>Friends didn't return for Phase 2

>Friends didn't return for Phase 2
>Blizzard copy pasted the same 10 man "raid" + half-baked "PvP event" formula again, but now it's even worse
>Devs already caved and are adding massive XP boost and mount cost reduction so people play alts and don't quit
>No "discovery" to be had at all
>Game feels nothing like classic

It's so fricking over

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  1. 3 months ago

    this half-assed classic+ is so awful, it's legitimately pathetic to watch blizz accidentally re-invent the retail WoW experience in classic WoW and have no awareness whatsoever. they should have taken a huge risk, likeif they locked it to level 25 and focused on horizontal progression I would even have accepted that. anything but the same
    >raid release
    >get good gear
    >useless as new content released
    >level up
    >get good gear
    on and on

    • 3 months ago

      >raid release
      >get good gear
      >useless as new content released
      >level up
      >get good gear
      >on and on
      It prints money and the trannies keep paying for it. You'd imagine anyone with a functioning brain would stop after the second or third time but they keep paying for it.

      • 3 months ago

        What other formula even works in a modern MMO? Guild Wars 2 tried doing some gay horizontal progression shit and no one wants to play that hot dog shit. Also looks like ass.

        • 3 months ago

          >modern MMO
          Here's your problem anon.

        • 3 months ago

          You would have to have a dev team releasing content faster than people can consume it. If people have a backlog of content, they'll want to continue subscribing because they can't finish everything in one month.

          • 3 months ago

            This is also wrong and does not work. MMO's have just gone the way of the RTS/arcade fighters.

            MMO's height of success was due to the time it occurred and the technological limits everyone lived with. Improved internet and the average home PC's getting non integrated graphics cards without being tech enthusiasts, becoming common, due to relative standardisation, enabled tens of millions of tech illiterate people to play online games. WoW was the Netflix of its day. Easy to get into, easy to play, with a new kind of social feature previously unheard of by the vast majority of the world population.

            WoW, like Netflix, squandered its early success and market share domination. Over time many different games came to dethrone WoW and some chipped off a portion of players but in general most people did not bother with multiple subs or games and once WoW lost its lustre they dropped the whole genre.

            WoW could have retained its population far longer if they had not shit the setting bed but they were arrogant and insulated enough to not understand what 2007 meant in terms of their future player base. They did not realise MMO's were proto social media. So they fritted away their player base believing their 'game' is what got so many millions playing.

            Metzen in particular is a fricking hack and always has been. Green Jesus was when it was obvious but TBC really, REALLY fricked up the whole setting.

            • 3 months ago

              >This is also wrong and does not work.
              I'd love to have heard some reasoning for this before you went on your schizo rant

              • 3 months ago

                It would be obvious to anyone older than 15. That is exactly how it used to work. Back in the day they did pump out constant updates specifically because it was relatively easy to do. I am talking about pre WoW where half the team that fricked WoW came from as players.

                They were 'hardcore' raiders who literally fought bosses in shifts because there was no instancing and guilds used to control boss tags. Who were terminally online all the way back in the 90's and were constantly consuming and complaining about lack of content only to drive every pre WoW MMO into the ground due to the huge volume of content the average MMO player, let alone average normalgay could not hope to ever actually clear.

                Sure there were other reasons like xp loss and losing your gear if someone looted your body after death but the over tuned, million+ mechanics that one shot raids and never ending grind in WoW is precisely due to those guys who used to send actual threats to MMO dev's and call their homes and threaten them over lack of content. WoW found it's success and popularity precisely due to content NOT being churned out and the first raids requiring you to gear before you could attempt BT, Sunwell etc. There was a steady road of relatively easy content to draw in non raiders. Wrath fricked it up and at the end the spell was broken with the Cata shitshow.

                >you went on your schizo rant
                Must be hard being unable to hand a few paragraphs, zoomer moron.

            • 3 months ago

              streamer brain rot - the post

              • 3 months ago

                I don't watch streamers or streams I am not underage and do not own a Nintendo younger than SNES, which is in a box somewhere in my garage.

                Some of us are just old enough to have seen it happen first hand.

  2. 3 months ago

    >Devs already caved and are adding massive XP boost
    why are they skipping everyone to the end for free? now there's even less to do

    • 3 months ago

      because they are too stupid to realize why people liked classic wow and as a result are only able to make a retrofitted version of retail in a classic server. just like in retail there is a rush to get to max level so you can run your raids and it's all invalidated next major content patch

    • 3 months ago

      they likely saw some internal metrics that showed no one is playing alts, and if no one's playing alts, the game will be dead in a few weeks once everyone is sick of the gnomer raid

  3. 3 months ago

    >massive XP boost
    bruh, it's 3% bonus xp

    that said, yeah SoD already earned it's
    >retain minus
    moniker. it's pretty obvious its run on a shoestring budget with a dozen interns. 25-40 is already probably the driest chunk of vanilla content, and I have no idea what compelled them to pick one of the most reviled dungeons for their raid. i'd hesistate to even call these 10 mans raids actually. balance is beyond fricked because there's clearly zero playtesting.
    utterly soulless

    • 3 months ago

      >bruh, it's 3% bonus xp
      >he didnt read the announcement
      lmao it's going to be 100% bonus xp just for not being max level now, moron

      • 3 months ago

        my apologies, sorry i don't keep up to date to the minute on warcraft news

        • 3 months ago

          it was announced days ago fricktard

    • 3 months ago

      Its a 50% XP bonus that is now peristent from levels 1-39 moron. Look up the latest blue post you fricking moron. I'm not talking about the sleeping bag

      Make sure you're updated on what we're talking about before you reply next time you fricking homosexual

      • 3 months ago

        It's 100%, moron.

  4. 3 months ago

    I can't even begin to express how fricking disappointed I was when they announced this stupid piece of shit seasonal mode during blizzcon instead of a true classic+

    If you go back and listen to the recording, NO ONE sounds excited for this shit in the audience. If it wasn't for streamers this shit would be DOA

  5. 3 months ago

    The fact that almost every class in phase 2 gets all 6 of their "new" runes in the same way along with them damn near being level gated to 40 requirement, god phase 2 fricking sucks

    • 3 months ago

      Runes should've been baseline. Having them locked behind doing some lame shit was a fricking miss. Especially knowing that everything gets datamined immediately

      • 3 months ago

        they really should've had runes be baseline but keep the rune idea as a way to get extra passives or smaller abilities or something like that

      • 3 months ago

        Doing that dark rider rune was ass, and having to do it multiple times makes me wanna puke.

    • 3 months ago

      Phase 1 had that awful ratchet quest and the shitty rep rune, but outside of those most were unique in how you got them. Really should have just made them quests that unlock at certain levels so you don't have to look them up. Even if the quests were just kill a boss in x dungeon or some elite mob like some of the runes had you do anyway it would have been way better. There's no guidance towards the runes so people just look them up.

  6. 3 months ago

    You get what you deserve

  7. 3 months ago

    It was incredibly obvious at blizzcon that they were selling blizzdrones a frosted turd and calling it chocolate. They are all transparently scummy liars from their mannerisms and blizzard is a walking corpse selling cheap nostalgia to neckbeards.

    • 3 months ago

      that mexican b***h that announced cata was hot at least

  8. 3 months ago

    >half-baked "PvP event" formula again, but now it's even worse
    The STV event is great though.

    • 3 months ago

      how the frick is it great? holy frick you're moronic

      • 3 months ago

        Somewhat chaotic, can't really be broken by sweatlords, actual pvp (unlike ashenvale), rewards not being moronic, dying not punishing and you're soon back in action.

        Don't tell me you're a solo rogue who struggles to find a group for it because of no friends, no guild, whining in general about how the event should be FFA with no groups. And when you do get a group, it has no healer, you're always spread, res at different times, never regroup, never focus targets, never communicate.

        Get friends, get on disc, position properly, watch your backs, pick your fights and zug down scrubs. 1.5k coins and everyone leaves happy.

  9. 3 months ago

    I played 6 classes and raided on all of them every lockout in p1, then I logged in for p2 and all the work I did had been turned to ash overnight. The level 25 gate was cool at first because it required very little of me to max and play characters, but all of just being fully reset every couple of months is one of the main reasons I don't play retail at all. Then while I was sitting there in a crowd waiting for an invisible horse to spawn for a rune I realized I hated it and uninstalled. How was anyone supposed to find that on their own? How would I have "Discovered" first going to a place in Deadwind pass then to 7 random locations around the world? Did a single human being actually find that as intended or did literally 100% of players just info that someone else datamined?

    • 3 months ago

      >I played 6 classes and raided on all of them every lockout in p1, then I logged in for p2 and all the work I did had been turned to ash overnight
      This is what the trannies who still play this pile of trash expect of it. Perpetual cons00m then keep cons00ming after done cons00ming some more. It's desingned for robots without a thought in their head.

  10. 3 months ago

    Anyone have an explanation as to why intermediate raids seemed to have failed so hard?
    Never played SoD, but I remember back when I still played WoW I thought one of the things that was missing which could make the game better was low level raids. Rather than having large group content being shoved into endgame (or pvp but that had queue based match-making anyways) you could have them earlier as a tool to teach players raiding mechanics in a much less stressful/difficult setting.

    • 3 months ago

      this would only be viable if raiding gave more experience than questing or dungeon leveling. and even then, people would probably stop doing them over time as it would be harder to organize a low-level raid as character levels gravitate towards the level cap

    • 3 months ago

      My guess is that originally it didn't make thematic sense for a raid to be anything other than max-level, assuming those were supposed to be the final challenge of a given worldly threat, but since overtime raids became just gear pinadas (in wintergrasp) they kept adding to force you to keep coming back to an otherwise dead world, it made less and less sense for them to direct resources to the leveling experience.

      They kinda just want you to get max level fast so they can hook you on that gear treadmill nonsense and hopefully keep you there for as long as possible chasing something idiotic over and over again.

  11. 3 months ago

    Don't worry, they hit the double exp button so now you can get to 40 just as fast as in retail.

  12. 3 months ago

    what is this, the 17th time they've tried to necro this corpse

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