>give men power armour and a bolter. >half of them fall to chaos and wreck the entire galaxy

>give men power armour and a bolter
>half of them fall to chaos and wreck the entire galaxy
>give women power armour and a bolter
>in 10,000 years maybe like one of them falls to chaos and the rest are so fanatically pure that their very blood repels daemons
Why does the Imperium continue to let men into their armed forces? The Imperium would have won by now if it had an exclusively female military

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  1. 4 months ago

    Don't Sisters have BS 3? That's the reason.

    • 4 months ago

      LMAO, but that kinda misses the point.

      • 4 months ago

        So do they.

    • 4 months ago

      LMAO, but that kinda misses the point.

      So do they.

      Sisters have the same ballistic skill as space marines

    • 4 months ago

      its funny cause its true.

      • 4 months ago

        No it isn't

  2. 4 months ago

    Setting aside the whole "it's because they're nuns, dude" thing, Sisters of Battle cannot become Space Marines, meaning they cap out at peak (female) human strength and resilience. One hungover Space Marine with a missing arm and a stubbed toe could annihilate an entire convent of Sororitas without much trouble in the lore.

    Their blood repels daemons because they possess virginal purity. With Space Marines it doesn't matter if they have never gotten their dick wet because men are impure by nature. Also, it's because they are nuns.

    • 4 months ago

      Why should virginal purity matter to anyone aside from Slaanesh?

    • 4 months ago

      >ywn hold hands with a cute Sister with a white bob and a nice ass and a heart so pure she doesn't have a clue of what you'd like to do to her
      why live

      • 4 months ago

        No touchy plz
        Keep it nice for muh space nuns

  3. 4 months ago

    >why don't the Ecclesiarchy's forces trained to fight chaos fall to chaos at the same rate as atheists who didn't even know chaos existed until half of them were corrupted?
    >it's a mystery, must be the boob armor

  4. 4 months ago

    Geneseed is warp derived thus easier to corrupt.
    Work on your bait, frick off with your cultre war

  5. 4 months ago

    I'd say that the whole "enhanced supersoldier" thing may have led to issues with Pride. Not Pride in the LGBTQ sense, Pride in the Theological sense of inordinate love of self, to the point of despising higher authorities. And, to be fair, the Emperor's message of Secular Humanism combined with Human Supremacism probably wouldn't have done much to mitigate the issues.

    The Guard is, per capita, relatively more loyal than the Adeptus Astartes. And I absolutely grant that the Sisters are more loyal than the Guard. But the cost is that they have their own set of vices - ironically enough, *also* related to Pride - a Phariseical Pride in their very devotion to the Emperor. This may not be as destructive of the overall governing structures of the Imperium, but it certainly isn't good for the common folk of the Empire (but then, this is 40k, of course the common man gets screwed over).

    • 4 months ago

      >>in 10,000 years maybe like one of them falls to chaos and the rest are so fanatically pure that their very blood repels daemons
      >Why does the Imperium continue to let men into their armed forces? The Imperium would have won by now if it had an exclusively female military

      >I'd say that the whole "enhanced supersoldier" thing may have led to issues with Pride. ... Pride in the Theological sense of inordinate love of self, to the point of despising higher authorities. And, to be fair, the Emperor's message of Secular Humanism combined with Human Supremacism probably wouldn't have done much to mitigate the issues.
      Yeah, not a great idea for the ablative bulwark of humanity...

  6. 4 months ago

    The Sisters were created post-Heresy, and thus have always benefited from hindsight, knowing how badly things went for the half of the Space Marines who went over to Chaos.

    The Space Marines were vulnerable to Chaos during the Heresy because most of them didn't understand what they were getting themselves into until it was too late.

    • 4 months ago

      The space marines still fall to chaos at a higher rate post heresy than the sisters do

      • 4 months ago

        ...based on their pre-Heresy invention.
        Primaris were invented post-Heresy and would you look at that! Less vulnerable to chaos.

  7. 4 months ago

    It would be nice if other parts of the Soroitas aside from the ordos militants actually received any love.

    • 4 months ago

      Hospitaler is an MC in one of James Swallow's, the Necron one.

      • 4 months ago

        Yes, I'm aware. But I don't imagine you'll see too many of the other ordos being brought up unless they have to do with the inquistion as the tabletop games have set up.

        Although a funny idea came to me reading about the dialogos studying some new strain of low gothic slang and finding some alien/chaos words and phrases mixed in being a cause for concern.

    • 4 months ago

      that's the cutest chainsaw I've ever seen

    • 4 months ago

      It's a wargame, my dude, it's inevitable. Maybe if we see a return to decent RPG supplements at some point...

  8. 4 months ago

    I think a lot of it has to do with the Space Marines being so independent and unaccountable. They have their own chaplains that preach the chapter's own take on the Imperial faith, and are largely self-policing when it comes to heresy. In contrast, the Sisters are tied directly to the Ecclesiarchy and the Ordo Hereticus, so there's always an external source of spiritual authority there to correct a Sister if she starts drifting from the path.

    Think about what's involved in someone becoming a heretic. Barring something like demonic possession, a person doesn't go from totally loyal one day to being a champion of Chaos the next day. It's usually a gradual process that starts with some minor transgression in an otherwise righteous person that grows over time into ever greater deviation. But if you've got someone there to correct that first transgression when the person is still basically loyal, it's much harder for them to end up embracing heresy. The Sisters always have someone around to tell them "Don't read that spooky book" or "Don't wield that cursed sword" so Chaos never takes hold.

    • 4 months ago

      There's possibly an analogy there with some of these sports stars who end up nearly or actually throwing their careers away on gambling, alcohol/drugs and women, but my brain isn't feeling up to the task just now.

  9. 4 months ago

    maybe SoB aren't worth going as great lengths to corrupt

    >the rest are so fanatically pure that their very blood repels daemons
    like most minor factions, SoB lore is super inconsistent, sometimes they have some sort of divine protection from Big E, other times they are just fanatics with strong will power who can still be possessed, controlled, mutated, etc., by a strong enough dose of chaos energy

    • 4 months ago

      >sometimes they have some sort of divine protection
      Cope. It's literally part of their tabletop rules in every edition.

  10. 4 months ago

    They DROVE the Imperium into a religious civil war and they fought on the wrong side. That being said I would totally have one as a wife.

  11. 4 months ago

    because it's a toy company and then they couldn't sell toys

  12. 4 months ago

    Battle Sisters actually fall all the time, it's just covered up. Daemonifuge, Peter Fehravi's works, James Swallow's Faith & Fire where they nearly get raped...Pretty much that.
    Meta-wise, it's that no-one wants to deal with the implications. Can't have women being TOO evil or distasteful (Imagine Nurgle Sisters or Slaaneshi Sisters).

    • 4 months ago

      >Can't have women being TOO evil or distasteful (Imagine Nurgle Sisters or Slaaneshi Sisters).
      Can't even have Chaos be TOO evil and rarely actually distasteful, your either a Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain or a brooding, self-loathing Emo.

      • 4 months ago

        >read the Dark Imperium trilogy
        >Nurgle shown in literally the worst light imaginable
        >horrifying diseases, fates worse than death, entire planets dying horribly or even worse being turned into plague worlds
        >Death Guard an absolute nightmare to fight against, probably the worst Chaos army to fight on a large scale
        >Despite Bobby G achieving all of his tactical and strategic objectives and winning every important engagement, by the end the damage to Ultramar is massive, many planets are lost and even the ones ''salvaged'' will take centuries of terraforming to start healing, to say nothing of the staggering losses to military and civilians, also straight up lost three out of their six star fortresses. And this was all done by just one traitor legion invading, not a massive crusade or anything.

    • 4 months ago

      >Can't have women being TOO evil or distasteful
      Literally one of the first factions to get mixed gender units was dark eldar

      • 4 months ago

        Lesbians and replicants don't count

  13. 4 months ago

    Because unlike Space Marines, sales of Sisters sprues aren't high enough to justify the release of a new set of "Sisters with Spikes" sprues.

  14. 4 months ago

    I think unironically its probably via omission rather than it being a real deliberate thing. Not many sisters fall because nobody talks about/involves them as much.

  15. 4 months ago

    If they won, it wouldn't be grimdark.

  16. 4 months ago

    I just think they're neat.

  17. 4 months ago

    women can't fight for shit.

    • 4 months ago

      The sisters of battle can

  18. 4 months ago

    post bolter b***hes

  19. 4 months ago

    Hard to be corrupted when you keep getting smeared across the wall by whatever faction GW is currently hyping up for a new codex release.

  20. 4 months ago

    >why do the largely independent and unaccountable super soldiers have a higher rate of turning traitor than the super soldiers directly under the control of the church and inquisition
    Gee bill, what a fricking mystery.

    • 4 months ago

      Why keep making marines then?

      • 4 months ago

        How would you fricking do that? Do you not understand what the Sororitas even are? They were a desperate bid by the Ecclesiarchy to get a militant wing, because each of the institutional pillars of the Empire has its own private interests and needs and means of accomplishing those.

        The Astartes are one THOUSAND such pillars, each one of them has access to an absurd amount of power, ancient treaties with Mars (another faction) and independence to do whatever the frick they want with only the inquisition's authority even theoretically superseding theirs. How do you stop the Astartes from doing what they do and making more chapters and more marines? Who gets to make this decision, is Mars on board? I fricking doubt that Mars is on board with not having space marines anymore, the space marines are WAY more trustworthy than the fricking laity. Okay, is the Ecclesiarchy on board with abolishing the Space Marines? The uh, literal children of THE GOD THEY WORSHIP, those Space Marines? Okay so no. Is the Astra Militarium on board? No, I'm betting they're way more comfortable with the Astartes than they are with with a general move to replace them with the flamer b***hes who work for the "burn entire regiments alive and then commit suicide because one of them saw a daemonette through a pair of binoculars" wing of the inquisition.

        Who's left? The Munitorium? I mean you're basically asking them to completely switch over to Godwinson pattern boltgun because women can't handle the Astartes pattern (that's canon) and there's probably like one forge world that exclusively makes those fricking guns and has for the last 8,000 years, so that's a massive shift in priorities that could potentially take centuries to actually affect. Belisarius Cawl would call you a fricking queer.

        No I think the only people who would think about it and say "yeah that's a good idea" would be a few of the fricking Astartes chapters themselves.

  21. 4 months ago

    Women are wonderful.

  22. 4 months ago

    Showing women fail is sexist.

  23. 4 months ago

    Insisting on female Space Marines devalues the Sisters, who are one of the coolest factions. I think there is some frickery going on to Primarisify ladymodels every time the Sisters don't get their due respect.

    They are the most sincere imperial faction.

  24. 4 months ago

    >The Imperium would have won by now if it had an exclusively female military
    yeah but there would have been nobody in the kitchen to make sammiches and everybody would get hungry af

  25. 4 months ago

    It's actually cuz no1 curr :O

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