>Go to work. >No time for vidya. >Quit work due to stress. >Too soul-crushed to enjoy vidya

>Go to work
>No time for vidya
>Quit work due to stress
>Too soul-crushed to enjoy vidya
>Return to work
>Urge to play vidya is back, but no time

How the frick do you persist in this hobby as an adult?

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  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    >8 hours of work
    >8 hours to sleep
    >2 hours of prep for meals, workout, whatever
    >Still 6 hours to do whatever the frick you want
    >Plus a full 48 hours to do whatever you want every weekend

    You got time anon. You're just not using it effectively.

    • 2 years ago

      Plus commuting in a hellhole.

    • 2 years ago

      society evolved to the point where those 6 hours are needed to do your paperwork, and seek to do something productive for your future

      not saying you can't just sit on your ass and just vidia like i do, but most people will later say they regret it

  3. 2 years ago

    Do americans really work more than 8 hours?

  4. 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    This is the life of a wagecuck. Back more candidates in government who advocate for a 4 day work week and higher wages.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd gladly take a pay cut to work one day less a week tb h

      My dog looks exactly like this

      Post pic or your gay

      • 2 years ago

        his gay what?

        Become self-employed.

        how do you do this

        • 2 years ago

          his gay up your ass motherfricker

    • 2 years ago

      >And higer wages
      Actually, frick them. I'm fine with taking a hit if it guarantees leisure. The goal is to strike a balance, not just gibsmedat.

      • 2 years ago

        Profit is theft though. It's not gibsmedat it's give me what i'm actually worth. And even then all you would be asking for would be like a $5 increase at most when if we were actually going by labor worth it'd be more like almost $20. Don't set your bar where it's historically been, actually think about your worth

        • 2 years ago

          You don't sound like someone who's ever hustled and haggled. Charge as much as people are willing to pay. You sound like r/antiwork so cringe. ChArgE wHaT Ur WorTh BRO. NGMI

          • 2 years ago

            God people like you are so brainwashed. It wouldn't be so hard to get paid higher if people like you weren't so complicit being at the mercy of billionaires. You are literally, analyitically worth more than what you're getting paid. Minimum wage adjusted for actual labor worth is something like $29 dollars right now. I'm not even asking for that full 29 just something closer but you won't even have that cause you wanna "hustle". Things don't have to be as hard as they are now. Why are you fighting for that?

            The market decides what labor is worth. Some middle-class professions are overpaid, if anything. I just want the 9-5 x 5 status quo to die.

            >The market decides what labor is worth
            lmao you say it like the market is influenced us. The people in power are the ones that set it. Billionares don't want to take a haircut so no matter what any rise in wages will be met with pushback or inflation.

            • 2 years ago

              >The people in power are the ones that set it.

              They set it to whatever the demand is. Burger flippers are in low demand, IT experts are in high demand, and they get paid a shitton in the US, it's not even funny as a Europoor.

              It's not fair, but at least it's not arbitrarily set, unlike the current schedules that are actually bad for business.

              People realized working from home helped companies, so we did finally see a small revolution, for what it's worth.

        • 2 years ago

          The market decides what labor is worth. Some middle-class professions are overpaid, if anything. I just want the 9-5 x 5 status quo to die.

  6. 2 years ago

    My dog looks exactly like this

  7. 2 years ago

    Become self-employed.

    • 2 years ago

      >become self employed
      >get taxed out the ass
      >get accounts frozen when some moron decides your a money laundering scheme
      The system is fricked, they want you in the rat race.

  8. 2 years ago

    >a job from home
    >no schedule at all, only got automatic deadlines
    >the work itself is monotone and tiring, but the process is easy for me even though it's considered quite difficult
    >no salary, paid once a month for the amount of work I've done, which can be a good or a bad thing
    >can ask for more tasks or a reduced workload if I want
    >no contact with anyone unless I need to ask a question like once in 4 months, can basically do what and when I want as long as deliver on a non-strict deadline, don't even know the people I work with, basically full autonomy
    >after 2 years, start having some doubts, since I am making enough for a neety lifestyle but not as much as I could + not sure my job will be around in 10 years so looking out for backup skills
    >also startiing to feel tired and burned out

    >get a second job for some extra experience and money
    >fixed salary
    >still from home, but now have long-ish calls and discussions at least three days a week, usually more
    >only a few people work there but everyone's very driven so they can discuss shit well into the night even though there are work hours and you aren't really forced to do so
    >don't really have to socialize but it sorta happens and sometimes is necessary
    >can't bring myself to work at a certain time just because it's "work hours", too used to just having deadlines
    >this leads to me not really doing anything fun and being stressed during work hours and then working after the work hours, so I get to have no fun at all
    >realize that most people do much more shit than I do and take it well, it's my schedule and head problems which are the issue, only makes me even more guilt-ridden and stressed, especially during report calls
    >despite this, still told I am doing ok and got two raises after a year of work + also still work at my first job at a reduced workload and take some sidegigs
    >all the stress leads me to failing deadlines on Job 1, afraid I'll lose it soon
    >don't wanna stay on Job 2

    I fricked myself over

    • 2 years ago

      >working whenever instead of sticking to a schedule, even if you have to make it up yourself
      there's your error

      • 2 years ago

        >Just defy every natural human instinct and become a machine

        Yeah bro, the pathway to bliss and mental health.

        • 2 years ago

          oh silly me, it worked out so well for you, keep doing what you're doing

    • 2 years ago

      Hey I'm in a similar boat, except I'm still working from home but it's corporate so I have to work with a ton of people. I wish I stuck around in my old place, I didn't have to know anyone other than HR and my manager, it was chill.

    • 2 years ago

      Can you name the jobs? Either one sounds perfect, god i just want to work from home and have even a little bit more time to just relax so fricking bad

      • 2 years ago

        First one is a translator. However, I work for a specific big firm as a contractor (so kinda technically full time but not really). I am not from America though, so I translate from my native tongue into English. Usually things related to business, marketing, IT. Sometimes I some oddball things like TV shows, but usually it's IT-related. I actually started as a game localizer but mostly moved on from that.

      • 2 years ago

        I think "having a little bit more time at home" only works if you're a freelancer or have non-strict workloads, cause you at least can be very flexible about what you do.
        Remote "fulltime" office-like work is much worse from home than it is from an office. I can just clock out of an office and go home and I can have at least 4 hours a day not thinking about my job and doing what I want. If you're doing shit from home, you can end up always being on the clock as there is no specific line between work hours and rest hours, especially if you work in a small driven team.

  9. 2 years ago

    quit your job
    quit vidya
    return to monke

  10. 2 years ago

    god bless WFH. Teslacucks can eat a dick

  11. 2 years ago

    You're dog has a moustache.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    Maybe try to work part time and do lower effort things to fill in the money gap if you can

    Like a worm farm can sell the worms and use droppings to make excellent compost

  13. 2 years ago

    >Get ready for work a few hours early
    >Play for 2-3 hours
    >Go to work
    >Get home from work
    >One hour for cooking/eating dinner
    >Play 1-2 hours before bed

    If I have any errands to run or chores to do around the house I'll just use my 2-3 hour chunk before work. On my days off I use the first day to get things done and the second to play or do whataver.

    Keep in mind I'm a loser with no friends or life. This wouldn't really work for a normal person.

  14. 2 years ago

    >work 8h with daily reports
    >finally weekend
    >cook myself a delicious fresh meal from groceries I bought today
    >just laid down contemplating what to play for the last hour and nothing comes to mind
    Is this my life now?

  15. 2 years ago

    You can do anything you want though. Take a week off from your work. Some of you guys sound depressed but I would err on saying it's pretty normal to go through this rollercoaster. Your time is yours alone and your participation in things; optional. Stop working so fricking hard and stop taking things so serious.

    I spend some time being a virtual bartender making gnomish drinks for outrageous prices. Do a little agility get some clues done kill a few guards had made some spare time. Met someone who needed something fixed I haggled with them so going to spend a sunday helping for gold coin. Met someone who's desperate for labour going to do technician work for massive pay huge quest. Life is a fricking videogame figure it out.

  16. 2 years ago

    get a WFH job and play vidya while "working"

    • 2 years ago

      I work from home but deadlines and constant meetings don't allow such lifestyle. It's definitely better than your average wage job but there still job to be done.

  17. 2 years ago

    I wish I could stay as an intern forever. 6 hours a day to do menial stuff and still get paid? Just sign me up

  18. 2 years ago

    when you're a wagecuck its unfortunately better for your quality of life to give up on time consuming consumption based hobbies like video games in exchange for production based hobbies that otherwise improve the quality of your wagecuck life like cooking or going to the gym or growing a plant

  19. 2 years ago

    cute doggo

  20. 2 years ago

    >work like a motherfricker with my wife 12 hours a day, 6 days a week for 5 months a year
    >spend 7 months playing vidya and pursuing other hobbies.
    Job feels like too much during those 5 months sometimes, I'm tired as hell and my body aches all day every day, but honestly cant complain. I've got it good and I didn't have to have any special skills to make a combined income of 100k a year.

    • 2 years ago

      crab boat?

      • 2 years ago

        Chip stand

  21. 2 years ago

    Does anyone else feel like video games have more value when you have less time to play them?

    • 2 years ago

      No. The less time i have, the less i wanna play videogames. But i do believe buying them makes me feel more compelled to playing them so i don't feel my money was wasted.

  22. 2 years ago

    I went from a 40 hour in person with 2 hours of commuting a day, played maybe 1-2 hours of Vidya a day until weekend
    Just switched to a hybrid WFH job still 40 hours but only 2 days in person.
    Finished persona 5 in a week.
    Commuting is hell and sitting in a room where you can't take breaks when you want for a quick bout of 20 mins of Vidya between tasks is what kills the ability to game

  23. 2 years ago

    I just can't do 5 days a week I just want to die, I'm in a constant state of stress, I'm anti social as frick, I don't belong at my workplace

    • 2 years ago

      Get into IT or something. People only call our squad when something really bad happens

      • 2 years ago

        become a codemonkey and remote work, worked for me

        I'm too stupid for that and what if I end up hating it? All the time investment wasted
        I'm just not meant for this life

    • 2 years ago

      become a codemonkey and remote work, worked for me

  24. 2 years ago

    >high functioning autist
    >have high intelligence but proceed to turn into an overstimulated moron if I have to use it for more than 3-4 hours
    Ways to work around this?

  25. 2 years ago

    there are no new good games to play anyway. Might as well get your lampshadenotes.

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