Give it to me straight. What happened to World of Warcraft after the pandas?

Give it to me straight. What happened to World of Warcraft after the pandas?

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  1. 12 months ago

    It kept following the shitty practices the panda expansion put in place.

  2. 12 months ago

    The female Pandaren and the human males began breeding with each other and they all lived happily ever after. The End.

    • 12 months ago

      Damn, that's crazy.

  3. 12 months ago

    Cataclysm was the last good expansion gameplay-wise. In fact, the end-game content was closer to Vanilla/TBC than WOTLK, but it was hated for the lore and other changes introduced.
    The game simply went to shit afterward.

    • 12 months ago

      b-but what about my hecking talent trees


      • 12 months ago

        the talent tree butchering was horrific
        i will forever miss SL/SL lock
        sure we have some creative choices now, but it has never fully recovered. build diversity has never been the same

        • 12 months ago

          >build diversity of every lock spec just presses shadowbolt but some do more damage

    • 12 months ago

      Cata died some time in between patch 4.1 and 4.2

      • 12 months ago

        quit after they nerfed all the heroic dungeons because wrahtbabies were getting slapped too hard

        • 12 months ago

          I think the nerfs to the older raid tier was more egregious but yeah heroeics didn't need to be nerfed

    • 12 months ago

      >was the last good expansion gameplay-wise.
      For the first 3 months before they nerfed it into the ground and cut a bunch of promised content leaving you with jack shit to do.

    • 12 months ago

      Cata sucked gameplay-wise.

  4. 12 months ago

    Garrosh got put on trial for war crimes committed against Pandaria, but escaped judgement thanks to a corrupt bronze dragon, who took him to an alternate timeline to lead the first Horde as his puppet. However, Garrosh killed him, and gave modern technology to the orcs before leading them on an invasion of the original timeline. The invasion failed, and Alliance and Horde launched a counterattack on the alternate Draenor, ending with Thrall killing Garrosh. However, the alternate Gul'dan escaped to Azeroth and the Broken Shore, where he enacted another demonic incursion, and attempted to summon Sargeras using Illidan's corpse. Alliance and Horde prevented him from doing so, returning Illidan to life, and then traveled to Argus to defeat the Legion once and for all. Though they couldn't kill Sargeras, they managed to imprison him with the help of the other titans. But before they did so, he stuck a giant sword into Azeroth, causing a new mineral to leak out and crystalize. Sylvanas, now the leader of the Horde, reignited the Aliiance/Horde conflict to seize control of this new resource, but Overlord Saurfang became increasingly convinced that her methods were too evil to support, culminating in his challenging her to Mak'gora. Though he died, her use of dark magic and her rejection of the Horde lead to her fleeing. Ultimately, she reached the Frozen Throne, where she shattered the Lich King's helmet to tear open a rift to the afterlife, in order to funnel souls to the Jailer, who wanted to remake existence in his own image. However, she later realized this was bad, and helped the Alliance and Horde defeat him. Then the Dragon Flights showed up and invited everyone to hang out at the Dragon Isles for a while.

    • 12 months ago

      everything in your post about sylvanas is one hundred percent pure concentrated cringe
      who the frick wrote up this mary sue bullshit?
      why the frick would sylvanas end up leader of the horde when vol'jin was put in charge?
      how the frick would sylvanas come ANYWHERE NEAR bolvar-lich king's power level to break his helmet?
      who the frick is the 'jailer', just sargeras 2.0?
      why the frick have the other titan showed up now out of nowhere conveniently when necessary when it explicitly?
      stated that sargeras killed 'em all in previous lore?
      why in the frick would anyone ever trust that evil c**t after the debacle in the undercity LET ALONE after some 'tearing a rift to the afterlife' bullshit and starting new wars?

      what the frick is going on at blizzard??????

      • 12 months ago

        >why the frick would sylvanas end up leader of the horde when vol'jin was put in charge?

        He died

        • 12 months ago

          then why didn't the tauren dude take over

          • 12 months ago

            Vol'jin named her his successor with his dying breath. Apparently he was mind-controlled into doing it by the Jailer.

          • 12 months ago

            The head writer for wow is a sylv simp and self inserts as her beta slave nathanos

            • 12 months ago

              sounds like someone who is ripe for 'accidentally' leaving his gas oven on overnight with all the doors and windows shut

              • 12 months ago

                He wouldn't be missed.

              • 12 months ago

                I think you need to expand that idea

          • 12 months ago

            because hes worthless?

      • 12 months ago

        >who the frick is the 'jailer', just sargeras 2.0?
        Pretty much, yeah. He's some incredibly generic Mega-Satan figure that was apparently trying to get the various Lich Kings to do his bidding from the very beginning, but none of them were stupid enough to listen to him.

      • 12 months ago

        Probably not 100% correct but before voljin dies he's starting to see visions from the loa of deathz who would've been manipulated by the jailer to appoint sylvanas as the warchief. Idk how or when but she was in league with him at this point, and sparked the war in order to send more souls to superhell to fuel the jailer's war machine.
        And about the titans, i think they were dead/dormant and we use the titan relics left behind in order to bring them back. At one point the legion gets a hold of aggrammar, resurrects him and corrupt him, but we beat him and set him free. After getting all the titans back, we fight the world soul of Argus who was corrupted by sargeras with the help of the titans. Once it's killed, illidan stays with the titans to contain sargeras

    • 12 months ago

      >she later realized this was bad
      This is the worst part of a series of stupid things.

      Sounds like they should have just skipped WoD, done Legion, and have Garrosh lead BfA.

  5. 12 months ago

    Nothing happened, the world exists in perpetual harmony.
    There is no war in Azeroth.

  6. 12 months ago

    >Give it to me straight.
    Why do you homosexuals insert random colloquialisms into your posts for no reason? It reads like a chatbot trying to seem human.

  7. 12 months ago

    Dragonflight > classic era
    you know im right

    • 12 months ago

      Wouldn't know since I'm not playing pozzed garbage with the entire endgame content being m+ grind.

      • 12 months ago

        yeah imagine having an actual endgame

  8. 12 months ago

    Time travel to before the orcs drank mannoroths cum, instead they don’t drink it and chump out anyway. Guldan from another timeline somehow reaches the main timeline legion and kickstarts a new invasion of main timeline Azeroth. Sargeras stabs the planet after his invasion fails, the planet starts leaking nuclear weapons, sylvanas sets the big tree on fire, starts a world war and kills the lit king. Sylvanas breaks the litch kings helmet and opens a portal to hell, in hell she works for Thanos, hell is in a drought because god is in a coma or something, every character you’ve ever liked is destroyed by nu-lore, trannies are actually angels and Thanos was behind everything that ever happened. Alexstrazsa invites you and all your friends to her summer home for a beach vacation, said vacation gets invaded by some hippies and their big draconic chickens, also Deathwing was a big moron and forgot he made multi color dragons because he thought they looked kind of gay.

  9. 12 months ago

    What happened was WoW just kept getting worse and worse because it's simply impossible to be better than MoP, it being the single greatest version of the game and all.

  10. 12 months ago

    they hit teldrassil man, it's gone
    who would stay in a post-teld azeroth?

  11. 12 months ago

    pandas were actually kino and the game took a huge nosedive into WOD with not only a terrible expansion from the pov of gameplay, but story as well
    we're still dealing with the moronic time travel shit today

  12. 12 months ago

    >didn't care for pandas thematically
    >but it was the last time WoW would ever have a good villain
    >good art
    >good zones
    >good PVP, especially on the Timeless Isle
    >good class design and flavor
    >things to do other than raidlog
    funny how I didn't appreciate what I had when I had it because it wasn't "as good" as WotLK or TBC or whatever.

    • 12 months ago

      >good PVP
      >things to do other than raidlog
      absolutely not

      • 12 months ago

        not an argument so I don't even care to continue with how else you're wrong
        >uhhh farms and timeless and scenarios and CMs don't count because *I* don' t like them okay
        frick off moron

        • 12 months ago

          >farm timeless isle
          for what all the gear was worthless
          also worthless, only touched to speed cap valor
          >and CMs
          because MOUNTS MOGS CHEEVOS totally werent around before

          • 12 months ago

            again: frick off moron

          • 12 months ago

            >content isn't content if it doesn't give you raid level gear
            No wonder the current retail game is made for you mindrotted moronic fricks

            • 12 months ago

              correct, worthless fluff is not content
              scenarios? totally ignored until 5.3 when it gave raid level gear
              dungeons? totally ignored
              MoP was just another raid log expac

              • 12 months ago

                no matter how many times you repeat "IT DOESN'T COUNT REEE IT DOESN'T COUNT REEE"
                it does count
                but most of all, frick off moron.

              • 12 months ago

                it doesnt and no amount of mopgay cope will change that
                if you wanted to farm mounts mogs and cheevos you could do that in every expac, MoP offers nothing more

                Behold; the zoomer moron fricks that ruined WoW and turned it into the raid focused lobby-based hellhole it is now, in the flesh.

                WoW isnt raid focused right now and hasnt been since Legion

              • 12 months ago

                >WoW isnt raid focused right now and hasnt been since Legion
                Why do troons just lie as their default state of being?

              • 12 months ago

                What the frick have players been doing for three expansions?

                WoW went the way Runescape and Maplestory and others all went. It's been going for SO long and has tried so desperately hard to stay relevant in all that time that the current modern version of it is utterly unrecognizable to people who played it during its heyday.

                The irony is that WoW, just like Runescape, then released a version of the game from back when people actually liked it and it's been quite successful. At least for a while, nostalgia can only go so far, and unlike Runescape Blizzard hasn't seen fit to start adding new content in the style of the old game.

                It's hard to name what specific thing made the game so different (and so much worse) than its older versions because it's just everything. The writing, the gameplay, the zones, even the artstyle has arguably been made much worse.
                On top of that, the game has (almost) always had an endgame focused design direction, but it's gotten worse in recent years. There's really no reason at all to play if you aren't a raider.

                >WoW isnt raid focused right now and hasnt been since Legion
                Do you actually believe that or is this some kind of raidgay cope where Mythic+ technically isn't raiding so you're not counting it

                >Muh m+

                >game has actual full gear progression to max ilvl outside of raids, which old wow never did
                >somehow its raid focused now, not then
                whats it like being mentally ill?

              • 12 months ago

                you are talking to classic Black folk
                ignore them
                they cant enjoy good games

              • 12 months ago

                the thing in question right now was MoP you zero attention span moronic homosexual
                fricking lol

              • 12 months ago

                dont care you are still a Black person
                my point still stand

              • 12 months ago

                Neither do you if you are actually defending Dragonflight.

              • 12 months ago

                >t. never played dragonflight
                go play classic you low iq Black person

              • 12 months ago

                nobody wants to play troonyflight

              • 12 months ago

                too hard and good for you tiny 1 apm moronic classic brain

              • 12 months ago

                KEK I called it, it's a Mythic + tardfrick

              • 12 months ago

                I guess his rational is that the only content in the game is stuff you use LFG for, therefore M+ means you have non-raid content.

              • 12 months ago

                it's hilarious. I'm watching a man covered in shit screaming at people discussing why the old days of not being covered in shit were better, telling them life is better covered in shit.

              • 12 months ago

                >i-its so good having no content I love 1 buttoning in trannilla

              • 12 months ago

                why are retailgays in super cope mode 24/7?

              • 12 months ago

                I wonder if Chuds realize that essentially genderless beings are a very common theme in European fantasy and folklore.

              • 12 months ago

                I load up a WotLK pserver and just go fishing on occasion. It's nice.

              • 12 months ago

                You do M+ so you can get gear so you can...?
                If not raiding, then what, moron? Or do you just enjoy watching ilvl go up?

              • 12 months ago

                >Gear progression
                b***h do you mean dailies? Holy shit.

              • 12 months ago

                sure go on and tell me when dailies were a complete progression option to max gear

              • 12 months ago

                so what was the gear sold in Shat? Or the gear from Dal badges? Hmmmm, homosexual?

              • 12 months ago

                99% worthless shit?
                not sure how this is confusing your tiny little brain.
                in TBC you couldnt get a single tier piece without raiding, its obviously raid centric
                Meanwhile now you can get full 4 set without touching raid

              • 12 months ago

                But it was raid ilvl gear. You've now moved goalposts to 'BiS only", and for the second time this thread.
                Watching your monkey brain crash those tiny cymbals together all thread has been hilarious.

              • 12 months ago

                no it wasnt raid ilvl, it was substantially behind and totally worthless outside of a few unbalanced trinkets
                I didnt say BiS only, youre trying to compare shit items to real ones

              • 12 months ago

                Every class during Wrath had useful gear to obtain from badges in every tier until end raid hardmodes. WoW has always been a gear treadmil but it simply felt more important due to the social atmosphere of the first 5 years of the game.

              • 12 months ago

                What the frick have players been doing for three expansions?

              • 12 months ago

                he's a mentally ill WoWgay, so his argument is going to be that only things that award the highest level of gear are "content" and nothing else, so Mythic+ homosexualry is the "focus" of the game according to his mentally ill fricked brain.

                He is the kind of "person" (lol yeah right, he's not a person) who is unironically okay with WoW being a lobby based looter; Destiny 2 with tab targeting.

              • 12 months ago

                >WoW isnt raid focused right now and hasnt been since Legion
                Do you actually believe that or is this some kind of raidgay cope where Mythic+ technically isn't raiding so you're not counting it

              • 12 months ago

                mythic+ is obviously not raiding, why are you pre-coping?

              • 12 months ago

                >Muh m+

              • 12 months ago

                >WoW isnt raid focused right now
                WoW has been almost exclusively raids for like a decade.

              • 12 months ago

                from 2004 to 2014 yeah, that decade
                since then its the exact opposite

              • 12 months ago

                Behold; the zoomer moron fricks that ruined WoW and turned it into the raid focused lobby-based hellhole it is now, in the flesh.

      • 12 months ago

        he's right though, fighting people on the timeless isle was fun. pvp felt a lot more fun and dynamic too. snapshotting dots as an aff lock was goat during mop.

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            >mechanics aren't mechanics because the devs let addons ruin their game because uh...I say so
            real moron hours in here

          • 12 months ago

            it was more dynamic than everything being adjusted on the fly, but hey whatever man. lots of people couldn't hack it with snapshotting, that's why it got removed. smoothing edges for smoothbrains like you

        • 12 months ago

          he didn't play the game back then. He (male) only started a year or two ago and now thrives on jacking off to their parses on the log website.

          You can't expect him to know the thrill of lightning up some butthole for dust, or getting your cape finally to REALLY starting dunking some noobs.
          It didn't reward raid gear so it "wouldn't count" according to him anyways lmao

    • 12 months ago

      People only felt the pandas didn't fit because they'd been gassed up on EPIC END OF THE WORLD STAKES for four years straight and forgot the series is goofy as frick.

      • 12 months ago

        I still don't think Pandaren "fit" even after all these years. It's like they ripped them (and Pandaria) directly out of the Kung Fu Panda movie. Too campy for my taste. Granted I've never been a fan of their more in your face references either, like all the countless ones they added in the Cata revamp zones, and the Cata expansion zones. They've always added some references, but they were never so outlandish.

        • 12 months ago

          Man you're complaining about bear people in a setting with cow people who transform into bears.

    • 12 months ago

      MoP also had the best intro cinematic.

  13. 12 months ago

    it wasn't any good at that point, so I'm not sure why it matters. it didn't have anything left but the grind.

  14. 12 months ago

    Canonically in my mind it all ended after WotLK lol.

  15. 12 months ago

    It happened after arthas, or after illidan if you ask someone else, or after vanilla. Shit was dead by pandas.

  16. 12 months ago

    I haven't really played WoW in earnest since MoP, is this correct from what I've gathered?

    • 12 months ago

      depends on how much you cared about the World in the World of Warcraft. Dragonflight has pozzed the world so badly it will never ever recover. It's like a parody of itself now.

    • 12 months ago

      Eversong and Azuremyst are the only good things about TBC.

    • 12 months ago

      bfa 8.2/8.3 is literally the best version of wow ever made

  17. 12 months ago

    WoW went the way Runescape and Maplestory and others all went. It's been going for SO long and has tried so desperately hard to stay relevant in all that time that the current modern version of it is utterly unrecognizable to people who played it during its heyday.

    The irony is that WoW, just like Runescape, then released a version of the game from back when people actually liked it and it's been quite successful. At least for a while, nostalgia can only go so far, and unlike Runescape Blizzard hasn't seen fit to start adding new content in the style of the old game.

    It's hard to name what specific thing made the game so different (and so much worse) than its older versions because it's just everything. The writing, the gameplay, the zones, even the artstyle has arguably been made much worse.
    On top of that, the game has (almost) always had an endgame focused design direction, but it's gotten worse in recent years. There's really no reason at all to play if you aren't a raider.

  18. 12 months ago

    >Ask what happened in the story after the panda bears.
    >People are yelling about raids.
    Something is deeply wrong with this game and its community.

    • 12 months ago

      Garrosh got put on trial for war crimes committed against Pandaria, but escaped judgement thanks to a corrupt bronze dragon, who took him to an alternate timeline to lead the first Horde as his puppet. However, Garrosh killed him, and gave modern technology to the orcs before leading them on an invasion of the original timeline. The invasion failed, and Alliance and Horde launched a counterattack on the alternate Draenor, ending with Thrall killing Garrosh. However, the alternate Gul'dan escaped to Azeroth and the Broken Shore, where he enacted another demonic incursion, and attempted to summon Sargeras using Illidan's corpse. Alliance and Horde prevented him from doing so, returning Illidan to life, and then traveled to Argus to defeat the Legion once and for all. Though they couldn't kill Sargeras, they managed to imprison him with the help of the other titans. But before they did so, he stuck a giant sword into Azeroth, causing a new mineral to leak out and crystalize. Sylvanas, now the leader of the Horde, reignited the Aliiance/Horde conflict to seize control of this new resource, but Overlord Saurfang became increasingly convinced that her methods were too evil to support, culminating in his challenging her to Mak'gora. Though he died, her use of dark magic and her rejection of the Horde lead to her fleeing. Ultimately, she reached the Frozen Throne, where she shattered the Lich King's helmet to tear open a rift to the afterlife, in order to funnel souls to the Jailer, who wanted to remake existence in his own image. However, she later realized this was bad, and helped the Alliance and Horde defeat him. Then the Dragon Flights showed up and invited everyone to hang out at the Dragon Isles for a while.

      • 12 months ago

        No I saw it and responded, I'm just saying you people are insane.

        • 12 months ago

          Not any more insane than you coming here to shitpost and complain about how people doesn't keep answering a question that was already answered.

    • 12 months ago

      The question was already answered though, do you want the entire thread to be about a single thing? It would die instantly, that's not how Ganker works.

      • 12 months ago

        Not any more insane than you coming here to shitpost and complain about how people doesn't keep answering a question that was already answered.

        >You people get riled up easily and argue about really stupid shit.
        >"Are you saying we can only talk about the story? Huh?!"
        b***h you need to chill.

        • 12 months ago

          And the shitposting continues. Truly you have managed to make the people you are complaining about look like half decent people in comparison to your insane rambling.

        • 12 months ago

          Anon I don't see anyone getting upset. Neither of those posts used a single swear word or exclamation point. You are not being attacked.

    • 12 months ago

      not the best place to ask for a story recap of 6 expansions. i played most of them and i couldn't tell you what happened.

      Garrosh got put on trial for war crimes committed against Pandaria, but escaped judgement thanks to a corrupt bronze dragon, who took him to an alternate timeline to lead the first Horde as his puppet. However, Garrosh killed him, and gave modern technology to the orcs before leading them on an invasion of the original timeline. The invasion failed, and Alliance and Horde launched a counterattack on the alternate Draenor, ending with Thrall killing Garrosh. However, the alternate Gul'dan escaped to Azeroth and the Broken Shore, where he enacted another demonic incursion, and attempted to summon Sargeras using Illidan's corpse. Alliance and Horde prevented him from doing so, returning Illidan to life, and then traveled to Argus to defeat the Legion once and for all. Though they couldn't kill Sargeras, they managed to imprison him with the help of the other titans. But before they did so, he stuck a giant sword into Azeroth, causing a new mineral to leak out and crystalize. Sylvanas, now the leader of the Horde, reignited the Aliiance/Horde conflict to seize control of this new resource, but Overlord Saurfang became increasingly convinced that her methods were too evil to support, culminating in his challenging her to Mak'gora. Though he died, her use of dark magic and her rejection of the Horde lead to her fleeing. Ultimately, she reached the Frozen Throne, where she shattered the Lich King's helmet to tear open a rift to the afterlife, in order to funnel souls to the Jailer, who wanted to remake existence in his own image. However, she later realized this was bad, and helped the Alliance and Horde defeat him. Then the Dragon Flights showed up and invited everyone to hang out at the Dragon Isles for a while.

      nvm this guy did it

  19. 12 months ago

    I'm playing this game for the first time.
    Is some mod going to ban my ass from the private server if I go into raids blind without the obnoxious add-ons that tell me what to do?

    • 12 months ago

      probably not, but after vanilla they really did start designing shit with the addons in mind. This is why the raids in retail are obnoxious laser lightshows of sensory overload.

      • 12 months ago

        Man, that sucks. How deep in until it starts becoming ridiculous to learn without add-ons? I'm assuming the normal versions of most content should be a bit tough but manageable at worst.

        • 12 months ago

          I remember basically everything in Wrath being pretty straightforward even without addons so maybe up to Cata?
          That's when we got stuff like Spine of DW, and Cho'Gall and Halfus and shit where if you had the addons it was 100000% easier

          • 12 months ago

            That makes sense to me. I'll see how far I can get. I'm not downloading that nonsense. Thanks for the input.

          • 12 months ago

            >game finally has the tiniest hint of challenge
            >boomers all filtered
            theres nothing on spine you need addons for lmao, it was just a tight damage check

            • 12 months ago

              >game finally has the tiniest hint of challenge
              >doing the same thing three times in a row
              >then going to the next boss and doing the same thing there 4 times in a row
              zoomer moron KEK

              • 12 months ago

                okay post your DS clear date

              • 12 months ago

                >go resub to a shit game you haven't played in years to prove to some moron on Ganker you cleared some shit raid years ago

            • 12 months ago

              Reminder that WoW classic popped off and wrath died right when ulduar launched. WoW players can't handle anything requiring you to do more than rolling your head on the keyboard.

      • 12 months ago

        >after vanilla
        I'd argue it started in MoP when there was tangible jump in difficulty and mechanics. I almost never used any mods while raiding besides DBM when I felt it necessary. MoP raids were the first time I felt they were truly necessary.

        • 12 months ago

          Which Expac had the most ridiculous "there's no way anyone's doing this without mods" content in your opinion? BfA? Shadowlands? Or did it peak all the way back in MoP?

          • 12 months ago

            Not sure which one topped it. Might have been the Azshara raid in BFA.

            • 12 months ago

              Got it. Thanks anon.
              One last question. I heard everyone fricking hated BfA. Was that a story thing or did it have some kind of bad gimmick?

              • 12 months ago

                Both. Story was moronic, gear was moronic and gave you 20 different pointless shit that randomly procced while playing normally. Patches was all delayed by months and gave us nothing but the same old copy pasta timeless isles shit as they had done 10 times already.

              • 12 months ago

                >Patches was all delayed by months and gave us nothing but the same old copy pasta timeless isles shit as they had done 10 times already.
                why do ESLs just lie like this?
                BFA is one of the few expansions that actually had 4 full raid tiers, plus a mini raid, the patches were regular length
                And nothing but timeless isle? Again just Hispanic lying. BFA had warfronts, islands and visions.

              • 12 months ago

                Ah yes. the content so shitty that it was a challenge for people to lose, even when trying to do so on purpose.
                Nothing better than farming it for the 1000th time to activate your latest armor piece, so it can go back to doing what it used to do.

              • 12 months ago

                >d-doesnt count

              • 12 months ago

                I guess that is why everybody just loved BFA.

          • 12 months ago

            the time I noticed it the most myself was when I came back from not playing after years to join a friend because "Legion was good now bro" and I went to get carried through KJ to get a flying moose mount or some shit
            that fight was just colors and lights going off and I laughed and laughed. What a fricking shitshow the game had become.

            There is just zero fun about this. I raided from vanilla to cata, but this was the last time I stepped foot in one. I just am not interested in it.

            • 12 months ago

              Yeah that's a huge issue right now that even Blizzard has admitted. They're essentially creating raids directly around mods and the top 1% of raiders. A lot of people enjoy the (false) difficulty like

              >game finally has the tiniest hint of challenge
              >doing the same thing three times in a row
              >then going to the next boss and doing the same thing there 4 times in a row
              zoomer moron KEK

              because of mandatory mod integration. But the fact of the matter is, is that most players are not good, most are middling at best. And people who don't use any mods are at a massive disadvantage.

            • 12 months ago

              >too stupid to handle normal bosses
              >think its a game issue and not your Black person IQ

              • 12 months ago

                you can stop pretending you're a world class world first Red Bull sponsored e-athlete, you sadsack. The devs have already admitted themselves what I am saying.
                It's embarrassing; just stop.

            • 12 months ago

              Aside from the darkness phase and the horrible mod UI, this seems fine. You just smack him and stand on some meteors.

              ...the meteors are marked without add-ons, right?

              • 12 months ago

                that's 1 ability of like 20 , my dude. The video explaining the fight is fricking 15 minutes long and while I don't know for sure because I don't do WoW anymore, I cannot imagine the bosses got easier, only more and more moronic as the devs fight with the addon in some moronic ass arms race.

              • 12 months ago

                I haven't played this either, I'm just saying this seems fine at a glance. Not great content, but not awful either.

              • 12 months ago

                Aside from the darkness phase and the horrible mod UI, this seems fine. You just smack him and stand on some meteors.

                ...the meteors are marked without add-ons, right?

                another thing to point out that was during the DBM times. Everyone uses Weak Auras now and Weak Auras basically plays the game for you.

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah, even what was in the video was way too much ui wank. Can't imagine how much worse it is now.

              • 12 months ago

                >some moronic ass arms race
                And that's exactly what it is. I remember a few months ago watching a video on Youtube of Asmongold interviewing the head of DBM and he was himself saying he wishes they would do something about how ridiculous modding was getting in relation to raiding. Which was pretty funny. People will always want combat mods, so DBM will continue to innovate and work around Blizzard or else they will just go elsewhere. And because of that, Blizzard just keeps creating more and more involved mechanics to hobble the modders. It's a constant back and forth. Blizzard simply needs to do something on their end to stop it for good.

              • 12 months ago

                >addon arms race
                literal redditor meme
                KJ didnt even benefit from addons, you crying about an easy fight only proves its you sucking at the game thats the problem

              • 12 months ago

                you repeating yourself like a broken record with 12 songs all called "homosexual" doesn't change reality.
                Cope. You don't know more than the devs.

              • 12 months ago



                the guy pretending he is a world first mythic raider full of Fabio cum and this isn't true is funny, though

                GG no re
                time to leave the thread because you LOST HARD

              • 12 months ago

                something totally made up, cool
                meanwhile in reality pull counts are lower than before, bosses are easier and """people""" still pretend theres an arms race

              • 12 months ago

                >something totally made up
                >the devs aren't real
                LOL moron

              • 12 months ago

                it is made up, because again the bosses are dying faster than before
                nothing has come close to Unaat in 4 years. There is no power or difficulty creep, its objectively been on a downward slope despite people claiming otherwise without proof

              • 12 months ago

                >THE DEVS AREN'T REAL ONLY I AM
                schizo, meds, etc

              • 12 months ago

                hard numbers prove Im right
                sorry troony

              • 12 months ago

                >hard numbers I made up for my troony game starring literally trannies (but I will call you one to deflect) are right, the devs themselves are wrong

              • 12 months ago

                yes you, the troony, cry about objectivity
                you will never be a woman
                you will never be right

              • 12 months ago

                awww, is da widdle bwizzdwone gwonna cwy?

  20. 12 months ago

    Bwonsamdi was the only good thing to happen to WoW after MoP

  21. 12 months ago

    the guy pretending he is a world first mythic raider full of Fabio cum and this isn't true is funny, though

  22. 12 months ago

    >the devs aren't real!
    best moron argument I heard on Ganker all day

  23. 12 months ago

    >Give it to me straight
    Said no one at Blizzard

    • 12 months ago

      I was wondering how long it would take.

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