>Game has unique and esoteric plotline. >Westcucks: ITS BAD WRITING

>Game has unique and esoteric plotline

Why are those midwit IQ people always like this

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  1. 12 months ago

    FF7 doesn't have bad writing, it just has an atrocious english translation

    • 12 months ago

      This. I can't blame someone for being confused when they play FF7 because the translation is absolute shit.

    • 12 months ago

      thats literally every square enix game

      • 12 months ago

        Coming off of FF6 I have to disagree. Woolsey is at least coherent.

      • 12 months ago

        God willing whenever that FF8 remake comes out we won't lose all the dialogue Squall had that gave him a bit more nuance.

      • 11 months ago

        Why would you lie so much on the internet? What do you gain?

        • 11 months ago

          every FF I ever played + vagrant story had terrible translations

    • 11 months ago

      That's every FF.

    • 11 months ago

      thats every japanese game translated by burgerstanis

    • 11 months ago

      Gigacope. Moogy said the original script is shit

  2. 12 months ago

    Japanese metamind hasn't been COMPLETELY bulldozed into globohomosexual mulch yet so they still have some ties to the earth and spirit, and so some ties to more esoteric feelings and sensations. There's a reason why these games always end with you killing a demiurge or planetary parasite.

    • 11 months ago

      Also Japanese have 15 IQ points higher than Amerimutt on average

      • 11 months ago

        10 but that’s still nearly an entire sigma above our average so your point stands

  3. 12 months ago

    >unique and esoteric plotline
    Is this how fgays call unfinished and bad writing?

    • 12 months ago

      Nothing about it is unfinished or bad you’re just a moron LOL

      • 12 months ago

        >Nothing about it is unfinished or bad
        >None of the Turks know Vincent, a former Turk, for some reason, the only character who even acknowledges his existence is Hojo before his boss fight
        >Barret as a character exists in Midgard and during Dyne's miniarc in the Gold Saucer, after that he's' memory holed, same happens to Red, with the only difference being he gets his miniarc in Cosmo Canyon
        >Aeris is a literal noncharacter
        >Pretty much all of the setting and background stuff is barely even articulated, which is why people still can't decide whether Sephiroth is the real bad guy or it's Jenova controlling him, because there's zero information in the game regarding any of that
        >Nevermind how 90% of the locations in the empty, dead world make zero sense
        >Game treats the Highwind, a glorified zeppelin, as some big fricking tech deal but there's a fricking F14 in the Bone Village for some reason, the tech level of FF7's is completely schizophrenic
        >Entire cetra culture is barely a footnote and none of the locations make any sense, the ancient temple is some weird aztec ruin with an escher labyrinth but the forgotten capital is a bunch of houses with modern furniture inside some giant seafish shells and some Cinderella tier disney architecture
        Nothing in FF7's is well written, it is at best a cringeworthy attempt at rule of cool because the CGI team wanted to flex, nothing is cohesive, most characters are literal who, most plot points and background narrative makes no sense and is wildly unfinished, which is why they were able to make a gorillion of spinoffs to bullshit some explanation in for those plothole in the first place.

        Granted, it's Final Fantasy, so VII is by no means an exception to the rule, every single FF is like that, outside of maybe the first half of XII

        • 11 months ago

          You sound like the kind of homosexual who would be interested in reading a book about Aragorn's tax policies for Gondor after the events of LOTR.

          • 11 months ago

            >If you want the bare minimum from a game's writing (in a series where the writing is the only reason to play the games) you read and like le ebin lazy fat frick
            Weird way to agree that FF7 has shit writing, but I'll take it I guess?

            • 11 months ago

              You have to forgive people here. They played it as kids and so the low poly sword guy stab a girl and it blew their fricking mind.

            • 11 months ago

              >a series where the writing is the only reason to play the games

              Not true. FF5 is my favourite in the series and the writing isn't much to talk about. A lot of people enjoy RPG gameplay my man.

        • 11 months ago

          as a character exists in Midgard and during Dyne's miniarc in the Gold Saucer, after that he's' memory holed, same happens to Red, with the only difference being he gets his miniarc in Cosmo Canyon
          This is literally the case for party members in every RPG made in the same timeframe (Even as late as the PS2 era)
          Star Ocean and Tales games are the same way

          • 11 months ago

            You are talking to manchildren who will wax lyrical about the nuances of Super Mario RPG.

          • 11 months ago

            >Star Ocean and Tales games are the same way
            Star Ocean 2 has every party member get multiple story episodes spread throughout the whole game, nevermind the fact that it has not only a bigger cast, but two different main character with their own recruitable AND the fact that you can ship anyone with anyone by actually engaging in said character interactions, FF7 has none of this, but to be fair FF in general doesn't have any of this, moreover every single recruitable character is well inserted in the setting and acknowledged by multiple npcs throughout the world(s), even a backwater doctor like Bowman gets plenty of stuff.
            Tales is an even worse example because at least in Tales you got skits spread throughout the game, nevermind how Destiny also makes a much better job at inserting their characters in the main narrative and pacing their arcs throughout the entire game, even something as simply as Johnny's arc or Mary's small story make for a much more believable world than any FF.
            Even Eternia, which still has two throwaway characters in Max and Chat makes a far better job than FF with both of those, nevermind the main four or even fricking Rass who ends up being a much more compelling and well written, ACTUALLY WRITTEN character compared to Aeris who barely even has written lines in the game despite her role.
            You don't play RPGs.

            You are talking to manchildren who will wax lyrical about the nuances of Super Mario RPG.

            Nah, that's Squarecucks' forte, the same people who think CT and FF are the best JRPGs ever.

            • 11 months ago

              >Star Ocean 2 has every party member get multiple story episodes spread throughout the whole game
              If you ignore private actions they functionally don't exist in the main story beyond their quest shit. The main story does not fricking involve them at all which is what your actual crying was about.
              If you want to cry about FF7 not having PAs then you have my permission to cry about that instead

              • 11 months ago

                >If you ignore private actions
                >If you ignore this major part of the game's writing...
                Terrible argument, might as well say the same for games like Suikoden or SaGa where 90% of the game's writing is optional.
                If anything it makes FF look even worse for doing a worse job despite its major focus on a main story and lack of any sort of optional, player driven content in what's supposed to be a roleplaying game

                >nevermind the main four or even fricking Rass who ends up being a much more compelling and well written, ACTUALLY WRITTEN character compared to Aeris who barely even has written lines in the game despite her role.
                and yet Aeris is one of the most beloved characters in gaming history and nobody remembers anything about Tales of Eternia let alone any of its cast
                You lost

                All you're saying is that the vast majority of people are the lowest common denominator and will eat shit and ask for more, this isn't the ebin own you think you made.

            • 11 months ago

              >nevermind the main four or even fricking Rass who ends up being a much more compelling and well written, ACTUALLY WRITTEN character compared to Aeris who barely even has written lines in the game despite her role.
              and yet Aeris is one of the most beloved characters in gaming history and nobody remembers anything about Tales of Eternia let alone any of its cast
              You lost

        • 11 months ago

          you have autism

        • 11 months ago

          >Vincent is an optional character and also 60+ years old
          Why the frick would any young new Turk know about some random other old employee who’s existence was LITERALLY WIPED OFF THE DATASPACE BY HOJO
          >characters are less relevant after their arc
          Yeah no shit, did you also forget Barrett’s continued relevance after cloud goes schizo? Or Red XIII’s scene with his grandad during his death?
          >aerith is a joke character because uh I said so
          ok moron, she’s my least favorite as well but you’re just shitposting
          >is Sephiroth the bad guy?
          Idk are you an illiterate or did him manipulating cloud to awaken him not spell it out that he’s free from some bug parasite that is the pre final boss for a reason? Because it’s a slave to Sephiroth
          >technology can’t get destroyed
          okay dude
          >two locations on separate continents are different
          Yeah wow I’m so surprised, it’s almost like the temple was built to house a nuke materia and their village is meant to house a civilization in tune with planet magic?

          Congratulations on being moronic enough to not understand an anime game LOL

  4. 12 months ago

    you'll never make a game as good as FF7

    not even the guys who made ff7 could make a game as good as ff7

  5. 11 months ago

    FF7 is peak midwit; they parrot on and on how it's so heckin deep to have an unreliable narrator in a game

  6. 11 months ago

    This is NintendoGAF. A lot of the outspoken posters here still seethe to this day that the PS1 Final Fantasy games (and 7 in particular) for ditching Nintendo and relegating the N64 to 3rd place in a 2 horse race.

  7. 11 months ago

    What’s the best FF7 translation?

  8. 11 months ago

    The problem with jap writing I've noticed is twofold: repetition and telling. I chalk it up to their language being so simple compared to English's mutted up ornateness. English borrowed so many words it balkanized within itself with certain words carrying different connotations despite possessing identical meaning. Jap's don't have this layer to their language so they are stuck with groan inducing pun and near rhyme language hijinks when they want to progress beyond the literal meaning to play with the essence of words.

    Kojimbo is the posterchild of repetition. He cannot make a statement once and his monologues are full of retreads. From what I've played of ff16 it has the same problem. Every emotional moment plays out and the character says the key emotional state word. They then repeat the word multiple times in an extraneous statement that should be cut.

    This leads straight into the telling issue. Instead of the extra hammering and yammering fricking have the character embody their words into action. Cut all that bullshit and put it into choreography.

  9. 11 months ago

    Game sucks either way

  10. 11 months ago

    >Westcucks: ITS BAD WRITING
    We don't know if it is or not because 99.9% of us only got the terrible American translation, moron

  11. 11 months ago

    >posting the jrpg which fully conquered the west, myself included
    I kneel moron sama

  12. 11 months ago

    >game has story of any kind
    ftfy. Movie games belong in the trash.

    • 11 months ago

      >i am the sole arbiter of what this artform can and cannot do

      • 11 months ago

        >I am the sole arbiter of what this artform can and cannot do

  13. 11 months ago

    japs can't write

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