Frick you I liked it

>Best western developed SH by a country mile.
>Good story and characters.
>Tried to focus only melee and fights being about survival against unnatural creatures.
>The town is well realized and fun to explore and with good side quests with their own little contained stories.
>Would've been a lot better with more dev time and budget.
>A lot of heart and passion and great easter egg/joke ending.
Go play it nerds.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Best western developed SH
    such a high praise

    • 2 years ago

      Well, it is.

      When Homecoming was a aped Gears of War and totally removed any semblance of survival horror, and when Origins was a boring prequel nobody asked for, starring THE most boring protagonist ever, and Shattered Memories was a reimagined SH1 in the way westerners liked ie no cult and it's all made up from the protagonists guilt, with no combat and no scary monsters, and the last Team Silent Japanese made SH was in fricking 2004 then yes i thought it was a nice return to form warts and all and made mr hopeful for a sequel by this team that will never come.

      • 2 years ago

        SM was a neat game and I liked the psychological elements and various endings, the only bad thing was the lack of combat

        • 2 years ago

          I would've ABSOLUTELY LOVED it IF, if they didn't make it a reimagining of 1.

          • 2 years ago

            Isn't that how the story goes? They wanted to do pic related but Konami made them tie it to SH1 just like SH3 was supposed to be its own standalone story dealing with teenage female fears like pregnancy and the like but they had to then make it a sequel to Harry's story.

  2. 2 years ago

    >Frick you I liked it
    Bet you didn't.

    • 2 years ago

      I did, finished on normal and saw ending A and C 5 hours ago, now replaying it on Hard (combat and puzzles) to get the remaining trophies and Ending B/D.

      • 2 years ago

        >I did
        Bet you didn't though.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Best western developed SH by a country mile
    Is that supposed to be impressive or something?

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Again, is it supposed to be impressive or something that the devs allegedly didn't completely shit their pants?

  4. 2 years ago

    Was this the shit where you get chased by an instakill death wall every 5 minutes? No thanks.
    Although the atmosphere was decent I guess.

    • 2 years ago

      >Every 5 minutes.
      No zoomie your chased like 4-5 in the ENTIRE game.

  5. 2 years ago

    You got shit taste, and apparently you also enjoy lying on the internets. DP is THE worst piece of shit EVER to be released with the SH's name on it.

    • 2 years ago

      Why would lie on this chink owend shithole? And you're the one laying since Book of Memories, Homecoming and Origins exist.

  6. 2 years ago

    >>Best western developed SH by a country mile.
    true but it was really not a high bar to reach.
    >>Good story and characters.
    the premise is pretty good but i would say the execution was pretty mid, especially near the end
    to focus only melee and fights being about survival against unnatural creatures.
    yeah but the combat is fricking shit, i would much rather have a shotgun easily available and blast these homies
    >>The town is well realized and fun to explore and with good side quests with their own little contained stories.
    the sidequests were a good idea but the huge majority of the time they were not worth the reward for doing them. i guess you could say the sidequest itself is the reward but having a shit reward at the end kind of ruins it. the sh4 easter egg was cool though.
    've been a lot better with more dev time and budget.
    >>A lot of heart and passion and great easter egg/joke ending.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree, it's a fricking tragedy what Konami did to themselves, it seemed like the financial crisis made them even more hesitant in investing in games, i was playing Lords of Shadows the other day and i was thinking of why the hell did Konami during the 7th gen outsourced every IP except for MGS/PES to western studios without any prior pedigree (Hell most of them it was the very first game!) Unless it was all to save money and keep its spending under control and it shows with how buggy and rushed these games felt.

      Funny how Mercury Steam were the only ones to survive and are now a critical darling.

  7. 2 years ago

    I didn't like it the first time I played it but I recently replayed it on a ps3 emulator and I think it's underrated. It helps that RCPS3 fixes a lot of the technical issues the game had like stuttering and low framerate.

  8. 2 years ago

    Its shit. Homecoming is better

  9. 2 years ago

    You have shit taste. The game lacks any horror elements. Origins is the best western SH game but that's not a high bar

  10. 2 years ago

    It had some good moments. Favorite area was probably the cave section early in the game. Seemed like it ran out of steam in the last third or so. I also remember it being super buggy and the frame rate would frequently drop to single digit fps.
    6/10 game that would be a 7/10 if it played better.

    • 2 years ago

      That's a fair rating.
      Like i

      I agree, it's a fricking tragedy what Konami did to themselves, it seemed like the financial crisis made them even more hesitant in investing in games, i was playing Lords of Shadows the other day and i was thinking of why the hell did Konami during the 7th gen outsourced every IP except for MGS/PES to western studios without any prior pedigree (Hell most of them it was the very first game!) Unless it was all to save money and keep its spending under control and it shows with how buggy and rushed these games felt.

      Funny how Mercury Steam were the only ones to survive and are now a critical darling.

      Konami basically gave them a dedlinyand wouldn't budge from it and they crunched like crazy to meet it, and as evident by only one patch post launch it seems the cut their funding too.

  11. 2 years ago

    Its pretty bad OP. I'll admit it had alot of potential but the developers dropped the ball completely once you get out of the mines.

  12. 2 years ago

    Shattered memories

    • 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago

    I still think that Homecoming if better than that crap.

  14. 2 years ago

    >Best western developed SH by a country mile
    Nope, that's probably Shattered Memories followed by Origins
    >Good story and characters
    The *idea* of a convict prisoner crashing near Silent Hill is cool I guess, just like the *idea* of Shepherd's Glen is rad; but the execution is horrible. The game never delves too deep on what story it's trying to convey. Is it about Murphy's guilt? Is it about the futility of revenge? Is it simply about Silent Hill as a spooky town? It's unfocused
    >Tried to focus only melee
    Just like SH4
    >and fights being about survival against unnatural creatures
    Just like literally every single SH ever
    >The town is well realized and fun to explore and with good side quests with their own little contained stories
    This I'll give to you, exploring the town was pretty nice and the *idea* of rewarding exploration via sidequests was a good one
    >Would've been a lot better with more dev time and budget
    Agreed as well, Downpour and Origins I feel are the ones that could be somewhat salvageable with more dev time while something like Homecoming would have an atrocious narrative even if given triple the budget
    >A lot of heart and passion
    >and great easter egg/joke ending
    Unironically the best ending in the game, but that's less because of how good that one is and more because of how bad the rest are
    >Go play it nerds
    Maybe it shouldn't be stuck on seventh gen consoles

  15. 2 years ago

    As someone who played and beat most of the SH games, I liked it enough, but god damn it could have been a lot better
    >Make the other worlds actual levels like in the older games and not just obstacle courses/run sections
    >Have more than one boss
    >Rework the enemy designs, make them more unnerving with only trace amounts of symbolism
    >Rework or just remove the long fricking hallway chase as the boogie man
    >Dial down the combat, make it so players only engage in combat if absolutely necessary
    >Remove weapon durability
    >Remove the parts of the game where it steals your entire fricking inventory and never gives it back

    Those are the things that I want in my bowl of Silent Hill cereal, shattered memories being an exception.

  16. 2 years ago

    This was the only Silent Hill game that freaked me out a little bit.

  17. 2 years ago

    James > Heather > Harry = Henry > Travis > Murphy > Alex

  18. 2 years ago

    Maybe they should just stop trying to force these games to be Silent Hill games

    • 2 years ago

      The problem is two-folded: on one hand most devs don't actually seem to know you can set SH games outside the town of Silent Hill, and on the other I wonder if Konami themselves weren't the ones that told devs how the games had to be set in the town or feature either Pyramid Head or not!Pyramid Head because "muh recognizable". Funnily enough Team Silent were the first to recognize the formula had to be changed, half of SH3 takes place outside of Silent Hill and the entirety of SH4 is set in Ashfield. Thanks to the events of SH1, a new game could take place anywhere in America as long as it had a tenuous connection to the town's dark energies. Hell, how about setting a game in either Brahms or Pleasant River? Both are fictional towns mentioned to neighbor Silent Hill just like Ashfield.

  19. 2 years ago

    >Ganker doesn't want to talk about Silent Hill
    what gives

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