Gamedev thread

Humbly forging away edition.

So what you have been working on? What would you like to make? Baseless musings about your dream game are also welcome.

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  1. 2 years ago

    If I talk about my idea then someone will steal it
    But I'm not sure if I'll ever end up making it, so if I don't talk about it then it may never become real
    But if someone makes a shitty version of it, people will always treat other games as clones of the shit version and care less

    It's not an idea of a specific game, it's almost like a new genre, basically take a farming game and focus on a different thing than farming. And I don't just mean that you farm animals or some shit that you already do in other games, the whole idea is very different than anything I've seen before.

    • 2 years ago

      Anon, they've already made Harvest moon.

      • 2 years ago

        I know. The idea I have is basically taking harvest moon and completely changing what you do in the game, it doesn't need any farming-like activity at all. And the thing you do is not something that you do in any game I've seen.

        • 2 years ago

          If I talk about my idea then someone will steal it
          But I'm not sure if I'll ever end up making it, so if I don't talk about it then it may never become real
          But if someone makes a shitty version of it, people will always treat other games as clones of the shit version and care less

          It's not an idea of a specific game, it's almost like a new genre, basically take a farming game and focus on a different thing than farming. And I don't just mean that you farm animals or some shit that you already do in other games, the whole idea is very different than anything I've seen before.

          >mazing cultivation simulator
          chinese beat you to it

      • 2 years ago

        Bad game was bad.

    • 2 years ago

      Anon, they've already made Harvest moon.

      >>take a farming game and focus on a different thing than farming
      >Start game with dairy farm
      >Farm mostly runs itself but doesn't generate much profit
      >Make shady deals with government officials
      >Receive money through agricultural subsidies and unwarranted tax rebates
      >Get occupied by radical animal rights activists
      >Make shady deals with local police to get rid of them
      >Government implements new environmental regulations that force costly capital investments
      >Make shady deals with energy executives
      >Receive money for having solar panels installed on stable rooftops
      >Make shady deals with environmental activists
      >Get additional tax rebates
      >Make shady deals with local university
      >Receive money for letting dodgy researchers plant anal probes on your cows
      >Make shady deals with mobsters
      >Receive money for abetting in exotic plant cultivation and corpse disposal
      >Local journalist uncovers your extralegal activities.
      >Public sentiment turns against you
      >Government weakens market protections against foreign competitors
      >Cattle now less profitable
      >Tax rebates end
      >Get raided by police
      >Mobsters now angry with you, no longer pay money
      >Make shady deals with armed mercenaries
      >Lose money protecting your property against hippies, mobsters, police, and angry mobs.
      >University finishes anal probe research
      >Lose university income
      >Make shady deals with angry labour union socialists and/or nationalists
      >Lose money on activism for fairer domestic farmer compensation
      >University publishes new methane gas energy generation method
      >Install excrement-collecting anal probes on your cattle
      >Receive extra money on energy production
      >Byproduct can be turned into fertilizer
      >Make more shady deals...
      >Rebuild public image
      >Player-funded political groups increase profit on milk, give tax rebates
      >Buy more cows
      >Game ends
      >Ending cutscene shows older version of player character cheerfully grilling some steak and burgers on the bbq while a city burns in the distance

      • 2 years ago

        Is that a good ending? Or a bad ending with sequel bait for a post-collapse game? the latter sounds a lot better.

      • 2 years ago

        I was ready to steal your great game idea and make millions off it while laughing at you but the only thing I see here is that there's some kind of a idle management game on the background while you play politics. Mostly it just reads like the first concept notes of a tv series scriptwriter. I'm rating it not a game out of five.

      • 2 years ago

        Paper please but as a farmer, called
        > Shady Deals

      • 2 years ago

        do you get to make any shady deals?

    • 2 years ago

      I had an idea kind of like this, never been done before sort of thing. It was basically to do a city-building game (like those shitty mobile games but balanced so that there are no build times/need for microtrannies/DLC/whatever the frick) but heavily focused on expansion of the city, where the map was divided into square tiles, and in order to get a new tile you needed to win a JRPG-style battle (meaning you had a party and everything like in trad JRPGs, and the combat was card-based like Baten Kaitos, and you could win cards/packs from battles based on RNG/which enemies you killed, but again balanced so that it's not p2w garbage). The city part was also integrated with the combat, buildings could give specific buffs to your characters etc. I tried making this a real thing in the past but never got anywhere because I tried to do it in HTML/JS lmao. Don't care if this gets copied anymore bc it would be cool to see someone make this a real game more than anything.

    • 2 years ago

      >so if I don't talk about it then it may never become real
      i blame modern game media for creating the expectation that everyone who talks about their game is a massive fricking liar, where the finished product is nothing like the original concept as stated, or so wildly outstripped by audience expectation that the only result is disappointment about a product that never existed in the first place.

      > talk about project
      > raises expectations
      > too much pressure
      > abandon project

      > don't talk about project
      > no one has expectations
      > not enough pressure to proceed
      > abandon project

    • 2 years ago

      Stardew Valley comes to mind.

    • 2 years ago

      Idea are worthless, it's the implementation that matters. A friend of mine would never spoke of his idea on phone or any tech for fear to being spy by GAFAMs. He never made anything.

      • 2 years ago

        When all you have is an idea, it is natural to be protective of them. Once you started the actual work though, and made through a big chunk of it, you realize that no one would be crazy enough to steal just the idea, and try to make everything else themselves.

        • 2 years ago

          it takes a level of sheer ignorance to think anyone really cares about an idea.

      • 2 years ago

        >Idea are worthless
        Tell that to Minecraft. Notch found a obscure game that nobody knew about, stole the idea and made such a half assed game with it that nobody even plays it without mods, and became a billionaire.

        • 2 years ago

          It prove the point, it rarely the first one who makes it wins, and after that a bunch of people still minecraft gameplay artistic direction, sometimes with better tech for no avails. It's not the idea *by itself*, it's the execution as well as the current context.

          Ideas by themselve are dustsand.

          • 2 years ago

            >games more advanced than Minecraft fail because Minecraft already exists and has more content thanks to mods
            Yes, and Minecraft WAS the first game. Infiniminer was more a tech demo than a game.

      • 2 years ago

        >Idea are worthless
        True most of the time but imagine having the idea for Minecraft, Portal or Among Us before it was created. Sometimes the right idea can make you extremely rich

        • 2 years ago

          >Among Us
          Space Station 13
          It's the execution.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's the execution.
            True but a game with a really original idea that is executed ok will usually be a bigger success than a game with a standard idea executed perfectly.

            I was also one of those guys that said ideas are worthless and execution is everything but when thinking deeper about it its a stupid dogmatic opinion. Ideas can be worth a lot, usually these "idea guys" have really shitty ideas though

            • 2 years ago

              This is true, same applies to other directions as well. For example most of the concept art for older games is usually poorly executed on a technical level but the ideas are interesting, engaging and creative. Today it's the opposite, we've got technical proficiency but creative bankruptcy.

    • 2 years ago

      I had a similar idea but
      >Harvest Mon but less farming more dating sim but generational with town building over generations
      And anyone can steal it because mine will be the only one that shits on minorities (option to open immigration leads to negative things generation later like riots and deteriorated homes etc.)

    • 2 years ago

      >he thinks his idea is good enough to be stolen

      • 2 years ago

        That's pretty much every 18 year old who wants to be a dev.

        • 2 years ago

          What holds more value than the infinite possibility of ideas? They're just aware that in 5 years AI will instantly make all assets for them.

  2. 2 years ago

    How much time should I spend in the intro, before going to the first dungeon and such?

    Do you think half an hour can be too much?

    There's a porn scene 5 minutes after the title, so there's already a bit of bait.

    • 2 years ago

      Coomers will play for hours to reach a porn scene, just look at how popular VNs that do that are. There probably isn't any need to have one early in a game just to keep people playing. If anything, people that are playing for the porn are more likely to stop playing after that since they just blew their load.

      The gameplay is probably what makes your game stand out from those, so the earlier you can introduce the core loop, the better.

  3. 2 years ago

    My game's in next fest. If you haven't played the demo, try it out if you want

    • 2 years ago

      I like the creatures.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks anon

    • 2 years ago

      You probably won't even see this but.
      I just played beat the king to end the demo, and I gotta say I liked it. It's hard to say if it'd make you enough money to be remotely worth your time tho but I definitely dig it

      • 2 years ago

        glad you gave it a chance anon. thankfully i'm not doing this for money
        also there's a run button now

    • 2 years ago

      i saw this in another thread (


      ) and it looked cool, so im downloading the demo and ill check out the game in a bit 🙂

    • 2 years ago

      I tried it for a bit, fun game. I think the monster fusion mechanics aren't very good. I feel like they should be something like a hierarchical graph, where fusion shittier monsters let's you access better monsters. As of now, it seems like a cyclical graph where you can get back to the original monster you started with but doing enough fusions. The only positive point about fusion seems to be acquiring more moves for your monster. Also the typing system is overkill for me, it's too many and too confusing. I know Pokémon 's big and extensive, but it just seems more intuitive, but I might be unfair in my judgement hust because I had years and years to get accustomed to the Pokémon types.

      An RPG without armor or weapons. Instead you fight unarmed, and every attack is a technique that gets better with you practicing. Like the difference between a guy who never threw a punch and a world-class boxer, except with a much higher power ceiling, to make it interesting for an RPG. You can specialize in punching or kicking techniques, or mix them to resemble some real world martial art style.

      There is also no levelling up, instead you have to train your body to get better. Mechanically you are trying to boost each of your overall stats. So depending on your playstyle you can be strong overall, or specialize in an area to be damn amazing.

      Sounds intriguing.

      • 2 years ago

        thanks for playing anon. glad you liked it
        >the monster fusion mechanics aren't very good
        that's intentional. I'm not gonna give too much away but the way it works in the demo is intentionally gimped. in the full game, the mechanic is going to be more fleshed out. again, not saying how, as that'd actually be quite a big spoiler
        as for your gripes about the type system, it's not something i plan on changing but i might add an item which gives the player a chart on the go so they don't have to memorize the library book

  4. 2 years ago

    I know I will never make this game but I always thought about a game where there is an important decision on what ending you will get for the game. However, instead of other games where its a decision just before the end boss, you make it as the very first gameplay choice. Then it basically changes how the rest of the game plays out. The key being that the choice is not obvious so people would only discover it is there by word of mouth after someone fricks around in game, since all trailers will only feature the obvious path.

    The story is set in a kinda sci-fi/fantasy mix, and its about two siblings who are orphans. You can choose to be the brother or sister as the gender select for the game and each has a different battle style for the main path.

    The game is an Action game with upgradable equipment and acquirable skills.

    The story starts with your chosen character in a rainwater drainage pit connected to run off pipes, in front of you is a foot tall pill bug looking monster. It's shell is a navy blue but its soft underside glows with a light sky blue. At the top of the pit, a muscled man yells down at you to attack the creature with the sword he has leant you.

    This is the hidden choice. If you kill it you acquire a blue orb from the creature (this is what made it glow, without the orb its flesh looks clear.) which you sell. This gives you enough money for you and your sister to enter cadet training school, the best escape from poverty you have. You then proceed with the game normally, hunting bigger and stronger monster bugs for their cores in missions which not only gives you cash to better your life and make you stronger, but you also slowly make your way up the ranks of the military. Your sibling also drops in to help you fight now and then. The brother wearing a powered suit and weilding a greatsword, while the sister drives a mini mech (similar to Deva from OW)

    • 2 years ago

      The cores themselves are important because they contain very high density magic which the nation you belong to uses to power their cities and weapons etc. Just that one small tutorial bug can power a middle class home with 5 people for a little over a year.

      Killing the bugs is not just for profit either, as a lot of your missions involve pushing them back to their forests or saving towns being ravaged by their attacks. They also seem incredibly vicious with how the hiss and screech when they see you, attacking relentlessly. The story continues on till the end battle where you fight the bug queen after defeating its powerful guardian bugs. Taking its core which contains enough power to set your whole nation to live comfortably for at least 200 years. Cheered as a hero when you return, you have a happy ending.

      However, if you choose not to kill the bug at the start, you have to wait like 5 mins of the dude yelling at you to kill it before the bug rolls up and runs away down a drainage pipe. (the only clue to this being a choice is that the bug wont attack first) Which means you dont have money to join the army, and need to go about other ways to survive.

      Eventually you end up moving to a village to find work and it gets invaded by bugs and you soon realise that none of the bugs are attacking you or most of the people. You work out they only act hostile towards people who have attacked a bug at some point in their life.

      Looking into this revelation, you find out shifty stuff going on behind the scenes. The nation already has enough cores stockpiled to live comfortably for over 80 years in storage, but the military doesn't want to lose its budget. So in order to get public support etc. they send teams out to set off explosives in bug nests and other strategic locations to drive bug hordes into population centres so that they can justify themselves.

      • 2 years ago

        Not only that, but you find out the more powerful the bug, the more sentient it is, but their voices can only be heard by those who haven't killed them before. After finding out all this and talking with the bug queen, you go back to the capital city and have to fight through the army to see the leadership to try convince them to stop the killing of both innocent people and bugs via the forced bug stampedes.

        The ending turning out that only the military knew about their own wrong doings, so they get arrested, and the ruler promises a temporary truce with the bugs, saying they will look into other ways to power their nation for the next 70 years, but if they can't find anything then they wont promise they wouldnt start attacking the bugs again in order to preserve the nations way of life. These terms are accepted as the best things will get, while you get employed as an intermediary between the bugs and humans.

    • 2 years ago

      I had an idea like that too. A pretty standard jRPG story, but you can interact with a mirror in some sequence to go into negative world.
      The story of "main" game would eventually feature some group of negahomies who look just like you, and they'd be semi-antagonists, who don't align with your views but will work together when convenient.
      And in the hidden negastory you'd play as them.

  5. 2 years ago

    >dream game
    A RPG that combines the fun "gamey" gameplay of a good JRPG along with the party members but has the writing, tone, quest design, interactivity and choices of good WRPGs. I would preorder 100 copies and give them away. I'd shill to the moon and back.

    • 2 years ago

      name some good JPRG gameplays and some good WRPGs writings, tones, quests, interactivity and choices

  6. 2 years ago

    I'm just grinding away at the basics of turn-based combat in Game Maker atm, not sure if I'm going to actually make a game around it

  7. 2 years ago

    makin' some combat moves to give melee characters more options than just holding left click

    • 2 years ago

      Styling on skellies. It's good.

    • 2 years ago

      seems pretty op. Is that an absolute skill? or does it have conditions? like perse requiring a shield, chance to deflect when you successfully block projectiles with it.

      • 2 years ago

        It requires:
        2 Points in the constitution stat, a shield equipped, facing the projectile, and most importantly, a timely keypress with a rather unforgiving window
        It's absolute in that you don't need to learn anything to have access to it, the player will have access to a bunch of similar skills that only require equipment + stats.
        I wouldn't call it overpowered since it also prevents movement and attacking while the animation plays, opening the player up to all kinds of other nasties.
        Really fun to do, though.

        • 2 years ago

          I thought it was a passive skill. It was op under my own assumptions of the mechanics, but is actually a skill shot.

          >seems pretty op
          The fun police have arrived.


          • 2 years ago

            It’s really a crime that you don’t have an itch or Twitter page to follow

            • 2 years ago

              >no itch or twitter
              maybe soon

              I didn't have a channeling lightning spell so I modified the 'Incinerate' skill to make it spew out lightning instead of its standard sprite. I think I'll call this 'Lightning Surge' or something.

              • 2 years ago

                This looks cool, are you planning to add more melee weapons? How will you handle the animations?

              • 2 years ago

                I've coded in knives, swords, axes, maces, wand/scepters, staves. But I only have swords, 2h swords, wands, and staves -permitted melee weapons or has melee attribute to drop or spawn atm.

                I handle the animation with multiple sprites,

                > character sprite
                > shield sprite
                > weapon sprite

                I have all the place holder animations done except for shields(other 3 variations), knives, 1h axe, and 1h mace. Check vid for 1h sword and buckler, and staff.

                The video is from a previous build, and in my recent build (the vid you replied to) I stripped the various placeholder assets cause it taking longer to compile and load the game with all the placeholder assets. I will add them all back in later stages of the project.

        • 2 years ago

          Maybe the explosion is a bit too big?

          It looks great anyway.

          • 2 years ago


            I really wish I was talented enough to make a game

            I have 0 talent for programming, art, design, or anything else gamedev related, and I still managed to get somewhere where I'm happy with my work. All you need to do is open up your engine software of choice and make what you think is fun and stick to it every day. I started off with 30 mins a day until I got into a groove. You can do it and you can start without coding anything. Just writing down your ideas, mechanics, goals, anything is a good starting point.

            • 2 years ago

              >I have 0 talent for,
              Even though some of your art is a little rudimentary, one thing you've achieved that I feel many modern ARPGs fail at is clarity. In many ARPGs, monsters just blend into the background. If they didn't move, you may not notice some of them. But in all the webms I've seen of your game, they stand out well from the background.

            • 2 years ago

              You got a devblog?

              • 2 years ago

                nvm found you

      • 2 years ago

        >seems pretty op
        The fun police have arrived.

  8. 2 years ago

    Anyone needs script/dialogue notes?
    I have a master s in film writing. Suggestions to streamline dialogue and build tensions here and there if needed.

    • 2 years ago

      write a short story about how OP is a homosexual

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I need a monologue of a suicidal for god plant disillusioned with her search for restore the dead god, that you revive in a cave whit a solar stone. First she ask you to let she still dead, if you stay lightening she get mad, do a monologue and become a boss.

  9. 2 years ago

    >All i want to do is art
    >terrible at art
    >software dev degree
    >dont want to do programming

    • 2 years ago

      Are you me?

  10. 2 years ago

    I"m making a little game in rpgmaker mz. It's really fun to see it come together, even though it's only going to be my second project (the first one was for the last (you)jam).

    • 2 years ago

      Is there something scary in the hole

      • 2 years ago

        Wanna find out?

  11. 2 years ago

    So anyone has the slightest clue on how many tiles a regular JRPG has? I've tried to look at sprite rips, but they generally rip the levels as a whole, so we got wallpaper-sized maps that were probably made from much less.

    • 2 years ago

      48 for 8-directions, not counting variants and different biomes

  12. 2 years ago

    Is there an efficient way to make multiple images act as animated scene in RPGMMV instead of still images one by one?

  13. 2 years ago

    Learning unlearn right now as a beginner. Its insanely complicated but not impossible.

    I think it will be fun to create a rpg where the pc is a completely unhinged lunatic. E.g. disco elysium or malkavian from vtmb.

  14. 2 years ago

    Is there any way to easily make a CRPG, or tools for making one a la RPGMaker (I know).

    • 2 years ago

      I too I'm interested in this. I could half ass one and make it better than most modern CRPGs

    • 2 years ago

      I too I'm interested in this. I could half ass one and make it better than most modern CRPGs

      What are the defining elements of a CRPG in your mind?

    • 2 years ago

      Would using the Neverwinter Nights (or NWN2) toolset count?

    • 2 years ago

      havent use it but solasta has tools

    • 2 years ago

      The Shadowrun games come with a campaign maker that seems to include everything. Its a great engine.

  15. 2 years ago

    I'm starting to realize why so many cool RPG concepts get turned into roguelites as I puzzle out how many assets and work I'm going to have to put into this

  16. 2 years ago

    Pigs fricking.

    • 2 years ago

      The subway ecosystem is pretty wild bro

    • 2 years ago

      I love your game

      • 2 years ago


        I'm too clueless and anything I'd make would be shit anyway. I can't compete with any of the stuff out there. I don't even want to play any of the trash Indie games why should I contribute my own awful shit. I have no creativity and no ideas. Just a wasted software dev degree which is the one thing I absolutely hate and would never want to do on a game.

        You don't have to publish what you make, you can keep it for yourself like a secret diary 🙂

        Also, you can use tools like renpy or rpg maker if you want to make a game without coding.

        • 2 years ago

          What's your game?

          • 2 years ago


  17. 2 years ago


    I mean upgrading an item makes it worth more. If you are the merchant selling it, an upgraded item should cost more than the base item value + the upgrade items value + the upgrade process price. That's just how it works in real life.

  18. 2 years ago

    I really wish I was talented enough to make a game

    • 2 years ago

      You can start trying...

      • 2 years ago

        I'm too clueless and anything I'd make would be shit anyway. I can't compete with any of the stuff out there. I don't even want to play any of the trash Indie games why should I contribute my own awful shit. I have no creativity and no ideas. Just a wasted software dev degree which is the one thing I absolutely hate and would never want to do on a game.

        • 2 years ago

          It's not about making something good, it's about having fun making something.

          When I made lego towers as a kid they were a piece of shit, but I had lots of fun making them. Same with friends, sex and almost everything.

          It's not about the goal, it's about the journey.

          • 2 years ago


            You don't have to publish what you make, you can keep it for yourself like a secret diary 🙂

            Also, you can use tools like renpy or rpg maker if you want to make a game without coding.

            I'm just not satisfied with that. I'm not a very creative person. I probably only have the ideas for three games or so. So I'd want them to be realized in the most ultimate way. But I can't. So it'll never happen.

            • 2 years ago

              pathetic, get to work or stop posting.

              • 2 years ago

                Work on what? There's nothing I can do. And people literally asked so I answered. Stop trolling

            • 2 years ago

              >I probably only have the ideas for three games or so. So I'd want them to be realized in the most ultimate way.
              I had this thought process too, anon, but it got to a point where I realized that if I don't do something with the ideas then I'd just have them fizzle in my head forever. Try to do something with them, anything at all, it doesn't have to be earth-shattering. Even if you fail, you can retry it until it works, or you can call it finished, then move on to another one of your ideas, and revisit the first one armed with more experience from two projects worth. You could even start with something bare-bones and basic, maybe try to recreate something you enjoy from scratch, or find some phrase generator to steal ideas from.
              Don't give up, I believe in you gay

              • 2 years ago

                I have no coding skill and hate coding. I have no ability to draw or model. The most I can do is write and be an ideas guy. I don't like doing any of the skills involved in game dev so it's over.

              • 2 years ago

                So why are you here ? You say you don't know how to x (art, write, music, code) but that's a fallacy. First you say yourself you have a dev degree, even if u don't like it you *know* how to code. Then start paint and do some shit, it's ugly ? Who cares ?! It's something.

            • 2 years ago

              I have no coding skill and hate coding. I have no ability to draw or model. The most I can do is write and be an ideas guy. I don't like doing any of the skills involved in game dev so it's over.

              gtfo man

              try. Execute your plan. Fail while you're trying, and learn something, why you failed. Change your plan, then try again.

              You don't want to put in the work, all your b***hing here is getting you nowhere. then fricking fund the project you want realized.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not b***hing I'm literally just answering questions

              • 2 years ago

                > I really wish i was talented enough
                > I'm too clueless
                > can't compete
                > own awful shit
                > I have no creativity
                > I can't
                > I'm not
                > it'll never happen
                > nothing i can do
                > no skill or ability

                You sound like a giant b***h to me. You know where you're lacking and you come here crying 'oh woe is me' bs. Take the first step in the place you want to improve yourself, fricking hell, it takes time and who knows how long it will take. You don't have to do it all at the same time, pick one, start somewhere. You yourself know you're trash, then make the damn sacrifice, invest time or even more time and resource in aspects you want to see yourself be good or great at.

    • 2 years ago

      There is no talent. Only pain.

  19. 2 years ago

    I'm spriting and having a lot of trouble with aseprite. It started working really badly and I got a lot of crashes lately. When I copy stuff from one file to another it somehow does the same stuff I do on one file in the other one, as if the selection encompassed the two files (even though it doesn't. Its been pretty shitty to work with this. Are there any free alternatives to aseprite with the same tools?

    • 2 years ago

      That the root of all evil here. Nothing is perfect and starting by us mere human we have to do the work but by bit everyday to own it, talent is a myth, only work until it flows.

  20. 2 years ago

    An RPG about a Hero breaking into the Fortress of, and slaying, an Evil Overlord type, who is terrorizing the countryside. A regular playthrough would be very short, maybe two to three hours, but you can choose to play as any character that appears in the story, no matter how minor, and each one has their own unique story, detailing the actions they took that night. All of the Shopkeepers, all the various named NPCs in town, all of the Overlords minions and lieutenants, and even the Overlord himself. Initially it would start off looking like a traditional "Chosen One strikes down Villain" story, but as you complete more storylines, you would discover a immense conspiracy orchestrated by many unseen actors to bring about the demise of the Overlord. And then, once you've finished every story, you pick ANY of the previous characters you've played as, and play through a fully-fledged 100+ hours story detailing the conflicts that results from the Overlords fall from power, and how your chosen character deals with and survives the bloody era that ensues.

    • 2 years ago

      hey idea guy, pyw

  21. 2 years ago

    I'm trying to work on a sequel to my previous game but I'm on meds now and they're making it hard for me to concentrate on what I'm doing.
    They're doping me with 30mg of Abilify per day and the mere thought of putting more effort into anything is simply nauseating.
    Should I lie to my mom and cut them off entirely in order to work on my game?
    For reference, I'm 28 and she's taking care of me. But making games feels more important to me.

    • 2 years ago

      Why are you on meds?

      • 2 years ago

        I've been diagnosed with an acute schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder but it's been more than a month, a major depressive disorder, an emotionally unstable personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, selective mutism, difficulties speaking, on the spectrum( slightly autistic), predisposed to isolation, and I'm being under surveillance.
        But to answer your question, I've had a really awful psychotic violent episode, so they had to lock me up for a few months, that's why. Then they gave me the diagnostics because they looked into my past and found out that I've got a history of going to psychiatrists because of my speech impediment. And I almost went to jail because of the incident.

        • 2 years ago

          Stay on your meds.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't know the entirety of you situation but if you're being dependent on another best not to be a frickhead, don't trouble them more than you already are.

            Comeback when you feel better, do what you can handle. Adjust your goal to your current circumstance and capacity that won't frick them & you.

            Fine, I'll try not to be a 'frickhead' but it's still going to be hard adjusting to it.

        • 2 years ago

          Based. Welcome to the club, now all you need is a proper foundation so you can make a /true RPG/. But of course, making something in RPGMaker is also good, for now.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know the entirety of you situation but if you're being dependent on another best not to be a frickhead, don't trouble them more than you already are.

      Comeback when you feel better, do what you can handle. Adjust your goal to your current circumstance and capacity that won't frick them & you.

  22. 2 years ago

    > hold [SHIFT] down to make 'aoe' projectiles detonate at target distance instead of it being a default mechanic

  23. 2 years ago

    >Start coding combat system in Game Maker
    >Too much of a pain in the ass, jump over the RPG Maker
    >Too restrictive and can't make things look exactly how I want them to, jump over the Game Maker
    >Rinse and repeat

    • 2 years ago

      Hello me from a year ago! It's your future self here.
      Don't worry, you managed to make a flexible turn-based combat system in GMS2, complete with all the features you wanted. It took like four months, along with the other RPG stuff like inventory and dialogue. Then it took like another two to polish out the bugs, but that is because you were slacking.

  24. 2 years ago

    Been working on an update for my game. You're a demon trying to get to Earth. In this update there'll be three extra bosses with their own finnicky way to beat them - with matching game over cutscenes.
    Problem is the update should have come out by now. Due to other commitments and low motivation, there's so much left to do and no planned deadline.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much 90% of games get delayed, and half of ones that don't usually are buggy messes.

  25. 2 years ago

    I want to make a Tactical Mecha RPG like Front Mission, combat more like XCOM and characters and style inspired by anime like Broken Blade and Code Geass, basically sci fi knights.

    I have plenty of knowledge in coding and a bit in 3D art so it's not an impossible dream but it might take years to even get a prototype and some basic art done.

  26. 2 years ago

    Currently working on developing the proper skills to make a decent game. I have a little background in coding and IT, but I'm still fairly new to the libraries and popular game design engines. Haven't decided which engine I'll go with yet. Art and Music are two areas I also need to brush up on. It's a long term project.

    I'm thinking of making a game themed around hacking, but not some uplink/hacknet inspired game. Will be more about the real world social aspect of the hacking community from back in the mid 2000s, before things got overly PC in hacker communities. I more or less know the style of game I want to make. I'm heavily inspired by, but not trying to mimic .hack. I just need to figure out how to make the main gameplay loop engaging and entertaining, because that is the biggest failing of all hacking games.

    • 2 years ago

      Expanding on the .hack thing, I don't mean I'm inspired by its gameplay. The gameplay for those was pretty mediocre, even though I played the crap out of them as a kid. I more mean the desktop and different ways of keeping up with events as they happen. News articles, email, forums, video sites, etc.
      Just the general vibe of making it seem like the internet and the communities on it tie all these things together in some way. The actual gameplay loop will be very different, and I've still not officially descided exactly how I'll handle it, though I'm toying with some ideas. It will be an RPG.

  27. 2 years ago

    Trying to think about how to make my combat system not generic
    My thought was to have some sort of stamina system, with multiple action bars (like FFXIII) when interact with the weight of your armor. But then I realized that with classes restricted to unique characters instead of one character you can customize (like DS) it really doesn't matter as your tank is always going to wear heavy armor

    • 2 years ago

      You can make a status requeriment for teh character use the equipament whit no stamina debuff. And make not bery viable use heavy armor and a heavy weapon at same time and you have to choose between higher defence or offence.

      Don't solve your problem, but once i test a system whit action points and stamina. You have a fixed number of action points to spend per turn and every turn it restore to the max. But if you low your stamina to a %, you recovery less points making you racionate AP and take strategic times to spend a action to rest.
      The twist is that characters have diferent quantities of stamina, and everithing cost equal unless you character is excedding unless your character is exceeding the weight that his status allows him to carry.

  28. 2 years ago

    An RPG without armor or weapons. Instead you fight unarmed, and every attack is a technique that gets better with you practicing. Like the difference between a guy who never threw a punch and a world-class boxer, except with a much higher power ceiling, to make it interesting for an RPG. You can specialize in punching or kicking techniques, or mix them to resemble some real world martial art style.

    There is also no levelling up, instead you have to train your body to get better. Mechanically you are trying to boost each of your overall stats. So depending on your playstyle you can be strong overall, or specialize in an area to be damn amazing.

    • 2 years ago

      But I've already played Punch Club.

      • 2 years ago

        So did I, but we have been promised a sequel ages ago and there is still no sign of it. And as much I as I chuckled at the obvious pop culture references at every corner, I think it would have benefitted from making it's own worldbuilding. Also actual controls in the fights instead of just general strategy would have been nice. Even though I can understand why they went this way.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds good, did you take inspiration from Shenmue?

      • 2 years ago

        First there was Punch Club, then the Konquest modes of the 3D Mortal Kombat, as well as Shaolin Monks and Yakuza. Then came Shenmue, and various non-video game inspirations.

  29. 2 years ago

    Just go to /agdg/ where anons actually make real and good games. This place sucks and stop advertising on /agdg/

    • 2 years ago

      Go to /agdg/ on /vg/ for some real game dev advice and not rpgay walking simulator advice

      Last I checked /agdg/ was mostly mentally unwell crabgays

    • 2 years ago

      The dev thread here in /vrpg/ is suppose to be a refuge from /agdg/ schizos & e-wiener sucking, /misc/ shit, and en/g/ine wars. But that won't stop people like you coming here. We do whatever rpg game with whatever tools.

      Get your elitist ass off here if you aint gonna post your game anyway.

      And the last dev thread here was great, lasted for 54 days.

      • 2 years ago

        You will never make a game

        • 2 years ago

          sure thing, crab

          Don't forget regularly getting called ngmi, because you are trying to make an RPG in the first place, and not intercepting the next amongus. Or because you are making it turn-based when all the modern games like Dark Souls use real-time action, et cetera.

          some mfs there don't make their game, they make their audience's game, the audience they want to tap into that is. That is by no means wrong though, but yeah, being driven by seasonal hype is kinda meh to me.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't forget regularly getting called ngmi, because you are trying to make an RPG in the first place, and not intercepting the next amongus. Or because you are making it turn-based when all the modern games like Dark Souls use real-time action, et cetera.

    • 2 years ago

      >/agdg/ where anons actually make real and good games

  30. 2 years ago

    Should I post my game here?
    What definition of rpg are we using?
    crpg or like skyrim rpg lite?

    • 2 years ago

      Go to /agdg/ on /vg/ for some real game dev advice and not rpgay walking simulator advice

      • 2 years ago

        I would go there but I haven't decided on an avatar yet

        • 2 years ago

          They ban all of the avatargays there who isn't a girl and anyone who complains about avatargays since the residents femanon has the jannies in her pocket's

          • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Are any of those genuine questions or you are just low effort shitposting? If the former then post game, and we'll be the judge.

      • 2 years ago

        Bold of you to assume I have enough gameplay to tell.
        but this with a class system of some sort.

        • 2 years ago

          Hey, just for getting your non-shitposter certificate is enough. So what am I looking at? Real-time team-based game? That can pass like the owlcat games without the turn-based elements.

          • 2 years ago

            Kenshi, but with classes and abilities the player can cast.

            /agdg/ crabs knows how to drag things down to the shitpit they live in

            I'll probably stay here, it's horrible over there.

            • 2 years ago

              >Kenshi, but with classes
              Oh, so kenshi but shittier?
              Who looks at a clasless rpg system and thinks: "woah this is rad, but I wish the RPG elements were more restrictive"?
              have a nice day, classes are a terrible idea for RPGs.

        • 2 years ago

          This is terrible, if you don't know how to fricking program start with a 2 game.

          • 2 years ago

            kys Black person

            • 2 years ago

              Will do it when you release a good an functional game, so never. Kys brainlet, is programming to hard for your 3 breain cells?

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not the guy from the game you were trashtalking, I'm just calling you out over your Black person behaviour

              • 2 years ago

                have a nice day you too, this is not your safe space and in any case you are not making him any favour by hiding the facts.
                Possitivity for the sake of not hurting anyone's feelings is ten times more toxic than actual feedback.

              • 2 years ago

                webm name is "unplayable", the guy clearly know what he's showing his shit, I'm not afraid of hurting his feelings, just calling out your edgy Black person behaviour.

              • 2 years ago

                My advice still stands and he would still be better off starting with a 2d game or at least studying programming in general before making shit with a highly abstracted engine.
                Cry all you want, homosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                you have no idea about the context of the webm and you comment like your an authority on the matter. Nobody care about your trash """advices""", as I said, kys Black person.

              • 2 years ago

                Then keep doing unplayable trash, you moron.

  31. 2 years ago

    Thread quality went to shit all of a sudden

    • 2 years ago

      /agdg/ crabs knows how to drag things down to the shitpit they live in

  32. 2 years ago

    A hibrid between DQV and War and Peace, a game spanning the lifetime of an officer from the russian nobility during the napoleonic wars

    • 2 years ago

      Can you tame monsters

  33. 2 years ago

    Got crafting working. Will work on combat next probably.

    • 2 years ago

      Will it always craft in an array manner? or is this just a temporary thing?

      • 2 years ago

        For now yes. Crafting items is simulated/automated right now. It gives you what you need for the demo in the order you need it. This will change once I get menus in. Just hashing out a baseline proof of concept that I can iterate on later.

  34. 2 years ago

    Has anyone used Godot here before for any sort of earthbound game like? Something about rpgmaker mv doesn't click with me and performance wise it seems heavy. Maybe I'm using the wrong version of rpgmaker

  35. 2 years ago

    >So what you have been working on
    I've been trying to improve my procedural materials and facial anatomy. Pic rel.
    > Baseless musings about your dream game are also welcome
    I really want to make an old-school ARPG, but one that's more like Diablo 1/Dungeon Siege 2 where there's a few difficulties and an actual end, and not an endless endgame loot treadmill of "rifts" and seasons. I like "small-scale" ARPGs.

    • 2 years ago

      forgot pic

    • 2 years ago

      you are not alone

      makin' some combat moves to give melee characters more options than just holding left click

  36. 2 years ago

    I'd like a game where you play as a living dungeon. The game would play similar to a tower defence crossed with a city builder simulator like City Skylines.

    Like a city simulator, you have to balance certain needs and resource management, while the tower defence part is in how you have to try to ensure people don't reach your dungeon core. The players aim would be pretty free and mostly creative based like in city builders.

    The need and resource management comes in the form of materials required to make things in your dungeon. As controller of the dungeon, you can dig out rooms under ground as sprawling and complicated as you like. Every bit of stone, ore, fossil etc you collect can be used to craft decorations/traps/items etc for your dungeon. That isn't the only way to gain resources, as you can keep anything an adventurer is carrying upon their death in your dungeon.

    This is where the balance of needs come in. You need to set your dungeon up to slowly get more difficult as it gets deeper, or else no one would enter a dungeon that insta kills anyone who enters the front door. Though you also need your dungeon difficult enough that no one can reach your crystal, which is a high chance of being a game over. Not only that but you also need to place rewards that are worth the risk around the place, or else no one will see the point of braving the dangers you present. However, make the rewards too high/easy to get and you will be flooded with visitors but run out of materials quickly as they take all your loot.

    • 2 years ago

      So you are basically working with 3 main meters plus your material resources.
      Renown: how widely known your dungeon it affects how quickly the updates to your dungeon spread, and the speed at which a dungeon city might form around your dungeon, increasing the frequency of visitors.
      Profitability: How much the average adventurer can earn depending on their level of strength if they can avoid dying. Increases the number of visitors.
      Danger: Likelyhood of death/difficulty of survival for each level/area in your dungeon. Influences what strength the adventurers will be that visit your dungeon. You can have a max danger dungeon fully working so long as you have the profitability high enough to counter it, the draw back being you will face practically only national hero level parties attacking you.

      As for other resource upkeeps, the only one other than material components is mana. Mana would basically function like money/electricity/water/food supply combined into one for citybuilders. As in the upkeep and building/summoning cost of everything is in mana. For the most part this should be trivial to keep in check, as the bigger you make your dungeon the faster your mana regen gets and the larger your mana resource pool becomes. Although you can go beyond your limit if you do things like add monsters that are too strong for your current dungeon size or completely smother your halls in magical traps. However, even that can be staved off for limited time depending on your adventurer flow. This is because adventurers would passively increase your mana regen, the stronger the adventurer, the bigger the regen boost as long as they stay alive in your dungeon. Resulting in some truly OP builds end game if you have a stable flow of strong visitors.

      • 2 years ago

        There would be certain other aspects that I think would be fun too, like only gaining access to stronger monsters if your current ones evolve from defeating adventurers. Evolutions changing depending on the themes of the rooms you put them in (ie lava room making slime into lava slime and goblin into imp etc) Game memorising adventurer npcs so its technically possible to have one party survive and grow from noobs to national heroes. A day/night cycle where anyone on the upper floors leave the dungeon during the night, but deeper delvers clear a room and camp out.

        • 2 years ago

          So you are basically working with 3 main meters plus your material resources.
          Renown: how widely known your dungeon it affects how quickly the updates to your dungeon spread, and the speed at which a dungeon city might form around your dungeon, increasing the frequency of visitors.
          Profitability: How much the average adventurer can earn depending on their level of strength if they can avoid dying. Increases the number of visitors.
          Danger: Likelyhood of death/difficulty of survival for each level/area in your dungeon. Influences what strength the adventurers will be that visit your dungeon. You can have a max danger dungeon fully working so long as you have the profitability high enough to counter it, the draw back being you will face practically only national hero level parties attacking you.

          As for other resource upkeeps, the only one other than material components is mana. Mana would basically function like money/electricity/water/food supply combined into one for citybuilders. As in the upkeep and building/summoning cost of everything is in mana. For the most part this should be trivial to keep in check, as the bigger you make your dungeon the faster your mana regen gets and the larger your mana resource pool becomes. Although you can go beyond your limit if you do things like add monsters that are too strong for your current dungeon size or completely smother your halls in magical traps. However, even that can be staved off for limited time depending on your adventurer flow. This is because adventurers would passively increase your mana regen, the stronger the adventurer, the bigger the regen boost as long as they stay alive in your dungeon. Resulting in some truly OP builds end game if you have a stable flow of strong visitors.

          I'd like a game where you play as a living dungeon. The game would play similar to a tower defence crossed with a city builder simulator like City Skylines.

          Like a city simulator, you have to balance certain needs and resource management, while the tower defence part is in how you have to try to ensure people don't reach your dungeon core. The players aim would be pretty free and mostly creative based like in city builders.

          The need and resource management comes in the form of materials required to make things in your dungeon. As controller of the dungeon, you can dig out rooms under ground as sprawling and complicated as you like. Every bit of stone, ore, fossil etc you collect can be used to craft decorations/traps/items etc for your dungeon. That isn't the only way to gain resources, as you can keep anything an adventurer is carrying upon their death in your dungeon.

          This is where the balance of needs come in. You need to set your dungeon up to slowly get more difficult as it gets deeper, or else no one would enter a dungeon that insta kills anyone who enters the front door. Though you also need your dungeon difficult enough that no one can reach your crystal, which is a high chance of being a game over. Not only that but you also need to place rewards that are worth the risk around the place, or else no one will see the point of braving the dangers you present. However, make the rewards too high/easy to get and you will be flooded with visitors but run out of materials quickly as they take all your loot.

          This is dungeon keeper. Except the gimmick of dungeons.
          Reading through it I am not sure if it isn't literally dungeons.

          • 2 years ago

            Dungeon keeper probably is the closest currently released game to what I was describing. Just needs much more personal creativity with much less cartoonish themes. Also can do without the campy "oooh be an evil dungeon lord" energy.

            idk I just have been enjoying a lot of webnovels where the MC gets isekai'd as a dungeon core and it the idea is so versatile and open.

            Would also be cool to see npc's working realistically in your dungeon. Like after discovery sending in exploration teams to map out what they can before letting adventurers in, seeing them get surprised if someone who has been in your dungeon before see's something new. etc. Hell, depending on the budget of the developer, you could even add options to build upwards into a tower if you want, or create your own buildings in the dungeon town to trade things with people without them knowing its owned by the dungeon. Perhaps even a hidden benevolent 'city dungeon' could be an optional path, where you build the majority of buildings in the town and rent them out to people as houses or businesses etc. Having your monsters act as guards that only attack criminals.

            • 2 years ago

              Don't let your dreams be dreams.
              And if anyone says you are overscoping they don't understand the fuel for a game like this is autism as long as you avoid actual roadblocks like art.(the amount you need is surprisingly large)

    • 2 years ago

      I heard this idea somewhere else. A friend of mine I believe. I think there was a Belgian comics about it too.

      • 2 years ago

        isekais are rife with it. It's strange no games are picking up on that.

  37. 2 years ago

    How would you go about making a demo for a story-focused game? Condense the story into a vignette version? Give the player a single chapter/vertical slice? Tell a separate story entirely as a prequel?

    • 2 years ago

      I would think carve out the beginning of the game right up to the first story hook or set of story hooks, and present that as the demo. I don't know your game, your story, or how it's paced, so that might not work for you, but it's a thought.

    • 2 years ago

      >story-focused game
      Write a book, homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      Give the player the opening of the game up to the first story hook. It keeps your work simple while drawing interest. If you have the time though, you could create a prequel/side-story for the demo, but again you should have it act as a hook for the main narrative of the game.

  38. 2 years ago

    I've been making tiles for a cave map using rpg maker, I don't quite get how to make the tiles not that repetitive. I know nu rpg maker cuts stuff into 24x24 (because tiles are 48 x48) and then alternates depending if there are a lot of the same tiles close together. But the result still ends up with patterns looking repetitive.

  39. 2 years ago

    slime strong

    > enemy basic attack & chase system

  40. 2 years ago

    Satanic ritual with shit.

    With sound:

    • 2 years ago

      I like when people have realistic reactions

  41. 2 years ago

    Did anyone think games like pathfinder demand too much from buffing and other meta stuff that it took away from the actual combat?
    >choose one class out of like 30 with no idea how they really play
    >chose wrong one
    >enjoy dying and stuff.

  42. 2 years ago

    slime not so strong anymore

    > gave monsters addition cooldown to their actions

  43. 2 years ago

    I just finished the first real complex battle in my new combat system, and it's FUN. Not just working, but genuinely fun and strategic. This is so great.

    • 2 years ago

      Congraturations anon. Want a beta tester? Although really I'm more of a sigma tester if you know what I mean.

    • 2 years ago

      tell us about it

    • 2 years ago

      My heart goes out to you anon. I wish I would get this far one day.

  44. 2 years ago

    I have one stretch goal for my 7 day deadline but I have no idea what would give the most bang for my buck to my kenshi clone.
    Roaming bands of non hostile npcs, maybe?

  45. 2 years ago

    So, I am in the process of developing some sort of characteristic trait that would work in a way different from attributes (which measure what you're talented in), skills (which measure what you are trained in), and affiliations with factions (which measure what you believe). It would be something like "personality", or an horoscope if you will, but I am not sure how to gauge it or build it. Does anyone have advice on the topic?

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe start whit tha basic lawfull/caotic/neutral or turbulent/acertive and introvert/extrovert. What it will give to your characters? diferent dialogs?

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe affinity with X, where X can be whatever the frick you want. i.e.
      >Affinity with Ocean
      >Affinity with Music
      >Affinity with Marksmanship
      >Affinity with Law

      You can basically choose it as concrete or abstractly as you want and use it to mold you character around some narrative that laxly fits around it. For example, affinity with the ocean you could have a character that is a good swimmer, recovers more hpnfrom eating seafood, has slightly better stamina recovering because of swimming experience, is a good sailor, gets angry when people want to go on long quests to the mountains or underground, getting debuffs in those situations, etc.

  46. 2 years ago

    This effect can't be done on a SNES, you need a GBA for it.

    With sound:

  47. 2 years ago

    How do you pull of the comic relief character without taking things to far? How do you pull off comedy in general

    • 2 years ago

      Frick it, I'm not proof-reading this.

      Make the CR act SLIGHTLY lighter than the general mood of the setting. Make the incompetence non-consequential unless you plan to use a moment CR fricks up as a driving vessel for said persona's character development and/or plot-progression.

      Same things go for comedy in stories in general - keep the level of humor SLIGHTLY above the general mood of the story, don't use it outside of plot-irrelevant situations

      As for how to make things comedic, that's subjective and depends on your sense of humor and your ability to read your audience.

      Setup>Punchline is the basic of basics, but must be used sparingly or else the formula becomest apparent too fast and people learn to antisipate the Punchline (you might've seen "let's players" going "he's gonna fall for that, I get it, he's gonna fall for it!")

      Absurdist humor (AKA "Lol So Random") must be used only when situation calls for it (dream sequence, mindscape sequence, unreliable narrator, et c.) or it breaks the whole atmosphere ("Leprechaun" horror movies are the worst offender, but "Clowns from Outer Space" pulls it off).

      Referential Humor, if used too often, ruins the atmosphere by breaking the 4th wall unintentionally and ruining the immersion. Plus, if story take place in the time period set before the time of the referenced material, the joke falls flat. 4'th wall breaks work the same.

  48. 2 years ago

    Thinking about adding a stealth section to my turn based RPG
    How do I make it not bad?
    Before you ask why it's supposed to be a heist

    • 2 years ago

      1. Make things "arcade" rather than realistic: make detection ranges on enemies visible and short, make their reaction to getting into the vision range delayed and reamove any use of sound mechanics besides distractions.

      2. Make punishment for failure interesting - no instant game-overs, no unbeatable hordes come and you die, no being thrown back to the start of the location. You can branch the story into being prison escape that morphs back into the heist, you can make "plan b" scenario where the area is flooded with sleeping gas but a powerful boss appears near the item and you have to fight it or oven make a horde-mode scenation where you have to dig in a room and fight off hordes of enemies with limited opportunities to heal only to discover that you got an opportunity to intercept the item as its being moved to another place.

      3. Do not abuse backtracking. Running back and forth around patrols is not fun, it's a busywork.

      4. If you plan to use vents, don't make them labyrinthine. You can make it vast but no blocking off passages with ventilators or rubble. The primary purpose of vents is to gather intel to make moving through the main area more effective.

  49. 2 years ago

    Trying to figure out how to emulate strategy warfare elements into a turn based RPG
    Right now I have an idea of labelling certain areas of the map and having the enemy faction spawn troops there. There would be certain locations like a guard tower where if you defeat a boss you could "lock off" that area from reinforcements which in reality would just turn off the spawning

    • 2 years ago

      When you say strategy warfare do you just mean RTS? If not then consult the myriad of tactics games. I mean even then you might wanna borrow some tactics games mechanics that you think might be workable in an RTS format

      • 2 years ago

        I mean more like management rather than actually changing the battle system. What sort of tactics mechanics do you mean?

        • 2 years ago

          When you say strategy warfare do you just mean RTS? If not then consult the myriad of tactics games. I mean even then you might wanna borrow some tactics games mechanics that you think might be workable in an RTS format

          Another idea: Something to spend money on would be populating captured towers/towns with NPCs. Each NPC would have an offense/defense score

        • 2 years ago

          Oh it sounds more like tower defense type shit. I haven't played a ton of non-Blizzard RTS games but I haven't seen one that does things like what FF:Tactics and Fire Emblem do from the classes and levels to the weapon pyramid in FE. Stuff like that. But if you want tower defense stuff that's really where you should look. Or if by management you mean like XXXX games play like Frostpunk or Rimworld or something

          • 2 years ago

            Nah, I think you're misunderstanding. It wouldn't be a real time tower defense, more of a sim. You'd capture a tower in standard turn based RPG fashion after defeating a boss, then you'd hire soldiers to guard it. Their defense would be purely simulated

  50. 2 years ago


    > added health bars

    • 2 years ago

      Very cool

  51. 2 years ago

    How involved do you like your stats to be? Consider, say, SaGa vs Dragons Quest

    • 2 years ago

      I prefer a more relaxed RPG experience, so Dragon Quest or any other game where stat management is automated is my preference.

      • 2 years ago

        LEt me get this straight, you prefer when stats are automated, but do you like when characters are different by stats?

        I prefer a few stats that have a big impact, just HP, Armor and Speed are enough for a combat system

        Have yo seen Voice of Cards stat system? If so, do you like it?

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, I think I prefer having classes locked to stat patterns. Changing out party memembers already adds strategy, micromanaging their stats even farther just seems like a waste of time.

          • 2 years ago

            Have you played any SaGa games? Or maybe FF2, stats do progress, and basically indicate what you are doing with your chracter, ala skills in TES. Does this sound appealing to you? Or even this is too much of a micromanagement

            • 2 years ago

              For a single character it's fine. FF2's greatest sin was having a system like that with three primary characters and a fourth that was replaced every other dungeon. If it only applies to the main character or there is only one character, use to improve is fine.

              • 2 years ago

                Have you played any SaGa games? Or maybe FF2, stats do progress, and basically indicate what you are doing with your chracter, ala skills in TES. Does this sound appealing to you? Or even this is too much of a micromanagement

                Added to this. In my opinion for party based RPGs it's better to roleplay one character like the hero on DQ and merely borrow the other characters. The hero character is who you have full control of, the other characters are their own people and should grow thusly.

    • 2 years ago

      I prefer a few stats that have a big impact, just HP, Armor and Speed are enough for a combat system

    • 2 years ago

      I like how Ragnarok Online did it, you had your attribute and those affects sub attributes.

      Very cool


  52. 2 years ago

    slow but steady progress on my First Age Elf RPG.

    i've made and remade this model from scratch five or six times now; finally getting closer to something i feel okay about. maybe seventh time's the charm.

    >Humbly forging away edition.
    Hail Aulë.

  53. 2 years ago

    I'm working on a custom WoW mod with completely different progression that will hopefully be fun.

  54. 2 years ago

    How do you like to handle class/job progression systems? I feel like the way FF5/FFT does it has already been done to death

  55. 2 years ago

    With fishing, cooking, and eating, combat is finally doable.

    • 2 years ago

      Is that motherfricking inventory of SHRIMP

      • 2 years ago

        Just generic gold fish for now.

  56. 2 years ago

    >Trying to write quests for my game
    >Dialogue branches either become boring and linear
    >Or they spin out of control with each actions having four reactions and each reactions implying other actions

    • 2 years ago

      You've got to keep it linear anon. Most of 'branching choice' in games is just an illusion. Make sure to plot out the main distinctive narrative branches, which have actual effect on the game plot, before delving into the smaller, conversational "twigs." Here's a couple talks about it I found helpful while writing my own branching dialogue game.

  57. 2 years ago

    im sure i will be told this is the wrong place to ask but /tg/ amateur dev is completely dead nowadays

    im making a tabletop RPG and it would be extremely helpful to have an online component to help run it, especially for distributing the game.

    Im too moronic to know even where to start doing this though, the only thing i've ever done is pirate "gamemaker XL" and followed some tutorials about it years ago. i doubt that would help much.

    All I really need is a calculator, with buttons to run equations. like a fancy excel sheet.

    Anyone know what i should do? what language to learn or if theres an "easy" way to do it? Like an RPGmaker for my needs? I have tried tabletop simulator so far and its pretty shit

    • 2 years ago

      Just make a web app or something. Easiest thing to make if you just need forms and buttons. No need to use a game engine for something that's going to be primarily text based.

  58. 2 years ago

    I'm start whit ideias for a top-down soulslike rougue-lite whit random upgrades.

    >sci-fi humanity is gone has ages
    >A medieval cats era necomes just to be destroyed by extra dimensional beings.
    >you explore the ruins late in the tragedy.


    >you can roll and parry
    >Light attack combo, heavy attack
    >special melee attack by rrandom upgrades
    >magics by random upgrades
    >each have 3 types of upgrades

    • 2 years ago

      I mean each magic or special melee attack have 3 diferent upgrades.

      >knesis push enemies in the area of action in the direction pressed white activate and does no damage, just damage enemies if it bump into the walls or other enemies.
      >one upgrade increase the area of action
      >other increase the force of the push
      >the third make enemies affected by the knesis lighter for seconds and put this effect on enemies they bump.
      >whit that they go far whr "knesed" again and syffer more knock back from meelee attacks

    • 2 years ago

      I mean each magic or special melee attack have 3 diferent upgrades.

      >knesis push enemies in the area of action in the direction pressed white activate and does no damage, just damage enemies if it bump into the walls or other enemies.
      >one upgrade increase the area of action
      >other increase the force of the push
      >the third make enemies affected by the knesis lighter for seconds and put this effect on enemies they bump.
      >whit that they go far whr "knesed" again and syffer more knock back from meelee attacks

      you might want to learn how to spell before getting into coding tbh

      • 2 years ago

        Well, I'm thinking this example spell very cheap in mp coast and more used to a melee oriented build. But can be useful for long range. You can move away or closer the enemies as you need.

      • 2 years ago

        Some tips about spells?

    • 2 years ago

      >random upgrades
      Fricking christ anon, don't do that.

  59. 2 years ago

    i have a few questions if anyone here has used rpg maker alot and has time to answer
    My game is in a modern urban setting thus there are alot of different tiles/sprites needed to fulfill my vision.
    Is it worth it to work with a few tileset packs and edit the tiles as needed for different maps
    (ive eyed the winlu cyberpunk sets on itchio as the most complete tileset ive seen that looks good and is somewhat like the default rtp.)
    Or is it a better idea to simply make all the tiles myself? that way at least it will all feel like a consistent art style even though it will be much simpler.
    (if this is a better idea would rpg maker xp be easier to use due to the smaller tile size? 32x32 seems like a lot less work for custom tiles then 48x48.)
    I'm completely stuck right now as cool visually pleasing maps is something I can't see my game without.
    Thanks to any anons that can provide input.

    • 2 years ago

      It basically comes down to this:

      Did you personally make more than 4 unique tilesets with 6+ unique decorative elements in them before?
      If yes and they looked on par with standart tilesets, make your own while using the ones you like as reference.
      If yes but they were objectively less detailed than standart ones, take tilesets you like and edit them to fit to the consistent artstyle.
      If not but you made 2 or even 1 that is of high quality and was noted to have high quality by others, do same as the above.
      Everything else - stick to premades and limit yourself to color-swaps and basic stitching.

      Alternative idea - if you can into 2D or 3D art, make static pictures, use them as background and apply the collosion grid on the blank area to fit the picture's impasssable terrain.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks that's very helpful. i'll stick to the premade tilesets for now. That last idea is very interesting, do you know any rpg maker games that use that technique I can look at? No worries if you can't

        • 2 years ago

          Yume NIkki and its fangames have certain scenes that are made how I described. Picrel is from Yume 2kki. Below is the link to all events, most of them are like that:

          Besides this... My last experience of that was from 2009 when a guy was making an RPG in XP with 3D rendered maps screenshoted in .pngs back when I lurked on the "Light Zone". Nothing remains of that one, of course.

          • 2 years ago

            Appreciate it. That's some great inspo

  60. 2 years ago

    I've been working on a Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley farm-sim-rpg for quite some time but I recently saw a few videos about the many that are out or coming out and now I'm trying to figure out how to make mine stand out. The theme I saw seemed to be comfy.
    How would one make a game like this non-comfy? I figure Graveyard Keeper might be like that considering it's dark nature of harvesting meat from human corpses and selling it as produce but does that really count? Isn't "comfy" also part of the aesthetic of something?

    • 2 years ago

      >How would one make a game like this non-comfy?
      I don't know what you want to focus on thematically, farming or horror, but here are a few suggestions anyway.

      1. Presentation. Uncanny Valley character design and expressions. Creepy sound design. Music getting off-tune or distorting in suspicious moments. General Absurdity akin to Deadly Premonition or Twin Peaks.

      2. Subtlety. A random pile of dirt appears in the garden one day and plants start growing really fast around it despite there being nothing under it. A shadow in the window that looks like a human but is actually a tree branch is suddenly gone one day. Fish in the lake appears circling around a certain spot, increasing in numbers daily. A new car stands on the shore opposite of your house, never moving or changing position.

      3. Narrative dissonance. Game refuses to acknowledge disappearances/power grid failures/lack of drinking water even though the consequences are way too apparent. Tasking you with performing specific farming activities in areas where they are impossible (the game asks you to water 1 plant but you're in the basement with concrete floor and a huge steel door, so you pour water on the powerbox shorting the whole place but opening the door, task completed). The overall outwardly happy atmosphere presented as extremely forced as if under the terror of punishment.

      4.Meta-subversion. Doors that appear to lead nowhere suddenly change locations. User interface changing labels to creepy things like "HI", "I DO NOT REGRET", "WHY", "NOT MEAT", "HE LIVES", "THAT WAS A BRANCH" et. c. Tasks given by people fail in the middle of the night, ether by them changing their mind and telling you later or them disappearing completely from the game. Gardening implement in the active slot give prompt to be used near specific characters.

      • 2 years ago

        This is great advice in general, but
        >Doors that appear to lead nowhere suddenly change locations. User interface changing labels to creepy things like "HI", "I DO NOT REGRET", "WHY", "NOT MEAT", "HE LIVES", "THAT WAS A BRANCH"
        Do not do this. It's gay, cliche and as unsubtle as you can get.

        • 2 years ago

          >It's gay, cliche and as unsubtle as you can get.

          Every trick turns into this when abused. It's not that you should actively avoid it, it's that you should restrain yourself and not put it into spotlight every chance you get.

          And considering the increased interest in the meta-horror, this is really hard to pull off nowadays. I'MSCARED and DokiDoki trained people where to look, after all.

    • 2 years ago

      Make the process annoying and unpleasant

  61. 2 years ago

    fixed channeling skill not name-locking

  62. 2 years ago

    Implemented the Silver font by Poppy Works. Very clean font.

  63. 2 years ago

    My idea for a game is a game inspired by schizo games like Black Souls, Yume Nikki, etc.
    Basically your in a massive postapocalypse world, you are a craftsman for bionic implants and have many implants in you.

    one day after ruthless labor, you go into a psychotic state and become creative enough to create a new type of implant which lets you change the world around you. Despite this, it only works when you are undergoing psychosis or some other extremely mentally taxing state.

    In the end, you are captured by a delusion to find some sort of macguffin and either save or end the world

  64. 2 years ago

    Realized the big twist in my game's story is obvious if you have half a brain cell so now I'm debating whether to rewrite or lean into it

    • 2 years ago

      Pro tip: nobody cares about the story of your game unless it's a visual novel and its the biggest selling point.

      • 2 years ago

        Nobody cares about shitty jrpg rehash battle system 153689 gaytron, I'm not even that anon but your continual seething in these threads and anger towards everyone who talks about story in their games is telling of your own inadequacies.

        • 2 years ago

          >your continual seething in these threads and anger towards everyone who talks about story
          That was literally one of my first 3 posts in this general, does your story gets criticized that much? Lol
          My point still stands tho, nobody cares about the story of any game, go write a fricking book you little homosexual.

          • 2 years ago

            >nobody cares about the story of any game
            Wrong. You just can't read.

            • 2 years ago

              I do read real novels tho, but that's the point, in those cases I literally paid for a good story.

  65. 2 years ago

    So how do I reconcile wanting to have a small, tight cast of characters well also needing my MC to build a huge army

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        What's this?

        • 2 years ago

          berserk mango

    • 2 years ago

      Your tight cast of characters are the MC and the officers, and army are the grunts. Maybe in the process of building the army, the MC starts as grunt, and many of the other characters do as well, and as you start to build your army, the MC promotes the those characters to officers. In the late game there could be a low-ranking soldier that is part of the tight cast, or at least a sub plot that runs with the story of the main cast just to maintain the humanity of the army for the player, and serve as reminder of where the player started from.

      • 2 years ago

        That could be an interesting plot. Maybe have one story which follows a traditional MC who saving the world against Gods and shit, and then one story that parallels it of just some solider of his army in the trenches

  66. 2 years ago

    Found myself changing half of my game again. It's at the point where I don't even know if I want it to be an RPG or what.
    At this point I just want to finish it and enjoy it, just to know that I finished and enjoyed something. Is this normal for a first "real" project? I don't even know if I'll share it anywhere, feels more like an experiment.

  67. 2 years ago

    What tools are you using?

    • 2 years ago

      Construct 2 because ActionScript is dead and newgrounds told me too. And I ain't paying for C3, i'm poor.

  68. 2 years ago

    What's the most amount of party members you think a game can have while they're all still interesting? FF6 has a praised cast hit even that still clearly has B and even C members

    • 2 years ago

      108 if Suikoden is anything to go by

      • 2 years ago

        You can't tell me, legitimately, that all 108 cast members are interesting and unique

  69. 2 years ago

    After 2 weeks of messing around with tilesets, and trying to build levels, I've come to understand why isometric became a thing. With orthographic projection everything has to be on the northern wall. If something is elsewhere, it looks stupid or even invisible.

    • 2 years ago

      How do you mean?

      • 2 years ago

        Imagine drawing a room in orthographic style.
        Windows, doors, pictures, anything that has a relatively small width, become invisible if are on the east or western walls. Or just put a robust something in the middle of the room. Due to the orthographic projection, it will hide a lot of space behind it.

        • 2 years ago

          So? Plenty of amazing artwork has been done in that style
          git gud

          • 2 years ago

            You sir, are a common dandy.

  70. 2 years ago

    Been fricking around with RPG Maker VX Ace and trying to familiarize myself with the program for days, but still need a lot of things to learn.

    I'm planning to make a (20-30 min.) short game with it just for practice and experience, but with writing being my weakness, I've been struggling to come up with a basic story for it. The concept/characters might be inspired by goth subculture or mods vs. rockers subculture, or maybe film noir. I'm also thinking of a dystopian, post-apocalyptic, or any gritty setting, combined with the themes related to hunger + thirst or cannibalism.

    For the gameplay, it's gonna be a standard turn-based combat for now, but I want it to have some sort of hunger/thirst mechanic if I can actually implement it (which I can't lol unless there's a script I can use). For pixel art, it's kind of a pain in the ass to learn for starter since I'm much used to doing traditional/digital art, but doesn't seem impossible for me to do.

    Honestly I don't fricking know where to start with the actual game itself, but I want to have a clear story/setting for it so I can start designing some characters.

  71. 2 years ago

    Added job toggles and a ton of under the hood stuff like higher resolution sprite support (ignore the ugly dev textures to test this). Next step is to increase the world and have a camera view that follows the player.

    • 2 years ago

      Looking good.

  72. 2 years ago

    Let me ask here

    How do I make differences matter?

    I'm trying to build a scenario where the MC decides between supporting a group of elite within a settlement with access to advanced technology versus a more populous demagogue with no knowledge of how to use the technology

    But if I just swap the guy on top out then what's even the point?

    • 2 years ago

      This is a really big subject with a lot of room to talk about it.
      First of all, you have to ask WHY the player would need to pick between the two faction? What was their goal, or their primary need that is addressed by joining a side? How much is left of the game once their choice have been made?

  73. 2 years ago


    > added [Dash] to skill tree
    > is a free and non-modifiable skill
    > has 1 second cooldown

    > [non-basic] move skills will default to basic move while on cooldown

    > [non-basic] move skills assigned to [mouse1] skill will default to basic move
    > to activate [non-basic] move skills assigned to [mouse1]: hold [shift] down and click

    • 2 years ago

      Looking good anon. Are you planning controller support at all? I'm starting to look into it, but I am finding it might constrain my overall design when a mouse isn't easily available.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't think I'm far enough to think about alternative control and I don't have a gamepad too so it never really crossed my mind before.. maybe after I get a demo out, who knows

        • 2 years ago

          That wasn't really a request, just wondering. Good luck on your game.

    • 2 years ago

      this man zoomin'. being able to assign movements to quick-cast is great.
      keep it up

      Added job toggles and a ton of under the hood stuff like higher resolution sprite support (ignore the ugly dev textures to test this). Next step is to increase the world and have a camera view that follows the player.

      cute! something that bothers me about games with information being displayed in text over one line is that if the same message is displayed twice ie, "You got fish", it's hard to tell how many times it happened, especially if you're repeating the action a lot.
      personally, i'd look into adding a number at the end to indicate how many times the text repeated. your end result will look like "You got fish (x3)", then the next line will be "You got fish (x4)"

      slow but steady progress on my First Age Elf RPG.

      i've made and remade this model from scratch five or six times now; finally getting closer to something i feel okay about. maybe seventh time's the charm.

      >Humbly forging away edition.
      Hail Aulë.

      i like his armor and helmet, the scale texture is nice.
      i'm pretty dogshit at 3d modeling, but i'd focus on making sure things don't clip too much. the hair clipping through the helmet is pretty noticeable

      Bold of you to assume I have enough gameplay to tell.
      but this with a class system of some sort.

      what's this game about? looks interesting, just needs some polishing

      >I have 0 talent for,
      Even though some of your art is a little rudimentary, one thing you've achieved that I feel many modern ARPGs fail at is clarity. In many ARPGs, monsters just blend into the background. If they didn't move, you may not notice some of them. But in all the webms I've seen of your game, they stand out well from the background.

      thanks, i appreciate it!

      as for me, i changed one of my enemies from a weak model to a slightly better one, and gave her animation to clearly telegraph when her projectile is firing.
      i'm making it slow and obvious since they're one of the first enemies you can encounter. walking animations could use some work but that's one of my weaknesses.

      • 2 years ago

        everything feels a bit sluggish, the player movements, the animations, the projectile speeds. if everything was sped up 1.3x or 1.5x this could have a better feel imo

        • 2 years ago

          Looks like a Diablo I clone so sluggishness is appropriate

        • 2 years ago

          thanks for the feedback! like

          Looks like a Diablo I clone so sluggishness is appropriate

          says, the goal is to be slow and methodical. i understand that most people prefer the opposite, but this is what i like

      • 2 years ago

        The "you got fish 3x" thing is a pretty good idea. I'll look into it.

        • 2 years ago

          I looked into it. Massive improvement to overall clarity.

          • 2 years ago

            glad my feedback was useful. your game is shaping up nicely!

            *Intense Blood Star spam flashbacks*

            these ladies aren't quite as bad, since they don't tend to run away as you get close. the Spitter enemy on the other hand gives me PTSD

            thanks for the feedback kalemonvo dev
            i know about the hair clipping, it's just one of the last things i do when i set up a new model so often i don't bother while prototyping, since i have to set up colliders on all the individual bones.

            as far as your game, do you have a dodge? if not, it could add an interesting layer to the combat

            no dodge, but it's on the drawing board. currently fixing enemy AI to make them a bit better at wrapping and encircling the player, while also preventing the player's character controller from freaking out when surrounded. once that's implemented, adding movement based combat mechanics like dodging or leaping should be feasible.

            >looks interesting, just needs some polishing
            I'm cloning kenshi. Next up is building.

            was that your game on DD45? Nodev Crab put up a review on it, you can already see the improvement from the webm, keep it up. while i'm sure you have a plan for what to work on, i suggest concentrating on getting a smooth and polished 5-10 min bit of gameplay where everything performs as it should. once that's done, go for the UI + visuals. it's much easier to add stuff to a stable foundation than the other way round, and your game already seems to have a lot of mechanics


            - endless dungeon

            >previous levels are kept and you can return to them

            How can I go on about character portraits?
            I don't really know how to draw but I want to have them, also here's your main character

            It depends entirely on your style - it's hard to give you critique when i don't know what you're going for. it looks to me like you're keeping the chickenscratch on purpose, which COULD work for a very art/modern-art based game, but that's really hard to emulate without people saying your art looks like shit. if you have some reference material for what you're trying to do, it would help

            • 2 years ago

              >It depends entirely on your style - it's hard to give you critique when i don't know what you're going for.
              A sort of reference chart? I kinda wanted to ape De Kooning + Masaaki Yuasa, not noticeable right?
              >hich COULD work for a very art/modern-art based game, but that's really hard to emulate without people saying your art looks like shit
              What do you mean exactly?

              Would you play something like that?

              • 2 years ago

                I wouldn't have guessed you aped either - Kooning has things be basically formless while your body shape is clear for both characters, for example.
                >What do you mean exactly?
                It's sortof like having childish art 'ironically', where you're making something good but using technique usually regarded as 'bad', or having things be visually confusing on purpose. I say this due to how you drew the first's girls jacket/collar, using a bunch of overlapping lines, and how the colors is always outside of the lines - but I just checked the other thread where you talk about commissioning an artist so maybe I'm reading too deep into your placeholder art.
                Either way, 2nd pic really reminds me of the portraits in Disco Elysium, with strong contrasting colors and unusual skintones. I like the design more than the first one.
                Since you're commissioning, you should have some style guide for your artist, and also try and be as specific as possible. If you asked me to describe the first character, the only thing I could say is "she has a long face"

                >Would you play something like that?
                Depends on the gameplay

              • 2 years ago

                I would suggest redrawing all of the character portraits at least 6 times, because repeating the process will help you finalize how you want to render the face, how wide you want the eyes compared to the nose, how long you want the face, etc.
                And if you were to make the sprite artstyle similar energy to the portraits any shortcoming in your art will be taken as style

                Thanks to both, this is placeholder art but the "demo" might have it, I'm still finding someone to commission.
                >I like the design more than the first one.
                Heh, it's the same character. I'm not sure what design to go with. Like a bit of both would be the best, on the first want I was not going for anything true, like only the messy lines remain.
                Here's another character.

                I would suggest redrawing all of the character portraits at least 6 times, because repeating the process will help you finalize how you want to render the face, how wide you want the eyes compared to the nose, how long you want the face, etc.
                And if you were to make the sprite artstyle similar energy to the portraits any shortcoming in your art will be taken as style

                >And if you were to make the sprite artstyle similar energy to the portraits any shortcoming in your art will be taken as style
                Yeah, I want to do something like that, strong colored messy models.

              • 2 years ago

                I would suggest redrawing all of the character portraits at least 6 times, because repeating the process will help you finalize how you want to render the face, how wide you want the eyes compared to the nose, how long you want the face, etc.
                And if you were to make the sprite artstyle similar energy to the portraits any shortcoming in your art will be taken as style

                Actually if you do that redraw it a bunch of times thing you can maybe do what Omori did with the character portraits and it'll add a bit of flavor to your game.
                He didn't use plugings, just events.

              • 2 years ago

                Great idea!

                I wouldn't have guessed you aped either - Kooning has things be basically formless while your body shape is clear for both characters, for example.
                >What do you mean exactly?
                It's sortof like having childish art 'ironically', where you're making something good but using technique usually regarded as 'bad', or having things be visually confusing on purpose. I say this due to how you drew the first's girls jacket/collar, using a bunch of overlapping lines, and how the colors is always outside of the lines - but I just checked the other thread where you talk about commissioning an artist so maybe I'm reading too deep into your placeholder art.
                Either way, 2nd pic really reminds me of the portraits in Disco Elysium, with strong contrasting colors and unusual skintones. I like the design more than the first one.
                Since you're commissioning, you should have some style guide for your artist, and also try and be as specific as possible. If you asked me to describe the first character, the only thing I could say is "she has a long face"

                >Would you play something like that?
                Depends on the gameplay

                I guess I think I might be more influenced by pop art than I might realize, I'm just noticing it now.

              • 2 years ago

                I would suggest redrawing all of the character portraits at least 6 times, because repeating the process will help you finalize how you want to render the face, how wide you want the eyes compared to the nose, how long you want the face, etc.
                And if you were to make the sprite artstyle similar energy to the portraits any shortcoming in your art will be taken as style

              • 2 years ago

                How can I go on about character portraits?
                I don't really know how to draw but I want to have them, also here's your main character

                Thanks to both, this is placeholder art but the "demo" might have it, I'm still finding someone to commission.
                >I like the design more than the first one.
                Heh, it's the same character. I'm not sure what design to go with. Like a bit of both would be the best, on the first want I was not going for anything true, like only the messy lines remain.
                Here's another character.
                >And if you were to make the sprite artstyle similar energy to the portraits any shortcoming in your art will be taken as style
                Yeah, I want to do something like that, strong colored messy models.

                looks like shit

              • 2 years ago

                I'll get it commissioned man, relax.

              • 2 years ago

                I GIVE UP I GIVE UP
                I DO GIVE UP HAHAHAHAHAH
                I AM GIVING UP HEAR ME



              • 2 years ago

                Bro, if it doesn't look wrong to you, continue the project. You can just develop your art later, you could've just used it all as placeholders if you're that unsatisfied with it.

              • 2 years ago

                I honestly think that portrait has potential, but only if you deliberately make all other portraits/menus with a similar style. Just try to cut it down on unnecessary lines (the bottom part looks a bit shit) and avoid normal paint lines like you can see around the eyes - make everything seem as if it was made with crayons.

            • 2 years ago

              >was that your game on DD45?
              probably. I really rushed it because I had just gotten through fixing a bug that made the state machine crash every 40 seconds. It made debugging it pretty hard.
              >your game already seems to have a lot of mechanics
              It's a direct clone wherever possible but my best source of advice is a guy with hundreds of hours in kenshi that just responds "you really don't get it" whenever I ask about kenshi.

      • 2 years ago

        *Intense Blood Star spam flashbacks*

      • 2 years ago

        thanks for the feedback kalemonvo dev
        i know about the hair clipping, it's just one of the last things i do when i set up a new model so often i don't bother while prototyping, since i have to set up colliders on all the individual bones.

        as far as your game, do you have a dodge? if not, it could add an interesting layer to the combat

      • 2 years ago

        >looks interesting, just needs some polishing
        I'm cloning kenshi. Next up is building.

  74. 2 years ago

    I use positive Z as the forward axis in Godot and I don't care what any of the documentation says. The arrow points towards positive. That's forward. Juan himself cannot change my mind on this. It's bad enough positive Z isn't up, I'm not making anymore compromises. I'm not bending my knee any farther to the godless Y-up-pies.

  75. 2 years ago

    had so much fun playing with cel shaders that now i want to make a blame! side project with some of my unused models.

  76. 2 years ago

    Been working on Nevergrind Online. Just came out in early access, but still needs many features until it's ready for full release.

  77. 2 years ago

    >player is The Chosen One
    bad trope?

  78. 2 years ago

    Holy frick my story is a mix of like 4 separate ones I came up with and now it's fricking moronic and convoluted but I can't restart now

    • 2 years ago

      a story based game should be clearly plotted out before development anon. unironically start from scratch, or take your favorite idea from the four and make it a standalone story.

      • 2 years ago

        The plotting is exactly what I'm doing though and it's already out of hand

  79. 2 years ago

    If your game is actually good, what do you think the odds of it getting noticed and becoming successful are?

  80. 2 years ago

    How do I write a story that isn't too "JRPG-y"?

    • 2 years ago

      JRPG stories are written for about 14 year olds, even when they sprinkle in content that adults can also appreciate. The character designs, the melodrama, the bullshit twists are all made to appeal to teenagers.
      The simple answer to your question is: "just don't write YA bullshit". But do you even know how not to? Do you even know what the difference is? I'm not gonna tell you, since I don't know enough about the subject to actually provide good answers.

      • 2 years ago

        Well it's not quite like that. I'm trying to write something more inspired by FFT or LOCT. I just want to try and avoid jargon and 10 elemental gods etc

  81. 2 years ago

    What's a more interesting twist on the rebel trope: you have to work along side the king/empire but he dies and you eventually work your way to the top
    you and the king become buddies for the whole game

    • 2 years ago

      >you and your buddies start out as rebels and gain the king's favor through heroism, only for him to become your enemy after you fall into his disfavor

      • 2 years ago

        My idea was something like this
        >you and your friends are planning some sort of attack against the royal family
        >you hire out some extra help
        >that extra help ends up betraying you, killing off the rest of your group and all but one of the family
        >he's working for the jealous uncle who wants the throne for himself and sets you up as the culprit
        >you and the last surviving prince escape and both work together to try and get justice

        • 2 years ago

          >you and your buddies start out as rebels and gain the king's favor through heroism, only for him to become your enemy after you fall into his disfavor

          To add to that I can definitely see some sort of betrayal being thrown in
          >End of first act sees prince ascend the throne
          >Second act focuses on his reign
          >MC finally has some influence on how things are ran
          >Young King was never expected to take the throne; has to make some difficult decisions which leads to conflict with the MC

  82. 2 years ago


    > [Teleport] Skill

    > player gets relocated to nearest ground when teleporting into walls or the abyss

  83. 2 years ago

    I'm finally doing some progress, am halfway through a book on design patterns. I can code really well but i'm coming from low level programming languages and always feared OOP.
    Might finally understand the game i wrote by copying the design architecture from the internet.

    Also another bit of progress - finally overcame the urge to focus on graphics first. I will make a demo with minimal amount of graphics maybe only the stuff i made in blender then i could probably find some person who is interested in working with me.

    I've also decided that i don't want to make turn based rpg. I'll make a rpg-shooter-survival thingy.

    • 2 years ago

      >I'll make a rpg-shooter-survival thingy.
      I'll be looking forward to the new STALKER

      • 2 years ago

        I was thinking more like Darkwood but probably yeah. It's not gonna be first person.

    • 2 years ago

      >i'm coming from low level programming languages
      That's actually a good thing. OOP at least as far as game programming goes is honestly a lot of busywork, most of it made to solve problems introduced by OOP in the first place.
      Game programming has that whole data-oriented thing. (aka avoiding a ton of OOP stuff for performance reasons)
      You'd do better just writing it like you'd normally do and then factoring things out as you need them. See Handmade Hero for a good resource.

  84. 2 years ago

    Is SRPG studio any good? I was thinking of picking it up since it's on sale.

  85. 2 years ago

    Finally got screen scrolling working. Also, added offset tagging to have a bit of fake depth. Feels like skies the limit now that the world can be much larger.

  86. 2 years ago

    How do I adapt feudalistic diplomacy and state management in an interesting way

  87. 2 years ago

    So the good news is that I have managed to clobber together a bar level.
    The bad news is that I have no actual plans or NPCs for for this level at all.

    • 2 years ago

      Add some variation to the floor tiles, like dirt marks or something

      • 2 years ago

        Oh right. I have an entire tileset already for scratches, holes and marks for the concrete floors of the outside streets. I should probably make something like that for indoors.

    • 2 years ago

      Pool minigame, you can challenge the different patrons to play and you if you beat the hardest one he gives you some kind of mostly impractical but still neat reward.
      (Maybe a pool themed item or weapon with an unique effect)

  88. 2 years ago


    Cooldown Indicators
    > hotbar slots will display remaining skill cooldown
    > triggering skills on cooldown will produce red text reminder instead

    • 2 years ago


      Cooldowns starts after your action connects not after performing the whole action anymore.

  89. 2 years ago

    Scrolling works pretty well. Took a bit getting culling working properly. Method is a bit inefficient, need to rewrite it.

  90. 2 years ago

    Crafting an Escape Room turn-based crpg game, working on a sketch for it right now. Heavily inspired by things like Saw for this one. Think it'll be interesting, never seen any game that does that and I am a huge horror fan.

  91. 2 years ago

    How difficult would it be for a total novice at gamedev to make a CRPG on the scale of Age of Decadence?

    • 2 years ago

      Impossible at your current skill level

    • 2 years ago

      rpgmaker and then just write a lot

    • 2 years ago

      I'd say three to five mangos, depending on complexity.

  92. 2 years ago

    What's a good way of making pre-made 2d maps for a simple turn-based rpg (think Ultima). Godot's tile editor is such a pain in the ass to use...

    • 2 years ago


  93. 2 years ago

    im too dumb to make games

  94. 2 years ago

    How do I come up with names?

    • 2 years ago

      Open wiktionary, translate words into a language no one cares about

      • 2 years ago

        I don't really want to push one culture though. A bunch of Russian or German or whatever names sticks out. I want to know how to make up names that still round real

        • 2 years ago

          What part of "no one cares about" did you miss? Pick something like Abkhaz, Telugu or Quechua. No one will be able to tell.
          Also, use more than one language.

          • 2 years ago

            great name

  95. 2 years ago

    When a [single target, physical attack] skill is on cooldown, and the player repeated triggers the skill what should happen?

    > default to [normal attack]
    > do nothing & produce cooldown reminder
    > default to [normal move]

    • 2 years ago

      they should roll a 1 and delete their savegame

  96. 2 years ago

    >too smoothbrained to figure out how to properly use plugins for rpgmaker mz
    I'm not going ot make it bros, my dream game will not be real.

  97. 2 years ago

    Where is the best tutorials to start with?

    • 2 years ago

      Be more descriptive anon.

      • 2 years ago

        Okay, for guys who have no experience coding or game deving, but have a goal of making a turn-based based/strategy RPG (that being said, I would be totally into learning how to code a CRPG)

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Cheers mate.

  98. 2 years ago

    This week I've been working hard, but I don't have too much to show.

    I'm working on the dungeon engine for my GBA RPG.

    For the backgrounds, the idea is to show RPG Maker 2k/2k3 tiles but with mode 7 like effects and with metatiles to reduce ROM usage. I also want to add Diablo style fog, but that's not implemented yet.

    When you press the show map button it zooms out with some mode 7 like effects.

    • 2 years ago

      >working hard,
      >don't have too much to show
      I know that feel bro. Amazing how much of development is behind the scenes stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      >gba rpg
      i hope youre using C at least?

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, C++.

        Why do you ask?

  99. 2 years ago

    I struggle to find a working system for my escape room RPG, namely I don't know how to make it interesting and how to utilize my inventory here since the aim isn't to go around and loot, but to find whatever thing could be helpful to survive the traps of the mastermind

  100. 2 years ago

    I need help. I want to put the ability to view a log of the recent text windows. Is there a plugin or video that will help me with this?

  101. 2 years ago

    Books about game design? I already can code but I get the feeling that my levels are pure shit

    • 2 years ago

      Read Design of Everyday Things.

      • 2 years ago

        >Design of Everyday Things.
        Thanks and checked

  102. 2 years ago

    if any of you know how to use RPG Maker 2003 i need a slight help

    so how the frick do you make it so monsters attack you while you're selecting skills or whatever? is that even possible???
    i'm realizing what i'm planning on making will be hard to make strategic so i'm going a separate way and reducing all combatants' agility to VERY low amounts (you start with like 1 or 2 agility lmao) so the battles might be a bit faster

    i've got some slight art things down but i wanna get the schematics down before i delve into the world of making my own assets

    • 2 years ago

      also frick it posting some stupid shit i drew of the protagonist and his uh

  103. 2 years ago


    - endless dungeon

    • 2 years ago

      So can you teleport behind the nearest enemy and attack it?

      • 2 years ago

        You can teleport, then use an attack skill.

  104. 2 years ago

    Is there a way in rpg maker to make 'cieling' stuff that doesn't collide? can star tiles behave like this?

    • 2 years ago

      I recommend you take a closer look at this option.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I know you can put events above characters but I'm talking tiles

        • 2 years ago

          You can put tile gfx on events too. If I iirc correctly if you wanted to use the tiles in World_A1 and World_A2 sets for that, you'd just add them to B, C, D or E spots here.
          Although if you use autotile stuff for this, depending on where and how you use them you might need to manually shop them up to make them fit perfectly

  105. 2 years ago

    How can I go on about character portraits?
    I don't really know how to draw but I want to have them, also here's your main character

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        That's cute, thank you.

        • 2 years ago

          Don't give up on your game.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      i tried to draw your woman as best i can on a tablet

      • 2 years ago


  106. 2 years ago


    > level generator
    > when player enters a level the game will check if adjacent rooms exist
    > load rooms if they exist
    > create rooms when they don't

    - level generation used to generate 10 levels at a time, now it will generate missing adjacent rooms.
    - game lags when moving between levels
    - load times improved just slightly, can barely tell

    • 2 years ago


      > dunGen overhaul
      > dunDraw overhaul
      > faster level transition
      > level editor overhaul (WIP)
      > [Teleport] now has max travel distance
      > cooldown reminder updated

      dunGen & dunDraw
      - less code & does more: faster than last build

      - dungeon generation occurs when the player enters a level with missing adjacent level
      - slight lag and framerate drop during level generation (lasts less than a second, but still annoying)

    • 2 years ago

      >- game lags when moving between levels
      Are you using an engine, or did you roll your own?

      • 2 years ago

        > lags
        the lag occurs when drawing the next level, I checked the game clock and it lags when generating the next level and freezes for a split second when drawing a level on the layout. I kinda fixed it a bit here


        > dunGen overhaul
        > dunDraw overhaul
        > faster level transition
        > level editor overhaul (WIP)
        > [Teleport] now has max travel distance
        > cooldown reminder updated

        dunGen & dunDraw
        - less code & does more: faster than last build

        - dungeon generation occurs when the player enters a level with missing adjacent level
        - slight lag and framerate drop during level generation (lasts less than a second, but still annoying)

        now the adjacent(next/previous) levels are preloaded and just need to be drawn

        > engine
        I'm using Construct 2 cause action script is dead, and because newgrounds endorsed C2 then.. if you have crack for C3 desktop pls send me a copy. I want to make my own engine someday.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh damn didn't realize you were using a Javascript library with Canvas2D. Not sure I have any optimization tips for that without seeing your code.

          • 2 years ago

            I dread the thought of tinkering with dungeon generation & drawing atm


            > monsters grow stronger the deeper you are in the dungeon

            attributes affected by level scaling
            > power - attack
            > constitution - health
            > finesse - hit, dodge

            unaffected attributes
            > speed - move/attack/cast rate
            > restoration - hp/sp/mp regeneration
            > defense - damage reduction/resistance

            • 2 years ago

              >dread the thought of tinkering with dungeon generation
              Procedural dungeon generation is pretty hard. Why implement it yourself? Just use something that already exists. In case you use Unity, this one is extremely good:

              I used it for one of my projects once

              • 2 years ago

                >Procedural dungeon generation is pretty hard. Why implement it yourself? Just use something that already exists
                nah, I need to know how things work. Besides it's fun (though sometimes tedious) learning. And it means more to me, has more value to me, because I took my time learning and figuring things out. It's inefficient, but it's my time - time well wasted.

  107. 2 years ago

    I remember being able to find really nice-looking free tilesets when I was playing around with 2k/3 in the 2000s but I think I've totally lost that skill

    • 2 years ago

      I remember once stumbling across a Japanese site that had a bunch of sex sprites in that style, clearly bases to be customized and used, but I never got the chance to save them or find any game made with them.

  108. 2 years ago

    Any Unity devs here planning to an hero?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Just switched to Godot 🙂

    • 2 years ago

      The biggest nothingburger I've seen in a while.

  109. 2 years ago

    Had a pretty brutal last month so glad I could get a public build out finally.

    • 2 years ago


  110. 2 years ago

    It's been a while but I've got back on my project again. I made another shop interior. This one's small and simple I like how it came out.

    • 2 years ago

      I also made an expanded version that sells more gear. It doesn't do much for the player but I think it'll add variety later on in the game.

  111. 2 years ago

    does your RPG have alignments?

    • 2 years ago

      I have no clue.
      I was thinking of maybe a good karma bad karma thing, so people can define their character on a chivalrioius/dastardly scale, but I am mostly leaning towards people doing good or bad for its own rewards.

      Like if you gave money to a hobo and not feeling good about it, then there isn't much of a reward I can offer you in the game.
      Unless maybe you give money to a dozen hobos, and the Beggar's Sect might put you on their good guy list or something. That's not really an alignment thing though.

  112. 2 years ago

    which rpg maker should i get?

  113. 2 years ago

    Still working on the dungeon engine.

    Dungeons are simple because I can't use more than 64 16x16 tiles, to have "mode 7" effects like rotations and scalings.

    Yellow dots make up the path you can walk on: MC walks with 32px steps like in Super Mario Bros 3 world maps.

  114. 2 years ago

    Is game dev even worth it as a side hobby? I can barely commit time to 4ch. Anyone here with a full-time job that isn't doing just rpg maker jams have some advice on code, engine or just general tips where to start... I assume c++ will just take forever right?

    • 2 years ago

      I have a fulltime job and I'm hoping to release my game at some point.
      Do you have ANY programming knowledge?
      How about a simple idea for a first project?
      Any experience in art or music?
      The more specific you are, the more advice I can give.

      • 2 years ago

        I have a basic idea. No skills or knowledge.

        • 2 years ago

          Flesh out your idea and your goals. Figure out which engine can make the game you want. If several engines can do what you want, go for the one with the most extensive documentation. The engine really isn't THAT important for beginners, and what you can do in one 3D engine you should be able to do in another.
          Once you picked your engine, make a super simple game in it to get a feel for how the engine works. It helps if what you're making now can be reused later. People generally recommend to make a character/ball/object move around in 3D space as a first project if your game is in 3D.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm a NEET but other people I'm working on our game with are in full-time positions. In a scenario like that it's definitely do-able, but progress can be slow going at times. As for learning to code, I don't think the fundamentals take too long at all, but unless you're very dedicated you won't ever be an expert.

    • 2 years ago

      In my experience devving without financial incentive is more freeing. It's just fun to make stuff and learn new things.

    • 2 years ago

      Dude, nearly the entire doujin game scene is a hobby

    • 2 years ago

      >I assume c++ will just take forever right?
      Don't be a moron. Just download Unity, watch a few youtube tutorials and build stuff

      >Is game dev even worth it as a side hobby?
      Making money with game dev is very hard. Its a lot better to have a normal job and just do it on the side

      • 2 years ago

        I'd hesitate to start with Unity now considering they changed the IAP agreement and just merged with a scummy mobile company.
        Honestly made me take a look at Godot which I always avoided because "muh FOSS" and "pay 30K for console releases or port the engine yourself".

    • 2 years ago

      >I assume c++ will just take forever right?
      Don't be a moron. Just download Unity, watch a few youtube tutorials and build stuff

      >Is game dev even worth it as a side hobby?
      Making money with game dev is very hard. Its a lot better to have a normal job and just do it on the side

      This. If you want to develop games then grab an engine and start making games. You'll most likely never build anything meaningful on your own if you try to write everything from scratch in C++.

  115. 2 years ago

    Do any of you hire people to help with your projects?

  116. 2 years ago

    Is there a plugin or script for rpg maker MV/MZ that allows me to have party based skills that don't need to be learned by actors? Like an extra battle option thats always there.

  117. 2 years ago

    Can RPG maker be used to make an TRPG (in the vein of Fire Emblem or FFT) without immense hassle? It's been an eternity since I last messed with RPG Maker, but I don't think I could be arsed to use anything more complicated than that.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty sure there's a TRPG equivalent to RPG Maker called SRPG Studio. Kaga even made a not-FE game on the engine called Vestaria Saga.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh, nice. I'll check it out.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty sure there's a TRPG equivalent to RPG Maker called SRPG Studio. Kaga even made a not-FE game on the engine called Vestaria Saga.

      Oh, nice. I'll check it out.

      Hope you can read japanese, there is almost no english documentation and translated scripts, if you want to do anything more than a FE clone you are out of luck

      • 2 years ago

        I can read japanese fine, but the limitations might be annoying. It did seem like a fire emblem-like maker. I'll look around for stuff. I do want something simple, but documentation is a good point. Might be worth diving into something chunkier but with lots of resources to pull from.

  118. 2 years ago

    How do I make text dependant on the player's EQUIPPED item in VXAce?
    For example, a old man would say "what scary sword you have there" if you have a Demon Sword equipped or just laugh if you are holding a kitchen knife instead

  119. 2 years ago

    >Realize there's only like 9 fights in my entire game, some optional

    I hope this is okay. I spent some time on weapons and skills and am now realizing it's kinda pointless. At least it means I don't have to bother with Party setup all that much but still, was thinking more would be needed but I guess it's better than a bunch of fluff.

  120. 2 years ago

    In vxace how do I give my player character a idle walking animation like in the dragonquest games?

    • 2 years ago

      A bit late, but on your first map you can have an autorun event, then click on the Set Movement Route option. The movement route will consist of just the "Stepping Animation On" command. Then make sure the event switches to a blank page afterwards or transfers you to a new map, so your player regains control of the character.

  121. 2 years ago

    Any of you guys have those moments where you play a random game and it does something you very much wanted to do in your story, but slightly differantly, but also similarly enough that you'd feel like a hack if you ever used your idea?

    I just finished Outer Wilds, to which I entered completely blind, and damn it, I literally wanted to do the exact same "at the end of the universe" thing for my setting. Well, less of the trying to stop the end before realizing the inevitable part, but more everything being set in a place similar to the eye of the universe, and the whole plut culminating with restarting the universe.

  122. 2 years ago

    Upgraded the dialogue system in a way that should really cut down on the work it takes to write and implement branching dialogue.
    I wanna pat myself in the back, but in truth I should have done this weeks ago. Well at least I only have three quests to rearrange.

  123. 2 years ago


    >like picrel
    Not really. It looks like a doodle. I meant imagine if all portraits looked sort of like if they were made with chalk on a board, but only by swipping it on the side, aka no "sharp" lines, so like

    >It depends entirely on your style - it's hard to give you critique when i don't know what you're going for.
    A sort of reference chart? I kinda wanted to ape De Kooning + Masaaki Yuasa, not noticeable right?
    >hich COULD work for a very art/modern-art based game, but that's really hard to emulate without people saying your art looks like shit
    What do you mean exactly?

    Would you play something like that?

    , specifically the top part of the hair. Basically have all the lines have that chalky texture where the edges are rugged. I'm going to sleep, but if I find some chalk in my desk I mighy try doing something as an example.

    • 2 years ago

      I get it, I'll redo it, thanks.

  124. 2 years ago

    Want to try unity after finish my current project in rpgm, do unity come with free music and sound like rpgm?

    • 2 years ago

      "Yes" but you'll need to go to the asset store and import it. It's free, CC0, but made by randos instead of Unity staff.

      • 2 years ago

        Noted, thanks. How are the price compare to rpgm music pack dlc on steam?

        • 2 years ago

          It really depends on what you're looking for. All of the music I use for

          this man zoomin'. being able to assign movements to quick-cast is great.
          keep it up

          cute! something that bothers me about games with information being displayed in text over one line is that if the same message is displayed twice ie, "You got fish", it's hard to tell how many times it happened, especially if you're repeating the action a lot.
          personally, i'd look into adding a number at the end to indicate how many times the text repeated. your end result will look like "You got fish (x3)", then the next line will be "You got fish (x4)"

          i like his armor and helmet, the scale texture is nice.
          i'm pretty dogshit at 3d modeling, but i'd focus on making sure things don't clip too much. the hair clipping through the helmet is pretty noticeable

          what's this game about? looks interesting, just needs some polishing

          thanks, i appreciate it!

          as for me, i changed one of my enemies from a weak model to a slightly better one, and gave her animation to clearly telegraph when her projectile is firing.
          i'm making it slow and obvious since they're one of the first enemies you can encounter. walking animations could use some work but that's one of my weaknesses.

          is free from horror/atmosphere music packs on the asset store, and I think they work well enough. There's a shitton of free assets of all kinds.

          • 2 years ago

            Noted and thanks.

            What kind of game is it?

            Just generic sidescroll jrpg with some fan services(alien,furry,muscle giant girl,inflation)

            Oh hey, haven't seen you in a while. Glad to see you've kept working. A whole new biome! and looking sharp too!

            Yea a bit busy lately so the progress been slow. Keep adding things during the polish stage was also one of the reasons too..

    • 2 years ago

      What kind of game is it?

    • 2 years ago

      Oh hey, haven't seen you in a while. Glad to see you've kept working. A whole new biome! and looking sharp too!

  125. 2 years ago

    ive had this idea for a while which sounds completely impossible to make but its going to happen somehow.

    in the most basic ways possible its turned based devil may cry, with the life sim elements of persona mixed in with dark souls type character systems and the aesthetics of something like new vegas with a story about bounty hunting which turns into trying to stop a demon god from wiping out humanity
    i know this is probably the most out there idea on the thread but let me explain

    the way gameplay works is that the player will choose a bounty they want to pursue (some of these will mandatory to progress however) and will be given a set amount of days to complete them (similar to persona 5s palace system) and will be rewarded if they bring them back dead or alive, alive paying more but being more challenging to do (i will explain how this works soon.) once the player takes the bounty, they will have to ask around for info on where its located, and then infiltrate a hideout where they are currently located (this can be different depending on the story, or if its a sidequest or something). the way these hideouts work is that the players party can sneak around and be stealthy or just go in guns blazing and murder everyone, who dosent love player choice?

    combat goes like this: you get caught by someone in the hideout, or you start a fight with them, these fights are in real time, and the player will be punished if they take too long and just stand around (think yakuza like a dragon), when a player attacks they will have to input combos to do damage and gain points based on how complex their combos are (yes this is literally just a dumbed down version of dmc)

    this is all ill get into now as i dont wanna clog the thread up with my bullshit, but if you wanna ask questions go ahead. also if any of you bastards steal my idea make sure to credit the dumbass on Ganker that came up with it.

  126. 2 years ago

    I want to try and make an RPG that would have zero actual movement, rather be fully menu-based with only picturized visuals. It would still have combat and RPG progression, but be limited to a more static enviroment where everything is turn-based. If I wanted it to be console application, I already possess all the knowladge I would need to make it work. But I have no clue how to visualize it properly, or at least what best to use for it. Renpy comes to mind, but I got zero experiance with it, and also I imagine the VA-based engine will buckle if I try doing more advanced stufd with visualizing the combat. Another idea is to use .NET WPF form, as I have experiance of making apps for uni projects with it, but again, I imagine it might buckle when I start adding combat.

    Is there some sort of guide how I can maybe make my own game visualization from scratch, not having to rely on existing frameworks for it?

    • 2 years ago

      sounds like AdventureQuest to me

  127. 2 years ago

    Would anyone actually enjoy it if I made my towns somewhat realistic by having them be 99% housing?
    I can't think of any game that made a to scale city or even 110 of a realistic scale. The tech has been there for a while on anything but a console.
    Mass effects citadel came close, maybe?

  128. 2 years ago

    Bump post.
    I guess two locations and six quests will be sufficient for a demo right?

  129. 2 years ago

    My game will look like LSD Dream Emulator, good enough?

  130. 2 years ago

    Still working on the dungeon engine...

    At least I'm almost done with it, I only have to add enemies (they are going to walk around in the dungeon, battles are not going to be 100% random).

  131. 2 years ago

    I started making an RPG in Unity. My plan is for it to play kind of like GTA 3, but with stat progression. Your Strength stat increases melee damage, while Agility increases speed and ranged damage. Body increases health, and Mind manipulates store prices and XP gain. Every level you gain two skill points, which you distribute among these four skills as you please. It's pretty simple, my first proper Unity project, but I just thought I'd share.
    Not sure if I'll go anywhere with it, but you know.

    At some point you'll be able to leave the City and explore the foggy PS1 style wilderness. More screenshots to come! Critique is welcome.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Forgot image. Fricking kill me.

        • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Cool, I am thinking about jumping into Unity myself. Are there any tutorials you would recommend for RPG related stuff?

      • 2 years ago

        I'm kind of figuring out the RPG stuff as I go. There are a few good tutorials online (linked below) but none of them did exactly what I envisioned. So what I did was follow a tutorial series by Ketra Games, which explained how to make components for a 3D platformer (using terrain, making a character who walks, jumps and can push objects, using animations). Then when I had a good baseline for character controls, I created a script which defines all the stats, hp, xp, levels and everything to do with them and how they interact, and basically duct tape fixed a bunch of bugs on the fly while trying to stick all the systems together, studying other people's code online and all that.
        The best thing you can do is watch people using C# and follow along as you go, trying to understand why they're doing what they do. It can be scary, but it's a big step in getting out of the RPGMaker rut, you know?
        The exact systems and skills you need to learn will heavily depend on your vision.

        >Ketra Games 3D platformer tutorial

        >Gamegrind RPG series

        >Brackeys RPG series (I didn't like this one but it might be useful)

    • 2 years ago

      Cool, I am thinking about jumping into Unity myself. Are there any tutorials you would recommend for RPG related stuff?

      The recent unity merge is going to hurt developers, a ton. Good luck bros you're gonna need it.

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot image. Fricking kill me.

      I'm kind of figuring out the RPG stuff as I go. There are a few good tutorials online (linked below) but none of them did exactly what I envisioned. So what I did was follow a tutorial series by Ketra Games, which explained how to make components for a 3D platformer (using terrain, making a character who walks, jumps and can push objects, using animations). Then when I had a good baseline for character controls, I created a script which defines all the stats, hp, xp, levels and everything to do with them and how they interact, and basically duct tape fixed a bunch of bugs on the fly while trying to stick all the systems together, studying other people's code online and all that.
      The best thing you can do is watch people using C# and follow along as you go, trying to understand why they're doing what they do. It can be scary, but it's a big step in getting out of the RPGMaker rut, you know?
      The exact systems and skills you need to learn will heavily depend on your vision.

      >Ketra Games 3D platformer tutorial

      >Gamegrind RPG series

      >Brackeys RPG series (I didn't like this one but it might be useful)

      Looks interesting anon. Too childish looking but I could see myself play it a bit if its a fun game.

      My tip, make the camera a bit higher. Right now it looks vertically centered on the player which doesn't look good. Other than that, I'd say making GTA 3 with stat progression is a bad idea. I think an RPG (which plays in a modern city) is a better idea, something like Disco Elysium

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks, anon. I felt like something was wrong with the camera but couldn't put my finger on it.
        Maybe GTA3 with stats was a bad way to describe it. The game lets you explore an open city, and there'll be driving, dialogue, skill checks, etc. I'll send out some demos when it's closer to what I want it to be (in a while lol).

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot image. Fricking kill me.

      for a second i thought it was a Silent Hill 1 remake

      • 2 years ago

        I can see how it looks like Silent Hill, especially with the fog and the model I'm using to test. I thought it looked famailiar to me, but I couldn't think how.
        Also, I raised the camera and zoomed it out a little. What do you all think? Should I let up on the fog? Change it to a different colour? Or is it fine as it is? I feel like it'll lose some of it's creepy PS1 style without it.

        • 2 years ago

          The atmosphere and the graphics don't fit together. One is depressing, the other is child-like

          • 2 years ago

            >creepy PS1 style
            Its not creepy at all dude. Look at the art style

            Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Though I think the visuals will fit the tone when it comes to it. We'll see how the project evolves, I guess

        • 2 years ago

          >creepy PS1 style
          Its not creepy at all dude. Look at the art style

  132. 2 years ago


    - added some status fx
    > bleeding
    > burning
    > electrocuted

  133. 2 years ago

    My game has turns < rounds < phases < X

    What should I call the X? I'm a dirty ESL and I'm running out of words.

    • 2 years ago


  134. 2 years ago

    I'm working on a script for a game I want to make.
    You're supposed to play as a mercenary who's very charismatic and likable and you do random jobs for merchants, nobles and kingdoms, but eventually the player realizes he's playing as the villain.
    The script is almost done, just editing and checking for plot holes.
    I'll make the pixel art but I'll probably have to look for a code monkey but if I can't find one I'll probably stick to RPG Maker or something easy to use.
    My idea is to make it a tactical rpg in which you manage your party of mercenaries, but I want to add more gameplay aspects like sieging mechanics and some other things, but I'm probably being too ambitious for someone who can't code

    • 2 years ago

      >You're supposed to play as a mercenary
      >it a tactical rpg in which you manage your party of mercenaries
      Battle Brothers already exists

      >you do random jobs for merchants, nobles and kingdoms, but eventually the player realizes he's playing as the villain.
      Sounds like a stupid plottwist

      >I want to add more gameplay aspects like sieging mechanics
      If this is your first game and you have no knowledge of coding, you should keep the game simple. Sieging mechanics are probably not needed for your game.

      I'd suggest to just use RPG maker or learn Unity yourself, if you can't find a coder

      • 2 years ago

        Battle Brothers 2 (or Overhype's new game) fricking WHEN

      • 2 years ago

        So people can't make a game because a similar idea exists?

      • 2 years ago

        >Battle Brothers already exists
        I hated battle brothers because I couldn't get any attachment to my guys. I was under the impression I was meant to but it never happened. I would gladly see half of them die to complete a contract. Then I got bored because although the game was quite hard it felt really samey.

    • 2 years ago

      It still surprises me how much of an interesting and unattended niche mercenary simulators are. I only know of Mount & Blade and Battle Brothers, though I think there is room for more.

  135. 2 years ago

    is the brain capable of learning multiple new things at once
    will I be able to make progress if I'm spending like 1 hour a day programming, 1 hour a day on art, 1 hour a day on music, 1 hour a day writing?
    I'm a novice in all 4 things

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah but you'll take a very long time if you only work 4 hours a day. It's also much better to divide your weeks into task-specific days, instead of diving your days into task-specific hours

  136. 2 years ago

    Quick elevator pitch.

    Voidpunk style rpg set in far future of universe, around the time of heat death, following a lone passenger of rusty ship that time forgotten, probably the last living being in the expansive cosmos, leaving him to ponder alone his situation and go to deep cryogenic sleep where you explore world of his unconscious mind looking to find answers for his situation

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds garbage. "Voidpunk" is overdone and your premise sounds masturbatory.

  137. 2 years ago

    Not sure what other unique objects/assets to put into my alleys. Aside from more of the same and more tightly packed. They are supposed to have people in them as well later.

    • 2 years ago

      working on improving the floor tiles to something more appropriate. happy with the results so far.

      you're missing the three most important parts of hobo alleys: black trashbags, cardboard boxes and tons of random colorful junk. bottles, wrappers and bags all add up to make the disgusting soup that covers up alleys. you had a good start with the trash coming out of the bins on your second screen - double up on that and put it everywhere.
      Also consider changing the wall color so it's slightly more distinct from the ground. maybe try a darker gray or some dirty beige?

      • 2 years ago

        Floor looks fricking nice.

  138. 2 years ago

    Heres my rpg game idea(NOBODY STEAL IT!)
    Ok so basicly:
    Its the year 2300
    The white race faces their extinction
    Theres less than 100 white people left
    A mad scientist decides that he will bring the Neanderthal race by extracting the 1% neanderthal genes from the remaining white people that give them their pale skin color and creating 100% neanderthals.(im still working on making him more evil i know him killing less than 100 people isnt such a big deal)
    A group of BIPOC people set out to stop him and eradiocate the abomination that is whiteness for good and save the human race.
    Shaniqua-A 3/4th's black 1/4th japanesse wheelchair bound mage.
    She uses a special magical wheelchair to cast spells by channeling her voodoo energy coursing through her veins thanks to her being the descendant of a ancient black tribe of voodoo magicians through the wheelchair amplifying the power of her spells.
    She doesnt let her paralysis be her disability and instead makes it her super power.
    Lixin-A chinesse trans man with super strenght.
    He blocks all the enemy attacks with his mighty muscles.
    He is the tank of the party.
    Tyreese-a scientists with the iq of 200 he uses science gadgets to fight
    Lily-The last natural white person.
    She menaged to escape the mag scientists experiments.
    Lily understands that white people are ancient history and its time for them to step away from the spotlight instead of artificially keeping the race alive wi so she joins in exterminating the evil scientist and his unnatural creations.
    She can heal the party.
    im not sure how yet but i have a idea.
    Maybe her natural(not lab created) neanderthal blood gives her healing powers or something?
    She is infertile because she has chosen to have her "tubes tied"

    • 2 years ago

      You should make Lily a lesbian because theres no gay people in your story,rename Shaniqua and Tyreese those names sound cringe af like something you would hear in a /misc/ meme and make the villain more evil or maybe make the neanderthals more evil like maybe because their 1% white genes were multiplied 100x their racism also increased 100x or something and they killed their creator for being only 1% white idk.?

    • 2 years ago

      I hope you actually make this and it isnt just a troll post.
      I would buy it.

  139. 2 years ago

    Here are the attributes for my next rpg:
    >strength - increases damage
    >constitution - increases hp
    >endurance - increases stamina
    >regeneration - increases hp recovery
    >recuperation - increases stamina recovery
    >agility - increases speed and evasion
    >dexterity - increases accuracy
    >perception - increases chance of dodging random encounters
    >magicka - increases mp
    >intelligence - increases spell damage
    >will - increases resistance to debuffs
    >concentration - increases mp recovery
    >charisma - increases max party size
    >wisdom - increases chance of choices leading to good outcomes
    >luck - increases chances of good things happening
    Am I missing something?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, restraint.

      • 2 years ago

        What would that do? Increase resistance to taunt and berserker effects?

    • 2 years ago

      You're missing beauty, bust size, penis size, and veganal elasticity.

  140. 2 years ago

    Ripping off oblivion for worldbuilding throgh readable books. Yes/no?

    • 2 years ago

      Rip off kingdoms of amalur instead.

    • 2 years ago

      Looks nice.

    • 2 years ago

      god is going to sue you for blatantly ripping off of real life. best of luck though.

    • 2 years ago

      Holding a book in 3d space with mouse freelook, that's your next goal.

      • 2 years ago

        That requires a lot more assets and time to do nicely.

  141. 2 years ago

    At last I have finished the goddamn dungeon engine.

    With sound:

    • 2 years ago

      bro I thought those were some clouds in the first bit then I saw the ring lol

      can you still move while the camera's zoomed out?

      • 2 years ago

        >can you still move while the camera's zoomed out?
        Nah, it's just for showing the map (there's a Diablo like fog by the way).

        • 2 years ago

          I think it would help if you have some sort of indicator if there are still hidden areas within the level. When you zoom out to check the map the immediate hidden areas are covered in gradient light to dark instead of a solid tile.

          • 2 years ago

            >the immediate hidden areas are covered in gradient light to dark instead of a solid tile.
            It's for the GBA, so I don't have free tiles nor backgrounds for that 🙁

            • 2 years ago

              The most I can do is changing fog color.

              • 2 years ago

                dang limitation, forget about my qol suggestion, nothing wrong with going hard on old school shizz

                the black abyss bg looks better

              • 2 years ago

                Raster effect added to the fog.

                With sound:

              • 2 years ago

                I dunno man, that effect seems kinda distracting, and by the look of the tiles zoomed out we can tell if there are areas ahead or not (I can see if there are enclosing walls or not). The player will figure it out. The qol shizz is not that big of a deal.

  142. 2 years ago

    What's you guys' thoughts on "Metal Slime" like enemies which flee unless you pass a dps check?

    • 2 years ago

      they're a welcomed enemy in any rpg

  143. 2 years ago

    Can't decide on a positioning system, so I now I have three prototypes of my game as a:
    >3v3 like Darkest dungeon
    >gridless combat
    I still can't decide on a positioning system, I'm gonna design something new tomorrow. This new idea feels better, and it's original at the very least, but I worry that I'm simply treading ground changing the basic design rather than focusing on game content.

  144. 2 years ago

    thoughts on the new floor textures?
    top is old, bottom is new
    colors are randomly chosen out of a pool of preset ones on map generation

    • 2 years ago

      forgot to mention that it's different from

      working on improving the floor tiles to something more appropriate. happy with the results so far.

      you're missing the three most important parts of hobo alleys: black trashbags, cardboard boxes and tons of random colorful junk. bottles, wrappers and bags all add up to make the disgusting soup that covers up alleys. you had a good start with the trash coming out of the bins on your second screen - double up on that and put it everywhere.
      Also consider changing the wall color so it's slightly more distinct from the ground. maybe try a darker gray or some dirty beige?

      since I bumped out the normals a lot, since it felt too flat. now I'm worried that it's too noisy and that the old one is cleaner and simplet

      • 2 years ago

        New one is better, but yeah, it seems a bit too bumpy.

    • 2 years ago

      Both work, depending on the environment. Top would be good for uppermost levels (assuming you go down as it's common in roguelikes and D1) and bottom for the next, creepier tier.

    • 2 years ago

      old floor tiles don't mix well with the walls

      new floor tiles looks spooky, is a better match to the walls too

    • 2 years ago

      Are you certain you want to make non-stacking pots? In my view that was the greatest cancer of Diablo I and II.

  145. 2 years ago

    I'm aiming to make something inspired by Fallout 2 in setting, arguably a worse off setting but the tone is giving me doubts, might be too alienating and yes, Fallout's 2 coomer stuff would have to be in.
    Just do it?

    • 2 years ago

      go for it

    • 2 years ago

      >the essence of f2 is coomershit therefore it has to be in it
      just make a coomer game already, its so obvious what your priorities are every time you "people" post... drop the pretense of making it legit and just make a patreon coom game nobody cares

  146. 2 years ago

    What engine would suit a Conan/Hyperboreea game best? Basically a 3rd person open world but with complex character building mechanics and custom made world. Similar to Exiles but not souless grind garbage with limited environmental interaction and copypasted assets.

    I'm leaning with Unity so far because it offers a lot of flexibility but with the latest update merge I'm not really sure. Unreal is the most visually stunning but the % license is expensive. Other engines don't really offer the priorities I want to focus on, I'd like to hear your own experience on other engines.

    • 2 years ago

      >Other engines don't really offer the priorities I want to focus on
      which is what in this case?
      Most engines don't have any issues with complex worlds or deep character customization, that's really up to you as a programmer to make efficiently. I'd say stick with Unreal/Unity though, unless you have a very specific need that can't be met by these two engines, or that other engines do better out of the box. I love Conan and I hope you succeed.

      New one is better, but yeah, it seems a bit too bumpy.

      Both work, depending on the environment. Top would be good for uppermost levels (assuming you go down as it's common in roguelikes and D1) and bottom for the next, creepier tier.

      old floor tiles don't mix well with the walls

      new floor tiles looks spooky, is a better match to the walls too

      Thanks for the feedback lads

      Are you certain you want to make non-stacking pots? In my view that was the greatest cancer of Diablo I and II.

      Yeah I'm set on it. I can see why people hate it - but I think having to deal with limited inventory and hotbar space that is split between potions and items is important to the genre. I'm trying to make it as enjoyable as possible - you can set the type of potion slot by rightclicking so only certain potions will be placed in that slot, you can also place potions in your hotbar with one click/key press instead of having to drag it around, etc.

      • 2 years ago

        For starters I don't want simple ragdoll mechanics. Putting weight/velocity on specific meshes/bone structure is extremely limiting for combat, movement, interactivity etc. At the same time it cannot be too complex either. I think Kenshi achieved a good starting point but I want to build on that and make it more advanced.

        With Unity their latest statements are giving me uncertainty and a lot of red flags. With Unreal I simply cannot afford the licensing fees, I would love Unreal though simply because it is extremely appropriate for complex environmental interaction. For example destructable terrain and interaction of the elements is extremely important for what I want to accomplish. I want a game inspired by Conan where you can live, breathe and die with the world around you. I want to have structures and terrain a part of the gameplay not just eye-candy like in Exiles. I want character progression to reflect that interactivity, whereupon you build a system that reflects it's consequences in the world, if I build a strength based character I want him to smash through structure, destroy terrain, lift heavy objects, grab anything and anyone. If I build a fast character I want him to climb anything, jump to and off anything. If I build a alchemist than I want substances to mix and interact with each other similar to Noita. If I build a wizard I want him to be more than just a fireball archer, I want fire to burn, burn the environment completely, lightning to shock, wind to shake the world like the whirlwind in Dragon Dogma. I want the world to feel real, throught weight, velocity, interactivity. I want a Conan inspired game where you live, survive and die in a place just as real as the world can be but not too limiting by reality where no gameplay mecahnics can occur. These are the priorities I have in mind.

        • 2 years ago

          >With Unreal I simply cannot afford the licensing fees
          5% over 1M$
          How much do you think your indie game is gonna make? 99% it's gonna be a learning project that won't go nowhere.

          • 2 years ago

            That's why I made a post, it's a bit more complicated than that. I live in Germany and we have laws that obligate me to open up an GmbH, the equivalent of LLC. Which long story short makes it doubly inconvenient money-wise. Even if I work on the game in Unreal in my own discretion at the end of the project and upon it's eventual want for exploitation I will have to pay the % to Epic and subsequently open up a limited company to funnel money to my gov, it's literally only because I am paying Epic that the banking system and the gov have to go through legislation fees and a bunch of bullshit that I wouldn't otherwise see with Unity. Otherwise I'd go with Unreal no problem. The issue with Unity however is their recent merger, which potentially can become revenue based similar to Unreal. Any engine that I can pay for once and exploit it or use it free of proprietary rights is the most ideal one but after some research I can't decide on one that will give me the priorities I want to focus on and to not inconvenience me financially.

            • 2 years ago

              Before 1M$ there is no difference in license between unreal and unity, which again, there's zero chance that you're gonna make. I can't see how the government's laws make a difference here.

              • 2 years ago

                When you make 60k and give almost half to taxes, it makes a big difference. Maybe you simply just don't understand my point. I can't afford it and I'd like to hear all the alternatives you have experience with, I'm not sure how else to say it.

              • 2 years ago

                You'll make $0 and pay all of it in taxes

              • 2 years ago

                Why are you even bothering to post if you have nothing useful to say? Why do you even exist right now
                People like you are just pointless

              • 2 years ago

                Fricking he'll. Are you germs all that thick?
                You haven't made shit yet and have nothing to sell. It's likely you'll never have anything to sell, so this LLC bullshit is irrelevant.
                Bite the bullet and make your game in what you like. You'll worry about the cost if (not when) you ever get to that point.
                And if you still can't calm your autism, go for Godot, it's free. But then you might as well get yourself programming socks and a butt plug.

              • 2 years ago

                >You'll worry about the cost if (not when) you ever get to that point.
                This is an extremely bad idea. For anyone that doesn't have a plan, stable income, savings and free time to execute then they shouldn't be in gamedev at all. This is a huge risk investment, if you don't plan ahead it's gonna be fricked for sure.

              • 2 years ago

                I honestly don't get your point. If your game makes 60k and you pay half of it to the government, than the engine you use to make the game doesn't matter. 60K is 60K. The only difference in licenses between the engines is after you make 1 million dollars in unreal, which if you aren't delusional, you already understand that your first game isn't gonna make.

              • 2 years ago

                I make 60k a year. 26k goes to taxes. 20-30k living expenses. I give to charity as well around 1-2k. That leaves me with around 2k of disposable income, per year. Even if cut costs on living the increase of my savings would not go by much. Costs of a GmbH is around 2-5k+ per year, even for a small business. If I work with Unreal, upon the completion of the project I have to open up a company and pay money I do not have to the government simply because I am a company selling a product and paying a licensing fee internationally to an american company. I considered taking a loan but that is incredibly risky and as mentioned, it's not a guarantee that my game will be a success. In essence the other poster was correct, I will make 0$ and still pay money with this course. I don't understand why do I even need to go in-depth so much when all I asked was thoughts and advice on other engines to do something very specific.

              • 2 years ago

                I think we're talking past each other. I thought you were against unreal because of licensing, when the same license applies to unity as well. But I guess your problem is being an indie game dev in germany, which yeah, sounds really expensive.

              • 2 years ago

                Well I'm looking at a lot of engines so far anyway. Ultimately I am leaning towards Unreal more than anything. Maybe I'll bite the bullet and take a loan, even if it doesn't work out I can close the company and eventually pay off my debts. It's not a horrible situation but as a typical german autismo I don't want to start something without covering most of the ground first, especially legal or financial. I'm more concerned over the technical side since I only know and work with python.

            • 2 years ago

              this bullshit is the reason gothic devs went bankrupt, move to another country

              • 2 years ago

                Unless you're a cute girl in a low income tax country willing to marry for the citizenship, that's not going to help me much.

  147. 2 years ago


    burning (fire damage over time)
    electrocuted (lightning mini stun)

  148. 2 years ago

    I might have a working base for the demo in a month, with assets completed for now!
    Would you play a point and click/immersive sim?

    • 2 years ago

      Several games here have demos, we should set something up next month or so to show the RPGMaker thread devs that we actually have games

    • 2 years ago

      No, I only play Fortnite. Sorry.

  149. 2 years ago


    [cold] status

    > [chilled] 30% slow for 3 seconds
    > [frozen] 33% chance to freeze for 1 second

    was playing around with status ailments, don't have cold skills yet but just implemented this

    • 2 years ago

      Before the thread dies - check me out @joedman593, I started posting the same stuff over there

  150. 2 years ago

    Working on a telekinesis mechanic. When you level up and increase your Mind stat, the speed at which you grab and throw objects increases.
    Also, sorry for the compression. Ganker filesizes are fricking stupid.

    • 2 years ago

      Ganker now supports vp9, so if your video looks like shit it's your fault.

  151. 2 years ago

    Good thread lads.

    • 2 years ago


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