got any advice or refrence regarding rpg writing?

i don't know how to write tree dialoge without wasting paper or kilobytes trying to set up a scene. i know i won't write homeric shakspearian dialoges but still, i hope to do it, so send any methods/tactics so i can steal them and claim them as my own please.

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  1. 2 years ago

    For starters
    1. Don't look at Bioware for example
    2. Don't look at female characters for example
    3. Quit being a mentally ill male feminist coomer

    • 2 years ago
      dragon that dreams of frozen lakes

      the pic is literaly for luck of any other pic.

      Start by revising basic English grammar - capitalization, punctuation, spelling of complex words, and so on.

      if i get to develop or publish on english, that's fair enough. however i don't intent for the first game to ben in english (at the start of it at least).

    • 2 years ago

      What's wrong with bioware?

      • 2 years ago
        dragon that dreams of frozen lakes

        maybe the whole after da2 managment issue. idk,
        /vrpg/ (and me as well) can be very schizo regarding bioware. or cdproject. or bathesda. or Obsidian. or owlcopewhatever the name is.

        • 2 years ago

          >/vrpg/ can be very schizo
          It pretty much always is

        • 2 years ago

          That the writing is trash? Hello? "I'm gay, i love wine and my dad hates me" "I'M A DYKE AND I'M CRAZYYY" "I'm a sassy black woman hear me roar". Bioware games are full of writers personal agenda like having Krem lecture you or Anders go full homophobic "REEE EVERYONE LIKES MEN AND WOMEN, BIGOT!!!".

          This is only recently though while you were saying to ignore all their work

          • 2 years ago

            Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition are not recent, inquisition is 8 years old.

            If you want I can list all the stupid shit in DAO too, from "Men only expect two things from a woman, that she finds him attractive or that she's weak" - two minutes later "Tis cold in my tent all alooooone". Not even gonna bother with Mass Effect because the whole game has shit dialogues and shit writing and the only times people can keep focus is on coomer scenes like the camera focusing on Miranda or Tali/Liara constant thirsting.

            • 2 years ago

              Dude nobody is talking about dao all that stuff is recent. You're such a zoomer

      • 2 years ago

        That the writing is trash? Hello? "I'm gay, i love wine and my dad hates me" "I'M A DYKE AND I'M CRAZYYY" "I'm a sassy black woman hear me roar". Bioware games are full of writers personal agenda like having Krem lecture you or Anders go full homophobic "REEE EVERYONE LIKES MEN AND WOMEN, BIGOT!!!".

        • 2 years ago

          I made a biracial bisexual character the most fricked, racist, and despicable as a sort of character study. Super fricking fun. Also, super depressing after the self-realization.

          • 2 years ago

            Biscum are not a real sexuality

            • 2 years ago

              lesbian and/or homosexual detected

  2. 2 years ago

    Start by revising basic English grammar - capitalization, punctuation, spelling of complex words, and so on.

  3. 2 years ago

    Hire me, ESL.

    This is what I sent Volition when i applied for a writing job relating to Saints Row.

    • 2 years ago

      I blew air from my nose, bravo kinoposter

      • 2 years ago

        thank you, i write smut too

        • 2 years ago
          dragon that dreams of frozen lakes

          Hire me, ESL.

          This is what I sent Volition when i applied for a writing job relating to Saints Row.

          nice, but how would you write for an rpg tree dialogue. the multiple options of dialogue do not help regarding the smooth writing of a dialogue.
          what are the methods,tactics of writing multiple convertations options?

          • 2 years ago

            The trick is to have the same answer for most dialogue option

            • 2 years ago
              dragon that dreams of frozen lakes

              i said steal from vrpg, not bathesda or cdproject

            • 2 years ago

              Unfortunately, this is how most devs do it.

              nice, but how would you write for an rpg tree dialogue. the multiple options of dialogue do not help regarding the smooth writing of a dialogue.
              what are the methods,tactics of writing multiple convertations options?

              As someone who actually used to run a quest, it's making each question unique and lead to different answers.

              >"Why did you kill him?" (Locks out the next question as the surprise of killing wears off and so on)
              I... had no choice.
              >"Who put you up to this? I know you wouldn't murder anyone without someone pushing you."
              How did you... Elias.
              >"Drop the knife and help me with the body. We'll talk after."
              Th-Thanks, man.

              The murderer runs off after the first question. You either have to chase him or deal with the body. If you search the body, you'll leave evidence, opening up to a possibility of you being framed for it.

              I came up with all of that off the top of my head. Man, I fricking miss QMing

              • 2 years ago
                dragon that dreams of frozen lakes

                does it matter if have speech skills or is it a meme? i was thinking about a random change of succses regarding skills if you don't have high enough lvl in that skill but still, would it be a good idea for an rpg? (if it is not used allready).

              • 2 years ago

                The problem with speech skills is them solving every situation or being cut up into three or four different other skills (fricking Age of Decadence). While QMing, I found the chance of failure in spite of the MC's skill to make the success so much better. But that's a community CYOA game where actual games are single player, so the end result is them savescumming for the result they want. To balance it, you need to make speech checks not always be the optimal choice that solves everything.

  4. 2 years ago

    Ganker wiki has a writing sections, why don’t you frick off there?

    • 2 years ago

      Ganker is weirdly moronic about this sort of thing.

    • 2 years ago

      Ganker is weirdly moronic about this sort of thing.

      Not OP, btw. Ganker is fricking weird.

      • 2 years ago
        dragon that dreams of frozen lakes


  5. 2 years ago

    >i don't know how to write tree dialoge without wasting paper

    Use Twine

    Good "RPG writing" is more about the narrative design than the actual dialogue and words. If you don't know what narrative design is, look up that first.

    A good overview is given by Josh here

    If you want an idea what a real dialogue tree tool looks like

  6. 2 years ago

    Do any of you anons read books? I'm asking for recommendations.

    • 2 years ago

      Video games are not novels.
      You don't have blocks of narrative description. Its all dialogue.
      I don't mean to dis the writer above, but his dialogue sucks. It conveys 0 context, because he put it all in the discrption of the scene. Which would make animators and voice actors carry the scene.
      It's great if you havd those things. But if your a small game dev, you probably won't. On top of that, he also created a scene that follows a series of silent pauses. Saying nothing. A beat that won't be a beat, unless you use an empty text box like "..." which the player is going to button smash through because they're not a passive observer. They're holding the controller. They are an active participant in the scene.

      • 2 years ago

        How the duck are you supposed to write good dialogue? Ass.

        • 2 years ago

          I want to say punchy-brief dialogue is bad for rpgs. Because they're large time commitments. Boss battles can take up to 10 minutes with possible retakes. After all that, imagine how unsatisfying the cutscenes would be if it was just a trashy one-liner and fade-to-black.

          I think people expect characters to formulate ideas. Express a recognition of actions and events. Demonstrate a train of thought.

          "I'm not certain, but I think that monster was just defending it's nest."
          "Strange. This isn't their natural habitat."
          "Something must have forced them out."
          "Like the Empire's fleet of wyverns? They must have an encampment in the nearby mountains. Listen. I can't hear the birds anymore."

          • 2 years ago

            But DE does punchy dialogue well

  7. 2 years ago

    1. No extensive exposition in dialogues. People don't go into detail about something unless doing so is the only way to prevent something horrible or is important to make the next step.

    2. Actions over mannerisms. Evil guy is evil because he'd rather just unsheath the sword and stab the rotten merchant to stop things there and then, not because he goes around in all black and verbally abuses in spite of common sense. The Good Guy is good because he stands with falsely accused mage against big crowd despite oncoming repercussions, not because he flaunts about morals, power of friendship and desire to banish all undead.

    3. Restraint. Just becuase you CAN make a moral debate doesn't mean you should. Just because you CAN make an extensive monologue about philosophy doesn't mean you should.

    4. Compare context. A peasant has no reason to know about noble's ambitions despite living in the near vicinity of a castle/mansion. A court wizard cannot retain his position acting arrogantly or antagonistically towards ruling elite.

    • 2 years ago

      1.How the frick are you supposed to see him killing merchants? He should be your end goal in an rpg that ends with you obtaining godlike powers
      3. Moral debates are… le bad!
      4.Wizards can’t mind control people like Sauron… Because they just can’t okay!!

  8. 2 years ago

    Point a microphone at your butthole and let out a wet and smelly fart. The filesize of this will be far larger than any scene you can write and probably be far more appealing.

    But yeah worry more about time and overexplaining rather than length.

  9. 2 years ago

    The best way to improve is to commit to writing publicly, and then getting feedback.

  10. 2 years ago

    Then you could have optional dialogue branches like
    >Tell me more about monsters.
    >No one is around. Let's compare dicks.
    >Did you know a group of wyverns is called an orgy?
    >Confess: I was only pretending to be asleep while you fondled my dick last night.
    >Gay Rape.
    >Hump a tree (Dendrophilia +1; Acquire: Poison Oak; Inflict: [Burning])

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