Gen 1 isn't buggy. Gen 2 doesn't have a bad level curve. Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.

Gen 1 isn't buggy.
Gen 2 doesn't have a bad level curve.
Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.
Gen 4 isn't slow.
Gen 5 doesn't have bad animated sprites.
Frick you.

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  1. 10 months ago

    >Gen 1 isn't buggy.
    >Gen 2 doesn't have a bad level curve.
    >Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.

    >Gen 4 isn't slow.
    >Gen 5 doesn't have bad animated sprites.

    • 10 months ago

      >Gen 4 isn't slow.
      >Gen 5 doesn't have bad animated sprites.
      it's funny how you had to start blatantly lying as soon as you got to the nu-gen games kek

      discord posts

    • 10 months ago

      >Gen 4 isn't slow.
      >Gen 5 doesn't have bad animated sprites.
      it's funny how you had to start blatantly lying as soon as you got to the nu-gen games kek


  2. 10 months ago

    >Gen 4 isn't slow.
    >Gen 5 doesn't have bad animated sprites.
    it's funny how you had to start blatantly lying as soon as you got to the nu-gen games kek

  3. 10 months ago

    >Gen 1 isn't buggy.
    Can't be disputed. It's extremely buggy.
    >Gen 2 doesn't have a bad level curve.
    Also can't really be disputed but it never really bothered me
    >Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.
    Do people actually say this?
    >Gen 4 isn't slow.
    Can't be disputed. CC a blissey.
    >Gen 5 doesn't have bad animated sprites.
    They're poorly done in comparison to games that have less than 1200 sprites they have to animate on top of making an entire game. Considering the scale I'd say they're done quite well.
    >Frick you.
    Frick you

    • 10 months ago

      >CC a blissey
      there are zero enemy blisseys in dp

      • 10 months ago

        If only the games had some sort of PvP mode so I could form a counterargument...

        • 10 months ago

          They don't.

          No one would willingly use a Union Room

      • 10 months ago

        Are you implying nobody has ever used that free Happiny you get?

        They don't.

        No one would willingly use a Union Room

        t. Zoomie

      • 10 months ago

        There are in the battle frontier

        • 10 months ago

          Battle frontier was overrated shit, no one actually used it

          • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Third post best post

  4. 10 months ago

    I love you

  5. 10 months ago

    >Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.
    who says this
    and the fact this is the only thing you could come up with shows people overall criticize gen 3 the least

    anyway all that is true contrary to your insistence

  6. 10 months ago

    >Gen 1 isn't buggy.
    >Gen 2 doesn't have a bad level curve.
    >Gen 4 isn't slow.

    These are objectively false.

  7. 10 months ago

    >Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.

    Who's the mf that say that shit

  8. 10 months ago

    >Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.

    • 10 months ago

      filtered by the raw brass

  9. 10 months ago

    >Gen 4 isn't slow.
    here's your (you). video being generous using platinum because DP is magnitudes slower

  10. 10 months ago

    DP is so fricking slow there is a 1 second after every single action in battle for no reason
    by the time i get to the snowy route i want to fricking kill myself because there is a pause after every text box telling you its snowing as well

  11. 10 months ago

    Gen 1 is bugged to frick. It's not unplayable but it is noticeable. That said, FFI is almost completely non-functional on NES and it's still an amazing game.
    Gen 2's level curve literally doesn't impact anything, the problem with leveling Mons is that most of them have tedious and slow utility movepools. It's not like the game is hard and you need to grind. Misattributed problem
    Gen 3's music isn't badly composed but the soundfont isn't great and the GBA speaker is fricking awful.
    Diamond/Pearl feel like a fricking slog to play, I don't even know why. Its not just the slow HP tickdown, its in the color pallette and the music and the poke designs. Its so fuuuucking dreary.
    Gen 5 sprite animations are basic b***h but yeah they're not bad. Of all the things to criticize 5 for that's a pretty weak one.

    • 10 months ago

      It is.
      It does.
      Correct, Hoenn synth brass BTFO tasteless homosexuals.
      It is, and painfully so.
      It does.
      Tongue my anus dumb frogposter.

      Honestly the biggest problem with Gen5 sprites is the resolution is too low for the zoom used; opponents look okay but your own side of the field looks like the processor is projectile vomiting binary while having a seizure.

      >Gen 1 isn't buggy.
      Gen 1 isn't buggy. Go play FF1 if you want some buggy shit.
      >Gen 2 doesn't have a bad level curve.
      The level curve isn't my problem, it's fighting a bunch of boring ass Rockets that's the issue.
      >Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.
      I just don't like how trumpets are in EVERY song.
      >Gen 4 isn't slow.
      >Gen 5 doesn't have bad animated sprites.
      Now you're just being contrarian.
      >Frick you.

      Reminder that "less shit" is not synonymous with "good." Being less buggy is still buggy, and while not debilitatingly so genwun is still objectively bugged up the ass.

      • 10 months ago

        >Tongue my anus dumb frogposter.
        mfw newbies are scared of saying Black person on Ganker

  12. 10 months ago

    You can get all the starters in Gen 1
    You can get a Gen 2 starter in Gen 3

  13. 10 months ago

    Gen 1 is buggy: what do you expect. Have you even seen the duke nukem forever tier development

    Gen 2 has a bad level curve: Not so much in the first half, but the second half doesn’t even know how to spell curve with slow progression and even level drops how is 9,16,20,25,30,35,31,41,47 good.

    Gen 3 has bad music: While not exactly true, the GBA soundtracks in general are always high-pitched and ear piercing.

    Gen 4 is slow: Definitely. I always hex edit all gen 4 hacks game to run at 60FPS and have instant life and exp bars.

    Gen 5 has bad sprites: I disagree. Gen 5’s animated sprites have so much soul for being in a gen 5 game. A better argument is gen 5 has a bad dex and also too many required rival and plasma battles.

  14. 10 months ago

    >Gen 1 isn't buggy.
    Gen 1 isn't buggy. Go play FF1 if you want some buggy shit.
    >Gen 2 doesn't have a bad level curve.
    The level curve isn't my problem, it's fighting a bunch of boring ass Rockets that's the issue.
    >Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.
    I just don't like how trumpets are in EVERY song.
    >Gen 4 isn't slow.
    >Gen 5 doesn't have bad animated sprites.
    Now you're just being contrarian.
    >Frick you.

  15. 10 months ago

    >Gen 1 isn't buggy.
    >Gen 2 doesn't have a bad level curve.
    >Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.
    >Gen 4 isn't slow.
    >Gen 5 doesn't have bad animated sprites.

  16. 10 months ago

    Isn't the music the most universally-beloved part of Gen 3?

    • 10 months ago

      not among people with ears

      • 10 months ago

        respectfully, no.

        • 10 months ago

          (that being said i still prefer gen 4's soundtrack...)

        • 10 months ago

          >doesn't like verdantuf one of the most beloved songs in the series

          • 10 months ago

            WAIT NO I'M SAYING I DO LIKE IT! i'm telling him that people with ears DO like rse music!
            i do, at least!

        • 10 months ago


  17. 10 months ago

    All Generations suck the only good regions are the fanmade ones

  18. 10 months ago

    >Gen 1 is buggy
    non issue. never had a problem playing it and neither did millions of others. what a meaningless complainant

  19. 10 months ago

    Gen 1's bugs are vastly overstated because most of them are just things that don't work as intended but still work fine. Super hyper beam doesn't work as intended but it still works fine. One of psychic's weaknesses not working is the same as the type chart just being different. Nobody complained about these bugs when the game came out because they seemed right enough to be intentional. They weren't, but it doesn't hurt the experience at all. And game breaking bugs like missingno just aren't things you're going to find playing the game like a normal person. Gen 1 does have a lot of bugs, but they don't harm the gameplay experience at all.

  20. 10 months ago

    >Gen 1 isn't buggy.
    You can debate that 95% of the bugs will have little to no impact on the average player, but just saying it's not buggy at all is blatantly incorrect.
    >Gen 2 doesn't have a bad level curve.
    I think the johto side of things could be improved, but is a bit overblown. Kanto is a trainwreck though.
    >Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.
    I'd actually agree on this. The soundfont gets a little flat, but the music itself is pretty kino.
    >Gen 4 isn't slow.
    Quite possibly the most incorrect statement of all time. Hp and exp bars are low hanging fruit, so how about that surf speed? How about the fact that they liked the gimmick of making you move slower and randomly have to jiggle the d pad every few steps so much, they reskinned it and used it for 3 different routes? I sure do love an hour of mandatory dialogue before you even get to the first gym.
    >Gen 5 doesn't have bad animated sprites.
    Some of them are fine, and they're definitely overhated, but the tweening effect is awful

  21. 10 months ago

    >Gen 1 isn't buggy.
    Lie. It's full of bugs.
    >Gen 2 doesn't have a bad level curve.
    True, at least relative to 1.
    >Gen 3 doesn't have bad music.
    True. Trumpets are kino.
    >Gen 4 isn't slow.
    False, I am the biggest gen 4 defender but it's slow as shit on original hardware.
    >Gen 5 doesn't have bad animated sprites.
    False, they're rough as hell.

  22. 10 months ago

    gen 5 sucks tho

  23. 10 months ago

    as a kid i though that the songs in emerald used a sample of someone slapping the floor

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