>go from point A to point C

>go from point A to point C
>game, dialogue, companions, npcs, all assume and act like you've went through point B as well, did the quests, met the people there
>narrative completely breaks
this is a joke right?

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  1. 4 months ago

    >this is a joke right
    Haha, bet you didn't see that coming!! - larian

  2. 4 months ago

    You're character did B during a night at camp and forget it.

  3. 4 months ago

    >move shart to another room before initiating dialogue
    >game assumes I killed her and stole mcguffin

    >use disguise self while talking
    >this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYXQ85upjMc&t=1s happens

    It's pathetic how bad this game is

    • 4 months ago

      I wonder what those words mean

      • 4 months ago

        That means 3y full time work of polishing 15% of the game and rush the rest bc you are afraid of failfield.

    • 4 months ago

      What the hell? I have 300 hours in this game and I didn't even know this monster hunter was in there. How much stuff is really in this game?

      • 4 months ago

        How did you not find him? He’s in the swamp before auntie Ethel’s. Then you meet him again in act 3. I killed astarion on the beach and had no option to tell the hunter that, was pretty stupid.

        • 4 months ago

          Even the gypsie guy is a posh and charming gentleman. Lame.

      • 4 months ago

        Not that much to be honest, but for all their moronation, Larian has resurrected and ancient technique of not shoving everything they've made in player's face so that when you discover something, it feels earned and makes their world appear bigger than it actually is.

    • 4 months ago

      Are you moronic? That literally came out 3 years ago and says EARLY ACCESS, you should learn to read before trying to insult something

  4. 4 months ago

    >kill lae’zel on the beach, her corpse teleports to the monastery for some scene I assume
    >kill astarion on the beach, his corpse teleports to Cazadors basement
    >kill Shadowheart on the beach, Viconia assumes I know who she is or give a shit
    >kill Wyll in front of the Druid grove, bike thefts decline 13%

    • 4 months ago

      Total player freedom

    • 4 months ago

      >Kyll wyll
      >devil b***h randomly shows up in my camp but no dialogue just standing there
      >vanishes the next day

  5. 4 months ago

    Be specific, otherwise you're just baiting.

    • 4 months ago

      Went from druid grove to the githyiankis. Game acts as if im aware that i have some artifact that is crucial to the plot, and apparently, is "protecting" us. Turns out it's shadow shart's artirfact that they're talking about, when i don't even have her in my party. Nor have i ever had any conversation with her -or anyone else- about the artifact. I literally just saw it once on the beach and that was it.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, it's expected to play a certain way, else it falls apart immediately.

        • 4 months ago

          it's hilarious how easily the game spergs out if you deviate even slightly from the intended path
          >outplay Jaheira and keep the party's secrets
          >she immediately starts blabbing about the special secret artefact your party has
          makes Telltale choices seem deep and meaningful in comparison

          • 4 months ago

            >it's hilarious how easily the game spergs out if you deviate even slightly from the intended path
            "Sweet, I hate this Emperor butthole, I attack him and kill him"
            >DM: You can't do that. The game is now over, because I said so.
            "Wow, the Absolute's army is down that road? I bet that would be a sweet fight! Let's frickin goooooo"
            >DM: You can't do that. I'm teleporting you to safety. Your character now says, "I should have known better than to do that!"
            "The brain is across that bridge in Baldur's Gate? Frick yeah, I'm gonna frick him up, let's fricking gooooooooo"
            >DM: You can't do that. I'm teleporting you to safety.

      • 4 months ago

        Reminder that it’s just a spiky d20 because Larian is a bunch of unimaginative hacks.
        >inb4 the “you post this 300 times in every thread” schizo

        • 4 months ago

          Isn't that just kind of easter egg? Is it really that terrible?

          Frankly, the spikes bother me more aesthetically.

          • 4 months ago

            >Isn't that just kind of easter egg? Is it really that terrible?
            Depends on your perspective and attitude towards the game, I suppose. If you like the game I can see thinking it’s funny, by the time I noticed it I disliked the game so I thought it was stupid. I went into the game wanting to like it and expecting it to be good, but the game gradually broke my suspension of disbelief and eventually everything about it annoyed me.

        • 4 months ago

          it's a recycled idea from Planescape Torment where one of the key items was magical Dodecahedron (d12)

          • 4 months ago

            Wasn’t the sphere more important? The most noble solid.

            • 4 months ago

              Possibly more important plot-wise and more elegant aesthetically, but sphere is not a polyhedron so that old d12 still feels like closer association to this new d20.

              • 4 months ago

                I’ll admit I forgot about the dodecahedron, and I replayed PST a year ago. Either way, good catch, anon. I suppose it agrees with my thesis that Larian are unimaginative hacks.

          • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          that's pretty cool

        • 4 months ago

          And every box is a d6. Your point?

          • 4 months ago

            >And every box is a d6
            Really makes u think

  6. 4 months ago

    >sequence break the game
    >complain the game is broken

    • 4 months ago

      >you can't explore or the game breaks

    • 4 months ago


      >you can't explore or the game breaks

      Supreme intellect

    • 4 months ago

      So just make the game linear and characters un-killable. Stop pretending that the player has agency.

      • 4 months ago

        Would've been better. Imagine how much money they would've saved for development of story, game play and encounter and quest design.

      • 4 months ago

        Please stop using meme words.

  7. 4 months ago

    God I hate this fricker. Twilight wannabe vampire with overdeveloped sense of self-importance that looks like a pathetic aging gay who's trying to hold on to his twink-ness to keep pimping himself out.

    • 4 months ago

      literal femslop character.

    • 4 months ago

      And has the worst ideas you could have if you know at least a little bit of setting.
      >Yes, you should take a deal with the devil even if you have a character in the party which shows you exactly why it's a bad idea!
      >Yes, you should feed the parasite that turns you into slimy beast that feeds on brains and is mind controlled by an oversized brain!
      I should have killed him at the beginning. I think that voice actor made great job making him unlikeable c**t, though. He seems a bit like Daeran in WotR, but Daeran was at least funny and wasn't an idiot, just a selfish prick.

      • 4 months ago

        Was was even Raphael’s deal in the final game? In the early access three years ago, he’d offer to remove your parasite for you, in exchange for giving it to him. I’m pretty sure they removed that option so now he’s just… there… taunting you in a plot line that goes nowhere.

        • 4 months ago

          They did. Orpheus and the d20 were in hell originally. The scrapped avernus completely.
          Now Raphael wants the crown of the netherbrain.

          • 4 months ago

            I disliked bg3 overall but I am intensely curious what kind of development hell happened and what went wrong when and why. I’d like to see a timeline of when all these plot changes were made along the way.

            • 4 months ago

              They announced a documentary for it.
              Idk, I observed the process incl leaks and forum posts.
              The way I see it, they scrapped emperor as the bbeg and evil daisy bc some reddit homosexuals felt raped.
              I do think they worked on the story during development, and this backfires usually. Likely they couldn't think of a way how the emperor played the brain, so they scrapped it completely.

              • 4 months ago

                Daisy was a based idea. Way more clever and interesting than muh Emperor muh "you need a guardian".

                >EARLY ACCESS
                I wonder what those words mean

                The early access three years ago was unironically a better game than what we got at release.

              • 4 months ago

                Daisy luring the pc into true power for the cost of death would've been kino.

                I liked the gnome in Kingmaker, which name is now eluding me (been few years and tens of NWN modules in a meantime), he was an butthole, but cool butthole, not malicious, just with his head up his arse. Then they went with the most based Regill. How Owlcat managed to do two good gnome companions in a row is beyond me.

                Jubilost? He's an iconic pathfinder character.
                How do you find good nwn modules?

        • 4 months ago

          He is just there till 3rd act and then offers hammer to smash orpheus out in exchange for crown of karsus, you can also infiltrate his place and steal it.

          • 4 months ago

            I assaulted his house solely to get the hammer because I wanted to kill the emperorand that was the only way the homosexual DM would let me do it without a game over.then I had to side with stupid Orpheus who i didn’t give a shit about, just because of the fallout 3 tier “you cannot harm the brain with your sword because it is MADE OF THOUGHT ITSELF” cringe forced ending and then I chopped off Orpheus’s head as he requested. Honestly a gith willingly turning flayer is so astronomically moronic.

            • 4 months ago

              >Honestly a gith willingly turning flayer is so astronomically moronic.
              Noooo larian!!! Bg3 best goty game???
              Sveeennn, halp

              • 4 months ago

                You're right, it's completely moronic. Nobody is moronic enough to put THAT into a game. It's almost as bad as a githzerai willingly becoming a slave... oh...

              • 4 months ago

                Orpheus? Iirc he's the son of gith.

              • 4 months ago

                He's referring to Dak'kon from Planescape:Torment

              • 4 months ago

                You're right, it's completely moronic. Nobody is moronic enough to put THAT into a game. It's almost as bad as a githzerai willingly becoming a slave... oh...

                Exactly, it's preposterous to even consider. Almost as laughable as a chaotic Modron... oh...

              • 4 months ago

                You're right, it's completely moronic. Nobody is moronic enough to put THAT into a game. It's almost as bad as a githzerai willingly becoming a slave... oh...


                Exactly, it's preposterous to even consider. Almost as laughable as a chaotic Modron... oh...

                You're all correct, anons. Such cretins would even consider something as stupid as a chaste succubus... oh...

              • 4 months ago


                Exactly, it's preposterous to even consider. Almost as laughable as a chaotic Modron... oh...

                You're right, it's completely moronic. Nobody is moronic enough to put THAT into a game. It's almost as bad as a githzerai willingly becoming a slave... oh...

                >Honestly a gith willingly turning flayer is so astronomically moronic.
                Noooo larian!!! Bg3 best goty game???
                Sveeennn, halp

                Well, maybe ONE moron would make a chaste succubus, no more... oh...

              • 4 months ago

                Since when is wotr a good game?


                You're all correct, anons. Such cretins would even consider something as stupid as a chaste succubus... oh...


                Exactly, it's preposterous to even consider. Almost as laughable as a chaotic Modron... oh...

                You're right, it's completely moronic. Nobody is moronic enough to put THAT into a game. It's almost as bad as a githzerai willingly becoming a slave... oh...

                Didn't get far in pst, only exited the morgue.

              • 4 months ago


                You're all correct, anons. Such cretins would even consider something as stupid as a chaste succubus... oh...


                Exactly, it's preposterous to even consider. Almost as laughable as a chaotic Modron... oh...

                You're right, it's completely moronic. Nobody is moronic enough to put THAT into a game. It's almost as bad as a githzerai willingly becoming a slave... oh...

                >Honestly a gith willingly turning flayer is so astronomically moronic.
                Noooo larian!!! Bg3 best goty game???
                Sveeennn, halp

                Right, such cheap subversion of tropes were below the classic RPGs of the 90s. Can you imagine, for example, a psychopathic, violent halfling to subvert expectations? Oh...

              • 4 months ago


                Well, maybe ONE moron would make a chaste succubus, no more... oh...


                You're all correct, anons. Such cretins would even consider something as stupid as a chaste succubus... oh...


                Exactly, it's preposterous to even consider. Almost as laughable as a chaotic Modron... oh...

                You're right, it's completely moronic. Nobody is moronic enough to put THAT into a game. It's almost as bad as a githzerai willingly becoming a slave... oh...

                >Honestly a gith willingly turning flayer is so astronomically moronic.
                Noooo larian!!! Bg3 best goty game???
                Sveeennn, halp

                Right, such cheap racial subversions are Larian's invention. Imagine a dwarf actively despising anything related with the culture of his race, and worshipping a death cult... wait...

            • 4 months ago

              Funny it's like this when elder brains were just a side lidl enemy CHARNAME eats for breakfast on his way through the underdark...

            • 4 months ago

              Yes, the elder brain being physically invincible was really an asspull. There should have been a route where nobody goes Illithid.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm glad I killed him when he tried to bite me

  8. 4 months ago

    >Dak'kon: clever and interesting
    >Nordom: not clever or interesting, although I do really like the line "I think, therefore, I am... I think"
    >Fall-from-grace: clever and interesting
    >Arue: not clever or interesting
    Camellia is actually clever and interesting, and is le subverted expectations done right
    >Montaron: not clever or interesting. The murder-halflings in the Planar Sphere are interesting, though
    >Grimgnaw: not clever or interesting
    >Harrim: not clever or interesting
    >the githyanki prince willingly becomes a mindflayer, his race's most hated arch-enemy, because the moronic DM has set the absolutely arbitrary condition that "you must have a mindflayer in your party to finish the game and beat the boss because he's just SO super smart that he can, like, out-think anything you can think of, like, before you even think to, like do it" even though the game blatantly contradicts this because apparently le Emperor, also a mindflayer, was not smart enough to out-smart le elder brain himself: not clever or interesting
    Does that help, anon?

    • 4 months ago

      Camgays actually huffing their farts over liking the most generic psychopath ever will never get old.

      • 4 months ago

        >Camgays actually huffing their farts over liking the most generic psychopath ever will never get old.
        Camellia is the precise opposite of the above subversion (someone rebelling against their nature, whether wittingly or unwittingly, inverting the stereotype of their race/class/type). She is exactly what she appears to be: a manipulative cannibal sociopathic murderer, who is lying to you and playing you the entire time. She is using you for protection, she's really chaotic evil, and everything about the spirit and saving the world is just a flimsy cover story for her insane bloodlust. You cannot fix her with your dick or save her; she is what she is, and nothing you can do or say will ever change that. If you successfully navigate her romance, she ends up leaving you. What she is subverting is the expectations of you, the player. She is the only RPG companion I've thought was interesting at all in many, many years. I'd certainly never pick her again, but it was definitely an interesting ride. if I ever replay WotR I'd certainly just slay her in that basement and be done with it.

        • 4 months ago

          I killed her in the first dungeon bc it's obvious af that she's a lunatic.

          • 4 months ago

            Yup. She's rolling checks for you, the player, not for your character.

            • 4 months ago

              NokNok was a good companion. The best one in years. It's funny that larian didn't top that tiny gremlin.

          • 4 months ago

            >he didn't open his heart to her

            NokNok was a good companion. The best one in years. It's funny that larian didn't top that tiny gremlin.

            I didn't care for him, personally. I can see what they were trying to do with him, but it wasn't my cup of tea. I didn't like any of the Kingmaker companions at all, honestly. I played it twice, once solo, once with a custom party of mercs, I kept all the companions alive and did their quests but thought they were all just meh.

            • 4 months ago

              I opened her chest wide.
              He wasn't what I would like to travel with either, but he's byfar the best km companion.
              Yeah, I also played with mercs. Wotr was a huge let down. Won't ever play their games.

            • 4 months ago

              I liked the gnome in Kingmaker, which name is now eluding me (been few years and tens of NWN modules in a meantime), he was an butthole, but cool butthole, not malicious, just with his head up his arse. Then they went with the most based Regill. How Owlcat managed to do two good gnome companions in a row is beyond me.

              • 4 months ago

                I did like Regill as an advisor, at least. He was a good foil to my lawful good paladin MC.

    • 4 months ago

      There's no reason whatsoever to have a mindflayer with you in that fight.
      Can you kill orpheus, rafal and baldur if you become the mindflayer?

      • 4 months ago

        >There's no reason whatsoever to have a mindflayer with you in that fight.
        >Can you kill orpheus, rafal and baldur if you become the mindflayer?
        No. You can kill Raphael, but you have to side with either Balduran or Orpheus, or the DM gives you an instant game over as a frick you. Separate from that, you are required to have a mindflayer in your party. That could be you, or one of your companions, or Orpheus. Not sure about Balduran since I killed him in my playthrough, I think he's the one with the moronic "one of you MUST tadpolemaxx to beat the boss" ultimatum. I think if you side with him, you will also need you or a party member to be a full mindflayer.

        • 4 months ago

          No, he can be the mf in the fight.
          Bg3 end fight is among the worst ones I ever played.

  9. 4 months ago

    god i hate companions. frick bioware forever.

  10. 4 months ago

    I feel like a contrarian jerk, because it's still better than most games I've played, but people have been hyping up the, choices, consequences and reactivity of this game so much that I get genuinely angry at some of the "laziness"

    like the vampire telling me he feels terrible about being a hero and saving all those refugees. b***h, I let you stay in camp, I barely even interacted with you since I met you. you did nothing.

    or getting my dudes in position for a coordinated attack, I start attacking, then a goblina starts a cutscene, the narrator throws out a snarky line about getting caught, and a bunch of other goblins instantly teleport in

    then I broke my paladin vows (because I killed people to protect other people? how are paladins supposed to fight, then? I know, I need to go through a conversation and the game has to make it clear it's life or death...) and I got a weird emo edgelord knight giving me super oath braker powers... or letting me reset for gold. no real consequences, I guess?

    • 4 months ago

      >then I broke my paladin vows (because I killed people to protect other people? how are paladins supposed to fight, then? I know, I need to go through a conversation and the game has to make it clear it's life or death...)
      The way the game handled this was extremely arbitrary, to the point of “attack a non-hostile evil enemy = fall, but initiate dialogue with a non-hostile evil enemy, and don’t even say a word, but hit the attack button in the dialogue screen = totally fine”. Or be storming an enemy fortress and killing every enemy there (e.g. moonrise tower) but it’s flagged as a “town” with “guards” (lol) and the guards will run up to you “Halt! You’ve committed the crime of… trespassing!” And if you kill the “guards” you fall, just like if you had killed random innocents. One weird trick paladins hate: just put up a “no paladins allowed, it’s the law” sign in your evil lair

    • 4 months ago

      I have a game with 3 friends, it's even more bizarre doing that. None of the companions have ever left the camp, but their quests advance by fiat. Shadowheart got mad and fricked off because we didn't take her to the Shadow Realm even though all 4 party members are players so we can't. If one player talks to anyone, that character will treat every player as the one they talked to, including reactions to bad things the original player did to them, which is pretty funny when somebody else that didn't watch the conversation talks to a random NPC and gets told off.

      It's still very fun, and the multiplayer is surprisingly stable, if sometimes laggy.

  11. 4 months ago

    >he thought the chink shilled gay sex game was actually about choices and gameplay
    Lmao get dunked moron
    There's a reason people on the internet only talked about the sex

  12. 4 months ago

    idk who that guy is but Fallout 2 was shit yeah

  13. 4 months ago

    >The lizard and Shadowheart has a b***h fight
    >Try to talk them out of it but fail the roll
    >Lizard is a huge b***h anyways so we put her in the ground
    >The next time at camp she is well and alive and everyone talks as if she is dead
    >Kill her again to try and restore the obvious bug
    >She comes back to life when the other Gith homosexual turns up at camp
    >She gets captured by the sadist in Act 3
    >"Lol I'll kill your teammate bro"
    >Don't even attempt the roll just tell her to fricking do it
    >Finally dies for good
    Meme game. Was fun.

    • 4 months ago

      I killed Lae'zel on the beach without recruiting her, and then when I got to the monastery map, her corpse teleported there, presumably for some cutscene the devs couldn't conceive of me not wanting to watch.

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