game dev thread

How's your game going Ganker?
Making any progress?
Have you given up hope on finding a qt gamer-girl gf and embarked on a career as a coomer dev?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Added a manipulation/pimping mechanic to my game... fighting the urge to go straight up degen on this project...

    • 2 years ago

      should have the demo updated later today!

  2. 2 years ago

    i had another idea for a game, now have 3 games in my dev backlog
    being a creativegay is suffering

    • 2 years ago

      you gotta execute on them brother! keep your projects small!

      I've started trying to make something with Love2D, but my mind is fricked right now so I haven't made good progress.
      The idea is that it'll be a turn-based RPG of some sort, but really the amount of stuff I've actually written is half a map loading function so I'm not even sure if that's what I'll end up making.

      Impressive! The first step is often the hardest in the game-dev journey!

      • 2 years ago

        i try to keep them small, but drawing assets always takes a long time

        give me name suggestions for a yandere game

        don't, the genre is cursed

        • 2 years ago

          >don't, the genre is cursed
          its ok, im a israelite. we know how to traverse curses by dealing with the devil.

    • 2 years ago

      >now have 3 games in my dev backlog
      Same shit, fellow

    • 2 years ago

      >3 games only
      help. it's so hard to find motivation to make all this shit when it takes so long. i have many ideas i find really interesting and i feel like people could find them interesting too, but it all feels like i need to do so much work to get to it. i need to try forcing myself to make all of it but it's complicated to not give up.

      • 2 years ago

        I keep a text file to write this stuff down and get it out of my head, the sooner the better. maybe do a concept sketch at most, then you can (hopefully) forget about it for the time being.

        • 2 years ago

          i've already done this. some of the ideas i had over the years left even if i remember them because of the fact that they were either pretty shit or simply le moral message and nothing else, but some of the ones i find most interesting never want to leave no matter what i do.

  3. 2 years ago

    I've started trying to make something with Love2D, but my mind is fricked right now so I haven't made good progress.
    The idea is that it'll be a turn-based RPG of some sort, but really the amount of stuff I've actually written is half a map loading function so I'm not even sure if that's what I'll end up making.

    • 2 years ago

      18 hours later and I tried to do some more of it, and got some decent success
      >loads an image as map data
      >loads another image as a tilesheet and cuts it into quads
      >uses info from the map to draw the tiles
      >inputs for camera movement
      I had some real big issues with texture bleeding despite my quad spacing until I remembered OpenGL hates decimal numbers as camera positions. Rounding the camera to the nearest whole number fixed it.
      So yeah, we're cooking with gas now.

  4. 2 years ago

    give me name suggestions for a yandere game

    • 2 years ago

      bitchy step sis and the panty snatcher

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Yandere Simulator

  5. 2 years ago

    Made a logo for my game. Been working on redoing the terrible placeholder main char sprites the past day or two as well, and after that I'm gonna redo the ugly blond b***h. Still not sold on the smoother art shading I used on the purple hair one though, might simplify. I'd like to at least have it all start to look half way presentable because every time I show progress all I think is how bad everything looks.

    • 2 years ago

      don't mean to nitpick, but it appears you drew their bathing suits too small...

      • 2 years ago

        this is natural, the island is only girls so they needn't worry about the male gaze. next one is going to wear a microbikini thanks to this comment, though.
        That said, I've been meaning to make their clothes/swimsuits more unique and interesting.

        • 2 years ago

          I think anon meant that the bikini parts seem to not be connected in the middle.

    • 2 years ago

      Updating my licking animation (old on the left). I think I might add the nose, too

      It looks like these 3 girls were drawn by 3 different people. You don't need amazing artwork but it should be consistent. Middle girl looks nice imo, putting highlights in her hair would make a big difference.

      Screen stops now.

      cute sprites. Like the other guy said, having some simple background animation would go a long way.

      Drew some fur shit

      What is monkey engine? what game done with it?

      that is really slick UI

      Why do these threads exist when there’s AGDG?

      these threads have been around before /vg/ was even created

      • 2 years ago

        >It looks like these 3 girls were drawn by 3 different people.

        Yea I was messing with different styles to see which I liked. The purple hair girl took the longest and is the cleanest/higher res, the other two were like 5 minute sketches so they are shit.

        btw I like the tongue-only animation more for some reason.

      • 2 years ago

        That looks much better! Will you make the foot/toes twitch in response to the lick?

    • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Where do you go to share your game that isn't cancer?

    Serious question. I'm on Twitter and Itch so far and I hate them both.

    • 2 years ago

      I heard tiktok is the best. bc the user base is filled with morons who will buy anything the algorithm tells them to!

  7. 2 years ago

    Grease gun

    • 2 years ago

      The dust cover flipping around is weird. If you wanna keep it as a detail maybe have it closed when you draw the weapon and open on first shot like it should. It doesn't make sense for it to close when you're using the weapon.

      • 2 years ago

        That's the M3's safety. When you pick up the gun for the first time its already off of safe, but you can flip the safety back on most guns with the fire mode button.
        They really thought it was a good idea to bake the safety into the dust cover.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh crap I guess I'm too used to dust covers plopping open on practically every gun when you shoot them. Sounds like it makes sense in the context of your game if you can actually toggle guns onto safe.

    • 2 years ago

      Why isn't it round? It'd cost you, what, 12 extra polygons?

      • 2 years ago

        >what is art style

      • 2 years ago

        Doubling the sides of every cylinder on there would send the gun from 4k triangles to about 10k.
        Which is actually a pretty reasonable amount still, but more problematic is that every gun would now take longer to model and would require actual textures to make out features on the weapon.
        With the lower poly aesthetic I can create 30 guns in the time it would take to make 10.

        looks like amateur metal slug-type art, makes me wish it was more lively and animated. Background is too busy. Also eye candy in a bullet hell? penis > game design. Pretty cool for a first-time-around type game development experience.

        man, this art is hard to look at

        over animated

        whats unique about this? looks like a synty asset flip

        arts cool but wasted on RPG maker trash

        >what's unique about this
        I can't find any fun games based around time trial shooting outside of a 1/2 mission in MW4 and Titanfall 2, so I'm making my own.

        • 2 years ago

          >Doubling the sides of every cylinder on there would send the gun from 4k triangles to about 10k.
          >That gun
          >4k triangles

          • 2 years ago

            Yes? 4k isn't even close to a lot. I know it's low poly but its not like its minecraft levels of low.

            • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                just for you

            • 2 years ago

              why the frick are you beveling every edge like that Jesus fricking christ it doesn't add any visual value

              • 2 years ago

                What are you smoking? The only things beveled in that image are the grip and the mag. If anything it needs far more beveling so it stops looking like something out of Roblox.

      • 2 years ago

        >12 extra polygons?
        How are you in a game dev thread but know nothing about polygons.
        Kirby in melee is 1500 tris and hes just a blob with arms.

        • 2 years ago

          He's spherical. A cylinder can be long and round without requiring millions of triangles. It's a matter of prioritization. A big 8-sided cylinder looks like ass.

          Yes? 4k isn't even close to a lot. I know it's low poly but its not like its minecraft levels of low.

          You have a real talent, making something look that shitty but still hit 4k tris

          God I hate this place

        • 2 years ago

          What is irony?

  8. 2 years ago

    I spent the past two weeks teaching myself WebGL and got 200k sprites bouncing around on screen at a stable 60 fps in my HTML5 game so that's cool

  9. 2 years ago

    Still in experimentation.

    Finding the fun is hard.

    • 2 years ago

      >Finding the fun is hard.
      I think this is why it's a good idea to work on ironing out the game loop early in the dev process.

  10. 2 years ago

    >feel the urge to make an mmorpg rising

    • 2 years ago

      I know that feel all too well

      • 2 years ago

        How do we purge this eternal bait from our minds?

        >oma'ing an RPG
        every teenage dev's dream

        Problem is I'm over a decade too old to be a teenager. I know I can't realistically do it but my stupid monkey brain keeps going on a dream journey constantly. It begins with the smallest spark and after it breaks loose it doesn't leave me alone for a good while.

        • 2 years ago

          I cope by thinking that if I can survive just long enough, AI will get good enough to cover asset creation.

    • 2 years ago

      >oma'ing an RPG
      every teenage dev's dream

  11. 2 years ago

    Did you save a thumbnail..?

  12. 2 years ago

    Screen stops now.

    • 2 years ago

      looks like amateur metal slug-type art, makes me wish it was more lively and animated. Background is too busy. Also eye candy in a bullet hell? penis > game design. Pretty cool for a first-time-around type game development experience.

      this is natural, the island is only girls so they needn't worry about the male gaze. next one is going to wear a microbikini thanks to this comment, though.
      That said, I've been meaning to make their clothes/swimsuits more unique and interesting.

      man, this art is hard to look at

      Made a logo for my game. Been working on redoing the terrible placeholder main char sprites the past day or two as well, and after that I'm gonna redo the ugly blond b***h. Still not sold on the smoother art shading I used on the purple hair one though, might simplify. I'd like to at least have it all start to look half way presentable because every time I show progress all I think is how bad everything looks.

      over animated

      Grease gun

      whats unique about this? looks like a synty asset flip

      Drew some fur shit

      What is monkey engine? what game done with it?

      arts cool but wasted on RPG maker trash

      • 2 years ago

        Codelet and I nostalgic for 4 homie in a row game



        i like the landwhale and also appreciate the furry booba. jMonkeyEngine is a java game engine engine...Pretty sure libgdx is generally a better choice for Java if you want an engine tho, having played around with both previously i liked how "slick" libgdx was, the api was pretty nice.

        Thanks, just quick google and find out Pathway made with libgdx

      • 2 years ago

        >makes me wish it was more lively and animated.
        I'll try to keep improving that part.

        • 2 years ago

          You don't need to post something every time you respond, I swear to god you people just come here for others to circle jerk you.

          • 2 years ago

            I will post every of the time.

            • 2 years ago

              easier to do that than it is to learn how to draw or animate or make a good game, yeah

              • 2 years ago

                based as frick, notice how they didn't deny wanting to be circle jerked. That's how you can tell they are losers

              • 2 years ago

                And i shall post it.

                >goes in to game dev thread
                >mad when people post their game screens instead of...leaving their post with no image?
                How is it possible to be annoyed over something so stupid. Anon...
                always nice to see you're still working on it


              • 2 years ago

                sensei you inspire me. i wanna make a touch web game but godot's interface seems dumb

              • 2 years ago

                Keep at it, as long as you work on it you'll accumulate experience.

                How weird. I don't remember hitting this thread. Why am I here? Hey, guys. Good game development for all of you.


              • 2 years ago

                Oops! Meant for

                Do you have any place where you post more updates? I really like this.

              • 2 years ago

                fellow chilean dev?
                (i'm this guy)

                I updated my game for Android, the most noticeable thing is that I greatly reduced the ads shown. I'm currently working now on the iOS release and the Steam page to eventually launch the game on PC for next year (with a lot more content).

                There's also a WebGL demo on and on newgrounds in case anyone wants to try it out.

                Small steps everyday make a long journey. Aim high.

              • 2 years ago

                Nice, good luck on your game development. It's looking solid.

              • 2 years ago

                Let's aim high

              • 2 years ago

                ok. you keep up as well. love the draws

              • 2 years ago

                fellow chilean dev?
                (i'm this guy)

                Plenty of chilean devs round these parts. How many of us are here?

              • 2 years ago

                Not sure, first time I notice another dev of our kind here.

          • 2 years ago

            >goes in to game dev thread
            >mad when people post their game screens instead of...leaving their post with no image?
            How is it possible to be annoyed over something so stupid. Anon...

            >makes me wish it was more lively and animated.
            I'll try to keep improving that part.

            I will post every of the time.

            always nice to see you're still working on it

            • 2 years ago

              >How is it possible to be annoyed over something so stupid. Anon...
              Do not question madness. I realize anon that some people are just truly mad. Do not try to understand, only experience and broaden your horizons to the depths of human experience we see on Ganker.

          • 2 years ago

            Frick you I always open these threads just to skim them for webms and images, don't discourage it

            • 2 years ago

              its the same 3 or 4 agdgers dropping the same webms every time. Go browse vg

          • 2 years ago

            there is nothing wrong with attaching your game to you are posts

            • 2 years ago

              It is if we've seen it 50 times.

              • 2 years ago

                then tell him to get some new material

        • 2 years ago

          Do you have any place where you post more updates? I really like this.

        • 2 years ago

          Updating my licking animation (old on the left). I think I might add the nose, too

          It looks like these 3 girls were drawn by 3 different people. You don't need amazing artwork but it should be consistent. Middle girl looks nice imo, putting highlights in her hair would make a big difference.

          cute sprites. Like the other guy said, having some simple background animation would go a long way.

          that is really slick UI

          these threads have been around before /vg/ was even created

          Made a logo for my game. Been working on redoing the terrible placeholder main char sprites the past day or two as well, and after that I'm gonna redo the ugly blond b***h. Still not sold on the smoother art shading I used on the purple hair one though, might simplify. I'd like to at least have it all start to look half way presentable because every time I show progress all I think is how bad everything looks.

          I could never make something like this without stopping myself to fap.

          • 2 years ago

            I can't tell you how many times I've tried to look up reference material and... got distracted

            I have to shut off my wifi when I really need to focus

  13. 2 years ago

    >want to use unreal cause it uses C++ shit
    >PC is too slow when using Unreal
    I have to go to my uni to game dev. I'll have to go to setup a new PC now: still GPU prices seems good so it seems the best time to do it

  14. 2 years ago

    Any software for making 2d maps?

    • 2 years ago

      theres Tiled, and another really good one..ill try to find the name...

      • 2 years ago

        Any software for making 2d maps?

        the other one was LDtk

        • 2 years ago

          Ty anon

  15. 2 years ago

    Trying to animate a wolf bite animation.

    • 2 years ago

      A bit late but, cute wolf

  16. 2 years ago

    Why do these threads exist when there’s AGDG?

    • 2 years ago

      >Why does X Ganker thread exist when Y /vg/ thread exists?

    • 2 years ago

      Some of the devs are not agdg related, but usually its agdg spammers

      Drew some fur shit

      What is monkey engine? what game done with it?

      Grease gun

      These 2 are from there, however from what I know they don't spam these threads often.

      • 2 years ago

        >nooooo its illegal to post on /vg/ and Ganker
        >not for me though, I'm not "from" there, even though I can identify all /vg/ posters

        • 2 years ago

          some other anon posted a master list, could have been the same guy. I use it to filter people.

          • 2 years ago

            What are you even filtering for? No one is namegayging and only one person in the entire thread has posted their game name in text.

          • 2 years ago

            >master list
            Of what?

    • 2 years ago

      Have you ever been to /agdg/?

    • 2 years ago

      >just found out copyright protections apply upon sharing
      Thank you, Goldberg-sama


    • 2 years ago

      Generals attract the worst kind of poster. These threads not being up all the time mean that you need to be lurking and looking for them. Generals however are made to always be there and become a hangout or club instead of whatever the original thread was for.

    • 2 years ago

      because the only way to get replies is
      1-appeal to coomers
      2-be an avatargay
      3-make a memegame
      4-make a game so bad people will pretends to like it

      also the thread is 10% devs, other poster are just a bunch of memelords, some schizo and a shitton of wannabes

    • 2 years ago

      /vg/ is an awful place and nobody understand that until they start actually browsing it

    • 2 years ago

      Why does Ganker exist when there's /vg/?

  17. 2 years ago

    It has realistic snus mechanics

    • 2 years ago

      does too much snusing burn a hole to your brain?

      • 2 years ago

        Sadly no, it only burns hole in your wallet

        Newbie here. What's an easy genre to code? Im not trying to become a successful indie dev but want to do a little project for fun between friends. Im thinking either a visual novel or choose your own adventure clone. No plans on releasing it commerically so just something that I can make easily on the side. I know some programming and have friends who can draw

        There are quite a few visual novel engines that require no coding. Also RPGmaker and such. But if you want to do it from scratch Godot is a good alternative, it's language is a somewhat simplified version of C#.

        • 2 years ago

          I actually have no preference whether or not ill have to code or not but id rather not have to learn an entire new language just for one project so either no language or a markatable language like python/C#/C++/Java, etc. would be ideal. The main priority for me is freedom and customization

  18. 2 years ago

    Newbie here. What's an easy genre to code? Im not trying to become a successful indie dev but want to do a little project for fun between friends. Im thinking either a visual novel or choose your own adventure clone. No plans on releasing it commerically so just something that I can make easily on the side. I know some programming and have friends who can draw

    • 2 years ago

      Porn vn. Preferably the furry kind. Now get to it!

      • 2 years ago

        What engine? Unity? Hoping I can throw it together in a couple months or a year at the most. Ive never made a game in my life

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Porn VNs are the easiest as it's mostly art.

      Unfortunately, anon, I succeeded. She draws my shit and I program

      I hope to have this in the future.

    • 2 years ago

      What engine? Unity? Hoping I can throw it together in a couple months or a year at the most. Ive never made a game in my life

      I'd say the easiest genre is top down shooter but when you're a noob you shouldn't be expecting to make any sort of real game for a good while. You're too inexperienced to make anything good and your time is better spent learning the basics.

      If you have no programming experience start there. Don't even touch an engine before you have some basics of programming down. Language doesn't really matter but for the sake of an easy start with Unity, learn c#.

    • 2 years ago

      here. Decided to make a visual novel on Renpy. Does anyone know if I can do some basic gameplay stuff on Renpy like how in VA11-HALL-A you can mix drinks and customize your room after purchasing stuff from the shop? Or like how in Papers Please you can decide whether or not someone can pass by examining where documenation? I wanna add a few interactive elements like that rather than just make it a multi hour long stream of dialogue

      • 2 years ago

        just do it in unity with scriptable objects

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, you can do that in Renpy. Anything you can do in Python you can do in Renpy. For your example, you just need to keep track of persistant variables or something like that so you can unlock items. If you're not good at programming, check out their forums. I would tell you to read the documentation but most of it isn't reliable if you're just starting out and don't know what's going on. Looking at the code other Renpy games is the best way to figure out what's going on though IMO

  19. 2 years ago

    Unfortunately, anon, I succeeded. She draws my shit and I program

  20. 2 years ago

    so ive only done very basic C# course, but i wanted to try learning unreal engine instead, is C++ actually hard for peabrains?

    • 2 years ago

      You barely need it if you learn BP.
      It is the same syntaxes but no need to code. I did several tests

      • 2 years ago

        agdg said it was extremely limiting, who do i believe!?

        • 2 years ago

          Commercially yes. But you don't want that?

          • 2 years ago

            if i were to want to make a diablo 3 lite, would it be feasibly with only BP?

            • 2 years ago

              Sure. Can you afford customer care?

        • 2 years ago

          The real problem, that I have with them anyway, is how quickly they become a visual mess and how difficult it is to modify large blueprints and its even more difficult to read them. Its nightmarish to open something like this and god help you if had to change anything.

        • 2 years ago

          outside of data assets, even for which a BP workaround exists, you can pretty much do anything with BP. also the whole spaghettification in

          The real problem, that I have with them anyway, is how quickly they become a visual mess and how difficult it is to modify large blueprints and its even more difficult to read them. Its nightmarish to open something like this and god help you if had to change anything.

          can be avoided if you use custom events and store most of the nodes in the event graph inside functions.

  21. 2 years ago

    I've given up on making a game but I still doodle sometimes

  22. 2 years ago

    I will NEVER make a game.

    • 2 years ago

      Start with something excruciatingly small.

    • 2 years ago

      >pick a game engine
      >look up how to make flappy bird in it

      It's all you need to get started.

  23. 2 years ago

    If I could make good coomer art, I would be doing so. But I'm making good progress in my current project. Might take a couple of days before I'm done with the area I'm working on now. I might run a 24 hour sale on the games I released for cash once I get half way through my current project and that might be in 2-3 weeks. But it's been going well.

  24. 2 years ago

    Trying to implement two handed weapons in vr with unreal (4) while the weapon simulates physics if very frustrating. Its simple to do with no physics but when the gun and hands are simulating you get gimbal lock constantly. Very annoying. Had to work around it by rotating in the yaw using the primary hand's local coordinates, still get gimbal lock at some angles though.

    • 2 years ago

      Does unreal not support quaternions?
      In unity you just write/read the rotation in vectors but convert it back to quaternions before actually using it in any way.

      • 2 years ago

        Its just the physics constraint I'm using, it specifically doesn't use quaternions but its the only one with a rotation driver.

    • 2 years ago

      There are quaternion libs that solve most of these problems. Im making a VR BMX game and had to delve into those. Highly recommend.

      Started adding tailwhips to my game. Looking at using continuous gesture control. Haven't found a lib for that yet so implementing it myself.

      • 2 years ago

        Are you a VR dev, how you compensate for the average player getting motion sick playing something like this?

  25. 2 years ago

    Been making good progress on a part of the game we’d been putting off for a while (a sort of minigame as fast travel system). My bf and I are intentionally using an extremely limited engine and version for the project so making anything more complex than the basic gameplay is both difficult to figure out how to do and often takes a lot of actual time and effort to manually implement. However, it’s coming along really nicely and we’re looking forward to putting out a showcase soon for the people following our work.

  26. 2 years ago

    So rail shooters as a genre are still pretty much dead right?
    I know I know, ex zodiac just came out and its doing great but its a pretty intentional star fox clone. Basically everything else in that genre has sold like shit in the past 10 years, even the panzer dragoon remake.

  27. 2 years ago

    Good, working on transitions from the sub worlds to the main hub (heaven). Got 3/8 of the locations done, and 3 more written out and planned. If anyone has any idea's of games that would be fun to parody with Spurdo interacting in that kind of world, let me know. Can be from any game really as long as the gameplay isn't too complex to reproduce, as Im just a 1 man dev.

    • 2 years ago

      Alright, definitely wasn't expecting that transition.

    • 2 years ago

      I was wondering where this project went.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I don't post much since the dopamine rush I get from people saying they like it makes me feel accomplished and then get lazy, so I wanted to finish a lot before I showed more.

    • 2 years ago

      Do a danmaku level, either Touhou or a Cave game like Mushihimesama.

  28. 2 years ago

    Still pluggin' away. Melee combat has been fixed, now I need to get my settings fixed, and implement the ability for charms to modify weapon settings. Working on pixel art for charms, currently. Does the breast/hip expansion one look okay?

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      It looks fine, bugfricker-anon
      Are you remaking hollow knight's 2d combat for your coom game?

      • 2 years ago

        So far I've gotten the basic's for melee working(knockback, pogo-ing, damage). I think I'll also setup the basic soul projectile, dashes, and healing, but that'll be it, unless my project picks up a lot of steam. I'd post a video, but I'm still busy re-animating the player character, so no video updates until I'm done doing that. Probably in 2 or 3 days, at the pace I'm going.

        • 2 years ago

          Unironically don't get too hard into mechanics if it's a coom game. Just have basic moving/jumping/striking that feels good

  29. 2 years ago

    I want to use UE5 but i feel like im in over my head. I feel like a side scroller is a small scope but even making an enemy attack take quite a bit. I want to aim lower but im not sure how much lower i can get.

    • 2 years ago

      >Using UE5 to make a side scroller

      • 2 years ago

        Not 2d of course. 2.5d

      • 2 years ago

        >Using godot to make anything

        • 2 years ago

          Godot is pretty good.

          • 2 years ago

            how do i make a menu screen in 1 day?

            • 2 years ago

              Spend a month learning the system and how to program so that you can make a menu in a day.

              • 2 years ago

                got dammit. i hate typing

            • 2 years ago

              >starting with the menu
              >starting with UI
              >starting with anything but the very core of your game mechanics

              • 2 years ago

                what if my game mechanics require a menu

              • 2 years ago

                slap something extremely crude on the screen
                but don't put any more effort into it

              • 2 years ago

                k gotcha.

            • 2 years ago

              Green nodes in Godot are for UI and you could easily experiment with the properties.

  30. 2 years ago

    to anyone working in unreal how do you deal with the editor and project constantly crashing and breaking?

    I tried to get into unreal but after a couple weeks I gave up because it's so much faster to work in unity
    its not like unity is perfect but it doesn't fight me on the basic shit so I get much more stuff done
    genuinely struggling to understand how anyone can use unreal

    • 2 years ago

      For work I did stuff on a big battle royale thing in a heavily customized UE4 for a year or so. Every time I changed a one thing in a header file it had to recompile for half an hour. If it crashed I often had to rebuild the entire thing which would take more than two.
      I don't know how people work in it, beyond the fact that they get paid even for the hours they spend waiting. I would certainly not work in it in my own time.

      • 2 years ago

        yeah that was similar to my experience though compile times weren't as awful
        getting paid surely helps because you're not really wasting time at that point, you're still getting paid even when the engine shits itself so I can see people suffering through it for that

    • 2 years ago

      For work I did stuff on a big battle royale thing in a heavily customized UE4 for a year or so. Every time I changed a one thing in a header file it had to recompile for half an hour. If it crashed I often had to rebuild the entire thing which would take more than two.
      I don't know how people work in it, beyond the fact that they get paid even for the hours they spend waiting. I would certainly not work in it in my own time.

      I've been working with UE for many years now. Idk if you're doing full C++ projects but the engine extremely rarely crashes for no reason. I unironically got a random crash yesterday but it hasn't happened in years. I can relate on C++ compile time being awful though.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah for me it mostly just crashed when I was starting out and didn't understand that constructors are just constantly called by the engine whenever you open just about anything. It was very confusing but when you get used to what you can and can't do in them it actually is fairly useful.
        It was just super slow to work in for me mostly.

  31. 2 years ago

    Made Lain shadows yesterday. This one was an intermediary step where I kind of fricked up but I did like the result.

    • 2 years ago

      This is more what I was going for. Just need to do the same thing for objects instead of just terrain, and make an adjustable global shader variable so that I can blend between normal shadows and dark Lain shadows depending on the scene.

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      This is more what I was going for. Just need to do the same thing for objects instead of just terrain, and make an adjustable global shader variable so that I can blend between normal shadows and dark Lain shadows depending on the scene.

      Tell me how!!! RIGHT THE FRICK NOW

      • 2 years ago

        I just spent a few hours going through the default URP shaders to understand vaguely what's going on where, and added a lerp that uses the shadow attenuation to transition between a screenspace sampled texture and the regular albedo color.
        The most annoying part is just getting all the various files that are referenced in a single shader and making custom copies of them to edit one or two lines.

        >Lain shadows
        iconic, love it

        Thanks. Not sure how I'm going to use them but I wanted to try making them anyway.

        • 2 years ago

          At the end of the lighting.hlsl UniversalFragmentPBR function I'm just doing this. The most effort went into getting the texture in the right place to access it here while also being able to change it in the editor.

    • 2 years ago

      >Lain shadows
      iconic, love it

  32. 2 years ago

    Always remember the things THEY don't tell you anons.

    • 2 years ago

      every single one of these gamedevs (most of which have never finished a game) always give the same shitty advice
      >start small, very small, like cut every corner and original idea you have, and end with a shallow, generic project no one wants

      • 2 years ago

        I feel the same about these youtuber devs, all their projects are the same puzzle platformers over and over again.

      • 2 years ago

        It was very funny when he publicly stated he would be making his first game after years of hearing he doesn't know anything.
        And he's only proving them right.

        • 2 years ago

          i used to tell my friend he was a dumbfrick for watching that guy's videos and genuinely thinking he was getting good advice.
          i don't talk to him anymore due to "creative differences" (he was a dumbfrick) but man it feels good to have been right.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        He's right. If you have unique ideas then you'll unintentionally overscope and your game will take decades to complete. You have to prioritize the important things.

        • 2 years ago

          you might as well not even bother gamedeving as a hobby if you're just gonna phone it in

        • 2 years ago

          you might as well not even bother gamedeving as a hobby if you're just gonna phone it in

          You know there’s a middle ground between “massively over-scoped dream game that would take 20 years to finish” and “massively cut-down shovelware clone that can be churned out in less than a week” right? People saying to be more/less ambitious are just speaking from their own experience of being on the other end.

          • 2 years ago

            you can cut-corners in the way of voice acting and animations and obviously setting a realistic scope, but when armchair gamdedevs start telling you how your game should be a shitty 2D platformer/puzzle they're speaking out of their ass. not to mention 90% of your drive will come out of executing some great idea you have. you won't enjoy making barebones crap #23123213112

            • 2 years ago

              the problem with that messaging is that even competent people take that advice and they end up with an under scoped game that nobody gives a shit about.
              be as ambitious as you think you can reasonably pull off and you'll make a decent game probably.

              Every good creator started from copying other stuff. Art, music, etc. It made them familiar with their tools and workflow/process so well that they were able to innovate. Same happens with game dev.

              You won't make a good game off the bat with no experience and knowledge. It will be unfinished or lengthy to complete.

          • 2 years ago

            the problem with that messaging is that even competent people take that advice and they end up with an under scoped game that nobody gives a shit about.
            be as ambitious as you think you can reasonably pull off and you'll make a decent game probably.

    • 2 years ago

      This fricker IS "they"
      God I hate this pretentious dork

      • 2 years ago

        kek the "super mario 2 is a reskin" thing really is the "indica and sativa" fact that everyone knows but everyone feels obliged to say like they're imparting some secret knowledge

    • 2 years ago

      >spend years getting rich giving design advice to budding gamedevs
      >put yourself as a clueless hack who can’t even make a fricking platformer
      Honestly, I disliked this dumb Dunning-Kruger homosexual before, but these videos made me truly despise him.

      • 2 years ago

        Buh-wu-Whats the doner kebab deffect?

      • 2 years ago

        he's okay in my book. he focuses on game DESIGN which doesn't require practical experience. an intelligent critic can judge gameplay or analyze why it works (or doesn't work), just as well as somebody who can make games.

        if you want to argue against that then what about AAA devs? they're all specialized savants in one or two areas, clueless about other areas. you'd be saying that people with 20 years experience and credits on some legendary video games don't get to tell you anything about game design because they... can't code?

        I'm not dismissing this outright by the way. there is SOME truth to it, it's just a bit hyperbolic / extreme.

        • 2 years ago

          >he focuses on game DESIGN which doesn't require practical experience

          if you haven't actually put together a game in some way or another, even with other people doing all the work for you, then your game design "knowledge" has never actually been tested and thus has no proof of its worth.

          purely anecdotal but back when i was a nodev, i was way more confident about designing games. it was only after making a game and that i realized that there are way more moving parts and false game design maxims than i first thought. now my game design process is more about throwing shit at the wall and trying to find which parts are fun and which aren't, refining and removing things as needed, and then throwing more shit at the wall. imo the waterfall approach is among the worst approaches to use for video games because that's how you end up with games like overwatch, a game made up of ideas and concepts that individually are fine, but when combined turn into an unholy, unfun mess

          • 2 years ago

            This is the reason why I don't understand how anyone can write a "game design document" and just go ahead and implement it

            You have no idea what you're doing or whether the things you planned actually work in practice

            • 2 years ago

              not him, but game design document is often just a codephrase for "a plan"
              making such document is supposed to minimize the blanks in your mind, so you don't get stuck because of a writer's block or some other mental factor
              of course not everything will work out just as you intend it to and you might need to make some large adjustments, but thanks to having a plan you'll keep having a clear direction of where your game is going

              • 2 years ago

                >minimize the blanks in your mind
                I would argue you're doing your game a disservice if you fill in these blanks prematurely and without a clear understanding of what your game wants to be.
                Development is also not about planning something implementing it and then it's done. You are not 100% in control of what the game wants to become. The game actually reveals parts of itself to you during development.
                To me, a "plan" or a GDD only serve to do one thing: Put you on rails that go in one direction only and you never deviate. That's boring.

                Nobody has a 100% articulated vision of their game. And you shouldn't, because those blanks will reveal themselves to you in due time and you can defer filling them until they do so.
                A GDD fills in the blanks and you lose that creative, explorative development process.

                When I started my game, all I knew was that I want to make an open world action/adventure RPG, and that was all I needed to start developing in a general direction.

              • 2 years ago

                >To me, a "plan" or a GDD only serve to do one thing: Put you on rails that go in one direction only and you never deviate.
                then you missed the point of having a plan, it's a guide that's supposed to help you grow your playable prototype into a full game
                does it sound stinting? maybe, but the purpose is to help you bring the project to its completion and relying too much on bouts of "explorative" creativity is an easy way to overscope or trap yourself in the loop of redoing the same content over and over and kill your game

              • 2 years ago

                Game design documents are only helpful at coordination a vision between team members. When you're a solo developer, you can keep all of your ideas in your head. Writing them down in a """document""" is only an exercise.

              • 2 years ago

                >you can keep all of your ideas in your head
                this is the exact trap a gdd helps to avoid, you only think you have it all planned out in your head
                sooner or later you're likely to encounter something that puts a wrench in your plans, which turn out to be not nearly as comprehensive as you thought they were
                >Writing them down in a """document""" is only an exercise.
                which you clearly haven't even finished

              • 2 years ago

                As I said, only an exercise.

              • 2 years ago

                if you want to learn these things the hard way, do as you please

            • 2 years ago

              >I don't understand how anyone can write a "game design document" and just go ahead and implement it
              In an interview, Raph Koster once said that making a game based only on a game design document was like directing a movie based only on the script (This is not the exact analogy he used, but it was similar). He said the language of game design was in its infancy, and his book "The Theory of Fun" tries to address this somewhat. He planned to create a sequel to this book, but the subject is too complex to yet address fully.

              • 2 years ago

                >The Theory of Fun
                Sounds interesting, will check it out

          • 2 years ago

            >if you haven't actually put together a game in some way or another, even with other people doing all the work for you, then your game design "knowledge" has never actually been tested and thus has no proof of its worth.
            this is nonsense. it would only apply to the specific TYPE of game you've made or had other make. let's say this game was a racing game. now you still don't get to tell anyone anything about any other genre of game, after all you haven't gone through the process of making that type of game. you're creating an impossible standard that nobody can realistically live up to.
            or on the flip side I could publish a little "game" on some flash website back in the day and then I'm eligible?? it's obvious that this kind of "qualifications" measuring doesn't work when it comes to game development.

            regarding your comment on Overwatch, I suspect it could be "fixed" if the people making it had any fricking taste and played their own game. but neither is the case. I haven't played Overwatch but I've seen plenty of gameplay from it and can compare it to Quake and TF2. a bunch of flaws are obvious immediately and it wouldn't take a total rework to fix those things. the game could definitely be improved a lot with literal number tweaks.

            • 2 years ago

              >this is nonsense. it would only apply to the specific TYPE of game you've made or had other make. let's say this game was a racing game. now you still don't get to tell anyone anything about any other genre of game

              almost every developer with a successful game ends up doing games in the same genre though. and most games that came out are indeed shit because they're made by people with no applicable game design knowledge. going by the industry, most successful first-time game designers used extensive creative prototyping or had a lot of luck

              fun example: Bungie first made shooters, then tried making an RTS, then realized it wasn't working out and turned the project into Halo, and then proceeded to make Halo for like 10 years until they tried to make "Halo but RPG". immediately, the overall design of their games took a nosedive because they had very little insight into RPGs and how well that genre meshes with shooters. all the well-balanced, intelligent and fun-to-kill enemies in Halo had turned into annoying, dumb bullet sponges in Destiny. it took them a long while to actually figure out how to make Destiny good, and even when they did make it decent, it was still never as good as Halo. and Bungie is one of the few devs that actually does creative playtesting and prototyping

              >regarding your comment on Overwatch, I suspect it could be "fixed"

              i don't think it really can be. a lot of the core game design is at odds with itself. one of the reasons why people liked the game is because abilities are strong and feel impactful. but at the same time, for every person that likes getting hook one-shots, nanoblading, popping lucio ult or playing mercy, there are like 6 people in the game that hate playing against that shit. if you "fixed" overwatch and made it less frustrating overall, it probably would just remove its unique draw as well. but you are right that if they remade overwatch into a completely different game, it'd be better

      • 2 years ago

        he's okay in my book. he focuses on game DESIGN which doesn't require practical experience. an intelligent critic can judge gameplay or analyze why it works (or doesn't work), just as well as somebody who can make games.

        if you want to argue against that then what about AAA devs? they're all specialized savants in one or two areas, clueless about other areas. you'd be saying that people with 20 years experience and credits on some legendary video games don't get to tell you anything about game design because they... can't code?

        I'm not dismissing this outright by the way. there is SOME truth to it, it's just a bit hyperbolic / extreme.

        I wonder will he try (secretly) entering his own game jam this year? Make a game in 48 hours like he's asking everyone else to do. I have a feeling he would be too scared because if his game ranked poorly he would lose credibility.

        • 2 years ago

          If he does it secretly then there's no risk. If it gets good ratings he can reveal it was him, otherwise hush hush.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah what I meant was that even if it performs poorly he still reveals it was him through some sort of dev log video. I used to watch a lot of him but lately I find his voice to be far too annoying. Still looking forward to the game jam results though. It's always cool to see how creative people can be over 48 hours.

  33. 2 years ago

    I updated my game for Android, the most noticeable thing is that I greatly reduced the ads shown. I'm currently working now on the iOS release and the Steam page to eventually launch the game on PC for next year (with a lot more content).

    There's also a WebGL demo on and on newgrounds in case anyone wants to try it out.

    Small steps everyday make a long journey. Aim high.

    • 2 years ago

      Looks cute. Keep it up anon.

      • 2 years ago

        thank you anon

    • 2 years ago

      Oh I think I saw this under the GMTK Game Jam. I didn't touch it (yet), but it looks pretty interesting.

      • 2 years ago

        yeah, it was under the GMTK game jam, I submitted it to the jam but since I'm a moron I made a mistake a deleted my game mid-jam (I wanted to fix some minor stuff but while doing that I realized I couldn't upload it back again). Bad move since I was getting a lot of great comments and good feedback too.

        But then again, I've been working on my game for a long time, it would have been unfair for the other contestants I guess (pre-existing code and art was allowed though). The theme of my game and the jam's theme matching up was just a coincidence. I still feel bad about it but I gotta move on.

      • 2 years ago

        thank you anon btw

        • 2 years ago

          No problem. Sucks that you've deleted your game mid-jam. 🙁

  34. 2 years ago

    This is a new male character that I designed.

    Say something nice about him.

    • 2 years ago

      He looks breedable.

  35. 2 years ago

    Now that Unity is becoming malware what would be the next best program to make a tactical crpg?

    • 2 years ago

      just use an old version and dont update

    • 2 years ago

      Anything with an ECS, if by "CRPG" you mean game with lots of complex interactions between things that might turn into unmanageable spaghetti code if you aren't careful about its architecture.

  36. 2 years ago

    >omer buzzword
    newbie, our word here is cultured or patrician, lurk moar, only gay incels and femcels will use oomgay words here

  37. 2 years ago

    struggling hard to get something hard surface sculpted.
    I have almost no idea what I'm doing..

    second problem:
    I only know roughly what I want to make, but have no clear vision of how it should look.

    I want to add a small robo-gorilla to the game, but that's about as much as I have prepared for that character.

  38. 2 years ago

    I could legit use an ideasguy right now.
    I'm working on a VN right now, and I had an idea to emphasize to the player exactly how much content is in the game and how much they're missing- something a bit like the "Joe will remember this" stuff in Telltale games. Because of the sci-fi setting, I'm thinking about having a text readout in the top left show up every time the player gets to a condition or variable change. I've got my wrapper now printing about the expressions for when I hit those, but now I'm running into the actual problem:
    Obviously, it'll look pretty amateurish to just flash the background code in the game on the screen, so I'd like a way to obfuscate that text. Basically, just the presence of something should indicate what that is- but I have no idea what that should be. Maybe binary or base 64 or something..?

    • 2 years ago

      You gain Brouzouf

    • 2 years ago

      Now, it may look like a bunch of stupid squiggly lines in a basic but unintelligable font, but what it really represents is 13 uninterrupted hours of rage getting the stupid fricking thing to finally work.

      • 2 years ago

        Or you could simply put: "A Variable Has Changed" and call it a day.

        • 2 years ago

          Believe it or not, that was the hard part: reporting when variables were checked, without fricking over actually executing them in general, or doing so for one esoteric use-case or another. I suppose I could hard-code a notification in every spot a variables changes but that seems even more impractical, tedious, bug prone.
          At least the nice thing about visual novel development is that once a feature is done, it's done for the whole game.

  39. 2 years ago

    I see agdg has arrived

    • 2 years ago
  40. 2 years ago

    >walk cycle so bad you don't even get any replies

    • 2 years ago

      Could also mean it wasn't bad enough to warrant criticism.

      • 2 years ago

        imagine being so low level that you have to try cope with shit thoughts like this

  41. 2 years ago

    any engine devs have any resources on netcode, i already seen blizzard's 2 gdc talks on overwatch, looking for more like that

  42. 2 years ago

    This is my idea which I'll never get around to
    >Start the game in one story and genre
    >have the characters go "hey remember that time"
    >starts to tell a story where the genre and plot changes
    >this happens like ten times where you no longer have any idea what the plot is

    • 2 years ago

      Very experimental and silly, though most would say just make one good game and focus on the rest after that is done.

      Also reminds me of "Within a Star-Filled Sky". in that game you can go into enemies and powerups to change their properties, but you can go into THOSE enemies within the enemies and eventually you get totally lost.

      • 2 years ago

        Based and recursionpilled. Not a game but the comic Sandman did something similar.
        If you're doing this as a game you'll have to make 10 games instead of 1.

        well it would just for fun, not trying to actually make money. The kingkiller chronicles does that where you get like three stories deep. I thought it would be funny to go super deep. And if you've ever played Amped 3, every cutscene in that game is done in a different artstyle (manga, sock puppets, action figures, claymation, etc)

    • 2 years ago

      Based and recursionpilled. Not a game but the comic Sandman did something similar.
      If you're doing this as a game you'll have to make 10 games instead of 1.

  43. 2 years ago

    I'm currently in the process of making a tactical RPG akin to Megaman Battle Network. The most I've gotten done is the tiling system, but I'm primarily focused on writing down what I want. Though for the past few days, I've been completely demotivated by my awful living habits.

    Regardless, one thing I've been throwing around in my head is the combat. I'm not trying to completely copy BN's combat, but I also really like how it works. An idea I had is being able to switch out attacks at any given time. But if the bar is not full, the battle will only slow down half speed. Not only that, the bar will decrease when you have it paused. And when it's at 0, the speed of the battle will return to normal.

    The only thing I'm concerned about is if there should be a minimum percentage that you need to reach in order to activate this ability. I'm thinking 20-30% of the bar.

  44. 2 years ago

    No progress, my project has ended.

  45. 2 years ago

    Doing the complete C# unity developer 2D course from udemy
    I pirated an older version from 2019ish which has 2.5d/3d
    Its pretty fun so far

    anyone have any recommendations for other courses once i finish this?

    • 2 years ago

      >pirating Unity

      Why? Just get Unity Hub and you can get every install lmao

      • 2 years ago

        the course, not unity

    • 2 years ago

      what do you need courses for? finish one, you are now familiar with the toolset, make a game. google how to do stuff you dont know about.

      • 2 years ago

        Because courses are the best way to learn
        Its why we have schools anon

  46. 2 years ago

    I can draw but I don't want to draw the assets for my game. I'd rather just program.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I'd rather lead a team to do all the coding and assets while I just focus on the writing, plot and gameplay design, but here we are anon. Such is life as a one man dev. Has its pros and cons.

    • 2 years ago

      Would you rather draw the assets or have no game? That's the choice most of us have to make even if we can't draw.

  47. 2 years ago

    How weird. I don't remember hitting this thread. Why am I here? Hey, guys. Good game development for all of you.

  48. 2 years ago

    have any of you made anyhting like pic related?
    it looks so fricking easy to make and its really hot right now on the mobile market

    • 2 years ago

      I don't play mobile trash and I certainly do not make mobile trash

    • 2 years ago

      What's the gameplay?

      • 2 years ago

        >swim in water
        >collect fish
        >put fish in aquarium
        >customers come and buy it
        thats it thats the entire game

  49. 2 years ago

    Am I GMI?
    I got a window working and key input for selecting a square (meant to represent the menu)

    • 2 years ago

      why make it from scratch?

      • 2 years ago

        I'm using Pygame, not Scratch.

        • 2 years ago

          which editor so its easier to see your objects?

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              your hardcore. remind of my youth

    • 2 years ago

      >Not using an engine
      Absolutely GMI
      I believe

  50. 2 years ago

    Can't wait until I make my game and get to share it with you all ! I have so many ideas !

  51. 2 years ago

    Added pics to some of the regular cards to enable pic synergies, which is the last set of cards I wanted to add before release.

    • 2 years ago

      An internet arguing themed card game? Cool, but WHY?

  52. 2 years ago

    Is the average user too stupid to be trusted with mixing and matching 3 different Anti-aliasing Options themselves?
    I want to provide the best AA options for users but other devs usually make template options because they're worried dipshits will be turning them all to max then complaining the game is blurry and their laptops performance isn't good.

    • 2 years ago

      Add an extra "advanced"ment that lets you mix and match, and a normal menu with basic settings like "off" "medium""high" "ultra" with it set to ultra by default so the graphics tards wormy mess with it

      • 2 years ago

        yeah I think that's the best solution just hide the mix and match under an advanced mode.

        Why not just do supersampling?

        SSAA is the top option.

        • 2 years ago

          No like just up the render resolution and downscale the image. It looks better than any AA.

          • 2 years ago

            That IS a form of AA

            • 2 years ago

              Idk what the traditional SSAA algorithms do wrong but it's not the same. I've seen this feature called various things in different games. Basically the same shit that Nvidia's DSR does but built into the game.

          • 2 years ago

            it means super sampling AA

            • 2 years ago

              SSAA 2x isn't the same thing as rendering at 4k and downscaling it to 1080p.

              • 2 years ago

                Well then you can turn AA off and set the render resolution to 4k then set the window resolution to 1080p if that's what you want.
                way more expensive than mixing AA options.

              • 2 years ago

                >SSAA 2x isn't the same thing as rendering at 4k and downscaling it to 1080p.
                Explain how.

              • 2 years ago

                I think he just wants to control the target resolution instead of the SSAA increasing the current res at intervals.

    • 2 years ago

      Why not just do supersampling?

  53. 2 years ago

    how do i even begin developing 3d models for games? any vids that explain how game assets are developed?

    • 2 years ago

      You download blender and push the little pixels around until it looks good

  54. 2 years ago

    How do I get good at unreal? I have no idea how to do anything or where to do it or how to structure anything. I also have to get good at C++ which is it's own nightmare and all this is before I can even begin to make a game. It's over for me.

    • 2 years ago

      >How do I get good at unreal?
      Sadly you're shit out of luck, there are *zero* online resources that show the best practices of working in UE.
      But that's something I'll be working on creating soon.

      In the meantime, try to get by with basic youtube tutorials. Unreal has a game framework that you want to learn the ins-and-outs of first. You can start with that.

    • 2 years ago

      I started by watching youtube tutorials to do basic shit like custom character movement and UI. With time you'll have tye workflow in your head and be able to cull out tutorial parts you don't need. The main strength of UE is that nearly everything is documented and has a youtube pajeet tutorial for it

    • 2 years ago

      If you wanna finish games use Unity.

      • 2 years ago

        If you wanna finish good games, continue using Unreal

        • 2 years ago

          Unity is bad if you suck but even if you suck Unity allows for much faster development.

          • 2 years ago

            >fast = good

            • 2 years ago

              Yes moron? Getting the same result in a shorter time window is always good.

              • 2 years ago

                Same result as what? All those Unity asset flips?
                You can keep it, lmao

              • 2 years ago

                Whatever you want moron. If you want to make asset flips, go ahead.

              • 2 years ago

                if you can produce assets to use in unreal you can produce assets to use in unity

    • 2 years ago

      >C++ is a nightmare
      You'll never get anywhere with this attitude. C++ shits on C# any day of the week. Don't let some shitstain indie dev tell you otherwise.

      • 2 years ago

        >$30 a month for syntax highlighting

        • 2 years ago

          >paying for anything related to writing code
          You really thought this was a smart reply didn't you. You can still delete it.

          • 2 years ago

            >I'll never release a game anyways so who cares

            • 2 years ago

              >tfw I am and always will be a better dev than you.
              You can still delete both posts.

        • 2 years ago

          Weird how I get it for free

  55. 2 years ago

    >look up gamedev tutorial on making RPG
    >it's actually about making a zelda-like
    I want to know how to implement stuff like character stats, following party members and the change between the overworld and the turn based battles
    No, I'm not going to use RPG Maker

  56. 2 years ago

    >when you replay your game to the point of questioning everything and not knowing if it's actually fun or not

    • 2 years ago

      Let us judge. Post demo.

      • 2 years ago

        • 2 years ago

          I can't tell if it's fun or not because it lacks core gameplay at the moment.

  57. 2 years ago

    >tfw actual good games by devs on here will never be completed

    • 2 years ago

      At least we will have completed bad games. Right?

    • 2 years ago

      tbhon seems like the anon ran out of ideas so it didn't get finished for a reason

    • 2 years ago

      Looks like an Indie version of Sunset Overdrive. Could easily be a hit since Insomniac seems hell bent on fricking Microsoft.

    • 2 years ago

      I miss this

      Got some artist work done for my game. He's very talented and cool. Can't wait when it's ready to re-release

  58. 2 years ago

    I fell for the Godot meme 🙁

    • 2 years ago

      Do not repeat my mistake bros

  59. 2 years ago

    Trying to figure out how to create zscript menus so I'm not stuck with gzdooms ugly default ones

  60. 2 years ago

    How much RAM do you guys have? I hear you need at least 64(!!!) gigs if you want to be comfortable with UE5.

    • 2 years ago

      32gb. Going to upgrade to at least 128 when it's next affordable or a stick dies.

    • 2 years ago

      Even doing 2d?

  61. 2 years ago

    i have learned switch-case construction

    • 2 years ago

      Prove it.

      • 2 years ago


  62. 2 years ago

    i wanna make a stickman 2d game
    something like this but differnt
    i also wanna make top down stickman games and a ms paint style tower defense

    which game engine should i use? whats the easiest one that does not compromise versatility?
    which programs can you recommend me for creating animations and effects?

    why is the price on steam to upload a game frickin 100 dollars? is it for every game that u make? WTF? how come there are a lot of games from third world countries then? like there's developers on steam who constantly release 0,79$ or 1.99$ reskins of literally the same game. theres quite a lot of such developers. is this money laundering or somethin

    • 2 years ago

      >why is the price on steam to upload a game frickin 100 dollars?
      It's literally nothing, even a mediocre game may easily pay back the cost

      • 2 years ago

        im talking about games where someone takes 2 or 3 free asset models, spawns them all in Unity world editor or whatever thing they use and controls WASD,space bar and mouse. there are a lot of games like this and they can go for years without any reviews. there are developers who upload dozen of such games from third world countries. do they have to pay 100 dollars for each of these?

        • 2 years ago

          >implying such games don't recoup
          Those games will continue to thrive until Steam gets rid of the level system

        • 2 years ago

          People are fricking moronic. Devs and customers both.

    • 2 years ago

      Help please

  63. 2 years ago
    Anonymous I started on the second bonus stage. All the graphics are placeholder for now, it's just a mechanics test, but the idea is that you're inside a gravity well that's spinning around and you're trying to get to the center of it.

    • 2 years ago

      waiting around for the stage to turn is going to be boring, at least if it's that slow

      • 2 years ago

        I haven't decided on stage speed yet as I'm still working on mechanics, but there's probably going to be some sort of thing to speed it up or slow it down as hazards.

  64. 2 years ago

    >Finally got into a game company
    >All they are working on is researching charts and how to increase profits
    Run while you can.
    Video games development is not worth it

    • 2 years ago

      >Working for someone else
      Well there's your problem.

    • 2 years ago

      Everything beyond the indiescene is being designed by that research and those charts. It's soulless.

  65. 2 years ago

    I've lost all motivation

    • 2 years ago
  66. 2 years ago

    Can I make a complete game using just unreal templates? Assuming I can't code at all, will the blueprints get me to the finish line?

    • 2 years ago

      You can make a complete game with BP only
      You'll be limited to what functionality the engine offers you (e.g. gameplay ability system is not fully BP integrated)

      At that point you may as well learn proper programming because it turns out BP is basically some high level programming

    • 2 years ago

      Don't waste your time. If you really want to make a game worth half a shit this is precisely what you must do:

      First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.

      Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is


      you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.

      Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:

      First, you learn boolean logic operations
      then, you learn transistor logic
      then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
      then, you learn CPU design
      then, and only then, you learn assembly language
      then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
      then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.

      By this time you should be finished with your first wave of math and ready for the next: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.

      Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories
      then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >Don't waste your time. If you really want to make a game worth half a shit this is precisely what you must do:
        >First, get a standard calculus text and dive in. You should also get linear algebra and discrete math books as well; make sure the discrete text is proof based.
        >Once you're a couple chapters in to your discrete book (you will want to have covered basic proposition and higher order logic, and basic proofs), you may begin learning programming and computer architecture. As a litmus test, if you don't know what this statement is
        >you aren't ready to take the reins of a computer.
        >Now, forget what you do know about computer programming:
        >First, you learn boolean logic operations
        >then, you learn transistor logic
        >then, you learn how to build functional units from logic gates
        >then, you learn CPU design
        >then, and only then, you learn assembly language
        >then, after you have mastered assembly language (not dabbled, but mastered it), you learn C
        >then, after you have mastered C, you may learn the higher-level languages of your choice, but you will always use C and assembly as your primary languages because everything else is unnecessary bloat.
        >By this time you should be finished with your first wave of math and ready for the next: abstract algebra, analysis, multivariate and vector calculus, and, after you have progressed a way in those, topology.
        >Finally, you become familiar with topoi, and study the internal logic of categories
        >then familiarize yourself with (general) type theory, and its applications to programming. I also recommend studying how to reformulate mathematics in terms of globular categories for use in automatic theorem proving, because there is an inherent programming-like 'feel' to it.

      • 2 years ago

        What if I did all that years ago but now forget most of it?

      • 2 years ago

        isn't this the set of positive integers?

        • 2 years ago

          You are ready to take the reins of a computer.

        • 2 years ago

          it's the principal of induction expressed in second order mathematical logic

      • 2 years ago

        kek i first posted this on /vr/ back in like 2016. glad to see it still lives on as a pasta

      • 2 years ago

        >don't even know the symbols at all
        Its over for me
        I blame my rural high school for not having any algebra

        • 2 years ago

          it's a troll post. don't get me wrong knowing logic will make you a better programmer and thus more technical dev, but it certainly isn't necessary. and probably no high schooler ever deals with higher order logic; nor do the vast majority of university students (you first encounter it in a proof-based course, so only classes math or cs or other very technical STEM majors take).
          also it's never too late to learn. i suggest khan academy, paul's online math notes and patrickjmt

          • 2 years ago

            Nah its too late for me, getting older and i struggled with even basic math when my brain was in shape
            I'll just stick to making VNs and easy 2d games

        • 2 years ago

          That's formal logic anon, not algebra.
          ∀ means "for all"
          ∈ means "in"
          --> means "implies
          "for all P, if 0 is in P and n being in P implies n+1 being in P, then all n are in P"
          aka the rule of mathematical induction
          there's error there in not specifying n is natural

          • 2 years ago

            >people think this is real
            This is 0th apple shit all over again

        • 2 years ago

          You just need knowledge of data structures. Math will make gamedev 10x more easy, but it is not required.

          you might as well not even bother gamedeving as a hobby if you're just gonna phone it in

          You know there’s a middle ground between “massively over-scoped dream game that would take 20 years to finish” and “massively cut-down shovelware clone that can be churned out in less than a week” right? People saying to be more/less ambitious are just speaking from their own experience of being on the other end.

          Like with every skill, your first attempt isn't going to be the greatest because you don't have that knowledge yet. Even the people who started out great restarted their project several times so they were technically making multiple versions of the same dream game.

          They're telling you not to start out with your dream game because you'll be frustrated trying to fix bugs and issues with that lack of experience. It takes so much away from the creative process that your dream project ends up being unfinished.

          • 2 years ago

            Every good creator started from copying other stuff. Art, music, etc. It made them familiar with their tools and workflow/process so well that they were able to innovate. Same happens with game dev.

            You won't make a good game off the bat with no experience and knowledge. It will be unfinished or lengthy to complete.

            my first game was an epic open world survival game that I never finished, not even close to it, but learned a lot from it. I think I learned much more than I would have if I was making some shitty basic game, and probably would have lost my drive to keep watching pajeet tutorials on basic and solved functions.

            • 2 years ago

              I had the opposite experience. I feel like I learned a lot more from churning out shovelware for a year than from the year working on my epic game. Made more money from the shovelware too.

            • 2 years ago

              >want to make a 3D adventure game

              >start working on 3D adventure game
              >fail but learn a lot of skills related to 3D adventure games, bringing you much closer to making it a reality next time
              >work on shitty arcade game clones
              >succeed but learn nothing related to 3D adventure games, you're no closer at all to making it

              • 2 years ago

                >you're no closer at all to making it
                except that isn't true at all. 3d is a natural extension of 2d so anything you learn in two dimensions can be applied to 3. plus the basics of UI, boiler plate, etc all of these ubiquitous things will carry over

            • 2 years ago

              You would have learning a lot more with shitty basic completed games in less time than fumbling with one big project that you would forget about the moment you start to do a different genre.

      • 2 years ago

        stoped reading right there. I studied advanced Mathmatics and I can tell you that you never need more math than a 4h grader. Frick off nodev

  67. 2 years ago

    is there anyone here willing to post their discord who can answer my periodic questions for c++/unreal/blender (and do so without grooming me)

    • 2 years ago

      >no grooming
      what's in it for me then

    • 2 years ago

      Just get in the unreal slackers discord you dunce

  68. 2 years ago

    I'm trying to make a little arena shooter before I make a proper one.
    What kind of movement do you like to see?

    • 2 years ago

      >What kind of movement do you like to see?

      • 2 years ago


  69. 2 years ago

    Had no art to make game in 2021
    Still no art to make game in 2022

    >use placeho-
    Stop with this meme already

    • 2 years ago

      peruse abstract symbols and representations

    • 2 years ago

      Make a text game

  70. 2 years ago

    >create physics system for game
    >works fine
    >don't touch project for a month
    >come back
    >physics are now completely bugged up the ass
    How the frick does that work?

    • 2 years ago

      >works fine
      Human error

  71. 2 years ago


  72. 2 years ago

    Working on the room for the first phase of my pirate miner boss fight. Second phase has him bust the floor, sending you both down into a vertical mineshaft. Theres also a few easter eggs from small past projects of mine. Nothing that anyone will get, more so for my own amusement. Either way, I still want to add some more, plus I'm planning on having a handing light higher up that possibly sways when he does a big attack

  73. 2 years ago

    If you haven't made anything by 20 just give up

    • 2 years ago

      How big that "anything" is supposed to be? WC3 map? Small flash game? Full-length project?

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I didn’t start making games until I was over 30

  74. 2 years ago

    Help, making a N64 isometric rpg.
    How can I properly modify Unity's UI? This is complicated

  75. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        the irony is that people who use rpg maker beyond its rudimentary purpose are way better coders than the average unity user

        • 2 years ago

          Not true.
          Most of those functions are accomplished with plugins, which are made by like one talented guy.

  76. 2 years ago

    Adding status effects to my battle system, getting there. They work for your party members but not enemies yet. After that's done, I'll add animations and make it all look pretty.

  77. 2 years ago

    Can someone help me? For an isometric game with retro graphics, should I model levels by hand, like the retro games I am trying to be like or should I use modular assets and break down things and merge them together?

  78. 2 years ago

    Why do zoomers and millenials think it's impossible to do anything and you need some super special talent or a psyche tempered into them as a child to do things? Previous generations created literally everything, they didn't need someone to convince them that it's possible, they just did it.

    • 2 years ago

      Talent is genetic
      Everyone has shit tier genetics from our parents having lead poisoning

      • 2 years ago

        >Talent is genetic
        And skills are not.

      • 2 years ago

        >talent is genetic
        There's some degree of genetic aptitude depending on what you're doing (like being tall for playing basketball), but talent is largely developed through persistence and continually working at improving over years. Making games generally isn't so complicated that you need to be a genetic superman to stand a chance at doing it well, you just need to work hard at it.

        • 2 years ago

          >but talent is largely developed through persistence and continually working at improving over years
          That is just bringing out latent talent
          You can train all your life and still suck at something
          And then on the other hand you have people that don't train that are masters at it

          • 2 years ago

            >You can train all your life and still suck at something
            >And then on the other hand you have people that don't train that are masters at it
            are you moronic? do you actually believe people are just born and are really good at arbitrary things?

            • 2 years ago

              Go look at shroud or any other prodigy
              See how many young kids get into university
              Its all genetic

              >You can train all your life and still suck at something
              Only if you're training wrong. Very few things in life where you can't reach a competent level with hard work.
              >And then on the other hand you have people that don't train that are masters at it
              This never happens for anything meaningfully difficult.

              Its survivorship bias
              The people that suck and know they suck quit eventually
              So all you see is the people that trained/studied gor ages that were always good at it

              • 2 years ago

                Alternatively, they suck because they quit.

            • 2 years ago

              >do you actually believe people are just born and are really good at arbitrary things
              Not him but yes. That's what IQ is. You can't change it no matter how much you train or learn.

              However, it's also a really bad excuse for not working on your game.
              If you're smart enough to use a computer and play vidya, you're smart enough to make a game.

          • 2 years ago

            >You can train all your life and still suck at something
            Only if you're training wrong. Very few things in life where you can't reach a competent level with hard work.
            >And then on the other hand you have people that don't train that are masters at it
            This never happens for anything meaningfully difficult.

    • 2 years ago

      Millennial here. We were all brainwashed with “Chosen one” stories while growing up. The conspiracist in me wants to think this was an intentional plan to break our spirits and make us easier to control.

      • 2 years ago

        Those stories have been around forever though

    • 2 years ago

      >some super special talent
      You need talent to do good art. Anyone can do """art""" but nobody is going to play your garbage art game.
      And no, exceptions are not the rule so stop using Minecraft as an excuse.

      • 2 years ago

        >implying art isn't the most autistic rote skill imaginable
        Just gotta practice.

        • 2 years ago

          There's a reason why artists are the most in demand, second to musicians. Not programmers.

          • 2 years ago

            Why do programmers get paid more then? Supply issues?

          • 2 years ago

            >in high demand
            I doubt that. Why are video game artist salaries floating below $70k?

          • 2 years ago

            Why do programmers get paid more then? Supply issues?

            There's WAY more demand for programmers than for artists in the tech industry which is why their salaries are bloated to high heaven even when they do an absolutely abysmal job.

      • 2 years ago

        I genuinely believe that some subjects are limited by an intelligence requirement. In order to learn art you need to be able to make observations and learn from them as you draw, but if you're too moronic then you can't do it and you'll just keep doing the same stupid shit over and over without ever learning anything.

        • 2 years ago

          You need to have the will to improve and the attitude to make observations and learn as you draw. I don't think that's necessarily intelligence related, but certain personalities or levels of autism are likely to avoid pursuing improvement.

        • 2 years ago

          >I finally discovered my style!

  79. 2 years ago

    made a new carillon map. you fight on the cylinders as they go up and down

    • 2 years ago

      I don' know if I love or hate this artstyle

      • 2 years ago

        its for Roek

    • 2 years ago

      I always like to see verticality in level design, so this ought to be neat

  80. 2 years ago
  81. 2 years ago

    another recent map

  82. 2 years ago

    I just wanna make a roguelike but I'm too moronic to code and do math.

  83. 2 years ago

    unless you're actually a mouthbreathing moron that forgets to breath sometimes you can train yourself to learn anything to an exceptional level.
    if you don't believe this you're beyond help and should just give up on everything.

    • 2 years ago

      You can only say this because you have a high IQ and never met a person with <90 IQ in your life
      People are not born equal

  84. 2 years ago

    I wonder if perhaps programming is just more enjoyable than drawing. Artists always get super offended by the idea of drawing for free, but programmers will happily offer free contributions and freely chat about ideas on how to implement a game idea.

    • 2 years ago

      You can hide bad programming, but you can't hide a bad drawing.

      • 2 years ago

        This, you can hide how ugly everything about the program is on the inside because only the functionality on the surface matters, but you can't hide any part of how ugly a drawing is.

        • 2 years ago

          >you can hide how ugly everything about the program is on the inside because only the functionality on the surface matters
          You can't hide overblown development time, performance issues and unmaintainability though

          • 2 years ago

            >overblown development time
            Just don't tell people about your game until its done
            >performance issues
            Just dont dip below 60 fps
            Just scope down

    • 2 years ago

      The only reason why artists get such a bad reputation. I don't understand why they're so against people contributing to anything free. It's easy to find complete game code for free but it's near impossible to find actual good art for free.

      • 2 years ago

        >tfw I have released both art and code for free

      • 2 years ago

        I've been drawing for 16 years and I still struggle with faces. It's definitely a pain in the ass for 90% of the time I draw, the only reason I keep doing it is the feeling of starting a new drawing in the first couple hours and then seeing the final result 50 hours later or so.
        Might get a lot better when you turn full-on pro, but most artists are not there yet.

  85. 2 years ago

    Added a new weapon to DIMENSIONAL SLAUGHTER, along with two new enemies a couple days ago. Now it's time to start work on the flesh hell dimension, was thinking of calling it "The Cancer"

  86. 2 years ago

    What's the best engine I can use to develop a 3D game in the style of PS3 Nier?

    I'm a 2D artist and I'm learning to sculpt in Blender, I'm confident I'll be able to handle the creation of 3D assets if I keep at it.
    I have some very barebones knowledge of C and C++, used to have plenty of fun with it when I was in highschool so coding doesn't scare me that much but I want to focus on the art and animations and use tools that make my life a lot easier when it comes to coding.
    Any advice? This would be a life-long project mind you, I know it's no easy task at all.

    • 2 years ago

      >life-long project
      We're in the same boat you and I
      Unreal, no question

      • 2 years ago

        That's what I'm guessing too. Thanks anon, don't give up and good luck on your project.

        • 2 years ago

          Thanks, you too bro

  87. 2 years ago

    People should have their finished games next to their post when they give "advice".

    • 2 years ago

      Go to reddit if you want to police what people post

      • 2 years ago

        Didn't say you can't post but somehow you got angry and defensive anyway, I wonder why?

        • 2 years ago

          Policing does not mean preventing people from posting. Just moderating *what* they post already classifies as policing. Autist-kun.

          Feels good to be a hobbyist gamedev.
          There are tons of people wishing they can make a game, some of them bitter and jealous over our skills they are too lazy to work for. They can only dream and hate on us, while we are steadily working towards our finished project.
          Keep at it, my friends.


          • 2 years ago

            You seem to have a very strong objection towards revealing what information is baseless.

            • 2 years ago

              Up yours, autist

              • 2 years ago

                At least you don't deny it.

  88. 2 years ago

    Latest vid of my game.

    • 2 years ago

      >health upgrade hidden behind unmarked destructible wall

  89. 2 years ago

    Feels good to be a hobbyist gamedev.
    There are tons of people wishing they can make a game, some of them bitter and jealous over our skills they are too lazy to work for. They can only dream and hate on us, while we are steadily working towards our finished project.
    Keep at it, my friends.

    • 2 years ago

      Same, making games for the sake of making games is bliss

  90. 2 years ago

    I derive no enjoyment from making games. I have no idea why I keep making them.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't enjoy devving as well but I love playing the result of the efforts which is tailored for me

    • 2 years ago

      Because you want the voices to stop. At least that's how it is for me. I don't enjoy anything in life.

  91. 2 years ago

    >started learning Godot a week ago
    >made a 3D FPS player controller which can run, jump, walk up stairs
    >he behaves great in test environment, really happy about it
    >load an actual level geometry which features railroad
    >for some reason player freaks out while standing on said railroad
    >blame myself for that, spend a day trying to find a bug causing this
    >read on internet that Godot's movement & collision system doesn't like really big objects
    >split railroad's rails into little pieces
    >it actually worked
    Fricking hell. When people said Godot is bad for 3D I thought they meant graphics, not such fundamental stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      That's a pretty normal thing with any physics. Happens because of floating point imprecision. Godot already uses doubles fricking everywhere to mitigate it a bit.

      • 2 years ago

        Godot's floats are unbelievably bad compared to other engines. Any time you start getting into the thousands on that engine things start to fall apart.

        Are there any recommendations on object sizes, to avoid such behavior?

        • 2 years ago

          not them but i don't think object size will help since it has to do with the fundamental way the machine carries out a computation. hopefully i'm wrong though.

          • 2 years ago

            Well, as I said earlier, it helped in my case. When player interacted with 800 unit long rail the collision freaked out (something about calculating normal for such object fricked up, I guess?), but when I split it into 40 unit parts it went normal.

            From personal testing I tended to get jittering at a bit over 1000 units from the origin so I try to keep levels smaller than that. With physics objects smaller is better especially if they aren't static bodies.

            Sounds about right. Meh. I hope they improve that aspect in newer version, because this is kinda small.

    • 2 years ago

      Godot's floats are unbelievably bad compared to other engines. Any time you start getting into the thousands on that engine things start to fall apart.

      • 2 years ago

        >Godot's floats
        that's not how it works

        • 2 years ago

          Ok, its implementation of floats is shit if you want to be a pedantic butthole.

          • 2 years ago

            They don't implement their own floats.

            • 2 years ago

              From personal testing I tended to get jittering at a bit over 1000 units from the origin so I try to keep levels smaller than that. With physics objects smaller is better especially if they aren't static bodies.

              • 2 years ago

                meant for

                Are there any recommendations on object sizes, to avoid such behavior?

              • 2 years ago

                sadly it's pretty much the same in Unity. in forum threads you'll see people citing numbers like 5000 units from origin but that's laughable, nothing in your graphics will work 5000 units from origin, let alone in your physics.

            • 2 years ago

              >dude I woke up one day and someone sneaked numbers into my engine?????

              • 2 years ago

                >I used this programming language called C++ and it didn't even have floats, I had to implement them myself
                said no one ever

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah you do this thing where you type out "float variable_name = 1.0;" or "double variable_name = 1.0;"
                You don't just type out "int main(){" and then a fricking float whips a gun out and takes your code hostage.

              • 2 years ago

                That's not implementing floats. That's just using them.

              • 2 years ago

                >That's not applying floats. That's just utilizing them.
                So we're back to pedantic butthole then?

                Ok, its implementation of floats is shit if you want to be a pedantic butthole.

              • 2 years ago

                Fine then.
                Explain to me how the "godot floats" are somehow inferior to other engine's floats. What about "their" "implementation" makes them worse, the floats?

              • 2 years ago

                If you spend more than 10 minutes in godot you will run into some form of issue stemming from floating point error. If its not world size its physics, if its not physics its seams on meshes, if its not that then its the editor changing your numbers even though you're already restricted to three decimal places. Unity isn't much better but at least the editor isn't lying to you about what your inputting and its physics are actually usable.

                I'm not going to pour over the godot source code to find the exact operations that cause these issues because It's not my job to clean up FOSS mess, and you clearly don't give a shit about engine pros and cons over fighting your strawman.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes yes, but how does the unique floating point implementation of Godot you were talking about earlier affect that? That's the part I'm curious about.

              • 2 years ago

                >you run into float related issues much more frequently and ubiquitously in this engine over others
                >Yes but what does this have to do with the engine's use of floats?
                Here why don't you just go find every line of code in godot that involves a float and compare it to every line of code in say Torque? It should be a pretty simple matter of comparing the text since apparently every engine utilizes floats identically to each other.

              • 2 years ago

                >Yes but what does this have to do with the engine's use of floats?
                That's not what I asked. Earlier you were talking about Godot's implementation of floats, not their use.
                Are you saying Godot doesn't have their unique float implementation after all?
                Hope you learned your lesson to use technical terms properly homosexual, yes I am just being a pedant

              • 2 years ago

                >pedantic morons argue in bad faith
                Wow shocker. I'll be sure to continue to hold people who would rather argue semantics all day in low regard.

              • 2 years ago

                That's not being pedantic, that's about using the correct word. "Implement" would mean you add it into the programming language.

  92. 2 years ago

    Working on a new song:

    Does this sound fitting for a platformer, maybe as a character or ending theme?

    • 2 years ago

      6s to 12s sounds kind of weird but once the song gets going it works pretty well as a character theme.

      • 2 years ago

        Alright, thanks for listening, anon!

  93. 2 years ago

    Just fricking try to make a midpoly snail shell with a somewhat realistic artstyle, I fricking dare you.

    • 2 years ago

      True professionals texture in photoshop.

  94. 2 years ago

    just use doubles problem solved

    • 2 years ago

      >overloading the user's memory

  95. 2 years ago

    Floats should be accurate enough even up to 100k, what are your engines doing?

    • 2 years ago

      maybe it comes from the combination of several floats. for instance the combination of float values in
      >your world coordinates
      >converted into a local coordinate
      >cross-referenced with the floating point depth buffer
      etc. something like that.
      all I know is, the first thing that breaks visually are the shadowmaps. and with physics it's that things start "jittering" slightly. we're not talking about triangles (or rather their vertex positions) jittering. that happens much further from the camera than 1000 units.

  96. 2 years ago

    Repost but this is the latest thing i recorded.

    • 2 years ago

      it's always the furries putting in the most effort

      also tfw can't post files from my ip range on Ganker for the past month or some shit

    • 2 years ago

      One of the most innovative ways of doing inventory I've seen in a while
      Good fricking job

    • 2 years ago

      What game?

      • 2 years ago


        One of the most innovative ways of doing inventory I've seen in a while
        Good fricking job

        Thank you!

        it's always the furries putting in the most effort

        also tfw can't post files from my ip range on Ganker for the past month or some shit

        Not a furry.

  97. 2 years ago

    ok posted this in another thread but I need some opinions and direction.

    I really like that kinda shitty blurring N64 feel and wanted to make a small city in that style. I understand texture sizes and how the n64/ps1 did some of their graphics handling but for some reason I am having a hard time making my level have a feel of looking like a city and being in that style. Opinions on what I have so far?

    • 2 years ago

      "n64" is not a style. you're going to need to be more specific on what you're trying to accomplish and maybe show what this actually looks like from an in-game perspective.

      • 2 years ago

        You're right, I guess I just like the muddy low poly look? Anti-aliased textures that have that hard to see blur.

        Maybe something kind of like operation flashpoint?

        • 2 years ago

          the texel density of your scene is all over the place.
          if you want to make it look like an early 2000's game you probably want to lower the texture resolution on the buildings to match the shitty texture resolution you have going on with the walls and the floor. a shitty low resolution skybox will probably go a long way into selling the look as well.

  98. 2 years ago

    >be me
    >be the art guy
    >planned everything I want to do for my stealth game
    >my dev friend wants to make a game on godot or israelitenity
    What should I do?

    • 2 years ago

      suffer, put in work
      the things gamedevs do

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine your dev friend comes up to you and tells you that you MUST make your art in Gimp.

    • 2 years ago

      Collaborate with your dev friend?

      • 2 years ago

        That was the original plan

        Imagine your dev friend comes up to you and tells you that you MUST make your art in Gimp.

        that would be pretty weird since it doesn't really matter which software is used to make the assets as long as it's good right? meanwhile the engine is different since it uses different languages and is supported differently, that's how I view it

        Outplay him, make your game in israelitenity by yourself

        I'm not a programmer sadly and I don't want to support israelites

        • 2 years ago

          Is this a larp meant to make artists look bad, or are you generously throwing a fit over tools?

        • 2 years ago

          It's significantly harder to change the programming environment that you're familiar with than to change the program you draw with. It's not really your place to tell him what to use. I can understand not wanting to be involved with Unity though.

          • 2 years ago

            >i can understand not wanting to be involved with the single best game engine

    • 2 years ago

      Outplay him, make your game in israelitenity by yourself

    • 2 years ago

      what's the issue here? if I was the developer and I was putting the effort of making my own engine, I wouldn't have my artist be "just some dude i know"
      so this is the best you will get unless you are some kind of an industry professional

    • 2 years ago

      Engine choice doesn't affect artgays nearly as much as the programmers.

  99. 2 years ago

    >had an idea for a game and did a 3 month C# course last year
    >having a personal project seemed like fun
    >decide to start small, learning the ropes by making tetris with monogame
    >can't even make it work properly without the player's input
    Am I completely moronic? How can I stop being moronic?

  100. 2 years ago

    i mostly just added a slightly better pit graphic today and tinkered with some of the cartoon fella animations. webm is me messing around in a local solo session since i havent updated the netcode recently

    • 2 years ago

      solodev? this looks really good keep it up

      • 2 years ago

        yea its solodev

        it's not an entirely new project though, a lot of the visuals and game logic are lifted from a game that i made as a student, though that was more of a proof of concept and i didn't really like the end result. anyway now i'm using that project to build a new game, focusing on mixing strategic, economic and tactics gameplay into 1 unholy mess that you would play in a 1v1 or 2v2 online

        • 2 years ago

          do you have someplace where you post stuff?

  101. 2 years ago

    Still doing the battle animations.

    • 2 years ago

      rpg maker?

      yea its solodev

      it's not an entirely new project though, a lot of the visuals and game logic are lifted from a game that i made as a student, though that was more of a proof of concept and i didn't really like the end result. anyway now i'm using that project to build a new game, focusing on mixing strategic, economic and tactics gameplay into 1 unholy mess that you would play in a 1v1 or 2v2 online

      ah, damn it

      • 2 years ago

        >rpg maker?

        A bit late but, cute wolf


        • 2 years ago

          cool, gnoll quest is getting an rpg

          • 2 years ago

            Indeed, it's going to be a mix of lioncat and gnoll quest.

            Good, working on transitions from the sub worlds to the main hub (heaven). Got 3/8 of the locations done, and 3 more written out and planned. If anyone has any idea's of games that would be fun to parody with Spurdo interacting in that kind of world, let me know. Can be from any game really as long as the gameplay isn't too complex to reproduce, as Im just a 1 man dev.

            Looks pretty cool

      • 2 years ago

        >ah, damn it

        i'm not entirely opposed to having PvE content later, but right now i'm building the game around PvP since i understand multiplayer games way more than I do singleplayer games

        the original game i used as a base was purely singleplayer PvE, though it was more of a "move into a new area -> survive -> equip new stuff -> repeat" so it's a stretch to call that any kind of singleplayer content. here it is if you wanna look at it and ponder upon my mistakes

        do you have someplace where you post stuff?

        not consistently, though i post some stuff in /vst/, like this >


        . i'm not sure setting up a blog is worth it when it's not really playable, but i'll likely setup an itch page when it is

        • 2 years ago

          forgot how to crossboard link


        • 2 years ago

          forgot how to crossboard link

          oh no im very tired


  102. 2 years ago

    Frick, it's already bump limit.
    I'm using Unity and I was wondering, how expensive is it to change an object collision layer during runtime?
    I'm having items that can be picked up by both the player and enemies, and thrown as weapon.
    Currently I just give a "team" variable to the object picked up and every collision I check if the target is not from the same team, but I was wondering if it wouldn't be just simpler to just set the object to a different layer.

    • 2 years ago

      Collision profiles
      This is already built in in Unreal Engine

  103. 2 years ago

    im cooding! godot tutorial

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