Gamer burnout

We all know about it and we're all had it happen to us more than once. That feeling of being unable to play a game for more than ten or twenty minutes at a time without either getting bored or feeling the need to switch to something else.

How do YOU deal with it, anons? Pic related is just because Steam makes it really easy to notice though the same thing happens with emulation as well. Choice paralysis maybe?

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  1. 2 years ago

    When that happens, I usually switch to playing on another device for a week or so, be it on PS3, Vita, or even some old GameBoy game, but for me it only works when im actually on another device, so as example, emulating 6 golden coins doesn't work, but playing it on my old GB does the trick for me

  2. 2 years ago

    I just work on my books or read some manga.

    I love having multiple hobbies.

  3. 2 years ago

    No such thing, you are just weak-willed and have no determination.

  4. 2 years ago

    Paradox of choice is legit. I just turn on the computer and stare at the screen for hours. I can't get myself to play. Either I play fallout for like 8h per day or I just rot on forums. It is what it is

  5. 2 years ago

    I'm in the middle of "gamer burnout". My first time in life that I play a game and I'm more exhausted after playing it. The most heartbreaking thing is I got a nice PC not long ago and now I could play anything, yet all I want is to be as far as possible from that PC.
    Change hobby for a while. It helps me to be able to play at all when my friends want to play with me. I don't play solo anymore, all of my free time goes into other hobbies.

  6. 2 years ago

    Change hobbies. There's a lot of things I want to do, so, as long as I can get the motivation to do it, I can ignore games or play very little.
    I don't really get it nowadays though, because I'm starting to play less average games in favor of a few more unique ones.

  7. 2 years ago

    People unironically need to be bored again. Netflix, Youtube and shit like that have completely fried people's dopamine sensors, our reward system is utterly fricked. You don't enjoy playing games because it requires some amount of interaction and effort, and why bother when you can get a hit of dopamine while doing nothing?

    • 2 years ago

      Take a break from tech and media for a while then come back to it. Unironically touch grass.

    • 2 years ago

      A shift of perspective made me realize how bad it’s gotten. For an example, a while back I was frustrated when trying to find new music to listen to. I only wanted to find songs that would give me a giant dopamine energetic high. And I realized how spoiled I have become. In older times, music was a privileged to listen to. Hearing a live performance, sitting down next to the vinyl player, it was an opportunity if you found time to listen to some music. And now I have access to constant music and only want the cream of the crop that gives me a surge of dopamine. It helped to wind back my expectations and pretend the music was a live performance, a privilege to listen to. Made me appreciate it more even if it wasn’t a massive high.

      I try to apply the same mentality to video games and TV aswell. To not just change the peak highs, but to just appreciate I have the time and opportunity to enjoy it at all.

  8. 2 years ago

    I got bored with regular gaming. then I started playing Halo Infinite multiplayer and having a few beers. I find it boring and a time waste without alcohol. Did that for a couple weeks and I'm back to normal again, getting interested in Yakuza. I started reading again which is good

  9. 2 years ago

    I usually just play another genre. If I played a lot of strategy games I try out an RPG or maybe a Sandbox game.

  10. 2 years ago

    Play good games

  11. 2 years ago

    >buy new game
    >install it
    >play for an hour or two
    >uninstall it
    >repeat over and over
    its all so tiresome

    • 2 years ago

      Literally me

  12. 2 years ago

    I just go and do something else. it takes a few months for me to feel the itch of playing something again maybe you should try a new hobby.

  13. 2 years ago

    I'd say its also about how hectic the gameplay is. Lately I played Kingdom two crowns which is a very slow but comfy game for example. Maybe next I play a game that is more hectic.

  14. 2 years ago

    Grow up and start doing something productive with your day instead.

    Here are some tips:
    >Try learning programming
    >Try learning digital music making
    >Try learning a language like Japanese
    >Try learning how to draw/render
    >Maybe make your own video game
    >Maybe learn how to edit videos and put them on youtube
    >Maybe decide to go to the gym for once
    >Maybe call up an old friend you've been out of touch with and hang out again like the good old times

    If you have to force yourself to play a videogame it just means that your mind wants to do something else. In my personal experience it usually means wanting to do something productive instead of a consumption hobby (games/movies/books)

  15. 2 years ago

    Uninstall all games you have
    Look up all games you want to play
    Pick the one you want to play first and install and play that only.

    If you cant pick one, write the good and bad shit each one that the ones you want to play has, pick the one with the most amount of good and least amount of bad and pick that. Think of good as +1 and bad as -1 and use that as a score.
    If tied, flip a coin.

  16. 2 years ago

    >Overchoice or choice overload is a cognitive impairment in which people have a difficult time making a decision when faced with many options.
    The problem isn't that gaming has become boring. It's that people have too many games due to emulators, subscription services and Steam sales. You spend too much time thinking on what to play. It's also why certain people have this notion that gaming used to be better when they were kids. It's not because the games themselves were better i dont care about debating this but because parents would limit the amount of games their kids would get whether it's because of financial reasons or because they don't want their kids to be addicted.

    This reminds me of console wars or PC vs console debates. Gamers just throw large lists of games at each other, yet I can't help but think "who the frick has enough time to play through all this shit?"

    • 2 years ago

      I tried emulating games from my childhood and I was extremely captivated and enjoyed finishing them from start to end. I've come to the conclusion that it's just that modern games are trash and if you actually go back to the SNES/PS1/N64 games you grew up with you immediately notice how your passion "suddenly" returns.

      I know you don't like debating this point but I think people haven't given it a shot and legitimately tried going back to their favorite childhood games from 20-30 years back and try playing them again.

      They are LEGITIMATELY more enjoyable to play than new games now. Maybe it's nostalgia, maybe it's legitimate superiority, who knows but the end result is still the same: Older games are more fun to play.

      • 2 years ago

        I hate most of my childhood games. The controls feel like shit and the gameplay is super limited. I think you just have a bad case of cynicism and rose tinted goggles

  17. 2 years ago

    I have gone back to older gens and playing games I've never heard of or would never touch normally, even if the games vary wildly in quality. It's actually quite interesting to disect why these games were overlooked or got middling reviews.

  18. 2 years ago

    I started streaming for my friends and playing more multiplayer games. I find it hard to enjoy a game unless I'm sharing the experience.

  19. 2 years ago

    Just need to find a game that offers something new. That highly depends on what you've already played. I discovered Conqueror's Blade a year ago and even though it's kinda grindy and the devs are kinda incompetent, the gameplay is something completely different and hooked me up like nothing else. The sad truth is that gaming barely evolved over the past 2 decades outside of graphics. Open world became a much more prominent thing in the 2010s, but what does it matter if you're doing the same shit you did before, just on a bigger map and with, usually, worse writing and casualized mechanics. Getting bored of gaming seems inevitable eventually unless the industry starts actually putting effort and innovates. And by innovating I don't even mean creating something completely different, since that's hard. I mean incorporating stuff from other games/series, improving on them, putting your own spin. I mean, it's a travesty that to this day there's not a single developer who even attempted to do what Bethesda does with their games. And then people wonder why their buggy messes sell like hotcakes anyway and why people love Todd. It's because Bethesda has no competition while creating highly desired experiences.

    • 2 years ago

      To make sort of a TLDR, if you launch a game from this or previous year, chances are you've already played it 10 or 20 years ago, just with worse graphics. That's why you get bored of gaming. If you've been playing a lot of games in different genres for 10-20 years, you've pretty much experienced everything the industry has to offer, outside of some niche, unique indie games. And getting bored from doing the same thing over and over again is completely normal. The industry is at fault for shitting out the same shit again and again (just with a different coat of paint), and they can get away with it because your average gamer in the current year is a fricking normalgay who buys 1-3 games a year and is easily amazed and wowed.

  20. 2 years ago

    Games are too long, content spread too thin and doesn't respect your free time anymore.

    Frick open worlds, frick multiplayer grindfests, frick skins and unlockables.

    Give me a tight 3-8 hour lasting experience with no downtime or padding. Just the best you can make as a studio to keep me entertained.

    Resident Evil 2 was a good example of this. We have jobs and can't be bothered to play your trite time wasters.

    • 2 years ago

      I would suggest enjoying media other than vidya for awhile. I've been watching a lot of movies lately and frankly it's refreshing to have a full experience in a few hours.
      is spot on when he talks about games being overly bloated nowadays.

  21. 2 years ago

    I got around it by only having one or two games installed at the same time. Also my free time is pretty limited because of life n shieet so maybe try to improve other aspects of your life if all you do is play vidya.

  22. 2 years ago

    Pick up drinking or take a break, man

  23. 2 years ago

    Don't be afraid to uninstall and come back later or just drop the game.
    Worse than you can do is fall into sunken cost fallacy in that you bought the game, play it and hate it but don't love it then finally you play it long enough to just plain hate it but you can't stop playing it since you bought it so you feel obligated to play it.
    Bottom line is play the game for fun, if it's not fun then why bother.

  24. 2 years ago

    Do you have a job? You need to do something productive that'll restrict and make you appreciate your relaxation time more.

    If every waking moment is relaxation, no wonder your getting bored of your relaxation.

  25. 2 years ago

    Change activities. If you still want to play video games then play a genre you typical don't play or haven't played in awhile. I was about to fall in a rut but then I played Stuntman and was glued to it.

  26. 2 years ago

    >Have another hobby
    >Play something else
    >Play your favorite game

  27. 2 years ago

    I've been burnt out for years. At some point you'll probably be here too. You start realizing games are the ultimate representation of fake and gay, and that there are much more fulfilling things out there.

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