>game is dying due to poor choices on the developers side that the community openly hates

>game is dying due to poor choices on the developers side that the community openly hates
>developers decide to host a q&a session to address community complaints
>they tell the community that they're wrong and that the game is currently the best it ever was

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  1. 1 year ago

    sad! many such cases
    but seriously i don't understand how they get away with actively shitting on their consumer bases. do investors just not care?

    • 1 year ago

      gamers are cucks

  2. 1 year ago

    I am currently enjoying a game that is going through that 100%.
    >We hear your complaints and see that we lost 95% of our playerbase in one month but trust us our internal focus group actually loved the game being this way so we won't change it.

    • 1 year ago

      what game

      • 1 year ago

        This game. The devs basically released one big ass blog post regarding every major concern everybody's been voicing since day 1 of the game's release, and all of their responses can be summarized as
        >we did a lot of testing with our focus groups so we know you don't actually want the things you say you do so nothing will change
        The game lost 95% of its playerbase in one month and is legitimately broken now because it requires a few thousand players daily at the very least in order for the building aspect of it to function properly. It makes me sad because this game is 100% up my alley and I'm seeing something I legitimately love being murdered by pride and neglect.

        • 1 year ago

          got a link to that blog post?

          • 1 year ago

            Sure, its a big reddit post.

        • 1 year ago

          this game is such a pity, i really wanted to enjoy it but yeah, the developers are fricking morons

        • 1 year ago

          Seriously? I was looking forward to that game getting more content.

        • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          If a game "requires a few thousand players" to work then it's a shitty game anon

        • 1 year ago

          >focus groups
          what ever happened to having faith in your own ideas instead of letting mouth breathing morons tell you what to do

      • 1 year ago

        Phantasy Star Online 2

        • 1 year ago

          My friend pso2 has been on that train since the global release.

  3. 1 year ago

    But enough about WoW.

    • 1 year ago

      >you are mad
      Sounds like great decisions to me. only a total moron would play WoW after legion

  4. 1 year ago

    Darkest Dungeon
    Stoneshard although it's not popular enough to get consistent hate for their bad decisions

    • 1 year ago

      In what way is this happening to Synthetik? The only complaint I see with the game's actual design instead of bugs is one thread from one guy who played for two hours and quit.

      • 1 year ago

        There was quite a lot of pushback about their constant over balancing at few points. Every time people complained about them not playing their own game or knowing shit about balancing, they would double down and make it even worse.
        They unironically have their little Discord clique that they take advice from, rather than listening to thousands of people who play their game.

        • 1 year ago

          >over balancing
          what did he mean by this?
          Care to explain?
          Our response?

          • 1 year ago

            "They made it too hard and I can't cheese it anymore". Constant complaint from roguelite baddies that come from Isaac and want everything to be as braindead.
            Synthetik 2 did lose some soul from the shift to 3D though. I think a harsher shift to first person would've helped the project.

            • 1 year ago

              >Constant complaint from roguelite baddies that come from Isaac and want everything to be as braindead
              Being that isaac's dodging is either braindead easy or the twitchiest shit on the planet and no dev, vanilla or modded, seems capable of achieving anything in between, I think making the entire game into a glorified item-based cheese simulator is the best state isaac could hope to achieve.

              • 1 year ago

                The problem is that what these people want are passive pseudo gambling simulators, not action games, but they b***h at action game devs for not pandering to their moronation. It's also why garbage like vampire Survivors is so popular.

                My hot take, roguelite/roguelike/whatever semantic flavor you prefer is just a really shit genre that is only actually fun when you get absurd game-breakingly good synergies.
                Basically all of them have soulless and repetitive randomly generated rooms, simple as hell combat, bosses that only serve to drag out playtime, awful death penalties, and overall just being a really tedious genre in general. And they're all unreasonably long to complete when something so shallow should be a five-hour game tops.

                I'm only halfway there with you. Some fun roguelites that skip the grind almost entirely out there like Crypt of the Necrodancer and One Step from Eden. I wish there was something like Synthetik but better.

              • 1 year ago

                >what these people want are passive pseudo gambling simulators, not action games
                I don't want either of those things. I want what Isaac is in a good run: A half competent action game mixed with a highly breakable game. It still involves luck but not to the extent of gambling, more to the extent that you plan around contingencies in a strategy game.

              • 1 year ago

                Fair enough. Most devs just prefer to get you in that zone without giving you free wins the way Isaac does. I kind of agree with them.

              • 1 year ago

                I haven't played a ton of roguelites but in my experience they tend to fall into some combination of these categories.
                >Too easy to break, so it's no fun to try
                >Item effects are way too limited to matter
                >Knowledge checks mostly boil down to "nohit this" or "do that really fast"
                I find Vampire Survivors vaguely enjoyable but I can't put it above, like, a 7, because once you know what all the evolutions are and how to maximize your build (fill your inventory with level ups, then get the fixed items, pick what you need for maximum evolutions), there basically aren't any more knowledge checks worth a damn.
                I find Gungeon to be a total fricking slog not just because all the damage values are way too low, but because the game doesn't give you any means- whether via metaknowledge or otherwise- to reasonably control a run's progress other than "get lucky" or "nohit everything". Sometimes it can be impossible to get enough keys to visit the damn alternate floors, and even if you do get those two keys the odds of you getting two more on floor fricking one are nearly nil so you just gave up on the chance for loot for... the chance of more loot. Nothing you might learn other than "how to dodge good" improves your fricking run. It's nauesating.
                Hades is nearly unbreakable, but all the runs wind up feeling largely the same because ALL OF THE ITEM EFFECTS ARE FRICKING PENNED OFF FROM ONE ANOTHER. Nothing has any synergy in what it does, other than "this does damage, and that does damage". Maybe if you're LUCKY, the gods you're using boons from will have some kind of combo effect, of which there's a handful of decent ones.

            • 1 year ago

              My hot take, roguelite/roguelike/whatever semantic flavor you prefer is just a really shit genre that is only actually fun when you get absurd game-breakingly good synergies.
              Basically all of them have soulless and repetitive randomly generated rooms, simple as hell combat, bosses that only serve to drag out playtime, awful death penalties, and overall just being a really tedious genre in general. And they're all unreasonably long to complete when something so shallow should be a five-hour game tops.

  5. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago

    >game does great at launch
    >game is fun
    >arbitrary line no longer goes up so game is stagnating
    >devs ask redditors and troony comp players (oxymoron, all compgays are troons)
    >new content is bad
    >new "balance" makes everything boring
    >devs become desperate
    >devs ask redditors again
    >they do le ebin chungus "remember old game" homage and internet memes
    >player count rises for like a month
    >game is now on nearly on life support
    Name it

    • 1 year ago

      Darkest Dungeon
      Stoneshard although it's not popular enough to get consistent hate for their bad decisions

    • 1 year ago

      wow, never played it

    • 1 year ago

      oxymoron doesn't mean redundant ESL

  7. 1 year ago

    Is it tripwire?

    • 1 year ago

      I can't believe what they did to KF2

      Sure, its a big reddit post.


      • 1 year ago

        Game mechanics are still solid from the ground up, so the game is still fun to play. HOWEVER:
        The new content they made for it AND the community content is all fricking awful and the pay for cosmetics shop is all style breaking trash.

  8. 1 year ago

    My favourite part is
    >devs holds community vote for the first time ever for a change they want to make
    >literally nobody likes it
    >Devs ignore the results and do the change anyways
    >never host another vote again

    • 1 year ago

      name 3

      • 1 year ago

        World of Tanks/Warplanes/Ships by Wargaming
        Now, you name 3 that aren't the same.

      • 1 year ago

        Dota did this
        >Vote for new arcana
        >People wanted Void
        >"Those void posters are trolls! People actually wanted [what we already have in development], we'll release that
        I don't know if they host arcana polls anymore after that

  9. 1 year ago

    Tribes Ascend

  10. 1 year ago

    Adhere to the developers' vision or frick off. They don't care about how many people actually play their game because it was a dream project for THEM to make. They were just kind enough to share the experience with you.

  11. 1 year ago

    >destiny's twitch reveals
    they always look allergic by the end. the JUSTed eyes and miserable expressions when they get distracted by chat and forget to compose their faces for a second say it all. when they started deleting planets their next twitch had so basically shut down the chat. every single comment was negative.

    • 1 year ago

      is there a mirror? I'd love to see the lead up to them just shuttering the chat, destiny's devs deserve every bit of hate they get

  12. 1 year ago

    Man frick you Edmund McMillen, Afterbirth was practically perfect what the frick were you thinking with Afterbirth+ and Repentance

  13. 1 year ago

    >devs hold community vote
    >barely tell anything about how the choices work
    >implements it in a garbage way

    • 1 year ago


  14. 1 year ago

    >playing live service garbage
    Your fault

    • 1 year ago

      most games nowadays are live service garbage

  15. 1 year ago

    >game collection gets online support for more games in the collection
    >games online playerbase is already dead has been for months
    >suggest focusing on offering a different feature that would keep multiplayer from being dead when the game went offline for good
    >no one reads it
    >make a twitter post instead gains a huge amount of support
    >devs respond saying they don't take feedback from twitter posts only official places
    >the only way to complain is the fricking steam forums that they don't read

  16. 1 year ago

    >game is doing well and everyone loves it
    >horrible p2w mechanics are introduced that ruin the game and there's a huge backlash
    >never able to revert the changes despite admitting regret because people already paid for them
    There's no escape.

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