Genuinely, I'm trying to get myself into the WRPG mindset, and I just can't.

Genuinely, I'm trying to get myself into the WRPG mindset, and I just can't. Everything I look into ends up being terribly unsophisticated compared to even mediocre JRPG entries.

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  1. 4 months ago

    There is no such thing as an wrpg and your picture doesn't even have any rpgs in it, just action adventure games so I'm just gunna call you an ignorant troony and leave the thread.

  2. 4 months ago


  3. 4 months ago

    nice bait

    • 4 months ago

      Shit bait. It has a trace of nuance, but falls apart by the end.

  4. 4 months ago

    Stop watching tranime OP

  5. 4 months ago

    you mean RPGs that don't play like pokemon?

  6. 4 months ago

    Its a bait thread but I'm kind of bored of how limited and unpolished wrpgs are. There's always some contrarian who screams zoomer and wants to pretend some game from the 70s is really fun but I wish there were more crpg that were just a nice time. But so many just aren't interesting to me. There's no way I can put this without being recommended something I don't want to play.

    • 4 months ago

      >I'm kind of bored of how limited and unpolished wrpgs are
      I love WRPGs and have played them for decades and I feel this way too

      • 4 months ago

        I kind of wish there was a game where a bunch of accomplished nerds got together and really made something nice that was complete in itself and satisfying but every wrpg I've played i feel like I'm always making excuses for or going
        >oh I see what they were trying for..
        With one aspect or another
        That and in the more narrative focused ones the writing isn't very good while being overly wordy because they're on PC and not more limited consoles

        I also feel like wrpgs from the beginning were always mildly subversive and it's never really played completely straight. A weird phenomenon I've noticed even in retro games. Even the silliest jrpg wears that shit loud and proud.

        • 4 months ago

          A chrono trigger for wrpgs

        • 4 months ago

          >I also feel like wrpgs from the beginning were always mildly subversive and it's never really played completely straight. A weird phenomenon I've noticed even in retro games. Even the silliest jrpg wears that shit loud and proud.
          Westerners have had their culture ~~*distorted*~~ for the last 80 years and it shows. Japs haven’t quite gotten the same treatment, exactly. I know what you mean and it’s noticeable, the sincerity. Part of why I like Dragons Dogma. It’s sincere in a way that a western dev couldn’t be.

          • 4 months ago

            I just beat Bravely Second, which has been mostly sitting on my shelf since it came out, and if anyone is familiar with it you'll know there isn't much even remotely as silly. Yet it is still more genuinely emotionally moving than any Western RPG I've ever played. And I am actually a fan of Western RPGs.
            This is why indie JRPGs suck, too, they can't be earnest. They have to have layers of irony on top.

        • 4 months ago

          A chrono trigger for wrpgs

          The closest game to that is KOTOR but its fricking KOTOR. Its arguably even easier than chrono trigger. And I still wouldn't say it fulfills the WRPG genre in the same way.

          • 4 months ago

            Last time I tried replaying Kotor I got to tattooine where the wife sabotages the dudes droids to trap and kill him and the dialogue just gave me BioWare fatigue and I uninstalled

            • 4 months ago

              The dialogue in those games is so hard to go back to.
              I've recently replayed a lot of crpgs I use to love and I've just been crossing them off my list and I don't think I'll ever go back.

              • 4 months ago

                Same, anon. I enjoyed replaying bg1, bg2, PS:T, but I also replayed iwd2 and ToEE and I think that’ll be the last time for those.

            • 4 months ago

              The dialogue and moral dilemmas in Kotor are truly embarrassing, yes. We're talking stopping cartoon racist bullies from picking on aliens on the streets to earn "good guy points" level of depth.
              I still think the environments and atmosphere of the game make it worth playing, but the lines are truly awful.

            • 4 months ago

              The just play KOTOR 2 you gay

    • 4 months ago

      wrpg combat has never ever been figured out and nobody even knows what it means anymore the genre would be helped by more disco elysium stuff that just throws it out. its just an unsolved problem i can think of jrpgs where ive had fun just fighting

  7. 4 months ago

    >unsophisticated compared to even mediocre JRPG

  8. 4 months ago

    JRPGs are like a monkey at the zoo trying to mimic the movements of humans or a troony trying to pass as a real woman.

  9. 4 months ago

    They're pretty bad generally even the "best" ones.
    I only play WRPGs for build autism and then I drop them once I'm satisfied. Art, music, story is just too low quality.
    If you want a laugh play Planescape: Torment kek

    • 4 months ago

      I was in the mood to play a specific build and fantasy and I think I spent a month just looking for a decent RPG id want to play that would let me do it and found none. I felt discouraged and that id have to wait for a tabletop game. I actually ended up playing a souls game instead.

  10. 4 months ago

    I dont know what to tell you OP except that its probably a taste thing.

    I think Fable is mediocre
    But Skyrim and Witcher 3 are both miles ahead of even the best JRPG i played.

    My problem with JRPG is that they are rarely good, they have tons of flaws and its annoying to sit through them and suffer those flaws, so i dropped over 30% of the JRPG i played.

    JRPG can come in two main forms, gameplay driven and storydriven.
    I find the storydriven ones better, because the gameplay in JRPG is shallow and dull.
    The storydriven ones are still rare as well but when they hit they do it really well.
    a common issue with storydriven JRPG is that they like to sound deeper than they actually are without a good reason, its like nobody asked for this shit, nobody asked the writer to start throwing some abstract written philosophical pretentious garbage, but they do it anyway and the main issue here is that they themselves dont even understand the themes, so the end result is an embarrassing pretentious gibberish.
    Some and i say some JRPG writers need to understand that simple yet coheseive storytelling is fine, its million times better to have a simple story with great presentation than a "abstract" and "deep" that falls on its face, even worse when the presentation is shit.

    So i dont think i can help you get into the genre, just accept its different tastes and move on.

    • 4 months ago

      >because the gameplay in JRPG is shallow and dull.

      Wait wait wait, you play WRPGs and you're calling the myriad of JRPG combat systems shallow and dull? Really?

      • 4 months ago

        Sure, they are trash compared to WRPG.

        • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            Gameplay in JRPG is boring and shallow.
            Gameplay in WRPG is more exciting and fun.

            What is there to be confused about?
            I didnt say all as there is some outliers but thats my general statement and i stand by it.
            Not my fault you think gameplay is only combat.
            And its even more embarrassing for JRPG when they are linear and only focus on combat and the end result is a snooze inducing shallow system.

            • 4 months ago

              Man we were having a good discussion

  11. 4 months ago

    Jagged Alliance 2 is kino anon, no jap TRPG compares.

    That said, I've only finished Fire Emblem.

    • 4 months ago

      should i start with 2

      • 4 months ago

        JA2? Sure, there's little to no carryover from the first game besides the same theme (controlling mercenaries to conquer a third world island) and some returning characters.

        It's a good game and I like it, but it has little to no RPG elements, don't know why it gets bandied about here. It's a squad-based tactical combat game with a light strategy level on top, think like 90s X-COM.

        • 4 months ago

          It gets bandied about here due to lilura tbh. She memed it deep into the fibre of a certain type of poster, so deep that it replicated into new generations without the original source

        • 4 months ago

          >It's a good game and I like it, but it has little to no RPG elements
          You literally walk around with a party of adventurers that are all uniquely voiced and have unique skills and interactions with other npcs doing quests and exploring dungeons, and all this is modified by their stats and equipment which is varied and complex. Like to me this is far more of an rpg than gothic or morrowind could ever be, and yet I never see you complaining about those games. Funny that.

          • 4 months ago

            >You literally walk around with a party of adventurers
            Like I said, it’s a squad based tactical combat game with a light strategic over layer, like 90s X-COM
            >that are all uniquely voiced
            So now voice acting defines an rpg? Please
            >and have unique skills
            No one has unique skills, there’s a handful of specialties they can have but so can your custom merc and multiple other mercs
            >and interactions with other NPCs doing quests
            Dude there’s like three quests in the game and it’s like “get the porn tape for the lesbian” and “rescue the dudes sister from the prostitutehouse”. 95% of the game is fighting faceless mooks to conquer more of the island and then getting new gear
            >and exploring dungeons
            There’s almost zero dungeons. 95% of the game is fighting enemies on surface
            maps in urban or rural areas
            >and all this is modified by their stats and equipment which is varied and complex
            90s x-com had stats that grow with use and customizable equipment, but no one here ever says it’s sn RPG (because it’s a squad based tactical combat game with a light strategic layer and little to no roleplaying elements, just like JA2)
            >Like to me this is far more of an rpg than gothic or morrowind could ever be, and yet I never see you complaining about those games
            I like Morrowind, why would I complain about it? I think I played Gothic 1 and maybe 2 when I was a kid, never got into them, not my cup of tea. It’s certainly an RPG though, just not one I like, so what would I complain about? I just don’t go into gothic threads, problem solved.

  12. 4 months ago

    After beating BG1, NWN, BG2, Kotor, and Morrowind in a row, I decided to play FF7. Holy shit was I disappointed.

    >Railroad ass narrative
    >Menu based combat
    >Little to no difference in builds
    >Your character doesnt even have a class
    >Dialogue with women sounds like it was written by a ricecel virgin
    >Dialogue also has 0 impact on story

    You can really tell how infantile the japanese are when you play these games. They were clearly designed for children to play & enjoy. The funniest & most realistic part was the black character terrorizing japanese people on the subway. 10/10.

    • 4 months ago

      >Little to no difference in builds
      >Your character doesnt even have a class
      This is a weak complaint. You can freely build custom classes using different combinations of materia and each character has different stat growth that defines what roles they’ll be good at or not. Imo it’s the most fun when you give each character a job and then give them only the materia for their job rather than just grinding levels and making everyone overpowered generalists by slapping the best of everything on them. Takes some self restraint.

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