Give some criticism to your favorite gen and praise to your least favorite.

>Gen 3
Not having a way to transfer mons forward should've ended the series. Also wish they didn't cut the day/night cycle.

>Gen 9
Gave us the first non furry Fire starter and the open world is probably a good step forward even if it was severely undercooked.

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  1. 8 months ago

    none gen 2 is perfect
    gen 7 sucks balls and i have nothing positive to say about it

    • 8 months ago

      Behold, the hollow, stagnant mind of a boomer. Incapable of forming new thoughts, just "Holy shit, old was good and new is bad."

      • 8 months ago

        yes it genuinely was

      • 8 months ago

        By saying this, you're just revealing that you think "old bad, new good". Pisspoor logic.

      • 8 months ago

        >old was good and new is bad

      • 8 months ago

        one day something you enjoy will become objectively worse and you will also try in vain to explain why you prefer the old stuff while dumb kids laugh at you for being correct

    • 8 months ago

      >Half of Johtos gym leaders have kanto pokemon
      >Most of Johtos pokemon are locked behind the postgame or are very rare for no real reason. Its to the point where people thought Slugma and Skamory were Hoenn pokemon.
      >Designs so forgettable and boring that they had to give them evolutions so that people would remember they existed.
      >The level curve
      >Edgy fanfic tier rival
      >Lack of a Safari Zone

      • 8 months ago

        >not an issue
        >those people are homosexuals
        >no gen 2 has the best designs in the series you gay c**t!
        >not an issue
        >not an issue much better then a gay friendly rival
        >that one is fair they did want to put it but space and time constraights was the issue at least it got added in the remakes

        • 8 months ago

          Wrong Kanto and Hoenn have the best designs in the franchise. Johto mainly has cutesy shit meant to appeal to autists

          • 8 months ago

            nah thats gen 7 you gay c**t! go stick your head in a fricking blender

      • 8 months ago

        >>Half of Johtos gym leaders have kanto pokemon
        I;m assuming you meant "only" have kanto pokemon otherwise your complaining that a pokemon game dint completely throw away the previous roster and by that logic Unova is the only good game
        >>Most of Johtos pokemon are locked behind the postgame or are
        literally only 6-8 out of 100 calm your breasts
        >very rare for no real reason.
        very rare an exaggeration vast majority as easy to get if you are rushing through the game or doing a convoluted cucklocke and the reason is obviously to highly the new mechanics like swarms, etc
        > Its to the point where people thought Slugma and Skamory were Hoenn pokemon.
        Only people who arent alive back then
        so forgettable and boring that they had to give them evolutions so that people would remember they existed.
        Designs are so memorable and exciting that people WANT to see them, otherwise your first two problems wouldn't' be considered flaws people would be saying "thank god Bugsy used Cocoons instead of the any Johto Bugs", Falkner doesn't need a hoothoot. "Houndoom is lame I'm glad its postgame only, "you know what Jasmine needs another magnemite" At least when people b***h about Gen 5 its "these new Pokemon suck, give me back muh CHARIZARDERINOOOOO"
        >>The level curve
        >>Edgy fanfic tier rival
        rival who's actually a semblance of a threat and goes through an arc? I should start reading more edgy fanfics
        >>Lack of a Safari Zone
        Hoeen sucks because it had no Bug Catching contest, that's how moronic your complaint is

        I even agree Gen 2 has flaws, but most of "your" complaints are either lies, zoomer revisionism, or copy pasted shitposts. No wonder some Johto fans decide to just disregard ALL Gen 2 criticism and go LALALAL GENTOO IS PERFECT when most of the "arguments" against Gen2 are so pathetic

        • 8 months ago

          And this is why zoomers shouldn't be allowed on /vp/.

      • 8 months ago

        It’s amazing how literally none of these points are actual objective flaws

    • 8 months ago

      replace 7 with 8 and then fippy bippy

    • 8 months ago

      Based but for me it's Gen 5.

      • 8 months ago

        Come on, gen 5 wasn't that terrible.

  2. 8 months ago

    too many damn HMs
    best girls

  3. 8 months ago

    >gen 4
    diamond and pearl should not have needed platinum to bail them out of the fire
    >gen 6
    kalos is a cool setting and i really wish we got more of it

  4. 8 months ago

    HG/SS could have adjusted the level curve better.

    Lusamine is hot, and breeding mons is pretty accesible. (Gen 7 made me stop buying Pokemon games so I can't comment on any game afterwards.)

  5. 8 months ago

    >Not having a way to transfer mons forward should've ended the series.
    Does that count as a criticism of the gen when it was a hardware issue?

  6. 8 months ago

    >Gen 1
    too many pointless decisions like Dragon being super effective against Dragon but then only having one Dragon move that always deals 40 damage or making Psychic weak to bug but having only a single damage dealing bug move that is pretty much useless past the early game anyway
    Also having THREE poison/grass, two ice/water and two psychic/water mons and 0 of other pretty obvious or interesting combos like flying/psychic or ghost/anything
    >gen 8
    PLA is technically part of it

    • 8 months ago

      >or ghost/anything
      To be fair, ghost was supposed to be a special and basically "secret" typing that you could only access with certain technology. Only having one ghost line did make sense back then.

    • 8 months ago

      >only a single damage dealing bug move
      Pin Missile exists and is useful in competitive

  7. 8 months ago

    >Gen 9
    Could run a little bit better
    >Gen 1
    Mew is ok i guess

  8. 8 months ago

    >Gen 3
    Some of the pokemon sprites were atrocious especially if the pokemon was transfer only.

    >gen 6
    Hordes were the best method of EV training to date.

  9. 8 months ago

    the graphics are atrocious
    the open world is really good, although it could use some level scaling for gym leaders

  10. 8 months ago

    The flashy animations in the Orre games all take too long. I fell asleep in the middle of a battle in Gale once.
    I appreciate gen 8 returning to consumable TMs for the better moves, while the rest remain infinite.

  11. 8 months ago

    >Gen 2
    The rarity of a lot of new Pokemon is genuinely atrocious, it's a valid complaint even if it gets overblown.
    >Gen 8
    The addition of tutoring egg moves without having to breed was a genuinely good design choice

    May as well do more, frick it I've got more opinions
    >Gen 1
    The lack of rematches is an issue for me on a design level as it makes grinding the Elite Four the only way to really level postgame.
    >Gen 3
    The new EV/IV/Nature system and introduction of Abilities was a mistake in hindsight even if it seemed good upfront.
    >Gen 4
    The doubling down on HM bloat, the additional bloat of items by adding plates, and the split just bloating the movepool by needing a special and physical version of everything just makes the game, well, bloated.
    >Gen 5
    A lot of designs aren't great upfront and need time to grow on you, even if I love them now
    >Gen 6
    Megas were cool and Fairy was a genuinely good addition to the game overall. Online was good and idk why they dropped it.
    >Gen 7
    This game is damn near unplayable on a second run with how many unskippable cutscenes there are.
    >Gen 9
    Tera is an interesting gimmick concept even if I feel the execution needs work.

    • 8 months ago

      >The new EV/IV/Nature system and introduction of Abilities was a mistake in hindsight even if it seemed good upfront.
      Elaborate. I think it was one of the best design decisions in the series to make Pokemon unique and customizable. I guess breeding IVs is annoying for competitive?

      >and the split just bloating the movepool by needing a special and physical version of everything just makes the game, well, bloated.
      Agreed on this one. I dislike how before the physical/special split, most moves felt like some genuine power the mon could be able to do due to its element (shooting sharp leafes, spitting water, etc), but then we got so many "colour coded energy" attacks like energy ball or aura sphere/focus blast, etc. that flavourwise never quite sat right with me.
      >my pokemon is fist type so it can shoot a ball of fist at you

      • 8 months ago

        Competitive customization is a meme when only pokemon with really wide movepools could take advantage of multiple EV spreads in the first place. All it really did was speed up the competitive scene by not making everything bulky. But frick competitive honestly, it's cancer any way you cut it.

        • 8 months ago

          The old system is even worse because it's just busywork, you're never going to want your stats to be below the max investment.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah it sure is busywork to just level your pokemon. By the time you get to 100 in Gen 2 your stats will be nearly capped anyways unless you legitimately just used rare candies constantly. As opposed to "fight 100 bellsprout and 100 Rattata with a specific item on" autism.

            • 8 months ago

              If you're going to have your stats maxed out anyway, why bother having them to begin with?

              • 8 months ago

                Because you want some system to show training in the monster raising RPG.

                >Competitive customization is a meme when only pokemon with really wide movepools could take advantage of multiple EV spreads in the first place
                So? A lot of Pokemon like that exist, especially in the lower powerlevel meta of gen 3.

                In any case, since you don't care about competitive, why are IVs and EVs bad for singleplayer?

                Because once you understand how they work it makes the game more difficult to just play normally. If I'm playing a gen 2 game the most I ever have to check for is the hidden power type. If I'm playing gen 3+ I also want to check if the nature isn't terrible, make sure I fix EVs properly, and make sure I have the right ability if there's multiple. I can play the tower/frontier too, it's not just competitive.

              • 8 months ago

                >Because you want some system to show training in the monster raising RPG.
                Bro, your levels?

              • 8 months ago

                Everything has levels tard. The point is for a trained pokemon to be better than a wild one of an equal level.

                So you're just autistic? Got it.
                Pokemon isn't hard, I've had more Adamant special attackers than I can count, and EVs literally do not matter because most trainers don't have any at all.

                You're on the Pokemon board. I'm sorry you think your brand of autism is superior. Everyone here has something and I'm guessing yours is just as cringe. Pretending it's not is just sad.

                So you are telling me that you want to minmax a children's game based on having individual teams? Why is it a bad thing to have unique mons?

                Minmaxing is what EVs and Natures do, and yeah you kind of have to to do the battle facilities. Pokemon are already unique based on IVs (which they made worse for no reason in Gen 3) and personality values. "More uniqueness" doesn't mean much if it's all mechanical and there's an objectively best unique variant.

              • 8 months ago

                So you're just autistic? Got it.
                Pokemon isn't hard, I've had more Adamant special attackers than I can count, and EVs literally do not matter because most trainers don't have any at all.

              • 8 months ago

                So you are telling me that you want to minmax a children's game based on having individual teams? Why is it a bad thing to have unique mons?

              • 8 months ago

                >Because once you understand how they work it makes the game more difficult to just play normally
                Just ignore it, sperg. Makes no difference in-game.

        • 8 months ago

          >Competitive customization is a meme when only pokemon with really wide movepools could take advantage of multiple EV spreads in the first place
          So? A lot of Pokemon like that exist, especially in the lower powerlevel meta of gen 3.

          In any case, since you don't care about competitive, why are IVs and EVs bad for singleplayer?

      • 8 months ago

        >I think it was one of the best design decisions in the series to make Pokemon unique and customizable.
        they hardly feel unique when you can't see the invisible stats and it hardly feels cutomizable when getting the stats you want takes hours upon hours of grinding

        • 8 months ago

          You can see the stats though. And it is pointed out by npcs that all your mons are unique, no two are alike.
          Customization being annoying to do ingame is a valid complaint, but that is why you play on Showdown and not on cartridge.

      • 8 months ago

        I agree with him on natures kind of. It took them forever to mitigate its main issue by just letting us change natures. It's immensely frustrating to get a shit nature for your normal in-game playthrough and yes you do notice the difference. Otherwise I like the customizability they offer.

        IVs will never really get a pass from me even now that we have a means of fixing them.

        • 8 months ago

          It is frustrating if you want to minmax, which you don't really need to do for the single player mode. It was never an "issue", it was working as intended. Pokemon are supposed to be unique individuals. Changing their nature is like changing your personality. It just feels wrong to me. In postgame when you are preparing for the battle facilities, I see your point. For the mainstory, you just roll with what you got.

  12. 8 months ago

    >>Most of Johtos pokemon are locked behind the postgame

  13. 8 months ago

    >gen 3
    The HM pools are small, meaning you either have to have a dedicated HM slave or you have to build your team around HMs.
    >most current gen(9)
    I enjoyed the new designs.
    I've never had any gripes about all the different designs throughout the generations, it just gives each generation a unique flavor.

  14. 8 months ago

    >Gen 4
    Battle Revolution wasn't as good as Stadium 1/2 and Colloseum / Gale.
    >Gen 9
    The sheer amount of overworld Pokemon was cool, even if it tanked the framerate and had to be scaled way back in the first patch.

  15. 8 months ago


    Super training took longer than just having a Tropius with Fly, Sweet Scent, and a spread move. It's been a long time since I've had to EV train, but I believe it only took 5 hordes to finish a stat.

  16. 8 months ago

    >good desings

    • 8 months ago

      yes nerd

      • 8 months ago

        >what if pokemon were GODS
        hoenn was a mistake

        • 8 months ago

          Thats sinnoh. Hoenn didnt have any god pokemon. Kyogre/Groudon are on the same level as Ho-oh and Lugia.

          • 8 months ago

            >beings that can destroy the world if they want
            >At the same level of two birds

          • 8 months ago

            lmfao hoennzooms are so funny

  17. 8 months ago

    >Gen 3
    Too much water is a perfectly valid criticism. Hoenn's water routes are, honestly, fricking boring. Largely empty patches of nothing with few trainers here and there and some of the most repetitive encounter tables in the series.
    >Gen 8
    Gym presentation was really nice, and while the dex wasn't the strongest overall it gave me a few of my faves for their respective types (Perrserker for Steel, Cursola for Ghost, Mr. Rime for Ice, etc.)

    • 8 months ago

      The gym presentation could have been cool if the space was used more intelligently and it didn't force you into a stupid uniform for every fight.
      You have a gigantic stadium, fight in just the center, and the rest of the space is reserved for a 3-turn gimmick that the AI only uses for their last Pokemon.

      • 8 months ago

        I thought the uniforms were cool honestly, though I get they're not everyone's cup of tea. The biggest blunder was them not letting you customize it like the gym leaders did.
        Also I agree on the space aspect, it's telling that in most media that depicts the Galarian gym battles it has the trainers stand further out from each other. I think they only did it because battles would look even more awkward than they already did in SWSH when spaced out more.

        • 8 months ago

          I didn't like them because all of the important battles in the game would remove your customization. Same for riding the bike. Character customization peaked with its introduction, and all it was missing was a hat toggle.

      • 8 months ago

        >The gym presentation could have been cool if the space was used more intelligently and it didn't force you into a stupid uniform for every fight.
        I actually liked the uniform, it fit the gimmick of the region/league. But I wouldn't want it in future games, one and done was good. The music changing with the crowd chanting was great too.
        You're right about them reserving their ace as the last pokemon hamstrung the fights though

  18. 8 months ago

    >Gen 4
    the games are slow
    Its fricking trash but Snivy is based

    • 8 months ago

      nah you're trash you gay c**t!

      • 8 months ago

        Keep seething
        Gen5 was a mistake

  19. 8 months ago


    Super training
    >one pokemon at a time
    >extremely slow

    >can force a spawn
    >areas on the map where only the necessary pokemon spawn in Hordes
    >affects the whole team with exp share on

  20. 8 months ago

    >Gen 5
    to many of the new pokemon were retreads of old ones without enough to make them different beyond the design (and even then not so much sometimes). Gigalith should have been a special attacker for example
    >Gen 6
    Pokemon Amie was very cute, and adding outfit customisation was a surprisingly enjoyable change

  21. 8 months ago

    Embarrassing cope.

  22. 8 months ago

    I find the complaint that gen 2 mons were post game only or too rare mainly arrises from a modern mindset looking backwards. When Jotho came out, it was actually Pokemon 2. It wasn't really it's own thing, it was a continuation of Kanto. It was intended to be familiar, while being intersperced with new stuff here and there for you to find and interact with. You see that in the gyms all being missing types from Kanto, etc. Jotho is full of Kanto because Jotho is Kanto 2.

    Gen 3 is when Pokemon gens started to be their own unique thing, while gen 2 mainly builds upon what gen 1 created.

    • 8 months ago

      >I find the complaint that gen 2 mons were post game only or too rare mainly arrises from a modern mindset looking backwards.
      the reason people keep comparing gen 2 to future games is because those future games have SURPASSED gen 2. there's no reason to put up with johto's bullshit anymore when other games handle the formula better.
      it's no coincidence that most if not all johto fans are nostalgic for when they played it as kids.

      • 8 months ago

        m8 every fan of every gen prefers that gen because they played it as kids.
        I see your complaint, and to a degree I actually agree with it. I just think it is a mindset problem. I for example hated gen 7, but if I went into it with the mindset of playing a coming-of-age story of some secondary main character, I probably could have stomached the cut scenes. Likewise, if you go into gen 2 with the mindset of playing enhanced gen 2, you will greatly enjoy it. Now I understand why people don't have that mindset. It is what it is.

        • 8 months ago

          >m8 every fan of every gen prefers that gen because they played it as kids.
          you got me there

    • 8 months ago

      The irony is that that this justification only works if your only experience with media is pokemon and gen 1 and 2.
      It's a very valid criticism that new monster, the major selling point of a monster tamer, we're made rarer over the ones from the previous game. No other piece of media would think of parading the old over the new. And it's not as if the idea of Genwunners existed at the time, it was a fresh series there was no one to pander to.

      Ultimately it ended up biting them in the ass and killing pokemania prematurely instead of it fading out but I suppose this was when GF was up for actually learning from their mistakes because they rectified all of gen 2's issues in gen 3.

      • 8 months ago

        >And it's not as if the idea of Genwunners existed at the time,
        And when I say this I mean relative to pokemon, of course transformers Genwunners existed by this point being where the term came from.

        Actually Transformers is a good example.
        TF the movie was basically there to act as a change over killing off most of the old guard who's toys had been discontinued replacing them with a new line of toys

      • 8 months ago

        No one would see it as parading the old over the new because it's about Pokemon as a whole, and the mindset that the old needs to be thrown out so the new is artificially more spotlight is a mindset for selling merch and toys foward, rather than focusing on game quality.
        Why is it a problem for example that Bugsy uses a Scyther instead of a Heracross? It's not like Scyther had any trainer presence in Gen 1, so naturally it's a strong Pokemon and gives representation to something that hadn't had it yet. Chuck has two Pokemon that were never used by any major trainer. Why would it be better if he had a weaker Hitmontop instead of a more powerful Poliwrath with better stats and moves that actually have a strategy. Gengar is stronger than Misdreavus, so naturally the game is better for actually using the stronger Pokemon instead of making it worse for no reason.

        • 8 months ago

          Don't bother arguing, he is a troll, or even worse, a hoenngay

        • 8 months ago

          >and the mindset that the old needs to be thrown out so the new is artificially more spotlight is a mindset for selling merch and toys foward, rather than focusing on game quality.
          Yeah but not really.
          As a video game sure you want the old foundation but first and foremost you want to try out the new features.
          That's true for any sequel.
          Imagine if in Viewtiful Joe 2 you couldn't use Sylvia and the combo move until half way through the game.
          >Why is it a problem for example that Bugsy uses a Scyther instead of a Heracross?
          The problem isn't that he uses a Scyther, the problem is that. He literally uses a team of all Kanto pokemon despite a handful of new bugs being introduced
          It's the same with Falkner, he uses a Pidgey and Pidgeotto, when he could have just as easily had a Hoot-hoot or Murkrow.
          >Why would it be better if he had a weaker Hitmontop instead of a more powerful Poliwrath
          Ignoring the fact that Hitmontop in gen 2 had 10 more attack, 20 more sp. def and the same defence and speed, making it a better choice than Poliwrath it's also not about what's better but showing the player what they can find.
          I mean, you say Scyther didn't have much of an appearance in gen 1 but look at skarmory in gen 2, a flying and steel type that wasn't on the flying or steel type leader's teams or even used by their gym trainers and it had one bit part in an anime that was had low viewership at the time.
          Even if Scyther was rare in game to find it showed up a decent amount used by trainers and had that iconic anime cry of SCYTHAAA that everyone knows, but skarmory was so forgotten that just about everyone thought it was a new gen 3 pokemon.

          >Gengar is stronger than Misdreavus
          And Misdreavus is a better pokemon than Gastly and Haunter yet Morty had two Haunter. There was no need for the second.

          It's almost as if they wanted to ignore gen 2 pokemon

          • 8 months ago

            Even if there are old Pokemon, they still had new mechanics to make use of. You couldn't have had Bugsy's fight in RBY.

            • 8 months ago

              >they still had new mechanics to make use of
              You really don't want to see this as a game do you.
              The stat changes and whatnot are all behind the scenes changes, gen 1 to 9 all games have that basic core regardless of the changes under the hood. At a glance you're not going to know or care about the mechanical differences.
              I mean, it's not like gen 2 added abilities or mega evolution, the closest thing was held items.

              • 8 months ago

                >You really don't want to see this as a game do you.
                Yes, you do. You see new moves constantly.

              • 8 months ago

                You also see new mons constantly. Just not all the time and exclusively. Recycling arche types like "Magikarp is the weak fish you can catch everywhere", Zubats and Geodude are in caves, is again just an extension of what gen 1 did. They didn't feel like coming up with a new Magikarp or a new Geodude because those mons already existed and they wanted to keep it consistent.

              • 8 months ago

                There were also legitimate data restrictions that would have prevented them from both having analogs for gen 1 mons and backward compatibility.

              • 8 months ago

                >You see new moves constantly.
                No, not at all and that's not surprising at all gen 2 comes in about 3rd where new moves are concerned and most are pretty garbage. That's why most trainer teams in the game usually inky have one new gen 2 move if they do at all.

              • 8 months ago

                >No, not at all
                Yes, you do. And the leaders all give you TMs for new moves.

          • 8 months ago

            Houndoor is not as big of a part of gen 2 as Sylvia is of VJ2.

            • 8 months ago

              It's arguably bigger. The whole point of a monster tamer are the monsters battling, collecting etc etc, Sylvia is nice to have and all but if it weren't for a few replay puzzles you wouldn't need to use her.

              The problem is that you're looking at gen 2 with the eyes of a fanboy, not with the eyes of an avid video game player.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Gen 2 is always going to be a meh tier game that's reliant on gen 1.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                What makes you think I am a gen 2 fanboy? What makes you think I am not an avid video game player?

                You are arguing with genre, which I think is a silly thing to do. I could call Pokemon an adventure game and argue that having to go out of your way to find new mons encourages exploration. I could also say that Pokemon is a terrible racing game, because it doesn't let me pick a ferrari. I hope you understand why I think that's absurd. Judge a game based on what it does, not based on what it should do.

              • 8 months ago

                going out of your way to find new mons is fine, not having the option until the end of the game is not

              • 8 months ago

                so introducing pokemon after the 8th gym is bad?

              • 8 months ago

                Introducing Johtomons late is bad. Introducing catchable Charizard or Venusaur after last gym is good.

              • 8 months ago

                >Introducing Johtomons late is bad.
                Why? Explain it without referencing future games and the concept of generations.

              • 8 months ago

                I think he's being ironic

              • 8 months ago

                Because It's Pokemon 2 and should feature Pokemon 2 pokemons more. Then after the game it should go back to ol' reliable Pokemon 1 mons like a rare Charizard.

              • 8 months ago

                Anon, just about everyone has been talking about it as a sequel, not a pokemon game.

              • 8 months ago

                no, introducing pokemon after the league is bad

              • 8 months ago

                so, hoenn is bad?

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                so you must hate all pokemon games since even rby has mewtwo after the league

              • 8 months ago

                legendaries are exempt

              • 8 months ago

                what pokemon games do you like then

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                the good ones

              • 8 months ago

                yes, regardless of the generation, locking pokemon behind 40h+ is bad, legendaries I get it but fricking beldum?

              • 8 months ago

                >but fricking beldum
                Yes, the second pseudo legendary in the game.

              • 8 months ago

                Late bloomer*

          • 8 months ago

            Gen 2
            Baby Pokemon were the worst idea, implemented in the worst possible way at the worst possible time

            Gen 8
            Nature mints should have exists when nature were introduced

            Why is it a problem for example that Bugsy uses a Scyther instead of a Heracross?
            The scyther is fine, its the cocoons that that suck, even a level one ledyba would be more dignified that that shit
            >Chuck has two Pokemon that were never used by any major trainer. Why would it be better if he had a weaker Hitmontop instead of a more powerful Poliwrath
            it would be better it he had three Pokemon, Though seeing as Bruno already uses Hitmontop Chuck could have Heracross since Bugsy isn't using it
            >Gengar is stronger than Misdreavus,
            Misdreavus is stronger than Haunter and that got to be on his team twice
            >naturally the game is better for actually using the stronger Pokemon instead of making it worse for no reason.
            No the game is actively worse because Morty lacks misdreavus
            His gym ends up becomes bland because you fight same Pokémon family literately 20 times in a row, the same ghost gamily that was all over Pokemon tower in Gen 1, on Agatha's Team in Gen 1, and even in GSC is later used by Karen! At least Chuck and Bugsy have genuine merit due to using the only Gen 1 Pokémon that aren't constantly shoved in our faces.
            finding Misdreavus is harder than it should be because you can't even use the map to find it
            Chikorita users are unfairly punished because every single ghost type you fight is part poison for no reason
            The worst part is that makes Gen 2 Pokemon seem weaker than they are, and part of the reason why Gen 2 Pokeeon are just seen as filler to prop up GenWun

            I disagree with the idea that the Gen 2 Pokemon had less importance. Pokemon is primarily a monster catching series before all else. Most people who played Gen 1 already had a significant, if not all of the Pokemon available. The restriction and hidden nature of the Johto Pokemon reflects that and was meant to be the meat of the game experience back in 1999 which was a time before online random battles. Having them be unknown, and seeing them randomly / getting a call about them is more worthwhile. There is more than enough to be found in the early game to have multiple varied experiences, so that part isn't lost.
            For the gym leaders:
            Pidgeotto is boring, but I don't think there was a reasonable equivalent for something that early. It's not really a bad fight by any means. I would choose Fearow or Dodrio before anyone else.
            The other Johto bugs are seen before his fight, not a big deal
            Ghost just isn't a good fir for the game with the low variety it has. I don't think having one or two of them as sweep fodder would really change anything, so I would just keep it, but I get people that do
            Poliwrath has higher HP than Hitmontop and has an actual game plan with Hypnosis and Dynamic Punch. Hitmontop is just sweep fodder for your inevitable flying Pokemon to feast on I personally think that the Hitmontop and Heracross styles also don't really reflect well on Chuck as a character compared to Primeape and Poliwrath that look a lot more like him.

            • 8 months ago

              Bugsy could have had Spinarak and Ledyba, but they wouldn't have accomplished much more than Metapod & Kakuna.

            • 8 months ago

              Falkner to me always seemed like an inverse Brock. When you first encounter Brock, chances are you are a complete noob and go "what is this rock dude? holy shit a giant snake! how do I kill it?"
              When you first encounter Falkner, you are likely a veteran and go "hah, I know this bird, I can take it". I suppose it is empowering.
              I mean, that doesn't make him a great gym leader by along shot, but I always assumed that is what the devs went for.

              • 8 months ago

                In-universe, Falkner is a relatively new gym leader.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, and that is where you need to take levels as an abstract concept rather than as a concrete in-universe thing. He supposedly got the Pokemon his dad used as a gym leader. But that would mean his das used a level 7 Pidgey aswell.

            • 8 months ago

              >The restriction and hidden nature of the Johto Pokemon reflects that and was meant to be the meat of the game experience back in 1999 which was a time before online random battles.
              You're saying that but it just goes back to this.

              The irony is that that this justification only works if your only experience with media is pokemon and gen 1 and 2.
              It's a very valid criticism that new monster, the major selling point of a monster tamer, we're made rarer over the ones from the previous game. No other piece of media would think of parading the old over the new. And it's not as if the idea of Genwunners existed at the time, it was a fresh series there was no one to pander to.

              Ultimately it ended up biting them in the ass and killing pokemania prematurely instead of it fading out but I suppose this was when GF was up for actually learning from their mistakes because they rectified all of gen 2's issues in gen 3.

              Being the second generation doesn't give it an excuse when putting the new elements before the old is just objectively bad for any sequel.
              And it's a monster tamer, you can just make good monsters be at the end of an optional dungeon or in a specific room but they didn't really utilise that much in gen 2 despite having two optional dungeons in Mortar and the dark cave. They could have easily slipped Larvitar into one of them and Sneasel wasn't found on ice path until crystal.

              • 8 months ago

                Have you ever considered that trading was always meant to be a large portion of the Pokemon experience and that breeding was introduced in that generation to make trades even easier?

              • 8 months ago

                Okay? And the relevance there is...?
                Whether you trade or not someone still has to go through just about the entire game to get them.

        • 8 months ago

          Gen 2
          Baby Pokemon were the worst idea, implemented in the worst possible way at the worst possible time

          Gen 8
          Nature mints should have exists when nature were introduced

          Why is it a problem for example that Bugsy uses a Scyther instead of a Heracross?
          The scyther is fine, its the cocoons that that suck, even a level one ledyba would be more dignified that that shit
          >Chuck has two Pokemon that were never used by any major trainer. Why would it be better if he had a weaker Hitmontop instead of a more powerful Poliwrath
          it would be better it he had three Pokemon, Though seeing as Bruno already uses Hitmontop Chuck could have Heracross since Bugsy isn't using it
          >Gengar is stronger than Misdreavus,
          Misdreavus is stronger than Haunter and that got to be on his team twice
          >naturally the game is better for actually using the stronger Pokemon instead of making it worse for no reason.
          No the game is actively worse because Morty lacks misdreavus
          His gym ends up becomes bland because you fight same Pokémon family literately 20 times in a row, the same ghost gamily that was all over Pokemon tower in Gen 1, on Agatha's Team in Gen 1, and even in GSC is later used by Karen! At least Chuck and Bugsy have genuine merit due to using the only Gen 1 Pokémon that aren't constantly shoved in our faces.
          finding Misdreavus is harder than it should be because you can't even use the map to find it
          Chikorita users are unfairly punished because every single ghost type you fight is part poison for no reason
          The worst part is that makes Gen 2 Pokemon seem weaker than they are, and part of the reason why Gen 2 Pokeeon are just seen as filler to prop up GenWun

      • 8 months ago

        >this justification only works if your only experience with media is pokemon and gen 1 and 2.
        That's all people had in the early 2000s.

  23. 8 months ago

    >Gen 4
    Not fat enough

  24. 8 months ago

    >Gen IV
    I think that the limited pokedex really hurts the game, and I don’t know why they made it that way when they introduced so many new evolutions of old pokemon. At least it made the post-game the best in the series.
    >Gen VIII
    Marks is a really cool system, alongside Poke Jobs. They’re overall useless but they make interactions with pokemon feel a lot more fun and personal. I just wish Jobs didn’t force you to gain Exp i don’t need/want

  25. 8 months ago

    >gen 5
    Not sure why hydreigon and braviary evolve so late. Level curve in this game feels like an over correction from HG/SS. No battle frontier sucked.
    >gen 6+7
    gen 6 has some of the best music in the entire franchise. Gen 7 are the last games to have a full pokedex.

  26. 8 months ago

    Is this a raid?

    • 8 months ago

      Nah, raiders hate gen 4 and 5

  27. 8 months ago

    >Gen 3
    needs more water mons than just Wailmer, Wingull, and Tentacool lines
    >Gen 8
    good gym designs

  28. 8 months ago

    Considering i only ever played gen 4, i really hate the damn HM spam

  29. 8 months ago

    >Gen 3
    Some of the fishing mons should've also been uncommon surfing encounters to make sea routes less repetitive.
    Losing visual day/night changes stinked.
    Even if the hardware incompatabilties were insurmountable having a break in transferring from Gen 2 -> 3 set the precedent for constant remakes and Dexit.
    Ruby/Sapphire on their own are underwhelming games, Hoenn feels empty without the improvements of Emerald.
    >Gen 8
    Legends was fun, even if not fleshed out enough.

  30. 8 months ago

    imo the biggest problem with gen 2 is how badly they handled evo stones. and it's a shame too because i like the phone and money saving systems as a whole.

    • 8 months ago

      I'll never understand why they removed them from celadon and didn't have them in goldenrod.
      I remember I playing gold back in the day and finding the department store and going "oh this must be where you get the stones from" and to my surprise, nothing.

  31. 8 months ago

    Hoenn does in fact have too much water

  32. 8 months ago

    What the frick is happening to the board rn

    • 8 months ago

      sharty raiders

    • 8 months ago

      first time?

  33. 8 months ago

    limited roster that relies too much on kantomon, it is a travesty you cannot catch the babies in the wild
    great roster and variety for teams, monotype runs are always fun in alola

  34. 8 months ago

    Why are TMs STILL single use!?
    Got rid of breeding incense finally, should've never been there in the first place.

    • 8 months ago

      Breeding for stats and having a baby pops out sucks ass, because then you need to evolve that baby before you can put it back in the daycare.

    • 8 months ago

      >Why are TMs STILL single use!?
      So they are a resource you have to think about using. That being said they should all be permanent or purchasable in post-game.

  35. 8 months ago

    >Gen 5
    A lot of the cool stuff that people talk about (eg. battles against all of the previous game's leaders, yancy/curtis, etc) is either hidden behind an insane grind or shoved out of the way.

    >Gen 6
    I'm glad they managed to perfect online interactions at this point, it was a slow climb up from DPPt but the leap is insane. Only for every generation onward to kneecap online in at least five different ways to prevent it from being enjoyable.

    • 8 months ago

      >battles against all of the previous game's leaders
      >hidden away
      You unlock the Unova leader tournament by beating the game.
      You unlock the other leaders by beating the Unova tournament.
      The closest thing to a grind in the pwt is unlocking the champion tournament and you only need to do world 10 times.

  36. 8 months ago

    the "low HP" theme is cute at first until it sucks the tension out of literally any major battle by overriding the music
    also bw2 did NOT need a forced pokestar tutorial (this goes for any game with a forced tutorial on side content such as contests)
    >gen 8
    klara sexo

  37. 8 months ago

    >Gen 2
    Hidden stats are an inherently bad system. This applies to the whole series though
    >Gen 9.
    Remembering moves from the summary menu is convenient. This invalidates the need for PP recovery items though

  38. 8 months ago

    >Gen 6
    Kalos was dogshit, except for the Friend Safari, and even that was dodgy.

    >Gen 8
    Very comfy for a compgay like me

  39. 8 months ago

    Gen 3 (Favorite)
    >poor graphics compared to what was possible
    >missing day and night cycle
    >villains made no sense and had their actions basically retconned to make some sense
    >water routes could have been a lot more interesting
    >mirage island-like garbage is pointless to everyone except RNG manipulators
    >events locked behind dumb real world garbage
    >rival just disappears, wally makes no sense, no antagonistic rival to actually compete against outside of villains

    Gen 5 (Least favorite)
    >political satire of bleeding hearts was good (but could have been better) especially when it was followed up by corporate satire in kalos (about businesses literally destroying the world for everyone but the rich). Both could have supported one another beautifully if done a bit better
    >villains weren't doomsday cultists, just buttholes who wanted power and lied to get it
    >Some mons were really nice. Zekrom, Zoroark, Chandelure, and a few others (in spite of the less interesting ones)
    >the opening part where the house gets wrecked from the battle was a nice detail
    >the homoerotic ferris wheel scene

    • 8 months ago

      What's wrong with Wally?

      • 8 months ago

        You fight him once, then suddenly you see him at Victory road for some reason. Combined with the rival just vanishing, it makes no sense. It's basically unfinished content stuffed in

        • 8 months ago

          Don't you fight him thrice? May disappearing is dumb, yes.
          Wally has a decent character arc, if you ask me.

          • 8 months ago

            Nah, you help him catch ralts, battle him in front of the electric gym, then he appears at victory road with a full team. You can rematch him apparently. In later games they made him appear in post game content like they do with other characters.

    • 8 months ago

      >events locked behind dumb real world garbage
      Literally every game was like that until gen 5.

  40. 8 months ago

    The Pokemon designs being redesigned by one person to make everything look more friendly and homogenized was probably a bad idea. The dex is pretty good with no real bad designs, but a lot of the mid tier designs lack character.

    I like some of the gym leader and Pokemon designs

  41. 8 months ago

    >Gen 4
    The game sometimes feels slower than Shuckle's speed stat
    >Gen 2
    Probably the comfiest Pokemon region

  42. 8 months ago

    Gen 2
    >Gimmick everyone says adds so much SOVL to the game is mainly useless and is only good for Swarms/Evolution Stones
    Gen 4
    >A very solid dex, music isn't bad either

  43. 8 months ago

    Way too slow, Diamond & Pearl were sorely lacking, and HGSS didn't fix some of GSC's more notable flaws.
    The Wild Area, Isle of Armor, and Crown Tundra could be considered early prototypes for Gen 9 being an open world game, and we got Legends Arceus, the best Pokemon game since B2W2 back in 2012.

  44. 8 months ago

    Like: Was way too railroaded into its own story, and also did accidentally start a lot of the negative trends that continue on today, even if it was doing so to try to stand out from the predecessors.

    Dislike: I do like the idea of Paradox mons quite a bit, and the rideable legendaries are pretty well designed.

  45. 8 months ago

    >Gen V
    Black & White barely had a post-game, pokemon encounter distribution still suffered a lot of the same problems from previous generations, and the starters were a terrible mess, probably the worst or 2nd worst starter trio ever, even with cool pokemon like Snivy and Dewott it still dropped the ball hard with those final evolutions both design-wise and stats-wise.
    >Gen VIII
    Galar's Gym leaders were the most charismatic characters present in pokemon ever since Sinnoh, even if the Champion Leon remains a braindead non-character pushed only by blatant shilling. It's funny how the most "important" trainer in the region is also it's most dogshit character, literally any other Galar character mogs him, it's like a reverse Sinnoh. Thank god Gen VIII is fricking over.

  46. 8 months ago

    >gen 4
    Cynthia during the story is pretty dumb sometimes. She gives you medicine for the Golducks, then meets you at the Golducks. Just give them the medicine yourself, you Mary Sue c**t.

    >gen 1
    HMs were well implented. They were basically adventure game tools - you are rewarded for exploration by unlocking new ways to interact with the environment. Getting two from the safari zone is a bit dumb, but it is much better than being handed HMs after story gates like in basically every other gen.
    Also, in gen 1 every HM except maybe Flash is a viable move to use in-game, since movesets were so baren. So having them take up a moveslot is not an issue.
    Gen 1 also had the best map design.
    And having no story to gate you here or there is fantastic for replayability. The game opens up as you progress, but you work for that progress by exploration rather than following the story.
    Really, almost everything in gen 1 that isn't Pokemon battles is great.

    I didn't replay any game past gen 5 so I can't really comment on them. (I didn't like them.)

  47. 8 months ago

    >Gen 4
    Slow as molasses on original hardware.

    >Gen 5
    The bug types are the best in the franchise, which is the only good thing I can say about it.

  48. 8 months ago

    >cross-regional evolution
    >it gets fat
    wow, thanks Gen 4

  49. 8 months ago

    >Gen 4
    It's fricking slow. Always emulate it if you can.
    >Gen 8
    Hot bimbos

  50. 8 months ago

    >Gen 4
    Everything about the game is slow, whether it be the battles, the exploration (especially thick snow and mud), constantly needing HMs, story progression, even the music tends to be on the slower side.
    >Gen 7
    Lillie and Lana, Toucannon is also cool.

  51. 8 months ago

    >Gen 2
    It frustrates me that I can't capture several Johto Pokémon before the post-game.

    >Gen 4
    Visually, it's most pleasing to me. I think all the designs are good.

    But I never played 7, 8, 9. Probably 4 wouldn't be my least favorite if I had played the newer ones

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