>Gives you 37 settlements to build. >Very hard to scavenge essential materials like wood and steel

>Gives you 37 settlements to build
>Very hard to scavenge essential materials like wood and steel
>One shipment costs half your inventory
>Largest shipment not even enough to build one object
>Walking simulator between settlements in Survival

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    >junk has no weight mod
    >fast travel mod
    now survival is actually fun

    • 3 weeks ago

      You're supposed to use console commands, silly.

      Weak morons not knowing rebuilding is satisfying because it was actually hard work, blood, sweat, tears

  2. 3 weeks ago

    I only bother throwing down some beds and maybe building some kind of tenement housing structure if the original doesn't have roofed buildings. The two or three settlements I use as home bases while exploring get built up with more than that to look cool. The rest only exist to generate resources.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    You're supposed to use console commands, silly.

    • 3 weeks ago

      This lol. I couldn't imagine playing that game on fricking console, vanilla on pc is bad enough lol.

      Play a real Fallout game instead. Got pic related for a couple of dollars off of Steam last month and have been enjoying it ever since. 🙂

      Please kys yourself

  4. 3 weeks ago

    >build your dream settlement bro!
    >every settlement is on a bunch of crazy, jagged land
    >native building tool will just make everything hover
    >all your settlers do is exist to farm food or generate 5 caps a week sitting at a store booth

    • 3 weeks ago

      Don't worry, mods finish the settlement building experience that Bethesda couldn't be bothered to.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Alright, what are the best settlement mods then bro

        • 3 weeks ago

          Home maker

        • 3 weeks ago


        • 3 weeks ago

          Sim Settlements 2. It builds the settlements for you.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    >tfw autistic about settlement building but not matter how much I build in them they never feel finished

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Play a real Fallout game instead. Got pic related for a couple of dollars off of Steam last month and have been enjoying it ever since. 🙂

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Face piercings
      >Neck tattoo

      May Frank Horrigan rip your arms out of your shoulder sockets.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You need to put more points into endurance so you last longer having sex. Actually a thing in the game

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Sex bimbo
      >Perception 5
      >Intelligence 7

      Black person, what the frick are you doing?

    • 3 weeks ago

      fallout 2 is shit and stop posting this you homosexual

    • 3 weeks ago

      >1 STR
      Black person what the frick are you doing?

    • 3 weeks ago

      What the frick is that anatomy???

    • 3 weeks ago

      Imagine playing shit and pretending to be the big man on an anonymous image board.
      > I'm totally an oldgay who played Fallout in 1997!
      It sucked then, and it still sucks now. If you said you're emulating BoS I'd at least nod in appreciation because it would mean you made up your own mind on things instead of being an e-celeb regurgitation unit.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    Doesn’t mod fallout… I hate you.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    >very hard to scavenge essential materials like wood and steel
    Uhhhh fuzz is u dumb
    >pretty much every thing that has gears, screws etc(used for weapon mods and stuff) has wood and steel also
    >pretty much every settlement has an ass ton of trees, furniture, random piles of metal and cars and shit that you can scrap for wood and steel

    • 3 weeks ago

      But where would I get Steel in a town made of steel houses and cars and shit?

  9. 3 weeks ago

    settlements was just bait for women... heck even the most detailed mod rework for it is called SIMS settlements

    idk how they managed to make starfield settlements even worse

  10. 3 weeks ago

    I hate how you can't scrap trees when you are surrounded by forest everywhere, except miniscule amount in settlements which ruins the aesthetics, and most yielding junk is wooden spoon which grants you massive 2 wood

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Scrap all of the "ruined" houses in Sanctuary
      >Half the settlement looks like Diamond City, the other half fricked up
      >Can't rebuild the bridge
      >Can't remove the the dead drifter and mongrel
      >Can't remove the trash from the river
      >Can't remove that one piece of fence that's inside the settlement border
      >Can't do a hard reset on settlements

      • 3 weeks ago

        The Settlement system in itself was moronic. There shouldn't have been any free building, they should have just programmed areas to visually improve after you liberate them, do quests, and give them access to resources they need by clearing out additional areas.

        Instead of being a visual way to reward exploration and quests it rapidly becomes a massive chore.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Did anyone actually do anything with the settlements beyond the bare minimum required? They really shouldn't have bothered with the system at all just like they shouldn't have bothered with anything new they added the starfield

          • 3 weeks ago

            the settlement shit appeals to a completely different player, I feel like. I don't play Fallout to play with legos, I have zero interest in "making my own world" I want to play something that was written and designed by people creating a world.

            But Bethesda is proving again and again they don't give a shit about world building. There will probably be an even bigger focus on settlement building in 5 and on top of that they'll add vehicles and custom vehicles, now you won't be walking the wasteland you'll just be driving around on empty highways.

            • 3 weeks ago

              kek this dude is crying hard as frick on this doomer website. peak

            • 3 weeks ago

              I really only ever play all the quest in these games, the idea of exploring procedurally generated content in starfield is completely ridiculous.

              • 3 weeks ago

                at least you still have your sony movie game, bro

            • 3 weeks ago

              >There will probably be an even bigger focus on settlement building in 5
              I don't know how, they literally removed all of the towns except Diamond City and Goodneighbor. Maybe only one city in 5?

  11. 3 weeks ago

    Settlement building is pointless. It's just there to gate you for the teleporter quest.

  12. 3 weeks ago

    >world building takes too much effort
    >trick your fans into doing it for you instead
    this is the true purpose of settlements

    • 3 weeks ago

      Big truth. Frick Bethesda. They need to drop having such wide worlds and go for depth. Traversing the subway system was neat, particularly in survival mode where it becomes an actual useful means of travel. Just wish you could download and overlay map on your pip boy.

      I don't need places pretending to be massive cities when they're not, just give me decent sized communities of recognizable characters. The Mayor of Diamond City acting busy when there are like 20 peoples in his town is dumb.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    >want my settlers to have homes and jobs and things to do and stuff
    >hate building everything square by square
    >every mod that lets them build things themselves also does five hundred other things I will never care about

  14. 3 weeks ago

    >Paradise Falls
    >Cool faction settlement
    >is used for one (optional) side quest
    >you are highly encouraged to just blast your way through it instead of going in on good terms
    >Is actually one of the better quests in the game
    It's like Bethesda begrudgingly made an area that let you actually talk to a faction that isn't the BoS but then made sure you knew killing everybody would be way easier and less time consuming, if not just letting you skip the entire quest.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Sucks how the slaves you help don't even do anything with that place. Or anyone really, no one moves in after the slavers are dealt with, and Three Dog does not acknowledge the slavers at paradise falls being dead

      • 3 weeks ago

        Dang, it's almost like you're supposed to keep them alive

        • 3 weeks ago

          That's dumb. Three dog complains about you killing tenpenny ghouls but doesn't praise you for killing a settlement of slavers. DUMB

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Cool faction settlement
      paradise falls is one-note as frick

      • 3 weeks ago

        I wasn't saying there's a lot to it, I'm saying it is A faction settlement you get to enter on friendly terms and you get to talk to the people there. IT IS ONE of those, in a game that hardly has any.
        It's a cool quest that the designers constantly undermine because they don't even want you to go in on good terms to begin with. It could have obviously been even better, infiltrating a slaver camp and learning about it, to aid in an escape is a good premise.

        I still really like the quest, but obviously it could have been so much more. Todd probably doesn't even want me to play it, he wants me to flatten it with mini-nukes and not talk to a single slaver npc.

        • 3 weeks ago

          it was pretty kino. Fallout 3 / NV / 4 had some pretty kino worldbuilding

  15. 3 weeks ago

    Its embarrassing how underwhelming the vanilla settlement building system is. They literally give you like 12 options for lighting, for example.

  16. 3 weeks ago

    I'm having a blast in Survival. I've set up Sunshine Co-Op, Starlight Drive-in, and recruited Tenpine Bluffs and Abernathy Farm into the Minutemen. I found a second suit of power armor and brought it back to Red Rocket, and now I'm ready to set out for Diamond City. 10 hours in. Never played Fallout like this before. Every location gets looted and I truck it back to the nearest settlement. I have plenty of materials from being thorough

    • 3 weeks ago

      this is a doomer website. cry about something or frick off, homosexual

    • 3 weeks ago

      Good stuff anon, I hope you keep having fun!
      Don't forget to take the scrounger perk to get more fusion cores!
      Also Charisma for supply trading between settlements!

      • 3 weeks ago

        I did and found four fusion cores in an ammo crate, however I died and when I went back it was just bullshit ammo I don't use. Fricking Mr. Gutsy just annihilated me

    • 3 weeks ago

      Are you playing vanilla?

      • 3 weeks ago

        Yeah. I have over a thousand hours on record across all Fallout games and have never touched a mod

        • 3 weeks ago

          That sounds miserable, lol

        • 3 weeks ago

          That sounds miserable, lol

          Don't listen to him, I too like vanilla. It's the real vision of the devs, as faulty and clunky as it may be, it's the way intended to be played. If a player needs to install hundreds of mods to make a game "playable" then maybe they should look for another franchise.

          • 3 weeks ago

            No, because I disagree with this guy and this statement

            fallout 4 is a dogshit game for morons that have never played a single videogame before. everything it does half-assed has been done better by way more competently made game, literally in your own fricking post you're unable to give it any merit outside of the fact it can be a bootleg STALKER
            I'm not giving a game a pass because its thousands of poorly done bloat features can be improved on with massive overhaul mods that turn it into a dedicated game thats still worse than anything else in its genre. this defense force shit is so moronic especially when barely any of the defenders can even manage a genuine compliment for it

            when he says
            >still worse than anything in it's genre

            With 200 mods I have turned this game into a literal masterpiece that puts me back in a mindset where I can play for 3 hours and completely lose track of time. Vanilla is just so fricking bad, with it's terrible guns, terrible dialogue, skipped over features like combat zone, hardly any choice or immersion, etc.

          • 3 weeks ago

            I'm always confused when I read posts about anons who spend a day installing mods for Fallout/TES and then get bored and uninstall them. I can boot up vanilla anytime since it's always on my PC and sink 10+ hours into it without even thinking about it

            Then I realize most anons are brown third worlders with a room temp IQ

            • 3 weeks ago

              Fallout 4 is so bad vanilla you literally cannot trick anyone into buying this horse shit.

              • 3 weeks ago

                And what mods do you use to improve the experience? Breast sliders? Rape mods?

              • 3 weeks ago

                Slave mod

              • 3 weeks ago

                >lore friendly weapon switcher
                Pipe guns are now crappy tech-9 variants for example
                >script extender that vastly improves even the vanilla assets
                >overhaul to fix game engine so going downtown isnt fricked even on nice computers
                >fixed the combat zone so it's functional
                >improved the amount of choices I can make to change the story
                >overhauled good neighbor and DC so they are actual thriving cities
                >fixed known bugs that break the game (mostly DLC bugs like Ada not being able to complete the automoatron storyline because her door opening script is broken)
                >Actually have more than 2 lamps to select when building settlements
                There's a lot more Im not mentioning, but this alone is proof

    • 3 weeks ago

      Likewise, I'm having a blast playing it in survival. But to spice it up a bit more I'm doing an Ironman run, just one life, if I die I have to start all over again from the beginning. It's crazy how fun the game becomes when I limit myself.

      • 3 weeks ago

        That's ridiculous. You're going to get gibbed by a tension bomb on a random door or fricked up by two raiders outside your settlement on the way to salvage a suit of power armor or something

  17. 3 weeks ago

    How do I build this

  18. 3 weeks ago

    Are there any mods that add more random encounters in survival? Apart from the occasional attack by rust devils or robots it can get a bit quiet walking around in survival mode.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    Fo76 copper

  20. 3 weeks ago

    >releases 2 updates that break every mod
    >people only play for mods

    • 3 weeks ago

      Yeah I rolled mine back, want the youtube tutorial?

      • 3 weeks ago

        lawl its funny you think the brown userbase would even know what to do even with a step by step guide.

  21. 3 weeks ago

    I actually loved the game but gave up after like 20 hours.

  22. 3 weeks ago

    I'm playing this right now. I dunno if I wanna keep going. Some parts of it are a huge upgrade compared to New Vegas but then the writing and neutered RPG elements suck so fricking much. It feels kind of mindnumbing and the protagonist is so fricking lame, you can only roleplay as boring Shaun obsessed homosexual.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Yeah dude, the extremely hamfisted gay ass interactions with all companions is horrible

  23. 3 weeks ago

    >Finally builds a 4 story building
    >Settlers can't even walk a flight of stairs to second floor..
    >Put beds on second floor and settlers stands aimlessly right under the bed on first floor during nighttime.
    Frick you Bethesda

    • 3 weeks ago

      Place floor panels. Because your floor technically is a roof npcs dont have navmesh to walk on it

      • 3 weeks ago

        dont even bother with these homosexuals. by the time they play fo4 again they wont even remember your reply.

        • 3 weeks ago

          STFU Tod

        • 3 weeks ago

          >by the time they play fo4 again
          a bold assumption on your part that I'll ever play that heaping pile again

        • 3 weeks ago

          My biggest gripe with Ganker is that fallout 4 has tons of objective flaws, bad simplified RPG systems, diablo loot, voiced mc, no portable power armor repair, replacing fusion cores all the time feels uncool, yet they still cling to takes like "power armor sux because fusion cores are rare or it breaks too easy!" When both statements are just outright incorrect, you DROWN in cores by level 20 and unless you're wearing the literal first power armor and refuse to upgrade it or later better armors, you tank several explosions and nukes before anything breaks.

          Fallout 4 is a 5/10, 6/10 game and with mods can become STALKER and be a 8/10 for fans of survival looting.
          It's not like New Vegas and it's basically 3 skyrimified so it's a bad RPG but amusing as a looter game with light mass effect rpg elements.

          Starfield existing and time passing has redeemed fallout 4 to me and I can now more objectively see it deserves to exist and has some traits of merit.

          No one should ever buy any bethesda game at full price though I believed Todds lies again because he's handsome so I bought starfield deluxe and regret it even though I'm sure eventually dlc and mods will make it playable, I still think it'll be worse than fallout 4 objectively

          I'm gay, call me gay and a homosexual and don't read anything I say or it'll make you gay, do not give me (You)s

          • 3 weeks ago

            >i used to mods to turn it into stalker
            if i wanted to play stalker i would just play stalker

            • 3 weeks ago

              fallout 4 is a dogshit game for morons that have never played a single videogame before. everything it does half-assed has been done better by way more competently made game, literally in your own fricking post you're unable to give it any merit outside of the fact it can be a bootleg STALKER
              I'm not giving a game a pass because its thousands of poorly done bloat features can be improved on with massive overhaul mods that turn it into a dedicated game thats still worse than anything else in its genre. this defense force shit is so moronic especially when barely any of the defenders can even manage a genuine compliment for it

              Haha he made you both gay you dumb homosexuals

              • 3 weeks ago

                you guys also started doing this weird 'teehe i'm not REALLY defending the game i'm just le trolling XD' shit recently too which is just beyond fricking sad. literally just completely given up trying to argue back on anything, you just post objectively wrong takes then act like the thing is one big silly joke despite the fact you keep making hundreds of posts exactly like that

              • 3 weeks ago

                You schizoposting or did these threads gain even more shit? We had the Egyptian(?) Guy posting 4 memes, Amazon shills, and now we have more stuff? Give archive links I wanna see.
                Is anyone writing this stuff down?

              • 3 weeks ago

                I'm the anon that recommended you watch Nadesico in a previous fallout thread.

                Did you watch it yet? Or did you deliberately not watch it because you still think I was the initial guy you were arguing with?

                This is Latooni from Super Robot Taisen by the way. I'm gonna keep posting /m/ related content when I post because I feel that's distinct from most posters in fallout threads to get your attention. If you are who I think you are anyway.
                I'd honestly like to be your friend and discuss games with you off Ganker sometime, no I don't want ERP or anything.
                I lurk most fallout threads so I hope I'll keep seeing you anon.

          • 3 weeks ago

            fallout 4 is a dogshit game for morons that have never played a single videogame before. everything it does half-assed has been done better by way more competently made game, literally in your own fricking post you're unable to give it any merit outside of the fact it can be a bootleg STALKER
            I'm not giving a game a pass because its thousands of poorly done bloat features can be improved on with massive overhaul mods that turn it into a dedicated game thats still worse than anything else in its genre. this defense force shit is so moronic especially when barely any of the defenders can even manage a genuine compliment for it

          • 3 weeks ago

            I tried to mod fallout 4 three separate times, each time paying a painstaking amount of effort carefully picking and organizing my mods so to prevent conflicts or any other problems that can plague a modded playthrough only to have my saves corrupted after around 30 hours of gameplay time.
            Turns out its just a core issue with the game, so dont fricking saving too much, and there doesn't exist a way to fix it (I tried literally everything imaginable).
            Not sure if the recent update would fix something like that but the whole experience just soured Fallout 4 for me eternally.
            Never had an unsolvable issue like that come up from modding any other game.

  24. 3 weeks ago

    sorry but whoever builds shit in FO4 has to be raging homosexual. I rush to DC sell the garbage I picked up on the way and buy home plate and that's it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You're clearly a casual and not playing on Survival

      • 3 weeks ago

        >playing on Survival
        You can't be serious

        • 3 weeks ago

          How else would you play this dogshit game and get a passing challenge out of it?

          • 3 weeks ago

            Play it once then forget it forever, challenge never being a factor

            • 3 weeks ago

              Nah, that's the wrong way to do it. The one thing this game has going for it is booby traps and potentially getting overwhelmed by enemies or monsters randomly while travelling if you can just reload a save from two minutes ago those lose all impact.

              The only annoying thing about Survival is that you'll want to get decently large settlement going to get better access to merchants to unload your shit and get reliable access to essential crap.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >goodneighbor and diamond city and that's it because they expected you to build the rest of the map for them
      map was salvaged by mods that build the settlements for you

      • 3 weeks ago

        The real problem with this is generic settlers and not having at least one named NPC in each town to give you a quest and not just radiant shit

        • 3 weeks ago

          yeah, you nailed it far better than i could
          i could at least see the carrot if it lead to a quest

      • 3 weeks ago

        >map was salvaged by mods that build the settlements for you
        What mods

        • 3 weeks ago

          Then if you just look up whatever settlement you want followed by "blue print" it will set it up. May take a long time depending on your PC strength

  25. 3 weeks ago

    Why is an almost decade old game relevant again? It's not even the best Fallout. Fricking Bethesda will release Fallout 5 in 10 years now that 4 is relevant again somehow.

  26. 3 weeks ago

    >build a walled compound with plenty of defenses around the perimeter
    >enemies spawn inside the walls past all of the turrets
    I hate Todd so much it's unreal

    • 3 weeks ago

      B-but it's quirky!!1 Bugs in Bethesda games are a feature haha lolololl

  27. 3 weeks ago

    >like place for settlement
    >want to turn it into my base of operations
    >n-no you can build here
    >nuh huh you reached the limit of things you can build
    >the only way to fix it is through mods
    BethesdBlack folk cant create even a single CORE feature of their game in the way that it won't fricking annoy you every single time you attempt to interact with it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >release a dlc to make a vault
      >can barely fill out the first room and there’s like 3 fricking caverns you can potentially build in
      I don’t get it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Even funnier is when you learn there's a resource bug if you get too efficient that causes your settlements to spazz out and say you have 0 resources when you have like 50. Eeverything goes red and hapiness continuously drops and no mods can fix it, just mitigate.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I did not know it had such bug, this happened to me during one playthrough and made me quit the game because I had no idea what broke and felt too bummed out because of it, lol.

  28. 3 weeks ago

    The show convinced me to give Fallout 4 another shot after trying and failing to get into it previously. I'm fine with the settlements, because you can safely ignore them for the most part.
    What I cannot fathom is how they left the menu/UI system completely untouched since Fallout 3. With all the extra shit you accumulate in 4, it highlights just how clunky it is.

  29. 3 weeks ago

    I built all of them just fine

  30. 3 weeks ago

    >want to play fallout 4 again
    >remember the gameplay loop is about collecting endless trash and recycling it for settlements and weapon mods and most of the guns suck and builds rely on legendaries
    back to modded FNV

  31. 3 weeks ago

    I wouldn't hate settlement building if you could delete all the trash and actually build pre-war clean fricking houses and not have janky wooden garbage with tin roofs full of tiny holes and no windows (with actual fricking glass).

    • 3 weeks ago

      bethesda hates progress, it goes against their vision of fallout. that's why they nuked shady sands in the show and said "lol sometimes it doesn't le work out to rebuild!"

    • 3 weeks ago

      Bethesda's insistence that the setting is about people living in random garbage mounds is extremely aggravating. Exploring the bombed out ruins of the old world is great. Travelling through a ruined subway market, an old school or a subway tunnel is neat. Stuff like the aesthetic choices for Settlements and garbage like Diamond City. Like you can have a small group of people living off scraps Madd Max style, but don't make that your "Jewel of the Commonwealth.

      At some point let me restore something nice and clean. Maybe restart a factory or loot a military surplus warehouse to give my militia some better armor and weapons as their standard. Instead of my massive thriving settlement having people living in collapsed houses and still walking around in trench coats with ramshackle laser muskets.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >At some point let me restore something nice and clean. Maybe restart a factory or loot a military surplus warehouse to give my militia some better armor and weapons as their standard.
        No deal until you can become the east coast gun runners.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Somewhat this, at least make the garbage make sense. Maybe a region constantly under attack by some force can't grow or build as efficiently, but what the frick is the reason why even a place like that can't use basic fricking wooden or stone construction methods to build houses? What the FRICK is the excuse for a place like Diamond City that doesn't even have any problems and is lauded as the israeliteel of the commonwealth like you said?

  32. 3 weeks ago

    I always just turn on godmode and plant down the necessities and then frick off, but then that is fricking tedious and I always dread unlocking a new settlement. My autism won't allow me to leave them empty though, so I always have to put down food, water, beds, and a bunch of missile turrets and recruitment beacon.

  33. 3 weeks ago

    Holy frick. I can tell you have no business sense. Invest in Brahmin, water, and plastic. Sell water outright, brahmin make fertilizer. Add plastic, and bam you got yourself a drug op. Sell the drugs and repeat. Buy shipments. Imagine scavenging, Minutemen are libertarians. Make some caps.

  34. 3 weeks ago

    Dude just automate that shit and let it fill your settlement stash.

  35. 3 weeks ago

    What's even the point of S.P.E.C.I.A.L.? Seems like in survival, C is the most important unless you like starving and not sleeping a lot, I guess.

    • 3 weeks ago

      How does Charisma affect you not starving or sleeping?

  36. 3 weeks ago

    >Building up all your settlements will also literally decrease your framerate and break your game
    >Trying to build up an actual vault in the Vault building DLC will straight up break your game if you attempt to actually do it

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Finally get around to 88
      >Can't do shit because the snap to grid system doesn't like different floors for some reason.
      I swear to Christ.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Finally get around to 88
      >Can't do shit because the snap to grid system doesn't like different floors for some reason.
      I swear to Christ.

      88 DLC was so fricking disappointing lol

  37. 3 weeks ago

    1. Fill a settlement with water purifiers
    2. Sell water for caps
    3. Use caps to buy junk, ammo, weapons, etc.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Kino, replaying recently and lugging purified water to vendors to trade for ammo/chems in survival while mercing scavs on the way is somehow an extremely satisfying game loop. How did Bethesda not make this the core gameplay loop

      • 3 weeks ago

        Is there a way to drink from or fill bottles with water purifiers? The pump works and it's great scavenging empty bottles to fill em up

        • 3 weeks ago

          I don’t think so for water purifiers but I think regular water pumps and sinks can do this in your settlement

          • 3 weeks ago

            I guess it's not a big deal. I just installed a pump at the Starlight Dine-in, but would have preferred to just use the watering hole in the middle

  38. 3 weeks ago

    Microsoft should do the Fallout Shelter game but make it an actually engaging community survival strategy game instead of a grindy Idle Game. Start off with a set Vault that's safe but with limited resource options so you have to expand out and build your surface colony. Doesn't have to be Bethesda, have whoever do it.

  39. 3 weeks ago

    And yet, I built a empire with my bare hands, every settlement equipped with it's own nurse in tight outfit.
    Humanitys back

    • 3 weeks ago

      I also scap every individual item. If I have 10 wonderglue I drop each one and create a burning sun of junk around me. The accursed junk sign. All my settlements were built by scrap meticously broken down by my bare hands. God I love this game

  40. 3 weeks ago

    I started playing the life in the ruins modlist with the wander profile so it cuts on the settlement autism, so far it feels good, the modlist does make a bunch of senseless changes to balance things though, also enabled fast travel because i can't be bothered to keep going back and forth through the same paths.

  41. 3 weeks ago

    >show is released
    >update is released
    >now my sex mods won't work
    Fricking bullshit…

  42. 3 weeks ago

    Take the capitalisticpill
    >build shop in settlement, collect caps from shopkeeper settler
    >invest on shop
    >send caravan from one settlement to the other for resource sharing
    >invest on automatron as your settlement guard (preferably 2 big robot for settlement, 1 assaultron, that primm slim type of robot for caravan, all equipped with their best weapon)
    >go to major city only to buy shipment of resources from vendor
    >"scavenge?wutisthat? I'm a businessman not a filthy scavenger"
    >rinse and repeat

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