>game can literally spawn a quest item in a place where it's completely inaccessible to the player because the randomly generated dungeon syst...

>game can literally spawn a quest item in a place where it's completely inaccessible to the player because the randomly generated dungeon system is pure garbage
>imagine going to a dungeon, spending hours walking through the same boring copypasted corridors only to realize the item you're looking for was never possible to find in the first place
daggerfallgays will defend this

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Player shouldn't always be a Mary Sue that succeeds at everything. Sometimes in life it's not possible to win.

    • 2 years ago

      this is the dumbest fricking defense for quests being blatantly broken and unpolished

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        You seem cranky. I think it's time to dialate your gaping wound where your micropenis used to be.

        • 2 years ago

          you're the one rushing to irrationally defend a broken game moron lol

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds like someone is losing the battle and can't accept defeat gracefully. You can learn a lot from the anon you replied to.

    • 2 years ago

      Are you a fricking moron anon? “Sometimes it shouldn’t be possible to win” IF I DIDNT WANT TO FRICKING WIN ID WALK INTO A PRESCHOOL NAKED TO LOSE YOU FRICKING moron

      • 2 years ago


        >this games is broken
        >and that's okay because Mary Sues
        It is my ironclad belief that everyone who unironically resorts to OLD GOOD NEW BAD is suffering with some kind of a Stockholm Syndrome. Daggerfallgays and their insane apologia and excuses for such a broken game provide some of the best evidence for this.

        Filtered shitters

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >this games is broken
      >and that's okay because Mary Sues
      It is my ironclad belief that everyone who unironically resorts to OLD GOOD NEW BAD is suffering with some kind of a Stockholm Syndrome. Daggerfallgays and their insane apologia and excuses for such a broken game provide some of the best evidence for this.

    • 2 years ago

      Wonderful bait. I salute you

  2. 2 years ago

    There are no Daggerfall fans anyways, they're just using it to be a contrarian in Morrowind threads.

    • 2 years ago

      Wrong, I like all mainline Elder Scrolls games.

      • 2 years ago

        Holy shit even in daggerfall you trannies play as a woman.

      • 2 years ago

        Get a job, Redguard.

    • 2 years ago

      I do see some hipsters try to claim it's their favorite. Problem is that they resort to completely lying and misrepresenting the game to hype it up which is something morrowind, oblivion and skyrim fans don't need to do.

      One youtuber in particular
      >Daggerfall is a life sim! You can do anything you want! You live in the world!
      You can get a loan to buy a house in a procedurally generated town, that you will never use anyway.
      >guilds are amazingly lifelike with you starting as a simple layman and rising the ranks through hard work!
      You talk to a jpg, who only exists to give quests and won't talk about anything else, who will then give you one of 4-5 template quests until you rank up and can do another 4 template quests. You also reload until you get one that doesn't involve a dungeon since those take 20 hours only to find out it's broken. Each faction has like five real quests.
      >the wildlife is so varied and even the supernatural races vary by region to region!
      Wereboars and werewolfs are the exact same thing and vampire enemies are the same and it just checks whatever region you're in when you get infected.
      >unlimited roleplay potential with the history and traits system
      Language skills are in the game for fake depth and don't serve any real purpose. Traits make absolutely no canonical sense like a normal guy, and friend of the emperor taking damage from holy places and sunlight (but isn't a vampire.) High elves with total immunity to magic too. This isn't roleplaying, it's powergaming.
      >the story is fantastic
      You get magical macguffin and choose which faction to give it to. That's all. That's the entire story.

      • 2 years ago

        This is low IQ cope. You need to be very smart to enjoy Daggerfall.

      • 2 years ago

        these are all true yet there's still a base appeal in daggerfall's world and setting, the dungeon atmosphere is great and the music top notch
        it's not like the game was panned when it came out even if i prefer the handcrafted nature of the content made afterwards

      • 2 years ago

        >you can buy a house in a town
        the towns are better than any other TES entry simply because of the life-accurate size of them and the amount of NPCs within them
        yes the amount of guilds dwarfs any other TES entry and the actual rankings within the guilds are more in depth as well. You actually affect your standing/ranking in other factions if you work for too many factions at once and you earn titles which are kino for RP, but other than that there are so many factions that you can roleplay right down to what country of what hold you are apart of. Being apart of the gothway garden disciples of zenithar is more depth than any other TES game.
        >history and traits
        i dont even know what history and traits are. Do you mean advantage/disadvantage system? If you really think the amount of character customization this system gives isn't roleplaying you are just low IQ or lying. You are obviously unfamiliar with daggerfall because i've played an entire character centered around every single language skill + becoming a vampire to cast the cheap pacifying spells. It worked well, it was entirely playable and just as viable as any other build. Please explain why its useless.
        the story actually is good, every single TES game involves a macguffin, so the fact that you can choose who to give it to is a big step up for TES. Also you only detailed the last like 20% of the story, if you actually played the game you would realize how moronic you sound by criticizing the game entirely through youtube videos. The trek to Direnni Castle is kino that only high IQ individuals would enjoy.

        • 2 years ago

          >Being apart of the gothway garden disciples of zenithar is more depth than any other TES game.
          Elder Scrolls factions have never been good but this is simply not true. You go to one of the hundreds of copy pasted dungeons to kill a dude or pick up an item, then you go back to get a new mission where you go to another copy pasted dungeon. That's not more in depth than much of anything, and that's all Daggerfall's factions offer.

          • 2 years ago

            >"but bruh you don't get to hear the voice of dinkle doink the mage-NPC to tell you that it's very important and unique to be doing these tasks!!!!!"
            thats why only high IQ individuals can enjoy and fully understand daggerfall. The design of contemporary RPGs just removes the actual roleplaying aspect in favor of bells and whistles like voice acting and animations to trick low IQers into "roleplaying". Yes the faction system in daggerfall actually is more complex, because despite not having voiced dialogue lines for your journey to archmage, there is still much more variety in becoming and being an archmage in the world of daggerfall

            • 2 years ago

              >there is still much more variety in becoming and being an archmage in the world of daggerfall
              Right, you go to gigantic copy paste dungeons AND you wait for three assassins to spawn in the guild

              • 2 years ago

                yes, or you could become an archmage in a variety of different ways that are completely unique for each new character you play. there is no set path that every character must complete to become the highest rank in any faction, it's completely up to the player how the approach the game. That kind of game design is dead in current year.

              • 2 years ago

                That's true, you could kill the generic enemies in the generic dungeons with a weapon, or you could kill them with magic, or you could run past them.

              • 2 years ago

                exactly, now you are finally beginning to understand just an inkling of what daggerfall has to offer compared to the lesser TES entries. Literally none of this would be possible in skywim or fawwout.

              • 2 years ago

                Those options are, in fact, available in post-daggerfall TES games, and while Bethesda has never been remotely good at level design, they have improved on Daggerfall's incoherent copy paste dungeons. Sometimes the quests even have you do something more interesting than killing someone or picking up an item at your destination. Not usually, though.

              • 2 years ago

                no, the future TES entries following daggerfall do NOT have as much variety in their world and questing . Try picking up a pen and paper and playing a real RPG for once and you will realize what roleplaying is.

                BTW if you want some good ass quest design in the same vein of TES and Fallout, try uncharted or god of war 4. They have good writing and variety, no copy pasting and theres plenty of signs for you to know that you are roleplaying correctly.

              • 2 years ago

                there is zero variety in daggerfall's world, it's just empty flat plains with the occasional tree and a texture swap, daggerfall didn't even have hills until unity

              • 2 years ago

                yeah with how you talk about RPGs a game like uncharted really seems more your speed. or maybe even a roguelike since your attention span doesnt seem large enough to hold a conversation with

                the "variety" in the world of daggerfall has nothing to do with hills or trees, if thats what you want in an RPG you are easily pleased i guess.

              • 2 years ago

                I think I'll stick to games that aren't empty shallow husks like UUW or even Battlespire.

              • 2 years ago

                >or maybe even a roguelike since your attention span doesnt seem large enough to hold a conversation with
                >implying a mindless skinner box like daggerfall demands anything more of a player than some free time
                >implying strategy games like traditional roguelikes aren't thousands of times more mentally demanding than pretending to be an elf while you sit in your chair

              • 2 years ago

                >implying pretending to be an elf while sitting in your chair isnt peak RPG

                don't make me laugh, your homosexual ass would curl up into the fetal position and cry if you had to play a roguelike. daggerfall has the mechanics of an extremely shallow and untested roguelike but with saving and loading and it's first person. note how daggerfall got a "modernized" re-release on GOG with a bunch of graphics homosexualry and normalgays ate it up, the same would NEVER happen for a roguelike cause they're way more complex and actually difficult. you daggerfall homosexuals are so fricking stupid.

                no idea what you're on about, imagine defending roguelike trash just to hate on a game from the 90s. you are out of line bro. more troll drivel, it must be.

              • 2 years ago

                >frick you go play a mindless roguelike! leave daggerfall alone :~~*(
                >has no idea that roguelikes are 10x better games and more intelligent than shitterfall
                it's amazing how quickly the daggerfall gaybase has taken the mantle of "worst TES fanbase." it's been what, two weeks since the normalgay GOG release?

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Mastering strategy, tactics, memorization, resource management, interpreting abstract symbols and concepts, applying novel solutions to unexpected problems, learning from one's mistakes and coming back stronger every time, all done without the crutch of saving and loading to rewind time
                The equivalent of playing with dolls as you sit at your computer, except the computer is supplying most of the imagination, and acting elitist about performing a less mentally demanding version of a task that literal four year olds regularly perform

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                >Mastering strategy, tactics, memorization, resource management, interpreting abstract symbols and concepts, applying novel solutions to unexpected problems, learning from one's mistakes and coming back stronger every time, all done without the crutch of saving and loading to rewind time
                Lol, lmao, even.

              • 2 years ago

                I love roguelikes and frequently do nodeath runs in several games and you're overly exaggerating it. These things should primarily bring you interest and pleasure, the rest is secondary. If you play roguelikes "for the flex" that's just pathetic.

              • 2 years ago

                Of course the reason you play a roguelike is for the moment to moment enjoyment, but it is also true that they are thinking games that test a number of mental skills while Daggerfall is only slightly more mentally demanding than Progress Quest.

              • 2 years ago

                All you have to do is figure out the winning build and then just do it, roguelikes are more about patience then any real strategy.

              • 2 years ago

                Some let you grind to win with patience, like Angband and to a lesser extent ADOM, and some have classes/races so strong you can just beat your head against the game until it crumbles (DCSS) but there are also plenty of roguelikes where handling individual encounters well is as important as running a good build like Brogue and Sil.
                But very essentially all traditional roguelikes are more demanding than Daggerfall.

              • 2 years ago

                Traditional roguelikes were made to be like arcade games where you can sit down and play in one go like solitaire, complete with a points score to compare with others. I seriously doubt you touched any of that shit though since those are as old as Rogue is.
                Rest of your post is essentially moving the goalposts. Since you've only given a vague statement and need to use a search engine to cut out games until you only have a very small pool. Once you've done that then you can say that is what you meant all along.

              • 2 years ago

                >I seriously doubt you touched any of that shit though since those are as old as Rogue is.
                You would be wrong, I play arcade games for 1CCs and my first roguelike was the DOS port of Rogue. Games designed around mastery, like arcade games, roguelikes, and competitive multiplayer games (especially 1v1) tend to be intelligent games for intelligent people. Games about making repetition and making numbers go up, such as Daggerfall, tend to be stupid.

              • 2 years ago

                WAY more intelligent than daggerfall. seethe.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                forgot pic

              • 2 years ago

                don't make me laugh, your homosexual ass would curl up into the fetal position and cry if you had to play a roguelike. daggerfall has the mechanics of an extremely shallow and untested roguelike but with saving and loading and it's first person. note how daggerfall got a "modernized" re-release on GOG with a bunch of graphics homosexualry and normalgays ate it up, the same would NEVER happen for a roguelike cause they're way more complex and actually difficult. you daggerfall homosexuals are so fricking stupid.

              • 2 years ago

                >the same would NEVER happen for a roguelike cause they're way more complex and actually difficult.
                Roguelikes typically use text or tilesets, there isn't anything to "spice up" unless you are very very good at making particle effects.

              • 2 years ago

                what the frick are you even talking about?

              • 2 years ago

                Before I answer, can I get some clarity on what you are confused about?

              • 2 years ago

                They can always animate the tilesets, they can always hire a better artist to draw nicer tilesets, and there's no real reason why they can't use 3d models instead. But roguelike developers still typically dedicate minimal effort towards superficial elements like that, because normalgays will be filtered by the complexity and difficulty regardless. Strategy gaming fans can appreciate deep mechanics even without the benefit of superficial fluff, unlike daggerfail fans who lack both the imagination to interpret ascii graphics and the intelligence to handle anything more complex than their toddler-tier game of choice.

                >frick you go play a mindless roguelike! leave daggerfall alone :~~*(
                >has no idea that roguelikes are 10x better games and more intelligent than shitterfall
                it's amazing how quickly the daggerfall gaybase has taken the mantle of "worst TES fanbase." it's been what, two weeks since the normalgay GOG release?

                It's a sad thing to see people try to act elitist over something as simple and mainstream as elder scrolls games.

              • 2 years ago

                >It's a sad thing to see people try to act elitist over something as simple and mainstream as elder scrolls games
                agreed. wish the gaygerfall wannabes would knock it off.

              • 2 years ago

                >But roguelike developers still typically dedicate minimal effort towards superficial elements like that, because normalgays will be filtered by the complexity and difficulty regardless.
                So a roguelike developer that doesn't exist.

              • 2 years ago

                >So a roguelike developer that doesn't exist.
                Yes, no one makes roguelikes for graphics prostitutes, that's the point. You could do it but you'd filter your own audience out.

              • 2 years ago

                >You could do it but you'd filter your own audience out.
                You'd filter yourself out. So far you've demonstrated total ignorance of the difficulty of doing everything at once when you are by yourself developing a game. Your general incompetence should not be taken seriously by anyone who wants to try and make a game for themselves, Roguelike or otherwise.

              • 2 years ago

                >no, the future TES entries following daggerfall do NOT have as much variety in their world and questing
                You're right, they don't have as much variety. Even middling RPGs like Morrowind and Skyrim or a dogshit one like Oblivion still have far more variety than the copy pasted wasteland that is Daggerfall.

              • 2 years ago

                youre baiting me with that level of drivel you have typed up.

          • 2 years ago

            You can count this man's brain cells on one hand.

      • 2 years ago

        This. It's all marketer speak with Daggerfall "fans" despite the fact they aren't paid and the game is free. They simply do it to try to look like ebin oldgays but literally everyone sees right though this

        • 2 years ago

          Hello NPC, everyone sees right through (you) actually.

  3. 2 years ago

    just use debug to make sure the item is reachable.

    I personally just explore as long as I feel necessary, usually until there are no more enemies and i've exhausted all my known options.

    I'm likely more intelligent and patient than you though.

    • 2 years ago

      >I'm likely more intelligent and patient than you though.
      if you have to say it out loud you're probably not

      • 2 years ago

        >if you have to say it out loud you're probably not
        This is cope for low IQ individuals.

        • 2 years ago

          you're not "high IQ" because you like a buggy old computer game you pretentious midwit

          • 2 years ago

            someone sounds mad their opinion is shit. Stay mad caveman.

            • 2 years ago

              >no argument to defend the hours he spent exploring soulless procedurally generated labyrinths
              keep wasting your life on gaygerfall lol

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >just use debug to make sure the item is reachable.
      that's some funny shit joe. TES gamers sure are a different breed.

      • 2 years ago

        It's called CHIM and the player always has it. That's also why console versions aren't the true representation of any Bethesda game: no console commands means that a lot of intended game design is destroyed. Having to use console/debug is part of the immersion and story.

        • 2 years ago

          incredible bait anon, I applaud you

    • 2 years ago

      >im more intelligent
      I think you mean more illiterate and egotistical.

  4. 2 years ago

    TESdrones in general are the lowliest scum on this board

  5. 2 years ago

    It really scratches that Dungeon Crawler itch.
    But because it’s so repetitive it’s difficult to play in long session.
    Will probably take me 4 years to complete it.

  6. 2 years ago

    Dungeon crawling is pretty fun in this game. Although I had to go back pretty far on a save because I jumped into the center coffin inside of Scourg's Barrow and could not manage to climb my way back up, nor did I have levitate. Make a habit of Saving and Quicksaving. Daggerfall thread?

    • 2 years ago

      Not in a discussion environment dominated by xbox skyrimgays that got filtered by Privateer's Hold. It just isn't going to happen.

      • 2 years ago

        Skeletons are ridiculous early game. You know it's true, whether you enjoy the game or not.

        It's either make a Godlike high elf magic absorb build or make a typical warrior/spellsword and save and reload 7 times to pass that one skeleton. Yes I know once you make it out of Privateer's skeletons become meaningless but it doesn't change the fact they are way overtuned from the beginning.

        • 2 years ago

          My Redguard warrior beat all the skeles in Privateer's Hold no problem with his dai-katana...

    • 2 years ago

      I got bored after a few runs because almost everything is just radiant and feel pointless as a result, that's my issue with large sandbox games like this and minecraft.

      • 2 years ago

        >I got bored after a few runs because almost everything is just radiant and feel pointless as a result, that's my issue with large sandbox games like this and minecraft.
        But you're brain
        you're brain is so so small

        • 2 years ago

          Says the goldfish who sees his castle over and over and thinks it's new every time.
          The radient quests are the same shit over and over. Radient? More like Frick Offient.

      • 2 years ago

        Minecraft is actually playable, Black personfall is not.

  7. 2 years ago

    >>game can literally spawn a quest item in a place where it's completely inaccessible to the player because the randomly generated dungeon system is pure garbage

  8. 2 years ago

    Doesn't happen in unity. Quit being a pussy.

  9. 2 years ago

    Sometimes I wonder if it's just a big elaborate troll.
    >heh, you zoomers actually care about finishing quests? stupid kids (this poster is probably like 22 years old by the way)
    >dude you play it for the dungeon crawling! (this poster has probably barely played actual dungeon crawling games)
    The "I guess I'm just smarter than you" post seems to be in every single daggerfall thread too. NONE of these fricking children even gave a shit about daggerfall in the first place, they just jumped on the unity bandwagon cause it makes the game feel less "old" and they're obviously just a bunch of newbies who want to look old school and are convincing exactly nobody of this. They also wouldn't give a shit if it wasn't an Elder Scrolls game cause that means they'd get no attention for liking it cause most people wouldn't have a clue what it was. Just laugh at them from a distance OP, communicating with them directly will cost you brain cells.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Very similar to the "the level scaling in Oblivion isn't broken you're just bad" morons who have been cropping up recently

      • 2 years ago

        If you can't even debug the game then you might just be too low IQ to enjoy real RPGs.

        • 2 years ago

          Anyone can type in console commands my little underage friend. Not everyone has such bad taste where they want to play a game with such terrible programming it's required to do over and over, not only that but after what could be several hours long dungeon exploration. I'm sorry, but it is you who has the low IQ, so I recommend you stick to Daggerfall and avoid decent dungeon crawlers or roguelikes that actually require use of the brain.

    • 2 years ago

      >too low IQ to enjoy daggerfall
      >"i can't fricking BELIEVE this 1996 game has buggy quests"
      >strawman about dungeon crawlers
      >"duuuude! they are just unity posers!"

      it's literally just an enjoyable RPG. I play it and enjoy it because there is nothing like it ever even attempted since then. It is the only game of it's kind. No other RPG goes to the extent of "life simulation" that daggerfall does, and daggerfall still retains (even expands on) the classic dungeon crawler formula that makes RPGs so fun in the first place. The world created for you to roleplay in is enjoyable, as well as the systems in the game being complex enough to retain my interest for long periods of time compared to simpler open world games like every new TES , the b***her 3, minecraft, DDDA... as well as being more appealing to the eye than games like TOME, ADOM, CDDA, DF

      In the end, i play RPGs and you don't. My opinion is more informed, valuable, and enlightening than whatever drivel comes out of your sorry head.

      • 2 years ago

        >bitches about strawmanning
        >"i play RPGs and you don't"
        lol you couldn't be more of a pseud if you tried

        • 2 years ago

          nice argument

      • 2 years ago

        Daggerfall is a weak life sim and an abysmal dungeon crawler. Elona is both at both of those things.

        • 2 years ago

          elona isn't comparable at all, though it's a good game.

    • 2 years ago

      >They also wouldn't give a shit if it wasn't an Elder Scrolls game
      This is THE key factor that explains why anyone would pretend to enjoy this abysmal game.
      Sometimes they go a step further and say that the Nokia N-Gage TES game is underrated

  10. 2 years ago

    But you dont need the quest item to complete the game, just go do another quest, its realistic that some quests simply would be not possible to finish for your character.
    Its really not a big deal.

    • 2 years ago

      This was Todd's logic when he realized that a lot of quests couldn't be completed.

      "A lot of people would fail this quest so it's not a big deal."
      "A lot of people fall through the world when they try to swim. Who cares?"

      • 2 years ago

        Todd barely worked on daggerfall. He was just the coffee boy. You got played by the Bethesda psyops. He's nothing but a marketer/meme to make the games more profitable

  11. 2 years ago

    99% of the time there are secret pasages or teleporters that can be used by clicking items like lamps or skulls.

  12. 2 years ago

    Should I simply walk out of a town and go exploring? I want to, but I feel like it would be mostly walking and MAYBE I’d find a dungeon after a while.
    I feel like the best way to do things is to pick up a Quest first that asks you to go to a specific dungeon. That way you can fast travel directly to it, and then dungeon crawl to complete the quest. Return to town, sell your loot AND earn extra money from Quest reward. Plus you get in good standing with the community or possibly certain groups and factions. It doesn’t seem like Daggerfall rewards you for exploring on your own.

    • 2 years ago

      There's a few persistent world secrets, but you're right in sense that it's 99% empty space with occasional dungeon.

    • 2 years ago

      >adventurer wanders around the world aimlessly
      >doesnt find anything other than wilderness
      >adventurer gets quested to retrieve something from a dungeon
      >travels directly there with the knowledge of the quest giver and obtain the item
      >loot the dungeon as a side hustle and sell the items to merchants
      nice roleplaying there, expecting the world to just hand you dungeons and loot on a plate. Obviously it would make more sense for an adventurer to receive a quest before they actually risk their life going to a dungeon. Why do it for no reason?

      Either way, you can find dungeons in the open world they are often just small compared to the size of the map.

    • 2 years ago

      Walk around town asking for work.

  13. 2 years ago

    This game was popular when it came out despite being extremely buggy. The guy that make 90% of the quests in Morrowind was disappointed the game's structure was different from Daggerfall.

    • 2 years ago

      >The guy that make 90% of the quests in Morrowind was disappointed the game's structure was different from Daggerfall.
      Yep, though IMO he did a good job in morrowind nontheless, he had a lot of talent.

  14. 2 years ago

    >/vrpg/ immediately rushes to prove the anon's point

  15. 2 years ago

    There's literally nothing daggerfall really offers that you cant get from its contemporaries except for just procedural generation which is done poorly.
    Do people just not know about other first person rpgs or something

    • 2 years ago

      >advantage/disadvantage character creation system
      >item enchantment + soulgem system
      >spell creation system
      >faction and hold relation system
      >the "poorly done" procedural generation system for the map, leading to 1000s of lifesized towns with actually unique inhabitants
      if you are actually saying these aspects of daggerfall have been successfully recreated in future games, you are simply disingenuous or just unfamiliar with daggerfalls mechanics. I would like you to at least list the names of the games that recreate these systems, as that would only dig you deeper into a hole of ignorance.

      • 2 years ago

        You're not convincing anyone man. You just don't want to play non unity games

        • 2 years ago

          you're just incorrect, and present no argument. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, i'm just spitting facts. unity has nothing to do with it. i only continue to respond to you out of pity for your previously stated ignorance.

        • 2 years ago

          Noy him but you are either diluted or moronic if you really think "daggerfall doesn't offer anything not done already by its contemporaries"

      • 2 years ago

        With the procedural generation, do certain Quests inside of a particular named city always present themselves the same way in each New Game that you start? Or with each new game that you start, do the quests randomly configure themselves even in a named city like Daggerfall: Daggerfall?

        • 2 years ago

          The quests are super simple fetch quests the only 'procedural generation' in them is randomly deciding where to hide the interchangeable quest loot

          • 2 years ago

            So you get the same quests in every city on each new game right?

            • 2 years ago

              The side quests and guild quests are designed to be real fill-in-the-blank style. I've lost ___ and I need you to travel to ___ to get it back. The template gets recycled and you will be fetching the same mummy wrappings from multiple dungeons for multiple different people in multiple different cities in the same install.

              • 2 years ago

                >The side quests and guild quests are designed to be real fill-in-the-blank style. I've lost ___ and I need you to travel to ___ to get it back. The template gets recycled and you will be fetching the same mummy wrappings from multiple dungeons for multiple different people in multiple different cities in the same install.

                So this is Todd's final form...

        • 2 years ago

          Unless you mean the city itself... is immutable. Wayrest is wayrest is wayrest on every install. The procedural generation occurred during development.

          • 2 years ago

            Wayrest is Wayrest. Great.

            quests are random every playthrough. I recommend getting quest mods and encounter mods. You will be drowning in roleplaying opportunities

            But the QUESTS in Wayrest are procedurally generated, and not exactly the same each playthrough? I think I understand.

            • 2 years ago

              yes other anon is low iq hater

              • 2 years ago

                That’s why I didn’t respond to 3rd anon

        • 2 years ago

          quests are random every playthrough. I recommend getting quest mods and encounter mods. You will be drowning in roleplaying opportunities

      • 2 years ago

        >with actually unique inhabitants
        You know damn well this isn't true

      • 2 years ago

        Omake Overhaul Elona implements all of those concepts, except for the thousands of towns, and it does most of them a lot better than Daggerfall did.

        • 2 years ago

          It really does, but I can't place my finger on why exactly.

        • 2 years ago

          Elona is an ugly top down game with no verticality. No idea why it keeps getting brought up when it doesn't even come close to filling the niche of a first person dungeon crawl.

          • 2 years ago

            bro i like elona, but they are not at all similar. i already told you this in another thread. I'm a fan of autism simulators, but daggerfall sacrifices depth for breadth. They just deliver a similar concept through 2 completely different mediums.

            Daggerfall is more kino anyways, simply because of the quality of the world lore and main story, and the method in which you interact with the game world

            Elona and Daggerfall are both life sim/dungeon crawler hybrids where no one really cares about the main quest and instead just grinds away at samey dungeons forever. But Elona is overwhelmingly superior as both a dungeon crawler and a life sim game. Better combat, better enemy design, better NPC interactions, better side quests, better character building, and way, way more noncombat stuff to do.

            • 2 years ago

              Plus you can enslave little sisters and genetically mutate them into fighting machines
              Or cat sisters.

            • 2 years ago

              Plus you can enslave little sisters and genetically mutate them into fighting machines
              Or cat sisters.


              bro i like elona, but they are not at all similar. i already told you this in another thread. I'm a fan of autism simulators, but daggerfall sacrifices depth for breadth. They just deliver a similar concept through 2 completely different mediums.

              Daggerfall is more kino anyways, simply because of the quality of the world lore and main story, and the method in which you interact with the game world

              mentions it still does not have the lore or the story that Daggerfall contains within itself

              • 2 years ago

                Which is like 1% of the game and hardly gets any discussion.

              • 2 years ago

                the story is bretty gud, when you take the quest to find out about the missing prince...... shid man. fug...

              • 2 years ago

                Both the main quest and the in-game books have some cool stuff in them, buth they're still a tiny part of the game and aren't really the reason why anyone likes/dislikes daggerfall.

              • 2 years ago

                >NO ONE likes daggerfall for the main quest
                >anons praising main quest in thread
                the dungeons surrounding the main quest are the best in the game, the quest writing is intriguing and the characters are unique. You are just wrong, the story is well appreciated especially within the TES franchise and it's discussed frequently.

              • 2 years ago

                The story and the main quest are two different, though related, things. Most praise for the main quest itt is for its dungeons.

        • 2 years ago

          bro i like elona, but they are not at all similar. i already told you this in another thread. I'm a fan of autism simulators, but daggerfall sacrifices depth for breadth. They just deliver a similar concept through 2 completely different mediums.

          Daggerfall is more kino anyways, simply because of the quality of the world lore and main story, and the method in which you interact with the game world

  16. 2 years ago


  17. 2 years ago

    Jesus fricking Christ

    >"Recipes are a daft business, (player's guild rank). I'm working on a formula that calls for a "goodly piece of (mummy's name). What is a (mummy's name)? An herb? A mineral? Well, I've researched the matter and found (mummy's name) is a mummy. Imagine that. And this particularly mummy is right here in (region). Could I talk you into going to its tomb and grabbing a piece of (mummy's name) for, say, (random gold) gold pieces?"

    this is your quests. it doesn't matter what city you're in or what new game you're. completing it doesn't remove it from the draw pool. you could get it twice in a row from the same homie in the same city or from different homies on the other side of the world. it could've even draw up the same dungeon again.

    • 2 years ago

      you're just stupid anon. only high IQ daggerchad fans like us can enjoy the wonder of trudging through the same dungeon for 80 hours straight

      • 2 years ago

        >trudging through the same dungeon for 80 hours straight
        i actually like doing this. just don't come asking stupid questions with the wrong ideas on daggerfall's quest design, because it ain't fricking there.

        • 2 years ago

          >advantage/disadvantage character creation system
          >item enchantment + soulgem system
          >spell creation system
          >faction and hold relation system
          >the "poorly done" procedural generation system for the map, leading to 1000s of lifesized towns with actually unique inhabitants
          if you are actually saying these aspects of daggerfall have been successfully recreated in future games, you are simply disingenuous or just unfamiliar with daggerfalls mechanics. I would like you to at least list the names of the games that recreate these systems, as that would only dig you deeper into a hole of ignorance.

          Try growing a brain

  18. 2 years ago

    Do Daggerfall fans like Skyrim's radiant quests?

    • 2 years ago

      I forgot what those were. So they probably weren't memorable.

    • 2 years ago

      when i play skyrim i load up several different varieties of world encounter mods, boss mods which are just soft encounter mods, bandit mods (OBIS or whatever is great), and mainly notice board mods.

      So yes, I do like skyrims radiant quests. But I mod it up like any sane human would.

    • 2 years ago

      Not really. Imagine being a lv. 80 dragonborn archmage/spymaster/assassin and being sent on an errand to retrieve some shmuck's sword from some bandit in a fort. Like, Black person, I'm the fricking head of an ancient vampire clan and rule over 5 holds, 3 guilds/organizations, been to the place where soul gems draw their ability to function, killed dragons, plucked the hearts from briarhearts still walking, and can brew potions that make miracles happen, and you want me to go get your little toothpick?

      • 2 years ago

        Don't take the job if you don't want to do it.

    • 2 years ago

      I didn't play Skyrim. Do I need yet another 5 square mile province or something?

      • 2 years ago

        No, you just need a low IQ to enjoy it.
        And I wish I was being ironic.

  19. 2 years ago

    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to enjoy playing Daggerfall.

  20. 2 years ago

    Will they? Maybe on Ganker since all everyone does here is argue for the sake of it, but I don't think most TESII enjoyers are gonna be going out there saying "yeah actually it's really cool that the game makes some quests impossible on accident." Enjoying a game while acknowledging its flaws is something plenty of people do.

    • 2 years ago

      Literally just be conscious of your hard saving and quicksaving it is not a big deal.

  21. 2 years ago

    Although that is technically possible it's overstated by people. There's only a handful of dungeons among the thousands that have inaccessible locations, because one of the blocks they can contain is constructed wrong and if oriented in a certain way can be disconnected - though sometimes side blocks can connect it coincidentally even then - the truth is that most of the time people claim their quest is broken it's just because they didn't find/figure out the path to it. Like when people complain about red brick doors teleporting them somewhere wrong, or cages/other objects blocking doors, etc; those are just puzzles you are meant to solve which can be moronic and unintuitive but solvable nonetheless. The puzzles and mazes are all prebuilt by hand and not randomly generated, they just get randomly distributed across dungeons. The broken block is one that you wouldn't even notice is broken because there's just no path to the other side, so it seems like a normal dead end.
    Though in some ways that makes it worse because instead of being obviously broken it might cause you to scour the entire rest of the huge dungeon looking for something that can't be found, so it's a good idea to enable the cheat and check the quest locations if you are suspicious of your current one.
    t. played for about 300 hours in over a dozen in-game regions doing over a hundred dungeons before finding one with the connectivity problem.
    This is meant as advice for anyone trying to get into the game, not really an excuse for Daggerfall's shitty dungeons as a whole. There's some gems in there worth trudging through the rest for if you're anything like me. And most of the main quest dungeons are top notch.

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you for being the one reasonable anon in this thread. I don't know why discussion around this game attracts Ganker- level autism

  22. 2 years ago

    Guy I follow just made a video about Daggerfall, his opinions were mixed.

    • 2 years ago

      Dude had an unbeatable quest and somehow managed to fall in the void. Actually pretty funny but also sad

    • 2 years ago

      I can't believe man got arrested that many times, its not that hard if you aren't trying to steal

  23. 2 years ago

    3D NPCs (female) mod is out

    • 2 years ago

      Do people really think this is better than 2d models?

    • 2 years ago

      This looks like a really cheap porn game from the people who made Sherwood Dungeon

    • 2 years ago

      Weirdly aesthetic, like if PS1 style graphics got more love

      • 2 years ago

        It looks great in some places but generally the visuals are all over the place with a mix of modern models and textures and 1996 geometry and shit, still better than pixelshit though

        • 2 years ago

          On my new save I spawned in northern Hammerfell so I decided to make my way west through the Dragontail mountains toward Sentinel, it's been a brutal journey so far because of the cold and how sparsely populated it is, I can travel for 3 days sometimes without encountering any settlements

          • 2 years ago

            World of Daggerfall and Enhanced and Eroded Terrains makes the journey more visually interesting at least

            • 2 years ago

              Are... are you going on foot? Like without fast traveling?

              Guy I follow just made a video about Daggerfall, his opinions were mixed.

              was talking about how he was miserable doing that just for one short trip

              • 2 years ago

                Travel Options allows time accelerated travel between towns, recommended with Climate & Calories, so you have to plan every journey and make sure you have enough supplies and the right equipment

  24. 2 years ago

    Tried to play arena and got bored. Daggerfall got boring too.

    • 2 years ago

      >tried to play arena
      What did you fricking expect exactly?

      • 2 years ago

        Fun dungeon crawling

    • 2 years ago

      What's your IQ?

  25. 2 years ago

    I love the Arena/Daggerfall OSTs. They convey an atmosphere like none other.

  26. 2 years ago

    wait so is the unity remake the one to play, or are we contrarian about that like literally everything else? Never played before but would like to

    • 2 years ago

      I see no reason not to play Unity. Some people don't like the new sprites but I think you can turn them off

      • 2 years ago

        thanks, i got it from GoG recently and have been looking for some good laptop couch games and that's been on the list.

        • 2 years ago

          they made daggerfall city really cool at night

    • 2 years ago

      yes, unity is the better version. some moronic mummies that enjoyed this game on release date like to feel superior by saying unity is zoomershit, but the DOS version is so shit you won't actually see anyone recommend the original version.

      • 2 years ago

        Unity isn't even the real game though

        • 2 years ago

          yes it is, its daggerfall unity. whats not real about it

          • 2 years ago

            it's drastically different from the original aside from using the same assets

          • 2 years ago

            Its a fans interpretation of how the game's mechanics works and trying to reverse engineer everything through trial and error. In addition the dark fantasy aesthetics of Daggerfall are practically gone from the Unity version just from the change in lighting and stripping away all the fog and the 2D backdrops the DOS version had.

            As a game by itself I'd actually rather everyone on that project ditches Daggerfall assets entirely and use completely new ones.

  27. 2 years ago

    anyone here know if there are any ways to debuff attributes in this game? I know that when an attribute reaches 0 you die, and I want to play someone with as little personality as possible, but I don't want to randomly die by someone casting ugliness on me.

    • 2 years ago

      I haven't used the DF spellmaker but can't you just make a Damage Attribute on Self spell?

      • 2 years ago

        According to the video I saw a little above, getting poisoned lowers your personality a lot

        holy shit, upon reading more about poison i realized that the attribute that is lowered is based on the weapon used to apply it. So it's basically random, that honestly sounds fun to have low personality and be in fear of actual death from being poisoned.

        Daggerfall is peak RP kino

    • 2 years ago

      According to the video I saw a little above, getting poisoned lowers your personality a lot

  28. 2 years ago


  29. 2 years ago

    I mean, that's a mild frustration, but not really anything to get worked up about. Sometimes a quest is broken. Oh well. At least I got to crawl a cool dungeon.

  30. 2 years ago

    How many of you have actually played The Quest? Or Ultima Underworld? You should know what those are if you claim to enjoy Daggerfall.

  31. 2 years ago

    There are always console commands to save the day.

  32. 2 years ago

    What other RPGs do high IQ society Daggerfall enjoyers recommend? The other ES games pale in comparison.

    • 2 years ago

      Cyberpunk 2077, No Man's Sky, Bubsy 3D, Chuzzle Deluxe, Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing.

  33. 2 years ago

    I have not played Daggerfall for a year now. Any cool new mod updates for Daggerfall Unity? They were working on 3D NPC, has it developed enough? And what about that world of Daggerfall and rivers of Daggerfall projects?

    • 2 years ago

      Talking about enemies, how come we have not had a mod that lets us add sprite enemies from other games like that Doom mod for Gmod or those mods for Unreal Tournament invasion mode? Imagine having Doom demons, Blood enemies or witchaven creatures in Daggerfall. That would be awesome!

      • 2 years ago

        Modders still want the game to remain consistent to the lore.

        • 2 years ago

          Damn loregays. There was many cool mods for Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim that weren’t chained to the lore. Why can’t we have that for Daggerfall?

          • 2 years ago

            There was a guy who made dwemer forts and assets for Daggerfall, but no final mod was published, because Dwemer ruins don't fit in Illiac Bay according to lore.

            • 2 years ago

              Horrible. So uncreative. Why not write a cool quest around three or four previously undiscovered Dwemer labyrinths, or something, instead of just putting all that hard work to waste because "muh canon"? TES community needs a healthy dose of C0DA.

              • 2 years ago

                This. When Oblivion was released people made dwemer ruins and added them to the game even though the possibility of dwarves in Cyrodiil didn't exist until Skyrim.

            • 2 years ago

              Terrible, why would they do this? Put so much effort into a mod and then just bin it because it betrays the lore. Modders for this game really need to get their heads in gear and stop being such slaves to lore.

              • 2 years ago

                it's more about homogenizing a whole world when you could have distinct areas
                there can be more than just dwemer ruins strewn everywhere

              • 2 years ago

                The things with mods is that you can customise your game how you like so what is the harm in having a dwemer ruins mod? If you want your game to be ultra lore friendly then just don’t use it. To pull a whole mod over some servile commitment to the lore and homogenized world is just ridiculous especially when nobody is forcing it on anyone.

                Similarly it is ridiculous to dismiss the idea of having a mod for sprite-based enemies from other games to show up like Doom, Blood or Witchaven based on lore. That is really cool and it would work as standalone mod that wouldn’t affect anyone else’s version of the game.

              • 2 years ago

                Fine, but it's a mod. If you don't want them in your game, don't install it.

            • 2 years ago

              >because Dwemer ruins don't fit in Illiac Bay according to lore
              Is that really true? Base Daggerfall lacks them but dwarves were absolutely in Hammerfel; the province is even named after the dwarves, when they threw volendrung across the continent to their new home, settling where the hammer fell. In Arena the main quest dungeon in Hammerfell, Fang Lair, is explicitly a former Dwarven creation until a Dragon ran them out.
              It doesn’t seem like Dwarven ruins would feel out of place.

        • 2 years ago

          They are doing a shit job of it for the most frivolous of reasons .

  34. 2 years ago

    Not only will they defend it, they will claim it's superior to the best game in the series, that being Morrowind.

  35. 2 years ago

    what other games similar to daggerfall are there? I played slashers and its basically daggerfall combat but lot harder and more complexity.

    • 2 years ago

      slashers keep*

    • 2 years ago


  36. 2 years ago

    Every person I've seen in the past 6 months on here who has defended Daggerfall can't actually provide an example of it being good or fun. When challenged they just resort to saying "filtered" and then a random string of buzzwords like calling you a troony that seems to be an NPC like preprogrammed response.

    It doesn't even seem like most of these individuals (and I hesitate to use that term because I'm not certain these people are even human) actually want to discuss the game, but rather engage in pointless, mindless contrarianism for the sake of it.

    • 2 years ago

      It's fun creating a cool looking and strong character and getting immersed in crawling a huge labyrinthine dungeon, keeping notes IRL about where you have and haven't been and where the exit is, etc. The random quests can be genuinely great. I got accused of stealing a gem from the Bank of Daggerfall and had to go retrieve it from a dungeon in order to prove my innocence.

      • 2 years ago

        To add onto this because I didn't explain it very well, before going to the dungeon I had to follow a paper trail around town while getting jumped by knights in surprise attacks. It felt cool to fight in a tavern, a place that you usually feel is off limits to this kind of thing and safe. Also, while the game's world is barren, its presence alone gives the game this grand psychological sense of scale which makes all of your adventures feel more real. I also really like the way the game looks, so dark and gothic (I play in DOSBox). Not sure if I can explain any of this very well but the game just feels good. It feels cool to buy a wagon, ship, and house(s). It feels cool to join a knightly order. It feels good to quest for a particular. I like the game. Not as much as I like Morrowind, a game I've played since I was a kid, but I like it nonetheless.

        • 2 years ago

          *for a particular temple

    • 2 years ago

      The landscape look like paintings. The main quest was a pretty enjoyable romp through the local noble geopolitics (something completely vanished in oblivion onwards) and I liked the space dungeon at the end of it. You have the same type of freedom to build your characters as you do in TES 3. The vastness of the gameworld and the options to build your character create a sense of gameplay emergeness/this is your own character's adventure that doesn't even exist in the later games like morrowind let alone oblivion.

      You have to look at Daggerfall as a d&d/virtual tabletop simulator instead of the way the rest of you oblivion shills look at elder scrolls which is a commofified consumable where you can 100% everything on a single character and there's no replay value. In Daggerfall there is replay value based on the role you play a a character and you can go to a completely different region for new randomly generated dungeons to grind through.

    • 2 years ago

      I just realized that Bethesda literally cannot make good games, and has never made good games except for Morrowind and the Terminator ones, and even then the first one is dogshit compared to the second one. For some reason people just praise the shit out of them and have been for ages, despite being mostly mediocre, with half-assed games and poorly implemented ideas that could benefit from more competent programming.

      • 2 years ago

        Redguard was fun, Battlespire was better than Daggerfall too.

      • 2 years ago

        Bethesda isn't the smartest or the most creative in the games industry, they're unironically the avant-garde of SOVL™. They're so naive and dumb that they push to uncharted territories and still somewhat succeed because they don't hold back whenever they do it. Bethesda nigs are straggling in a shitty cumdumpster of an engine, amazingly low turnover rate and yet they still mog most of "open world" games because nobody does it like they do. Now they're just living off the template they made from Morrowind but the fact that it is still commercially viable and well-received by normies is a testament to that great design they found.

        Maybe they'll finally return to form with TES VI. One can only dream of a scenario where the old blood Bethesda, Todd and his crusty crew of nepotism, give their final bow before passing the torch to their diversity hires and then retiring. Imagine this; the scale of Daggerfall, the depth and worldbuilding of Morrowind, the accessibility of Skyrim, and Oblivion's moments of hilarity - a full blown celebration of TES series as a whole. A messianic release that will drive out the moviegame mongrels and unite the houses of gaming once more under one rule: giving power back to the player. Player agency, the freedom to scrawl one's own design in a fully realized simulated world. Believe it my brothers, that day seems impossible and too idealistic, but remember that it cannot always be night. Glory to gamerkind, death to moviegames, trannies, Black folk, homosexuals, israelites, and troonyisraelite Black personhomosexuals.

        • 2 years ago

          Remember what they took from our games. The ~~*suits'*~~ investments were nothing but a smokescreen, it sounded better and bigger games but then, THEY PLAYED US LIKE A DAMN ~~*KINNOR*~~! We built it goddamn it, it was supposed to be a conglomerate of pasty white nerds putting their fantasies in a digital medium but then the shitskins and trannies destroyed it all. Give it back you israelites.

        • 2 years ago

          >Imagine this; the scale of Daggerfall, the depth and worldbuilding of Morrowind, the accessibility of Skyrim, and Oblivion's moments of hilarity
          Imagine this instead: Daggerfall's nothing, Morrowind's worldbuilding/writing, Skyrim's nothing, Oblivion's nothing, and better game designers. Finally, a good game from Bethesda.

          • 2 years ago

            Finally someone who talks sense

  37. 2 years ago

    So just play daggerfall unity

  38. 2 years ago

    >daggerfallgays will defend this
    I wont, Bethesda games are shitty but theres potential in them. Too bad they have spent decades scuandering said potential.

  39. 2 years ago

    That's realistic, though. Do you think treasure hunters find treasure 100% of the time? No, otherwise everybody would be rich (which means no one would be, but that's besides the fricking point.)
    The real issue is that you're a zoomer that wants immediate gratification, and not practice mental or physical exertion to earn things.

    • 2 years ago

      >That's realistic, though. Do you think treasure hunters find treasure 100% of the time?
      If you get hired to kill a bear that's attacking travelers, the bear should not be trapped in its own personal pocket dimension buried underground. The bear shouldn't need to cast levitate to get from it's best to the travelers it is preying on.

      • 2 years ago

        *its nest

    • 2 years ago

      you're acting as if this was an intentional piece of game design rather than the devs being too incompetent to make something actually functional

    • 2 years ago

      Daggerfall was best before they patched it. Initially it was literally impossible to complete the main quest due to bugs, which makes better sense. Just because it is the “main quest” doesn’t mean you should be able to complete it. People should have took it as a lesson in humility.
      But nooo, people claimed the game was broken and forced Bethesda to patch it. The same rotten sort of entitled people that play Daggerfall unity and claim to have played Daggerfall.

      • 2 years ago

        >buy product
        >expect it to work as intended

  40. 2 years ago

    Don't make me tap the sign.

    • 2 years ago

      Quest items bugging out and being literally unfindable do not fall under this. Falling through the floor in Vivec is also not an intended part of a playthrough.

  41. 2 years ago

    Okay, I installed Daggerfall Unity yesterday, installed dream and proceeded to make a character that spawned unable to use any of the armor or weapons she started with and with too little mana to cast sparks. I am loving it.

    What are some must have mods? I already installed the prostitutes guild.

    • 2 years ago

      There is a bunch of nice mods. Might be nice to try it with less mods first though.
      One nice quality of life mod is the one that lets you see your skill xp, so you now how much you need to use a skill before it levels up and how far along you are.

    • 2 years ago

      Not much in the way of must have mods, but there are some you might want depending on your preferences.
      >Archeologists guild
      New guild and faction to join with its own quests. Adds training in some of the skills not covered in the base game, including some changes to make the language skills more functional at pacifying enemies. Other stuff too.
      >Language Skills overhauled
      Builds on that as well, by letting you actively try to pacify enemies rather than just passively. Also lets you then interact with the pacified enemies, such as trading with them, asking them for directions, or even having them join you as companions. Pretty cool stuff but can certainly change how you play the game.
      >Mighty Foot
      Lets you press a button to kick at any time. Very handy, fun and quite powerful.
      >Drafty Secret Doors
      Daggerfalls dungeons are full of secret doors and many look just like normal ones. This mod makes it so if you are close to a secret door you'll hear a wind blowing sound effect so you know to search for it.
      >Hotkey bar
      Adds a bar with hotkeys. Good stuff.
      >Love and Lust
      If you have the prostitute guild, then you might as well have this one too.
      >NPC health indicators
      Tells you how hurt enemies are. Other characters too. It's important if you have the Language Skill Overhaul that gives companions.
      >Readied spellcasting hands
      Makes it so you have your hands up if you're going to be casting a spell so you can know, so you don't forget you have one readied and fireball out of no where.
      >Viewable Skill progress
      The one mentioned here,

      There is a bunch of nice mods. Might be nice to try it with less mods first though.
      One nice quality of life mod is the one that lets you see your skill xp, so you now how much you need to use a skill before it levels up and how far along you are.

      which lets you see how far along you are on training. Highly, Highly recommend.

      There are some other mods too such as
      >Climates & Calories
      Food, drink, weather mechanics if you want that sort of thing.
      >Travel Options
      Expands your travel options when fast traveling, including a sped-up-time travel overland if you want instead of just a cutscene.
      >Basic Roads
      Adds roads to the map and game between towns for traveling.

      • 2 years ago

        Interesting terrains us a good mod too. Includes diversity of geological terrain type and terrain textures.

    • 2 years ago

      I ended up with close to 100 mods.
      This shit is great.

      • 2 years ago

        One thing to watch out for is that Daggerfall Unity updates with new versions frequently and sometimes that will result in mods no longer working. Not a problem with the actively updated mods but an issue with ones that were good but became abandoned.
        And even with the active mods it can be a chore when one mod requires a new version (that cool new-ish penewick papers mod that does tons of cool stuff for example needs .14) while another isn't updated for it yet (the awesome Ambidextrous mod that adds dual wielding, parrying, active blocking and other stuff).

  42. 2 years ago

    >camping at night

    • 2 years ago

      >no moonlight
      Whoever decided that lighting is a good replacement is absolute shit and needs a good smack.

    • 2 years ago

      what unity asset survival game is this?

      • 2 years ago

        Daggerfall Unity

  43. 2 years ago

    NTA but
    >legit criticism of an antiquated but still rightfully flawed system
    >"daggerfallgays will defend this"
    >gays actually spurge out with not a shred of self awareness

    Is huffing paint required to be a TES fan?

  44. 2 years ago

    I like it because unlike you Slow witted zoomers a true intellectual like myself realizes that Bethesdas' goal for The Elder Scrolls Chapter II Daggerfal was to provide the player with a Complex Fantasy Life Simulator that allows the player to fully immersive himself into the complex world of the Iliac bay region and Not like so many people wrongfully convinced themself a Dungeon Crawler with RPG elements like the vastly inferior sequels to The The Elder Scrolls Chapter II Daggerfall like for example Morrowind was.
    The Elder Scrolls Chapter II Daggerfall features the Biggest map in an RPG for that time a map that is an accurate depiction of the Size it's trying to convey and thus makes it more interesting and immersive to explore unlike the Map of Morrowind.
    The island of Vardenfell in which the Elder Scrolls III Morrowind takes place is supposed to be the size of a small country and yet from the way its portrait in the actual game it fells like a joke. For example the "Town" of Balmora in the Begging of the game and i use quotation marks here because this Next gen game completely fails at portraying the vast size of what balmora should have been.A few houses and some Villagers is all they could achieve with their next Gen hardware? Now lets look and The Elder Scrolls Chapter II Daggerfall and how its Towns are portrait by Comparison.

    • 2 years ago

      I am trans btw.

    • 2 years ago

      The Towns in The Elder Scrolls Chapter II Daggerfall are at least 10 times bigger than what they were in Morrowind with multiple Weapon smiths as well as Bookshops and General Good Stores store aswell as Multiple Guilds. Now i
      could go on and on how The Elder Scrolls Chapter II Daggerfall Blows Morrowin out of the water in every conceivable way and how Morrowind dumbed the whole game down to accommodate the Console Peasants like for example how they removed the Language Skill or the Court feature but alas my post is already long enough and i have more important tasks to attend to than trying to convince a plebeian such as yourself to see the magnificent genius of this game.

    • 2 years ago

      >Bethesdas' goal for The Elder Scrolls Chapter II Daggerfal was to provide the player with a Complex Fantasy Life Simulator
      They failed. Unless life in Daggerfall is "go into dungeon #52906 that's bigger than the capital city and never be seen again" then it failed as a life sim, also considering the complete lack of simulation elements.

  45. 2 years ago

    >Zoomer is mad he cant win every single time
    The most entitled generation.
    Sometimes you lose no matter how hard you try, thats life.

    • 2 years ago

      Daggerfall was better when initially released, when the main quest was "bugged" so it was literally impossible to complete.
      It should have been taken as a lesson in humility and a philosophical experiment but no. Fricking entitled zoomers complained and Bethesda released a patch to "fix" the game. Absolutely fricking disgusting, I hate zoomers so much.

    • 2 years ago

      >The most entitled generation.
      That would be the boomers and it's not a close contest.

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