can even beat dishonored to this title
    i wont even pirate it

  12. 3 years ago

    This is a damage control ad.


    • 3 years ago

      Yeah, nobody but OP actually thinks this game is anywhere close to GotY material.

      And I don't see them anywhere in the thread trying to actually defend it which means they must be trolling.

  13. 3 years ago

    >I am forgotten

    • 3 years ago

      I honestly can't tell if this or NMH3 is more forgotten. Both are just remarkably forgotten.

    • 3 years ago

      Death Loop?
      More like Death Spiral

      • 3 years ago

        Doesn't this game have a pvp component?

  14. 3 years ago

    The world just wasn't all that interesting, and the tried to hide it from you rather than parading it around to try to hook you.
    The ultra long scripted tutorial basically never ends too with how much the game holds your hand.

  15. 3 years ago

    >Thinking Death of the Outsider would kill the series
    By the end, you'll wish it had.

    • 3 years ago

      DH1 is one of my favorite games of all time. DH2 is a downgrade, but still amazing. Death of the Outsider is a fricking disappointment, through and through. Haven't even finished it.

      I didn't bother buying deathloop, and the decision was clearly justified having watched some gameplay videos now. Looks like total shit compared to any of the other titles.

      • 3 years ago

        >. Death of the Outsider is a fricking disappointment, through and through.
        I liked the bank level but yeah it's pretty cringe narrative wise

  16. 3 years ago

    I might buy it if some of my ancient tf2 items sell before it goes on sale.

  17. 3 years ago

    Unnecessary PVP and somehow being a linear sandbox time loop game killed the game after the first playthrough, unfortunately. Metroid Dread, at least, has a hard mode.

    • 3 years ago

      Yeah, it's amazing that a game that put so many assets into both a rogue light system and a PVP system has so little replayability.

  18. 3 years ago

    >GOTY forgotten in 1 week

  19. 3 years ago

    >Only 4 levels
    >As much as half of them locked down at any time making them small
    >Minimal changes between time periods other than enemy placement and scripted events
    >Can't even go to every location at every time (Carl's Bay closed at Noon, Fristad Rock Closed at Night)
    >Not even a chance for an assassination target or PvP match in every map
    >minimal reason to explore since weapons and lore are almost all tied to quests with markers
    >Once you go for the perfect loop, you'll only play 4 iterations ever again anyway
    What a waste of fricking potential

  20. 3 years ago

    Outer Wilds DLC?
    Madness Project Nexus?
    Tails of Iron?

  21. 3 years ago

    Remember the Jindosh Lock word puzzle?
    Remember the complex process of elimination to solve the puzzle of who was from where drinking what drink and in what color dress with what item?
    That's the kind of puzzle I was hoping for the final loop to be. To have four or five permutations of each target under different circumstances that you could orchestrate and having to find a perfect one where everything aligned. Instead, not only does the game just hand it to you, it gives you a super condescending overview before you try it and then puts a marker on each step along the way. Which wouldn't bother so much if there were other solutions than the one provided, like the Jindosh lock gave three or four ways to get the solution, but it's literally the only way forward.

    • 3 years ago

      I remember this lock puzzle yea. I took a piece of paper and wrote it out, it's pretty quick to solve when you organize the info on paper. Then I realized that actually solving it skips like 75% of the content in the level, so I went back and did all the rest anyway.

  22. 3 years ago

  23. 3 years ago

    >only one way to kill everyone
    Shit game

  24. 3 years ago

    You gonna post it?

  25. 3 years ago

    Cool game. Cool concept. Weird gameplay decisions.
    Gave us only 5 abilities. 2 of them are fricking boring. Can't even use them all at once, because of the envasions, I assume. Like they actually thought it might make online matches unbalanced lmao.
    Also: bodies dissappear when you kill enemies, you have almost no gadgets to play around with, no non-hostile npc's on a map, noone to talk to, no infiltration missions, even though the wolf party would have been perfect for it, and only 1 correct order of killing all visionaries.
    It is objectively a good game, but shit crumbles when you look back at Dishonored games and start counting everything that they chose not to include in this one. It might win a GOTY, but only because it was a slow year for gaming.

  26. 3 years ago

    Is it SJW?

    • 3 years ago

      >Is it SJW?
      it's 2021

      • 3 years ago

        Is it SJW?

        Colt is cool character and enjoyable to pilot.
        Julianna is an annoying Mary Sue who always gets the upperhand in the dialogue even when she loses in the gameplay.

        Honestly, the SJW stuff is super minor. But so is ALL the lore. It's irritating.

  27. 3 years ago

    *completely mogs every other time loop game ever made*

    • 3 years ago

      That game sucks shit. You find like a statue then fall and break your legs, or the sun explodes while you're reading it. Then you can't find the fricking statue again to figure out its function because you have no idea what time or where it even fricking was.
      All so your gay ass alien can do something I guess?

      • 3 years ago

        sounds like youre a brainlet who cant remember shit that has a memory that doesnt even last 20 minutes

  28. 3 years ago

    I still don’t know what kind of game it is, I know it plays like Dishonored but is the level progression like it, meaning there’s anhub and you go to different missions? Is there freedom to approach each mission? Replayability?

  29. 3 years ago

    You mean the REAL GotY and the better game about an unending loop of death

    • 3 years ago

      Is this a fan mod of doom eternal or something?

      • 3 years ago

        Yes, Doom in 3rd person with a female slayer

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