Getting GF Into Tabletop

I want to get my girlfriend, who's never played any tabletop before, into these type of games. Ideally, if I could find a game where I could DM and she could solo play, that would be amazing. She's expressed interest in something horror, similar to Stranger Things. Maybe a Powered by the Apocalypse game so it's not too complicated or rule-heavy and we can fudge a bit so it's fun?


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  1. 2 years ago

    Anything Dagoth Ur related. b***hes love Dagoth Ur

  2. 2 years ago

    Monster of the week is simple and fun.

    I'd recommend grabbing a few other friends who want to learn too.

    • 2 years ago

      >implying I have friends

      Anon, you misjudge me.

  3. 2 years ago

    I did this a couple of months ago, it was her first ever experience with a ttrpg. I ran pic related using Scarlet Heroes for the system. Scarlet Heroes is a ruleset that is specifically designed to run existing OSR modules--designed for full parties--solo. Incandescent Grottoes had a cute art style and a weird, self-contained area so I picked it. I'd never run it before. Here's what I did:

    The module is not an adventure, it's a locale. I created a very simple intro, in which she (in real life) went to sleep one night and awoke to find that she was an adventurer in a fantasy land. Then we did character creation. I HEAVILY chaperoned her through this, and I didn't even make her aware of spellcasting classes. Once she had her character (an elf thief whose specialty was "Persuasion"), I gave her the following prompt:

    >"You’re on a quest to find your friend, <NAME>, who has been missing for some time. You went to the town on the edge of the Enchanted Forest and the people there told you they’d seen him. He was talking about an expedition into the forest, which they tried to tell him was dangerous. He wouldn’t listen though, and left a few days ago. He left this map."

    The friend was just one of her real-life stuffed animals. The map was a crappy mspaint job consisting of a dot labeled "town," an X labeled "mysterious dungeon," and a squiggly dotted line connecting the two.

    I did a little bit of tweaking of the dungeon itself, but not much. Mostly I just had to decide where her friend went, who encountered him, and where he was now (I decided he was trapped in the Prismist's gem, which is an actual item in the dungeon which can actually trap you).

    She followed the map and boom, she's at area 1 of the dungeon. From there I mostly ran it as-is. Very easy, minimal prep. She really enjoyed it. I got her a cute dice bag and some dice from etsy for her to play with, and I gave her the module book itself afterwards as a souvenir. Hope this helps, Anon.

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you, fren. This is very smart.

      I hadn't thought about it but she really doesn't know much about tabletop in general, so maybe PBtA might be too much, too fast for her. I think I should do something similar to what you did.

    • 2 years ago

      Is your gf 12 years old?

      • 2 years ago

        I'd assume so

    • 2 years ago

      On one hand, this is very wholesome and fuzzy, on the other I genuinely can’t imagine her wanting to have sex with you after that.

      • 2 years ago

        Nah dude, b***hes love quality time.

  4. 2 years ago

    Why not run a solo campaign for Call of Ctulhu? She can be your only player then. I did the same with my gf and it worked.

  5. 2 years ago

    Serious advice: Don't.
    It's what a friend did to his now fiance. Their relationship is thriving, but everytime they join us, we have to play mindless and short games, because she sucks ass at anything cutthroat or competetive. The poor frick will never play anything challenging ever again.

    • 2 years ago

      >I want to FM for a group and bring my inexperienced gf into it
      Don't. Your players will hate you, I already hate you, you're just a fricking awful human being and you will ruin people's enjoyment of their hobby. Play some solo TTRPG with her instead.

      Never in the long history of humanity has there ever been an all-male group activity that was improved by adding a woman to the mix. Never. Don't be That Guy that ruins the group because he can't keep his sex life and his hobbies separate.

      >Inb4 sex
      I already know at least one of you morons thinks he's being clever so let me pre-emptively shoot that down: if a group of men is having sex with eachother (which they shouldn't) then odds are adding a woman to the mix wouldn't make it more enjoyable to them. Otherwise there'd already be one or more women to begin with.

      Step one ask everyone and see if they’re okay with it. If anyone says no you will have problems either now or eventually if you still decide to.
      It takes reaaaally good friends to endure girl problems, like childhood level of friendship.

      All these anons advising him not to add her to the group. Meanwhile, OP:

      I want to get my girlfriend, who's never played any tabletop before, into these type of games. Ideally, if I could find a game where I could DM and she could solo play, that would be amazing. She's expressed interest in something horror, similar to Stranger Things. Maybe a Powered by the Apocalypse game so it's not too complicated or rule-heavy and we can fudge a bit so it's fun?


      >Ideally, if I could find a game where I could DM and she could solo play, that would be amazing.

      Thanks for the suggestions.

      To reply somewhat generally to the messages, it's just going to be me DMing and her playing. We're not bringing anyone in and we're not going to jump into anything too complex like D&D. She's completely new to the whole thing, to the point where she'd have no real idea if I started talking classes or ranged vs melee.

      I don't really care about playing anything complex with her. She wouldn't like it much if it was crunchy anyways, so we're keeping it simple. If I want something more elaborate, I'll find others to play with. This is more just doing something for fun and letting me dip my toe into DMing while she dips her toe into tabletop.

      The Call of Cthulhu suggestion is a tempting one, especially since she would know nothing about Lovecraft. My reservation about that is that it's likely too unforgiving for her and a "you go insane/die" ending would likely be a turn-off. I'm leaning towards handcrafting a simple horror story, guiding her through a simple character design and handholding her through a session or two. If she quits after that, that's fine.

      >To reply somewhat generally to the messages, it's just going to be me DMing and her playing. We're not bringing anyone in
      >If I want something more elaborate, I'll find others to play with.

      Guys, I think he already didn't plan to add her to his group and is just trying to have a game to play with her alone.
      Recommend him some ERP titles.

  6. 2 years ago

    I mean DON'T.

  7. 2 years ago

    Men play games to be mentally stimulated. Women play games to be mentally sedated. This is why the two can rarely agree on a game.

    Keep her away from anything involving math, strategy, tactics, and the like. Unfortunately that filters a lot right off the bat. So you'll probably want something with a vague win/lose state, if any, or something heavy with RNG. Candyland is a good option. But whatever game you try to get her into, make sure you're at least close to what she wants the first time, or she may never try again.

    >herpaderp gurls play smert gaims two!!!
    Then why would her boyfriend need to get her into it? It's always the boyfriend taking a girlfriend to a game dungeon. And her friend is always there saying, "Are you sure you're going to be okay??" just before she herself runs away. They're all piss scared of this kind of thing and are, at best, only willing to 'give it a chance'.

    • 2 years ago

      The relationship is great but now e cant play my complex games! waaahhh

      Maybe the guy cares more about the relationship with his girlfriend than some dedication to complex games. And maybe her BF needs to get her into it because she has never experienced it? Just because someone has the capacity to play a smarter more complex system doesn't mean they should be dumped into the deep end and play it first.

      • 2 years ago

        >they're not dumb!
        >and just because they're smart doesn't mean you should be cruel and make them be smart!
        >you should start them off with dumb things so they don't feel put off by the smart things!
        >which they can do anyways because they're smart!
        >besides, it's not their fault they're dumb!
        You're obviously offended. I'm going to give you a moment to gather your thoughts.

    • 2 years ago

      >Men play games to be mentally stimulated. Women play games to be mentally sedated.
      This sounds like you trying to sound 'worldly' and failing tbh.

    • 2 years ago

      there are always exceptions but yes, this is the general rule
      explain to your woman you dont have to share every interest

    • 2 years ago

      >No math

      <-- Chicks love this shit.Throw in some frenemies for verbal sparring and a vampire, werewolf, and/or godling for romance subplots and you are set. Steal plotlines from any YA supernatural book or show. This shit practically writes itself.

      >Steal from Young Adult stuff

      These two guys are both right. They typically don't like math/crunch but DO like wish fulfillment from YA novels and other media (Twilight, etc). One insightful anon from another thread pointed out that they typically enjoy playing characters similar to protagonists in those media, so someone who is powerful/important but also vulnerable in some way and in need of protecting.

      If we're going to translate that concept to a TTRPG, then you have 2 main options.
      >Simple yet powerful blaster who is bad in melee
      >Support/healer who is bad in melee
      Both of these options benefit the party while sticking close to the YA wish fulfillment archetype (i.e. being valuable and making people want to keep you out of harm's way). And they are easy to play.

      If we are talking 5e, I have a few options that fit the bill.
      >Sharpshooter Battlemaster Longbow Fighter
      Stay out of melee, do the Sharpshooter power attack every turn and add a Precision Strike maneuver when you miss. Easy to pilot, tons of damage, doesn't like being in melee. Fits the good-at-archery girl aesthetic.

      >Evocation Wizard with Fireball and Misty Step
      Spam Fireball and other blast spells while not having to worry about hitting your allies or strategizing at all. Teleport out of danger when in melee because you are squishy. Braindead, yet effective, yet vulnerable. Fits the magic school aesthetic.

      >Hex Eldritch Blast Warlock
      Warlock with Agonizing Blast and Hex to have a good, reliable source of damage that takes little strategy to use. Can go Fiend and take another big spell like Fireball for a big group blast spell. Powerful, yet vunerable caster. Fits the witch aesthetic.

      >Life Cleric
      Cast Bless in combat, then Guiding Bolt or Cantrip+Healing Word. Can Cure Wounds and cast Aid outside of combat for healing. Stay away from Spirit Guardians (too complicated). Valuable healer/support that doesn't excel in melee. Fits the pure healer aesthetic.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >He doesn't know

        • 2 years ago

          Pretty sure no one knows except you.

    • 2 years ago


      Cant believe people actually gobbled up this bait lmfao

      • 2 years ago

        lol! Imagine this shit actually happening!

        >"hey babe!"
        >"So remember how you said you wanted to get into board gaming?
        >"How you wanted to join our game nights with me?"
        >"Well I talked it over with the boys"
        >"and I think I found the perfect game for you!"
        >breaks out candyland
        >she just looks at him
        >the two proceed to unironically play candyland
        >both cheering each other on
        >"Good job baby! You got double purple!"
        >the worried look on her face unwavering long into the night

  8. 2 years ago

    My gf and I played Munchkin with some friends, and then I told her DnD is basically the same idea, but 10x more fun. We play board games a lot, so character creation was easy (we're using OSE), and we did a short intro session where she tried to capture and interrogate a goblin in the woods. Now I'm prepping a ruined elven temple and the surrounding village for a dungeon. I was amazed how fast she picked up on the idea of dungeon crawling. One fun thing to note during character creation was her awareness of carrying capacity. She would buy items with the starting gold and immediatelly try and figure out where and how she's carrying them, and I didn't even mention there is an encumberance system (we'll be using LotfP slots).

  9. 2 years ago

    Woman are like dogs
    Everytime you want to play tabletop you gotta bend her over the table and frick her
    Same way a dog associates certain sounds and behaviors with food you must make the female associate tabletop with pleasure on a subcontious level

    • 2 years ago

      >women are like dogs
      >every time you want to play a game, bend her over the table and frick her
      >like a dog
      I can confirm this is true. Any time I want to play checkers, I call my dog Checkers into the room and frick him on the table.

    • 2 years ago

      Pavlovian reinforcement works equally well on both genders.

      • 2 years ago

        name 3 times a woman conditioned a man to enjoying ttrpgs through sex

    • 2 years ago

      >women are like dogs
      >every time you want to play a game, bend her over the table and frick her
      >like a dog
      I can confirm this is true. Any time I want to play checkers, I call my dog Checkers into the room and frick him on the table.


  10. 2 years ago

    >I want to FM for a group and bring my inexperienced gf into it
    Don't. Your players will hate you, I already hate you, you're just a fricking awful human being and you will ruin people's enjoyment of their hobby. Play some solo TTRPG with her instead.

  11. 2 years ago

    Arkham Horror is sufficiently crunchy to entertain you, yet whiz-bang and random and cooperative enough to entertain her and any theoretical normie friends you want to incorporate. I recommend. There's a couple similar games out there that simulate D&D, I'm sure.

    tell them It's stranger things, but in the 1920s and adults.

  12. 2 years ago

    <-- Chicks love this shit.Throw in some frenemies for verbal sparring and a vampire, werewolf, and/or godling for romance subplots and you are set. Steal plotlines from any YA supernatural book or show. This shit practically writes itself.

    • 2 years ago
  13. 2 years ago

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    To reply somewhat generally to the messages, it's just going to be me DMing and her playing. We're not bringing anyone in and we're not going to jump into anything too complex like D&D. She's completely new to the whole thing, to the point where she'd have no real idea if I started talking classes or ranged vs melee.

    I don't really care about playing anything complex with her. She wouldn't like it much if it was crunchy anyways, so we're keeping it simple. If I want something more elaborate, I'll find others to play with. This is more just doing something for fun and letting me dip my toe into DMing while she dips her toe into tabletop.

    The Call of Cthulhu suggestion is a tempting one, especially since she would know nothing about Lovecraft. My reservation about that is that it's likely too unforgiving for her and a "you go insane/die" ending would likely be a turn-off. I'm leaning towards handcrafting a simple horror story, guiding her through a simple character design and handholding her through a session or two. If she quits after that, that's fine.

    • 2 years ago

      Starting with a coöp board game like Arkham Horror might be good as a way to get familiar with mechanics and not be overwhelmed with options. As a bonus you wouldn't be in an adversarial position, which is kinda inevitable for player vs GM.

  14. 2 years ago

    bro i'm trying to get a gf out of tabletop
    >any ladies in koreatown los angeles looking for a game?

    • 2 years ago

      stop committing miscegenation to start

      • 2 years ago

        1. go outside
        2. koreatown is the name of the area
        3. i committed miscegenation with your mom

        • 2 years ago

          1. no
          2. names have consequences
          3. no you

  15. 2 years ago

    Troons and hideously ugly roasties have invaded /tg/ and even the ranks of the mods.
    You've been warned.

  16. 2 years ago

    Never in the long history of humanity has there ever been an all-male group activity that was improved by adding a woman to the mix. Never. Don't be That Guy that ruins the group because he can't keep his sex life and his hobbies separate.

    >Inb4 sex
    I already know at least one of you morons thinks he's being clever so let me pre-emptively shoot that down: if a group of men is having sex with eachother (which they shouldn't) then odds are adding a woman to the mix wouldn't make it more enjoyable to them. Otherwise there'd already be one or more women to begin with.

    • 2 years ago

      >Never in the long history of humanity has there ever been an all-male group activity that was improved by adding a woman to the mix
      violence in general

      • 2 years ago

        Mixed match-ups are boringly one-sided, and mixed teams means half of the team might as well not show up.

        >violence in general
        Alright, you got me stumped there.

  17. 2 years ago

    Call of cthulhu no question. Early stuff is straight up "roll a d100 and aim below the stat i name" shit and thats it. Very good tutorial as well.

    That and the option for 1920's new england, 1800's america, jack the ripper times in london, colonial america, ancient rome, vietnam and modern day means you can really match tastes easier than "p-pls stop laughing every time i talk about elves"

  18. 2 years ago

    I found this thread useful when I got my gf into ttrpgs.

  19. 2 years ago

    Step one ask everyone and see if they’re okay with it. If anyone says no you will have problems either now or eventually if you still decide to.
    It takes reaaaally good friends to endure girl problems, like childhood level of friendship.

  20. 2 years ago

    Closest I've come was Blackstone Fortress. I played two characters and she played two. I described what each of the dicerolls caused in my headcannon.

    "The trooper steadies his laser rifle on the crumbling masonry and takes a shot at Janus. Moving with a speed and grace unnerving in an apparently old man, he saw the shots coming and managed to get into cover"

    She enjoyed it but was too stoned to really appreciate what I enjoyed about it. Next game I tried was Frostgrave but it was too long and she got bored after about an hour. We played a combat patrol of 40k another time and I think she liked that best, but I'm sure any larger than 500points and I'd lose her because she has zero interest in what I'm doing on my turn.

    I'm convinced that the key is describing what the dice rolls mean. Just one sentence about arrows glancing off armour is better than, "ten shots, four ups, six hits, five ups to wound, three armour saves".

    Also my girl has a shitty attention span, so your milage may vary.

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