Get any retro games this sale?

Get any retro games this sale? Twice a year I like to go through Steam and pick up retro stuff for basically nothing, you can get like 20 actually good old games for 30 bucks. Runs good on my old laptop too.
So far I have the Alone in the dark series, Silver, Dungeon Lords, Rise of the Triad, and a host of early 2000's point and clicks like Mystery of the Druids. Did you get anything?

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    Chasm: The Rift

    Quake-like (only in appearance) shooter from the 90s. It's... ok, not a bad game but not great either

  2. 11 months ago

    Black person, buy your stuff on GoG, not Steam. Most of the time retro games also are better patched/configured on GoG than Steam too

    • 11 months ago

      >paying (not even the devs, some random repack piracy company) for abandonware that still doesn't work without fixes
      according to endless forum posts when you search a game's issue where the person says 'but i got the gog version??'

      • 11 months ago

        ok but steam is not better in any way. all those issues are true regarding steam as well but with even worse compatibility

      • 11 months ago

        People check to see if you've bought the correct version for the same reason tech support asks if you've reset your computer. They need to know if they're dealing with a migrant console Black person, or someone who actually knows how to troubleshoot and has reached a dead end. You don't even need Steam for Linux, since Wine exists.

        • 11 months ago

          except the posts in question are not interaction, it's saying there's a million forum posts where the person has the gog version and it doesn't work

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody buys stuff on GoG, stop pretending otherwise. 99% of people who play GoG versions have pirated them. The entire GoG thing is an elaborate setup to make piracy easier, there is a reason why it was made by people who started off as distributors of pirate copies who are now in way over their head

      >paying (not even the devs, some random repack piracy company) for abandonware that still doesn't work without fixes
      according to endless forum posts when you search a game's issue where the person says 'but i got the gog version??'

      (not even the devs, some random repack piracy company)

      This is however not true, devs and publishers actually earn a tiny bit more from a GoG sale than from a Steam sale, though the difference is marginal (3%). That would be *if* people bought stuff on GoG, which they don't.

      • 11 months ago

        >Nobody buys stuff on GoG, stop pretending otherwise. 99% of people who play GoG versions have pirated them. The entire GoG thing is an elaborate setup to make piracy easier, there is a reason why it was made by people who started off as distributors of pirate copies who are now in way over their head

        • 11 months ago

          When a game is available on GoG and Steam, GoG represents about 1% of the sales

          • 11 months ago

            >When a soul is available to go to heaven or hell, heaven only represents about 1% of souls
            Yeah, I know

            • 11 months ago

              >fairy tale to keep slaves subservient
              do you have a real argument?

          • 11 months ago

            >When a game is available on GoG and Steam, GoG represents about 1% of the sales
            Source: My ass

      • 11 months ago

        >This is however not true, devs and publishers actually earn a tiny bit more from a GoG sale than from a Steam sale
        I don't know what you're talking about games with 'devs' for. This is /vr/ - old games. The 5 dollars you pay for Dune 2 doesn't go to anyone who developed Dune 2 or invested in making Dune 2. it goes to some scraper corp who scraped up the rights for $1 in a liquidation sale one time.

        • 11 months ago

          If a dev had royalties for the game in the 90's, those royalties are still valid today as long as *he* didn't pass on those to someone else. Doesn't matter if the company went under or how many times it was bought.

          The whole "devs are no longer getting money from sales" are just what pirates who need an excuse for piracy tell themselves. The reality is that nobody knows how the contracts were handled.

          • 11 months ago

            >you're speculating to justify yourself
            >proceeds to do exactly the same thing

            • 11 months ago

              It's not speculations though, it's just how things work. Why do you think some families still protect works of fictions created by their ancestors? Because royalties don't just disappear into thin air.

              Some devs who made games in the 90s have been complaining how sometimes it was hard for them to get the royalties they are owed from modern re-releases.

              • 11 months ago

                yes it seems like you blew in here from lit or some shit and think that the rules of novels applies to games for some reason. look up tetris or various other instances. games are software, programmers are employed to do a job. fricking RoYalTiEs lmao

              • 11 months ago

                You're just here to troll or to keep feeding yourself fantasies. If you knew just a little bit on video game history you'd know there are countless known examples of devs getting royalties, one of the most famous being Tod Frye getting a million $ royalties check from the Atari port of Pacman and making a copy of it to hang in the corridor of the Atari offices to say "frick you" to everyone.

          • 11 months ago

            >The whole "devs are no longer getting money from sales" are just what pirates who need an excuse for piracy tell themselves
            Don't care. I'm not buying Deus Ex for the third time because there's a 50% chance the original Ion Storm devs might, not will, MIGHT, get a cut.

            Strange how they support gog and still believe steam aka valve are the boogyman. It's all so tiresome.

            >It's all so tiresome
            Because you're a moron who can't tell the difference between owning a copy of a game and using a glorified rental service.

            • 11 months ago

              You never own a game. You only have a license to play it.

          • 11 months ago

            >If a dev had royalties for the game in the 90's
            If the developer still exists, the people making up the team are completely different ones from the ones that made the old games.

            • 11 months ago

              >If the developer still exists, the people making up the team are completely different ones from the ones that made the old games.

              No, whether the company still exists is irrelevant. If a programmer, level designer, etc was owed royalties at the release of the game, he's still owed royalties now. If Carmack and Romero were smart enough to give themselves royalties back then, then any copy of the Doom 1/2 bought today on Steam or GoG they still recieve money from (unless as stated, they decided to pass on those royalties to someone else of their own will), doesn't matter who bought ID software or if it still even exists. Carmack probably still gets money from any and every Doom engine game, including new games releases using GZDoom

              • 11 months ago

                >If a programmer, level designer, etc was owed royalties at the release of the game
                Doesn't happen

              • 11 months ago

                Dev mentionning getting royalties for that one time he did some level design:


              • 11 months ago

                so what this guy also says is that the royalty checks exponentially fade in value so that after a year or so, you get a dollar with each. this is where the jerry seinfeld joke comes in where he was signing piles of 100s of cheques for 2c each so it wasn't worth it. so what happens is, as mentioned by the guy in the article, after a certain point to avoid this absurd situation it goes to buy out - here's $50 and we don't have to give you any more '0.01% of sale price' royalties which are just rounding to zero for you anyway.
                There is zero possibility that anybody who made/financed a game in the 90s that isn't doom or from some other company that's still running in its original form, is getting a single cent from these repack scammer gog homosexuals who are charging because they "put in work" to make the game "playable on modern" which consists of doing precisely no more than packing with dgvoodoo and dosbox (profiting off the people who made those too) and hoping the game just works on enough people's computers. It's a fricking racket

              • 11 months ago

                >so what this guy also says is that the royalty checks exponentially fade in value so that after a year or so, you get a dollar with each

                Which is why I posted two examples, one of a successful game with a single person gettin 1 million $ in royalties, and one with an unsuccessful game. Obviously it depends on how the game performs, duh. But if he had held on his royalties instead of selling them to Broussard, he would have gotten something out of the recent re-release of the game, perhaps even more than it ever got him for the initial release.

              • 11 months ago

                the whole subject, the whole board, is about games that until a few years ago were abandonware or not available to purchase. all the cheques for /vr/ games were past the 'stop with the 2c cheques please buy out'. But like what is the point here... Are you actually arguing that a tiny fraction of some money you give to GoG might have a chance to possibly in some cases make it to someone who made the game - and therefore it's significantly ethically preferable to buy on gog vs downloading? because that is far too weak evidence and doesn't even follow

              • 11 months ago

                The point is that people claiming "devs aren't getting money from the re-releases" have no idea what they are talking about, and most of the times it's just pure cope they pull out of their ass because they feel the need justify their decades old piracy habits when they in fact don't have the slightest clue on how the business works, to the point that they even attempt to twist the whole thing upside down such as "actually the og devs aren't getting money so it's WRONG to buy these versions!".

                I pirate shit all the time but I don't feel the need to lie about it to myself and to spread those lies to other gullible people. I'm not anti piracy, I'm just anti-bullshit.

                >that a tiny fraction of some money
                Moving the goal post here (as in you're going from "you shouldn't buy games because the devs don't get any money" to "it doesn't matter because they're not getting a lot of money"), "tiny fraction" would be applicable even if the game was new. As already stated obviously it depends on how a game performs, some re-releases have sell figures with 5 zeros.

              • 11 months ago

                >look you're right, but a lot of people who say what you said are speaking from a place of irrationality and I wish to help them
                fricking hell frick off

                It's self-evident that sites hosting old games for free are more honest than a company taking money for nothing, while knowingly misleading people into thinking significant money goes to the game makers.

        • 11 months ago

          If devs were getting royalties of their work they would be getting them today. Thing is you NEVER funded the devs when you bought any game in the 90s. The "it doesn't go to the devs" bullshit is pure COPE. You think Sid Meyer got a cut out of every game sold? looool

          • 11 months ago

            >You think Sid Meyer got a cut out of every game sold?
            >"His career in the industry started in 1982, when he founded MicroProse together with Bill Stealey."
            >"He achieved his real fame with his Civilization game (1991). Before the release of the game, he had already been bought out of the company by Stealey, and Meier had become a private contractor, working seemingly exclusively for the company."
            >"He received money up front, more when the game delivered and royalties on each sold copy.(while working at Microprose as a contractor)"
            Your average rank and file programmer probably wasn't getting royalties, but Sid was since he started. First because he was the co-founder of the company, and later due to his contract.

            • 11 months ago

              And he deserved it. He is my fav designer still to this very day. Warren Spector comes in as a close 2nd.
              >90s salary+royalties
              I think many devs got royalties/bonuses when the sales No. reached a certain mark.
              +Many owned their studios b4 the great publisher bought them out. And sucked most of the creativity out in the process
              The question is if you can support Devs easier nowadays? Well Steam takes a rather hefty cut which is 30%. Even gog takes around 20(?) IIRC. Wonder how much takes??
              On the other hand you can buy some games directly from the dev.
              Steam and sometimes even gog keys are mostly included.
              Did that with Factorio earlier this year and with Legend of Grimrock 1+2 b4. LoG is on Sale right now btw.

              • 11 months ago

                >The question is if you can support Devs easier nowadays? Well Steam takes a rather hefty cut which is 30%. Even gog takes around 20(?) IIRC.

                Steam takes 33% and GoG takes 30%

                Which is more than acceptable considering the kind of cut that would be left for a physical release.

              • 11 months ago

                Absolutely underrated game. Reminds me of the good ol days of dungeon master II

          • 11 months ago

            >Thing is you NEVER funded the devs when you bought any game in the 90s
            you're drawing a communistic distinction between the dev company and the individual workers that doesn't belong to rational discourse. It's like saying iphone factory manual workers should be rich and steve jobs should be poor because he didn't 'build the phones'. I'm not sure what you brought it up for since I was not the person saying that royalties exist. It's simple:
            >Don't pay for very old games because the rights have long since passed to fully unrelated holding corps who invested nothing
            >Pay for released games if you want the 'maker' to be rewarded because that is both programmers and someone who fronted cash to pay those programmers, and will do so again if they got a return on their investment

            there's no need to bring communist lunacy or fantastical concepts of Jerry Seinfeld royalty cheques into it.

    • 11 months ago

      When a game is available on GoG and Steam, GoG represents about 1% of the sales

      i buy games on GoG somewhat regularly,last buy and play was phantasmagoria wich im really enjoying so far.

    • 11 months ago
      Chud Anon

      >supporting CD Projekt Red

      No thank you, they practiced deception on the masses with their marketing of CP2077, a completely broken game, and you should not be giving them any money

      • 11 months ago

        Still pretending they haven't been doing this since Witcher 1? They've always been a AA developer larping as AAA. Honestly though, who the frick cares? They let you own your copy of a game. EA, Epic, Microsoft, Sony, Ubisoft, and Valve don't. CDPR wins by default.

  3. 11 months ago

    I don't see much point in buying old titles just slapped onto steam with nothing added to them but I did grab powerslave exhumed.
    I usually prefer gog but playing games mainly on my Steam Deck these days tends to gravitate me towards steam more. I know you can play gog games on steam deck but as I grow older I find every step, hassle and hoop between my and my games more and more intolerable. I wish gog made a native linux client already ffs.

    • 11 months ago

      >as I grow older I find every step, hassle and hoop between my and my games more and more intolerable
      I can sympathize with that, but you really shouldn't rely on someone/thing doing the work for you, if nothing else doing the troubleshooting yourself will keep your mind active.

      • 11 months ago

        I do plenty enough troubleshooting in my life. I run linux on all my machines, I have a home server in my closet doing servery stuff and even my job is literally just troubleshooting and repairs of mechanical kind. I play games to have fun anon.

        • 11 months ago

          Hey, fair enough, my bad for assuming.

  4. 11 months ago

    I tried searching for Crusader: No Remorse and Dizzy but neither of them are on the service. 🙁

    • 11 months ago

      Strange how they support gog and still believe steam aka valve are the boogyman. It's all so tiresome.

  5. 11 months ago

    Yeah I got sonic adventure 2 battle on steam. I just finished playing sonic adventure DX with the Better SADX mod and that game played beautifully. It just worked and the game looked as it did on the Dreamcast. The SA2 Battle port is a complete joke, and there’s not a mod pack like Better SADX for it to make it work well. You can’t run the game in full screen or else it doesn’t load, and you have to limit the display refresh rate to 60 hz or it will double the speed in game, even if you enable a frame cap of 60 fps in the game setup menu. I really don’t understand how sega could shit out such a crappy port of the game, even if it is sega we are talking about here. When I finally got it working somewhat okay, the
    Momentum of sonic is really quite shit by comparison to SA1. I miss the spin dash so much from the previous game, it just doesn’t feel the same, and the homing attack is not as accurate either.

  6. 11 months ago

    I'm getting Cleopatra Fortune at some point during the sale plus I might grab some other stuff from City Connection since they have most of their stuff on sale for at least 40% off.

  7. 11 months ago

    Haven't picked up anything yet, looking at Max Payne, Ikaruga, Rez Infinite, and Black Mesa if that counts. Also thinking about picking up vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines off GoG.
    Still working my way through some other games though, so I'll probably only pick up one or two of these.

  8. 11 months ago

    >I didn't even know there was a steam sale on
    I am healing. I have the Alone in the Dark series because someone recommended them to me almost a decade ago, so I'll play them for you OP.

  9. 11 months ago

    Got a few: Blade Runner, Blood: Fresh Supply, Darkstar One, Deathtrap Dungeon, Enclave, Eradicator, Expendable, Noctropolis, Normality, Salammbo, Summoner, Soulbringer, Second Sight and Strife.

    I was on the fence with Blade Runner, because the "HD upgraded graphics" were vaseline trash. Thankfully, they added the option to toggle the original graphics in one of the later updates so i took the shot. It played fine, didn't encounter any bugs. I wish they added concept art or the soundtrack to download, it doesn't offer anything new compared to ScummVM, so it's not really a must buy if you already played it. I'll play Blood or Strife next.

    • 11 months ago

      I'll probably get all the Codename:Panzers games and replay them.
      Likewise I'm pretty sure I'll get either Pathfinder
      or Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition.
      Unrelated to the Sale but I'll certainly buy RoTT: Ludicrous Edition. Most source ports are crap and the Demo was fricking great.
      Also got my eyes on AoEII & Age of Mythology.

      >Deathtrap Dungeon
      Classic I remember from the PSX. The jumping is quite nerve-wracking AFAIK.
      >Darkstar One
      Really cool SpaceSim I have to play yet.

      I bought Blood. Playing it for the first time.
      Level 4 is really good (the carnival)

      >Blood: Fresh Supply
      Way keep people picking up the failed Nightdive version? I always rejoice when I hear we get new recruits but please use the nBlood source port. The only thing FS has going is the better mouse support but everything else is worse.
      +If you don't have any exp with older FPS you'll get filtered hard even on mid-difficulty.
      After the Campaign you should play the Deathwish.
      More resources and all kinds of tips and tools of the trade can be found here:

      >Runs good on my old laptop too.
      enjoy your eol os where steam stops working on in 6 month
      shouldnt ever trusted drm pozware platform

      >I'm still using Win7
      It's really your own fault. I run Arch on my Notebook and Steam works great.
      Not to mention that most older games doesn't even require the runtime and can be copied over rather simply.
      Complete BS. Only modern slop which requires Denuvo or rather invasive anti cheat garbage won't run. -And even that runs with a crack most of the time- Everything else runs great with a wee bit of tinkering incl. all retro games.

      Nobody buys stuff on GoG, stop pretending otherwise. 99% of people who play GoG versions have pirated them. The entire GoG thing is an elaborate setup to make piracy easier, there is a reason why it was made by people who started off as distributors of pirate copies who are now in way over their head

      (not even the devs, some random repack piracy company)

      This is however not true, devs and publishers actually earn a tiny bit more from a GoG sale than from a Steam sale, though the difference is marginal (3%). That would be *if* people bought stuff on GoG, which they don't.

      >to makle piracy easier
      Even if that's true I don't see a problem here really.

      • 11 months ago

        >Everything else runs great
        >wine unhandled exception 0xgay280934732894759364795
        no it doesnt. any retro 3D game from 2000s will throw a fit like that, i dare you to try and run tomb raider 3 in wine right now as one example, or try to run sea dogs 2 and go to open sea and tell me how you fixed that crash? or how about war of human tanks, that's a 2D game and it has stuttering issues where whole game slows down
        wine is only good for running 2D games like fallout 1 and 2 or those point and click games and similar win16 games where even windows dropped support for win16 completely, so hands down wine is king when it comes to that stuff, but anything 3D and win32 and you might as well play russian roulette

        • 11 months ago

          >i dare you to try and run tomb raider 3 in wine right now as one example
          Sure thing bud, works flawlessly with dgVoodoo

          • 11 months ago

            proves my point

            • 11 months ago

              No it doesn't.

              • 11 months ago

                having a crutch solution to an inherent freetard problem

              • 11 months ago

                Honestly why are you even here? You don't like old tech, you don't like the choices we used to have, and you think being genuine is homosexual shit. Go to Ganker where you clearly belong.

                steam is convenient because it uploads my saves to the cloud among other features. i don't really care about this gay conspiracy shit.

                >I'm so lazy I can't be bothered to copy and paste a folder
                Imagine admitting this and having the balls to make it someone else's problem. You brainlets really do deserve the industry you're stuck with.

              • 11 months ago

                im freetard too you know. and blindly not seeing issues linux has is fanboyism, i still absolutely love my home server which runs linux. i just really hate linux graphics

      • 11 months ago

        I already bought Blood twice why the frick would I switch to nblood now? I got mouselook, that's all I need

        • 11 months ago

          i mean yeah, if you got bmouse.exe working on dos it's good shit. im all for original dos releases, but dos version of blood has difficulty bug, that's the only reason i see wanting nblood

          • 11 months ago

            dos blood has that soul look to it

        • 11 months ago

          Have fun with the bugged, inaccurate and censores version lmao

  10. 11 months ago

    I bought Blood. Playing it for the first time.
    Level 4 is really good (the carnival)

  11. 11 months ago

    >Runs good on my old laptop too.
    enjoy your eol os where steam stops working on in 6 month
    shouldnt ever trusted drm pozware platform

  12. 11 months ago

    The only retro games on my steam wishlist are Killer7 and moon: Remix RPG Adventure but I have so many other games to play at the moment I don't really feel like buying them.

  13. 11 months ago

    Hey OP, did you manage to get Mystery of the Druids working?

  14. 11 months ago

    would love to know the real reason why games such as crusader: no remorse, the entire wing commander series or the entire ultima series isn't on steam.

    • 11 months ago

      Because EA doesn't care about them. Origin Systems is just one of the skulls on throne the icon of sin that runs EA sits upon.

      You never own a game. You only have a license to play it.

      Owning a copy
      a copy
      A COPY
      You see I said it three times since you didn't seem to get it the first.

      • 11 months ago

        lmao seethe harder

        • 11 months ago

          I wasn't seething, moron, that's what ownership of a game is. You own your copy of the game. Maybe it works differently in whatever third world shit hole you crawled out of, but in first world countries we still have property rights.

  15. 11 months ago

    I think it's a good idea to pickup retro games, but also recommend retro style games as well that would fit into the vein of these older ones. This would go along way to not only preserving Retro games but also helping companies make more retro style games for the market.

  16. 11 months ago

    Reminder that Extreme-G 2 on Steam comes with the soundtracks for the entire series in .mp3 format
    The game itself has Steam DRM added to it but it's just the basic variant that can be removed with Steamless

  17. 11 months ago

    i bought Serious Sam HD VR 1, 2, & 3 for like 15 dollars altogether. haven't tried it yet though.

    the non VR versions are on sale for really cheap too. i was thinking about buying the base games before the sale and they were still kind of expensive when not on sale. they're super cheap right now though if anyone else wants them.

  18. 11 months ago

    >paying for digital games: lol, but understandable
    >paying for digital RETRO games: FRICKING LMAO
    You can get all the retro games you want for free, and more quickly/conveniently than if you paid for them.
    >Step 1 download an emulator
    >Step 2 go to and download a ROM
    >Step 3 open the ROM on the emulator
    Much, much easier than installing steam and setting it up and creating an account and adding a payment method and slowly buying each game, and in case you don't like it, refunding it takes even more time. And then your account gets hacked or banned for saying the wrong pronouns, and you lose all your games because they were full of DRM. And Steam also slows down your computer and spies on you.

    • 11 months ago

      oops, you posted an irrelevant anime picture so I'm disregarding your whole post now

      • 11 months ago

        It's relevant. Just think a liiittle bit harder. Hint: this post's pic.
        Even if it wasn't relevant, this is an anime website my newbie, and Reddit might be better for you.

        >And Steam also slows down your computer and spies on you.

        lol is this some sort of boomer "you need to delete your games anon, they're hurting the computer!" thing?

        No it's not. Steam literally slows down your computer (especially at boot), and since it's proprietary software you can't be sure it doesn't spy on you (and considering it's also corporate and has lots of users, you can be sure it DOES spy on you and harvest your data).

        • 11 months ago

          >and since it's proprietary software you can't be sure it doesn't spy on you
          You literally typed this message on a machine with proprietary hardware installed in it.

          • 11 months ago

            Just because it's hard to get 100% rid of proprietroony garbage, it doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to get rid as much as you can. It's not all-or-nothing, dishonest shill.

        • 11 months ago

          >slows down your computer
          i noticed most of it comes from process called steamwebhelper
          and yeah, i remember playing games on low powered machine, and if someone dared to message me and activate steamwebhelper, my game would start chopping up due to cpu crank
          steam is horrible on low end machine. it wasnt like that in 2011 at all, it was nice and smooth. steam is ruined ever since they introduced level and badge system and added more bloat on top of bloat

        • 11 months ago

          >And Steam also slows down your computer and spies on you.

          lol is this some sort of boomer "you need to delete your games anon, they're hurting the computer!" thing?

          Steam definitely monitors you processes and probably at least tries to have access to your search history
          Why? Anti-cheat, that's the only reason
          And it fingerprints the user for obvious reasons (so dickheads in Korea or someplace don't forget to log out in an internet cafe)
          But at the same time they merged Steam China and mainline Steam, so, yeah. RIP having a relatively minor amount of cheaters online.

          • 11 months ago

            >But at the same time they merged Steam China and mainline Steam
            Last time I checked, both exists at the same time, just chinese all use the foreign one through vpn.
            Did that change, and if yes when?

            • 11 months ago

              There's been two squintillion chinese users popping up on steam in the last 3 years

    • 11 months ago

      >And Steam also slows down your computer and spies on you.

      lol is this some sort of boomer "you need to delete your games anon, they're hurting the computer!" thing?

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      steam is convenient because it uploads my saves to the cloud among other features. i don't really care about this gay conspiracy shit.

      • 11 months ago

        I recenty setup syncthing with my home server for that exact reason. Now i can resume same emulator saves from multiple machines or oses around the house

    • 11 months ago

      >And then your account gets hacked or banned for saying the wrong pronouns
      You should add
      >or denying you service and preventing you from buying anything because you just happened to live in russia and been sanctioned for no reason

    • 11 months ago

      nice site. works with rsync apparently. minus you have to add everywhere yourself

  19. 11 months ago

    > buying retro games on Steam

    If I want a retro PC game that will run well on my shitbox laptop than I'll just pirate the gog version.

  20. 11 months ago

    Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy is fricking great. Really cool action-adventure game, well made with great atmosphere. It always goes for dirt cheap during the summer sale. Right now it's like 4 bucks. Go buy it, anons.

  21. 11 months ago

    thinking of fear effect

  22. 11 months ago


  23. 11 months ago


    You got corrected, zoomie, now shut the frick up and go back to your containment board.

    • 11 months ago

      >he's still doing it

  24. 11 months ago

    >you can get like 20 actually good old games for 30 bucks.
    You can get the same 20 games for $0 and additionally not be datamined by Gaben's Electron shitware.

  25. 11 months ago

    Everytime I see people talking shit about Steam, I think to myself this is the same people that pirated every single one of their PC games in the late 90's / early 00's, in so doing sowing the seeds that would lead to Steam being the only choice there is for PC gaming.

    And inevitably, every time the threads quickly devolves into talks about how "actually games cost nothing blah blah blah".
    This is why they seethe so hard, they can't cope with the world they participated in creating. Sometimes the cope is so big they tell themsevels "actually I'm helping sales by pirating and the malware infected abandonware sites I downloaded rips from are morally more ethical than buying games".

    Hating his own creation to the point the idea of it can't be coped, this is what God must feel like.

    • 11 months ago

      Because it's easier to simply laugh in your face then try to convince you to use a superior product. Plenty of people admit to using GoG, buy physical copies, etc. and every time people like you show up in droves to tell us that we're all secretly pirates. No proof whatsoever, of course, all you can do is spew your bullshit and move on.

    • 11 months ago

      >thinking Steam's success was due to it's pathetically weak DRM
      If you were alive back then, you would have remembered the long shelves full of PC games at places like Fry's. Guess how difficult it was trying to sell PC games when you have 700 other games competing for shelf space along with 1-2 year old games that are still selling? Steam took off because now there was no limit on shelf space, and finding customers was as easy as having Valve distribute the game online. A 33% cut of the sales was practically a value.
      Consoles were a small and easily managed market of games. Even ones that were wide open to publishers like the PS1 saw at most 200 games released a year in 1997 when it was really taking off. Meanwhile in 1997, the PC saw somewhere over 1,000 releases across DOS, Win3.1, and Win95. Retailers would devote more shelf space to computer games, but not 5 times the shelf space.
      Steam solved the limited shelf space problem, that's why it succeeded.

  26. 11 months ago

    >retro games
    Go to or any torrent site, there's hundreds of "retro" PC games not even this board cares about

  27. 11 months ago

    Never giving gog money. Steam offers more for your money and if I want to own my shit I'll buy it physically which is the case for a lot of older games. Simple as.

  28. 11 months ago

    No. For me, buying pretty much anything retro is moronic since you’re not actually supporting the developers and more than likely the port fricking sucks. For example, the jet set radio port sucks ass and it’s better to just emulate it.

    • 11 months ago

      buying pretty much anything retro on Steam or any modern vidya platform**

  29. 11 months ago

    >Thread's noting but b***hing about Steam
    Thanks, Mods. Just when I forget I'm on Ganker-lite, you're god-awful output at your job always manages to remind me of the inescapable.

  30. 11 months ago

    Why would you pay for these games. That's right! If it wasn't in your steam statistics how would others know you played it! Oh my! homosexualry.

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