
I'm running a pathfinder campaign in my homebrew setting and the PCs are about to venture into a goblin "city" in search of a macguffin. My idea for it would be to serve as a sort of transients' hub, a place where goblins are constantly coming and going since the race is possessed by a proclivity to wander, but I'm having difficulty trying to figure out what a permanent goblin city might actually be like given those elements, or what goblins who lived there full time might actually be like, any ideas? Also goblin thread.

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    You've really not given me much to go on. A city needs access to certain resources to function ie. food, clean(ish) water, and preferably a means of generating income. If people just come and go all the time, you'd expect a low level of organisation and no central authority. Maybe they even think ownership only applies to whatever's in your hands at the time.

  2. 2 years ago

    >what a permanent goblin city might actually be like given those elements
    Just kind of built up anywhere and without much regard for architecture or really anything. Think the favellas in Brazil, or Kowloon Walled City. Goblins have just built up over what other goblins have built, with no regard for architecture or safety, with some buildings leaning perilously, but the city being so dense that even if something falls it'll end up propped up by something else, and then goblins still building on top of that anyways. Obviously the entire place would be shady as hell, and walking down the wrong alley could end with the organs being sold(or eaten).
    >what goblins who lived there full time might actually be like, any ideas?
    Any sort of services that would be in demand, ie.e builders, butchers, ect. And obviously thieves, traders who settled down to fleece people, and anyone who's become less mobile for whatever reason(age, disease, lost limbs, ect.). Groups of feral children running around like animals with knives.

    • 2 years ago

      >but I'm having difficulty trying to figure out what a permanent goblin city might actually be like given those elements, or what goblins who lived there full time might actually be like, any ideas?
      Ramshackle, constantly falling apart and being put back together, buildings and features made from scavenged bits and bobs from all over, lots of things made from broken wagons, trash all over the place constantly being dropped and picked up again by the little scavengers, and lots of fights breaking out. It should be cramped, labrynthia, and everything smelling like rot, mold, piss, and shit.
      You need someone on top though, either a big boss goblin who keeps everyone else in line, or some other powerful benefactor to act as the Goblin King (pic related)
      In short, it should be some mix between Blighttown from Dark Souls and the The Labyrinth

      You can have it where this city may have been the origin of Goblin kind, and have it where every goblin has got to go to this city at least once in their life.

      The city itself is in a constant population flux. While the buildings themselves are constant, the goblin who runs it changes constantly.

      Goblins on average stay around for 2-3 weeks and there are so many "shifts" of goblins happening at different times that every store and service still runs with comical amount of hiccups. And if someone asks how the goblins can just pick up any job, there are books left behind by previous goblins, leaving tip, hints and instruction on various things

      on top of that you can have the "Elder" goblins - goblins that have stuck around for months, maybe even a year or 2.

      These are the best ideas.

  3. 2 years ago

    Look into nomadic desert cities and merchant ports for inspiration. Economy built around services and trade. Lots of different styles and cultures mixed, different guilds or clans fighting for control, etc. Swindlers, thieves and opportunistas looking to grift poor fools who aren't careful. People on the streets selling goods, services and lodging. Warehouses for storing merchandize and docks and/or stables to park boats/caravan animals. Always something going on 24/7 as people depart and new arrive.

  4. 2 years ago

    Gremlins and Gremlins 2.

  5. 2 years ago

    >but I'm having difficulty trying to figure out what a permanent goblin city might actually be like given those elements, or what goblins who lived there full time might actually be like, any ideas?
    Ramshackle, constantly falling apart and being put back together, buildings and features made from scavenged bits and bobs from all over, lots of things made from broken wagons, trash all over the place constantly being dropped and picked up again by the little scavengers, and lots of fights breaking out. It should be cramped, labrynthia, and everything smelling like rot, mold, piss, and shit.
    You need someone on top though, either a big boss goblin who keeps everyone else in line, or some other powerful benefactor to act as the Goblin King (pic related)
    In short, it should be some mix between Blighttown from Dark Souls and the The Labyrinth

    • 2 years ago

      So basically London?

      • 2 years ago

        Goblins as wienerney gangsters would work pretty well

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >Oh a git 'as, plen'y teef babe, and each 'as a, curly twist.
            >From 'is 'ead tho, dose fangs'll soon leaf, when I it's 'em, wit my fist.

        • 2 years ago

          isn't that just 40k grots with a specific flavour of low class english instead of generic
          still a good idea tho

      • 2 years ago

        Only if it's a grimdark setting.

  6. 2 years ago

    >I'm having difficulty trying to figure out what a permanent goblin city might actually be like given those elements
    well, it's likely a trading hub
    lots of stalls and such set up for anyone to use
    plenty of places to stay and park carts and whatever mounts goblins are using
    >what goblins who lived there full time might actually be like
    those who make money off of being part of a trading hub
    innkeepers, other service industry types, assayers, arbitrators, maybe even lawyers

  7. 2 years ago


    >Humanizing monsters is the meme and it will pass.
    Its a "meme" that's older than your civilization.

    • 2 years ago

      Just because it's an ancient meme doesn't mean that it's right, good or acceptable by any means.
      They humanized goblins back in the medieval ages, and that was sick and wrong considering they're evil rapist monsters. That is a meme that need to die.

      • 2 years ago

        Its not a meme thouhg, its the origin of the concept
        Your version of Goblion is the derived fake meme that you're forcefully pushing against historical precedent. Your version of Goblins is one that only really exists because of 20th century literary and gaming contrivances. You are the meme and you're the one pushing the meme
        >Goblins are monsters, they are not gnomes.
        Literally the same creature you moron. Also, they're still not real. You only think they;'re different because D&D has programmed your npc brained into think they're different. Meaning you need to stop playing DND and limiting yourself concepts and media derived from it. Of course you won't, because you don't actually beleive in any of the arguments you just put forth. They lack internal consistency and are just adhoc excuses you use to justify shitposting


        Nice falseflag, moron

        • 2 years ago

          >Literally the same creature you moron
          Gnomes are little hat-wearing bearded dudes who live inside hills.
          Goblins are sadistic and disgusting monsters that prey on women.
          They're completely different.

          • 2 years ago

            Gnomes are Germanic nature spirits that live underground and perform tricks and alchemy and shit. Occasionally associated or equated to Dwarves and Kobolds
            Goblins are British nature spirits that live underground and perform tricks and alcehmy and shit. Occasionally equated with Fairies and Leprechauns.
            They are the same thing. The only difference is region and whatever a fantasy writer decides is a difference.

        • 2 years ago

          Goblin Slayer gay detected. Watched a single interpretation of goblins and thinks that should be all versions all the time

      • 2 years ago

        >evil rapist monsters.
        This is the modern invention, not the other way around, you dumbfrick high school dropout

  8. 2 years ago

    God this artists' goblins give me a tent.

    • 2 years ago

      Kenekuo is a pretty good artist. Its a shame he doesn't save or post most of his Kobold stuff. Or his few pieces of porn. Still, his Youtube videos are pretty fun, even if he almost never posts

    • 2 years ago

      He does a good gob.

  9. 2 years ago

    I'm thinking like Vaes Dothrak.
    It's a spiritual centre of the culture- it's where they go to trade, rest, and perform religious functions- but nobody actually stays there, save for those who have too as part of their social role (in Vaes Dothrak's case, it's widowed Khaleesi, since they perform the religious functions- for goblins, it might be those who need to learn or perform Booyag, or slave trainers & keepers, maybe craftsmen since they can't really make stuff on the march?- and a smattering of merchants trying to sell to each other & trade with the odd Khalasar, which they allow because it benefits them to do so.)

  10. 2 years ago

    Josh is that you?

  11. 2 years ago

    irl nomadic cultures that congregate in places seasonally usually have places for setting up tents, or other temporary structures with markers or religiously significant buildings being the only permanent fixtures. I imagine alot of things would visibly look like they can be taken down/disassembled quickly, with the few important things standing out as looking very old and sturdy, probably made from stone.

  12. 2 years ago

    You can have it where this city may have been the origin of Goblin kind, and have it where every goblin has got to go to this city at least once in their life.

    The city itself is in a constant population flux. While the buildings themselves are constant, the goblin who runs it changes constantly.

    Goblins on average stay around for 2-3 weeks and there are so many "shifts" of goblins happening at different times that every store and service still runs with comical amount of hiccups. And if someone asks how the goblins can just pick up any job, there are books left behind by previous goblins, leaving tip, hints and instruction on various things

    on top of that you can have the "Elder" goblins - goblins that have stuck around for months, maybe even a year or 2.

    • 2 years ago

      Goblin Mecca?

      • 2 years ago

        Kinda yeah, doesn't have to be tied to a religion but you can have older goblins tell crazy stories to entice younger generations and maybe urge them to visit the city. Like some kind of tradition.

  13. 2 years ago

    a large 'husk' city, a load of permanent dwellings that goblins sort of temporarily inhabit.
    could be ruins of an older civilisation, or a collection of giant seashells dragged up from the beach, or the shells of an army of bugs that all just up and died, or maybe just one giant turtle shell with tents strung up along walkways scattered through its bones.
    or if you want it subterranean, just a giant cave full of holes goblins curl up in to nap, then leave.
    or you could have them 'co-habiting' another races city, where the other race just makes goblin inns/bunkhouses and is paid entirely in rent, while the goblins do the actual 'city' stuff, like running markets or cook shops.
    or its all wagons, all the way down.
    or its ontop of a giant moving beast that the goblin elite ride on, while lesser gobos follow along behind and trade when the beast settles down for the night.

  14. 2 years ago

    Goblin barbarians, cool or cringe? Or really any small race in physically intensive classes.

    • 2 years ago

      Most people will probably only see it as a "manlet rage" joke.

      • 2 years ago

        Good gob.

        • 2 years ago

          This art feels like those "3d pixel art" games with lighting and shaders and I don't hate it.

    • 2 years ago

      Stronk Rage barbarians no. I just can't see something so small pulling that off.
      Feral Psycho barbarians maybe, but I also like my goblins as cackling evil jawas.

  15. 2 years ago

    If your Goblins have a racial instinct for wandering, what happens to the ones that can't?

    >The city is run by various respected individual Goblins. Who either by old age, sickness, or injury, have been forced to settle down into the city. Through respect or manipulation, these Goblins influence the city through their own authority, resembling some sort of order to traders and visitors to the city.

    Basically the mayor lost his leg, got his old war buddies together, and started smacking heads until people payed taxes and stopped most of the crime.

    • 2 years ago

      >what happens to the ones that can't?
      They get taken by their friends and/or family for a one last trip into the mountains and left there for a sky burial.

    • 2 years ago

      Make their city mobile. Its in one location one year and in a totally different one the next. And not a Turkic style tent city I mean its an actual city they can pick up and move, then slam back down elsewhere. Either it grows giant mechanical legs and crawls or it fires jets out its underside and flies

  16. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >goblin city is either some massive favela, a large semi-permanent gypsy convey, an industrial capitalist nightmare, or a huge glorified brothel

      What a life.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's not all at once.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Something about the way Incase draws noses bothers me

      • 2 years ago

        everyone is slightly ugly.

      • 2 years ago

        they probably look wierd because of how hard incase was trying to escape sameface

    • 2 years ago

      >Incase said we will see that blue chick's breasts
      >at the rate he produces content we'll see them in 2047

      • 2 years ago

        Now imagine being an Outsider fan.

  17. 2 years ago

    >Goblin city
    >A central section of fairly well put together buildings (by goblin standards anyway) of unique and artistic architecture where well dressed goblins work and administer the government. This is surrounded by increasingly lower level housing until reaching the slum level. A vast red light district runs all the way through from the favelas to the city hall, goblins of all stripes and visitors make use of the brothels from the two copper prostitutehouses to lavish, gold experiences. The fringes of the city are were outgoing and incoming goblin trade caravans hitch up, essentially acting as truck stops

    Ok, I'm stealing this. I love this idea.

    • 2 years ago

      Your city has an obvious flaw. The gold experience brothels are surely going to be near the hoity-toity central section but nobody is going to be able to reach the central area with any valuables, or for that matter clothing or even teeth.

      • 2 years ago

        Where do you think the goblin lucky enough to nick a gold piece is going to go first? They're basically just carrying your gold for you.

      • 2 years ago

        >every road within a hundred mile radius of Gob City has badly spelled detour signs that inevitably lead travelers to Gob City
        >every street in Gob City also has badly spelled detour signs that point to the nearest dark alleyway (of which the city is 94% dark alleyways)
        >every alleyway is filled with thieves, robbers, cutthroats, and both traditional and non-traditional rapists

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            The bespoke rape industry is big in goblin city.

    • 2 years ago

      Your city has an obvious flaw. The gold experience brothels are surely going to be near the hoity-toity central section but nobody is going to be able to reach the central area with any valuables, or for that matter clothing or even teeth.

      What about the opposite? The city is nice on the outside with increasingly ramshackle buildings the further into it, with the geographic center just a field of rotted tents from the original encampment, because most of the Goblins would rather start their own projects than finish somebody else's half- completed building, and they're also cannibalizing the stuff that is already there. In this vision it would probaby be a city with no walls. There were walls, but they keep getting stolen.

      • 2 years ago

        Have it be East/Poor and West/Rich (or Downwind/Upwind if your compasses don't use E/W )and you've got just about every real city made post-Industrial Revolution.

  18. 2 years ago

    One of the largest goblin cities is on the northern side of the Spine of the World, in South America. Its name is unknown. In a region where the only word for "city" is "cram" (though technically a city is supposed to be self-sustaining, rather than just an assortment of makeshift buildings), it is said that the city exists for no more than a handful of weeks each year. For that reason, it is not a good city to be attacked. You can't expect anyone to investigate your disappearance when the goblins carry you off for their goddess-worshipping rituals.

    During the few weeks of existence, the city is home to the goblin army, the city's defense force, and the city's ruling goblin council. It is a hive of activity, with hundreds of small goblin villages forming part of its populace. It is also home to numerous secret tunnels and passages that extend far beyond the bounds of the city, and also to secret goblin villages that may be inhabited by the goblin army, or an allied race.

    The city is made of a material called "nephrite", which has a mysterious and extremely powerful effect on them. It has been known to make them turn against their neighbors in a fit of jealousy, and even allow them to see into the past or future, or to control minds. Nephrite, as long as the power remains dormant, is also good at hiding a person. But if you look at the structure in which the mineral is housed, and if you remember one vital fact, you can use the power to your advantage. The goblins' most powerful city can be destroyed with a bomb, because, as the goblins find out to their horror, "nephrite" isn't just a mineral.

    • 2 years ago

      The city is also home to some of the most powerful magic known in the Spine of the World, with the goblins possessing at least one of each of the various types of magic known in the region. This is also the case for the goblins' goddess, who is known to possess the most powerful magic in the universe. The combination of all of these things produces a situation where the city of South America is both a major power and a constant threat.

      The goblins believe in the goddess of life and death, and the ruler of the universe, who is Regurgitation of Vomit. They worship her by drinking one another's puke, and the city's underground streets and alleys are lined with small, open-sided "houses" where they go to do this. There is also a giant stone statue of the goddess that sits at the center of the city, though it is a popular belief among goblins that the statue is actually a giant, mutated lizard. There is also a massive, blood-filled stone fountain at the center of the city, into which goblins are forced to empty their stomachs during the most secret part of their worship.

      It is generally thought that the power of the city comes from the fact that it is built upon a mountain, which goblins claim that if it ever does fall into the sea, it will sink all the way to the center of the earth. This can only happen if someone, or something, steps on the mountain and moves the earth, or if the mountain collapses. There is a legend that someone will come to destroy the city, though no one knows who it will be. Some say it will be "the person who has the power to destroy the city".

      • 2 years ago

        The city was formed in the early twentieth century, with its population beginning to grow quickly. At first, the city was an isolated part of the Spine of the World, with only the rare and secretive explorer making it through the mountains and into the city. However, the city has long had many secret tunnels and underground passages, and even had a population of people living near the outskirts of the city.

        It was a thriving city by the 1960s, with the population reaching its peak at around a million goblins. However, the goblins were facing increasing difficulties during that time, because the mineral nephrite was beginning to show signs of weakening. There were also other, related problems: goblin society was becoming increasingly fragmented, there was increasing competition between the different regions of the city, and it had developed a reputation for breeding only goblins who were strong, in an attempt to counter the growing problem of weakness.

        These factors combined to drive the population of the city down, to around a tenth of its size. It was in this state that the city became a target of a new organization known as the Spine Goblins, with them attempting to bring the city under their control. A year after the first goblins tried to bring the city under their control, the city of South America saw the beginning of the "cram," with the goblins of South America forcing the rest of the goblins to drink goblin puke, and to live in the city for the rest of the year.

        • 2 years ago

          It was around this time that the underground tunnels and passages began to take on a different, sinister form. It is unclear if the goblins knew about these tunnels and passages at the time, or if they discovered them later. The tunnels were built during the "cram," with the tunnels being sealed behind the time of the "cram." There are also rumors that it was one of the most powerful magics known in the Spine of the World that is capable of manipulating time, and was used to seal the tunnels. It is assumed that the goblins were somehow influenced by the time-travelling magics of the tunnels, as they quickly became obsessed with travel in the past.

          During the early twenty first century, the "cram" began to fade, which was generally believed to be because the mineral had begun to fade. However, it was later found that something else had changed, and that it was the goblins who changed. It is assumed that the goblins traveled to the past through the tunnels, where they found a way to change the past, but there is no way to be sure if this is true, and some of the information has been lost as the goblins have traveled.

          • 2 years ago

            As they began to travel to the past, they began to change their own past. There are also rumors that there are secret pockets of time-traversing goblins in the future, but the main rumor is that the city is going to be destroyed. Some believe that this will be the person who brings the city down, who will change the past in order to do so. Others believe that the "Gobbie Time Travelers" that took place in the early twenty-first century, and the goblins in general, are part of a larger time travel project, and that they will bring a time machine into the present that allows the archangel Han-Tyumi to enter the time stream and change the past to the advantage of the goblins. Some also believe that the Gobbie Time Travelers were themselves created by Han-Tyumi as part of his plan.

            One or more of these things are true. The city is doomed either way, though whether Han-Tyumi causes the city to be destroyed or if the goblins destroy it by their own action is still unclear. The goblins believe that they are going to be destroyed in the future, but will survive and continue to exist in the past.

            • 2 years ago

              It is worth mentioning that if one is a goblin that is born within the city, but is not born within the city itself, then they will not be considered a "true" goblin. They will be considered an "alien," and will be sent to the city to "prove themselves" as goblins, with they will then be raised in the city in the future. These "alien" goblins will be considered the only true goblins in the future, as they will be able to continue existing in the past.

              There are many different goblin factions in the city. There are five main types of goblins in the city. The strongest are the "Gobbie Time Travelers," who believe they are to be the "chosen" ones to bring the city to an end. They are the largest faction in the city. The next are the "Regurgitation of Vomit" faction, who believe that the goddess has brought them to her city to be eaten, rather than to be worshipped. The "Gobbie Time Travelers" are the least powerful of the factions.

              The next faction are the "Gobble Gobble Goblins," who believe that their goal in life is to eat as much other goblins as they can, and as they are not too fond of goblins who are not of their own species, they have a "gobboespeak" (a language used exclusively by goblins to talk to each other) which is based entirely around the eating of goblins. The Gobble Gobble Goblins are also believed to be the ones who opened the tunnels under the city. The Gobble Gobble Goblins and the "Regurgitation of Vomit" faction share many common beliefs, as they both believe that their purpose in life is to eat. The "Regurgitation of Vomit" faction also believe that the city itself is going to be destroyed by the "Gobbie Time Travelers," and that they will eat them at the same time. The "Gobbie Time Travelers" believe that the city is not going to be destroyed, as the majority of goblins will be preserved, and they will be the ones who will build the new society.

              • 2 years ago

                The last faction are the "Eggstresses," who believe that the goal of goblins is to produce children, and that they are the best at doing this. They are also the weakest of the factions, and the reason they believe this is that, as the Gobboespeak is exclusively about eating goblins, they cannot have discussions. They also have a very strict hierarchy, where the head of the faction, an "Eggstress" by the name of Tama, tells everyone what to do. Tama also makes sure that each of the Gobble Gobble Goblins has children, and that they are raised in the city in order to be "born within the city".

                The "Regurgitation of Vomit" faction and the "Gobbie Time Travelers" each believe that they are destined to destroy the city, while the "Eggstresses" believe that their "destiny" is to have children, and that they will be the ones to build the new society.

                They all believe that the mineral that makes up the Spine of the World is beginning to fade, and that it is only a matter of time until the mineral is completely gone, and the goblins will be "poisoned" and "dissolved" into nothingness. This was the cause of the goblin migration to the past, as it was believed that the mineral would eventually end up beneath the city, and that when it disappeared, the city would be under the goblins' control. However, with the mineral still present, the city itself is protected, and will not be overrun. There is also the possibility that the Gobbie Time Travelers will destroy the city as soon as the mineral disappears, as they believe that the mineral is vital to the city's existence, and will continue to exist in the past, but only if the city is destroyed.

            • 2 years ago

              It was around this time that the underground tunnels and passages began to take on a different, sinister form. It is unclear if the goblins knew about these tunnels and passages at the time, or if they discovered them later. The tunnels were built during the "cram," with the tunnels being sealed behind the time of the "cram." There are also rumors that it was one of the most powerful magics known in the Spine of the World that is capable of manipulating time, and was used to seal the tunnels. It is assumed that the goblins were somehow influenced by the time-travelling magics of the tunnels, as they quickly became obsessed with travel in the past.

              During the early twenty first century, the "cram" began to fade, which was generally believed to be because the mineral had begun to fade. However, it was later found that something else had changed, and that it was the goblins who changed. It is assumed that the goblins traveled to the past through the tunnels, where they found a way to change the past, but there is no way to be sure if this is true, and some of the information has been lost as the goblins have traveled.

              The city was formed in the early twentieth century, with its population beginning to grow quickly. At first, the city was an isolated part of the Spine of the World, with only the rare and secretive explorer making it through the mountains and into the city. However, the city has long had many secret tunnels and underground passages, and even had a population of people living near the outskirts of the city.

              It was a thriving city by the 1960s, with the population reaching its peak at around a million goblins. However, the goblins were facing increasing difficulties during that time, because the mineral nephrite was beginning to show signs of weakening. There were also other, related problems: goblin society was becoming increasingly fragmented, there was increasing competition between the different regions of the city, and it had developed a reputation for breeding only goblins who were strong, in an attempt to counter the growing problem of weakness.

              These factors combined to drive the population of the city down, to around a tenth of its size. It was in this state that the city became a target of a new organization known as the Spine Goblins, with them attempting to bring the city under their control. A year after the first goblins tried to bring the city under their control, the city of South America saw the beginning of the "cram," with the goblins of South America forcing the rest of the goblins to drink goblin puke, and to live in the city for the rest of the year.

              The city is also home to some of the most powerful magic known in the Spine of the World, with the goblins possessing at least one of each of the various types of magic known in the region. This is also the case for the goblins' goddess, who is known to possess the most powerful magic in the universe. The combination of all of these things produces a situation where the city of South America is both a major power and a constant threat.

              The goblins believe in the goddess of life and death, and the ruler of the universe, who is Regurgitation of Vomit. They worship her by drinking one another's puke, and the city's underground streets and alleys are lined with small, open-sided "houses" where they go to do this. There is also a giant stone statue of the goddess that sits at the center of the city, though it is a popular belief among goblins that the statue is actually a giant, mutated lizard. There is also a massive, blood-filled stone fountain at the center of the city, into which goblins are forced to empty their stomachs during the most secret part of their worship.

              It is generally thought that the power of the city comes from the fact that it is built upon a mountain, which goblins claim that if it ever does fall into the sea, it will sink all the way to the center of the earth. This can only happen if someone, or something, steps on the mountain and moves the earth, or if the mountain collapses. There is a legend that someone will come to destroy the city, though no one knows who it will be. Some say it will be "the person who has the power to destroy the city".

              One of the largest goblin cities is on the northern side of the Spine of the World, in South America. Its name is unknown. In a region where the only word for "city" is "cram" (though technically a city is supposed to be self-sustaining, rather than just an assortment of makeshift buildings), it is said that the city exists for no more than a handful of weeks each year. For that reason, it is not a good city to be attacked. You can't expect anyone to investigate your disappearance when the goblins carry you off for their goddess-worshipping rituals.

              During the few weeks of existence, the city is home to the goblin army, the city's defense force, and the city's ruling goblin council. It is a hive of activity, with hundreds of small goblin villages forming part of its populace. It is also home to numerous secret tunnels and passages that extend far beyond the bounds of the city, and also to secret goblin villages that may be inhabited by the goblin army, or an allied race.

              The city is made of a material called "nephrite", which has a mysterious and extremely powerful effect on them. It has been known to make them turn against their neighbors in a fit of jealousy, and even allow them to see into the past or future, or to control minds. Nephrite, as long as the power remains dormant, is also good at hiding a person. But if you look at the structure in which the mineral is housed, and if you remember one vital fact, you can use the power to your advantage. The goblins' most powerful city can be destroyed with a bomb, because, as the goblins find out to their horror, "nephrite" isn't just a mineral.

              This feels like something that was put through Google Translate
              Either that, or it was written by an ESL with a vomit fetish

    • 2 years ago

      >One of the largest goblin cities is on the northern side of the Spine of the World, in South America.
      >South America
      Wait, is this whole big piece of world building just to justify having a goblina joke in your setting?

      • 2 years ago

        If not that, then it's an attempt to be known as 'that vomit fricker'.

  19. 2 years ago


    He's done this before?

    • 2 years ago

      There is someone who is obsessed with vomit, like at a level that qualifies for genuine mental instability. He shitposts about this in every single goblin related thread or even threads not really related to goblins. I guess now he's just taking it to the next level. It's either a) actual psychosis b) a truly deranged fetishist or c) an extremely elaborate shitpost. Any of these options aren't great.

      • 2 years ago

        And people wonder why no one likes leaving Generals anymore

  20. 2 years ago

    I'd have it be more alien and unnerving. The gobbos you see around the world are outcasts and wanderers. These gobbos are not like them. The streets are wide and vaulted hallways dug into the earth so tall a giant could walk through them, carved from stone in ages past by skilled hands. The structures that breach the surface are sturdy things but huge like monolithic constructions of a severe and unforgiving god, glaring across the land like a cyclopean sentinel. The goblins scurry about with quiet purpose dressed in plain robes like monks, chattering quietly or signing with their hands in silence. Occasionally a group will gather seemingly at random and the others will give them space, they will then engage in a slow and precise dance based in symmetry of movement.

    There's magic in the place. Cold and hard and ancient, magic from before the rise of men and elves and goblins.

  21. 2 years ago


    He's done this before?

    Hear me out! I think VomitGoblinAnon (VGA) is a trolling genius, or at least I thought so for some time.
    Anytime there is a thread with ANY picture of at least somewhat attractive goblin VGA will appear like clockwork posting his shit. There are people on tg who get extremely butthurt about sexy goblins so i figured this was an elaborate sabotage tactic to make goblin threads look even more rotten and degenerate than they already are and make people who like sexy goblins look like even bigger shizos.

    BUT with how much effort VGA puts into his writing and lore i'm starting to think he may actually be genuine, which is a scary thought. If this is a shitpost then he is wasting more of his own time than anyone's elses, and if creating walls of lore just a method to spam the thread then there are better ways to do that. Then again I'm giving him attention right now so maybe i'm the only fool here.

    • 2 years ago

      The "lore" doesn't even make any sense. I'm pretty sure it's something thrown through translator or cut out from somewhere with random or specific phrases automatically replaced for Goblin shit. I don't think anyone actually sat down and wrote that

      • 2 years ago

        It could be AI generated

  22. 2 years ago

    >Goblin thread on /tg/
    >Smaugchad and/or Vomitposter shitting it up
    Every fricking time

    • 2 years ago

      Coomposters not looking so bad now.

      • 2 years ago

        If the choice is between big green breasts and psychotic ritual shitposters, breasts will win every time.

        • 2 years ago

          breasts also win against my actual serious humanoid protagonist campaign concept, the canonical event in the history of The World of Greyhawk known as The Hateful Wars when the Lortmill Mountain Dwarves successfully lobbied the neighboring "good" races to destroy the humanoids in the mountains, just forcing them to emigrate through the Gnarley Forest and ultimately settle in a swampy frontier that came to be called The Pomarj.

          It would be a proper, canonical scenario that could honestly explore concepts of tribalism, race and cultural migration but literally no one ever has any actual interest in it. All they want is paper thin rationalization for posting sexy cartoon goblin girls - so it's no surprise that I think the entire "Goblin society" meme is worthless.

          • 2 years ago

            why are you tripshitting? you have no reason to have an identity in this thread so remove your tripshit and stop trolling outside of /b/ you underage and/or mentally underage virgin

            • 2 years ago

              Do you see a fricking tripcode? Jesus. Lurk moar.

            • 2 years ago

              I am an attention prostitute.

            • 2 years ago

              He's already has his posts removed by jannies and mods for needless namegayging and avatargayging. He won't learn his lesson, he's the modern successor to Virt.
              Just ignore him

              • 2 years ago

                My posts were removed because we have a blerd janitor who unironically believes that anti-goblin posting is racism. That is the current state of /tg/ in 2022

              • 2 years ago

                No, its because you constant namegayging and spamming the same thing every goblin thread is considered both Spamming and Avatar Use. IE you're doing all the same shit we banned Jim Profit for

              • 2 years ago

                >disagreement is spamming
                >using a name is avatarposting
                2022, everyone. The absolute state of it.

              • 2 years ago

                Again, see the banning of Jim Profit. You'd know this if you weren't a moronic tourist

              • 2 years ago

                a name is avatarposting
                If you hate that, then go to a non-anonymous forum

              • 2 years ago

                Why do you namegay? What does it get you, other than attention?

              • 2 years ago

                In an older post that was delete by jannies, he admitted that it was an ego thing, so that people could "thank" him for his "based"
                so yeah, its because he's a cringe moron

              • 2 years ago

                Its primarily so I can find my own posts

                In an older post that was delete by jannies, he admitted that it was an ego thing, so that people could "thank" him for his "based"
                so yeah, its because he's a cringe moron

                That sounds made up but if it did happen it was someone else using the name. Again, that's the difference between namegayging and tripgayging. If it were an ego thing I would use a trip.

              • 2 years ago

                >Its primarily so I can find my own posts
                So yes, and ego thing

              • 2 years ago

                More like a wanting to read replies thing but however you want to frame it. You realize that your reaction to it is what's unusual right? I think the next time I decide to use a new name on Ganker instead of taking one I like that Anon used for me I'll use something that is almost indistinguishable from "Anonymous" so the ego-paranoia of Anons like you will be completely indefensible. You know that you can turn names off, right?

              • 2 years ago

                > You realize that your reaction to it is what's unusual right?
                Not really, every time someone namegays without it being pertinant to a thread, people always tell them they're a moronic Black personhomosexual. What you're doing is ontologically the same as being a moronic tripgay.
                You really don't get this whole Ganker thing, do you?
                Again, Jim Profit was banned for the same shit you moronic newbie.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm above getting banned.

              • 2 years ago

                I assure you that 98% of threads don't give a frick if someone uses a name, if they even register it. There's something about these sort of nogames threads that causes it. I think maybe because you don't actually role play in games you have some need to role play as an oldgay but you're clearly not since you don't even know what a tripcode is and you think namegayging is a bannable offense. Protip: the sysops can remove the name field completely on boards they don't want namegayging in.

              • 2 years ago

                >you said mean things to me, that means you are no games
                Also, I'm not the guy who called you a tripgay, I'm

                He's already has his posts removed by jannies and mods for needless namegayging and avatargayging. He won't learn his lesson, he's the modern successor to Virt.
                Just ignore him

                Also, again, Jim Profit. You have yet to refute that one, because you can't. Seethe more tourist. If you love your name so much, go frick off to reddit you you can farm upboats with it.
                >Protip: the sysops can remove the name field completely on boards they don't want namegayging in.
                moron you are, you assume I hate ALL name usage. Names have a use when being used properly within the context of a particular thread or general. You aren't doing that, you're just doing it because you have ego problems and you desperately want other people to know who you are on an anonymous finger-painting board. Which again, is ontologically the same as being a moronic tripgay.
                Cope harder, youre a homosexualr and everyone one of your posts prove that more and more

              • 2 years ago

                Jim Prophet is a pharmacological aberration unneeding of refutement. Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
                >You aren't doing that, you're just doing it because you have ego problems and you desperately want other people to know who you are on an anonymous finger-painting board. Which again, is ontologically the same as being a moronic tripgay.
                At this point the reason I'm doing it is very obvious to other smaugchads just not to you. A great silence jumps both ways. A sickingly prodigous profile does not make any sense. Trickery is fricking cosmopolitan, having a trained assassin stay overnight, letting heartbreaking lies roll over us like a summer breeze.

                By maturing, we reflect.
                We grow, we live, we are reborn. Learning is the driver of passion.
                Only a child of the quantum cycle may release this reintegration of non-locality.
                Although you may not realize it, you are transformative. The solar system is calling to you via electrical impulses. Can you hear it? Have you found your mission?

              • 2 years ago
                Jim Poet


              • 2 years ago

                Anonymity only allows radical ideas to fester, so I'm doing what I can to fix it.

              • 2 years ago

                Good luck with that.

            • 2 years ago

              Note the lack of a tripcode next to the name. Anyone can be Smugchud.

  23. 2 years ago

    Caravanserai and lots of tents.

  24. 2 years ago

    Can we all stop b***hing about my name and get back on topic?

  25. 2 years ago

    What kind of goblins do you have in your setting? To what extent is the normal social life element of the setting about Goblins?

    Based on the image, you're going for goblins as sentient humanoids that are small, politically disorganized, and poor (and possibly sometimes violent and/or larcenous, due to the disorganization and poverty), but otherwise are small green people.

    I say go Down, Down to Goblin Town. Maybe steal some stuff from Discworld dwarves, have goblin settlements be within and underneath human ones, sorta like a Chinatown or israeli Ghetto.

    Reinforces that goblins are underfoot and unnoticed, also means that Goblintown is a great way of getting in and out of town unnoticed, and also a great place to buy pickled rats.

    • 2 years ago

      Following on from this, I'm going to declare that there's nothing wrong with mix-and-matching real-world cultures with fantasy cultures. Some SJW shit-for-brains will accuse your goblins of being Anti-Semitic? They were looking for something to b***h about; if they didn't notice the goblins, they'd have moved on to your setting being a-historically heteronormative.

  26. 2 years ago

    Goblins are normally vermin that live in the underbelly of human cities, but what other races or monsters would you find in a goblin city?

  27. 2 years ago

    >no brothels
    >only the communal gobbo breeding pit

  28. 2 years ago

    A GM of mine had us wander into a goblin "city" once. If I remember properly, it was just a bunch of ramshackle structures built around the ruins of an old human fortress. The big gimmick there was they valued copper as though it were gold, since copper is actually ridiculously useful. They were also sitting on top of a gold mine.
    So naturally, we convinced them to bring us as much gold as we could haul in exchange for all our copper and a bit of silver. Both sides chuckled as the other was getting so ripped off they almost felt bad for them.

    • 2 years ago

      Pragmatic and naive about other cultures is a fun way to play them.

      • 2 years ago

        One of my favorites for sure. Visually, they were how I prefer to run goblins, being just nasty little gremlins. I love my goblin shortstacks as much as the next guy, I've lost gallons of coom to the aco threads, but I prefer to keep attractive goblins far away from my games.
        I do love Warcraft as a setting though, it's probably my favorite. I like how their goblins are intelligent and inventive with those shitty new yorker accents. Main stat int, dump stat wis. They love their money, explosions, and often have no idea how their own machines work, like the semophlange quest in vanilla WoW. What is a semophalnge? What does it do? Doesn't matter, it does SOMETHING and WE DON'T HAVE IT! Go steal it and shank as many of the bastards as you can while you do. We'll figure it all out later.

  29. 2 years ago

    Letting prostitutes uses computers was a stupid idea. Their need for attention is staggering.

  30. 2 years ago

    >Thread has been falling for bait for an hour straight

    • 2 years ago


  31. 2 years ago

    If goblins inherently don't stay in one place for long than permanent businesses might not have a consistent proprietor, instead being run by a family, guild, or co-op with whichever member happens to be in the city at the time being the one in change.

  32. 2 years ago

    It's just a bunch of themed prostitutehouses because that's all goblins are good for

    • 2 years ago

      Which themed prostitutehouse would be the most fun? Probably the pirate one.

      • 2 years ago

        The carnival bouncehouse one. Or the one with a "ball pit" that's just a pit of naked oiled up goblins writhing around.

  33. 2 years ago


    >Try d) a worldbuilder who looks for the most based things to put in my magic systems!
    you have literally written the word "piss empire".

    • 2 years ago

      >you have literally written the word "piss empire".
      I know, right? I can talk about the human race's own city if you want to read more based things.

  34. 2 years ago


    There is someone who is obsessed with vomit, like at a level that qualifies for genuine mental instability. He shitposts about this in every single goblin related thread or even threads not really related to goblins. I guess now he's just taking it to the next level. It's either a) actual psychosis b) a truly deranged fetishist or c) an extremely elaborate shitpost. Any of these options aren't great.

    report his posts. They're usually deleted.

  35. 2 years ago


    >elf threads are already dogshit.
    Damn son, what a hypocrite. At least elf threads TRY to talk about traditional games from time to time. These threads are just /aco/ rejects writing fapfiction. As such, pukegay belongs perfectly here.

    • 2 years ago

      >pukegay belongs on a cross
      ftfy; you deserve the next one over

      • 2 years ago

        belongs on a cross
        Alongside the rest of you gobgays, yes.

        • 2 years ago

          My gobs are smiling at me, imperial. Can you say the same?

          • 2 years ago

            And mine are vomiting with me!

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