>game is called kill the justice league. >you kill the justice league

>game is called kill the justice league
>you kill the justice league
>literal bad guys don't mourn when killing their arch nemeses
>people lose their shit because it's "disrespectful"

am i just being trolled here? i don't get it

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  1. 4 months ago

    you forgot lex luthor talking about the patriarchy

    • 4 months ago

      Wait, what?

      • 4 months ago

        lex luthor wrote diary entries about the justice league and he shits on all of them, except wonderwoman and the amazons, whom he praises as paragons and so much better than our evil western capitalist society, and she's called wonder woman because it's a wonder that she left her paradise (yes it's lex luthor who says this)

        • 4 months ago

          It's not politically motivated though.
          Green Lantern is "one of the good ones"

          • 4 months ago

            >beloved characters get pissed on, undressed to their underwear and put down like dogs
            >wonder woman gets a heroic death
            everything about this game is 100% politically motivated, it was written by sweet baby inc

            • 4 months ago

              >it was written by sweet baby inc
              I forgot about that. That alone is damning evidence.

          • 4 months ago

            Those words weren't from Lex. They were the words of Deadshot (black).

    • 4 months ago

      I am beginning to think these are shill posts to distract from the games actual issues

  2. 4 months ago

    Yes it all makes sense. That doesn't mean it's good or something I want to play.

    • 4 months ago

      the game is shit because the game is shit, not because villains are actually acting like villains for once, boomerang pissing on the corpse of the flash is not out of character.

      • 4 months ago

        >not because villains are actually acting like villains for once
        Unless it's about no-no things like racism, sexism, misgendering, fatphobia, etc

        • 4 months ago

          so you agree that being racist, misogynist, and/or bigoted makes you a villain?

          • 4 months ago

            If you judge people by sex and race alone, you're the villain, yes.

            • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            >believing wrongthink makes you a villain
            >if i don't think you're nice, you're a villain
            >let's not mention i have an ignorant and intolerant view of the people i accuse of villainy, so im a bigoted villain
            And here I thought a person had to at least try to commit very evil deeds to be a villain.

          • 4 months ago

            >so you agree that being racist, misogynist, and/or bigoted makes you a villain?
            absolutely not
            I think those people are heroes

      • 4 months ago

        >boomerang pissing on the corpse of the flash is not out of character.
        Yes it is you Black person.
        All of the flash villains have a set of rules of respect towards the flash mostly because the flash respects them.
        Half of them are because the sort of like and respect Barry.
        Other half understand Flash could fricking murder them but doesn't so they keep it PG to keep it escalating.
        Even minor stuff like no crime on christmas because the flash is doing charity events.

        Theres literally an arc in the comics where the others hunt down and murder Boomerangs kid for breaking the and they all shit on him saying his dad would never have been such an edgy homosexual.

        Jesus even the cartoons got this right.

        • 4 months ago

          Get fricked >in charactergays
          Villains don't piss on hero corpses.

          • 4 months ago

            >Villains don't piss on hero corpses.
            No, they do worst things, because they're fricking VILLAINS

            • 4 months ago

              Not him but you're providing a false equivalency between Captain Boomerang and the fricking Joker. Also I should mention your own example is flawed, because Joker would actually be depressed if Batman died

            • 4 months ago

              Joker is hated by other villains Anon, he goes too far.
              That's the point. Joker does shit that a human being wouldn't do.
              Yet oddly, he would likely respect Batman in his last moments.
              Joker is odd like that.

            • 4 months ago

              >Villains don't piss on hero corpses.
              Or how about this? Villains aren't upstanding citizens, they're VILLAINS. They do BAD things.

              • 4 months ago

                That's still not pissing on somebody's corpse.
                I don't think you are comprehending how fricked up that is.

              • 4 months ago

                >I don't think you are comprehending how fricked up that is.
                I'd rather someone piss on me when I'm dead, then have someone shove a barbed metal bar up my ass while I'm alive and conscious.

              • 4 months ago

                Not the flash’s villains
                Boomerang is 100% out of character during the piss scene, he’s fun but honestly they should have made him “the indestructible Australian” or something
                Also the whole “Harley Quinn grooms her ex girlfriend” plot line seems dumb
                Why couldn’t poison ivy stay dead and the devs do something original

                They can’t

            • 4 months ago

              Flash is literally supposed to be unique in this.
              He very rarely has the big city is going to be nuked massive explosions like battles others have from his villains.
              It isnt that they arent capable of it but its been established from the actual start of flash comics they keep it more casual

              Like Superman and Batmans villains fricking hate him.
              Flash is unique in that respect

            • 4 months ago

              I've really come to hate this "Agent of Chaos/Gay Obssessed for Batman" Joker that's become the standard or most popular characterization. This is a character who should 100% be killed if not by Batman then by SOMEONE.

              Killing millions because it's funny is not interesting or deep. The best Joker is when he's a high tier mobster with a penchant for presentation. Basically Megamind, but he stays villainous 95% of the time. 5% is when things are out of his control fricked and he works with Bats just to get back to neutral ground.

              • 4 months ago

                literally the strongest DC threat is a Batman who is so gay for Joker that he inhaled his Joker Toxin to become their gay love child and proceed to conquer the universe together.

              • 4 months ago

                >The best Joker is when he's a high tier mobster with a penchant for presentation
                The Jack Nicholson brand of autistic mobster Joker IS underrated and underused. I'm getting pretty sick of the philosophical nihilistic anarchist terrorist Joker.

      • 4 months ago

        Actually that’s one of the most out of character issue.

      • 4 months ago

        They not even acting like villians, they acting like well-adjust British people with a little screw loose.

        "You call me black sir that is not on", Deadshot being black is canon and should be, he can't hit anything with a gun, like true blacks in real life

        Harley Quinn not even psycho, just a boring tard.

  3. 4 months ago

    haven't heard anything. it's probably like 10 people being vocal about it or something and rest don't give a shit

    • 4 months ago

      >haven't heard anything. it's probably like 10 people being vocal about it
      homie, take a look at youtube. dozens of videos with hundred thousand of views and ten thousand of likes are rambling about this shit.

      • 4 months ago

        >homie, take a look at youtube
        i'd rather not use youtube. but i'm gonna guess it's basic clickbait shit like usual

      • 4 months ago

        >they DISRESPECTED Kevin Conway!!!
        Batgays are as mentally ill as Pokemon gays

        you don't get it, this is the ARKHAM verse, meaning it's CANON to the ARKHAM verse!!! CAAANOOON! What don't you understand at CANON to the ARKHAM verse.??


        Take your meds.

    • 4 months ago

      people are being intellectually dishonest

      they don't really care about it, but they get hysterical because yongyea or the quartering tells them that it has become a race war and that they need to get involved to save the white race, so these dumb fricks waste their time championing for someones personal cause like good little tools and wasting their life. thats all it is. nobody cares about the story. they just care that some conservative e-celeb found the sweet baby connection

      Dude it flopped, no reason to keep pretending to like it.

  4. 4 months ago

    >game is called suicide squad
    >none of them commit suicide

    • 4 months ago

      The game has several trans flags

  5. 4 months ago

    people are being intellectually dishonest

    they don't really care about it, but they get hysterical because yongyea or the quartering tells them that it has become a race war and that they need to get involved to save the white race, so these dumb fricks waste their time championing for someones personal cause like good little tools and wasting their life. thats all it is. nobody cares about the story. they just care that some conservative e-celeb found the sweet baby connection

    • 4 months ago

      >people are being intellectually dishonest
      ...he says in response to a thread spamming the same shitty "argument" that has nothing to do with that people are actually saying about the game. When will you redditors acknowledge wonder womyn being the only one harley & co actually feel bad for and don't actually kill themselves, of fricking lex luthor fangirling over Wonder Woman and her feminist "utopia"?

    • 4 months ago

      arkham harley especially would hate batman's fricking guts. don't know why people fricking care or talk about this game at all but this part does make sense

      the game is shit because the game is shit, not because villains are actually acting like villains for once, boomerang pissing on the corpse of the flash is not out of character.

      No, they're not trolling. People invested in capeshit are literal manchildren, they have a mental age of <12 years.

      The dumbest outrage bait since people pissed themselves over killing cops in GTA6

      This is the stupidest criticism of all and it's being pushed because ~~*they*~~ want to make you look crazy for disliking the game. There are loads of legitimate reasons to hate this game and the writing is part of it. "The bad guys kill the good guys" isn't the problem. It's the shit execution. This post glows like a water tower in Burbank.

      you're moronic

      • 4 months ago

        what the frick is this gay shit?? I'm so glad zoomers only watch anime these days

        • 4 months ago

          what you saw is harley quinn gettting wet for batman, of course this was retconned nowadays and she is a fricking lesbian now

          • 4 months ago

            She's a villain, she shouldn't do that

            • 4 months ago

              >she shouldn't be like what her original creator wrote her to be like

      • 4 months ago

        legitimately great episode
        there's a couple episodes where harley interacts with bats/bruce wayne without the joker in the picture and they're both great

      • 4 months ago

        this is missing the part where she kisses batman and is rude to poison ivy
        remember when harley was straight and not an annoying dyke? good times
        >not political btw

        • 4 months ago

          unfortunately she is now the poster girl for early 30s bipolar women who went through their dating bad boys phase and are now in their "independent woman" phase, down to her being a lesbian
          i don't know why DC has pushed this angle so hard, everyone liked the old harley much better, when she was a ditzy sidekick and wacky foil to other characters
          her whole fricking thing was being easily led by the nose by others, which is why she's so lovable, she's as cute as a button but gets abused by a guy who would sell her to save his own skin without a second thought and it makes you want to save her from the bad situation she is in

    • 4 months ago

      You have no idea who Yongyea is and just randomly heard the name at some point, didn't you?

      Jesus fricking Christ you're so fricking stupid.

      Join the suicide squad yourself you pathetic trash shill.

    • 4 months ago

      >white race


      • 4 months ago

        it's funny when lefty/misc/ race grifters get attacked by their own because they had a wrongthink opinion once

    • 4 months ago


      >game is called kill the justice league
      >you kill the justice league
      >literal bad guys don't mourn when killing their arch nemeses
      >people lose their shit because it's "disrespectful"

      am i just being trolled here? i don't get it

      kek your live service slop wlil kill rocksteady and your best cope is "B-BUT IT'S IN THE TITLE!!! KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE!!!!" not the fact they get gunned down in a way that makes zero fricking sense

      why are leftoids so intellectually dishonest when it comes to defending corpo slop? Literally your whole mantra is tearing down corporations and government until one of them releases a heckin' capeshit product that you must defend with your life.

  6. 4 months ago

    arkham harley especially would hate batman's fricking guts. don't know why people fricking care or talk about this game at all but this part does make sense

  7. 4 months ago

    >they DISRESPECTED Kevin Conway!!!
    Batgays are as mentally ill as Pokemon gays

  8. 4 months ago

    No, they're not trolling. People invested in capeshit are literal manchildren, they have a mental age of <12 years.

  9. 4 months ago

    The dumbest outrage bait since people pissed themselves over killing cops in GTA6

    • 4 months ago

      No, they're not trolling. People invested in capeshit are literal manchildren, they have a mental age of <12 years.

      the game is shit because the game is shit, not because villains are actually acting like villains for once, boomerang pissing on the corpse of the flash is not out of character.

      you don't get it, this is the ARKHAM verse, meaning it's CANON to the ARKHAM verse!!! CAAANOOON! What don't you understand at CANON to the ARKHAM verse.??

  10. 4 months ago

    >ITT: Rocksteady Therapy Session

  11. 4 months ago

    >i don't get it
    game is shit
    simple as

  12. 4 months ago

    just remember if you think like this, you're not allowed to dislike tlou2

  13. 4 months ago


  14. 4 months ago

    But they sucked off wonder woman, why the exception.

    • 4 months ago

      >But they sucked off wonder woman, why the exception.
      Because she's working with them in the game and isn't mind controlled into killing them. Also she dies after the SS has gone through some character development that makes them a bit more heroic.

      • 4 months ago

        Isn't that because she was the only one not mind controlled and was helping the SS the whole game till that point?

        stop ruining our narrative, trannies

  15. 4 months ago

    Wtf is this thread?

    • 4 months ago

      people making fun of manchild capeshitters

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      People making the same bad faith argument to defend a bad game. It's not that they killed the justice league but how it was done. We've had Injustice before. It's not that they do it but how they went about it. You telling me these super heroes who are know to be the fastest and resilient to bullets are easily taken out by bullets?

      • 4 months ago

        >You telling me these super heroes who are know to be the fastest and resilient to bullets are easily taken out by bullets?
        this is confusing to me : how did evil flash regrow his finger after it was cut off while he was still nice flash? did they even kill the same flash?

        • 4 months ago

          Speedforce Healing

          • 4 months ago

            he can regrow limbs now ?

        • 4 months ago


          she gets the worse treatment in the game, she gets burnt to a crisp by superman. Unlike the others she doesn't get revived later, she stays dead in this game from whats been datamined of the story

          brainiac tested on the whole league and are now somehwat immortal but get cured later

          >the strongest defense suicidal squad can come up with is "w-well, I know that we repeately tell you this game is about killing the justice league league but uh... actually um... harley and co just didn't... feel like killing wonder woman.....?"
          >multiple people
          All trying to make the same moronic argument, curious. Besides, what if I WANTED to kill Wonder Woman specifically? Why am I not allowed to do that in a game about killing the Justice League?
          >all male superheroes just get mocked, humiliated, put down like dogs and literally pissed on
          >wonder woman is the only one Harley & Co not only not feel like killing and mocking, but they even feel sad for her when she gets killed by someone else
          >she gets the worse treatment in the game
          Do you even believe the shit you're typing?

          flash is never pissed on, why do you guys keep parroting this, you can quite literally watch the cutscene. Secondly yes, the whole league gets to redeem themselves and save the day later on while wonder woman basically did nothing and just dies.

          • 4 months ago

            Then why does Boomerang literally whip his dick out then

            • 4 months ago

              he whips it out then gets interrupted then puts it back up. Even at the end when brainiac turns into the flash, boomer says something along the lines of unfinished business and tries to do it again cause everyone stopped him from doing it earlier

              • 4 months ago

                He gets stopped by everyone complimenting his massive dick?

              • 4 months ago

                yea look at the cutscene then look at the brainiac death

  16. 4 months ago

    Still a bad looter shooter isn’t it

  17. 4 months ago

    >Why would I want to play a game where I kill the justice league
    >Its called "kill the justice league".
    >I know, I'm asking why would I want to play a game where I kill the justice league?
    >I already told you, its called "kill the justice league"
    I said this shit before, but this is the conversation I'm having with a lot of you guys. I know, I can read the name of the game. Its called "kill the justice league". I know you kill the justice league. I think its a stupid premise of a game and a bastardization of the Arkham series (if we're still pretending this is in the same canon).

    You don't have to keep telling me the name of the game, find some other way to defend it.

    • 4 months ago

      i'm not defending shit, i'm just tired of being forced to look at this garbage by people who ALSO HATE LOOKING AT IT. a fricking AAA loot shooter based on the suicide squad IP is grotesque edgy garbage and people are acting like this is a fricking surprise.

    • 4 months ago

      You've never been interested in a game from the standpoint of a villain?

      • 4 months ago

        I don't really like the suicide squad. I don't like Deadshot, I don't like Harley anymore since they took the sting out of her. I don't know who king shark is, and I prefer the ice guy to captain boomerang.

        If it was called "Deathstroke: Kill the Justice League" and it played like a Batman Arkham game, I'd like it. Or even "Sinestro" or something. Or shit "Prometheus: Kill the Justice League" would be cool.

      • 4 months ago

        That's not what the post said. It's a shit premise. I sometimes like a game where I play a hero. Doesn't mean I'd like to play a game, where, say, Superman is saving babies from pedophiles and the game contains visual depictions of rape of said babies. Revolting concept, even if you play as the hero.

      • 4 months ago

        Sonic Adventure 2
        >Allows you to play as the villains
        >no one has an issue with it since it's telling an interesting story with unique viewpoints being shown. The villains are likeable and people give a shit about them
        >You play as the villains
        >people have an issue with it since they feel like a copy-paste job of every other generic MC in an M rated game.
        >Writing is also trash and feels like a gay fanfic made by two fat prostitutes that are mad they never got any so they take it out on the male heroes(see. Chads that rejected them) and treat these respectable icons as gutter trash
        >Not to mention it's YET ANOTHER looter shooter only this time the gimmick is it's ALSO a GAAS piece of shit that'll probably die before the year ends.
        >Villains are lame nobodies that no one cares for, and most don't even know about, who are also written so poorly it's more like a writer's self-insert than a proper character.
        Maybe if they tried making the villains likeable and not just a copy pasta job of every other generic anti-hero in an M rated AAA game and also wasn't poorly written and wasn't some looter shooter GAAS shit people would give it a shot. They spent 8 years on it. Did they even ONCE do a general test to see if the audience was interested in it? I highly doubt it.

    • 4 months ago

      then dont play the game?

      • 4 months ago

        Thankfully, most people made that choice too.

      • 4 months ago

        Yes, and thankfully me and the vast majority of the planet are not playing your shit except for the handful of absolute blithering morons.

        We are just laughing and chuckling at a woke game bursting up in flames.

        • 4 months ago

          >and thankfully me and the vast majority of the planet are not playing your shit
          I didnt make the game, I will not be purchasing this goyslop. You're mentally ill.

      • 4 months ago

        I can still talk about the game, though. In fact, I like to talk about games whether I play them or not. Its just that, midway through telling people what I would and wouldn't like in a game like this, people go "Uh, its called 'kill the justice league'" like I don't know that.

        Imagine if we did this with other games.

        >Xehanort's plan is to use Kingdom Hearts to forge an ultimate weapon. How'd he still lose to Sora?
        >Uh, its called Kingdom Hearts.

        • 4 months ago

          if you want seethe about a game you will never play thats fine, this is the internet.

          • 4 months ago

            Do you really think so? Because you're not acting like it. Some of us enjoy riffing on media, and then there's people like you who unironically go "You shouldn't talk about this because I don't want you to talk about this".

      • 4 months ago

        Media that goes against the morals of society still degrade it over time regardless of how few people buy it. They must be removed and prevented from harming society more.

  18. 4 months ago

    >can mourn for WW though

    • 4 months ago

      Isn't that because she was the only one not mind controlled and was helping the SS the whole game till that point?

      • 4 months ago

        never bring that up again, okay?

      • 4 months ago

        Flash saved Harley from dying to Batman and saved the Squad from Green Lantern too...

      • 4 months ago

        It was because she didn’t have time to inseminate anyone with her big futa wiener

      • 4 months ago

        flash literally saved their lives twice
        and they pissed on his corpse
        you moronic fricknugget

        • 4 months ago

          >and they pissed on his corpse
          Boomerang did, which is totally in character. No one had beef with Wonder Woman AND she helped them.

          • 4 months ago

            >the strongest defense suicidal squad can come up with is "w-well, I know that we repeately tell you this game is about killing the justice league league but uh... actually um... harley and co just didn't... feel like killing wonder woman.....?"

            >You said so yourself.
            there are multiple people on Ganker, shizo
            >I thought this was a game about killing superheroes?
            it's about killing superheroes gone evil due to mindcontrol

            >multiple people
            All trying to make the same moronic argument, curious. Besides, what if I WANTED to kill Wonder Woman specifically? Why am I not allowed to do that in a game about killing the Justice League?

            she gets the worse treatment in the game, she gets burnt to a crisp by superman. Unlike the others she doesn't get revived later, she stays dead in this game from whats been datamined of the story

            >all male superheroes just get mocked, humiliated, put down like dogs and literally pissed on
            >wonder woman is the only one Harley & Co not only not feel like killing and mocking, but they even feel sad for her when she gets killed by someone else
            >she gets the worse treatment in the game
            Do you even believe the shit you're typing?

            • 4 months ago

              >Besides, what if I WANTED to kill Wonder Woman specifically?
              Then you should see a therapist and get some meds, because you sound like a future incel mass shooter.

              • 4 months ago

                So suddenly wanting to kill a member of the justice league makes me a future mass shooter? Why did rocksteady make a game designed to turn people into mass shooters then?

              • 4 months ago

                >wanting to kill a member of the justice league makes me a future mass shooter?
                wanting to specifically kill the only female member makes you a future mass shooter, yes

              • 4 months ago

                Why am I not allowed to kill a member of the justice league in a game about killing the justice league?

              • 4 months ago

                stop pretending to be dumb, incel. you hate women, that's all.

              • 4 months ago

                you're a misandrist if you're fine with a game where men are okay for the player to kill but women aren't

              • 4 months ago

                Now's my turn to say "Its called kill the justice league".

              • 4 months ago

                >Killing men GOOD
                >Killing women BAD

              • 4 months ago

                We hate feminists, not women.

              • 4 months ago

                Interesting, what does it make you if you make a whole game around explicitly killing males in the Justice League but conspicuously disallow the player from killing a female member of said league? Are they future mass shooters too?

          • 4 months ago

            >which is totally in character
            It is not. It is clear you don't know that you're talking about. All of Flash's rogues respect him.

      • 4 months ago

        stop ruining our narrative, trannies

        It's almost like a writer can write whatever the frick they want, and the one character they chose to give this excuse for happened to have a certain distinctive feature.
        I sincerely don't get why people make moronic posts like this, because I know it's not just pretending.
        Do you people think that the writer doesn't get to set the context?
        That they couldn't just as easily change it as they see fit?

        They had a completely blank canvas and they chose to shit all over all of it except one speck, and you morons are saying that the fact they chose to leave the speck alone means you don't get to point out all the shit smearing the rest of it.

      • 4 months ago

        Her being the only one not mind controlled isn’t some random happenstance that just randomly happened. The writers made it so, and they did it to make her an empowered woman.
        Think anon, think!
        And ignore the 2 samegays that first replied to you.

  19. 4 months ago

    > Keep it going vidya
    Pls don't ever stop talking about suicide slop!

    • 4 months ago

      why isn't he bald wtf

      • 4 months ago

        earth 2 version or something

  20. 4 months ago

    Killing Superman has always been a fantasy of mine so I'm all for it.

    • 4 months ago

      Okay, Luthor

  21. 4 months ago

    >game is called suicide squad
    >studio commits financial suicide
    Wtf how was I supposed to know?

  22. 4 months ago

    This is the stupidest criticism of all and it's being pushed because ~~*they*~~ want to make you look crazy for disliking the game. There are loads of legitimate reasons to hate this game and the writing is part of it. "The bad guys kill the good guys" isn't the problem. It's the shit execution. This post glows like a water tower in Burbank.

    • 4 months ago

      >This is the stupidest criticism of all and it's being pushed because ~~*they*~~ want to make you look crazy for disliking the game
      Everyone except OP and a few tards here hates it, who tf looks crazy over it?
      >There are loads of legitimate reasons to hate this game and the writing is part of it
      Yeah and everybody is also shitting on the game for it.

    • 4 months ago

      >This post glows like a water tower in Burbank.
      Yeah there's no way Ganker would organically hate a game for moronic reasons, it must be an op

  23. 4 months ago

    Devs should just name all the games they work on 'Goyslop' so nobody can critique them.

  24. 4 months ago

    >game is called kill the justice league
    >game is actually reskinned fortnite

    • 4 months ago

      Agents of Mayhem flopped so Kill the Justice League could flop again.

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          Thanks, I think I'm the only person who actually played AOM and didn't viscerally hate it.

  25. 4 months ago

    I'm glad I don't have the autism required to make the same thread multiple times a day, simply because I'm having a tantrum over people not liking a game I've grafted my ego to

  26. 4 months ago

    Harley should’ve been a futa

  27. 4 months ago

    >press any button to start
    >presses the power button on my pc


    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      why does this webm make me so angry

      • 4 months ago

        They hate you. They're trolling you. It's made to piss you off. It's made by homosexuals. Many more reasons why you hate it.

  28. 4 months ago

    Is this your first time in a mass sperg out against a game?
    What always happens is that it becomes a thing because of legit criticisms of the game but people who have nothing to say want to jump on the hate bandwagon so they start thinking up any old shit so they can join in. Then as it carries on rolling people start parroting the silly shit as much as the valid stuff.

    In this particular instance I don't actually know what's bad about the game besides 'disrespect' nonsense and general GAAS distaste because it's all anyone talks about.

  29. 4 months ago

    Literally nobody is upset you "kill the justice league"
    People are upset in HOW it happens, and the fact that it's claimed to be in the Arkhamverse.
    Superman is just killed with bullets,
    Green Lantern is shot in the head and stripped, then Shark just puts on the Ring, showing the writers don't even understand the lore.
    Flash is literally pissed on after saving the Squad's lives.
    Meanwhile, Wonder Woman is better than all the men and given a heroic death,t treated with sympathy by the villains, as shills like to point out. They don't mention this inconsistency though. Odd.
    Obvious propaganda is obvious.
    Now, the big one. Batman.
    They went out of their way to tell you this is the Arkham-verse, the series the put superhero games on the map, the same Batnan players had connected with since 2009, the Batman that takes down multiple villains and armies all within one night?
    What do they do with him? Have him beaten by 4 nobodies and shot in the head by Harley Quinn with no ceremony.
    This is after Knight, where Batman fought desperately to not fall under the Joker's influence and harm innocents; they decided to conclude his story by having him fall under Brainiac's influence after the League gave him hope, kill innocent people, murder his adopted son, and get murdered alone in an alleyway like his parents, used as bait so criminals could kill his best friend.
    And just before Harley Quinn murders him, she says nothing he did mattered, and HE was the problem.
    It's fricked up.
    If you can't get why people are upset, I can't help you.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm sorry but I just don't buy this arkhamverse excuse, arkham knight's story was not liked at the time but now I'm supposed to believe that anything after diminishes it like its some great story

      • 4 months ago

        The main campaign story of Red Hood, Scarecrow, and Joker's ghost taking over Batman's mind is crap in execution. The difference is that Arkham Knight still took the story and characters seriously and gave reverence to Batman's actions.

        Here, it's done as Harley's time to gloat before killing him and then blaming him for the "physical and emotional trauma" he inflicted on murderous psychopaths like herself.

        homosexuals still crying about "muh batman" when he already leaked to still be alive, stfu already. Us superman bros have dealt with worse for 2 decades straight

        Kingshark, boomerrang, harley, deadshot have no grievance with wonder womand and would have never fought her so ofc they wouldn't hate her.

        >ots still crying about "muh batman" when he already leaked to still be alive,
        Not in the actual game, dipshit.
        >Us superman bros have dealt with worse for 2 decades straight
        Yeah. Superman has been buttfricked by DC for basically 15 years going. If he's not turned into a murderous psychopath, then he's a joke.
        >Kingshark, boomerrang, harley, deadshot have no grievance with wonder womand and would have never fought her so ofc they wouldn't hate her.
        Right. Which is why they hold no respect for Green Lantern...because of their deep history....oh, wait a minute, they don't have that. So keep shitting out your mouth to see if a point is ever vommitted out.

        • 4 months ago

          game shows you from the beginning deadshot absolutely hates green lantern for putting him in jail. Atleast inform yourself about what you are shitting on if you are gonna act like you know it all

          • 4 months ago

            >Black person is mad because he got sent to jail

          • 4 months ago

            He gets mad because he got sent to jail for trying to kill the white Deadshot because he dragged attention to the black Deadshot for killing people which is black Deadshot was going to do to white Deadshot. All of this instead of going to law enforcement, telling them this guy is using his name, and they'd believe you because Arkham Origins established white Deadshot was known as white. Him being mad at Green Lantern for bringing him in after an attempted murder is so fricking stupid because it's going against him not wanting his name to be associated with active assassinations to the Deadshot name.

            You cannot create a character motivation more fricked than this.

            • 4 months ago

              They're nearly as racist as I am.
              >black man can't control himself
              >murders a guy
              >goes to jail
              >frick da police n shieeet

              • 4 months ago

                "He had the same DNA as you." - Officer Cash

                Motherfricker, if he had the same DNA, he'd have the same ethnicity! These writers are fricking idiots.

      • 4 months ago

        Piss off gay, there's only a few issues with the Knight story but none of them are bad enough to ruin it.

        Don't fricking gaslight into existence the story not being liked on release you fricking little queer

    • 4 months ago

      >Didn't play it. Read your post though
      Ok. Who's the audience for that? DC Fans? Arkham fans? Men? Women? Do women buy video games called "Kill the Justice League?"

      Harley Quinn fandom kinda peaked a decade ago, can she carry a game? Is she interesting? If the gameplay isn't amazing, then the story has to pick up the slack and the story sounds like shit. Who is the fan for this sort of thing? Are any of you out there?

      • 4 months ago

        >Who's the audience for that?
        Hit the nail on the head with this one.

      • 4 months ago

        Generally braindead zoomers.
        SS doesn't have a massive audience in and of itself, despite being relentlessly pushed, thus why they made it clear this is a sequel to Arkham.
        Quinn herself is a moderately sizes feminist icon character.

    • 4 months ago

      Honestly, Braniac BTFOing the justice league is an incredibly intriguing story. If this game focused on telling that story instead of creating a repetitive live-service endgame, I'd tolerate batman getting capped in the head way more.

      • 4 months ago

        More like Brainiac getting BTFO'd by the black woman that will be in every big budget game now apparently.

    • 4 months ago

      Amazingly based post.

      Frick anyone who disagrees after reading it.

      Its just a bad premise from the start.

      It's one of the worst bits of character assassination I've ever seen. It's just fricking disgusting.

    • 4 months ago

      >Superman is just killed with bullets
      So...just like he almost died in tower of Babel?

    • 4 months ago

      >What do they do with him? Have him beaten by 4 nobodies and shot in the head by Harley Quinn with no ceremony.
      >This is after Knight, where Batman fought desperately to not fall under the Joker's influence and harm innocents; they decided to conclude his story by having him fall under Brainiac's influence after the League gave him hope, kill innocent people, murder his adopted son, and get murdered alone in an alleyway like his parents, used as bait so criminals could kill his best friend.
      >And just before Harley Quinn murders him, she says nothing he did mattered, and HE was the problem.
      >It's fricked up.
      Bad things can happen to good people.

      • 4 months ago

        >Bad things can happen to good people.
        Of course they can. That doesn't make the latest nihilist slop clever or impactful or bold - it's just bad and mean spirited and, frankly, fricking boring.

      • 4 months ago

        And people can be upset about it and not support the shitty game.

  30. 4 months ago

    >Flash gets his corpse pissed on
    >Batman is just shot in the head
    >Superman is left rotting in the middle of the street as a corpse
    >Meanwhile Wonder Woman avoids being mind controlled, is a good guy, helps you, and has a heroic death where she is mourned by them despite being a hero who stopped them
    If they treated WW the same as they treated everyone else I wouldn't care, but it is just more subtle "lmao kill the white guys" while the womyn avoid facing any sort of violence or disrespect. When I first saw the game I guessed that they'd find a way to avoid having you kill WW, and they actually took it a step further by having her be an ally. You don't even get to fight her.

  31. 4 months ago

    bad guys don't mourn when killing their arch nemeses
    No, they mourn when wonder WOMAN dies and they don't even kill her. Maybe you should actually play the game before you start spamming this "argument", redditor? How long are you gonna keep this up?

    • 4 months ago

      >How long are you gonna keep this up?
      Once people move on to another thing he can concern troll over. It's his entire identity at this point.

    • 4 months ago

      >Maybe you should actually play the game before
      the fricking irony, you fricking incel homosexual, holy shit. WW was not evil and actually helped them.

      • 4 months ago

        >WW was not evil
        And? I thought this was a game about killing superheroes? You said so yourself.

        • 4 months ago

          >You said so yourself.
          there are multiple people on Ganker, shizo
          >I thought this was a game about killing superheroes?
          it's about killing superheroes gone evil due to mindcontrol

      • 4 months ago

        So? Who cares? They are VILLAINS, remember?

        • 4 months ago


          A black guy who can't hit anyone with a gun,
          An Australian who uses a boomerang to do nothing.
          Some no name Villian in there cause Sly played him in the movie.
          The only reason this b***h is in here cause of Mago Robbie.

          And none of them do real villian stuff.

          At least get some proper Villians, even use James Gunn ones, Blood lust and Peacemaker.

          • 4 months ago

            Your ideas are shit, please stop typing this. All those characters are terrible. There is no scenario where anyone would want to play as a Suicide Squad member before they play as any member of the Justice League. Please frick off.

            • 4 months ago

              IF my ideas are shit then why isn't your game selling well shill?

    • 4 months ago

      homosexuals still crying about "muh batman" when he already leaked to still be alive, stfu already. Us superman bros have dealt with worse for 2 decades straight

      Kingshark, boomerrang, harley, deadshot have no grievance with wonder womand and would have never fought her so ofc they wouldn't hate her.

      • 4 months ago

        >and would have never fought her
        Why? I thought that, like you repeately said yourself, this is a game about killing the justice league. Why is one member of the justice league getting preferential treatment in a game where your objective is to kill members of the justice league?

        • 4 months ago

          she gets the worse treatment in the game, she gets burnt to a crisp by superman. Unlike the others she doesn't get revived later, she stays dead in this game from whats been datamined of the story

      • 4 months ago

        >when he already leaked to still be alive
        source or gtfo

        • 4 months ago

          Mmmmmmiller on twitter or how many fricking Ms his name has. He has been 100% correct about every detail of the game so far. That aside the letstalkgamingdiscord which is dedicated to leaking shit about every new game also has a dataminer

      • 4 months ago

        >leaked to still be alive
        That doesn't excuse the shitty writing.

        • 4 months ago

          I don't think getting shot in the face is shitty writing

          • 4 months ago

            The game in general has a lot of shitty writing. The Squad has massive plot armor that isn't even really acknowledged.

            • 4 months ago

              kiing shark is a demi-god so its fine for him to be in these dangerous situations but yea the rest would be a bit in trouble but ig you can say plot armor for any of the previous arkham games as well

              • 4 months ago

                Not one of them could even touch Superman and to suggest otherwise is absurd.

              • 4 months ago

                should have gotten bloodsport, he's sent supes to ICU before

                >leaked to still be alive

                Brainiac genetically modified the league to be immortal. in the next seeason it seems flash is cured and comes back, you can find the clip online. However the full leak has the league reassmebling in season 5. They are unsure if they are playable or not but they are the key to stopping brainiac for good

              • 4 months ago

                This is also atrocious writing.

              • 4 months ago

                It's a comic, anon.
                Of course it is.

              • 4 months ago

                are you ok with batman beating superman?

              • 4 months ago

                That has always been moronic

              • 4 months ago

                >However the full leak has the league reassmebling in season 5
                Should have just made a JL game...

              • 4 months ago

                the worst part is the possible playable thing. If the miner is right and not misinterpreting data then I can imagine there will be a lot of seethe. With season 1-4 already done and legally obligated to drop, im sure we will atleast get season 5 to see if this will cause a shit show

            • 4 months ago

              it's not plot armor if its the player avatars in the game, you're the plot armor for them by winning the encounters

              • 4 months ago

                You can't play cutscenes and the brainwashed, murderous heroes should have ended them in seconds.

              • 4 months ago

                >Boomerang tosses a boomerang at Supes while he has Wonder Woman
                >Supes just looks at them when he could have lasered them without a sweat.

            • 4 months ago

              >The Squad has massive plot armor that isn't even really acknowledged.
              welcome to comics. In fact welcome to fiction. I just hope more of these triple A games bomb.

              • 4 months ago

                More like:
                >welcome to garbage writing

              • 4 months ago

                I can handwave sone things in most stories but the stuff here is pretty glaring. If the League WASN'T brainwashed and holding back, I could see why they might live.

      • 4 months ago

        I am far more bothered by Superman's death than fricking Batman. At least there was a lead up and emotional music. Supes drops like a sack of bricks and it's just "LOL. LMAO."
        And I can maybe buy someone beating Batman. Supes? No. D Tier villains with kryptonite do not beat Superman and the mere suggestion is absurdity. It isn't helped by Supes literally stating how fricking absurd it is while you fight him.

        >Harley Quinn can kill Superman
        Black person, Superman could nuke the entire planet with his eyes. Do not feed me this bullshit.

      • 4 months ago

        >leaked to still be alive

        • 4 months ago

          People have been claiming they are clones, I think.

    • 4 months ago

      For as long as WB keeps paying them.

    • 4 months ago

      Stop making shit up when the game has reasons to hate it already

  32. 4 months ago

    How many times do you need to get raped before your masters update their failing deflection tactics, finally firing from rocksteady's shilling department? Because at the rate things are going you and your master will be left without a job soon.

    • 4 months ago

      It's hilarious that there's a whole right wing organized outrage against this game but you lot think its the barely existent other side that's shilling

      • 4 months ago

        Now tell me is there's an entire procedure to your little schtick? Like a manual or whatever? Is your supervisor with you right now? Or do they check on your work later? At any rate, your superiors must know that you're failing miserably at your job.

  33. 4 months ago

    >game is called kill the justice league
    >well-established superheroes are being killed by D-tier villains that behave like ADHD zoomers
    >people think the concept is moronic and plot armor too thick
    Oh wow, how could this happen?

    • 4 months ago

      the same thing happens in god of war 3 but there it works pretty convincingly
      I'm not sure why one failed horribly and the other did not

      • 4 months ago

        Greek myths have the gods being dicks constantly, they were not beloved. Especially in the context of the games.

      • 4 months ago

        Maybe because GoW 3 was only fricking with its own lore. Maybe because it wasn't a shit game. Maybe because greek gods were always (mostly) c**ts and seeing them being ripped apart was cathartic. I don't know.

  34. 4 months ago

    >confirm a new game that could be in the arkhamverse after fricking that up badly with gotham knights
    >new game confirms that the justice league are in, therefore more DC comics games could be made with rocksteady akin to insomniac going all in with marvel
    >everyone's dead and multiverse/flashpoint is likely to be what brings back everyone
    >kevin conroy's batman is killed in a cutscene instead of a boss battle that emulates hunting down arkham batman
    >dumbass smarmy quips from everyone
    At least Captain Boomerang is some appreciation, from the looks of how zoomers/shills like to meme about him on shithole websites like TikTok.

  35. 4 months ago

    assassinating these gay superheroes is cool af idea

  36. 4 months ago

    gamers aren't happy unless they have something to b***h about and a reason to cry about "liberals" and "the left."

    • 4 months ago

      No one like people from california, and this game features people that act and talk like people from california.
      You guys are as annoying as jar jar binks if not worse.
      If your state was wiped out of the map, the entire planet would rejoice.

  37. 4 months ago

    I hope this gets a vg thread eventually so I can find out what the fricking gameplay is like instead of all this plot arguemnts

    • 4 months ago

      It's incredibly repetitive shooting with a bunch of defend this, attack that, and escort this.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah but it still depends on how tight it is, like the division 2 was basically that and I had like 1000 hours in it

        • 4 months ago

          It's worse than that. Wait for a sale if you really want to play this shit.

  38. 4 months ago

    Yeah it's a shit concept for a game lol

    Stupid troony

  39. 4 months ago

    >Game is called Gruesomely Kill Trannies
    >You gruesomely kill trannies
    >People lose their shit because it's "disrespectful"

    am I being trolled here? i don't get it

    • 4 months ago

      Can I pre-order?

  40. 4 months ago

    >you kill the justice league
    You don't even kill like half the members of it.

  41. 4 months ago

    Reminder WB pays people to gaslight others

    • 4 months ago

      Then I have no doubt in my mind this is a shill thread. They post this same argument multiple times a day.

  42. 4 months ago

    stfu contrarian

  43. 4 months ago

    forced outrage

    • 4 months ago

      Forced IP

  44. 4 months ago

    It's a weird hill to die on, but the game doesn't look remarkable which is a shame because I've been hankering for a Brute Force type game where each character fits a niche instead of them mostly being the same.

  45. 4 months ago

    Because it's already a bad idea.
    "Let's let these B-tier level characters kill beloved superheroes with most of them dying in ways that humiliate or degrade them. Let's also make sure that none of these characters have any depth outside of their quippy MCU humor (where they never shut the frick up) and let's all pretend that this is what players want while using a beloved IP (the Arkhamverse) to advertise this story despite contradicting it and ending the main character of that series in a way that's like shooting a rabid dog."

    If you still don't get why people would be angry over this game's story (letalone it's dogshit gameplay loop and and wafer-thin protagonists), then there isn't any other secondary argument to bring up to make you understand.

    WB is fricking obsessed with pushing the Suicide Squad (and ESPECIALLY Harley Quinn) as the new faces of their IP despite the fact one of their movies was a critical dud, another was a financial bomb, the Harley Quinn movie also bombed, and they are really overvaluing Harley Quinn as their Deadpool analog.

    • 4 months ago

      I genuinely don't understand the Harley Quinn thing.
      I can grasp it in theory, I guess she's a strong female. Kind of.
      But she's also a psychopathic prostitute...
      Why not push Wonder Woman more, or Hawkgirl or some shit?
      I guess women, especially young women are pretty stupid and would find Quinn more appealing than Wonder Woman so maybe they're banking on that, but either way, it's not working.

      • 4 months ago

        Wonder Woman is also a psychopathic prostitute. Probably more so than Harley on the psycho part.

      • 4 months ago

        Because she's an anti-hero, it makes her more "relatable" to masses when she has a moral struggle. WW has the exact same issue Supes where the public sees them as "too good" to relate to. This is also why Batman is popular, he's edgy and brooding and his super strength is being rich and trained in every martial arts.

        • 4 months ago

          Women can relate to a ditzy chick that falls in love with an absolute maniac clown and helps him mass murder while he beats her in the off time?
          Are women OK?

          • 4 months ago

            Go figure, right?

            She's not an anti hero at all? She's a psychopathic murderer. She also has no moral struggles.

            Wonder Woman literally disembowels regular criminals and has murdered children

            >Because she's an anti-hero
            Are you joking? She's a villain. She literally helps torture Jason Todd and is confirmed to have killed a girl and her father in the Arkham games.

            And what moral struggles? She delights in killing Batman and blames him for causing physical/emotional pain when she has done far worse. She was told to kill Bowles, told to kill Gordon, and killed numerous other people.

            She's a villain and her motivation is wanting Joker's dick. Go play the TellTale games if you wan to actually see an evil Harley actually have depth to her.

            She is billed as an anti-hero way more in the past decade, often working with the bat crew or doing her own thing away from the Joker. That's why the comics replaced her with Punchline, who is just old Harvey but edgier.

            • 4 months ago

              They can call her an anti hero. She is in no way one. It's like when they call a natural born heel in the WWE a face, even though they can't stop doing heel shit or being booed. Call yourself whatever you want. Actions speak louder than words.

              She decapitated a dude in the animated SS movie btw

            • 4 months ago

              >who is just old Harvey but edgier.
              All comics are edgy. They make horror films with dead babies look like comedies

              • 4 months ago

                Depends on writer tbh. Harvey was introduced in a cartoon so she's basically comic relief despite being in cahoots with the most ruthless villain in Gotham because she thought her pussy could fix him, wasn't until she was adapted fo comics she was allowed to be more of a villain, but overall her depiction since the start hasn't really meant to be something truly malicious. Even the animated series shows she's ok when pulled off the joker.

            • 4 months ago

              >She is billed as an anti-hero way more in the past decade
              That doesn't make her so in this game, especially with her history in the Arkham series. I'm not going to rely on the "meta" when her history and actions in these games paint her as nothing but an absolute murderous c**t who has made no attempt to better herself, especially since she's only motivated by saving her own life.

              That's not an anti-hero. That's a villain.

            • 4 months ago

              >Because she's an anti-hero
              Are you joking? She's a villain. She literally helps torture Jason Todd and is confirmed to have killed a girl and her father in the Arkham games.

              And what moral struggles? She delights in killing Batman and blames him for causing physical/emotional pain when she has done far worse. She was told to kill Bowles, told to kill Gordon, and killed numerous other people.

              She's a villain and her motivation is wanting Joker's dick. Go play the TellTale games if you wan to actually see an evil Harley actually have depth to her.

              She’s similar to Deadpool, an anti-villain.

        • 4 months ago

          She's not an anti hero at all? She's a psychopathic murderer. She also has no moral struggles.

          Wonder Woman literally disembowels regular criminals and has murdered children

        • 4 months ago

          >Because she's an anti-hero
          Are you joking? She's a villain. She literally helps torture Jason Todd and is confirmed to have killed a girl and her father in the Arkham games.

          And what moral struggles? She delights in killing Batman and blames him for causing physical/emotional pain when she has done far worse. She was told to kill Bowles, told to kill Gordon, and killed numerous other people.

          She's a villain and her motivation is wanting Joker's dick. Go play the TellTale games if you wan to actually see an evil Harley actually have depth to her.

          • 4 months ago

            Villains cannot be villains anymore. They're all supposed to be sad people we sympathize with for some reason.

            You've never been interested in a game from the standpoint of a villain?

            It feels like all media is from that standpoint now so I am a bit bored of it.

  46. 4 months ago

    Nice DSLs on Nu-Harley.

  47. 4 months ago
  48. 4 months ago

    >Brainiac decide he wants to rule over the world and recreate his planete, like Zod in man of steel
    >He use the JL to protect him so no one can stop his plan
    >All the JL is killed by the suicide squad
    Then, if it was a fricking game and not a GaaS type of shit, the next step would be to go and frick up Brainiac. Instead:
    >Funfact, Brainiac has 12 others versions of himself through the multiverse, so the SQ need to kill every one of them and THEN kill the "real" Brainiac.
    >You just shoot a version of Brainiac who's a re-skin of the Flash bossfight as the first one of them
    >Then it's over
    Thanks, don't forget to grind for BADASS LOOT and come back when the new battle pass drop and then they will continue the story !
    Even Arkham Knight with the 50 dollars season pass at launch didn't butchered the ending for a quick buck and player retention but eh, Warner bros and rocksteady are great uh ?

  49. 4 months ago

    We luv wonder woman though cause shes a girlboss! Teehee.

  50. 4 months ago

    Does the game atleast have some coomer mods?

  51. 4 months ago

    Yeah, nobody wanted a suicide squad game

  52. 4 months ago

    I never want to hear shit about Goku and the laser beam after Supes got shot to death like a 1930's mobster

  53. 4 months ago

    The problem isn't that the justice league gets offed, the problem is that it's all done is the most fricking boring ways imaginable and that the one fricking character excluded from the lame deaths and disrespect post death is fricking Wonder Woman who Harley mourns for some bizarre fricking reason. They even have some text in the game that is supposed to be from Lex Luthor about Wonder Woman wanking off to how "perfect" Amazonian society is.
    Should've had Batman and Wonder Woman's roles swapped in the plot. Then Harely's "mourning" could be played as her feeling empty or some shit watching the target of her hatred die in front of her. Of course, none of that would save the rest of the moronic bullshit in the games plot.

    • 4 months ago

      Wonder Woman makes the most sense. I am sorry you think everything is about politics. They picked her because she has a connection to Supes, they often fight in media, and she's the second strongest on the league.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm sorry you're a sweet baby inc wiener sucker.
        Even the comics point out Amazonian society is far from perfect, but the morons writing this game don't care or respect any of the source material.

      • 4 months ago

        Wonder Woman doesn't make the most sense.
        If any members of the League were to underestimate Brainiac, it'd be the likes of Supes, WW, and Aquaman.
        Those most likely to survive would be Cyborg, Flash, and Batman.

        • 4 months ago

          Not that anon, but yeah, I buy Wondy being the one resisting Brainiac's influence. The Lasso of Truth CAN break mind control, and Brainiac's experience with magic is limited. Why does Batman have to be the perfect exception every time? It's tiresome

          • 4 months ago

            Because resisting mindcontrol by sheer willpower will always be cooler than "lol nope, I have a magic toy that makes me immune"

            • 4 months ago

              You're further making up bullshit excuses for Batwank, and it's old. The Lasso of Truth has a singular gimmick, and its applicable in this situation. Stop making Batman great at everything

          • 4 months ago

            >The Lasso of Truth CAN break mind control
            Then why didn't WW just use that to begin with on the mind controlled Superheroes?

            • 4 months ago

              You just can't OK!
              They're men!

              • 4 months ago

                The lasso works regardless of sex.

            • 4 months ago

              Because this game's plot is dogshit, anon.

              Superman under no circumstances should lose to the Suicide Squad. He also states several of his capabilities during the flight like literally being able to move the planet.

              >Guns vs a man strong enough to break Earth's orbit with his hands.

              I know, I just said that. I was merely pointing out the "Superman can push the planet" thing as a uncommon feat not easily done, if at all

              • 4 months ago

                Really, it doesn't even need to be anything that extreme. The Squad couldn't really do jack shit if Superman decided to grab an entire football field and powerbomb it onto them.

      • 4 months ago

        >I am sorry you think everything is about politics.
        The game has the trans flag and Lex Luthor bemoans toxic masculinity. Wonder Woman getting special treatment is 100% a political choice. I am sorry you do not understand this.

    • 4 months ago

      >Amazon's have beaten toxic masculinity!
      >they raid ships, rape the men, then kill them before having their children
      >if they birth males, they are killed or essentially enslaved

  54. 4 months ago

    >>game is called kill the justice league
    >mad nobody buys it because they don't want to kill the Justice League
    why are shills such smooth brains?

    • 4 months ago


      I want to kill the justice league. I still won't be playing full price for a mediocre shooter. Why don't you want to play as a bad guy? Not a misunderstood anti-hero, but as an actual no bullshit villain.

      • 4 months ago

        Because I've done that and I don't enjoy it.

        • 4 months ago

          I guess you're just a square then.

          Having this specific lineup of villains doing ANYTHING to the JLA is horseshit

          It would be cooler if these weaklings came up with more elaborate ways to kill the powerful heroes, I agree. They could have used kryptonite or deception to make them infight or some shit.

          • 4 months ago

            No, the premise is still stupid, shill. If I wanted to play a Suicide Squad game, I would want missions like assassinations, theft, or sabotage like the premise originally intended

            • 4 months ago

              Playing as a villain/group with the goal of wiping out all the heroes in town one by one is an excellent premise. It would work best as a boss rush.

              • 4 months ago

                >Playing as a villain/group with the goal of wiping out all the heroes in town one by one is an excellent premise. It would work best as a boss rush.
                As a standalone IP, not DC

              • 4 months ago

                It's more fun when the heroes are actual heroes and not one time OCs.

                Since you accused me of being a shill I would again like to remind you that I will not be purchasing any mediocre shooter.

              • 4 months ago

                >It's more fun when the heroes are actual heroes and not one time OCs.
                Your taste is fricking terrible and you are not a DC fan. No one wants to see these characters die gruesome ways.

              • 4 months ago

                There's a million different universes for batman alone. Why can't we have one where the villains team up and actually win like (the first half of) that one powerpuff girls episode?

              • 4 months ago

                >Further pushing multiverse autism
                Frick. Off. You got your moronic shit with Injustice

              • 4 months ago

                That has been done to death so many times it’s extremely boring.

              • 4 months ago

                Give me examples because I would like to play them.

              • 4 months ago

                No More Heroes is pretty fun.

              • 4 months ago

                you don't kill heroes in no more heroes, it's an butthole killing other buttholes

              • 4 months ago

                You kill heroes in 3 :^) But you're right.

              • 4 months ago

                I've been meaning to give that a series shot but it's my understanding that neither travis nor his girlfriends are evil/villainous.

              • 4 months ago

                >protagonist's favorite show is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ51oME5LZI
                >not a villain
                I'm calling the fbi

              • 4 months ago

                >brown girls
                Your game just shot up in position in my backlog

      • 4 months ago

        Having this specific lineup of villains doing ANYTHING to the JLA is horseshit

      • 4 months ago

        The villains you play as are dogshit

  55. 4 months ago

    holy cringe

  56. 4 months ago


  57. 4 months ago

    Why do troons love this game so much?

    • 4 months ago

      Because they think it's a victory for them for destroying pop culture, when in reality more and more people just wanna see troons dead.

    • 4 months ago

      They don't. I know you want everything to be politics but there is no political split where the right hates the game and the left loves it. The only difference between these sides is one is sad for the devs likely losing their job.

  58. 4 months ago

    I hate it because it's set in Arkhamverse instead of a separate universe. It sucks to see the same Batman we played in Arkham games go out like that. Rocksteady shat on everything they built.

    • 4 months ago

      >Rocksteady shat on everything they built.
      Without even looking, I guarantee less than 10% of the people (and none of the writers) working on this game were responsible for the Arkham games. Just don't take it as canon, it's ideologues subverting shit on purpose and you can choose to ignore it.
      Most companies now have completely transitioned from the old guard to new hires pumping out fanfiction.

    • 4 months ago

      you have rock bottom standards. Who cares what universe this is, its dogshit. Just look at the game play, why the frick are you fighting the flash and superman with guns.

  59. 4 months ago

    It's very funny how a solid 50% of the crying about this is from people who apparently interpreted the 'prep time' meme to mean that batman was stronger than any threat.

    • 4 months ago

      Literally nobody is saying that.
      People are saying it's a bit fricked to shoot Batman in the head in an alley telling him he did nothing good.

      • 4 months ago

        Go up like 1 post and you get a guy thinking batman should resist all mind control via willpower

        • 4 months ago

          I don't see all anywhere.
          Nobody is saying always, they are talking about likelihood and past instances.
          Batman doesn't often get mind controlled because he's paranoid, and yes, does have a strong will, two of his big villains frick with your head: Scarecrow and Poison Ivy, both of whom have gotten one over on other League members

        • 4 months ago

          You're further making up bullshit excuses for Batwank, and it's old. The Lasso of Truth has a singular gimmick, and its applicable in this situation. Stop making Batman great at everything

          F for reading comprehension. I'm saying that batman resisting mindcontrol via willpower is cooler than wonder woman just being immune thanks to a glorified sex toy.

          Stop making shit up when the game has reasons to hate it already

          I don't know what kind of argument you're trying to make when this game is full of political statements that are treated with such "subtlety" that even normalgays are groaning and saying "enough"

          • 4 months ago

            I read what you said just fine, apparently you have issues reading. No, it's not fricking cool because of all the bullshit Batman is capable of doing lately in modern fiction, which is ridiculous.

            Batman isn't the smartest, he's not the best martial artist, and hell he's not even the best detective on the planet! It's only cool if he's been hunkering down avoiding all of this guerrilla style, not "Oh I just meditated really hard and broke free".

            • 4 months ago

              >Batman isn't the smartest, he's not the best martial artist, and hell he's not even the best detective on the planet!
              Calm down Joker

              • 4 months ago

                But it's true
                >Lady Shiva is a better marital artist
                >Lex Luthor, Doctor Sivana, T.O. Morrow, Ray Palmer, and a few others are smarter
                >The Question and Detective Chimp are better detectives
                Bats is a jack of all trades, master of none

            • 4 months ago

              Isn't he supposed to be the worlds greatest detective?(in lore)

      • 4 months ago

        Because it makes you sad? Just because you are a hero doesn't mean you are guaranteed a glorious death when you finally get caught. The game is having you play as a bunch of degenerate psychos. The game would be boring if the villains were portrayed as "Just getting back at wrongs that were done to them" like every other modern villain with a sob story.

        • 4 months ago

          >Because it makes you sad?
          Yes. Thats why the game sold like shit. People dont like media where the crazy evil villains win. This is a thing in society throughout history. Its demoralizing to play a game where idolized heroes are snuffed out and mocked. People say it would be "boring" if Batman still died but went out in a blaze of glory and honor by say, saying a bunch of lives and then a building exploded. But sometimes boring is better.

          • 4 months ago

            >People dont like media where the crazy evil villains win.
            Devilman? Berserk? If you want something more modern, then what about Cyberpunk Edgerunners? Hell even that Demon Slayer movie ended with the Demon winning and getting away while the MC mourned his dead mentor.

            • 4 months ago

              There are no heroes in edgerunners. The protags are villains.
              Berserk and devilman are 30-40 years old. Never heard of demon slayer.

            • 4 months ago

              Griffith temporarily won. Obviously the manga is/was going to eventually end of a good note. I have not read Devilman and its probably a good thing.

          • 4 months ago

            >People dont like media where the crazy evil villains win. This is a thing in society throughout history
            I feel like you're talking shit

            • 4 months ago

              Ainz is not crazy evil. Sure his means of domination are questionable given its "join us or die" but hes not trying to take over the world purely for fun. He has a plan for society.

              • 4 months ago

                If the plan is torture and enslavement it's not benevolent plan, anon. Imagine thinking that evil people vie for power merely for "fun" lol.

              • 4 months ago

                Ainz wants peace and prosperity for society. But it requires an iron hand to keep people in line from crime, degeneracy and usurpers.

              • 4 months ago

                Remember when he went Old Testament "spare not the children" on an entire nation because of a bungled grain deal?

            • 4 months ago

              Ainz is not crazy evil. Sure his means of domination are questionable given its "join us or die" but hes not trying to take over the world purely for fun. He has a plan for society.

              The appeal of Overlord is a fantasy slice of life where a real life loser falls upward being the overleveled bad guy.

              • 4 months ago

                Overlord is alright but at least provide someone who can challenge him, or at least don't have an insta kill spell that eliminates ancient races.

            • 4 months ago

              Overlord is shit. Anyone with taste watches and prefers Tensura.

              • 4 months ago

                whatever man overlord still has a better opening theme
                I've had tensura in my backlog for a long time, maybe I should finally watch it

              • 4 months ago

                It's one of the few "main character is absurdly overpowered from the start" series that is actually good. Instead of going around and having an adventure, he just decides to play Sid Meier's Civilization with a bunch of monsters instead.

          • 4 months ago

            >source: it was revealed to me in a dream

        • 4 months ago

          Degenerate psychos who mourn Wonder Woman.
          Go shill elsewhere.

    • 4 months ago

      No, but Superman sure is stronger than the Suicide Squad or Amanda Waller.
      You know he killed the guardians of the GL corp before, right?

      • 4 months ago

        Bro, literally every member of the JL is League's above anybody in this iteration of the Squad.
        They wind up in prison, multiple times, because of the JL.
        There are members here and there who are more comparable, like Deathstroke, and Black Manta, but even then, they tend to lose.

        • 4 months ago

          superman can literally move the planet out of orbit. there's "stronger" and then there's gods vs ants
          guy fricking murdered the entirety of the gl corp.

          • 4 months ago

            Not him but I should mention the highs of Superman and Flash are not commonly or easily done. But yes, this game is bullshit having this team fight him

            • 4 months ago

              Superman under no circumstances should lose to the Suicide Squad. He also states several of his capabilities during the flight like literally being able to move the planet.

              >Guns vs a man strong enough to break Earth's orbit with his hands.

  60. 4 months ago

    >game is shit
    >people start making up fake problems to shit on it even more
    this is just what happens to every bad piece of media, on Ganker and every other platform
    same with people calling palworld an asset flip, regardless of what you think of the game, that claim is just factually false

  61. 4 months ago

    Superman and Flash games when? WB Games needs to get their shit together. God I hope the Wonder Woman game is good. Not only do I want a fun WW experience, but it could make those other projects possible.

    Frick this game though

  62. 4 months ago

    Thers multiple problems with the game, and none of them have to do with being 'tricked' into the theme of the game
    >Generally people dont like games where you play as a villain
    >This is compounded by you killing morally good heroes
    >This is compounded by them heroes being defeated in silly ways by way weaker villains in unrealistic ways
    >The actions of the villains are also strangely inconsistent changing with how evil they feel every few minutes

    • 4 months ago

      people dont like games where you play as a villain
      citation needed. Why is GTA so huge then.

      • 4 months ago

        GTA usually goes out if it's way to make them less villain-y they want revenge, or it's circumstances etc.
        This is why Trevor is unique, and anecdotally it seems quite a few people think he's a dumb gay.

  63. 4 months ago

    is it Gankermblr or unironic shills posting this shit over and over again
    Rocksteady spent a decade on a game nobody wanted, people don't owe them money

  64. 4 months ago

    >king shark literally calls them comrades

  65. 4 months ago

    There's an unironic manchild epidemic of manchildren, all of whom seem to think that you're not allowed to inflict suffering on their favorite characters (self inserts).

    • 4 months ago

      It's obviously an extremely juvenile genre but if you write a webnovel and have anything bad happen to your protagonist (even if it's just to give them a villain to beat) you get a bunch of negative reviews every single time lol.

    • 4 months ago

      There's an epidemic of subversive ideologues going out of their way to shit on the things you and I like.
      Ah, sorry. My mistake. You're one of them.

      • 4 months ago

        Do you honestly think secret communists are engaged in a secret campaign to ruin your toys with the specific aim of upsetting you?
        Do you realize how moronic that makes you sound if you think about it for two seconds.

        • 4 months ago

          >Do you honestly think secret communists are engaged in a secret campaign to ruin your toys with the specific aim of upsetting you?
          >Do you realize how moronic that makes you sound if you think about it for two seconds.
          Anon most of these people come out of school openly talking about subverting norms, normalizing the radical, and about how important it is to undermine 'white hegemony' and shit like that.
          They don't have the specific aim of upsetting me (they think it's a wonderful bonus), they want to control culture. There's nothing secret about it and in the event you are not being deliberately disingenuous, you are a colossal fricking moron for not realizing that it's happening.

          • 4 months ago

            No they didn't

        • 4 months ago

          Reread the post of the guy who responded to you before as many times as required to get his point through your skull.

          Dumb frick

        • 4 months ago

          >Banks are communists
          Spread the word, new barely-legible strawman has been found.

      • 4 months ago

        >buy game called kill the justice league
        >act shocked when the justice league dies
        Literally what did you expect? The whole story is built around the concept of ex-villains and anti-heroes putting down mind controlled heroes.
        There's no fricking culture war, that's just the STORY the author choose to tell.

        • 4 months ago

          >Why would I want to play a game where I kill the justice league
          >Its called "kill the justice league".
          >I know, I'm asking why would I want to play a game where I kill the justice league?
          >I already told you, its called "kill the justice league"
          I said this shit before, but this is the conversation I'm having with a lot of you guys. I know, I can read the name of the game. Its called "kill the justice league". I know you kill the justice league. I think its a stupid premise of a game and a bastardization of the Arkham series (if we're still pretending this is in the same canon).

          You don't have to keep telling me the name of the game, find some other way to defend it.

        • 4 months ago

          People are shocked by the execution. Its like if Superman was just randomly shot and killed with a gun by a bank robber one day, no kryptonite or anything. People would call your story silly.

        • 4 months ago

          >There's no fricking culture war, that's just the STORY the author choose to tell.
          Why did the story need to have Lex Luthor break character and go full simp mode over Wonder Woman?

          At least it's finally being made obvious that the backlash against this game is just plot crying rather than anything about the gameplay.

          We already trashed the game's shitty gameplay dozens of times before it even came out. The shills are the ones who keep wanting to "discuss" the game's shitty plot.

          • 4 months ago

            >We already trashed the game's shitty gameplay dozens of times before it even came out
            How? Did you play a preview copy?

            • 4 months ago

              I see, so you missed all the threads that were trashing suicide squad and its gameplay previews for all this time. Make sure to buy a souvenir on the way out,

              • 4 months ago

                Never happened, it was all crying about "ruining conroy's last appearance" and women being involved in making the game

              • 4 months ago

                >never happened
                Wow, sure have a lot of tourists on this site lately. Make sure to pick up some postcards before you head home.

              • 4 months ago

                post the archives then since you're obviously not just making shit up after the fact

              • 4 months ago

                >confirms he was a tourist who at best started seeing suicide squad threads only after the game launched
                Use code AMgay to get a 15% discount on your very own Rare Pepe souvenir. Be safe on the way home.

              • 4 months ago

                so you don't have any links then, even though you're so confident in your claim and absolutely aren't just making stuff up

              • 4 months ago

                There is no law that requires me to spoonfeed a tourist.

              • 4 months ago

                All you have to do is search one of the common phrases from these threads you oh so clearly remember.

              • 4 months ago

                >It was all crying about "ruining conroy's last appearance"
                A true artist would know this is a fair critique, though I suspect you feel like you have to defend imaginary women from the chuds to be a good little boy, don't you?

        • 4 months ago

          I didn't buy this shit and it has nothing to do with expectation. They chose this story on purpose.
          I refer you to

          >Game is called Gruesomely Kill Trannies
          >You gruesomely kill trannies
          >People lose their shit because it's "disrespectful"

          am I being trolled here? i don't get it

          If I choose make a game about killing trannies, can I pretend there's nothing political about it because it's just the story I innocently wanted to tell?

    • 4 months ago

      Bad things can occasionally happen to protagonists and good people in your material. But if suffering and ultimately losing despite being a good person is the core concept of the whole thing then dont be surprised when most people avoid your edgy sadfest.

      • 4 months ago

        The Boys is extremely popular. Cynicism rules Humanity now.

    • 4 months ago

      Frick you and frick off.

      Imagine shilling for this trash. You should be ashamed of yourself

    • 4 months ago


      >game is called kill the justice league
      >you kill the justice league
      >literal bad guys don't mourn when killing their arch nemeses
      >people lose their shit because it's "disrespectful"

      am i just being trolled here? i don't get it

      People cry about killing the superheroes = bad marketting yet somehow everybody is talking about it and more people are defending the "kill the superheroes" trope when barely anybody is fighting it .

      All you homosexuals pretend nobody wants to kill superheroes but everybody secretly wants their favorite superheroes to be prostituted out to seperate universes to die a million times so they can cry.

      Almost every single popular comic has almost the entire cast of superheroes in a universe decimated:

      Marvel/dc zombies
      MArvel Inifinitywar/endgame
      ___ superheroes kills the (avengers/justice league/x men)
      Post planet hulk
      invincible/the boys
      etc etc

      Superhero fanboys are moronic children. Yes. But more specifically they are edge lord 14 year old children that can only enjoy anything when their favorite superhero team dies for shock value.

      >how could they KILL the justice league, who would want to see that?

      This is a better explanation in a shorter amount of words. Heroes die so many times we all just roll our eyes even when our favorite character dies, because in the next comic they will be back.

      • 4 months ago

        woah I bet this marketing is doing wonders for selling the game and I am sure thee game has hit more than 15k people on steam playing it at its peak.

        • 4 months ago

          this game is dogshit. it doesn't deserve 10k concurrent players and this much buzz around it. fact that this thread made it to 500 on a bait op post is proof enough

          • 4 months ago

            >this game is dogshit. it doesn't deserve 10k concurrent players and this much buzz around it. fact that this thread made it to 500 on a bait op post is proof enough


      • 4 months ago

        This. Game. Is. Not. Selling.

        Stop saying it's doing well when it's not.

  66. 4 months ago

    maybe, just maybe, the problem is having the Suicide Squad kill the Justice League was a shit idea from the start
    did Rocksteady consider that?

  67. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      god damn imagine if we got a BB game with the good rocksteady developers FUUUUUG

      • 4 months ago

        I feel like they'd find a way to frick it up. Modern IP adaptations have been put through the ringer recently.


  68. 4 months ago

    Game should have been called “Suicide Squad Kill Rocksteady”

  69. 4 months ago

    >erm you can't say it's bad writing when you have a D lister beat an S lister with no explanation
    Sure I can. And in wrestling, this would be called atrocious booking and story telling, like when Jinder just suddenly went from loser to champ. You cannot just have your jobber beat some champ on a 4 year winning streak and think people will be like "AWESOME!" Because that is often not the case. You also make everyone that person beat look weak. I guess Lex is weaker than Harley Quinn since Supes beat him.

  70. 4 months ago

    At least it's finally being made obvious that the backlash against this game is just plot crying rather than anything about the gameplay.

    • 4 months ago

      People complain about the boring ass missions and lack of enemy variety tbh

    • 4 months ago

      Because that's obvious.
      It's repetitive and shit.

    • 4 months ago

      That's because the gameplay is so fricking mindnumbingly boring. Nobody wants to play that trash beyond the plot missions because of it.

    • 4 months ago

      Even the IGN preview that kicked off of this was just the guy crying about the plot.
      He even broke the NDA to reveal more of it than he should've so he could moan about superheroes losing lol.

    • 4 months ago

      Everyone who doesn't find GaaS looter shooters abhorrent is already playing Destiny 2 and Warframe.

    • 4 months ago

      The gameplay is SHIT and just a fps
      WHO the FRICK plays a DC SUPER HERO / SUPER VILAIN game to play a SHITTY fps clone number 9473292379248? Just make a justice league game with actual heroes and powers and the game wouldn't have flopped, they are super dumb

      • 4 months ago

        It's diablo 4 except it's FPS with 4 fricking chapters with infinite portals fighting inifinite brainaics (fricking overlord ainz without his plot armor) in the form of superheroes for better loot.

        If they were going to do 4-5 chapters at least put effort in the story not on your looter shooter shit.

  71. 4 months ago

    No one care about those piece of shit characters so that's not the issue.
    Issue is how Flash was pissed on after death, disrespectful death of every justice leauge character EXPECT fricking Wonder women which WAS mourn by them.
    Beside the whole concep doesn't amke any fricking sense. Those character couldn't beat any single justice leauge member. There were much better suite characters for this than fricking Capitan Boomerang...

  72. 4 months ago

    >video game is shit
    >devs and journos surprised that customers do not spend their hard earned cash on it
    Many such cases.

    • 4 months ago

      having your own opinions on what to buy goes against our best economic interests

  73. 4 months ago

    It's subversive israelite trash that glorifies criminal scum and denigrates heroes and morality. I will shit on this game, push for its failure and I will never play so much of a single second of it.

  74. 4 months ago

    >final boss isn't even a Brainiac fight
    What were they doing for all these years?

  75. 4 months ago

    >how could they KILL the justice league, who would want to see that?

    • 4 months ago

      Nobody actually liked Batman Who Laughs, anon....

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Batman Who Laughs is regarded as a tryhard gay by DC fans.
      He was a fad for normies who thought it was so cool.

    • 4 months ago

      Nobody, evidently.

    • 4 months ago

      >Batman Who Laughs
      >something anyone wants to see

    • 4 months ago

      Batman who laughs was another edgy FotM "deconstruction" people have started to hate more and more as time passes.

      • 4 months ago

        Not even DC writers liked Batman Who Laughs. It was a pet character thing between Dan Didio and Scott Snyder. In the Death Metal event tie-ins several writers were actively shitting on the entire thing and character
        >That Owlman rant saying he's a good idea whereas dumb shit coming out of the event will be forgotten
        >That Flash issue where Wally ran to the Mobius chair to flip off BWLs calling him "Batman Who Tries Too Hard"
        >That ending where Superboy Prime fricking punches him out of existence, gets a happy ending, and just drops comics when he returns to our world

        • 4 months ago

          I never understood the love that shitty character got.
          >Dude, what if le Joker Batman!
          It's like something a 12 year old would come up with.

          • 4 months ago

            He wasn't even the most interesting evil Batman from that first event. If they wanted to play on the Batwank joke, they should have used The Merciless (A Bruce that obtained godlike power after taking Ares's place)

            • 4 months ago

              Owlman should get more attention.
              He'll, this whole game would have been better with the Crime Syndicate.

              • 4 months ago

                It'd basically be the plot of Injustice.

            • 4 months ago

              Me in the back with the cloak

  76. 4 months ago

    Oh don’t mind me, just playing Ethnic Cleansing: The Game

    You won’t mind me killing non-whites in this game right? The came is called ETHNIC CLEANSING after all so you should have 0 problems with this game what so ever. Even problems relating to the actual game itself or something.

  77. 4 months ago

    Why are all the women ugly?

  78. 4 months ago

    Should have been the Legion of Doom.

  79. 4 months ago

    >These many replies for a moronic OP who threw out shitty bait

    • 4 months ago
  80. 4 months ago

    I guess Kyle Rayner's villain, Major Force, didn't get the memo that you're not supposed to violate people's corpses, because Major Force murdered Kyle's girlfriend, and then stuffed her corpse into a refrigerator.
    Shame on Major Force! Shouldn't he know as a villain that there's lines he shouldn't cross?

    • 4 months ago

      Unironically yes.
      That's the point they're trying to get across...
      They didn't then laugh in the next panel about the corpse in the fridge.

    • 4 months ago

      You mean the single act that is now referenced as someone being “fridged”, and partially why they moved away from damsels in distress? This is bad example, because they mandated avoiding situations like this so it isn’t construed as sexism, women just existing for violence.

  81. 4 months ago

    Even Cuckmann didn't have the troony Squad piss on Joel's corpse.

  82. 4 months ago

    Its just a vector to b***h

    All you really need to say is the game is clearly slop, capeshit or not.
    >muh corporate mascots
    Batman is cool and all, but you'll never see me defending corporate products.

  83. 4 months ago

    I think the issue isn't "villains don't kill/disrespect corpses" its that the specific villains in the suicide squad don't do that and are shown to not do so.

  84. 4 months ago

    It’s bad because all they do is….shoot them to death. Even Superman, how does he die? Oh we just kept shooting him

  85. 4 months ago

    Imagine being mind broken to the point you'll defend one of the worst games of the year.

  86. 4 months ago

    Say what you will about the Avengers game, but each character felt like they should and unique

    • 4 months ago

      haha no they didn't. If you think hulk should feel like that go play hulk ultimate destruction

      • 4 months ago

        hulk was obviously the worst

  87. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      The problem is that they spin it as removing "troll reviews" like every game is a victim of raiding

  88. 4 months ago

    I don't agree with those takes, but I do believe that the way they went about it was lame.

    They didn't pick a lane. Were the deaths supposed to be funny? Were they supposed to be edgy? Or sad? They're all over the place, yet never really pushing the boundary in any catagory. They just fall over dead. And there was no spectacle. Always gunshots. Except for Wondy, who was reduced to atoms. It doesn't help that the Squad, while debatably amusing, are still pieces of shit who if they didn't have proximity bombs in their necks, would have simply left the city the moment things went breasts up.

    They aren't "fun bad" like Alec Mercer from Prototype or Dr. Eggman or Thanos. They're just c**ts.

  89. 4 months ago

    Sometimes I think people just want to be outraged.

    • 4 months ago

      Except it's warranted here. Spider-Man 2 outrage is absurd, this isn't

      • 4 months ago

        How? Comic book characters have died like a million times.

        • 4 months ago

          It's not about the death itself. Wise up

        • 4 months ago

          Imagine you're playing Spider-Man 3, the Sinister Six beat Spider-Man.
          Screwball walks up to Peter sitting on a bench, tells him he's a loser who did nothing good his entire life, then shoots him in the face and posts it on Tiktok.
          Then they tell you this is supposedly canon.

          • 4 months ago

            Cool, spiderman will pop up like 2 days later.

          • 4 months ago


            • 4 months ago

              That'd be a great way to start a game where spiderman lives and beats the shit out of the Six.

          • 4 months ago

            Spider-Man 3 will have Miles as Spider-Man. PLEASE DO THIS

          • 4 months ago

            would be a cool concept for a Spider-Man game if it opens with the Sinister Six brutally murdering MilesMorales-Man and then the rest of the game is Peter coming out of retirement to get revenge on each of them

      • 4 months ago

        nah spider-man 2 had much worse character assassination and worse dialog somehow. This is different this is just characters dying.
        >Spider-man 2 had every character talk like they belong on a fricking disney channel show.
        >Mj isn't even recognizable personality or physically wise
        >Miles is just wasted and forgotten for half the game and way worse than his movie counterpart
        >peter is a milque toast soi boi with no personality other than im soft and le awkward
        >venom is just le takeover alien with no eddie
        >harry was a fricking nothing burger that made no sense to even become a villain
        >kraven kills off half the rogues off screen

    • 4 months ago

      Turns out, people don't like having their favorite IPs turned to shit by homosexuals.

    • 4 months ago

      No, we want good games without any leftist propaganda in them. Conservatives are utterly repulsed by leftist propaganda, and there is a larger Conservative customer base than there is a Progressive customer base. Feminists and race grifters don't buy games. The best course of action would be to a) remove any politics whatsoever, and b) MAKE GOOD GAMES AGAIN

      • 4 months ago

        I too want to just have a good game to play, which is why Sucide Squad sucks and is flopping

        I don't see how any of what you wrote is about being upset your favourite capesloppers were slopped.

        • 4 months ago

          I don't even like capeshit lmao. I'm a manga enjoyer.

          • 4 months ago

            You could just say trans.

            • 4 months ago

              But I prefer manga because I'm NOT trans.

              • 4 months ago

                >tranime isn't trans

              • 4 months ago

                troonydom is more correlated with video games than with anime.

              • 4 months ago

                And you post on Ganker ergo, you're trans.

              • 4 months ago

                as long you are watching stuff that is like dragonball and not anime about little girls or mostly a female cast, you will be probably ok.

              • 4 months ago

                >entire show is about transitioning to a new form
                Sounds like troony propaganda to me.

              • 4 months ago

                It's about transitioning to a higher state of power (becoming white).

              • 4 months ago

                >Sounds like troony propaganda to me.
                Its about as trannified as hitting the gym and getting muscles is. Which is to say, not at all.

              • 4 months ago

                did that thing on the left got canceled? I never heard anything from it ever again.

                I still remember the internet gas kid.

              • 4 months ago

                They realized it was moronic so they quietly shitcanned it.

        • 4 months ago

          You could just say trans.

          Listen here's the magic trick to not getting criticism about your shitty game

          If you make something good
          There's less things to criticize

          Suicide Squad isn't good
          So it gets more criticism

          You get shit because your game sucks. If it were good, no one would care.
          It's that shrimple.

          • 4 months ago

            >reddit frog talking about others getting criticised

            • 4 months ago

              >reddit squad Black person talking about others being criticized
              Your game flopped
              Your studio is going bust
              No one likes your characters
              No one likes your story

              You're going to be laid off.

              Them's the facts and all you can do is b***h about "reddit" frog

              • 4 months ago

                >reddit frog trying to deflect.

              • 4 months ago

                The whole thread is about your dogshit capeshit game for redditors that's currently flopping because your gay reddit studio can't even pander to your equally moronic audience right.

                If anything, you're deflecting to "reddit" frog to hide your seething embarrassment. Your earlier posts boiling down to "MY GAME SUCKS?!?!?! YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!!"

              • 4 months ago

                >reddit frog still trying to deflect

      • 4 months ago

        >and there is a larger Conservative customer base than there is a Progressive customer base
        there really isn't, they just cry more
        Everything explicitly branded as conservative that actually sells is stuff like religious movies which have church arranged ticket buying schemes to juice up the numbers.

        • 4 months ago

          Conservatism isn't synonymous with religion. There are plenty of Conservatives who either are only mildly religious or irreligious entirely. The hardcore theocrats in the Conservative audience are like 15 - 20%.

          Meanwhile, Conservatives were most of the customer base for Bud Light until the troony shit set them off. Now Bud Light is a dead brand.

          • 4 months ago

            Bud light's decline was from the bestselling beer in the country to the second bestselling

            • 4 months ago

              You're thinking the company behind it, who own a lot of beer brands. not Bud Light the beer, which is practically discarded.

              Why do libtards constantly simp for corpos?

            • 4 months ago

              Bud Light couldn't even sell units when they were giving away cases for free ($19.99 a case with a $20 rebate).

    • 4 months ago

      I too want to just have a good game to play, which is why Sucide Squad sucks and is flopping

  90. 4 months ago

    I know you are just a baitgay, but this is true for you as well as for everyone who genuinely acts like that - Please do keep going. I'm sure you will unflop the game and get people who judged the game by the standard of having a working pair of eyes on your side by being an obnoxious, disingenuous homosexual about it. Any day now.

    • 4 months ago

      Meru sex

  91. 4 months ago

    My understanding is that the game sucks and that's the real problem.

  92. 4 months ago

    >it's in le name! xD

  93. 4 months ago

    >game is literally call "eat shit"
    >you literally have to eat shit IRL, actual feces, that's literally the entire gameplay loop
    >people complain eating the shit tastes like shit
    why are people so stupid? they missed the point!

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        >Lol, look at the trumptard not eating shit. Don't you know eating shit is good for you? What are you an incel?

  94. 4 months ago

    >strawman thread

  95. 4 months ago

    My friend keeps telling me that because Batman is just a notmal human, and can kill each member of the Justice League, Harley Quinn and the other 3 nobodies can too.

    Is this true?

    • 4 months ago

      Batman is a legit psychopath and has prepared complex, intricate plans to kill any of the other members if they go rogue, we're talking preparation that took literal years to commit to.
      His plan against Superman is to make a whole rod of Kryptonite and skew him with it, not shoot him with a heckin' assault rifle with Krypton bullets he bought from the e-shop until he gets the finisher prompt

      the kryptonite spear thing doesn't work btw

      • 4 months ago

        How would having a contingency plan to take down a bunch of superhumans who could frick the planet up if they went rogue be an indication that he's a psychopath?

        • 4 months ago

          Because the resources he spent on this "WELL MAYBE I'LL DO IT" is investment in the same kind of way as your neighbor making a plan to kill you in case you try to rob his house. Including putting trackers on your car and watching your house 24/7.

          If your neighbor or friend did that, you'd be pretty fricking weirded out. Batman does it and everyone acts like Superman or Flash are the weird ones for fricking that really fricking creepy and psychopathic.

          • 4 months ago

            I agree that Batman is not quite right in the head and plotting these measures against his comrades is quite grim, but Supes, Flash etc are incredibly dangerous threats if something goes wrong. Preparing an elaborate plan to stop them is entirely justifiable.

        • 4 months ago

          Because they're close friends.
          Batman is inarguably fricked in the head, that's part of the character.
          He himself should be in Arkham, but in the end he is a good guy.

    • 4 months ago

      BATMAN can do it, a common joke in DC is that Batman can do anything with enough Preparation time.

      King Shark, Harley Quinn, and Captain Boomerang? Frick no. They are incapable of matching Batman in literally anything and that's why they are part of a comical rogues gallery and not a serious world-ending threat like that one time Batman went evil.

    • 4 months ago

      Batman can do it because
      >He knows each of them and their weaknesses intimately
      >Frickton of resources
      >One of the best tacticions in the league
      >Jack of all Trades

      Harley and the Squad are hard carried by Lex who basically gives them all the hax they need to have a chance, and even THEN realistically, they should lose. It's a video game, sure. But these are legit 3 normal people with guns and a shark man.

      • 4 months ago

        >But these are legit 3 normal people with guns and a shark man.
        And why the frick is King Shark the only meta human among them? I want to play as Bane (even though he juices to be a meta), and the costumes are there for him to get homosexual overpriced DLC skins. What about Killer Croc?

        • 4 months ago

          >And why the frick is King Shark the only meta human among them?
          I'm actually really happy he's in it because it's clear they didn' tknow who to put in for #4 and just chose him out of a hat. So if anyone is going to be in, I'd rather it be him because I like him.

          • 4 months ago

            People already suspect I'm a baragay, so I'd choose Bane, Shark, Croc, and then some girl out of mandate. Hopefully a buff girl metahuman, too.

          • 4 months ago

            >And why the frick is King Shark the only meta human among them?
            >I'm actually really happy he's in it because it's clear they didn' tknow who to put in for #4 and just chose him out of a hat. So if anyone is going to be in, I'd rather it be him because I like him.
            And you're a frickin' homosexual for liking King Shark.

            • 4 months ago

              King Shark is only there cause sly played him in the movie.

              It would have been better off if they had Bloodlust, Peacemaker, HarleyQuinn and KingShark and reference the movie a bit more.,

              • 4 months ago

                Admittedly he was in the Assault on Arkham and New 52 comics teams. There's a precedent, and in terms of brute force monsters you can't do better. Only other option besides him would be maybe Solomon Grundy

              • 4 months ago

                I would have done something inline with James Gunn movie.

                Instead of Boomerang and Deadshot use Bloodsport and Peacemaker and write them like how they were protrayed in the movie,

                Bloodsport a steve mcqueen type mercanary and peacemaker misguided justice who can call on eagley etc.

                Then you can reference starro and shit in the game and have them talk to the characers like peacemaker comparing himself to batman etc.

              • 4 months ago

                >Instead of Boomerang and Deadshot use Bloodsport
                They're fine, and they're OG members of the squad. The problem is the game's mission, which is way outside the scope and purpose of Task Force X. Thought Bloodsport would be fun to play

                Also they shouldn't be able to beat Starro either. They severely nerfed him in that movie

              • 4 months ago

                >Instead of Boomerang and Deadshot use Bloodsport
                >They're fine, and they're OG members of the squad. The problem is the game's mission, which is way outside the scope and purpose of Task Force X. Thought Bloodsport would be fun to play

                >Also they shouldn't be able to beat Starro either. They severely nerfed him in that movie

                The guy you're responding to,

                I would have done something inline with James Gunn movie.

                Instead of Boomerang and Deadshot use Bloodsport and Peacemaker and write them like how they were protrayed in the movie,

                Bloodsport a steve mcqueen type mercanary and peacemaker misguided justice who can call on eagley etc.

                Then you can reference starro and shit in the game and have them talk to the characers like peacemaker comparing himself to batman etc.

                , is an absolute and utter fricking moron. He wants to live in a world where you play as a Suicide Squad member, a concept taking the lamest villains imaginable and forming a team out of them, before you play as a Justice League member.

                That's the frickin' guy you're responding to. Hell yeah they made Starro under-powered. There ain't no universe or plane of existence where a Suicide Squad team could take out Starro. DC is in such a frickin' shithole right now.

              • 4 months ago

                While I wish Starro was a foe for a Justice League movie, I can at least apprecate the Gunn movie not treating him like a joke and embracing the horror of Starro. They Phantom Menaced the shit out of him though, same way Avengers beat the Chitauri. Shame. But hey, better than what I was expecting.

                I do want solo JL member games over this though

              • 4 months ago

                It wouldn't have been better at all. No one on Earth wants to play as John Cena, Harley Quinn, Blood fricking just, or anyone else over Hal Jordan, or Superman, or Wonder Woman, or Batman. That's a joke. The Suicide Squad being preferred playable characters over the fricking Justice League Of America is an absolute joke.

              • 4 months ago

                >over Hal Jorda
                Way more people like harley than any green lantern, especially fricking hal

              • 4 months ago

                >Way more people like harley than any green lantern, especially fricking hal
                This game really proves your point. 2016's movie really proves your point. Her solo 2020 movie really proves your point. The Suicide Squad sequel really proves your point.

                They are all failures, so keep telling people how much she is loved. Green Lantern is barely used anymore, Harley is everywhere, and she still has nothing to show for it. She's a frickin' white Kamala Khan, but more over-rated.

              • 4 months ago

                What Bloodsport acting like steve mcqueen
                Peacemaker misguided justice but that's the type of people you would send against Justice League not some butthole who can't shoot name Deadshot who missed every frickign shot. Boomerang is only there cause of his accent.

                Playing the Justice League would be on world ending threats, like Darkseid, Brainiac and shit.

        • 4 months ago

          Because he was in the latest movie.

        • 4 months ago

          Killer Croc is just a dude with a skin condition, anon

          • 4 months ago

            Damn, that's some skin condition. The one that gives you scales, muscles, and a taste for human flesh. Crazy skin condition there. He definitely couldn't fight against Brainiac mooks and the Justice League.

            Now, Harley Quinn? Easily could do it. No question. Captain fricking boomerang? EZ dub. The inexplicably black Deadshot? Gottem. But Skin Condition Man? Nah.

            • 4 months ago

              Reminder he got even bigger in Knight

              • 4 months ago

                If this was an actual game made by humans, his special thing could be a bloodlust meter that evolves him as you damage and brutalize enemies. He could also get faster bloodlust if you intentionally tank damage, and his final transformation would have him looking big and freaky. You know, like a villain.

                Think the batman counter system, but instead you press Y to do a royal guard-like block (of course, thematically changed to fit Croc). That'd be really cool. Unfortunately this isn't a real game. Its a MTX delivery system disguised as a game.

              • 4 months ago

                Man, i miss video games

            • 4 months ago

              for some reason I keep being surprised he doesn't look like leatherhead from TMNT

            • 4 months ago

              I didn't say Arkham was accurate. He shouldn't be able to fight Brainiac either way. But yes, it IS supposed to be only a skin condition. The teeth he filed down

            • 4 months ago

              >inexplicably black Deadshot
              Will Smith played him once so he has to be black forever now. That's how it works anon
              'once you go black you never go back' was referring to character casting all along

              • 4 months ago

                Deadshot and fricking Deathstroke are the worst fricking villians. Any other character they can take out with one shot but as soon as a Superhero appeals they miss like a fricking stormtrooper.

      • 4 months ago

        >Batman can do it because
        >>He knows each of them and their weaknesses intimately
        of resources
        >>One of the best tacticions in the league
        >>Jack of all Trades
        He literally can't do it.

  96. 4 months ago

    >multiverse garbage confirmed
    can't wait until they make up some shit that the justice league was actually from a different world where they were evil and the real justice league was taken to world 1089 and the moron squad has to go save them

  97. 4 months ago

    Another point for Ganker being the worst board

    • 4 months ago

      Why? Ganker doesn't put up with this shit either

    • 4 months ago

      Always has been

  98. 4 months ago

    But they're not the bad guys anon. The plot is carefully contrived to make them le edgy anti heroes.

  99. 4 months ago

    Umm, it's called "Ganker - Video Games", why act surprised when we get mad about shit games?

  100. 4 months ago

    >didn't ask
    >don't care what it's called
    >never will buy it
    >never gonna play it
    >gonna forget about it in a few days


  101. 4 months ago

    Is Braniac strong enough to mind control a Green Lantern? It took a endgame entity like Parallax to infect Hal Jordan, now you're telling me Brainiac is enough to mind control Superman and John Stewart?

    • 4 months ago

      Probably not.
      Brainiac is hilariously inconsistent as to whether he's a solo Superman Rouge, or a JL big bad

    • 4 months ago


      >game is called kill the justice league
      >you kill the justice league
      >literal bad guys don't mourn when killing their arch nemeses
      >people lose their shit because it's "disrespectful"

      am i just being trolled here? i don't get it

      Braniac can do literally anything if the plot calls for it. there has never been shown to be an upper limit to his mind control.

      It's controlling the electric black man


      • 4 months ago

        I know the answer already but why tf didn't they make a Static game instead if he's already strong enough to do that?

        the answer is because it's not ACK squad and because you can't make a GAAS where static shoots people wiht guns

        • 4 months ago

          I feel if static was adapted, he will be treated like miles morales in spider-man 2 where all his gameplay was about gay people and activism. His fanbase may be little but it would erupt and cause problems

          • 4 months ago

            >I feel if static was adapted, he will be treated like miles morales in spider-man 2 where all his gameplay was about gay people and activism.
            Do you not know who Dwayne McDuffie was? Of course they'd shove that shit in a Static game, its par the course for a Milestone character.

            • 4 months ago

              yea ofc but static actually handled that stuff well compared to sm2. I am saying modern day writers would frick it up especially if its some random white b***hes who never even talked to a black person

  102. 4 months ago

    >i don't get it
    oh, people are saying it's disrespectful because the game goes out of its way to shit on beloved characters, making them incompetent and idiotic. happy to help.

  103. 4 months ago

    Cope all you want. The game is a failure. The studio will be shut down by the end of the year.

  104. 4 months ago

    This is a fake controversy devised to distract from the overall poor quality of the game, and turn haters into fans by giving them an easy cause to rally behind.

  105. 4 months ago

    >game is called shit your pants
    >you shit pants
    >people claim they aren't interested
    Am I just being trolled here? It's called Shit Your Pants. So people know that you'll shit your pants in the game. It's not subtle. It's up front.
    So why aren't people interested????

    • 4 months ago

      >game is called "don't shit your pants"

    • 4 months ago

      >Company creates the pants games
      >"These pants are great."
      >Creates the "shit your pants" game
      >The reason why you shit your pants is stupid, and the pants aren't even the same quality of pants as before
      >People criticize who hate the "shit your pants" game, ignoring the fact most people didn't want these pants to be shidded in in the first place.

      Honestly, do we a fricking flowchart spelt in crayon for people like you?

    • 4 months ago
  106. 4 months ago

    >kill the justice league
    >kill the white men
    its literally just a proxy for anti-white hatred, are the normies waking up?

  107. 4 months ago

    I am not interested in the game because it looks like shit
    >shit gameplay
    >ugly lighting
    >harley looks like a 50 year old californian
    that's all.

  108. 4 months ago

    Very tempted to buy this just so I can be the only c**t on the board to have actually played the game

    • 4 months ago

      Dumb choice.

  109. 4 months ago

    post hand

    • 4 months ago

      nemeses is plural

  110. 4 months ago

    The worst part of the game is how the villains you play as don't even use their own villain powers to kill anyone. Hell, Captain Boomerang literally just becomes the flash 2.
    Deadshot's voice actor sounds like a black teenager and NOT like how a mercenary who never misses his target should.
    It's extremely dogshit how all the villains have capeshit humor, including deadshot and king shark. Harley makes sense and Boomerang should have aussie humor.

  111. 4 months ago

    Marvel should ask someone to make Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe a game just to compete with this.

  112. 4 months ago

    >gameplay is boring and uninspiring
    >UI is horrible
    >dialog is trash
    >game is a $70 shitty online only dumpster fire with day 1 $40 skins
    >"the game is called kill the justice league and you kill the justice league why do people hate it am I being trolled?"
    where do you people come from? go back already, nobody cares about your dead game

  113. 4 months ago

    Capeshit is garbage since decades, this game is totally out of my radar even if it was good.

  114. 4 months ago

    I don't understand why Brainiac's the mastermind. His schtick has never been about reviving Colu, it's about hoarding knowledge. That's why he's called BRAINiac. That's why he goes and shrinks cities from all over the world and collects them.

  115. 4 months ago

    frick the justice league and frick superheroes. piss on superman's mouth harley piss all over it

  116. 4 months ago

    go frick yourself viral marketer homosexual, your company is going under and it deserves to 🙂

    • 4 months ago

      It's okay to admit you feel for an AstroTurfed hate campaign, you don't need to go around accusing everyone else of making your mistake

  117. 4 months ago

    Yeah except for that part where they don't do that to wonder woman who dies a hero and looks like a troony, the part where harley looks at her old costume and talks about how she grew up, her speech to batman. That part where Lex luthor talks about how the amazons fixed toxic masculinity, like Lex wouldn't hate the amazons.

  118. 4 months ago

    Political types are fighting their war with WB and Disney. If Iwata made this, it would have been praised.

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