GameCube has roaches

Guys I think that my GameCube is infested with roaches, It's the second time that I see a roach on the lid and it's fricking gross.
How the frick will I kill these motherfrickers without damaging my console?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Move home or stop living in fricking shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Take it outside, open it up, clean the frick out of it, squash them bugs.

      Not OP, but I used to live in an apartment building for the first seventeen years of my life. Block had a trash chute, which was basically a huge breeding ground for wienerroaches. So once a year an exterminator would come and spray the frick out of both the chute and the apartments of all the residents to get rid of them. Well, all... Most apartments. There was this old lady living on my floor that would always, fricking always refuse to let an exterminator in when he was spraying everything. Because she doesn't have any roaches, "she'd notice". She was probably in her eighties, had mental problems and couldn't see super well, but she KNOWS she ain't got roaches... So of course all of those frickers would run straight into her apartment, hide for a month or two and then just spread out everywhere, rinse and repeat for a few years. I'm guessing she must have died. But yeah man you don't have to be a slob, all it takes is one of your neighbors being one. And then one day you're about to heat yourself some food in a microwave only to notice a silhouette of a roach moving behind the temp display screen and your life is changed forever. For real that shit was so fricking gross, can't ever unsee it.

      • 2 years ago

        >There was this old lady living on my floor that would always, fricking always refuse to let an exterminator in
        This is not uncommon.
        They're afraid they'll get sick and die from pesticides, yet will eat a shit diet, never clean up after themselves, let alone do it properly, and still be concerned about wanting to live forever when they're at the end of the line and have nothing left to offer the world.
        It's mostly the old, white women that are boogered out by this particular sort of thing.
        You might've had to be in proximity of such a person, just be glad you never grew up with one.

      • 2 years ago

        The same thing happened to me back in 2017. I moved back to Canada after living in Japan for a number of years. This was right as the real estate correction was happening, and the previous owners of my house asked that I extend closing by 60 days (to a total of 120 days) while they sorted out their financing. So I had to live in a shit apartment for that time.

        Most of my stuff was in my parents' garage, but whatever I had with me in that apartment was quickly infested. I thought that I would be able to kill most of them by just washing my sheets, but I accidentally brought them into my house in the AC power supply for my desktop.

        The way I solved the problem was by collecting spiders from my parents house, from my friends, everywhere I could get them. If I saw a spider in the park, I captured it and added it to my menagerie. I would takes spiders from the dingy office where I worked at the time. Just got a shitload of spiders. Because there were a fair number of roaches in my new house, the spiders had an ample food supply, grew fat, and multiplied quickly. The roach numbers were drastically reduced over the course of 3 months, and when I went on vacation for two weeks around Christmas 2018, I drained the pipes in my house and shut the heat off completely. When I got back the house was hovering around 6 degrees Celsius and I never saw anything since then. Before my Japanese friends came to visit in 2018, I gave the house a thorough check, pulled the dishwasher, pulled cabinet panels, etc. I found a few bodies, some wrapped in spider silk, but none alive. My spider numbers are also drastically reduced by the "Great Chill", but a few spider bros still hang around to capture other bugs.

        Unless you are the poorest of poor Black folk, it is absolutely not worthwhile to live in shit apartments. I would sooner sell my car and change jobs than live with roaches or bedbugs.

        i live in a flat and a year ago or so a woman 2 floors below me told everyone her kitchen was INFESTED with A LOT of wienerroaches, fast foward today and i have an infestation on my kitchen too,the whole building probably, now these motherfrickers are getting braver and we sometimes see a few outside the kitchen, i killed one that ran out of under my bed last weekend, we are gonna move out to a nice apartment in a few months but im afraid we will bring the wienerroaches with us, we also have a "storage room" where we have houndreds of shoes in boxes since we used to sell them, and that room is right next to the kitchen, so its prob full of them

  2. 2 years ago

    Call an exterminator. Put your game console in a double-bagged trashbag until he gets there.

  3. 2 years ago

    Freezer. Also clean your house.

  4. 2 years ago

    Take the console apart and clean it? I bought a $4 gamebit screwdriver 9 years ago and it's worked perfectly all that time, the gamecube is a pretty easy system to dissasemble.

    • 2 years ago

      > OP follows an advice
      > opens up Gamecube
      > thousands and thousands of roaches are spreading out from the inside
      > crawling under clothes
      > tickling your skin
      > they're everywhere
      > disturbing the nest was a bad idea

      • 2 years ago

        >take console outside for 20 mins.
        >open up shell and step back and watch
        >dozens of roaches spill out
        >further open up console
        >less roaches spill out
        >completely disassemble console
        >one baby roach still in there
        > scrub down electronics with isopropyl and toothbrush
        >soak plastics is soapy water
        >reassemble clean roach free console

        Literally just go down half your driveway or the back of your backyard and do the first half so you dont infest your home.

        • 2 years ago

          If you do have this problem and do clean the system be sure to scrub the hell out of it to remove and roach crap residue and eggs. If you can't clean it internally just bag it bag it bag it and then bag it again to make it as air tight as you can. Then leave that in a safe place for a few weeks.

      • 2 years ago

        >One Piss
        Get out

    • 2 years ago

      > OP follows an advice
      > opens up Gamecube
      > thousands and thousands of roaches are spreading out from the inside
      > crawling under clothes
      > tickling your skin
      > they're everywhere
      > disturbing the nest was a bad idea

      >take console outside for 20 mins.
      >open up shell and step back and watch
      >dozens of roaches spill out
      >further open up console
      >less roaches spill out
      >completely disassemble console
      >one baby roach still in there
      > scrub down electronics with isopropyl and toothbrush
      >soak plastics is soapy water
      >reassemble clean roach free console

      Literally just go down half your driveway or the back of your backyard and do the first half so you dont infest your home.

      > OP buys $5 gamebit screwdriver
      > he begins to unfasten the first screw
      > the GameCube rumbles
      > ohshit.jpg
      > he untightens it a bit more
      > this time, the ground shakes between his feet
      > hmm.png
      > he turns it a bit more
      > the screw comes out
      > the Gamecibe top bursts open
      > roaches by the thousands pour out
      > OP desperately tries to put the screw back in, but it's no use
      > the sheer inertia of roaches pouring out cannot be overcome
      > op flees in panic
      > hours later his neighbirhood is gone. Billions of roaches have overtaken the area
      > a state of emergency is declared
      > the national guard is called in and begins firebombing the neighborhood
      > they kill several million roaches, but the Pandoras box has no end.
      > for every roach they burn, a million more come
      > 3 days later, the western US is gone.
      > now an international incident
      > Russia declares the US an international threat
      > they send nukes
      > the nukes kill many roaches but scatter more
      > the GameCube has been knocked into the stratosphere
      > the roaches are now blocking out the sun from most of the western hemisphere
      > Russia launches nukes again, but this time on themselves. They fear the death by infestation more and would rather die quickly
      > tfw roachpocalyose has taken over all and there are no survivors.
      It's not worth it, OP

      • 2 years ago


        I didnt think about this when I wrote

        >take console outside for 20 mins.
        >open up shell and step back and watch
        >dozens of roaches spill out
        >further open up console
        >less roaches spill out
        >completely disassemble console
        >one baby roach still in there
        > scrub down electronics with isopropyl and toothbrush
        >soak plastics is soapy water
        >reassemble clean roach free console

        Literally just go down half your driveway or the back of your backyard and do the first half so you dont infest your home.

        Do it anyways. This world deserves to burn

      • 2 years ago

        >the nukes kill many roaches but scatter more
        This made me laugh at how stupidly accurate that sounds.

        • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >Pandoras box
        Pandora's cube.

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >Cher survives

      • 2 years ago

        quality post

      • 2 years ago

        Something similar happened when I offered to fix some ghetto dweller's Xbox 360 slim.
        Fricking nightmare fuel.

  5. 2 years ago

    gamecubes have large enough vent holes for roaches to sneak in from. It's probably infested. Good luck.

  6. 2 years ago

    isolate your gamecube, put roach killing bait near the area, then wait for them to cannibalize each other and die

    • 2 years ago

      OP here, I think that I'm gonna do this and l'll open it up in my backyard to clean the corpses of the little frickers
      I just wanted to play Super Monkey Ball

    • 2 years ago

      OP here, I think that I'm gonna do this and l'll open it up in my backyard to clean the corpses of the little frickers
      I just wanted to play Super Monkey Ball

      Send us some photos tbh

      • 2 years ago

        I'll do it when I open up my GameCube, I've already put it in a bag with bait and I'm waiting for the gamebit to arrive

  7. 2 years ago

    You're a cat. Eat them.

  8. 2 years ago

    How in the frick did roaches even get INSIDE of your gamecube?? I think you might want to move anon.

  9. 2 years ago

    if your house has roaches cleaning the (warm home) system does nothing to solve your problem.

    its like putting a bandaid on an abscess or gunshot

  10. 2 years ago

    > Open up gamecube
    > No roaches, turns out that was just an optical illusion
    > Pic related pops out instead and beats you to death

    Should have bought a dreamcast, op……

  11. 2 years ago

    wow im glad i dont live in the third world

    • 2 years ago

      there are roaches in the richest parts of california (santa clara county)

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, third world.

        • 2 years ago

          propaganda brained moron

      • 2 years ago

        There are roaches everywhere moron, they live outside

        • 2 years ago

          im saying theyre everywhere autismo thats my point

          they get into the home but the proliferation is a product of poor cleaning habits or shitty roommates - they are very difficult to get rid of once their numbers are high

  12. 2 years ago

    Whatever you do, DON'T watch Creepshow first.

    • 2 years ago

      That was glorious and disgusting.

  13. 2 years ago

    OP is roach food

  14. 2 years ago

    Frick you OP

  15. 2 years ago

    Spray hot dish soap water on them.

  16. 2 years ago

    Trash bag + a six pack of Raid. Fumigate those frickers in there.
    Better double or triple up on the trash bag though in case of leaks.

  17. 2 years ago

    Sudden fear of my storaged Gamecube once seeing this thread.

    • 2 years ago

      the only thing you have to worry about as far as storage goes is: possible theft, air conditioning, and capacitors leaking/corroding hardware.
      roaches thrive in warm environments, and the heat generated by game consoles, especially when used for long periods of time, will attract the frickers.
      unless you're a messy person, this won't always be an issue if ever. also helps if you don't live with/amongst messy people, too.
      >don't eat/bring food near areas that you consider to be a clean zone (sofa+living room, bedroom, etc.)
      >wash your hands after eating finger-food, and abstain from using anything while eating said food.
      especially that last point. i don't get how some people can be such fricking degenerates by eating pizza, wings, chips and smearing that shit everywhere.
      those people probably don't wipe their ass and don't wash their hands after using the toilet either....
      bottom line, keep your vidya clean.
      dust it out, too to reduce heat and increase ventilation in the system.
      not only does heat make a good home, it kills your hardware faster.

  18. 2 years ago

    Bruhhhhhh how nasty do you have to be to have roaches?!

    • 2 years ago

      wienerroaches infest anywhere.

  19. 2 years ago

    Just dealt with this shit and I have advice:

    I moved states and had to briefly live in a shit apartment. Roaches fricking everywhere.
    Bought my house and unfortunately the frickers came with me.
    Put everything I own in my garage and roach nuked it.
    Didn't help.

    I just hired an extermination company to come once a month for three months and that did the trick.
    At first you'll see more roaches as they scramble around trying to figure out what the frick is happening, but after a few weeks they'll thin out a lot.

    Also be careful, always wash your dishes, roaches will quickly learn to breed in your sink if you give them food. If you have a pet, try your hardest to get them on a feeding schedule so that pet food isn't sitting out for the roaches to sustain on.
    Be careful about damp or warm places.
    Quickly realized they gravitated towards my hallway nightlight because it was producing lots of warmth.

    As for the console, just crack it open and give it a good clean every few weeks for a while; had to do this with my shit when I found out they were getting in there for the warmth.

    • 2 years ago

      kek you still have roaches, just less now
      the traps/bait that long-game poison their broods work well - but you must change your habits and leave basically nothing for them to feed on

      theyre behind your dishwasher , theyre in your sink, theyre in your electronics, theyre in your wall outlets, they are eating your clothes, they are eating wood, they are eating your trash, they are anywhere where it's warm

      good luck
      The only way I could get rid of them was to move - long bait, seal shit in airtight tupperware/rubbermaid for months at a time (with killer bait) , they eat cardboard so the coomlector in me HAD to remove all trace

      i still have baits hidden everywhere but havent seen even one in nearly a year now

      • 2 years ago

        >You still have roaches
        This was about a year ago
        After the three months of treatment they've been gone gone.
        Easy as

        • 2 years ago

          pull your dishwasher out from the wall
          the craziest place i found roaches during the height of the infestation before i moved was INSIDE an ac powersupply
          they brooding INSIDE of it somehow

          it was a fricking nightmare that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy

    • 2 years ago

      America sounds like such a shithole.

    • 2 years ago

      pull your dishwasher out from the wall
      the craziest place i found roaches during the height of the infestation before i moved was INSIDE an ac powersupply
      they brooding INSIDE of it somehow

      it was a fricking nightmare that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy

      The same thing happened to me back in 2017. I moved back to Canada after living in Japan for a number of years. This was right as the real estate correction was happening, and the previous owners of my house asked that I extend closing by 60 days (to a total of 120 days) while they sorted out their financing. So I had to live in a shit apartment for that time.

      Most of my stuff was in my parents' garage, but whatever I had with me in that apartment was quickly infested. I thought that I would be able to kill most of them by just washing my sheets, but I accidentally brought them into my house in the AC power supply for my desktop.

      The way I solved the problem was by collecting spiders from my parents house, from my friends, everywhere I could get them. If I saw a spider in the park, I captured it and added it to my menagerie. I would takes spiders from the dingy office where I worked at the time. Just got a shitload of spiders. Because there were a fair number of roaches in my new house, the spiders had an ample food supply, grew fat, and multiplied quickly. The roach numbers were drastically reduced over the course of 3 months, and when I went on vacation for two weeks around Christmas 2018, I drained the pipes in my house and shut the heat off completely. When I got back the house was hovering around 6 degrees Celsius and I never saw anything since then. Before my Japanese friends came to visit in 2018, I gave the house a thorough check, pulled the dishwasher, pulled cabinet panels, etc. I found a few bodies, some wrapped in spider silk, but none alive. My spider numbers are also drastically reduced by the "Great Chill", but a few spider bros still hang around to capture other bugs.

      Unless you are the poorest of poor Black folk, it is absolutely not worthwhile to live in shit apartments. I would sooner sell my car and change jobs than live with roaches or bedbugs.

      • 2 years ago

        this thread has made me paranoid af
        im buying more roachbait just in case
        I haven't seen anything in over a calendar year

      • 2 years ago

        After living in one of the shittiest roach filled apartments in my already shitty city, I'm convinced living out of a car is always the better option. Roach filled dwellings, aren't suitable. Also based idea on the spiders, I've rationalized I'd rather have spiders than roaches both equally scare me, but roaches are legitimately unhygienic.

        • 2 years ago

          cars can get roach infestations too

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, but I'd imagine you have more control over the situation. Apartments get infested because shaniqua next door won't throw out her trash.

      • 2 years ago

        Nice try, spider, but I'm onto you and your tricks.

        • 2 years ago

          >they're gonna be waking up soon
          Kek, poor guy.

        • 2 years ago

          >they're gonna be waking up soon
          Kek, poor guy.

          >OP goes back to check on the spiders and they're all gone
          Silent Hill vibes

        • 2 years ago

          recently i've been woken up by spiders crawling across my face.
          i'd fling myself out of bed to see where the fricker went, but never found anything.
          >must be having fricked dreams
          >think nothing of it
          >fast forward a few days later
          i go to take a piss one night, and i notice a silhouette out the corner of my eye on the door adjacent to my room.
          >big fricker with the span of my hand chilling on the hall closet door
          >tfw it's identical to the one i thought i saw when woken up
          >do you know what time it is, baby? IT'S TIME TO DIE!!!
          >spray it with poison
          >it runs around in circles on the door before plopping to the floor like an orange peel
          i live out in the woods, so these buttholes are everywhere. thanks god

        • 2 years ago

          was waiting for this to be posted, fricking hilarious image

  20. 2 years ago

    Large ziploc bag or vaccum seal bag cloth soaked with rubbing alcohol leave for a little over 24 hours. Make sure to get the air out

  21. 2 years ago

    just release a bunch of scorpions in your house

  22. 2 years ago

    Seal the entire thing somehow airtight in a bag or something then leave it alone for 2 months or as long as you think needed to be sure no new baby roaches show up

  23. 2 years ago

    I remember cleaning out my PS2 I bought from a friend back in 2019 and found like, a bug slightly larger than an ant. I cleaned most of the dust, so I think it was just one bug. I moved houses though.

  24. 2 years ago

    Open it, kill the roaches, clean the board and everything else with alchool and reassemble it, covering the air vents with nylon filters.

  25. 2 years ago

    homie, imagine being so low test and weak you're fricking afraid of roaches.

    jesus christ, we need a fricking war to make milenians stop being weak.

    • 2 years ago

      It's not as much about being afraid as it is about being grossed out by them, like an anon said already - they're unhygienic. And they breed super fast, don't need much food and can survive even radiation, so getting rid of them is a massive project. Did you ride to school and back on a giant roach and you have fond memories of them or what?

    • 2 years ago

      >alpha males live in filth and squalor
      people like you are the reason “toxic masculinity” entered the lexicon

  26. 2 years ago

    Well, for some of the anons that wanted to see it, here it is just one dead roach, I haven't take a look at the inside of the Cube yet (I'm waiting for the screwdriver to arrive as I said before). I'm hoping that there isn't a nest inside

    • 2 years ago

      take pics of it all anon! Also I told your stupid ass to fill the bag with a rag with rubbing alcohol and seal it, you're gonna have more friends in there : )

    • 2 years ago

      They just wanted to play some Melee, cut 'em some slack.

  27. 2 years ago

    I had some termite poop in my PS
    Termites were eating the box it was stored in and they left the console bottom covered in poop(?)
    Good thing it was only the bottom of the console dirty

  28. 2 years ago

    never seen a roach in my life
    they are nonexistent here
    why do you guys hate them? why are they nasty?

    • 2 years ago

      Hard to find
      Hard to kill
      Multiply like crazy
      Tons of tons of TONS OF illnesses they carry around

      • 2 years ago

        Apparently a roach lies between 16 to 50 eggs every six weeks. So at best you're looking at 128 new roaches within a year and at worst, 400... all from a single female roach, kek.

  29. 2 years ago

    So where would these bastards usually hide?
    I had a few roaches in my house 5 years ago and found a hole where they presumably came out of. Never appeared ever since. The exterminator also checked the whole appartment and found nothing. Even put some roach traps around the house but nothing got ever caught. I disassambled many consoles and cabinets since but never found a single one of these frickers. Is it save to assume i'm roach free? The stories in here made me really worried

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