frick programming games

>want to make VN
>think in this day and age, I probably would only need to write and draw stuff!
>turn on renpy
I fricking hate programming, when will games be able to be made without it?

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  1. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Oh sorry, sorry for not making the 495048th s𐐬yjak thread of the day, sorry for not including "ERMMM (THING)BROS? WHAT IS THIS!?" sorry for not asking "games for this feel?" sorry for not including 4 buzzwords in my post, sorry for actually wanting to talk about something related to video games and their development instead of american politics

      fricking have a nice day

      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        >errmmmm (thing)bros?????
        I love these threads

      • 1 year ago

        this post is really relatable and your attitude appeals to me
        i think i will subscribe

      • 1 year ago

        Well, truth be told, you were talking about a VN rather than a videogame.

      • 1 year ago

        Buddy it takes maybe 15 minutes to learn renpy. I learned to use that shit when I was 14

      • 1 year ago

        ask me how i know youre trans

      • 1 year ago

        i'd say based except renpy is hardly programming therefore OP is a homosexual

      • 1 year ago

        Try any other board than this one anon, seriously.
        And good luck with your game.

  2. 1 year ago

    VN is already an ocean of shitholes, more isnt required.
    Let it die

  3. 1 year ago

    honestly you could make it in Flash or Powerpoint and people wouldnt know the difference

  4. 1 year ago

    >I want to make a game!
    >but I get scared away by the part where you're supposed to work on it


    • 1 year ago

      writing and drawing is fun, programming isn't

  5. 1 year ago

    I would have figured by this point there's at least one VN engine that's basically just a flow chart interface where you just snap shit together in a GUI

    • 1 year ago

      I fricking hate programming, when will games be able to be made without it?
      why not just make it on gamemaker studio with drag-n-drop/gml visual? no coding needed whatsoever, especially if you're just making a VN. you just move building blocks around with your mouse and give them values, literal babby mode

      This is more or less what you're asking for
      It's free but it's not complete. I tried it a few months ago, it's an easy drag and drop engine, but it's definitely not as powerful or customizable as ren'py.

  6. 1 year ago

    gotta program to make the game interesting, like making in game choices that affect something tangible like the clothing your love interest is wearing n shit like that. you can't just put everything into a braindead wysiwyg interface, otherwise you would be making a powerpoint presentation VN.
    also if your writing and art skill was high enough, some programmer on fiverr would do it for you for $20 if you share profits with them.
    You could even write the whole story in a txt file, why do you need renpy right away?

  7. 1 year ago

    I fricking hate programming, when will games be able to be made without it?
    why not just make it on gamemaker studio with drag-n-drop/gml visual? no coding needed whatsoever, especially if you're just making a VN. you just move building blocks around with your mouse and give them values, literal babby mode

  8. 1 year ago

    Goddamn. The moment I start thinking about making a VN in renpy I see this thread. This life is a simulation. I'm the only one who exists and everyone is just made of of my imagination, huh?

    But yeah. Screw programming. Why can't renpy be as easy as rpgmaker or something? And I'm tired of those people who say "it's so easy to program in renpy." I may have 0 seconds in programming experience but even I know it's a language. It's like a chinese guy telling me speaking chinese is easy because he spoke it his whole life. It'd probably take me like a whole freaking week just to make a VN in renpy.

    • 1 year ago

      OP here, I agree with you, I made a quick short game in RPGmaker before and it's easy, but Renpy is nothing like RPGmaker even though it should be

      it sucks

      • 1 year ago

        there is some program called "visual novel maker" or something like that I couldn't find any good tutorials. Oh and by the way to answer your original question, I think those ai chatgpt things are able to write code now so the possibility of being able to make games without programming might just be on the horizon.

        i literally just looked at a beginner's renpy basics tutorial on youtube with zero prior programming experience and it looks piss easy to use, you really just tell it which anime pngs to show at each line of text by typing "show" and you tell it to play a music track by typing "play" and then the music track filename, both you and op are either moronic or too stubborn to learn new things

        Dude anyone can say it looks easy without even trying it first. I don't even remember if I tried it but that just means our opinions are like brothers and are the same. Also there's lots of fancy stuff you can do with VNs that isn't just showing one idle png talking to you.

        • 1 year ago

          >I don't even remember if I tried it
          so you didnt try it then, stop whining and try again instead of skipping around and giving up at the tiniest roadblock

          • 1 year ago

            I possibly tried. Which is better than certainly not having tried. I'm gonna google right now how long it takes to learn renpy. So the first thing I read is
            >My first project is about 70 lines of code and took me around 2.5 hours to get working bug-free and to my satisfaction. I hope this helps.
            I'm already getting a headache reading that. Now I have to bugtest too?

            Oh and by the way since you asked, I am actually playing a VN right now. But I keep checking Ganker posts and threads every 10 seconds.
            It's the real roadblock. But I think just out of spite I will learn renpy and make a vn out of it just to complain about how difficult it was.

            • 1 year ago

              You are literally me so hard it's crazy

              • 1 year ago

                Then you better make a VN otherwise it means I can't make one and you'll be turning the universe against me and dragging me down with you. Or vice verse then it'd be my fault.

                Black person the "programming" in renpy is so simple there's a fricking tutorial VN that comes bundled with the thing that teaches you everything you'll need. All you need to do is get a few things working as you want and you can just copy paste that wherever you want. It's extremely basic and if you cannot get into it you may well be mentally disabled.

                I just said I am gonna try it out of spite. If you don't know spite is the best motivator. Once when I was a kid I didn't talk to my parents out of spite for like a month or two which is a pretty hard feat to achieve when you get hungry.

                I just loaded renpy up and it's a long list of things in that tutorial. If I fail I'm gonna always remember you as a liar.

                Now I am off to make the games.

              • 1 year ago

                >Then you better make a VN otherwise it means I can't make one and you'll be turning the universe against me and dragging me down with you. Or vice verse then it'd be my fault.
                It's over homie

            • 1 year ago

              Black person the "programming" in renpy is so simple there's a fricking tutorial VN that comes bundled with the thing that teaches you everything you'll need. All you need to do is get a few things working as you want and you can just copy paste that wherever you want. It's extremely basic and if you cannot get into it you may well be mentally disabled.

            • 1 year ago

              all this just tells me that you abhor the idea of spending more than five minutes on typing instructions for a program that already does like 90% of the work for you, just admit that you're not interested in actually developing a game and use another medium to tell whatever story you wanna tell, im being serious here, if you already know how to draw you can just make a comic, if not, literally just write your plot and make it a book or something. also
              >70 lines of code, about as long as a single page high school essay
              >2.5 hours to get it working, slightly longer than an average movie's length
              if you can't even fathom the idea of doing something as simple and beginner-friendly as this then you can't possibly think you can fully realize the dream VN idea in your head

              • 1 year ago

                dude I don't watch movies and I dropped out of high school so you can't use those examples.

    • 1 year ago

      i literally just looked at a beginner's renpy basics tutorial on youtube with zero prior programming experience and it looks piss easy to use, you really just tell it which anime pngs to show at each line of text by typing "show" and you tell it to play a music track by typing "play" and then the music track filename, both you and op are either moronic or too stubborn to learn new things

  9. 1 year ago

    How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast and lunch yesterday?

  10. 1 year ago

    How the hell do you get filtered by RenPy lmao its piss easy there's like 20 things you need to learn, even less if you want to be a basic b***h. Messing around in it for a couple hours taught me 90% of what I'll ever need. Need osakaben gf

  11. 1 year ago

    who gives a frick moron it's either
    >wait for ai
    >learn it
    Just do it Black person, stop being a moron pussy

  12. 1 year ago

    Start watching a tutorial on youtube, there are tons of them. I suggest "coding with b and e", his tutorials are pretty easy to understand if you've just started and they cover all the basics up to a simple inventory system.
    >inb4 shill

  13. 1 year ago

    >game development requires developing skills
    Say it ain't so.

  14. 1 year ago

    >german ren'py wikipedia article has "Unteralterbach" listed as an examplary entry of renpy games + a link to the download page as a source
    >this hasn't been changed for almost a decade

  15. 1 year ago

    Is renpy really still the standard 15 years later? Kind of crazy

  16. 1 year ago

    programming is genuinely fun
    my problem is learning unity's or whatever engine im using API
    i hate looking shit up and i hate memorising stuff
    >make your own engine
    too hard and too inefficient
    it probably wont be as good as unity

  17. 1 year ago

    >TFW I dropped renpy because I didn't have enough control over the application's behavior and started learning C for my VN

    • 1 year ago

      why not rust?

      • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      C is a programming language, not an SDK or a library.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah. I'm using Tigr for graphics and Miniaudio for sound.

        • 1 year ago

          That's cool, I wish you good luck on your journey.
          Did you study CS at a university? It's usually grads who prefer C over C++, but I understand the headache that C++ usually gives its users.

          I would have just used Godot, since it's open source, so that you can both work on your actual game assets and do little framework changes whenever something doesn't feel right.

          • 1 year ago

            >Did you study CS at a university?
            I took a single C++ course at community college, and started re-learning from my brother when I wanted to start going back to game development more seriously (he's an entirely self-taught C++ dev). When he showed me tigr, something about it just clicked with me over SFML, which is why I prefer C to C++. Also, this meme:

            >I would have just used Godot
            Godot is slow is slow as shit, and I hate engines in general since they basically require you to learn an entire syntax and skill set similar to programming but with absolutely zero applications outside of its own stupid pipeline.
            >That's cool, I wish you good luck on your journey.
            The framework is basically done at this point, just writing story and making art/music.

            • 1 year ago

              >Godot is slow is slow as shit
              That shouldn't matter for visual novels, and with Godot 4.0, for 99% of 2D applications.
              What's beautiful about open-source is that you can build your own version of Godot and hyper-optimize the parts that is lacking because Godot wasn't tailored for that one specific task.
              >The framework is basically done at this point, just writing story and making art/music.
              If that's the case you obviously don't need Godot.
              Have fun.

        • 1 year ago

          why not raylib or sdl

  18. 1 year ago

    Just ask chat gpt to hold your hand while you figure it out.

  19. 1 year ago

    quickstart doesn't even mention any programming stop getting frustrated you manchild

  20. 1 year ago

    I also have aspirations of making a vn, and using Ren'Py. I have spent the last year writing different scenarios, made maps, what kind of systems I want in the game, how it would look and work. But I've yet to write a single line. Work have been hell that last year though, but my contract is running out in a month, so after that I probably will have a lot more free time. I'm also using blender for the art stuff
    I'm not good at any of the aspects of game making, not coding, not drawing, not animations, not anything. But I have a clear idea of what I'd want from the game, which makes it worse

  21. 1 year ago

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