>GM: Sorry warrior king, your sword's slashing and piercing damage does nothing to harm the ooze

>Warrior King: Excuse me while I whip this thing out
would you allow it in your game?

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  1. 4 months ago

    > Would you allow a character to use more than one weapon where the second weapon is one of the most basic magic items in the core rules of the game?
    Like, if you're gonna make a bait thread, at least make it semi-competent. Is your next one going to be about if a character would be allowed to have two whole stats with positive modifiers?

    • 4 months ago

      >Iron whip

      Honestly, I'm just wondering why combining a metal baton type weapon with wands for when you run out of charges or something isn't more of a thing. There's a reason I prefer staves over wands normally.

    • 4 months ago

      Allow a mace? Yeah

      >would you allow someone to use a stick to hit someone
      Better question for the thread: how was your last time being serviced at OP's combination gloryhole and Frick-My-Mom stand? I had a decent time, though OP failed to clean his fricking mom's butthole before my turn.

      imagine not understanding the question is would you allow the warrior king to use his sword proficiency with something that is very much not a sword, but looks like one

      • 4 months ago

        In what universe was that conveyed by the op? It's all of three lines, and at no point does it actually say the guy would have proficiency with anything at all.

        • 4 months ago

          Actual autism.

          • 4 months ago

            Yes, I agree the OP is autistic and incapable of communicating effectively.

      • 4 months ago

        In what universe was that conveyed by the op? It's all of three lines, and at no point does it actually say the guy would have proficiency with anything at all.

        Bians aren't too different from swords, most sword techniques can be applied to them. Heavy frickers though.

        • 4 months ago

          Most systems wouldn't require its fighting-man equivalent to have some special proficiency for what is just a heavy stick, anyway.

        • 4 months ago

          Most systems wouldn't require its fighting-man equivalent to have some special proficiency for what is just a heavy stick, anyway.

          >the sword-staff is just a heavy stick
          imagine the level of physical inactivity you have to possess to think this is accurate

      • 4 months ago

        >he doesn't use a system where a quarterstaff can be used with sword skill
        lol. lmao

        • 4 months ago

          Any system that won't let you switch melee weapons without making you useless is braindead. Ideally you should only have a penalty if you switch to something you never used before.

          Case in point, a dumb as frick system. If you have 13 in Broadsword (83.80% chance of hitting without any other modifiers) and you pick up a two handed sword you go to a wopping NINE (37,50%, completely useless in practice).

          • 4 months ago

            >Case in point, a dumb as frick system. If you have 13 in Broadsword (83.80% chance of hitting without any other modifiers) and you pick up a two handed sword you go to a wopping NINE (37,50%, completely useless in practice).
            Respectfully, you're fricking moronic if you think a sword and board fighter can easily adapt to being a two-handed sword fighter. You have no ability to effectively block with a two-handed sword so you better strike and kill first or be a master of dodge and parry.

            • 4 months ago

              >Respectfully, you're fricking moronic if you think a sword and board fighter can easily adapt to being a two-handed sword fighter.
              Nta, but the fundamentals of weapon handling and footwork are shared between weapons, especially swords. It would not be a stretch to expect someone who primarily uses a sword and shield to be able to use a two handed sword with a degree of proficiency. Going from 83.30% to 37.50% would only make sense if that character had NEVER picked up a two handed sword before.
              >You have no ability to effectively block with a two-handed sword
              Where are you getting this from.

              • 4 months ago

                >>You have no ability to effectively block with a two-handed sword
                >Where are you getting this from.
                Landsknechts were paid double the daily rate of a sword and board fighter for a reason, those homie dies

              • 4 months ago

                If two handed swords couldn't effectively defend the wielder, why would people wield them on the frontlines at all, and why would people pay double for mercenaries who use them?
                That double rate came from being on the front lines of the battle, where all the fighting as happening, not from using ineffective weaponry.

              • 4 months ago

                >If two handed swords couldn't effectively defend the wielder, why would people wield them on the frontlines at all,

                Doppelsoldners - as, indeed, many Landsknechts - wore half or three-quarter plate armor.

                >and why would people pay double for mercenaries who use them?

                The Zweihanders would be at the front in order to break up enemy pike formations. Being in front is dangerous. Also, they were usually more experienced and skilled.

              • 4 months ago

                Anyone taking precarious roles would get paid double or triple or whatever the officers would deem to motivate the men. Dopplesoldner weren't just the men with the great swords.

                The guy in the second row is in a key guard which requires one to go in the bind and push off line.

              • 4 months ago

                It wasn't because their sword couldn't guard, but because they had an especially dangerous duty like

                Anyone taking precarious roles would get paid double or triple or whatever the officers would deem to motivate the men. Dopplesoldner weren't just the men with the great swords.

                The guy in the second row is in a key guard which requires one to go in the bind and push off line.

                said. Also paid extra: soldiers in the vanguard, and the first men up the wall when storming a fort.

              • 4 months ago

                >OP keeps thinking about dudes “whipping it out”
                Pottery. Sword skill with a medium penalty is the easy price for stretching a close but applicable skill. Sadly your master level skill in wieners would be heavily penalized, OP.

                This. The form may look interchangeable with a sword, but the weight and balance would have to be adapted to (the post swing recovery is weird compared to most swords). IRL this happens quickly, if there’s a martial Empty Hand foundation. I’d allow relevant broad martial professions to reduce the penalty — cross-training effects are no urban myth. A shrinking penalty across a few turns could reflect an adaptation period.

                I assume it gets translated as 'whip' because it's kind of a riding crop that got increasingly weaponized.

                It’s a similar situation as with the Tessen (Japanese War Fan) afaik. It started as a flimsy signaling device, and graduated to an arrow-blocking bludgeon. Never used one of those, but it looks weirdly balanced.

            • 4 months ago

              They obviously can easily adapt, especially when you are talking about two normal and similarish weapons that the guy has probably already wielded before and against. Most of the skill in fighting is interchangeable and is based around footwork, timing, experience, etc.

              In GURPS I'm not sure if even a -1 is justifiable, but I also wouldn't be too opposed to it. Anything more than that and its bullshit.

              The no ability to parry with a two handed sword makes no sense by the way, just open youtube and you can find loads of videos of people dueling with zweihanders, they are way more handy than what you seem to think.

              When I used to play GURPS my homebrew was that Swords was a catch all skill for all swords, which was inside a "Melee" category defaulting to -1 for everyone other melee weapon. Then you went to -2 for "Brawling" and that was it for close combat.

              • 4 months ago

                >you can't block with a two-handed sword
                >you can't parry with a two-handed sword
                believe it or not, these are not the same sentence

              • 4 months ago

                moronic distinction from a shitty system.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm certain GURPS has a side bar that tells you that just using the weapon class skill for all individual weapons below it is fine too.
                The percentage thing is there to appease players who're really anal about their characters builds and who'd become loud and aggressive if other players at the table casually made that Katana they got 10.000 hours of training in go woosh, I assume.

              • 4 months ago

                People who hate GURPS refuse to engage with the fact that GURPS states, loudly and often, that the increasingly complex rules are all optional, for if the GM feels like they need it, and definitely shouldn't all be used at once.

              • 4 months ago

                >People who hate GURPS refuse to engage with GURPS

                The number of people on this board who have played GURPS is much lower than the number of people on this board who talk about GURPS.

              • 4 months ago

                I hosted my first gurps one-shot with my friends on friday. They enjoyed it enough that they wanna finish the content and do another combat encounter I've added in (to better acquaint ourselves with the combat) on tuesday. It was a pretty fun time.

              • 4 months ago

                You've spent whole session on one combat encounter? Yeah, that does sound like GURPS.

              • 4 months ago

                No? I didn't say or imply that. The combat was the second half of the game and took probably 1.5 hours with us all being brand new. Not that bad. I'm used to 2+ hour combats.

            • 4 months ago

              Respectfully, go take a HEMA class or any other form of martial arts. You're not allowed to even touch a weapon until you've learned the basics of boxing and grappling. Skills that are the foundation for all combat training. On top of that, the skills are easily transferrable. Nobody who knows their way around a broadsword would need for than a couple seconds to adapt to a longsword or even two-hander. And in the OP's attempt at a gatcha, a broadsword into a mace wouldn't even require a few seconds.

            • 4 months ago

              Fricking moronic.

            • 4 months ago

              A character should be able to be equally good with all melee weapons. Your system is crap.

            • 4 months ago

              Thing is, the Warrior should be knowledgeable about most weapons because he trained against them and probably had them in hand a few times during his training, so he knows the basics. That's why in 2e the Fighter only had a -2 penalty for using a different Sword instead of -5 for the Wizard.

          • 4 months ago

            There’s a rule in the book where a GM can roll against your base skill to see if you’ve had familiarity with it and can choose to wave the penalty. You can also buy off the penalty with points or just flat out choose to not use that rule lol

        • 4 months ago

          I'm playing a GURPS old west game where my character specializes in beating people with a pistol in melee because it counts as Brawling skill. Pretty based, I also like that bayonet-affixed rifles use Spear skill.

        • 4 months ago

          Melee weapons are just Might + Gear bonus. I don't particularly care what special snowflake weapon you want to use.

      • 4 months ago

        My game doesn't have "proficiency"; instead, as characters learn more skills in an ability, that ability's power grows.

      • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        >You should stop making dumb assumptions. I was never using a sword in the first place!

      • 4 months ago

        Hi OP.

        • 4 months ago

          oh no, i've been found out

      • 4 months ago

        My system doesn't have individual weapon proficiencies nor does it have whatever the frick that thing is because I'm not a hipster homosexual who puts obscure trash in his system.

      • 4 months ago

        So why didn't you say that?

      • 4 months ago

        If one person doesn't understand you, they may be stupid.
        If no person understands you, you're stupid.

      • 4 months ago

        For weapons that could be seen as hybrids, aim to be on the flexible side. For example the weapon in OP could be seen as a sword-mace hybrid. In that case both sword and mace proficiency would each enable one to use the weapon optimally. You are not a video game designer who has to imagine what kind of bullshit players will pull several years ahead. If your TTRPG players are pulling some shenanigans you can just put a stop to it right there if it comes to it.

      • 4 months ago

        Why wouldn't a fricking Warrior KING know how to use a mace? A true king of warriors would know how to use all weapons, even if he's really good with a specific one.

      • 4 months ago

        This guy has never so much as been in the same room as a weapon
        A stick and a sword are not that different fundamentally, and that picture is just a metal stick

        • 4 months ago

          >A stick and a sword are not that different fundamentally

        • 4 months ago

          >Shang Bu Han entered the chat

      • 4 months ago

        OP I'm going to beat you with various sticks, mallets, clubs, branches, blunt objects and whatnot. Your question is bad and you should feel bad.

      • 4 months ago

        As it is a weapon that is obvious in how it is used they would use the fight skill with body instead of the weapons skill with coordination. Next fricking moronic question!

        This guy has never so much as been in the same room as a weapon
        A stick and a sword are not that different fundamentally, and that picture is just a metal stick

        A fricking stick!

  2. 4 months ago

    Allow a mace? Yeah

    • 4 months ago

      Holy shit. This thread is confusing. Reverse image search and this anon tells me it's a mace.

      > Would you allow a character to use more than one weapon where the second weapon is one of the most basic magic items in the core rules of the game?
      Like, if you're gonna make a bait thread, at least make it semi-competent. Is your next one going to be about if a character would be allowed to have two whole stats with positive modifiers?

      This anon is talking about magic items. I assume they think it's a wand?

      >Iron whip

      Honestly, I'm just wondering why combining a metal baton type weapon with wands for when you run out of charges or something isn't more of a thing. There's a reason I prefer staves over wands normally.

      What the hell is an iron whip.

      imagine not understanding the question is would you allow the warrior king to use his sword proficiency with something that is very much not a sword, but looks like one

      Where the frick was proficiency mentioned.

      >the sword-staff is just a heavy stick
      imagine the level of physical inactivity you have to possess to think this is accurate


      Christ, is this an elaborate troll on me specifically or are all of you fricking losing your minds. Hell reverse image search tells me it's a kind of Chinese truncheon, but now I'm not even sure OP knows what it is.

      • 4 months ago

        >Christ, is this an elaborate troll on me specifically
        troll threads are not allowed outside of /b/, anon

      • 4 months ago

        Iron whip is a type of mace, just sword shaped.

      • 4 months ago

        I feel for you onlysaneAnon, thank you for posting this.

      • 4 months ago

        I looked up the word that anon used: Bian. It means whip in Chinese and can refer to a proper whip or to a weird club thing similar to in the op which can also be called an iron or steel whip. It looks like it's supposed to be a cavalry weapon to use instead of a hammer and can supposedly be used with similar techniques to a sword. It's lighter than a hammer, but at 7 or 8 kg I don't want to know how heavy Chinese cavalry hammers were. Hope that prevents your further insanity.

        • 4 months ago

          Thanks, that was actually interesting and informative, unlike the op.

          • 4 months ago

            I learned it myself just before telling you here. Glad it was useful. I'm still amazed by the variety of implements of death from around the world.

        • 4 months ago

          Just realized that I've seen this thing on Thunderbolt Fantasy.

          • 4 months ago

            thought that was more meant to be a Chinese sword breaker due to the weapon having sharp edges

            • 4 months ago

              Apparently not.

        • 4 months ago

          I assume it gets translated as 'whip' because it's kind of a riding crop that got increasingly weaponized.

      • 4 months ago

        Surely you're aware that all users on this site are stupid people pretending to be smart people pretending to be stupid people pretending to be smart people pretending to be stupid? You don't actually engage in threads sincerely, do you?

  3. 4 months ago

    >would you allow someone to use a stick to hit someone
    Better question for the thread: how was your last time being serviced at OP's combination gloryhole and Frick-My-Mom stand? I had a decent time, though OP failed to clean his fricking mom's butthole before my turn.

  4. 4 months ago

    Just Mordhau it.

    • 4 months ago

      Slimes don't have a dick to suck.

  5. 4 months ago

    Of course I would. Warriors are encouraged to carry a variety of weapons, the same way wizards are encouraged to know a variety of spells.

  6. 4 months ago

    Yes, allowing magic while disallowing magically-infused items that can be used by normal types (at least, without a good reason) is stupid and a clear sign that you're not a flexible GM.

    • 4 months ago

      Who said anything about magic-infused items?

  7. 4 months ago

    In my game "slashing" and "piercing" are rolled into "blade", and it actually affects (albiet at reduced power) my equivalent "ooze" monster, so whatever that "ribbed for his pleasure" anal dildo you posted is wouldn't need to be "whipped out".

  8. 4 months ago

    >Does the martial art(s) you're trained in include use of the iron club?
    If yes, then sure. You're not a moron that only trains in one weapon, right?

  9. 4 months ago

    The king's an idiot. All he needs is a syringe. You just touch the ooze with a syringe and pull. Boom. No more rampaging ooze.

    • 4 months ago

      You got an acid-proof twenty gallon syringe with vacuum suction laying around?

      • 4 months ago

        You dont?

      • 4 months ago

        The king's an idiot. All he needs is a syringe. You just touch the ooze with a syringe and pull. Boom. No more rampaging ooze.

        You can turn it into a Schleimwerfer

  10. 4 months ago

    My brother in Christ, I would allow him to patty-cake it to death if I wanted.

  11. 4 months ago

    >asking if you will allow players to use various tools and weapons so they can adapt to whatever situation they finds themselves in

  12. 4 months ago

    Deciding if a weapon is allowed should happen long before combat in a game.

  13. 4 months ago

    A club? Thats not going to hurt the ooze either but sure?

  14. 4 months ago

    If someone in MY game tried to hit something with a stick, just because that's his only weapon that will hurt it, he'd be out on the curb for metagaming! What do you think this is, some kind of tactics and problem solving exercise? We outsource that to skill rolls motherfricker.

  15. 4 months ago

    If they took the effort to acquire, and carry with them, a sidearm; why wouldn't I let them? This isn't Calvinball; if you have a bian you have a bian, and if you don't you don't.

  16. 4 months ago

    Why would hitting a puddle of slime with a metal bar be any different than a blade? This is always a stupid rule.

  17. 4 months ago

    Allow what? If you have something you want to discuss, describe it in detail. This is a text-focused board.

  18. 4 months ago

    You're more than welcome to hit the amorphous fluid creature with whatever physical weapon you want. I can't stop you from being ineffective and stupid.

  19. 4 months ago

    It's important to keep in mind that a lot of monsters in OD&D are vulnerable to either fire or silver when they're otherwise immune to normal weapons. With that principle in mind, if you have some kind of ooze that uses acid, you should be able to bring a bag of wood ash ("well-sifted cinders" as De Re Rustica puts it) and dump it on the ooze, with or without water, as a strong alkaline to neutralize the ooze's acid, and possibly the ooze itself. Let's look at Monsters & Treasure. Ochre jelly: fire and cold are effective. Puddings: killed by fire. Green slime: killed by fire or cold. Gray ooze: vulnerable to cuts and chops by weaponry. You're expected to be carrying torches, so you should always have a ready source of fire, compounded by oil if your ref allows that. On top of all of that, there's often some wiggle room given for characters of Hero level (4) or above, since they no longer count as normal types; the description for elementals, for example, says that "no elemental may be hit by normal men unless magically armed," in other words, they need an enchanted weapon to be the equivalent of a hero or better in terms of capability to inflict damage. Rather, this is a concession that even normal types, with an enchanted weapon, are capable of fighting otherwise invulnerable enemies. Spectres (nazgul) are the only type that outright require magical weapons to injure them, and even at that, the most common +1 enchantment on a weapon is sufficient. If your game is demanding that you have something more specific than these implements, you're getting screwed worse than what OD&D would impose on you.

  20. 4 months ago

    Yes, I run a classless game.

    • 4 months ago

      that only works because it is also a playerless game

  21. 4 months ago

    I shoot the player for violating the "no innuendo" clause I just made up.

  22. 4 months ago

    Also, the spacing/timing can get weird compared to Swords (aside from the Jian, which is too hard to describe) because a missed strike can force you into circling or extra footwork. You have fewer options to recover into a strike and it’s basically worthless for common sword feints. It’s a lot heavier than it looks, so feints are improper usage for normal people. Every now and then there are weirdos with freakish wrist strength — they can ignore proper/improper usage.

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