GodDAMN this was good

GodDAMN this was good

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    it's ok but it's no silent hill 2

    • 5 months ago

      completely different vibes tbh. They are thematically so different I can hardly compared

      SH2 is piss easy tho'

  2. 5 months ago

    dont bother playing any of the others because thats the best one and its as good as it gets

    • 5 months ago

      Isn't The Room somewhat decent?

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Only the first half

        • 5 months ago

          It is unironically best enjoyed watching a longplay because the second half is just shockingly bad. Shame because the storyline is fantastic tbh

          huh. what happened in the second half? budget collapse?

          • 5 months ago

            Neither one of those Anons, but the game is okay from start to the finish.
            Some folks just criticize 4's second half for "recycling" the same areas you've already visited, while I personally always saw that stage as the game's counterpart of those "alternative reality" versions of the main locations in 1-3.

            It's good to keep in mind that SH4 was very experimental game compared to the first three. It feels and plays totally different from the OG trio.

          • 5 months ago

            i don't think the second half is as bad as some people say, but with the amount of unused content (most notably items for a cut joke ending and tons of lore that was just dumped onto a website), it seems there were definitely some cuts made later in development to get it to ship on time.

      • 5 months ago

        SH1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > SM > > > rest of the crap.

        >Isn't The Room somewhat decent?
        Yes, it is. Was back in 2004, and absolutely BTFO of all the rest that followed.

        Here's the new SH PC Guide + PasteBin links:


        • 5 months ago

          2 = 3 > 1 >> 4 >>> the rest

          SH1 has arguably the most consistent gameplay (ok the bosses kinda suck) but the plot is pretty much moronic and the entire ending section of SH3 is there to fix all the nonsense SH1 had for a story.

          • 5 months ago

            >but the plot is pretty much moronic
            In what way?
            It literally tackles the same themes as SH2, but from a different perspective. SH1 also does not spoonfeed you the whole plot and lore on a single run, unlike 2 which is the normie's favorite for a reason.

            >entire ending section of SH3 is there to fix all the nonsense SH1 had for a story.
            Nah, 3 was an unneeded sequel that not even the devs planned on making in the first place. A retooled on-rails shooter.
            Still a pretty OK game, but you could feel how TS was running out of steam, feeling the israelitenami's tightening grip around their necks.

            • 5 months ago

              >In what way?
              Characters more or less don't have motivations, appear and disappear at random, self-sabotage (see: kaufmann). And it isn't a localization problem, dialogue is just as barebones in the original Jap.

              >It literally tackles the same themes as SH2
              you high m8? SH1 is a generic horror story lifted straight from 90s jap cinema. Could have been a straight Ringu adaptation if you replaced the satanic cult with an ESP society

              Don't get me wrong: SH1 is a great game, but the original Team Silent's emphasis was clearly on 3 things: Graphics, scenery and Gameplay. The rest were more or less improvised on the go.

              SH2 goes deep into the plot and meaning of the story. This isn't a schizo take, either. pay close attention to both mary and harry, half the things they say and imply are done through body language - something unprecedented in vidya until then. You can actually notice they ran out of time to polish the gameplay because the focused on the story first, which is rare for console games.

              • 5 months ago

                >Characters more or less don't have motivations,
                All of them have clear motivations and back story. I have no idea how anyone could try to claim otherwise.

                >appear disappear at random
                It's not exactly random, and no less bizarre as in SH2.

                >localization problem
                Well duh, the game was recorded in English only from the get-go, just like Resident Evil. The dialogue is meant to be cryptic enough to create that paranoia vibes, very akin to something like Twin Peaks.

                >you high m8?
                No, I don't use drugs. And you are not making any arguments.
                SH1 is all about literal "personal demons", childhood trauma in this case.

                >SH1 is a generic horror story lifted straight from 90s jap cinema.
                Just goes to show that the entire game flew over your head.
                >satanic cult
                Oh, so you only watched The Movie. Makes sense now.

                >SH2 goes deep into the plot and meaning of the story
                Not arguing with that, but SH2 is literally just a next-gen standalone expansion pack to SH1. All its ideas were first done in SH1, some of them way better.
                And like said, unlike #2, SH1 was made with replaying and piecing together the bigger picture in mind. Something that clearly is too hard 4 modern audiences to even grasp, which is one of the many reasons why kids these days home-in towards 2 over 1.

                And I say this as an old-ass SH fanatic, who had a HUGE Silent Hill 2 phase as a teenager. That game was my lifeline and idol for the longest of time.

                >SH1 is a great game, but the original Team Silent's emphasis was clearly on 3 things: Graphics, scenery and Gameplay.
                AKA the most important aspect of a video game.
                But you are still selling the story and lore short. Everything has a purpose and symbolism in SH1 as well.

                >You can actually notice they ran out of time to polish the gameplay because the focused on the story first
                I actually do not, and this is literally the first time I've seen anyone has even implied such thing these past 23 years. A curious theory, one lacking evidence.

              • 5 months ago

                holy shit, you are putting the first game in a pedestal. Are you gonna tell me the RE trilogy also was some sort of masterpiece of storytelling too?

                >All of them have clear motivations and back story.
                Cibyl's behaviour is nonsensical.
                >and no less bizarre as in SH2
                Bullshit. SH2's entire shtick is "you don't know if your MC and the cast are actual lunatics imagining people and events" while at no point this happens to Harry. This concept was just not present in SH1.
                >Well duh, the game was recorded in English only from the get-go, just like Resident Evil. The dialogue is meant to be cryptic
                Wrong in both counts. Where you got this info? Game was clearly scripted in Jap and the english voicelines badly translated later. You telling me you didn't notice the multiple instances of engrish? "intentionally" cryptic is massive cope.
                >Just goes to show that the entire game flew over your head.
                You are just proving you haven't watched Jap cinema.
                >satanic cult
                >not a thing in SH1
                Literally Incubus Black person, at no point in SH1 you get told it may not be a demon cult. The first references to pre-christian deities come from SH2.

                >and piecing together the bigger picture in mind.
                This isn't a thing in SH at all. There's no "lore hunting" anywhere in the games, you get drip-fed it as you progress your search for plot items.

                >but SH2 is literally just a next-gen standalone expansion pack to SH1.
                >All its ideas were first done in SH1, some of them way better.
                This is literally headcanon.
                >SH1: Magical girl magicks her memories on a hapless town because a cult made her do so
                >SH2: Magical town traps people who committed social trangressions and tests them over their traumas
                >you: THEY ARE THE SAME PLOT
                I don't even know what to say. this is straight up denying reality. Guess I'll just treat you like a mental hospital case and just say you are right so you'll get off my back.

                When was the last time you played these games? Because you clearly need a refresher.

              • 5 months ago

                >holy shit, you are putting the first game in a pedestal.
                On a pedestal.
                And yes, I am. It's easily the best Silent Hill game, and one of the greatest survival horror games ever created.

                >Are you gonna tell me the RE trilogy also was some sort of masterpiece of storytelling too?
                No, and using such childish "Whataboutism" fallacy tricks only makes you smell like a Moscow troll-factory worker.

                >Cibyl's behaviour is nonsensical.
                Her name is Cybil. And what makes it nonsensical exactly?
                She's a rare specimen of an innocent bystander caught in the phenomena. She's also a law enforcer trying to maintain order and most importantly call some help, everything else's secondary.

                >SH2's entire shtick is "you don't know if your MC and the cast are actual lunatics imagining people and events"
                No it's not. That's exactly the GenZ normalgay meme narrative the post-Youtube era nugays try to push.

                >Wrong in both counts. Where you got this info?
                Making Of films and the historical facts.

                The games were not "localized", they were made in English right from the beginning. Yes, the storyboard was obviously made in Japanese, but Team-Silent worked closely together with their English translator to deliver the intended tale. In SH2, they even had the actors do the motion capture takes like stage plays, on top of providing their faces for the characters.

                The only thing that makes the SH1's dialog a bit janky are the unnatural pauses between and sometimes even mid-sentences, which are already been confirmed to be a mixing and programming error of the most peculiar kind.

                Anyway, I myself was selling SH1 short by merely summing it up as "cryptic". There's really just two characters that say less than they know, and one acts like a lunatic on purpose as well. Rest are more or less victims and pawns, and hence don't know everything.

                Most of the characters are further fleshed out in the GBA-only SH Play Novel, which you can nowadays play in English on PC.

                ...to be continued.

              • 5 months ago

                >That's exactly the GenZ normalgay meme narrative the post-Youtube era nugays try to push.
                You striaght up forgot James doesn't even remember when or how Mary died and are trying to pass it off as "SH2 had no themes"

              • 5 months ago

                what do you mean he doesn't remember how or when she died? he says "mary died of that FRICKING disease a few months ago" at the beginning of the game.

              • 5 months ago

                >The games were not "localized", they were made in English right from the beginning.
                >with their English translator to deliver the intended tale.
                Only for SH2. For SH1 it's typical 90s engrish trash.
                And even the I'd argue the localization does not really get good till SH3, typical jap overbervose stuff that sounds pretty in it's original language but stiff as hell when translated. That Mary letter at the end is just boring despite being intended to be the strongest emotional point in the game.

                what do you mean he doesn't remember how or when she died? he says "mary died of that FRICKING disease a few months ago" at the beginning of the game.


              • 5 months ago

                >Only for SH2. For SH1 it's typical 90s engrish trash.
                Not by a long shot.
                I really wonder if any of you actually even lived the 1990s?

                Come now, the intro nightmare sequence to SH1 with its moving camera looks amazing.

                >Come now, the intro nightmare sequence to SH1 with its moving camera looks amazing.
                Yes, it does. And it's one of the many scenes I refer to when talking about the beauty of fixed, cinematic camera-angles in survival horror games.

                But things like cinematography, composition, or even technical marvels like the per-vertex dynamic shading on a PS1 hardware, are not something an average Joe, and especially an 11-year-old, would pay attention to or even understand.
                It was simply a matter of "dem graphixx!" looking blocky and noisy compared to the RE's gorgeous pre-rendered BGs or even N64's stable, anti-aliazed visuals.
                Not to mention the PS2 hypetrain was already heating up.

                All this stuff are now just extra ammo for my reasoning why SH1 is so amazing.
                It has a lot of stuff that was lost in the sequels.

              • 5 months ago

                >She's a rare specimen of an innocent bystander caught in the phenomena.
                Black person she literally meets monsters and her best idea is split up because "i have cop business to do"
                risk assesment? no such thing.

                you are trying to pass an ambitious new team doing a blind shot at glory based on a couple ideas of what a horror game should be as some sort of valve tier turbo autism and attention to detail.

                You can claim this at least for SH2 when TS was well established and trusted. Not for fricking SH1 when they were tripping over themselves just to make the engine not rape the PSX to death.

              • 5 months ago

                >holy shit, you are putting the first game in a pedestal.
                On a pedestal.
                And yes, I am. It's easily the best Silent Hill game, and one of the greatest survival horror games ever created.

                >Are you gonna tell me the RE trilogy also was some sort of masterpiece of storytelling too?
                No, and using such childish "Whataboutism" fallacy tricks only makes you smell like a Moscow troll-factory worker.

                >Cibyl's behaviour is nonsensical.
                Her name is Cybil. And what makes it nonsensical exactly?
                She's a rare specimen of an innocent bystander caught in the phenomena. She's also a law enforcer trying to maintain order and most importantly call some help, everything else's secondary.

                >SH2's entire shtick is "you don't know if your MC and the cast are actual lunatics imagining people and events"
                No it's not. That's exactly the GenZ normalgay meme narrative the post-Youtube era nugays try to push.

                >Wrong in both counts. Where you got this info?
                Making Of films and the historical facts.

                The games were not "localized", they were made in English right from the beginning. Yes, the storyboard was obviously made in Japanese, but Team-Silent worked closely together with their English translator to deliver the intended tale. In SH2, they even had the actors do the motion capture takes like stage plays, on top of providing their faces for the characters.

                The only thing that makes the SH1's dialog a bit janky are the unnatural pauses between and sometimes even mid-sentences, which are already been confirmed to be a mixing and programming error of the most peculiar kind.

                Anyway, I myself was selling SH1 short by merely summing it up as "cryptic". There's really just two characters that say less than they know, and one acts like a lunatic on purpose as well. Rest are more or less victims and pawns, and hence don't know everything.

                Most of the characters are further fleshed out in the GBA-only SH Play Novel, which you can nowadays play in English on PC.

                ...to be continued.

                >Continue tbh!

                >Literally Incubus Black person
                Literally a mental projection Alessa created in her mind, being afraid of the weird life forced within her.
                The "cult" itself is nothing more than a small bunch of extremist CHRISTIANS, who worship ye olde israeli God in heaven. And within said church, an even smaller pack led by Dahlia was formed, using both literal drugs and some old native's black magic to gain power.
                When her kid happened to be a living, breathing psychic capable of imagining things to existence (or out of it), she essentially started brainwashing her into a "mother of god" in order to spark the very biblical Apocalypse.

                Shit almost worked, but then the fire broke out, the kid split her soul in two, and the OG was kept alive by the demonic entity she herself had essentially rendered into the plane of reality.

                >The first references to pre-christian deities come from SH2
                SH1 is filled with that stuff, mate.

                >This is literally headcanon.
                It's not.
                Mental trauma manifesting symbolic representations of the person's subjects of fear and hatred into the world in fleshy otherworldy beings? Check.
                Locations tied to the person's past being twisted into nightmarish dungeons? Check.
                Dead people getting manifested into existence as silverlined, sometimes outright fetishised versions of their former selves? Check.

                >SH2: Magical town traps people who committed social trangressions and tests them over their traumas
                Yeah yeah, this meme narrative was popular some 15 years ago already.
                It just goes to show that even SH2 is way too deep and too cruel for some people to understand.

                No, SH is not a Shrink Town.
                No, it does not "summon" and "test" anyone. People end there on their own, and only face themselves as they are. The town only passively projects shit out of their mind into existence, essentially running Alessa's powers on autopilot.

                >When was the last time you played these games?
                I've beaten 1-2 some 50+ times, each, since 2000.

              • 5 months ago

                >AKA the most important aspect of a video game.
                frick off. go play your arcades and waste hours of you life doing nothing of worth.

              • 5 months ago

                >go play your arcades and waste hours of you life doing nothing of worth
                Metal Slug is a higher form of art than SH2.

              • 5 months ago

                >A curious theory, one lacking evidence.
                Just watch any cutscene and you'll notice that James second guesses himself on nearly all them, and Maria straight up calls him out on it.
                "i may be actually be a schizo" is an actual plot point complete with delivery as you have James coming to terms that he was deep in denial.

                I think you have a very severe case of old age induced rose tinted glasses. SH1 was technically impressive but could compete with RE1 in plot lazyness. Only thing missing was Harry laughing a la Redfield.

                And don't give me shit with your moronic discrediting. I literally just finished SH3 today, SH2 two days ago and SH1 some months ago. And it's literally my 30th birthday if you gonna pull the zoomer card.

              • 5 months ago

                >Just watch any cutscene and you'll notice that James second guesses himself on nearly all them, and Maria straight up calls him out on it.
                Okay, but what that has to do with the gameplay being, quote-unquote, unfinished?
                It's obvious that James is essentially the gaming's first well known case of an unrealiable narrator... but that was not the topic here now was it ?

                >I think you have a very severe case of old age induced rose tinted glasses.
                Nah, I don't think so.
                Unlike you kiddos who call "muh nostalgia!!" every passing moment, I actually actively revisit my favorite games, and in case of SH, have spent literal decades discussing and analyzing their content with numerous people.
                Long before even 4chinnelz existed, I frequented two SH Forums at the same time. One of them where even the legendary KnickKnack visited all the time while making her Chibi SH2 comic.

                >SH1 was technically impressive
                No, it really was not.
                I still remember clear as day the first time I saw some preview articles about SH1. My initial thoughts were legit "lol what a FUGLY looking RE-wannabe!". The rough visuals even for the time, combined with the Turok-tier fog, really didn't flatter the game even in the early 1999 no more.

                Fortunately, I ended up playing the game's demo on one of the PS Mag's demo discs. Got scared shitless, enjoyed the new twist on RE's gameplay, and instantly became a fan.
                It took me many years and some education on the game- and art-design field to learn to appreciate the first game's visuals. It truly is impressive for a game running on a 2.5D wormbox assembled out of late-1993 hardware.

                >could compete with RE1 in plot lazyness.
                Not even a funny joke.
                SH has had RE beaten in both writing and atmosphere from the very get-go.
                Even day 1, people literally split up in two camps, depending on whether they prefer the plot or tactile gameplay more.

                >I literally just finished SH3 today, SH2 two days ago and SH1 some months ago.
                Okay, now replay them again.

              • 5 months ago

                Come now, the intro nightmare sequence to SH1 with its moving camera looks amazing.

              • 5 months ago

                >Okay, but what that has to do with the gameplay being, quote-unquote, unfinished?
                nothing, it has all to do with your moronic argument saying that SH2 is just a SH1 expansion pack and SH1 totally has the same themes.
                > but that was not the topic here now was it ?
                yes it is frenchfrick. did you get so emotional you forgot what you were replying to?

                >have spent literal decades discussing and analyzing their content with numerous people.
                more like spent several decades inside your echo chamber and can't stand new opinions anymore.
                >you kiddos
                there's less than 10 years difference between us and at our age that shit stops mattering at all.

                >No, it really was not.
                >It truly is impressive for a game running on a 2.5D wormbox assembled out of late-1993 hardware.
                Well I accept your concession or whatever you tried to do by contradiction yourself here.

                >Only for SH2. For SH1 it's typical 90s engrish trash.
                Not by a long shot.
                I really wonder if any of you actually even lived the 1990s?

                >Come now, the intro nightmare sequence to SH1 with its moving camera looks amazing.
                Yes, it does. And it's one of the many scenes I refer to when talking about the beauty of fixed, cinematic camera-angles in survival horror games.

                But things like cinematography, composition, or even technical marvels like the per-vertex dynamic shading on a PS1 hardware, are not something an average Joe, and especially an 11-year-old, would pay attention to or even understand.
                It was simply a matter of "dem graphixx!" looking blocky and noisy compared to the RE's gorgeous pre-rendered BGs or even N64's stable, anti-aliazed visuals.
                Not to mention the PS2 hypetrain was already heating up.

                All this stuff are now just extra ammo for my reasoning why SH1 is so amazing.
                It has a lot of stuff that was lost in the sequels.

                >Not by a long shot.
                are you ESL? You can't seriously pretend there's no engrish in SH1

                I think I get your now. You just wanna pretend you are an authority on the franchise on an anonymous forum and this SH1 hyperdefense is just an elaborate ploy to blogpost about your credentials.

              • 5 months ago

                Okay, so a topic switch.

                >...your moronic argument saying that SH2 is just a SH1 expansion pack and SH1 totally has the same themes.
                What makes it moronic?
                Like I said and demonstrated, both of the games are carved out of the same wood. You're literally a kettle calling the pot black.

                The overall vibe of SH2 in general was that of a carbon copy of SH1.
                Even James' getup is very akin to Harry's.

                >yes it is frenchfrick.
                Sorry broidi, but I'm no Frog.
                And your original claim at

                >In what way?
                Characters more or less don't have motivations, appear and disappear at random, self-sabotage (see: kaufmann). And it isn't a localization problem, dialogue is just as barebones in the original Jap.

                >It literally tackles the same themes as SH2
                you high m8? SH1 is a generic horror story lifted straight from 90s jap cinema. Could have been a straight Ringu adaptation if you replaced the satanic cult with an ESP society

                Don't get me wrong: SH1 is a great game, but the original Team Silent's emphasis was clearly on 3 things: Graphics, scenery and Gameplay. The rest were more or less improvised on the go.

                SH2 goes deep into the plot and meaning of the story. This isn't a schizo take, either. pay close attention to both mary and harry, half the things they say and imply are done through body language - something unprecedented in vidya until then. You can actually notice they ran out of time to polish the gameplay because the focused on the story first, which is rare for console games.

                >"You can actually notice they ran out of time to polish the gameplay because the focused on the story first"
                ...to which I obviously replied that this is the very first time ANYONE has implied of such possibility. But then you started mumbling about the body language of digital game characters... schizo much?

                >more like spent several decades inside your echo chamber and can't stand new opinions anymore.
                Nah, that's not how it works outside of the America, matey.
                It's okay to have bad opinions, but you should learn to articulate them well, and also fact-check them.

                >there's less than 10 years difference between us
                There's also less than 10 years difference between a first grader and a junior-high schooler, yet their average mental age and attitude tend to be on completely different levels.
                It's just so easy to spot the old, old ass Youtube e-celeb fantheories from the crowd.

                >Well I accept your concession or whatever you tried to do by contradiction yourself here.
                I think you are having hard time following a very simple, logical statement:
                1. The game was not impressive back in the day, compared to contemporary releases, BUT,
                2. Upon closer inspection, in a hind-sight, it's pretty impressive. Has a charm.

                >You can't seriously pretend there's no engrish in SH1
                I'd like to hear your definition of Engrish + see examples of this.
                SH1 is already miles above the laff-fest that was RE1.

                >just pretending lol
                SH1 is simply a masterpiece.
                2 is okay.

              • 5 months ago

                >but SH2 is literally just a next-gen standalone expansion pack to SH1
                frick off. it doesn't reuse literally a single area in a game set in a small town.

              • 5 months ago

                That's not by any means what the term "expansion pack" used to mean when these games were still brand new. Sadly, it has devolved into exactly what you describe.

            • 5 months ago

              >Still a pretty OK game, but you could feel how TS was running out of steam
              How so?

              • 5 months ago

                >How so?
                The game is way more linear than the previous games (not saying that 2 would've been that "open ended" anymore either), and it has the least alternative endings to boot, with only 1 realistically obtainable on the first run.

                It also obviously recycles a ton of content, and shockingly from SH2 rather than 1, to which its story is the most related to.

                Gameplay is the most action-packed of the bunch. Again, the light-gun roots show. They also just hand you over the gun and radio with no real explanation or purpose, almost as if saying "let's just get this over with, shall we!".

                At least the production values are top notch.
                The visuals and audio are some of the best on PS2 era consoles, and Heather's such a relatable cutie of a character. I still use her as an example and favorable argument for the RE-style "X spamming" examination messages to this day.

              • 5 months ago

                >The game is way more linear than the previous games (not saying that 2 would've been that "open ended" anymore either)
                to be brutally honest it isn't like SH1 is particularly laberynthian. Yeah there's backtracking, only in the "go to this room in the otherworld" sense which scared you because the otherworld could rape your ass. SH3 is not too dissimilar even if you don't exit-enter the otherworld: it has you find the final door first and then set you to explore the level in most cases. It does have large linear sections (see: sewers), but you have to explore or explore to progress.

                SH2 on the other hand was railroaded hard. Mostly because it's short and the final third is basically a single corridor. Yeah I'm counting the lake hotel on this. You can straight up trace a line and never backtrack.

              • 5 months ago

                >to be brutally honest it isn't like SH1 is particularly laberynthian.
                Yup, and never claimed it to be.
                SH1 still packs the most optional exploration, the largest town sections in general, and even entire "side quests", such as the whole Newspaper clips thing leading to a slightly different encounter with Kauffman and access to the special note in the Nowhere hospital room.

                Only the Downpour exceeds SH1 in all three of those categories, but it's hard to call that thing a "good game".

                I never count the "dungeon" locations into the exploration. They're essentially miniature scale copies of RE's mansion / cop station formula.

                >SH3 is not too dissimilar even if you don't exit-enter the otherworld
                >SH2 on the other hand was railroaded hard.
                This is a totally bizarre statement to me.
                Again, SH2 is not that open by any stretch, but 3 absolutely is like a non-stop pipeline from start to beginning. Hell, the moment you hit the Town itself, it's just one half of SH2's Lakeside, copy and pasted, most areas fenced off.

              • 5 months ago

                >Only the Downpour exceeds SH1 in all three of those categories, but it's hard to call that thing a "good game".
                I'm so mad that Downpour is shit. It has the right idea in terms of putting town exploration over all other elements and some of its sidequests such as Dead Man's Hand truly shine but God, when it shits the bed it's with the force of a fricking hurricane.

              • 5 months ago

                what's bad about it?

              • 5 months ago

                NTA, but literally every single thing. People shit on the Homocoming, but DP is all around WORSE pool of diarrhea.

                Downpour was the game I was genuinely excited and optimistic about, but it was a huge disappointment:

                >No Akira's soundtracks. You can hear it, you can FEEL it.
                >The MC's inner monologue = fricking annoying.
                >Indicators, flashing items and tips everywhere! Try to play without them, and you gonna be all lost for a while at least, as the game was DESIGNED with them to be ON.
                >The chase scenes were annoying. Especially the last one. And I fricking liked SM for crying out loud.
                >Bad and limited enemy design.
                >A handful of characters that just... are. I guess they tried to personify the Town or something, but come on.
                >The environments? Boring & full of copypaste.
                >The side missions? POINTLESS in the end, as you get ripped off all your gear, and they don't even effect the ending!
                >BAD combat. Yeah I know, and I always ran past 90% of enemies in originals as well, but holy shit this is WORSE than in SH1-4 if you ask me.
                >UT3 engine bugs and annoyances (texture & area-streaming, usually lagging badly behind, the Subway doors getting locked, random bug of being unable to pick up items ...)

                Last the story... there technically isn't one!
                It's not deep or cryptic at all, it's just CONFUSING - most probably because before the very end, the game doesn't know how the story even goes, when your choices are evaluated. In this sense the game actually contradicts ITSELF earlier on, as there's no alternative cutscenes or discussion choices.

              • 5 months ago

                Aesthetically, it's VERY drab and the enemies are mostly nondescript humanoid fodder. The town is dreary and dilapidated but it's like the bare minimum you'd expect. Combat/controls are particularly atrocious, which isn't a huge issue for most of the game as exploration really is the point, but the final leg of the game starts leaning more heavily on gated enemy encounters to its detriment. You can beat the game without killing any enemies (it's even an achievement), but there are moments where the game makes that REALLY tedious to accomplish. But by far the worst aspect is the game performance - this game actually stockpiles your last 5 autosaves and thank God because I don't know how many times I got softlocked for doing something as simple as walking in a house and daring to go back outside, or entered an area only for the world to just render incorrectly and refuse to load the next part. The other issues are annoying if not forgivable, but in my experience this game was an abject technical disaster.

                It's a shame because there's some alright stuff mixed in there. The base concept of a guilt-ridden prisoner facing his demons in Silent Hill isn't a bad one, the otherworld is actually not too shabby of a design (though far from the best), and the chase sequences are mostly pretty good actually. But it's more like glimmers of what could've been weighed against what is probably the most blatant victim of Konami just handing the Silent Hill name to any western dev that cares to ask. Seriously, it was some no name mobile dev that went under shortly after release that made Downpour, like what the frick Konami.

              • 5 months ago

                >SH3 is not too dissimilar even if you don't exit-enter the otherworld:
                confused SH1 with origins for a bit here.
                meant to say even if you don't enter-exit the buildings as an exploration necessity.

                >to be brutally honest it isn't like SH1 is particularly laberynthian.
                Yup, and never claimed it to be.
                SH1 still packs the most optional exploration, the largest town sections in general, and even entire "side quests", such as the whole Newspaper clips thing leading to a slightly different encounter with Kauffman and access to the special note in the Nowhere hospital room.

                Only the Downpour exceeds SH1 in all three of those categories, but it's hard to call that thing a "good game".

                I never count the "dungeon" locations into the exploration. They're essentially miniature scale copies of RE's mansion / cop station formula.

                >SH3 is not too dissimilar even if you don't exit-enter the otherworld
                >SH2 on the other hand was railroaded hard.
                This is a totally bizarre statement to me.
                Again, SH2 is not that open by any stretch, but 3 absolutely is like a non-stop pipeline from start to beginning. Hell, the moment you hit the Town itself, it's just one half of SH2's Lakeside, copy and pasted, most areas fenced off.

                > but 3 absolutely is like a non-stop pipeline from start to beginning.
                All multi floor levels in SH3 have a central hub based on an elevator / stair. this means items and exists are an equal distance from the "center" of the map, but not that they are linear. You can find them in any order depending on how you choose to start, and can sorta frick yourself in the ass if you choose the most enemy dense areas before finding resource rooms. Specially since enemies in SH3 really fricking hate you and are really good at hitting running teenagers.

                SH2 on the other hand only really does this on the hospital and the first apartment. Everything else is more or less lineal unless you choose to not explore side rooms. Which means the entire final third is pretty much lineal.

        • 5 months ago

          >no sh4 torrent
          dang. mega don't let me download more than 1gb in my c**t. what scene group cracked the original edition? so I can use as a reference to search a torrent.

          • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              doesn't the gog version have problems / lack content

              • 5 months ago

                it's just the old PC port, with baseline fixes.
                You can apply the fan-patches on top of it AFAIK, restoring the missing hauntings and shit.

      • 5 months ago

        Haha! What a post, anon.

        • 5 months ago

          You're my FAVORITE shitposter.

      • 5 months ago

        I really like 4's story, characters and music. Gameplay is quite annoying though.

        Here are some bangers



        Also, Henry Townshend is literally me. Love the dude

      • 5 months ago

        Its aight just play on easy mode cos of the bullshit ghosts

      • 5 months ago

        SH4 was the worst one everyone could agree on with some caveats for being weird and trying different stuff and then we got the non-team silent games and they showed us how deep the pit of mediocrity could go.

      • 5 months ago

        It is unironically best enjoyed watching a longplay because the second half is just shockingly bad. Shame because the storyline is fantastic tbh

      • 5 months ago

        Yes, and it's massively slept' on and underrated.

        Henry also gets too much hate

  3. 5 months ago

    >mom waled in on the "birthing" scene

  4. 5 months ago

    more like gay hill 3

  5. 5 months ago

    Friendly reminder.

    • 5 months ago

      Shit. Forgot to add pic.

  6. 5 months ago

    Eileen shaving

  7. 5 months ago

    Heather x Douglas.

  8. 5 months ago

    reddit and my favorite eceleb youtuber said sh2 is a masterpiece and the best horror game ever so it must be true.
    it's an old game anyway so it's not worth playing.

    this is what zoomies actually believe.
    SH1 will always be better than SH2

    • 5 months ago

      >ip counter didn't increase
      oh nonono

      • 5 months ago

        i was reading the thread as i'm working remotely from home so that was my first post.

        • 5 months ago

          sure thing. I've been posting here for a decade and I can count the number of people who think SH1 is the GOAT of the trilogy with the fingers of my hand.

          It straight up gets more appreciation from zoomers who are into retro aesthetics than people who actually lived through the era.

          • 5 months ago

            couldn't care less what you think actually.
            i'm not calling myself a diehard SH fan but i did finish every SH game there multiple times and it is the best horror series for me.

            SH1 > SH3 > SH2 > SH4 >>>>>> Origin > Homecoming > Downpour > SM

            I played SH1 on ps1 when i was a kiddo so it will always have a special place in my heart, i'm 33 now.

            what makes the SH1 the best game in the series for me is not the actual story of the game, but the soundtracks, ambiance, unnerving sounds, and "ugly" graphics just make the game even scarier, it leaves the monster design to your imagination.

            and from reading my post you can clearly see i'm ESL, but those two guys debating each other before are english speakers (or they're just really good ESL)

            • 5 months ago

              >but the soundtracks, ambiance, unnerving sounds
              SH1-3 has legit the best sound production in a game I ever played. Find it hard to compare them with each other because they are too similar in production and themes. As for usage, I'd say SH2 balanced both the "industrial, oppressive" and the "minimal, eerie" aspects, on top of laying down some pretty descent incidental music.

              But SH3 masters "industrial, oppresive" to such a degree throbbling gistle would shed a tear of pride. The whole game's sound production is a like a bad meth trip.

              Meanwhile SH1 shines for it's minimalism because the PSX chokes on sound too so it can't run many sounds concurrently, which instantly makes shine not when travelling or fighting but when you are alone just doing nothing in a room. You legit expect to get jumped at every chance.

              It's pretty good on first playthrough. Some cracks show with the structure on replays but I'd still say it gets more right as a survival horror game than 2 does.

              I can see the rape that is some rooms in brookhaven getting tiring fast but i won't pretend i wasn't shitting myself through the entire thing.

              Also yeah, enemy variety really harms SH2. If it had one or two more mobs that actually had good attacks it would have been great.

              • 5 months ago

                when i was playing SH2 and SH3 i felt safe in certain places, like i knew nothing could happen.
                but i never felt like that in SH1, even when there were no monsters in the room the sound effects were creepy as frick.
                the game makes you feel uneasy all the time.
                SH2 was easy but it had cool monster designs, SH3 is better but i didn't like monster designs that's much, and the last part was kinda meh.
                SH1 was perfect from start till finish (except boss fights)

              • 5 months ago

                >SH3 is better but i didn't like monster designs that's much, and the last part was kinda meh.
                SH3 hyperfocuses on the "shit hits the fan" eldritch horror element. I think they felt they didn't do the SH1 otherworld justice and wanted to show the fricked it could look on PS2 graphics. And it works tbh. When it hits, it hits, specially if you prep your session for an horror night.

    • 5 months ago

      post this shit on reddit if you want to feel special, defending sh2 is the contrarian position here.

      • 5 months ago

        are you being moronic?
        i'm laughing at zoomers who think sh2 is better than sh1.
        noone is defending sh2, even sh3 is better than sh2.
        sh1 > sh3 > sh2

        • 5 months ago

          >sh1 > sh3 > sh2
          Based video game player.

        • 5 months ago

          >i'm laughing at zoomers who think sh2 is better than sh1.
          where are they? the constant refrain from zoomers new to the series is how based 1 and 3 are. who are you talking to?

          • 5 months ago

            >the constant refrain from zoomers new to the series is how based 1 and 3 are. who are you talking to?
            they think SH1 is retro and too old and they didn't even play SH1, watching lets play on youtube doesn't count.
            stop pretending they did

            • 5 months ago

              >stop pretending they did
              you've be surprised. we finally got to the "low poly is nice" era of retro.

        • 5 months ago

          >i'm laughing at zoomers who think sh2 is better than sh1.
          as a game? yeah
          as a story? nah
          I can and will appreciate all elements of an interactive audiovisual experience.

  9. 5 months ago

    not that great, you just want to frick the protagonist thats it

  10. 5 months ago

    It's pretty good on first playthrough. Some cracks show with the structure on replays but I'd still say it gets more right as a survival horror game than 2 does.

  11. 5 months ago

    WHY THE FRICK did I read this whole reply chain ?

    Do you frickers not realize that youre NOT gonna convince someone that his favourite game is not his fav. game ?
    None of this has any impact... frick

    • 5 months ago

      >Do you frickers not realize that youre NOT gonna convince someone that his favourite game is not his fav. game ?
      Leave Ganker while your mind is still intact. It's not too late for you yet.

  12. 5 months ago

    there are people in this world who would rather watch someone playing a single player game instead of actually playing the game for themselves.
    what is wrong with people?

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