frick you, i liked it

frick you, i liked it

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  1. 4 months ago

    we know, frankie, it's the root of the reason nobody likes you.

  2. 4 months ago

    So did I.

  3. 4 months ago

    Unironically 343’s best game

  4. 4 months ago

    K? You're allowed to have bad opinions here.

  5. 4 months ago

    >frick you, i'm a moron
    ehrm, okay sweaty

  6. 4 months ago

    Halo 5 was bettah tho

    • 4 months ago

      nothing about 5 was good, possibly one of the worst shooter campaigns ever made

      • 4 months ago

        You don't play enough games.

        • 4 months ago

          I don't subject myself to bad games no, so a mediocre game like 5 might as well be trash 0/10 to me.

  7. 4 months ago

    the game overall was unsatisfying but i can't believe morons got filtered by story
    >what is this? character driven story? parallels? tragedy? NOOO WHERE'S MY BIG GUN SHOOTY WOOTY BAD GUYS STORY!!!
    almost as embarrassing as the QTE boss

    • 4 months ago

      It wasn't about being filtered by the story being "character driven"
      It was
      >retconning the human-forerunner connection
      >nearly all environmental storytelling is gone
      >last third of the game has the worst missions
      >every plot point is going to get thrown into the garbage with Halo 5

    • 4 months ago

      >turn the story into generic crap and awful lore rewrites

  8. 4 months ago

    I mean, compared to the rest of 343's lineup of Halo 5 and Halo Infinite, yeah, Halo 4 was 343's best "attempt" at a Halo story.

  9. 4 months ago

    Halo 4 actually tried to make chief more like the books and more of an actual character. This scene
    adds more depth to him than he's shown in any of the games and keeps him somewhat faithful to the books

    Of course though, gotta have my tough rooty tooty shooty shooty

    • 4 months ago

      Halo Infinite did "Chief being an actual character and not just a player stand-in" waay better than Halo 4. Mainly because he actually still feels like Chief in that game

      • 4 months ago

        I still haven't played it cause ONLY ONE BIOME wtf were they thinking

      • 4 months ago

        Fair enough I haven't played infinite yet

  10. 4 months ago

    you should like it
    4 and 5 have fun campaigns
    they nailed the gameplay and story telling

  11. 4 months ago

    single-handedly killed one of the biggest gaming IPs

    • 4 months ago

      Reach already cut the series's jugular.

      • 4 months ago

        Reach still had its fans and an active multiplayer well after Halo 4 released.
        Halo 4 died a couple of months after launch

        • 4 months ago

          >Reach still had its fans
          Yeah, morons who started the series in 2009 or were bitter about getting destroyed in Halo 3.

      • 4 months ago

        Reach was absolutely not a series-killer. It tried a lot of new ideas and some of them didn't work out too well, but overall it was still a good game and was a critical and commercial success. All the next Halo had to do was analyse what went right and what went wrong, then cherry pick the good parts while altering/replacing the parts that didn't work and it would have been fine. Instead we got the burning rubbish heap that was Halo 4 and a legion of young idiots insisting that Reach was the pinnacle of the series because it was their first game and the fans of the older games had long since moved on.

        • 4 months ago

          It was a series killer because it's what 343 used as the foundation for their games

          • 4 months ago

            reach is what most people would call a series misstep since it experimented with new things which turned out to be a mistake. halo 4 is a series killer because the devs doubled down and learned nothing from the previous mistakes.

  12. 4 months ago

    I liked Cortana's cortanas.

  13. 4 months ago

    What did you like about it? Name 5 things

  14. 4 months ago

    It's a decent FPS campaign, but it's got frick all to do with Halo. Even small shit like the redesigned Grunts just pisses me off.

    If they used the same new weapon designs in a new series, it'd be alright

    • 4 months ago

      The campaign is awful from a gameplay standpoint though. And the story is insufferable melodrama

      • 4 months ago

        I really only mean the Promethean weapons and some of the enemy designs. Everything else like the bullshit with Infinity and Del Rio and the Didact can get in the fricking bin.

    • 4 months ago

      I couldn't believe it when they did it again with infinite
      >an ancienter evil awakens

      • 4 months ago

        somehow, the ancient evil has returned.

      • 4 months ago

        somehow, the ancient evil has returned.

    • 4 months ago

      why is there a gay sex toy ad spam post in the middle of the ancient evil awakening alerts

  15. 4 months ago

    >halo 5 fun campaign
    Elaborate morons and I might give you your (You)

  16. 4 months ago

    The Masterchief and Cortana B-story was the only positive thing about this game. Literally every other aspect, like the game itself, and especially the sound design and music, sucks ass.

    • 4 months ago

      >The Masterchief and Cortana B-story
      Only homosexuals liked that bullshit. You can just tell it was written by a fricking woman. We wanted more of Halo 3, you know, bombastic, with cool forerunner shit, and flood.

  17. 4 months ago

    >*wastes 12 percent of the campaign*

  18. 4 months ago

    Halo in name only. MC and Cortana may has well been different characters. The UNSC was unrecognizable. The Elites and Forerunners were heavily fricked over

  19. 4 months ago

    I like it too, Halo 4 Cortana is responsible for draining gallons of my cum the Promethean enemies and weapons were fricking dogshit across the board though

  20. 4 months ago

    it's funny, I hate the Halo 4 and 5 campaigns, but the multiplayer is the best in the series

    • 4 months ago

      Halo 5s multiplayer in particular was severely underrated. It was fast paced and fun

  21. 4 months ago

    Reach is the Buu saga. Halo 4 and onward is the GT of Halo. It should have ended with Cell (Halo 3).

  22. 4 months ago

    I actually really enjoyed the multiplayer more than I ever did for Reach. Removed crosshair bloom, gave sprint to all classes, added best gun back in, and removed armor lock as an option in most gamemodes.

    I disagree with everyone who likes its campaign, however.

  23. 4 months ago

    every single 343 halo is dogshit.

  24. 4 months ago

    9/10 SP 10/10 MP
    9/10 SP 10/10 MP
    6/10 SP 8/10 MP
    4/10 SP 3/10 MP
    6/10 SP 8/10 MP
    7/10 SP 8/10 MP

    • 4 months ago

      Why the hate for H4 MP?

      • 4 months ago

        Did you play it

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah, it was better than Reach

          • 4 months ago

            Which is why it had 10% of reach’s playerbase after a month kek

            • 4 months ago

              No grindy armor credit bullshit to make everyone feel like they have to play every week and do all the challenges or fall behind. You have not given a reason why you dislike it yet besides "it wasn't popular."

              • 4 months ago

                You're exactly right, people who dislike Halo 4 are just following the trend. The internet tells them to hate it so they hate it.

                It was actually a very good game. I liked the multiplayer a lot.

              • 4 months ago

                It is fun, this thread is making me wish MCC wasn't dead so I could play it, and I have no idea where my 360 is.

                Then you have shit taste.
                Halo 4 mark the very moment the game lost its essence to chase Call of Duty, while simultaneously ruining the lore and completely nullifying the whole forerunner = human plot line from ce, 2 and 3

                I don't like the Forerunner changes either, that's why I'm not advocating for H4's campaign. As for the multiplayer, someone could make an argument from a purist perspective about keeping Halo's identity separate from CoD's, that's valid. But it's my opinion that 343 managed to take the most fun aspects of the other franchise's multiplayer, like killstreak incentives (think if getting a Killing Frenzy or Running Riot also spawned a power weapon), and blended them into H4 in a way that spiced up the game while keeping its core identity intact. To say the additions are "bad" just because someone personally doesn't like them however, would be a false statement. They are fun and generally well balanced. Truth be told, CoD can be a fun game, thus its popularity. Modern CoD games are borrowing ideas from the Red Orchestra/Rising Storm franchise, and I think they're a good addition. Would I call these newer CoDs a Red Orchestra game or even a knockoff? Definitely not.

                TL;DR H4 is still distinctly Halo despite borrowing some ideas from outside the series.

              • 4 months ago

                >They are fun and generally well balanced. Truth be told, CoD can be a fun game, thus its popularity.
                I agree, I think the additions to Halo 4 were good, and yes you're right, people say "they just copied this from COD", but even if that's true, COD must be doing something right, because it's so popular.

                I think if Halo wants to be relevant again then it should be cross-platform. Which sounds like heresy, but what other popular FPS games are exclusive to one console? I don't know of any. Popular console FPS games of the last decade, like COD, Battlefield, Rainbow Six, Destiny, Apex Legends, have been on both Xbox and PlayStation. Probably because more players makes a game more attractive. Back in the 2000s, Halo was popular because the PlayStation didn't really have a decent FPS game. Then COD became that game, and was cross-platform, and had online multiplayer like Halo had, so people turned to COD.

      • 4 months ago

        Loadouts rather than universal starts. Gameplay was just off. Felt like a dollar store version of Halo MP. I played a lot of it, just never found it very fun.

        Why do people rate Reach that low? I don't get it, I started playing Halo with 1 on the original xbox and Reach blew me away with the fricking space mission and shit.

        Lore rape pissed me off. Otherwise it was a fine campaign. Just fine.

        • 4 months ago

          >Felt like a dollar store version of Halo MP.
          This is how I feel about infinite

        • 4 months ago

          >Lore rape pissed me off
          >lore rape pisses me off
          >is fine with whatever 343 did to halo
          what lore rape are we talking about?

          You probably only like H4 MP because of how easy it is compared to the older halo games.
          Hitscan precision weapons, BR has a faster fire rate, generous hitboxes, and a lot more aim assist are what keeps the game feeling smoother and more responsive than the bungie halos. But when you take that away you're left with a more shallow game with a narrower skill gap and totally unnecessary revisions to the halo formula. It's not hard to 4 shot with a BR in that game, it's not hard to crack heads with the sniper. The game is too generous for its own good.
          bloom and armor abilities fricking suck dick

          >bloom and armor abilities fricking suck dick
          were they in the sp? I can't remember it's been way too long and I never played mp.

          • 4 months ago

            yes. And every time you tried to shoot someone with the needler or needle rifle they'll fricking armor lock and waste your time for 5 seconds. It's garbage

          • 4 months ago

            >is fine with whatever 343 did to halo
            I'm numb to the lore rape at this point. I don't consider anything SP that 343i does to be canon. Bungie took the first creative steps to shit on the story because the writers were creatively bankrupt and couldn't come up with any interesting way to incorporate existing storylines together to make a memorable experience. Rather than doing that they decided to take things in the wrong direction in my opinion, that led to using existing materials as toilet paper. Everything afterward is just a mess.

        • 4 months ago

          Why were loadouts a problem? I always picked BR, boltgun, frags on small maps and DMR, plasma pistol, plasma grenades on big maps. There was a BTB armor ability, wheelman, that mitigated the increase in plasmas though so it wasn't that bad if you had dedicated drivers.

          You probably only like H4 MP because of how easy it is compared to the older halo games.
          Hitscan precision weapons, BR has a faster fire rate, generous hitboxes, and a lot more aim assist are what keeps the game feeling smoother and more responsive than the bungie halos. But when you take that away you're left with a more shallow game with a narrower skill gap and totally unnecessary revisions to the halo formula. It's not hard to 4 shot with a BR in that game, it's not hard to crack heads with the sniper. The game is too generous for its own good.
          bloom and armor abilities fricking suck dick

          Do you also hate Destiny? The meta in that game is to acquire as much aim assist as possible. I can't believe you're arguing against "the game feeling smoother and more responsive." Good players are still going to frag out.

          • 4 months ago

            Loadouts rather than universal starts. Gameplay was just off. Felt like a dollar store version of Halo MP. I played a lot of it, just never found it very fun.

            Lore rape pissed me off. Otherwise it was a fine campaign. Just fine.

            I fricking hate load outs because part of halos enjoyment imo was that everyone started on close to even footing. I didn't overly care for a lot of reach because of this either

            • 4 months ago

              Everyone did start on equal footing, and you could literally swap to a different primary mid match if you feel you picked the wrong one. Tell me you're not the "H2 SMG starts" guy. AR starts in H3 sucked Brute dick, too.

              • 4 months ago

                >Everyone did start on equal footing, and you could literally swap to a different primary mid match if you feel you picked the wrong one.
                That's literally NOT equal starts. SMG/AR starts are Halo. I'm fine with BR starts but it tends to lead to a higher skill gap in matches.

              • 4 months ago

                >SMG/AR starts are Halo
                When the Great Journey begins, you will be left behind.

              • 4 months ago

                He's completely right though. The series has defined itself by having the same starts for everyone, ar/smg. Even when other fps games were doing custom loadouts that could be altered if you leveled up, halo instead locked it's armor and other cosmetics behind levels instead of trying to balance around someone who spawns with a shotgun and a plasma pistol vs the new players who can only spawn with the default ar

              • 4 months ago

                Halo never locked power weapons behind progression though. Everyone still had access to the same weapons to choose from to build their loadouts.

              • 4 months ago

                Different anon, but Halo 4 did something much worse. It totally randomized weapon spawns so there was never any sense of control.

            • 4 months ago

              Loadouts could work in the context of Halo, but it doesn't work so well when you can spawn with a shotgun or plasma pistol. It doesn't really matter if you spawn with a BR or AR if the game is designed properly. And while Halo 4 has its (many) faults, it's the closest an online Halo game has ever gotten to having weapons designed properly.

            • 4 months ago

              Sort of, but the light rifle / BR / DMR or whatever it was were well balanced
              I enjoyed using light rifle when nobody else did

              I spent days more in Reach MP but it was far from the best, it was just the popular Halo whilst I had most free time to play. Reach most noticeably had the shit that was Armor Lock, but what got me was the quantity of close quarters maps where everyone had 2 grenades at spawn and team killing was on.
              4v4 matches always felt like grenade spamathons.

              • 4 months ago

                That reminds me that H4 didn't let people pick up grenades from other players without equipping a fricking perk.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't remember any Halo game where you can pick up nades from dead bodies?

              • 4 months ago

                All of them? You don't get them from the dead bodies, but corpses would drop the grenades they had. Halo 4 didn't do that.

              • 4 months ago

                literally all of them except halo 4

              • 4 months ago

                All of them? You don't get them from the dead bodies, but corpses would drop the grenades they had. Halo 4 didn't do that.

                Oh right, never really noticed it, or maybe I forgot in my age

              • 4 months ago

                Are you from another fricking universe or what? Every game had that except for 4 for some moronic reason.

              • 4 months ago

                I guess I forgot.
                I had 2600 Halo 3 matches, probably a similar amount in Reach. Maybe about 500 in H4, then only 216 in Halo 5, 111 in Infinite and 22 games in MCC. I don't play matchmaking so much anymore. Tend to stick to firefight if I get any free time.

            • 4 months ago

              Halo's enjoyment for me was "this is a cool game where I can shoot people", and I imagine it was like that for many people too

              I liked load-outs so you've got good weapons when you spawn, instead of having to hunt them down

              I think most normal people don't give a shit about "muh equal starts" and "muh skill gap" and whatever the frick. I think Halo 4's relative lack of success had more to do with the rising popularity of COD, which basically replaced Halo as the most popular console FPS. One of COD's advantages was being cross-platform, attracting more players, and more players makes any multiplayer game more appealing. And perhaps another advantage of COD is the more realistic setting. Maybe the idea of fighting aliens just stopped being cool to many kids.

              • 4 months ago

                thats why halo 4's multiplayer died immediately

              • 4 months ago

                Shame, its multiplayer was pretty good for the people like myself and

                >They are fun and generally well balanced. Truth be told, CoD can be a fun game, thus its popularity.
                I agree, I think the additions to Halo 4 were good, and yes you're right, people say "they just copied this from COD", but even if that's true, COD must be doing something right, because it's so popular.

                I think if Halo wants to be relevant again then it should be cross-platform. Which sounds like heresy, but what other popular FPS games are exclusive to one console? I don't know of any. Popular console FPS games of the last decade, like COD, Battlefield, Rainbow Six, Destiny, Apex Legends, have been on both Xbox and PlayStation. Probably because more players makes a game more attractive. Back in the 2000s, Halo was popular because the PlayStation didn't really have a decent FPS game. Then COD became that game, and was cross-platform, and had online multiplayer like Halo had, so people turned to COD.

                who gave it a chance

              • 4 months ago

                Because of the rising popularity of COD? Yeah probably.

              • 4 months ago

                Lol no. Because it lost all essence that fans originally stuck to Halo for.
                Was the series on a small decline? yeah but it wasn't necessary to freak the frick out and completely reinvent the wheel ruining all foundational elements and fun gameplay to chase some series that was unbeatable for a long time.
                Halo should have stayed same, sorry that Microsoft couldn't fathom having 600,000 concurrent players instead of 1,000,000 at all times, but it definitely would have beat having NONE and a broken Frankenstein series like now.

          • 4 months ago

            If the goal of every game was to make things "more smooth and responsive" by turning up the AA then game devs would just install aimbots onto every controller and be done with it. There's no satisfaction in getting a 4 shot if you know 4 shots are piss easy to get. There's no satisfaction in getting back to back to back snapshots with the sniper if you know the sniper has loads of AA to help you. There's a degree of skill involved in any shooter that H4 narrowed significantly which leaves it feeling like a shallower and more scripted experience.

            • 4 months ago

              I bet the top players in Destiny would beat you with "meh" to "good" tier guns even if you had max aim assist on all of your "god" tier weapons. Aim Assist objectively helps. It does not help as much as you say, especially if everyone has it.

              In H4, BRs knock your enemy completely out of scope and DMRs bounce your crosshair to the ceiling so if you don't land that very first headshot with the snipe you're going to lose if you don't reset.

              Loadouts could work in the context of Halo, but it doesn't work so well when you can spawn with a shotgun or plasma pistol. It doesn't really matter if you spawn with a BR or AR if the game is designed properly. And while Halo 4 has its (many) faults, it's the closest an online Halo game has ever gotten to having weapons designed properly.

              The boltgun is more equivalent to a mauler than a full on shotgun, it loses to any real close range power weapon, not a big deal. Plasma pistols have always been shitty but you just dodge it with thruster or dip back behind cover.

              He's completely right though. The series has defined itself by having the same starts for everyone, ar/smg. Even when other fps games were doing custom loadouts that could be altered if you leveled up, halo instead locked it's armor and other cosmetics behind levels instead of trying to balance around someone who spawns with a shotgun and a plasma pistol vs the new players who can only spawn with the default ar

              Nah man, I dodged the frick out of any smg/ar start playlist. Why do you think everyone in Halo CE, the very first game, used the pistol over the AR in multiplayer? Shit sucks and double beatdown enjoyers are noobs.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't play destiny you gay. Stop strawmanning. You're the same type type of moron who thinks it's great that pretty much every fps on the market these days cranks its AA up to aimbot levels to cater to the least common denominator.

              • 4 months ago

                >Frick Destiny, and don't strawman!
                >goes on a rant about literally every other modern FPS
                Okay grandpa, you're right, Destiny has nothing to do with Halo.

              • 4 months ago

                >A completely different shooter has nothing to do with another shooter
                Yes moron
                Bungie made marathon too but you don't see me comparing it to halo because I know the difference between an apple and an operating system

              • 4 months ago

                The Boltshot is much more than a Mauler because it can instakill and its charge can be mitigated by just doing it out of sight. It works fine as a pickup, but it was way too strong and annoying as a starting option. The Magnum in that game was so bad that it was never a serious contender.
                The Plasma Pistol was only really useful in BTB, but it completely invalidated vehicles. Anyone at any time could stun you and toss 2 plasma grenades for a quick kill.

              • 4 months ago

                >Plasma Pistol was only really useful in BTB, but it completely invalidated vehicles. Anyone at any time could stun you and toss 2 plasma grenades for a quick kill.
                Yeah, it used to be that vehicle takedown took some sort of skill, like getting the Splaser, throwing a good sticky grenade, sneaking up for a hijack, getting the plasma pistol. It's not the same when someone can be killed by a vehicle and then immediately spawn with an anti vehicle weapon

              • 4 months ago

                If you hear a plasma pistol charging in another halo game, you would anticipate it coming. Boltgun is the same way. Take wide angles if you hear that shit.
                Wheelman tactical perk mitigated Plasma Pistols in BTB. Plus, why are you in easy grenade throwing range in a vehicle anyway? WHY DO YOU KEEP ENTERING CLOSE QUARTERS IN MULTIPLAYER STOP GOING FOR EASY DOUBLE MELEE AND SPLATTERS YOU NOOB

              • 4 months ago

                By the time someone is close enough with a Boltshot, you likely don't have enough time to get away. And radar only makes it that much more powerful.
                > Plus, why are you in easy grenade throwing range in a vehicle anyway?
                It's a stationary target, it's not hard to hit at any distance.

              • 4 months ago

                >By the time someone is close enough with a Boltshot, you likely don't have enough time to get away
                Why are you letting someone with a charged boltshot, walk into you? You also have a radar, and you can use sprint, or thruster, or hardlight shield, or jetpack or literally fricking anything but walking straight into him. He can't even hold it that long because it auto fires and uses his entire magazine.
                >It's a stationary target, it's not hard to hit at any distance.
                You realize plasma pistol tracking has a max range? If you stay outside of that range and keep moving in your fast moving vehicular machine he will have a much harder time hitting you with his manually aimed plasma pistol and grenades, yes?

              • 4 months ago

                >Why are you letting someone with a charged boltshot, walk into you?
                You just hide around a corner with it and wait. Its charge time was identical to the CE Pistol's TTK, a regular person would barely be able to react to it.
                >You also have a radar
                Hey genius, people who aren't moving don't show up on radar.
                >uses his entire magazine
                Only half.
                >You realize plasma pistol tracking has a max range?
                You realize vehicles are big and move predictably?

              • 4 months ago

                Sorry I accidently forgot to mention hologram and promethean vision, which also counter people crouch camping around corners. Man, I almost forgot how many ways there were to counter boltshot.
                >You realize vehicles are big and move predictably?
                Stop driving like a bot. Everyone knows how to strafe thrust in a covenant vehicle or hit the emergency brake to power slide, stop driving and walking in straight lines at these people jesus christ

              • 4 months ago

                I don't drive, I'm the one abusing the busted loadouts.

              • 4 months ago

                There's no doubt that the AR and SMG are trash weapons, they're supposed to be trash weapons.

              • 4 months ago

                Making something that intentionally has no place in the game is bad design.

      • 4 months ago

        You probably only like H4 MP because of how easy it is compared to the older halo games.
        Hitscan precision weapons, BR has a faster fire rate, generous hitboxes, and a lot more aim assist are what keeps the game feeling smoother and more responsive than the bungie halos. But when you take that away you're left with a more shallow game with a narrower skill gap and totally unnecessary revisions to the halo formula. It's not hard to 4 shot with a BR in that game, it's not hard to crack heads with the sniper. The game is too generous for its own good.

        Why do people rate Reach that low? I don't get it, I started playing Halo with 1 on the original xbox and Reach blew me away with the fricking space mission and shit.

        bloom and armor abilities fricking suck dick

    • 4 months ago

      Why do people rate Reach that low? I don't get it, I started playing Halo with 1 on the original xbox and Reach blew me away with the fricking space mission and shit.

  25. 4 months ago

    I liked it in the beginning, by midgame I was luikewarm, and by the end I just wanted to finish it and cross it off my backlog. Cortana ass!

    • 4 months ago

      H4 Cortana is goated

  26. 4 months ago

    started playing it and was like 'damn the guns feel good af why does everyone hate it?'
    then i got to the part where you fight teleporting bullet sponge enemies with new guns that feel like dogshit

  27. 4 months ago

    only became acceptable years after release once guardians and infinite had shown just how much worse the games could be.

  28. 4 months ago

    This game's still a pile of shit but I firmly believe it has some top shelf FPS sound design

    Now if only the guns were as powerful as they sounded.

  29. 4 months ago

    Imagine buying a Halo after the disaster that was 2.

    • 4 months ago

      Compared to the disasters we get these days, Halo 2 was polished to a mirror sheen, also it had the banshee chase and the mausoleum.

      • 4 months ago

        90% of the campaign also ran at sub 20fps.

  30. 4 months ago

    Yes, but ODST

  31. 4 months ago

    I paid $15 bucks for it a few months after release. That was a fair price for that game

  32. 4 months ago

    the bird posting that followed its reveal was what I remember most about it.

  33. 4 months ago

    Then you have shit taste.
    Halo 4 mark the very moment the game lost its essence to chase Call of Duty, while simultaneously ruining the lore and completely nullifying the whole forerunner = human plot line from ce, 2 and 3

  34. 4 months ago

    the story was actually good
    But the gameplay was so horrible ESPECIALLY those prometheans who are literal damage sponges

    it gave me advanced warfare vibes
    Infinite is more fun than halo 4 just because of the better mechanics and gameplay


    Good: Story, mecha tech robot, the didact, cortana

    Bad: Prometheans who are damage sponges, constant lack of ammo, call of duty-ish gameplay, repetitive maps/levels

  35. 4 months ago

    The promethians as enemies were somehow extremely unsatisfying to shoot.
    Like go shoot at a grunt or jackal in Halo CE and then a promethian in Halo 4. Just felt weak somehow.

    Aesthetics over all were pretty shit aside from Cortana.
    That being said it was still a fun game, just doomed to live in the shadow of its predecessors

    • 4 months ago

      Prometheans have almost 0 feedback when they're being shot. When you shoot a grunt you see fluorescent blood splatter out of them. When you shoot an elite you see his shields shimmer. When you shoot a promethean you get the faintest shimmer at the point of impact and that's it. Not to mention they're so overdesigned with so many unnecessary particle effects emitting everywhere that's it's hard to tell if their shields are down.

  36. 4 months ago
  37. 4 months ago

    And you’re allowed to like it, just as I’m allowed not to

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