Go on then?

Go on then, /tg/. Kill him - permanently.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    *kills him* (permanently)

    • 3 months ago

      Doesn't count

  2. 3 months ago
    lowercase sage

    >conjures black hole from safe distance

  3. 3 months ago

    Okay * deprives Chaos of worship or sources of power so that his gotcha ability simply stops working *

    Gay thread over.

  4. 3 months ago

    *stuffs him in a sensorial deprivation chamber* lol no, enjoy no sensations for eternity

    • 3 months ago

      There's a branch of Slaanesh worshipers who focus instead on a total lack of sensation in terms of experience.

      • 3 months ago

        Wow, that's some next level kink

      • 3 months ago

        This is interesting. Like focusing on the perfectionist aspect into extreme discipline

  5. 3 months ago

    Tau drone shots him.

  6. 3 months ago

    >*drowns him in a sea of lobotimized servitors*
    Nothing personell, for I have no feelings.

  7. 3 months ago

    >changes his lore in the next codex
    Heh, nothin personnel.

  8. 3 months ago

    GW will do it for me eventually. Until then I'll be collecting my dividends.

  9. 3 months ago

    The only thing that can kill him permanently, is himself. Or an accident which can not be linked to anyone.

    But you know that, even if that were to happen, Slaanesh would not honor the deal and would bring him back any the frick way.

    Another solution would be to shove the motherfricker into a deprivation tank. Warded against the Warp.

    • 3 months ago

      Go through with the kirby plan and delete slaanesh from the lore because the troony god was always the most cringe anyway.

      • 3 months ago

        we've literally had multiple ex-GW employees asked about this and the shit that goes on behind doors and not once have they said 'we planned to kill slaanesh off'.

        • 3 months ago

          Oof I don't care, kirby clearly did.

          • 3 months ago

            >it was real in my mind

        • 3 months ago

          The only ones who would know are Alan Merrit and Kirby.
          Have either of them said so?

    • 3 months ago

      >Or an accident which can not be linked to anyone.
      So if he trips and breaks his neck, that's it for him?

    • 3 months ago

      >Make him same for a fraction of a second
      >He kills himself
      Actually kinda nice

  10. 3 months ago

    His whole gimmick kinda sucks when Chaos Gods just bring their champions back regardless, right? Like, Kharn has probably died dozens of times, Typhus is a walking dead man, and I have no idea how Ahriman hasn't become decrepit save for warp juice. The idea of revenge on his killer is kinda cool, but the actual prevention of his death is just stock standard at this point.

  11. 3 months ago

    >Casts absolutely perfect curse protection
    >Casts perpetual, unending soul obliteration
    >Casts immunity to divine sight

    • 3 months ago

      No timestopping into instant death that bypasses all defenses and immunities?

    • 3 months ago

      >Casts absolutely perfect curse protection
      >Casts perpetual, unending soul obliteration
      >Casts immunity to divine sight
      Unless he's omnipotent (he isn't) none of these are absolute and would not protect him from a sufficiently more powerful entity (Slaanesh).

  12. 3 months ago

    He's been permakilled as per his rules before, Slannesh just bring him back.

  13. 3 months ago
  14. 3 months ago

    Discontinue his model.

  15. 3 months ago

    I stab him with a black stone blade while I have a black stone dildo shoved up my ass via Chasity belt. Both energized to repel the warp and dull souls

    What now homosexual? You don’t even kill this idiot just seal him away this ancient evil 101 like what the frick

  16. 3 months ago

    Pretty sure Bobby G's flaming homoblade could do him in.

    • 3 months ago

      That could do literally anyone in, Mortarion did everything he could to avoid even being touched by it.

    • 3 months ago

      Lucius is a champion of Slaanesh, he's immune to STDs.

  17. 3 months ago

    >Get a Dreadnought, contact the Eldar, and have Webway portal open
    >Have the Dred grab Lucius, but not kill him
    >Have the Eldar open the Webway portal
    >Have the Dreadnought enter the Webway along with myself and the Eldar
    >Close the Webway portal behind us
    >Have the Dreadnought turn him to minced meat and shredded ceramite
    >Due to being in the webway, and the fact Slaanesh can't help him at all, his soul is instantly snatched by it and slowly absorbed into its walls before he can enter the Dreadnought pilot
    >Isn't simply killed, but has his soul dissolved
    Here. Perma-killed the butthole.

    • 3 months ago

      Good plan, I'd give it 4/5 Craftworlds destruction to manage to pull it off.

    • 3 months ago

      as far as I'm aware the specifics of it are that if he's killed and his killer feels even the slightest tinge of emotion about it he starts to body-jack them (which happens faster the stronger the feelings were) until he overtakes their body and they've turned into a copy of him
      compared to other chaos champions he's far easier to kill, and has been killed, it's just that Slaanesh has brought him back because his soul was still around so they'll bring him back every now and then.

      So really all you'd need to do to off him permanently is destroy his soul, with/without killing his body first, or get him in a location that cuts him off from the warp (or greatly inhibits his connection to it) and kill him there. There's probably a reason why he avoids Tyranids. Beyond that, a C'tan Shard or some (though not all, remember that one time) Necrons would likely have means to destroy his soul/dampen his curse, as well as some other forces. Above all else if you get the chance to getting a solid plan to do something like would get rid of him for good. But really, the easiest way would be to just dump him in front of a Hive Fleet and have them do the job for you.

      • 3 months ago

        you simply get a servitor to finish him

      • 3 months ago

        >as far as I'm aware the specifics of it are that if he's killed and his killer feels even the slightest tinge of emotion about it he starts to body-jack them (which happens faster the stronger the feelings were) until he overtakes their body and they've turned into a copy of him
        >compared to other chaos champions he's far easier to kill, and has been killed, it's just that Slaanesh has brought him back because his soul was still around so they'll bring him back every now and then.
        Didn't that change into whoever simply killed him even if it's indirect? Didn't he reincarnate in a factory worker that assembled a mine that killed him?

        • 3 months ago

          At this point he returned from being killed by necron

          • 3 months ago

            Which is also proof that Necrons do have a tiny bit of their old souls left...though it's bizarre he'd reincarnate in a Necrodermis body.
            Did he even get any Necrodermis-based stuff when he rezzed in that Lych Guard or did it simply morph into a completely organic body?
            Don't remember much of the details there.

  18. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Tried and stumped by Fabius cum machina

      • 3 months ago

        He didn't ''try it'', he killed the gay and they needed an alternate resurrection method because of plot armor. If we're going to take OP's question literally then only soul destruction works, but Nykona clearly bypassed Slaanesh bullshit by being a based Ravenchad autist.

        • 3 months ago

          He didn't bypass it, it didn't exist at the time.
          But at the end of the day he tried and failed permanentely kill Lucius because of Fabius and magic science the latter logically wouldn't even know before being tutored by DE Haemonculi after the heresy. (presumably the author realized or was told that he couldn't have his OC go around killing established characters nilly willy and had to contrive a stupid off ramp)

  19. 3 months ago

    Cut his arms and legs off using the Sisters of Silence, then confine him to the Black Cells under the Imperial Palace on Terra.

  20. 3 months ago

    >Be Guilliman
    >some troony EC gay acts tough
    >cut him in half with The Emperor's Sword along with a dozen of his companions
    >vaguely hear REEEEing in the warp distance
    >frick Yvraine

    • 3 months ago

      That could do literally anyone in, Mortarion did everything he could to avoid even being touched by it.

      Man, it's pretty funny how Robert has the big scary permakill sword and keeps getting in LE EPIK DEWLS with big characters but can't manage to actually kill anyone. Really makes him look like a pathetic jobber b***h.

      • 3 months ago

        Bobby was never a duelist, who gives a frick, would you rather have him or Angron lead your armies/empire? He loses duels yet wins wars, meanwhile tards like Fulgrim/Curze/Russ etc suffered some of the most absolutely humiliating defeats in history.

        • 3 months ago

          Then maybe Robitchboy should get off the front lines and stop embarrassing himself.

          • 3 months ago

            >stop embarrassing himself
            >Magnus and 1k sons get BTFO and run with their tails between their legs
            >absolutely humiliates Typhus, Ku'Gath, Mortarion and Nurgle and weakens the latter
            Wow, it's almost like he's a brilliant strategist who prioritizes winning wars over jerking his ego off and that every time he ''got btfo'' his opponent ended up getting off far worse and losing the engagement.
            Also now that The Lion is here as soon as they link up he will just sit back and let big bro continue stomping the shit out of traitors.

            • 3 months ago

              He's lost every fight he's been in where he didn't get extra plot cummies from daddy

              • 3 months ago

                >He's lost every fight he's been in where he didn't get extra plot cummies from daddy
                Mortarion was straight up losing the skill portion of their duel until he started spamming warp bullshit he got from Nurgle. He ''beat'' Booby by flying and blasting him with warp lighting before killing him with a disease he got from a Greater Daemon. Big E came in as an equalizer and stomped the absolute shit out of Nurgle with Mortarion as collateral damage. Lorgar was likewise losing until he spammed warp bullshit he got from Chaos, and even then he was on the back foot and needed Angron to bail him out (who also took heavy damage). He also beat the shit out of a whole bunch of Greater Daemons but i guess that's a given for a primarch. It's almost like he only lost fights where his opponent was heavily juiced up on chaos god cum. And again, he won every war he ever fought in, meanwhile ''renowned'' duelists like Fulgrim and Angron can't stop jobbing to save their lives.

              • 3 months ago

                Don’t forget that time Kor Pharoen tried to warp bullshit him too and got his Herat ripped out for it

                Man why do people keep trying that on him it really doesn’t work out well

        • 3 months ago

          >who gives a frick
          The Lion should have this sword.

    • 3 months ago

      >The Past

    • 3 months ago


  21. 3 months ago

    Have him roll a 1 on his revive

  22. 3 months ago

    the guy said how you kill him, you use a servitor, servitors are immune to chaos

  23. 3 months ago

    >take moron
    >throw him into a tyranid hive-ship
    >launch hive ship into a black hole
    problem solved. the 'nids would constantly be trapped in a cycle of bodying his jobber homosexual ass until the black hole consumes them both. The only possible culprit for him to re-incarnate through would be the hive mind itself, who is way too powerful for slaanesh to curse.

    • 3 months ago

      >smugly survey your work and recline in your chair
      >"heh, reincarnate yourself out of that pickle, you stupid jobbing homosexual"
      >suddenly your hair starts falling out in clumps and your skin is feeling oddly stretched all of a sudden

      • 3 months ago

        Lucius can't do shit, I'm behind a screen.

      • 3 months ago

        >gets btfo by Loken
        >gets the shit kicked out of him by Tarvitz
        >gets killed by Sharrowkyn
        >all he has is resurrection gimmick
        >the absolute jannety of the ruinous four

        • 3 months ago

          >STILL can't figure out a way to kill him

          • 3 months ago

            There are plenty of ways to kill him, he's just careful not to expose himself to any of them after getting btfo so many times. Black Ship Sisters of Silence should butcher him, they are indoctrinated not to feel any emotions and would shut off all of his warp bullshit, sure he'd kill a bunch but ultimately he would be killed with no valid reason to resurrect. Grey Knights should know all about him and have countermeasures. Custodes are largely emotionless. All of these are also protected by The Emperor more directly then other Imperial warriors. But of course plot armor would save him somehow.

        • 3 months ago

          >goes up against multiple author's epic OC heroes
          >still standing

  24. 3 months ago

    https://yewtu.be/watch?v=91PghSeqVik 7:10

  25. 3 months ago

    Ghost Eating Technique

  26. 3 months ago

    you simply coom before killing him

  27. 3 months ago

    Lucius is the eternal jobber. He jobs to everyone, gets off on it, real sicko

  28. 3 months ago

    I killed him.

  29. 3 months ago

    >Gimmick is losing
    >Never beat another named character
    >Never led the legion
    >Barely even uses a sonic weapon
    >Barely even involved in the Horus Heresy
    >Didn't even make the traitor team

    >Gimmick is being smug
    >Killed a named in-game model-having character
    >Led the legion for most of the heresy
    >Has the most powerful sonic weapon
    >Lowkey played a key part in Fulgrims fall
    >First name picked for the traitor team

    • 3 months ago

      >got killed by Fulgrim
      >got better

  30. 3 months ago

    Send about a million combat servitors after him

  31. 3 months ago

    I shoot and kill everyone at Citadel and Black Library. Can't resurrect by author fiat if there are no authors.

    • 3 months ago

      >I shoot
      Your $1,000 Punisher Decal Assault Rifle-15 can't get through customs, m8. The reason You People need guns is because you're fragile. Even ADB could beat an American to deaf with his bare hands.

    • 3 months ago

      What if I resurrect the author's Fiat?

  32. 3 months ago

    >Kill him
    >Immediately kill myself
    Can't come back if I'm dead as well

    • 3 months ago

      He, uh, actually can. The gotcha OP is pointing out is that if Lucius dies to something that can't feel pride, Slaanesh will break the rules to fix his favorite toy and bring him back anyway, you can't do anything about it, nyeh, nyeh.

      • 3 months ago

        The question is why we don't see other champions being reincarnated. It would make sense to bring in your best and your favorites to fight the eternal war

        • 3 months ago

          Because what breaks Pride more than losing AND having to go back to lose again?
          It wouldn't hit as hard with the other champions.

    • 3 months ago

      he'll just reanimate your body

  33. 3 months ago

    Why kill him when you could use his greatest fear and have one of the many souls bound to his armor overtake him?

    Besides making his Daemon e-girl sad that is.

  34. 3 months ago

    > I stop giving a shit about GW and their shitty lore.
    > Achieve victory through CHIM.

  35. 3 months ago

    Mulched by a greater daemon of one of the other gods or a daemon primarch.

    • 3 months ago

      The mortal heralds are all as strong as high-tier greater daemons.

  36. 3 months ago

    >kill him
    >then myself
    Check and mate

  37. 3 months ago

    "Chief O'Brien, teleport the being at those coordinates into the heart of the nearest star"

    • 3 months ago

      >feels pride over successfully carrying out your instructions

      Have a servitor finish him off. There no more lucius. Or just have any necron kill him.

      >the guy that made the servitor was proud of his work
      Lucius is bullshit and soul destruction is the only guaranteed way of permakilling him.

  38. 3 months ago

    Have a servitor finish him off. There no more lucius. Or just have any necron kill him.

  39. 3 months ago

    >Mob him with Kriegers.
    >Get some Marsbots or other, similarly equipped Servitor to do it.
    >Get a Sister of Silence to do it, see if Nulls can counter OP Daemon Possession/Reincarnation
    >Get a Necron to do it. They're either soulless, or take no pride in killing some upstart warp-infested species.
    >Get Trazyn's shard of the Deceiver to do it. Either you end up with a C'tan shard that has no idea how to use its powers, and is thus vastly easier to destroy, or you perma-kill Lucius.
    >Get a Lamentor to do it. Probably won't work, but at least one of them deserves a boost to their self-esteem before they die horribly.
    >place a giant metal bucket containing a Jokaero over Lucius's chest, then place hot coals on the bucket. The resulting Technobullshit or Chimp-bursting will be horrifying.
    >Strip Lucius naked, unarmed, and surround him with Ogryn that have been armed by Digganobz. Place in the path of a WAAAGH. He will be the least desirable kill.
    >On second thought just have the Ogryn shoot him and then have the Commisar immediately berate them for "killing him the wrong way," followed by killing something else and praise them for doing it right this time.
    >Get Pert to do it. See how far Flat-Warp Atheism gets him.
    >Contrive Lucius to sign a contract with Vashtorr that essentially puts him in the call center of the Arkifane. A few centuries of customer service, and it'll be a suicide.

  40. 3 months ago

    >throws a c'tan shard at lucius
    Regenerate your way out of this one, you squeaky-voiced frick

  41. 3 months ago

    I mean, just fricken stab him.

    What's he going to do? Reincarnate in my body from the single instant lapse of control over my emotions and thinnest essence of wieneriness I feel?


  42. 3 months ago

    Easy. I convince the company to retcon him or otherwise turn him irrelevant towards any greater scheme in the setting, thereby making him all but forgotten in the lore, occupying the same space as Malal.

    Perhaps not a "true" death, but a conceptual one to be sure.

  43. 3 months ago

    How exactly does he counter a suicide bomber?

  44. 3 months ago

    Chain him up, rewire his pleasure centers and force him to watch Imperial purity propaganda for centuries until he turns into a prude, then shoot him in the back of the head after Slaneesh loses interest in him as a result.

  45. 3 months ago

    Question, if a random tyranid ate Lucius, would he posses the entire hive mind because it was glad it killed him

    • 3 months ago

      nah Lucius spiel runs on warp shit, the hivemind would just drown out whatever possession stuff he could try

      • 3 months ago

        Question, if a random tyranid ate Lucius, would he posses the entire hive mind because it was glad it killed him

        There's no rhyme or reason to how Lucius reincaranates, it runs on the capricious whims of an extra fickle Chaos god rather than a hard set of rules.
        There is no way to defeat it.

        • 3 months ago

          >There's no rhyme or reason to how Lucius reincaranates
          there actually is, though: Lucius's curse allows him to body jack whoever killed him so long as the killer takes even the slightest feeling of pride or satisfaction in the victory, meaning that the only way to avoid him killing you is to be as emotionless and unfeeling as possible, the exact opposite of what Slaanesh is.
          it's just that, due to him being their mortal champion, when he's been killed while still connected to the Warp, Slaanesh has been willing to revive him in other ways that don't rely on his curse.

          • 3 months ago

            Which means the only way you permakill him is to take him out of Slaneesh's favor.

            • 3 months ago

              Now you got me thinking: are there any cases of S. getting bored with mortals empowered by them and taking away their gifts?

              • 3 months ago

                >Now you got me thinking: are there any cases of S. getting bored with mortals empowered by them and taking away their gifts?
                I don't think we've seen any Mortals loose her favor, a few Daemons though.

          • 3 months ago

            >whoever killed him so long as the killer takes even the slightest feeling of pride or satisfaction in the victory,
            Not really. Lucius resurrected inside a Necron, and they famously don't have any souls for the soulstealer to steal in the first place.
            If you were to finagle Lucius into a situation in which he is killed by a totally unfeeling thing Slaanesh would just plop him down into you, since you used whatever killed Lucius as a weapon, like it would inside an artillery or naval officer that has just taken out Lucius with ordinance or virus bombs, respectively.
            But fundementally Slaanesh is doing this because it amuses it, and if someone finds their way around it's curse Slaanesh is just going to throw a fit and revive Lucius anyway, because Chaos gods don't really care about rules.
            The only way to get rid of Lucius is to make him lose Slaanesh's favour.

            • 3 months ago

              >Not really. Lucius resurrected inside a Necron
              which he did because the Necron felt a sense of pride and accomplishment at killing him.
              Necrons now can have feelings these days. For some reason. Provided they're of a higher level, at least, which the shapeshifting swordsman that killed him was.

    • 3 months ago

      >would he posses the entire hive mind because it was glad it killed him
      The Hive Mind wouldn't even know who he was and takes no joy in killing or even eating anything, much less 'some guy', it simply does what it does because it sates it's hunger. They're probably as alien as the setting gets, especially in terms of 'feeling' anything.
      Also Tyranids are notoriously anti-chaos, being immune to corruption or affliction by it bar Genestealer Cultists (who aren't "true" Tyranids, due to the mixed genetics), The Shadow In The Warp alone speaks for itself, and the Hive Mind is an absurdly powerful psychic entity that's far beyond the ability of Slaanesh (much less Lucius) to curse. It's like asking if Lucius could body-jack Khorne if one of his demons or aspects killed him, it's just not going to happen. Besides the Sisters, the Tyranids would probably be the single most reliable way to permanently kill him. TSITW combined with the Hive Mind's amalgamating nature and the Tyranid's emotionless and cold pragmatism would be his worst nightmare.

      Almost literally, even, since Lucius goes out of his way to putz around the Galaxy with no goal to his mind other than seeking out talented warriors to fight or duel them for his amusement, because he deliberately takes advantage of the reputation he builds for himself to help ensure anyone who beats him will die if they feel accomplished about it (since the more feared and infamous he gets, the more satisfied anyone who beats him would be). He doesn't really care about winning or losing, he just enjoys the suffering that he causes to them. He even possessed a Necron this way.

      The only race in the Galaxy that will not give him this are the Tyranids (remember the time they swamped an Avatar with 12 Carnies when it challenged Swarmy to a duel), so combined with the fact that they'd definitely be capable of killing him for real, it's not hard to see why he goes out of his way to avoid them.

      • 3 months ago

        Everything you said is mostly wrong.

        The Hivemind was shown to be malicious and vindictive to the extreme. It displayed psychotic rage toward certain individuals.

        • 3 months ago

          >The Hivemind was shown to be malicious and vindictive to the extreme
          I don't remember this, but I've not read black library in like 15 years or so, but every depiction I've always seen even in the modern codexs I've read has it operate with a detached and remorseless sociopathic level of pragmatism
          It's attention could be drawn to take notice of specific individuals but that just led to it sending things deliberately made to kill them
          Even if it was, somehow, petty and evil though, Lucius wouldn't do shit to it, it's just far far too powerful an entity

          • 3 months ago

            The reason why it's attacking Baal is because it personally hates the Blood Angela.

            And don't assume too much about the Hivemind being invulnerable. The Hivemind personally hates Yriel because he hurt it with his spear. The spear soul-sucking entity latched unto the Hivemind and started to eat away at it. It was the first time in countless eons that the Hivemind was directly hurt by something and it earned Yriel its undying hate.

            Lucius can replicate that with any daemon sword.

            • 3 months ago

              >Lucius can replicate that with any daemon sword
              yeah no he'd get his ass beat pretty quick
              Yriel just killed a big Tyrant, there's no body for you to attack to kill the Hive Mind
              not to mention, again, the shadow would screw with him a lot
              he avoids them for a reason

              At this point he returned from being killed by necron

              because the Necron Swordsman felt pride in it, iirc it's described as a "cold pride in it's victory" but it triggers the curse
              >don't remember much of the details there.
              the necrodermis started sloughing off it's body like soup while new flesh grew around it, Lucius's body just grew back fully organic

  46. 3 months ago

    Convince GW his models aren't selling.

  47. 3 months ago

    a girl kisses him

  48. 3 months ago

    Can he body jack nulls?

  49. 3 months ago

    Send him back in time to the golden age of the Eldar. He scares them straight just by being himself, they abandon the path of Excess, and Slaanesh never comes into existence.

  50. 3 months ago

    I say we go back in time and kill all eldar so there's no Slaanesh.

  51. 3 months ago

    Comorragh(whatever the spelling is), Lucius goes there to fight cuz he likes fighting. The Khan is there because he's been in the pits this whole time. The Khan kills Lucius and does not give one single frick about it. Lucius stays dead.

  52. 3 months ago

    You basically need to recognize that the followers of Slaneesh aren't cool guys enjoying themselves. They're burnt out junkies looking for the next fix. When you kill him it should be out of pity and mercy. You know, the sort of thing you'd do for someone out of love like if they're dying from a terminal disease.

  53. 3 months ago

    How about Lobotomy by Inquisition Forces in a Tesseract Labyrinth stolen from the Necrons. Hell just a Tesseract Labyrinth on its own.
    To defeat an enemy you have to find different solutions and in this Case an in between State is the optimal Way to remove Lucius as a Threat. If you wonder how he could susstain himself and just refuse, well even if the Imperium has some but not a lot, I think they have some form of Stasis Grenade. Speaking of perpetual Fighting Arenas if GW comes up with another Idea for what "murder" of Lucius means.

    • 3 months ago

      Sorry Grammar.
      If you wonder how he could sustain himself and just refuse, well even if, the Imperium has some (but not a lot, I think) form of Stasis Grenade. Speaking of if GW comes up with another Idea for what "murder" of Lucius means, Lucius Containing perpetual Fighting Arenas are another solution.

  54. 3 months ago

    Hey buddy. Need a ride?

  55. 3 months ago


  56. 3 months ago

    Why bother with getting him in a situation where Slannesh can throw a fit and resurrect him anyhow? I'm sure it'd be easier to engineer some situation where he's limbless and then entrap him in some fashion where he can't die but can't do anything. Maybe in an adamantine cube with only his mouth and butt exposed. Eventually, She Who Thirsts will get bored watching a limbless torso with tubes stuffed down his throat being fed flavourless nutri-slop, and he'll die of some stupid equipment failure in 20k years. By then, it'll be a shock if Slannesh remembers he exists, never mind cares enough to bring him back. The key isn't to kill him; it's bad to end him so hard in such a boring way that Slannesh can't bother to care about the jobber by the time entropy happens and something goes fricky.

  57. 3 months ago

    Just beat him senseless and frick his butt. And then when he comes back do it again. Train an entire chapter of space marines to be perfect, expert coordinated duelists, and masters of butt fricking. Eventually the dude's just gonna kill himself, after thousands of years of getting bummed silly.

  58. 3 months ago

    Have a Pariah kill him.

  59. 3 months ago

    >send him on a rocket straight into a sun
    >as it's traveling but before it burns up, have my a buddy wipe my memory (don't tell him why)
    >feel zero pride when Lucius dies, in fact, neither of us even know that he's on that rocket
    >he stays dead

  60. 3 months ago

    >Have anyone kill him
    >Feel sad and pain for this great man and what became of him
    >kill self
    Iirc he resseructs only if his killer feels pride and happiness for it
    I dont know if he can res if his killer is dead

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