Give me your honest opinions on the Big

Give me your honest opinions on the Big 3

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    cool art on the old shit
    don't care about the game
    will never bother since I refuse to pay more than 20 bucks on entertainment

  2. 3 months ago

    blue eyes is much cooler than charizard

  3. 3 months ago

    Blue Eyes White Dragon is by far the most SOVLful.
    Blotus is powerful, Charizard is a brand icon.
    Blue Eyes is the king.

  4. 3 months ago

    I enjoy playing Yugioh and MtG at a very casual, beer and pretzels at the kitchen counter level. But Yugioh players don't exist at my LGS, and most MtG players are far too competitive for that level of play. And both games are too fast pace for me.
    So I'll stick with playing cards.

    • 3 months ago

      I have this belief that anyone who says "beer and pretzels" to describe a game is an insufferable gay. Thank you.

    • 3 months ago

      I feel this pain. Started with playground YGO, fell off around Qlis before PePe broke the game. Collected the occasional Pokemon card but never learned to play. GM used the campaign setting to get me into Magic Duels that has a relatively unique rarity-based card system, could never arrange to play more after it shut down following Amonket. Didn't get back into either until recently where Master Duel dropped with a better F2P model than Overwatch and my LGS started up EDH nights, but randos are no fun and all of my online friends hate YGO, EDH, or both despite the fact my ideal decklist is some singleton garbage you'd find in the animanga over anything competitively consistent, which is too weak for my peers that will use "1st pack draft 1st pick" thought exercises. I have not tried Arena yet but the game doesn't look to be in a place where I think I'd have much fun with it.

  5. 3 months ago

    Pokemon is fun, convient to jump into the game with a starter deck and some boosters, decent products like the pokeball tins.

    Yu-Gi-Oh is a bit of a mixed bag, practically impossible to jump in competitively, but the line of Speed Duel products are a fun throwback to what I consider a better era. Things like the gold tins they had the past couple years are great fan service, I like using it to store any card game in.

    Magic is a no-man's land. It's overpriced, it's impossible to jump into competitively, there's no casual products that are worth a damn. Avoid like the Noid.

  6. 3 months ago

    blue eyes white dragon is such a stupid card
    i have 3

  7. 3 months ago

    Love me blue eyes. It was never the best card in my deck but the moment you summon it your opponent just knows

  8. 3 months ago

    Pokemon: best market model, worst gameplay based on some experience with the PTCGO client, art all over the place. Nice to have cards of guys that I like but otherwise not interesting.

    Yugioh: Horrible market model (see Bonfire, chaos angel, S:P little knight), gameplay is bad nowdays but used to be really good, art generally is the best. Lots of cool over the top designs for ridiculous monsters to kill your opponent with.

    Magic: Also horrible market model (secret lairs, serialized cards, "hello fellow redditors" crossovers), gameplay is historically good but was pretty lopsided in terms of balance last I played it, art nowadays looks like everything's 3d rendered in fortnite. Probably the best casual scene due to commander being a thing but even that can be ruined by one shitter at the table.

  9. 3 months ago

    Never got into it and probably never will. A friend of mine started a Pokemon pack cracking YouTube channel. Still don't know shit about the game after watching three of his uploads. No opinion.
    Played it as a kid and stopped around the 5Ds era for no particular reason. Gameplay nowadays seems really convoluted and complicated with the over reliance one 10+ step combos and OTKs. Love the shit out of the art and card design though. Every other card being blindingly shiny is rad to me.
    >Magic: The Gathering
    Picked it up about ten years ago. Love the gameplay, but that's about it. Not too keen on all this Fortnite crossover shit they're doing and the art all looks like CGI slop. The new anime alt arts they've been doing recently are neat.

  10. 3 months ago

    children and investors
    pedophiles and furries but used to be soul (was never good in either japanese or western version of rules, in any generation)
    Was always overpriced bullshit and plays very boring and slow paced yet still too swingy, but amazing art. Is now troony bullshit and art quality has also suffered.

  11. 3 months ago

    Frick, Marry, Kill.

    • 3 months ago

      Kill Pokemon just for the drama of it all. Frick Magic, in the pejorative sense. Marry YGO merely by process of elimination. It will be a loveless marriage.

  12. 3 months ago

    pokemon is only good for the pokemon trainers (wank material)
    yugioh is a ftk wankfest
    magic is total wank

    • 3 months ago

      pokemon is not ONLY good for pokemon trainers (for wank material)

      • 3 months ago

        I'll make an exception for that cum bawd

  13. 3 months ago

    Played when I was an adolescent, went to some events with decks that probably couldn't have beat Helen Keller, never saw a point in going back into it.
    Never played meta decks, I swear I invented Skill Drain decks, collected a shit ton and loved playing it until Pendulum became a thing and after the XYZ bs I wasn't about to fricking pad anymore parts of the decks with new mechanics
    Played exclusively drafts until a friend invited me to a commander night, got hooked on that and that's my mainstay game at the moment.

  14. 3 months ago

    I like charizard

  15. 3 months ago

    Got the cards for a bit as a kid, got swindled out of my Charizard, sad stuff but pretty sure it wasn't 1st edition. Never knew how to actually play it. The quintessential childhood experience really.
    Had an ex who was into it in college and played a dogshit plants deck, I started with Gladiator Beasts, thought it was too easy and made Ojama decks instead. My favorite creation was an Ojama/Destiny HEROes combo.
    Only played a few games with friends in my mid 20s, get the general gist but just never had a particularly zealous enough circle to sit down and hammer a deck concept. Planeswalker format seems cool though, the pop culture slop support is hit or miss to me but some of it could be funny in a HeroClix factor sort of way.

    Sidenote after mentioning HeroClix, holy shit they are still operating and securing current license content to produce, good for them.

  16. 3 months ago

    I used to play Magic, but got serious fatigue over the absolute flood of new products. Just trying to figure out which ones are worth my time and money got exhausting after a while.
    I played the other two very briefly as a kid, but not a lot of other kids did, so I lost interest.

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