Gamers just don't want MMOs anymore.

Gamers just don't want MMOs anymore.

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Good. Maybe MMOs will finally die so we can get MMOs again.

  2. 8 months ago

    I don't want that one, run by a literal /vg/ troony as community manager, you're correct

    • 8 months ago

      He's not the CM anymore.
      Now the fricker's actually getting pimped by them as a musician.

      • 8 months ago

        >Now the fricker's actually getting pimped by them as a musician.
        no fricking way

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    i like the idea of MMOs but they're designed to be massive timesinks so i don't bother

  4. 8 months ago

    I sure don't. I don't want any other GaaS trash either.

  5. 8 months ago

    Gachas are a superior way to waste your time than post-WoW MMOs

    • 8 months ago

      >fricking hate gachashit
      >about to call this poster and Black person AND a homosexual
      >realize I actually would prefer to play a phone game like MH Now over WeWlad or FF14
      >still will play neither
      how did we get to this point

      • 8 months ago

        publishers figured out how to fleece morons even more efficiently

      • 8 months ago

        I don't mean garbage gachas with .jpgs but stuff with effort put into them, Genshins, Honkers, PGRs, that sort of stuff. It's genuinely more enjoyable to grind those games than MMOs.

        • 8 months ago

          >I don't mean garbage gachas with .jpgs but stuff with effort put into them, Genshins, Honkers, PGRs, that sort of stuff.
          Oh, look. It's another gachahomosexual who thinks the gachas HE plays are legitimately superior to "those other gachas." Genshin, Honkai, and PGR are fricking SHIT, just like you and your opinions.

        • 8 months ago

          i was going to call you a homosexual and elaborate but someone else already did
          but i guess that's just how hoyoslurpers are

      • 8 months ago

        new mmos cost too much to make so they put the same sort of account and character progression systems into mobile games instead that cost nothing to make in comparison. basically, blame granblue fantasy. a pseudo mmo from ex members of the final fantasy 11 dev team.

        • 8 months ago

          Nexon outright killed 99% of their MMO division to put them to work on gacha, because gacha is more profitable.
          If one of the biggest MMO publishers does this, it shows that companies only ever made MMOs with profit in mind (selling monthly subs, cash shop items, etc) and realised gacha is cheaper, lower effort and more profit if you get one that actually lands it's footing.

          • 8 months ago

            >gacha is cheaper, lower effort and more profit if you get one that actually lands it's footing.
            and paradoxically it's also way more fun, because even autobattlers where stats matter is a breath of fresh air in yet another beat em up wit generic combat and a dogshit open world with nothing to do, or worse, lobbyshit
            they also respect your time more due to the stamina systems capping your meaningful progress to only a set amount a day, gone are the days of grinding literal hours each day for scraps
            MMOs simply went way too fricking far down the race to the bottom

            • 8 months ago

              Everything stagnated after WoW released. At least with mobile the devs have room to experiment even it means experimenting with ways to israelite you.

              • 8 months ago

                WoW wasn't the real problem, destiny/warframe and "looter shooters" were which popularized the lobbyshit service game.

              • 8 months ago

                Lobby games are fine. The original PSO was a lobby game, and Monster Hunter is a lobby game. I don't even mind the over-emphasis on loot PSO2 base had. But yeah, everyone suddenly wanted to be Destiny-likes as GaaS everywhere, and that's when they managed to shit out working games onto the shelves in the first place.

                God, NGS would be at least a little less insufferable if they'd at least make some fricking dungeons or missions that aren't just "here's another spot on the open world with trainia objects or yet another trainia space". At least give players direction instead of telling them to circle on spawn killing.

              • 8 months ago

                yes, wow was the problem, zoomer. how can you say something so ignorant and wrong? wow ruined mmos. before wow there was a diversity in mmos you couldn't even fathom and they were all successful in their own way. once wow showed how much money the genre can make it changed everything

              • 8 months ago

                What’s worse was that the new mmos were eating into the same user base that would invariably return to WoW due to sunk cost. A couple years ago people made a huge fuss that Blizzard destroyed WoW and everyone left for FF14 and now they’re back playing WoW while FF14 is experiencing a drop in players

              • 8 months ago

                WoW wasn't the real problem, destiny/warframe and "looter shooters" were which popularized the lobbyshit service game.

                The entire MMO cycle from 90's to 2015 mentally was summed up in Tree of savior's lifecycle despite it being a 2016 release.
                At launch it had a good pick-up party scene as field grinding was most efficient to level up, it was easy to just ask for a party make friends chatting while grinding. This was common in old MMOs right up until early WoW era.
                Then they patched it so dungeons game more exp than field, the parties dried up but people hung out outside dungeon entrances talking and making parties. Akin to when WoW's popularity started influencing every other MMO to become raid dungeon + gear focused rather than level focused.
                Then they burnt dungeons to the ground for story grinding, making it so you could make level then enter your gear dungeons once you hit max with an automated dungeon finder. Which is pretty much how FF14 is considered- a single player MMO.

            • 8 months ago

              It's really not more fun. Having played a lot of both (easily more than 20 of each) I can tell you a good MMO is way more comfy and enjoyable when it works.
              The MMO peak of being able to sit around and chat about the game, skill builds and stat builds or sitting around in PvP and making adhoc gang violence. Although now MMOs variety is "I'm X class" and everything is gear-dependent which is why they aren't as fun anymore.
              Gacha peak is spending an hour or two getting invested in the story similar to a JRPG, and the drug-like high of rolling stuff you want.

  6. 8 months ago

    Correct, I want P2W lootershooters

  7. 8 months ago

    Phantasy star is literally the perfect format to succeed. A lobby based game where you do dungeons and fight bosses with a small group and don't have to care about any of the other mmo bullshit is exactly what people want. Capcom succeed with the exact same formula with monster hunter. Sega is just incompetent as frick.

    • 8 months ago

      I miss old pso2, everyone just sitting around in the lobby waiting for emergency missions to start

      • 8 months ago

        idling until sega tells you it's time to play is nearly as bad

        • 8 months ago

          I agree, I fricking despite the Emergency Quest meta the game revolved around because it was effectively TTF spamming but time gated.

        • 8 months ago

          >being a waitcuck
          i know this isn't a well known fact with NGSbabs, but once upon a time those UQs were scheduled and had a calendar showing them in advance

      • 8 months ago

        Nah that model is trash too. They finally kinda figured it out by ep6 where there was plenty of shit you could do that would all bring you meaningful progression towards endgame gear etc. Divide, xq risk realm, ship infiltration, bunch of uq's and their triggers. There were constantly people running triggers and holding good divide quest lobbies (deus, exegul, etc). And the biggest thing was this all gave players an actual real progression they could feel and count on (besides downslotting). The game covered the spectrum from ERPer to casual to hardcore really well in my opinion.

        It definitely has its issues, but I like it over Blade and Soul
        >No fall damage, kek
        >Customization is crazy, you can even change animations
        >Bosses don't have mechanics that require Korean reflex response times
        >There is grinding, but how much you want to do it is up to you, the hardest fight in the game is a optional 4 man with a death limit
        >Game runs pretty good
        It needs more stuff to do in the open world for sure though

        >Customization is crazy, you can even change animations
        Yeah but you cant change jack shit about how you approach combat, you see every single jet boot user literally sync up every down phase, all the classes play roughly identically to each other. The only class that plays even the tiniest bit different is gunner and it's gimped to fricking hell outside the absolute most niche scenarios (speedrunning 2 specific limited time quests that we'll never see again). NGS is a one trick pony and the very definition of minimum viable product, honestly other game corporations should take note on just how low they can go.

        • 8 months ago

          not helped by the fact that they've outright admitted they're not gonna add any new photon arts, they're just gonna let us tweak pre-existing ones. so everyone got a new move and that's it, that's all you're gonna ever get, get fricked i guess. god it's boring to see every single down phase turn into "spam a single attack over and over and over until the phase ends or you run out of PP" and only having like, 3 more attacks you can do

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      lobby based games are not mmos

      • 8 months ago

        Do we really need the Massive?

    • 8 months ago

      >stylish action space monster hunter with big booba waifu character creator
      how the frick do you fail with that???

      • 8 months ago

        Its the curse of having a highly autistic character creator. Something about it invites madness in the developers, publishers, players and moderators. Something always goes wrong.

      • 8 months ago

        by making the creator of the newest game, the same guy that all but killed the game it's a sequel to in the first place, and then proceeding to toss out the monster hunter aspects in favor of muh open empty world and recycling content as lazily and as humanly possible while pushing revenue above all else.
        seriously, look at Hamazaki's tenure on PSO2, primarily his tower defense and buster quest contribution, and how EP4 and 5 were intended to be entirely around just looping a very, VERY limited pool of content design (circling areas killing random spawns until completion, defense missions out the ass), and you'll realize he just made an entire game of that shit. there's a reason why PSO2 devs had to boot him from the seat somewhat and severely course correct to actually add more than just that, and it wasn't just over the Hero controversy

      • 8 months ago

        by trying to remove the lobby system and make it open word with a full team of developers who never made a open word game, they literally admitted that they have no clue how to make open word things and they are learning as it goes

    • 8 months ago

      Too bad there’s no soul like in real MMOS where you can just run out the city and do stuff. There truly will never be another game like WoW or SWTOR.

    • 8 months ago

      >no MHW equivalent for PSO

  8. 8 months ago

    I don't. Take inspiration from Monhun already Sega and stop being so bone headed. It's not even hard to make a good or at the very least interesting looking PSO game. At some point I expect a fan dev team to just make a better PSO-like game the same way how it happens with Sonic and then Jet Set Radio.

    • 8 months ago

      They already did anon its called destiny 2

      • 8 months ago

        destiny 2 is shit and not a pso like game.

        • 8 months ago

          You are correct Destiny 2 is shit but it took over the niche audience that pso2 could have had in the west. It's a lobby based (patrols are literally the worst content so I don't count them) "mmo" where you and your small team of friends que up to run missions "strikes" and get loot drops such as guns, armor, consumables (f in the chat for the shitty consumable system). Destiny 2 also features content such as dungeons and/or raids that were more engaging that PSO urgent quests. In addition Destiny has a pvp mode just like pso2, a small team based arena shooter. If phantasy star devs learned anything from psu it should have been to make a higher budget, engaging game with better graphics, more intricate fights, and better combat as the phantasy star combat felt old 10 years ago. Unrelated but frick I hate pso2 new genesis

          • 8 months ago

            >You are correct Destiny 2 is shit but it took over the niche audience that pso2 could have had in the west.
            D2 didn't do that, warframe did.
            Then warframe also shat everywhere and killed itself LMFAO.

            • 8 months ago

              I feel like most people probably played both. Tbh I forgot warframe even existed. I feel like it's always so close to being good but there's just something missing that makes me bored quickly everytime I try to return.

  9. 8 months ago

    i never wanted them in the first place

  10. 8 months ago

    Every time Ankama announces a server that forbids multiboxing players flock to it in droves
    People want MMOs, the problem is modern MMOs are single player games with added grind like a MMO would have which is what players don't want

    • 8 months ago

      I can't wait to eat dust on the low level dungeons because i didn't no-life hard enough to keep up

  11. 8 months ago

    I want MMOs but there hasn't been a new MMO since 2003.

  12. 8 months ago

    MMOs were always a terrible idea
    there simply aren't enough nolifers to keep them alive

    • 8 months ago

      There are more nolifers now than there ever have been. They just spend their time on gacha games instead of mmos.

    • 8 months ago

      There's plenty of nolifers like anon said, more so than normal due to how normalized internet is, they're all scattered around now though browsing TikTok/YouTube all day,VR Chat,Roblox , gacha games like genshin it's too fragmented to have a full length game with a meaningful story when people would rather have instant gratification

  13. 8 months ago

    >8 player max zones

    • 8 months ago

      what game is this I've seen it before

      • 8 months ago

        Phantasy Star

  14. 8 months ago

    This game only good aspect is dressing up as a bawd for erp purpose.
    Don't get me wrong, it's incredibly based, but it should only be one core pillar of the genre, sadly they forgot about everything else so i can't recommend it.

  15. 8 months ago

    If only someone would make an MMO that could finally dethrone Ragnarok Online.

    • 8 months ago

      The only way to dethrone RO would be a legit full VR one

  16. 8 months ago

    riot is about to drop the MMO of the century

    • 8 months ago

      this is the only thing i'm looking forward to and if it doesn't work out, the genre is dead to me, unless capcom or someone actually competent attempts it

    • 8 months ago

      It's just gonna turn into ffxiv with people idling as catgirls (or in riots case foxgirls)

    • 8 months ago

      >about to drop
      ah yes, in 20 years when Im dead

  17. 8 months ago

    just going online and being able to interact with people all over the world stopped being novel a long, long time ago

  18. 8 months ago

    >open world shit
    >counter-focused combat
    >no urgent schedule
    >dumb down class tree
    >shit tier urgents
    NGS is a mistake.

    • 8 months ago

      Setting is shit too, I want to go back to the spaceship not be on the island

  19. 8 months ago

    MMOs means different thing for too many people.
    For some of them it's classic wow, for some it's everquest style, others it's the 3 way pvp clusterfrick area controls of DaoC.
    You've got the runescape players only caring about grinding skills on autopilot.
    The modern MMO themepark enjoyers who're only playing it a single player but don't want to be lonely somehow, the other version who ignore absolutely everyone and treat them as forever games.
    And even in all of those you've got subset of players, pvpers, fashion autists, social autists.
    I feel like New World alpha was a good direction into what I felt like was a good middle ground for everyone and then they backed out and went the themepark route.

    Point is I think MMOs are pointless these days, if I want the coop aspect I pick out 4-5 player coop games and do those instead with online buddies.

    • 8 months ago

      >tfw eve online is shit now
      I just want cool internet spaceships with tons of people and good gameplay

    • 8 months ago

      For the actual human beings it's Ultima Online and UO-likes. MMOs are pointless now because rather than retaining interesting means of interacting with other players, they've devolved into predictable same-y garbage theme parks.

    • 8 months ago

      The whole massive role-playing persistent world thing is a fantasy from the 90s when that idea was just theoretical (or represented as text MUDs).

      Lord Garriott took a chance and made one a reality and then it took off as a fad. WoW was the peak of that frenzy and people realized it wasn't ever going to get better than that (the legendary Blizzard team + five years + $60 million in dev costs) and they either stuck with WoW or stopped playing.

      Now that MMOs are common there's no where for them to go that wouldn't cost $500m to produce and they'll never have as much hype as they did in the early 2000s. Investing in an MMO today is throwing money into a pit. Like everyone here pointed out already, shitty mobile RPGs give the same dopamine and make the same money for way less effort.

  20. 8 months ago

    is new genesis still bad?

    • 8 months ago

      I can tell you it was never good.

  21. 8 months ago

    it makes me physically sick seeing the words "phantasy star online" on that bullshit image

    a single room with a jukebox playing Escape from the City was plenty enough

  22. 8 months ago

    >Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis: Version 2
    This utter abortion of a game is what Phil paid to have localized a decade too late?

  23. 8 months ago

    if it doesnt have a world as neat as wow, its just not it

  24. 8 months ago

    Gamers would love MMOs if there were any good ones, but there aren't.

  25. 8 months ago

    I just want a good console action mmo that is popular. Warframe is autism and wayfinder is already dead.

  26. 8 months ago

    Mmos are my only way to interact with others but everyone is fricking elitist and requires nothing but the best out of you.

  27. 8 months ago

    I'm waiting for full immersion vr so they can be as fun as they look in anime

  28. 8 months ago

    Not much has changed in 2 months.

  29. 8 months ago

    Isn't this game DEAD AS FRICK on Japanese servers too? I saw two screenshots posted earlier showing the in-game player bars and nobody was on.

    • 8 months ago

      there's still people on the westoid side, but yes, in japan the active players finally reached the lower end of 3 digits and it keeps dropping

  30. 8 months ago

    This is a gigantic piece of shit that does everything it shouldn't have done. Gamers want a game, not the mess this shit became. Sega are moronic as usualand keeping Hamazaki in charge, the man who killed PSO2 in the first place, was a mistake.

    • 8 months ago

      The game has been finding new ways to go downhill since the start of 2016. Why are you still playing it?

      • 8 months ago

        because it's the only game with a daily grind i can consistently play that I like the gameplay of, mostly ignoring other bullshit and the excess awfulness at this point. every other online game is either sub so FF14 is more of a timed affair every so often, or I simply don't like em.

        Can you even play regular pso2 now?

        you still can, but they've separated the download from NGS entirely and if you're on Global they pose the base game as an optional DLC and forcibly uninstalled it to make you reinstall it in that format. so for many people on limited bandwidth or simply not wanting to download all that shit again it may as well have been stripped out of their hands anyway

  31. 8 months ago

    >tfw could have remade the pioneer but instead made some open world slop that feels tiny as hell
    I hate sega so much bros, they all deserve death

    • 8 months ago

      what's even more fricked is they could have just kept updating base pso2 forever, even after shitting the bed multiple times the game was still one of the most successful games in japan

      • 8 months ago

        They can't even go back at this point. The engine update royally fricked the renderer, and its been almost two and a half years since PSO2 was utterly gutted (and continuously so at this point) to make way for NGS. They can never backtrack and try to update PSO2 worth a damn again since it would admit wasting everyone's time and money with NGS, and even if they did it anyway it would never bring back the fricking conventions, the anime, the mobile games they killed off tying into everything.

        Sega basically took a knife to the throat of their most lucrative franchise to replace it with the newest model, and then still don't realize that model is already a corpse.

      • 8 months ago

        Can you even play regular pso2 now?

        • 8 months ago

          "yes" with a massive fricking asterisk because the game is so castrated that the progression is actually fricked now

          • 8 months ago

            because it's the only game with a daily grind i can consistently play that I like the gameplay of, mostly ignoring other bullshit and the excess awfulness at this point. every other online game is either sub so FF14 is more of a timed affair every so often, or I simply don't like em.
            you still can, but they've separated the download from NGS entirely and if you're on Global they pose the base game as an optional DLC and forcibly uninstalled it to make you reinstall it in that format. so for many people on limited bandwidth or simply not wanting to download all that shit again it may as well have been stripped out of their hands anyway

            at least that's something, what's the player base doing actual content like?

            • 8 months ago

              functionally dead, it's a miracle seeing other people in ship 2 that aren't AFK 24/7

              • 8 months ago

                i see, i guess i can solo most shit anyway.

            • 8 months ago

              Barren, empty, barely there on JP and US. You have a few dedicated but that's like a scant old guard. With challenge mode no longer offering star gems, the most people might do now is daily casino badges for scant weekly SG. And since there's barely anyone playing, you can't really do the UQs that had super rare drops of 15-star weapon materials to let you make those top tier weapons, much less be able to run them 50 times for an assured item via title. Mission pass at the time eased the pain by basically just giving you that shit outright but since that stopped the moment NGS launched, it means all you get are specific title or more limited 15-star gear that doesn't really hold a candle.

              It's all fricked and a glorified lobby sim now with the graphics irreversibly ruined.

  32. 8 months ago

    No way to test that claim unless someone makes an actual mmo.

  33. 8 months ago

    You are correct i don't want subscription services and billion dollar cash shops you piece of shit rent-a-life junkie.

  34. 8 months ago

    That’s just a horrible game

  35. 8 months ago

    >There will never be a game that plays like pso2 and gets actively supported ever again
    Bros I get depressed everytime.

    • 8 months ago

      pso 2 sucked

    • 8 months ago

      Pretending tower of fantasy is PSO3 has been more than enough copium for me.
      As long as you ignore the PvP aspect the gacha isn't even that israeli.

  36. 8 months ago


    How many 2s can they tack on?

  37. 8 months ago

    This "game' has been shit for years yet gay 3rd worlders and trannies still defend it

  38. 8 months ago

    pso2 is so fricking dogshit, if you wanted to make a thread on it, you easily could have

  39. 8 months ago

    MMO's are an antiquated genre. The entire appeal of MMOs was the social aspect alongside everything else. No matter what you did, you had to socialize.
    Trading, overworld, dungeons, raiding, PvP. You had to talk to people, you made human connections. The socialization aspect was the whole point.
    Nowadays the socialization aspect is met by a billion other things. Social media like twitter/reddit/tumblr, hell even Ganker counts. Discord/steam/skype. Everyone is connected at all times, so they don't need a whole ass video game for socialization anymore.
    People who fondly look back to playing vanilla WoW, Everquest, FF11, Flyff, Guild Wars 1, Aion or whatever, NOTHING will ever come close to their memory of those games. 15 10/10 MMO's could come out and it wouldn't matter, because people aren't as talkative or social in MMOs anymore. Everyone has their own friend groups in discord or steam or whereever already. There's no point in talking to strangers.

    • 8 months ago

      Doesn't help that MMOs are so ban happy now. Say something the jannies don't like? Money stolen, goodbye.

    • 8 months ago

      I played on an FFXI private server for a few months this year. It was honestly magical, felt just like the old days. The issue is that new MMOs don't have systems that force you to group, they made 99% of it solo friendly. Final Fantasy 14 was making more and more of the game solo friendly every patch by adding trusts to all the dungeons the last time I was paying attention to it.

    • 8 months ago

      I played on an FFXI private server for a few months this year. It was honestly magical, felt just like the old days. The issue is that new MMOs don't have systems that force you to group, they made 99% of it solo friendly. Final Fantasy 14 was making more and more of the game solo friendly every patch by adding trusts to all the dungeons the last time I was paying attention to it.

      >had to talk to people to do anything, whether it was trading or surviving or exploring
      >loners and normalgays wanted convenience
      >never enough convenience, there was always something "annoying" to automate
      and now we have ffxiv, the mmo where you can play nearly the entire main story by yourself, teleport to every relevant location and is so casually easy people don't even realise there are skill combos

      • 8 months ago

        and normalgays wanted convenience
        You know what's even more fricked up? After the MMO crash of the very early 2020s loners simply quit MMOs from the lack of content and went back to JRPGs, which is why JRPGs have been in the middle of their new golden age since.

        • 8 months ago

          On the one hand, I wish we had good non-sub based mmos, on the other the jrpg renaissance has been amazing.

      • 8 months ago

        The best way I can put it is that older MMOs were online D&D. This up to and including classic WoW. The Activision buyout towards the end of TBC changed everything, that's why by the middle of WotLK they started heavily making the game more solo friendly.

        Current MMOs aren't even D&D any more. It's all about trial and error boss fights and most of the class identity has been completely erased. In the older MMOs,a lot of the classes would be distinct enough that it felt like you were playing an entirely different game depending on what you picked. Now most of them play exactly the same as every other class that shares that role.

        • 8 months ago

          Shit argument when PSU, PSO and PSO2 base were all lobby-instanced grindfests and they were extremely enjoyable.

          • 8 months ago

            Those were Diablo clones with a lobby.

    • 8 months ago

      I had just as much fun in 2019 classic as I did in 2005, and all of it faded away when tbc released

    • 8 months ago

      >Everyone has their own friend groups in discord or steam or whereever already
      I don’t

    • 8 months ago

      >There's no point in talking to strangers.
      This is your brain on zoomers. But there are still older people, who would like to socialize.

      Zoomies don't have siblings, so they never learned to be social, and they are also scared of talking to strangers, so most games nowadays are designed to be played alone. THAT is the problem.

  40. 8 months ago

    It's well known as a hive for ERPgays which puts a lot of people off

    • 8 months ago

      yeah but that's basically any game with a large enough playerbase, the only difference here is that ecelebs brought attention to the fact

  41. 8 months ago

    I really miss the old Tibia game. Just a huge fricking sandbox for people to explore. The quests I took on were of my own making, and PvP had big ramifications.
    Kinda impossible to have that kind of game with modern "power gaming" and min-maxing mentality - and the general sociopathic disposition of your average gamer.
    No bots aside from basic macro tools for repeating recorded inputs, very few non-English speakers, no cash shop.
    Truly days gone, truly lightning in a bottle.

    • 8 months ago

      >very few non english speakers
      hue hue hue

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, before the Brazooka and Polish invasions.
        Those times were also "fun", but incomparable to the comfy old days. Our uncle was big PC gamer and got ADSL in when it became available in 2000 - and we would have sleepovers and play N64 and take turns being on the PC. When he showed us Tibia it blew our fricking minds with being a permanent world filled with other players from all over the world.

        • 8 months ago

          damn, that's old school. i played after the br and kurwa invasion so i never got to experience those glory days but it must have been nice. i know it was essentially an uo clone but i liked the tibia art style more as a kid. plus it was free.

      • 8 months ago

        Everyone spoke German, English, or some nordic language. German's weren't fluent but I can't recall every being unable to talk so someone...

    • 8 months ago

      I wish I tried Tibia back in the day.

      I can't help but just want to play old school runescape instead. I know they're quite different but the topdown isometric look/feel makes me just want to play my OSRS account instead.

      So I fill the void with Everquest 1 + OSRS.

      • 8 months ago


        MMOs means different thing for too many people.
        For some of them it's classic wow, for some it's everquest style, others it's the 3 way pvp clusterfrick area controls of DaoC.
        You've got the runescape players only caring about grinding skills on autopilot.
        The modern MMO themepark enjoyers who're only playing it a single player but don't want to be lonely somehow, the other version who ignore absolutely everyone and treat them as forever games.
        And even in all of those you've got subset of players, pvpers, fashion autists, social autists.
        I feel like New World alpha was a good direction into what I felt like was a good middle ground for everyone and then they backed out and went the themepark route.

        Point is I think MMOs are pointless these days, if I want the coop aspect I pick out 4-5 player coop games and do those instead with online buddies.

        >runescape players only caring about grinding

    • 8 months ago

      damn, that's old school. i played after the br and kurwa invasion so i never got to experience those glory days but it must have been nice. i know it was essentially an uo clone but i liked the tibia art style more as a kid. plus it was free.


  42. 8 months ago

    Your own house is the quintessence of MMOs.

    • 8 months ago

      housing only has a purpose in sandbox mmos and sandbox mmos arent made.

  43. 8 months ago

    i've been fine with ngs because unlike psu/pso2 players, i am familiar with the franchise and the genre
    but ngs has clearly entered maintenance mode with all the ltq recycling and "season cycle unit" event weapons

    • 8 months ago

      >devs try to tout version 2 as a new era
      >it's pretty much just waiting for regional refreshes every 4 months and all it does is add a new travel gimmick and reskin the same bosses and enemies yet again with only like two additions per region
      >plus more mining rig
      >everything else is just reused content with higher tiers where there isn't any significant mix-up, it's just swapping enemy spawns and levels
      They really want to pretend they're something more right now with all that build up to Aina getting a new outfit and shit, but jesus fricking christ. At this point what are they even trying to do? There's absolutely nothing of meaning and the Leciel exploration hasn't had anything "after" it in content in the whole 4 months.

    • 8 months ago

      >finish contnet that was supposed to be out at launch
      >instantly goes to maintenance mode
      the absolute fricking state
      i would be sad if i didn't have such intense hatred for sega

  44. 8 months ago

    I quit PSONGS because there was nothing to progress towards.
    Took them about a year just to start adding new content.
    I don't mind a grind but the reward for my time and effort has to be worth it.
    Not some weapons with terrible RNG that end up becoming useless a few patches later.
    Also most people who play use it for ERP, dress up, and a close 100GB chat room.

  45. 8 months ago

    >Gamers just don't want MMOs anymore.
    You realized this after the shit that's WoW and FFXIV?

  46. 8 months ago

    My experience playing MMOs has been that 90% of the people complaining about them are just fricking awful at them and the discussion is plagued with ideaguys who only played FFXIV

    • 8 months ago

      pretty much
      >the PvPgays moved on to mobashit and shooters
      >the autistic loners moved back to JRPGs
      >the socialgays are just on twitter all day
      >the ERPers are on dedicated ERP sites all day
      >even the dedicated players and most casuals moved on to gacha
      the only people left are the morons

      • 8 months ago

        No that's not what I mean. There are people who enjoy the ecosystem created by those players interacting with each other, and then there are the morons who think there are no good MMOs because there's no open pvp full loot game that somehow has millions of casuals playing too

  47. 8 months ago

    If you ask anyone who still plays this they'll tell you its the best game ever made.

    • 8 months ago

      I still play it and beyond the core gameplay still being okay, i kinda want to fricking die for still playing it. sunk cost fallacy is pretty much what still keeps me going

    • 8 months ago

      It definitely has its issues, but I like it over Blade and Soul
      >No fall damage, kek
      >Customization is crazy, you can even change animations
      >Bosses don't have mechanics that require Korean reflex response times
      >There is grinding, but how much you want to do it is up to you, the hardest fight in the game is a optional 4 man with a death limit
      >Game runs pretty good
      It needs more stuff to do in the open world for sure though

  48. 8 months ago

    Good MMOs will literally ruin your life, I'm glad they're dying

  49. 8 months ago

    Shut the frick up nerd. I do.
    It's the director and producer of one of the MMO's that I play who thinks I don't want MMO's or and RPG.

  50. 8 months ago

    >Gamers just don't want MMOs anymore.
    because we're all playing the same 5-6 MMOs we were playing 20 years ago
    why companies think players would ever switch away from their game that they've already sunk 15k hours into that has 20+ years of content updates is beyond me

  51. 8 months ago

    themeparks are not mmos

  52. 8 months ago

    Why is it always the games with high customization that suck or are miss managed to hell or both.

  53. 8 months ago

    maybe cos greedy shitheads killed all the fun out of it
    starting with lootboxes

  54. 8 months ago

    Frick off moron, go back to your containment general on /vg/. NGS isn't a good mmo because sega fricks everything up, even when they have a perfect template to work with (pso2).

  55. 8 months ago

    >make an "MMO" the size of durotar
    >add bland quests
    >Make it 8 player max in fighting zones
    This is anything but an MMO.

    • 8 months ago

      old one but a good one

      • 8 months ago

        by trying to remove the lobby system and make it open word with a full team of developers who never made a open word game, they literally admitted that they have no clue how to make open word things and they are learning as it goes

        You'd think they'd actually try to do more interesting things with the open world stuff, but it's hilarious how they've instead awkwardly backpedaled to instanced content, slapped in warps and boosters to help players skip over the empty ass spaces, and fundamentally did NOTHING to actually accentuate any of it now that you can just teleport to every relevant object but the resources strewn about. They spent 24 months focusing all development on producing these regions and their baseline content and now they don't even want to humor them being relevant in any capacity.

        • 8 months ago

          because it was a huge mistake, the moment we leave the planet and get the old HUD ship back is when the game will start again

          • 8 months ago

            >leave the planet
            yeah nah, they invested too much to ever abandon this.

            • 8 months ago

              >"We aren't making anymore areas or classes"
              >Implying they can recycle the entire map until EoS

              • 8 months ago

                >we aren't making anymore areas or classes
                the lazy fricks can't even make new skills for the classes they already have lmfao

              • 8 months ago

                They're basically done. Unless they somehow survive to the "end" of their Starless arc, which given they've had since April's plot bombshell to do shit and all they've done so far is put the heroines in new outfits while making the characters ruminate about how bad the Starless are, there's no way this game can survive long enough short of maintenance mode under Microsoft money. They're doing the absolute bare fricking minimum and acting like it's a new era for it, and the most notable thing in all of this shit is a goddamn superboss maybe 5-10% of those "million players" will ever bother to clear.

              • 8 months ago

                >add in a superboss
                >the drops from the fight are so shit that most people don't even bother with it
                They didn't even give Solus a unique augment for fricks sake. Not to mention how garbage the duel quests are.

              • 8 months ago

                I have to wonder what the frick the point of an entire extra hard battle is supposed to be when the drops are the exact same shit you can get in the fields AND the same drop rates. One might say "hey some star gems a week is neat" but at this point who fricking cares anymore, and with it and Leciel just sitting there they've turned into a boring chore the devs really want you to do for.. well, not much payout or purpose frankly. And yeah, the duel quests are even more pointless. The reason someone might try for some of the bonus shit in PSO2 was because they'd hold some super exclusive loot, or chances at good stuff, or even an assured Title that would carry a rare item or reward. NGS just throws star gems out like candy and then expects you to proc this shit entirely for bragging rights.

              • 8 months ago

                I think they were more worried about their coombrained casual base throwing a gigantic tantrum if there was some even further tier of gear that was unobtainable for them from an actually difficult fight.
                What's weird to me is it seems like almost half the actual content they add to the game is geared to be "high-difficulty" yet it's supposed to be a casual game, especially according to the remaining community if you ever speak a single word about how slow and shallow the content releases are.

                So I haven't played PSO2 in a long time I quit before this New Genesis version came out and what changed that made people hate it now?

                NGS is a completely new game that they basically have tried to take the place of PSO2. Everything has been remade with literal babies in mind, all of the depth to every single system has been sucked out, there are no decisions you have to make for anything so that the morons left playing never have to think (ie only 4 PA's for each weapon so you don't have to pick which ones to put on your palette). For some reason they thought they could get mass appeal by doing some botw or genshin ass open world but forgot to actually put anything out in that world, and instead made all the quests and anything worth doing still in instances of 4-8 people, often in alpha game dev test environment looking blocky cube rooms with next to no textures or anything. They took away the schedule for urgent quests claiming they wanted to make them less important but have only done the opposite. Could go on and on but it's just too gay, I don't care. See

                buckle up frickle, it's time to watch 3 feature length films on this shitshow

                , Syberbolt's videos are long and have a couple inaccuracies since he never played all that much but they're still funny and very much relevant. I made a vid too but won't shill it here 🙂

              • 8 months ago

                >Everything has been remade with literal babies in mind, all of the depth to every single system has been sucked out, there are no decisions you have to make for anything
                hows this different from the original pso2 :^)

              • 8 months ago

                pso2 was an upgrade over psu in every way though

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                they can recycle the entire map until EoS
                are you implying they won't?

        • 8 months ago

          >to help players skip over the empty ass spaces
          I don't think they even put that much thought in until after the fact. Those new 5-hop teleporter warps are awkward as all frick. City of Heroes - an almost 20 year old MMO - has a more comfortable teleport than that shit.
          It feels like they just crap stuff out and find a use for it later. Or not and just put it in because. See also hoverboards.

          • 8 months ago

            Literally every single thing put into NGS is half-baked. Even shit they had fully functional in the base game already.

          • 8 months ago

            >See also hoverboards.
            i still can't believe using that shit is slower than just holding W

      • 8 months ago

        Update with them focusing on solo content for fear/hardest content.

  56. 8 months ago

    erp trannies ruins everything

    • 8 months ago

      The japanese version had people doing that shit for years. You're only noticing them because most normal people quit NGS when it was clear that the game had nothing to do.
      Global had an unironic troon problem, but that's hardly the first time that an MMO's community got tanked by a moronic CM.

      • 8 months ago

        >The japanese version had people doing that shit for years.
        Remember in PusoComi when this troony tried to groom Tetra into trooning out and said he was using a voice changer when Tetra tries one out? Notice how the English dub can't be found anymore on Youtube?

        • 8 months ago

          You know a game's shit when every one of your content creators fricks off due to disliking the "new" game. The last PusoComi literally had the characters sitting and waiting for content.

  57. 8 months ago

    This is true. Gacha dailyslop games have superceded MMOs. They are now obsolete.

  58. 8 months ago

    So I haven't played PSO2 in a long time I quit before this New Genesis version came out and what changed that made people hate it now?

    • 8 months ago

      instead of waiting in a lobby to play on a small empty map you can just play on a large empty map

      • 8 months ago

        buckle up frickle, it's time to watch 3 feature length films on this shitshow

        I think they were more worried about their coombrained casual base throwing a gigantic tantrum if there was some even further tier of gear that was unobtainable for them from an actually difficult fight.
        What's weird to me is it seems like almost half the actual content they add to the game is geared to be "high-difficulty" yet it's supposed to be a casual game, especially according to the remaining community if you ever speak a single word about how slow and shallow the content releases are.
        NGS is a completely new game that they basically have tried to take the place of PSO2. Everything has been remade with literal babies in mind, all of the depth to every single system has been sucked out, there are no decisions you have to make for anything so that the morons left playing never have to think (ie only 4 PA's for each weapon so you don't have to pick which ones to put on your palette). For some reason they thought they could get mass appeal by doing some botw or genshin ass open world but forgot to actually put anything out in that world, and instead made all the quests and anything worth doing still in instances of 4-8 people, often in alpha game dev test environment looking blocky cube rooms with next to no textures or anything. They took away the schedule for urgent quests claiming they wanted to make them less important but have only done the opposite. Could go on and on but it's just too gay, I don't care. See [...], Syberbolt's videos are long and have a couple inaccuracies since he never played all that much but they're still funny and very much relevant. I made a vid too but won't shill it here 🙂

        aww man I miss the ship, yeah that's a big frickup maybe it's a good thing I left before this shit happened

        • 8 months ago

          the worst part is PSO2 is still technically there but they removed all the events, campaigns, mission pass, uq schedule and everything and so now it's a gigantic pain in the fricking ass to level or gear up on so it might as well be fricking gone.

          • 8 months ago

            not to mention that there are a handful of new bugs in the game now because it has NGS attached to it like a tumor, on top of the game's entire artstyle being bricked because of a lighting engine change.

    • 8 months ago

      buckle up frickle, it's time to watch 3 feature length films on this shitshow

      • 8 months ago

        >watch the first one
        >feel sad at what happened to pso2
        >talks about anamana in the second video
        >apparently trans now named gemma
        are you fricking kidding me

        • 8 months ago

          Keep watching.
          It gets worse.

  59. 8 months ago

    gamers don't want to play dogshit mmos that somehow make korean mmos look like paradise
    you who keeps making these threads and everyone who still cares about this game should be hanged

  60. 8 months ago

    that isn't an MMO, that's a lobby game.

  61. 8 months ago

    XIV brought too many sensative trannies into the game. People who snap if you tell them not to die in a fight.

    • 8 months ago

      >implying its just trannies
      I mean, They ARE that. But, It isn't just trannies that do that. Redditor normal gays do that shit all the time.
      So, Really normies/redditors AND trannies are a poison on the community part.
      And as annoying as redditfrog kekistan morons are who can only speak in BASED BASED KEK KEK REDDITFROG
      I'd rather have them around ANYDAY OF THE WEEK over trannies and redditors.

  62. 8 months ago

    I want PSO2:2 not whatever this is

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      I want PSO3, because PSO2 was a fricking mess and got even worse after EP3.
      The only truly good thing about it was that back in EP1 they cared about actually making specifically a sequel to PSO and not PSU or PS-something else. But when it came to mechanics it was always so fricking flawed you might as well start from scratch and once again use PSO as reference instead of PSO2. They couldn't pull it off, though, not anymore.

      • 8 months ago

        The difference between PSO2 and NGS is that PSO2 was at least a good game even if it was different from PSO/PSU. Luster was easily one of the best classes in an MMO, period.
        "PSO3" would be just as mismanaged as NGS if it were to come out. It feels like a massive cope to think that a PSO3 would have been any better than the dumpster fire called NGS.

        • 8 months ago

          At the very least it wouldn't have to be built on top of another game. But yes, it would likely still be shit. Just like PSO2 already was by the time NGS got announced.
          Thing is, NGS already is PSO2-2. They even copypasted the class roster, as if someone would sue them for being unable use takt camos from base. The didn't care to make an actual new game and only needed to extend PSO2's life support, so it's utterly uninspired.
          PSO3, ideally, would have to be very different, like PSU was from PSO and PSO2 was from both.

  63. 8 months ago

    Gacha is the new MMO

  64. 8 months ago

    its okay to be a niche genre not that any publisher or developer believes this any more.

  65. 8 months ago

    >called the "2.0" update, supposed to be a total revamp of the game that brings players back
    >it just adds player housing and holograms and one (1) new enemy type

    • 8 months ago

      Sega called it version 2 because the original PSO had a version 2 and wanted to play on people like you who don't actually read the fine details. They never actually hid the fact that it was anything other than player housing when they discussed it outside of the naming convention.

  66. 8 months ago

    how did they manage to completely frick PSO's art style with PSO2?
    i can't believe how ugly it is, especially the character models considering people use it as a 'dress up simulator'

    • 8 months ago

      Same artist btw

    • 8 months ago

      They didn't frick the art style at all, PSO2 aesthetically early on was similar to PSO it was just the optional fashion constantly pulled away from the setting, on top of this it was a rough looking game for 2012, vs PSO which was a pretty great looking game for 2000. The real tragedy was the departure from the mystery of the originals story segments.

      I wonder how PSO2 and NGS would have turned out if it was actually under Sonic Team like PSO1

      PSO2 was fine for the most part and it would have been the same situation with Sonic Team except maybe the general droprates would have been even worse. NGS is a flawed idea and no dev team could have done better, it's a pick your flavor kind of disaster.

      • 8 months ago

        >They didn't frick the art style at all, PSO2 aesthetically early on was similar to PSO

      • 8 months ago

        >PSO2 aesthetically early on was similar to PSO
        Only in early EP1, and even then, Matoi and Xion looked so unique that they somewhat clashed with the space-military aesthetic of Arks since Matoi had a space miko garb on and Xion had a lab coat and booty shorts.

        • 8 months ago

          Both of those seem kind of redundant when considering HUnewearls and FOmarls.

        • 8 months ago

          Anti-anime cucks like you need to accept you fricking lost.

        • 8 months ago

          I miss my mom's lava legs so much.

  67. 8 months ago

    Is guild wars 2 any good
    Trynna find a game to play with my bros

    • 8 months ago

      I personally love Guild Wars 2 despite hating cooldown-centric tab-target combat. I love what GW2 does with open world bosses and "meta-events" (map-wide event chains). The instanced content is alright, I really like the large scale PVP (World vs World). And as an armchair game designer I really love what they did with gearing and itemization, the whole horizontal gearing thing is really well done and it's really interesting how despite that there's still plenty to grind for and a lot of value in so much different content even from 10 years ago. Honestly GW2 should be "required reading" for MMO devs in my opinion.

  68. 8 months ago

    I wonder how PSO2 and NGS would have turned out if it was actually under Sonic Team like PSO1

  69. 8 months ago

    i dont know what the frick i want anymore in this life

  70. 8 months ago

    i need pso3 bros
    with lobby ship
    and more planets
    frick i miss the different planets

    • 8 months ago

      Even if a PSO3 happened people would complain it's not the original PSO while simultaneously not playing PSO on one of the many private servers/emulator choices. People who enjoy PSO, PSU, PSO2 and NGS are 4 completely different camps of people, with very very small overlap between said fans. Theres 5 if you count original PS fans. Not a single one of these is going to be happy not matter what SEGA puts out in the future and I think they all know this but don't want to admit it. It'd be better if they just took NGS out back and shot it and then that was it for the franchise. Play private servers and enjoy the games as a product of their time and forget about the future.

  71. 8 months ago

    >mamke open world
    >make every important missions a VR session instead of using the open world
    they had ONE JOB

  72. 8 months ago

    I play MMOs every day.

  73. 8 months ago

    is this game shutting down in Japan? It seems dead as hell

    • 8 months ago

      It doesn't have a massive playerbase but everyone that plays is a massive whale

      • 8 months ago

        not for long, the puddle is finally drying up in japan due to one of their ecelebs making a huge drama over quitting despite being the main source of copium for many jp players

        • 8 months ago

          oh poopoo
          if you care about ecelebs kys

  74. 8 months ago

    >new MMO gets announced
    >initial hype
    >gets revealed that Amazon is involved
    >gets censored
    >interest is lost
    >morons play it for two months and then drop it
    >end of service after a few years

    Modern MMOs are cursed

    • 8 months ago

      I can't believe Lost Ark got censored and killed by amazon, New World got gutted and killed by Amazon, Blue Protocol got censored by Amazon and is already dead in JP, and Throne and Libery has already been censored in betas and will likely be still born.
      Every game Amazon touches dies but they have the money and are the big MMO publisher now.
      What a shitty monkey paw. We finally get new MMOs and localized MMOs but only through Amazon.
      Fricking bring back Aeria or whatever the frick I don't care just get me out of this HELLLLL

  75. 8 months ago

    >refuse to localize PSO2 for nearly a decade
    >finally do it
    >no one plays it because its not only way behind, but its also censored, and anyone that was desperate to play just used the translation patcher
    >let a massive moron who actively hates phantasy star have control of the game again
    >he kills it to make a half assed open world version of the game with even less content
    >"Guess gamers just don't want MMOs :/ "

    • 8 months ago

      >and anyone that was desperate to play just used the translation patcher
      reminder they also banned literally everyone with a gaijin IP when the westoid version released, they also constantly patrolled the game for anyone using a VPN

  76. 8 months ago

    PSO and PSU were great man!

  77. 8 months ago

    I don't want casual hand-holdy MMOs that focus on solo play and single player storylines.

    Unfortunately, that covers basically every MMO release since 2014.

    • 8 months ago

      >casual shitters have their own casualgay MMOs
      >competitivegays moved to MOBAs
      >unskilled griefers and PKers are stuck with EVE and Albion
      >hardcore MMOs like Wildstar keep dying, the only MMOs with a miniscule hardcore community are WoW and XIV
      It wasn't a natural community anyway since old MMOs forced everyone together, but I don't think MMOs will ever have all the different communities together ever again.

      • 8 months ago



        • 8 months ago

          The Mystic+/Ultimate raiders. I don't mean the full community, I meant the .1% of the community that's into that stuff.

      • 8 months ago

        "Hardcore" MMO basically means "waste as much of you time as possible" since the only difficulty it can provide is making shit take longer to get or do. I dropped MMOs when I got into WoW and raids started being like jobs instead of something fun to do.

  78. 8 months ago

    >PSO2 is dead
    >Blue Protocol is dead
    >FFXIV is in danger
    What happened to japan?

    • 8 months ago

      They kept making shitty MMOs or making bad updates to ones that already existed.

    • 8 months ago

      Black Desert is doing great.
      Lost Ark is doing okay.
      We already had the Maplestory Reboot sweep, next year it'll be time for us Mabihomies to rise.
      Japan has fallen, billions of gamers must unsubscribe. It's Koreas turn again.

      • 8 months ago

        Black Desert is MUCH worse than even ngs. How the frick is running in circles killing braindead mobs any better than running in circles killing slightly less braindead mobs + decent bosses + fashion

        • 8 months ago

          Anon said it's doing great which it is. Whether or not you personally like the style of combat is a different matter. I'm personally waiting for Red Desert. Seems like it's going to incorporate a lot of the shit they weren't able to fit into the MMO

          • 8 months ago

            But why is it doing great? Did they ever add anything other than more mob farms and MORE fricking classes?

            • 8 months ago

              Classes and maps. That's all you need to keep the fanbase happy apparently. NGS classes are anemic and the classes barely have any PAs to play with. If you're lucky you might get a single skill after a major patch

            • 8 months ago

              A shitload of quality of life changes made across the past several years actually got noticed, presumably since PA already made money from paid solutions for the worst of game mechanics. A free dream horse some months ago of course made a surge in activity, but course the game is still a mob grinder at heart unless you're the life skill type.

        • 8 months ago

          Most gear progression in BDO actually remains actually relevant for years. NGS on the other hand completely kills the point of rare drops in a fricking SERIES about rare drops, and by the time you finish a piece of gear the devs will some weeks later give out a slightly weaker equivalent with like 90% of the legwork already done for you. I would much rather grind in circles for an hour at Red Orcs than Neusen Plant or whatever spot Sega currently has recycled, and it's not like mobs in NGS are any more stimulating.

          With that said, BDO's attempts at proper 1v1 boss fights with Black Shrine and the Pit of the Undying are all absolute horseshit, and most interactions with players on the field are just you seeing them as competition while the most cancerous parts of enhancement system's relevance more or less just relocated to mid to endgame gearing instead. But then again most MMOs have killed or massively reduced social elements.

          • 8 months ago

            >by the time you finish a piece of gear the devs will some weeks later give out a slightly weaker equivalent with like 90% of the legwork already done for you
            To be fair, this isn't even a new problem with sega, this was a problem since episode 3.
            I remember grinding like a madman for a decent weapon only to cope and seethe at the seasonal catchup mechanic giving a weapon BETTER than what I spent 3 weeks or so grinding for.
            That was the point I started to just ride from welfare weapon to welfare weapon and treat the game far more casually, no drop ever mattered once I started doing that because they were all garbage compared to the welfare weapons.

            • 8 months ago

              for what it's worth, since 9 star weapons were put in, all the seasonals have been trash outside of seasonal enemies, and the current ULTRA HIGH DIFFICULTY BOSS dark falz is not a seasonal enemy so they are worthless there, along with DUEL QUEST shit
              basically they made people accustomed to welfare gear and then introduced fights where welfare gear is not enough, so the players just don't do the fights since they're super optional anyway

            • 8 months ago

              I've heard Sega likes to do this a lot yeah, but it's still kind of shitty and it's probably further exacerbated in NGS because of the terrible gear score requirements. When Global PSO2 happened I recall like one or two 15* weapons being handed out wholesale during Ep6 or so, but there were still windows where certain gear and preparation would be relevant for a good while within that one year of pre-NGS.

              Last I tried, Sega also did stupid shit like having duel affixes that only work in select categories of boss quests which just seemed like another means of padding out gear on purpose. In any case the grind moved from rare drops to pumping even more crap into the gear itself with new bottlenecks invented incrementally and what you can do to make meseta in the economy is even more pigeonholed. All this time and the game is still a hungry skeleton while whales somehow keep it afloat.

              • 8 months ago

                >while whales somehow keep it afloat.
                from the looks of it, it's finally dying a slow death
                most jp outlets already consider it a dead game walking, and even in the west where it's propped up by literal trannoids the game keeps hitting record low active players every week it seems

      • 8 months ago

        Mabinogi Unreal isn't going to be ready for another few years. There's way too much content to port over. I'm worries about Iria because UE is shit for open world but it can't be worse than Pleione

        • 8 months ago

          Mabi is fricking kino, ill definitely return and check it out when unreal drops but is it a full game revamp with new graphics or just an engine change?

          • 8 months ago

            The Mari teaser indicates they're working on higher fidelity models and effects I just hope we'll get actual models and not texture wraps and mitten hands. The new team has been revamping graphics even before the unreal update but Pleione obviously has its limits.

    • 8 months ago

      Bro what are the Blue Protocol devs smoking? Actually morons.

    • 8 months ago

      is in danger
      more like its healing with the streamers finally leaving

    • 8 months ago

      they realized MMOs are a dead genre not worth trying to bring back in this corpo era until full dive VR becomes a thing, if ever

      • 8 months ago

        honestly a head tracked vr rendering mode would make mmos more entertaining even if it doesn't have body controls or anything
        monster models are pretty cool at the angles you don't normally get to see them

  79. 8 months ago

    I don't want to invest myself in a game and even add money to it and have it die like 5 years later.

  80. 8 months ago

    Waiting for Blue Protocol rite now

  81. 8 months ago

    Nobody wants P2W nonsense MMO. FFXIV and WoW have garbage gameplay. Your only choice is fricking oldschool troonyscape.

  82. 8 months ago

    >doesnt provide actual, ACTUAL content for more than a year
    frick off

  83. 8 months ago

    Everyone is greedy nowadays becaus epeopkle realize they get fricked in the ass. devs will bnever use their skill for your company for real anymore unless you give them half the profits or something and more creative freedom

    if you let them try to make it and get actually rewarded for real devs will definitely make a good job

  84. 8 months ago

    We don't want SHIT MMOS, like NGS. How did Sega botch the launch and continue to do so?

  85. 8 months ago

    I want MMOs, its just all MMOs abuse their players, and old ones I don't want to start playing and just be some noob scrub surrounded by veterans with mroe status than me.

    And modern MMOs are all season pass limited time slogs that are desperate and afraid you might spend time doing something else like sleeping

  86. 8 months ago

    An mmo would be cool. Shame there are no good ones.

  87. 8 months ago

    Aren't all the american staff of this thing genuinely deranged?

    • 8 months ago

      yep, all they did to address the issue is they fired one of the trannies as a scapegoat, only to re-hire the freak as a composer anyway, that's it

      • 8 months ago

        Lmao what kind of nepotism is going on there anyway? The last time some westerner composed for NGS it was for the Slayer promo and it was terrible

    • 8 months ago

      yep, all they did to address the issue is they fired one of the trannies as a scapegoat, only to re-hire the freak as a composer anyway, that's it

      Don't forget that the new CM is literally a pedophile. I have no idea where they even got these people from

  88. 8 months ago

    So is there any mmo that plays like pso2 with the instance dungeons and such? I really miss these kind of games wonder if some new mmo will take its place

    • 8 months ago

      play tower of fantasy and slam your head on the wall until you start hallucinating the pso2base lobby music

    • 8 months ago

      You can play blue burst or PSU on private servers

  89. 8 months ago

    i love good MMOs

    • 8 months ago

      What's that, anon?

      • 8 months ago

        ragnarok online

    • 8 months ago

      ragnarok online

      I see these and all I see is a dedicated party puller whose job is to just run around grabbing monsters for everyone else to kill while being punched in the face.
      And while he's out doing this everyone else is chatting.

  90. 8 months ago

    let it go, shit's doomed

  91. 8 months ago

    I wish this game succeeded. Love the artstyle.

    • 8 months ago

      I loved that game, but really only for doing dumb shit like driving dump trucks around to crash npc vehicles into player vehicles to blow them up (since you couldn't directly blow a player up with a crash).

  92. 8 months ago

    When will someone make Dark Souls Online? It's the only thing that can save MMOs.

    • 8 months ago

      vindictus already exists, and it's shit
      soulsslop combat is simply shit and normalcucks need to accept that fact already

      • 8 months ago

        Vindictus isn't anywhere near a Soulslike, and it isn't even an MMO.

        • 8 months ago

          Ironically Vindictus "isn't" an MMO because they had such restrictive lobby limit for the central hub town, something like 20~25 people in each lobby and if I remember, you couldn't even change lobby. A lot of action-MMOs did that back then because the whole gimmick was to jump into instanced dungeons so the lobby didn't need a huge amount of people. Mostly just done to reduce server stress.

          • 8 months ago

            Yes indeed, what we need now is a genuine action MMO with gameplay on par with Elden Ring that takes place in a large seamless open world full of players. That is what's gonna draw in the normalgays and make MMOs great again.

  93. 8 months ago

    >PSO2 gets released in english, highly popular
    >NGS disaster that takes out a game full of content for a buggy openworld mess with no content
    >Mass banwave for banning people retroactively for saying a bad word.. despite there being censorship that stops you saying bad words and just turns them to stars
    >Duuh why it fail? people must not want to play MMOs

  94. 8 months ago

    Unironically should have gatekept harder.

    • 8 months ago

      yeah, pso shouldn't have made it to xbox/gc

  95. 8 months ago

    How do I find this again:
    >small group of players or server
    >people actually recognize you for being able to complete shit
    Only had this a few times in WoW warlocking for dps in high M+ legion, it was nice.
    Ok warhammer I ran a few world pvp bands, but I prefer co-op.

    Now I'm too antisocial to meet people and just want to see if I can help complete content in some MMO, or something like Valheim, I hardly care which one anymore as long as it has some builds or semi crunchy rpg stuff to do and some well defined roles.

    I don't want to discord either but I'm at that point.
    I might help people 100 percent EDF 5 soon for the hell of it since EDF 6 comes out and there is some interest, or Remnant 2.

    • 8 months ago

      Pre cross-world party finder on ffxiv

    • 8 months ago

      mmos will never be good again and the sooner we all accept it, the sooner we will be happy after the fact
      the westoid side of the internet became a shithole, that comfy sense of community will never come back for more than a few weeks before any community gets big enough and the drama starts

      • 8 months ago

        You're probably right I just hate to give up.
        I have fixed:
        in fricking great shape
        finances are good bordering on great soon

        NGL I'm an older fricker with no business in vidya, should have my own family long ago but my exes where infertile druggie prostitutes which is why I dropped them, and I started over from zero in everything else already thanks to them and overcame it, and golf and talking about the weather with boomers never appealed to me.
        Social life is the last thing left to fix and I still don't want to go to bars, I have the silver fox, height, and gother than thou looks advantage but already burned at the stake inside so why the frick not live like a hermit eh.

        I feel like when Dragon's Dogma Online private server stuff is more complete that'll be really fun if niche. Not much is working yet beyond kill monster -> get exp -> level up -> get skill points -> upgrade skills, buy gear upgrades.. but once the raid-like stuff is working I think it'll be great.
        Development is slow but steady on the western project, but there's some very secretive japanese server project that seems like it's near complete or at least very very far along.

        This sounds awesome, love DD, still mad DDO never made it here.

    • 8 months ago

      unironically? play on a private server or on a smaller game

    • 8 months ago

      yeah hop on whatever the next big mmo private server is

    • 8 months ago

      I feel like when Dragon's Dogma Online private server stuff is more complete that'll be really fun if niche. Not much is working yet beyond kill monster -> get exp -> level up -> get skill points -> upgrade skills, buy gear upgrades.. but once the raid-like stuff is working I think it'll be great.
      Development is slow but steady on the western project, but there's some very secretive japanese server project that seems like it's near complete or at least very very far along.

  96. 8 months ago

    I miss Wildstar.
    You can say whatever about the game but I had massive fun playining and raiding with some boys.

  97. 8 months ago

    I've always played pso, pso2 and ngs. It has always been a cryptic autistic grindfest with basic repetitive gameplay where you log in, run down a badly textured lane and beat on the same 5 monsters copypasted. People still socialize on ngs but what changed is people mald like frick if they cant have shiny dopamine drop immediately. NGS is pretty loyal to its formula in the sense you could spend like 80 hours a month trying to get some rare as frick autism weapon. People have simply changed, popularity of gacha is proofs of that. The culture to enjoy autistic shit doesn't exist anymore.

    • 8 months ago

      >People still socialize on ngs but what changed is people mald like frick if they cant have shiny dopamine drop immediately.
      don't need the item, need the box that could contain the item
      ngs doesn't have the box, you just beat the boss and stuff goes unceremoniously into inventory

      there's a huge difference in feeling, and people that played pso understand the joy of breaking the boxes after the boss

      • 8 months ago

        god, yet another "create a problem, sell you the solution" thing. even pso2 dropped tons of loot everywhere but you could auto-pickup meseta and then pick and choose the garbage off the ground that you wanted to bother with or just mash through it all. ngs decided "we should streamline that!", took all the satisfaction of good rare drops away, and then utterly FILL your inventory with tons and tons of garbage unless you either use auto-sell or material storage, both of which either require premium, buying with your star gems or monthly mission pass tickets that last like an hour for auto-sell's case. it got less bad in later regions and ranks because they mostly just drop capsules now, but god motherfricking damn the amount of trash that swarms your inventory in the early regions was near-unplayable.

        • 8 months ago

          the auto sell system is super paradoxical too, as you said it became less of a problem in the later regions, but it was also not a thing that they were selling till the later regions actually came into play
          they (partially) fixed the problem they were selling the solution for before the sales began

          it wasn't a nefarious plan of inconvenience that they were hoping to monetize from the outset, it was just a really stupid oversight by people that don't play the game they develop

          • 8 months ago

            Them not playing or actually getting the game, creating all this shit in a vacuum, would probably explain why they seem to completely ignore the community's actual complaints and just go "okay here is more limited time content, please enjoy"

  98. 8 months ago

    I loved the PSO/PSU games for mindless fun. The rest was stuff like Mabinogi and Mortal where the game stopped holding your hand, doesn't force builds, and you can make a life without combat if you want.

    • 8 months ago

      Mabinogi eventually became a game where you’re expected to max out everything and the premium features like equipment swap emphasize that. However they recently added fun noncombat activities like trade caravans so I’m glad they they still understand their playerbase

      • 8 months ago

        After hearing I didn't need to be combat focused I went for a bard build (before they added a bunch of bard skills) so I worked 3 part time jobs each day to buy books to eat, study, then practice my lute each night then finally could make an Int buffing song that was the Gurren Lagann theme. Shit was worth it.

  99. 8 months ago

    I was excited for the upcoming RF project until I learned that it's gonna be also on mobile phones while also being some crypto blockchain nft bullshit
    My excitement for a game never dropped this fricking fast

  100. 8 months ago

    NGS sucks monkey dick

  101. 8 months ago

    NGS is a shit stain on Phantasy Star. Designed as a mmo treadmill while completely failing to make an actual game with any sort of progression, the ass clowns running the game into the ground are incomprehensible to me. All this game needed to be was be an actual fricking game instead of some stale action combat character creator afk lobby shithole

  102. 8 months ago

    Dunno about gayyymers, but essentially you're correct, people who are passionate about videogames do not want any mmo bullshit at all. I want great offline single player games. There is nothing wrong with the multiplayer function in itself.
    What's wrong is the design. If a game is designed from ground up as a multiplayer game only, nowadays online ofc, 100 times out of a 100 it will suck massive donkey balls.

  103. 8 months ago

    game publishing has become to monopolized for any real high budget mmo to ever be created again. Every big publisher already has 1 zombie status old MMO that would just directly compete with any new game they release so they purposefully sabotage anything to maintain market share. Modern games as a service killed MMOs forever since they are seen as a more lucrative investment with less risk.

  104. 8 months ago

    the only redeeming quality about ngs is that you can make a cute avatar

    • 8 months ago

      The models look weird and are poorly rigged m. The clavicles fold like tacos whenever your character moves it’s arms up. The devs should try and ape the character creators for those Chinese mobile games where you can adjust info j need individual muscles. They’re actually really insane

  105. 8 months ago

    MMOs have been an underutilized genre for nearly 20 years. Let the theme parks die so we can finally make something good again.

  106. 8 months ago

    MMOs dying is just a symptom of society as a whole. Everyone has gotten more anti social and isolated despite social media. So much mental illness being untreated because no one cares anymore. That's why MMOs died because no genuinely wants to socialize anymore with strangers. They just want an offline mmo

  107. 8 months ago

    Why did SEGA do it bros, why did they just HAVE to make ngs and in the process kill pso2? They could have just kept making new episodes and cosmetic collabs instead of fricking up the best thing they had in 15 years. It's just so fricked man.

    • 8 months ago

      Sega itself is a cursed company and inevitably ruins anything good that they make because they ignore all of the lessons they learned in the past. Look at shit like sanic.

    • 8 months ago

      The baffling part is just how all the timeline of it lines up.
      >frick up PSO2 with EP5 at the tail end of 2017, the game almost immediately loses a vast amount of the playerbase but doesn't totally die off
      >while the devs are busy playing damage control, the director in charge of the frickery Hamazaki fricks off to start a new PSO project
      >EP6 comes out in 2020 and bleeds over to finishing in 2021, doesn't inherently fix the game and all but it was a massive step up from the shitheel of EP5's frickery even after measures were taken to unfrick it
      >oh yeah Hamazaki's pet project is here, it's NGS and it's replacing PSO2 in 2021
      While Sega had YSOK and the dev team who were experienced with PSO2 at this point trying to unfrick the game Hama was over here just doing whatever he wanted to create something that played like a gimped ass Hero at all times with infinitely recyclable drudges of no content and then got to step in and overwrite the main team's efforts with an inexperienced team, while axing off the numerous manga and anime stuff, the fan conventions (though COVID didn't help), the tie-in products like the various mobile games, you name it.

      Sega literally just fricking signed off on all of this and didn't seem to think anything of it because someone or some serious Microsoft money told them it'd all work out -- and then Sakura Revolution failed and they pushed out NGS anyway before it was even ready to make bank immediately.

      • 8 months ago

        Didn't MS' involvement pretty much end after the localization of PSO2?

        • 8 months ago

          NGS launched on the windows store and still runs on azure iirc. They probably had a multiyear deal, since it's a live service game.

          Syberbolt was right about PSO2 and Sega hates that.

          Broken clocks and all that
          It was kinda funny watching him sperg out over the cm but that dude missed/glossed over so many of the issues that the game had.

          • 8 months ago

            He only talked about Hewiz for a few minutes each video but Hewiz and his orbiters downplayed the videos as personal attacks and nothing else even though the majority of the vids complaints were compiled by a small community of players who were around since pso2s launch

            • 8 months ago

              >even though the majority of the vids complaints were compiled by a small community of players who were around since pso2s launch
              That's what I mean though, he didn't really talk about the issues the game had beyond what most people had already complained about. The type that anyone would know if they played the game for more than 20 minutes. His criticisms after the first video were mostly surface level and he even admitted in his videos that he didn't play the game that much after a certain point. There were several problems that Sega kept stacking onto the game (most recent examples being the devs basically giving up on adding skills, the game literally not having any unique rewards for harder content, the game's exchange shops, etc.), most of which were talked about in this very thread.

              It doesn't really help that his later videos have game journalist tier gameplay that weakens his arguments, like complaining about pub shitters not passing DPS checks while he's just holding down M1. The whole discussion gets overshadowed by the troon defense force though, like you said.

              The series really should've been brought out or something because good fricking lord it deserved better than this. The game's even falling apart in JP at this point.

  108. 8 months ago

    >NGS is dead
    >blue protocol is a mess in JP and will be a mess and pozzed in global
    are anime MMOs cursed?

  109. 8 months ago

    Syberbolt was right about PSO2 and Sega hates that.

  110. 8 months ago

    Dolls houses are for little girls, anon.

  111. 8 months ago

    Can we have just one game with lots of customization not go to shit?

  112. 8 months ago

    Coop games are better than MMO themepark raiding slop

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