Gothic 1 and 2 sucks

>No character creator
>Controls suck
>Almost no side quests after the first chapter
>A shitton of grinding to become strong enough for the last chapter (especially in NoTR)
>Extremely janky combat
>Pretty small world
>Blacksmithing and alchemy is total bullshit

Why are you guys hyping these obscure german games so much?

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  1. 2 years ago

    It was from a time when you had two options in CRPGS aside from replaying BG2 again:
    >Horrible shit designed for consoles like Deus Ex: Invisible War
    >EuroJank historical simulators like Gothic 2
    pick one or go play WoW since the year is 2004

    • 2 years ago

      false you homosexual, there was a lot of cool CRPG's back then like Morrowind, Wizardry 8, Divine Divinity, Dungeon Siege....
      only homosexuals with shit taste played Gothic trash

  2. 2 years ago

    That's why you don't fall for boomer memes, some may be playable but not every boomer game is good.

  3. 2 years ago

    G1 is fine. G2's problem is that vanilla is too easty and NotR too grindy.

    • 2 years ago

      >notr is grindy
      when will this meme finally die?
      quests and enemies to respawn and you get a lot exp during the main story, so there isnt an artificial need to "grind" by doing repetitive tasks.
      also scrolls are busted and can help you out when in a tight situation (early and late). the claw is strong as well and doesnt have a strength requirement for wield it.
      the only thing to critisize is that consuming permanent boni early can increase the LP-cost of skills and attributes but thats it

      • 2 years ago

        It will never die. People are genuinely mentally ill, you think the GOLD gays are bad? How about the mouse only homosexuals

        Yes there's a certain charm to both of these idiot gimmicks, because that's what it is, just stupid pointless gimmicks. I can't believe some even flex them online, bro there's people that pass the game nodeath, nohit, pass insane mods nodeath and you're proud of not using mouse...
        What's the next thing, no monitor? How about no brain.

        • 2 years ago

          to me keyboard only is part of the nostalgia. if you like mouse then go ahead, idc.
          also there are no situations ingame where enemies approach you from all direction at once, so the advantage of mouse is greatly exaggerated in your video.

          • 2 years ago

            > there are no situations ingame where enemies approach you from all direction at once
            Even if you pull through the three warnings each and every single mob there are multiple instances of enemies circling you and coming from other directions, all humanoid enemy AI has a circle-strafing mechanic faster than your keyboard turn. Basically just stop with the excuses, the nostalgia excuse was enough you don't have to keep going.

      • 2 years ago

        >>notr is grindy
        >when will this meme finally die?
        you litterary have to go alchemy each class and read all tablets because balance is balanced around it
        and mage in notr is straight up unplayable because of mana cost ( i brew and drank all the potions and tablets after maxing mana from teacher and thats enaugh for 2 spels witch kill 1 elite orc )
        notr is a great adition content wise but it frick up the leveling balance

        • 2 years ago

          I don't want to simply respond that it might be a skill issue so i'll bite. Provide one example of arbitrary wall you can't overcome without stat increases from the sources you mentioned?

        • 2 years ago

          Mages really are terribly balanced, you have to cheese with scrolls or eat shit. There's no way to kill the dragons with just circle 4 runes.
          And then you hit chapter 5 and circle 6 and become a completly broken killing machine.

    • 2 years ago

      >cave(mine again)
      >cave(free mine)
      >MASSIVE cave(temple again)
      >open world whole game
      >final dungeon, not even a cabe

      Gothic 1 and Skyrim are fricking cave simulators.
      Anyone who prefers gothic 1 over 2 is a literal unironical CHUD.

      • 2 years ago

        >final dungeon, not even a cabe
        What? It most definitely is a cave.

        • 2 years ago

          >What? It most definitely is a cave.
          It's above the ground.

          Dungeons are there for a more varied gameplay with linearly structured levels as opposed to open areas moron, it means G2 is more monotonous

          >cave dwelling
          >less monotonous than exploring beatuful vibrant and varied forests, plateau, swamps, beaches, deserts and mountains
          What the frick I'm reading

      • 2 years ago

        Dungeons are there for a more varied gameplay with linearly structured levels as opposed to open areas moron, it means G2 is more monotonous

  4. 2 years ago

    I'm comforted by the lack of minorities and women, who I irrationally fear and hate

    • 2 years ago

      Literally one of your main allies is a black guy

    • 2 years ago

      >I'm comforted by the lack of minorities
      Are you sure you played Gothic?

    • 2 years ago

      One of your best friends is black.
      you have to bail him out of prison though

    • 2 years ago

      >implying the hatred for Black folk and women is irrational

  5. 2 years ago

    >combat is unironically better than a lot of current games, might be a skill issue

    • 2 years ago

      thread closed

      casual gamer can't comprehend the masterpiece that is gothic, I know several people with good taste who have played it recently for the first time, and no, not in 2004

      Myself included. It's basically unparalleled in worldbuilding and immersion aspects.

      • 2 years ago

        Gothic is for casuals. It did what Skyrim did to RPGs 10 years earlier. You can't refute this.

      • 2 years ago

        >world building and immersion
        And mechanically the GAMEPLAY, you know, the whole point of a video GAME, is such trash you have to justify playing it with muh immersion and story.
        So basically it's a good visual novel, according to you.

    • 2 years ago

      >combat is unironically better than a lot of current games, might be a skill issue
      As much as I like Gothic, it isn't. Functional and appropriate for the kind of game Gothic is, yes, but better than many contemporary RPGs' combat? No

  6. 2 years ago

    Why yes OP I also purposefully make or enter threads of game I don't like and then spend half a day farming yous in there, I mean having consctuctive discussions about it.

  7. 2 years ago

    Awww did another Morrrowind baby get filtered because they cant just press 1 button over and over?

  8. 2 years ago
  9. 2 years ago

    Well there is a reason those games never became popular outside their origin country and like 2 slav shitholes (where poorgays couldn't afford better computers and games)
    They are fricking awful. Gothic games are probably the worst RPG I've ever played.

    • 2 years ago

      >better computers and games
      Gothic 2 required at least a pentium 3, 32bit GPU and 256 ram, which wasn't cheap at the time.

  10. 2 years ago

    >No character creator
    Oh no! I can't make my troony alter ego in a game!
    >Controls suck
    You suck. Git gud
    >Almost no side quests after the first chapter
    Only true for the first game. Gothic 2 is filled with secondary content until like the fourth chapter, at least
    >A shitton of grinding to become strong enough for the last chapter (especially in NoTR)
    How do you even "grind" in a game that doesn't even have respawn of enemies?
    >Extremely janky combat
    Probably the best action combat of its time and remained being the best for the next 7-8 years
    >Pretty small world
    Oh noo! why is no like morroshit with its 3000km of boring empty wasteland?!?!11? I hecking love wasting my time playing a turtle simulator
    >Blacksmithing and alchemy is total bullshit

    • 2 years ago

      >How do you even "grind" in a game that doesn't even have respawn of enemies?
      Zoomers are completely dopamine dried, they need instant and constant gratification. Build up means nothing to them, they have to coom every other second.

    • 2 years ago

      The combat is total garbage at least in Gothic 1. Enemies damage you without any kind of attack animation, enemies hit you through your block, all the cool combo moves you unlock are useless because the only thing that works is standing in place spamming left and right swinging like a mong. The only cool thing about it is how multiple enemies try to flank you

  11. 2 years ago

    Every combats feels like an achievement, it has a great sense of progression, quest were not marker on a map, you had to listen indications from npcs.
    and the expansion is the best expansion in video game history.

  12. 2 years ago

    NotR is too hard, and if you try to play with mods you get to suffer because all modders are polish autists that played NotR for 20 years and make every mod even more difficult than base game.
    Also Jharkendar and the water mages suck. Vanilla G2 is way better than NotR.

  13. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      it's still shitty spam combat, you just spam A and D
      >no you have to dodge and sidestep and
      no you don't you moronic gothicgay, I literally just finished the game, spamming A and D after 1 level in one handed got me through the entire game, it was miserable. I'd rather play fricking oblivion again than gothic

  14. 2 years ago

    Alright you triple Black person then get the frick out. What's your value right now? To Gothic or to Gothic players? Get the frick out nobody gives a shit about anything YOU have to say, unless you've got an alternate agenda.
    In fact, It's completely obvious that this and many other threads just like these are yous farm threads made by the same couple degenerates that have nothing else to do with their shitstain garbage lives. You're not going to accomplish anything at all, gothic players will still play gothic, new people will still get involved into it. Nothing you do or say here will have any relevance to anything whatsoever, even if you are completely innocent in your precious "criticism". So you hate the game, that's all you'll ever be, a dipshit that spent all this time to pass it anyway just to make threads and posts about how much he hates it like an addict. Get the frick out stupid Black person nobody cares about or your dumb shit, type out whatever garbage you want because there will be no more yous at all, so have fun bumping it over and over for bait. Black person

    • 2 years ago

      holy false outrage. stop trying so hard you pathetic loser. unless you fricking made gothic you have no reason to care about it this much.

  15. 2 years ago
    The Red Barron

    Looks like Summoner

    I tried to play both entries multiple times just to get lost and stop caring

  16. 2 years ago

    I'm playing Gothic 1 for the first time and accidentally spoiled for myself that no matter what camp you join you get kicked out and have to join the new camp in the end anyway. I was going to join the new camp but with this in mind should I just join the old camp for more quests and stuff to do in the beginning (assuming I will end up doing all the new camp shit anyway)? Also, if I join the old camp first, can I still pick up the mercenary armour? I think it looks the coolest.

    • 2 years ago

      Which camp you join doesn't fricking matter, it's all the same for every single PB game, the only thing that changes is which fancy faction dress you get (which is always going to be replaced by better universal armors anyway) and maybe you get access to some pointless bullshit a bit earlier than the other factions.
      If you choose the swamp camp in G1 for instance you get access to SOME runes marginally faster than the other two camps, and by marginally I mean like 20 minutes before you have to go through the mandatory "Gomez kills all the fire mages, here's your runes and shit" part of the game, which is the exact same for any faction, 99% of the content is the exact same outside of being able to do one or two useless """unique""" fetch quests for the camp you choose.
      Really, choose which costume you like the most and stick to that, you're losing nothing, G2 is the exact same, so is G3 or the Risen games.

      • 2 years ago

        >SOME runes marginally faster than the other two camps, and by marginally I mean like 20 minutes
        Swamp dudes get access to the first 4 circles as soon as they join, so at the end of chapter 1. If you go old camp you have to wait till the middle of chapter 2 and in the new camp you don't get magic until the start of chapter 4.
        Add to that that the circle 5 and 6 runes are shit and the swamp camp becomes the best camp for mages

        But yeah, when you get magic and how your armor looks really is the biggest difference between camps. In G2 you at least get some unique guild specific quests, in G1 there's like on of these.

      • 2 years ago

        >G2 is the exact same
        Frick no, proper magic is exclusive to the Monastery, you get different (optional) quests and npc reactions through the whole game

        • 2 years ago

          G2, like the first game, showers you with so many goddamn scrolls there's really little to no difference between the three factions, besides magic still largely sucks so even if you go Fire Mage you'll end up using more melee than the vast majority of your runes for most of your playtime.
          Unless of course you really wanna grind for mana potions and shit, but that's functionally the same exact thing as grinding for scrolls as a merc/pally, except you don't really gimp yourself in other stats and don't have to worry about being worse in terms of magic since all spells do fixed damage regardless, so a pally or a merc are functionally the same exact thing as a fire mage, but with "spell charges" instead of slots.
          >you get different (optional) quests and NPC reactions through the whole game
          None of which matter, but whoopdeedoo I'm doing a fetch quest with sausages and cheese for a bunch of nerds wearing red bathrobes instead of a fetch quest with weed for a bunch of people wearing flea infested animal pelts, such a deep and life changing decision, truly enriches my playthroughs.

    • 2 years ago

      lolno, thats just the old camp
      you stay with the swamp till the end, disabling you to learn necromancy

  17. 2 years ago

    I just finished Gothic 1 and I was going to play 2 but I saw multiple people saying how it is really hard with NotR, and how you can frick up your game in a million ways.

    Any tips about what to do, what NOT to do, and what to consider, in gothic 2 NotR?

    • 2 years ago

      play the game moron

    • 2 years ago

      Just play NOTR. It's a good expansion anyway and the new area and questline is worth experiencing at least once

    • 2 years ago

      Abuse shapeshift scrolls for battles you can't take normally but make sure you don't level up while in shapeshift (there's a bug that cuts your HP increase when you turn back).
      In Chapter 1 you will get ONE opportunity to buy strong weapon peacefully, then the merchant equips it for himself and you will have to beat it out of him.
      Don't pop stat boosting consumables until you have maxed the "natural" progression of the stat.
      Optionally: Savescum killing orc elite and black goblins for stat boosting consumables.

    • 2 years ago

      Pick one combat style and stick with it. Don't try to do hybrid stuff or you're gonna eat shit.
      Bows and DEX for easy mode
      One-handed weapons for playing the way god intended
      Two-handed weapons for hard but much more stylish mode
      Magic for suffering for most of the game then becoming an unstoppable god of genocide by the end
      Crossbows if you hate yourself

  18. 2 years ago

    A remaster with better controls is needed.

    • 2 years ago

      They need to make the game first person and give it morrowind combat.

  19. 2 years ago

    >No character creator
    You are a homosexual
    >Controls suck
    git gud, they are good, they just are not conventional it's a rythm combat: left, right, left, foward... Practice your combos
    >Almost no side quests after the first chapter
    are you crazy? there are a LOT of quests, just go to all the camps
    >A shitton of grinding to become strong enough for the last chapter (especially in NoTR)
    NoTR is intended for veteran players, play without that addon first, GOG version gives you the option to not install it and play the base game
    >Extremely janky combat
    again, git gud
    >Pretty small world
    the 10/10 immersion more than makes up for it. If you want huge empty mmorpg maps go play some other game
    >Blacksmithing and alchemy is total bullshit
    how, exactly? you didnt even try to make a point, Black person.

    • 2 years ago

      Holy copium!

  20. 2 years ago

    >oh boy which camp should I join
    >okay this combat is shit
    >okay I've leveled up... yep still shit, just way easier
    >oh you get railroaded no matter what camp you pick
    >wow when did I get 500000 xp? guess I'm just the master of everything now
    >man there's a lot of fricking healing items. I haven't died in hours
    >I'm the chosen one? ancient evil awakens? oh boy
    >well that was an unbelievably shit ending, practically system shock 2 tier, what a mediocre game
    thanks for reading my blog moron.

    • 2 years ago

      the killing of the fire mages and you getting kicked out of the old camp happens late onto the game and comes very surprising imo.
      the difficulty/balancing part is adressed with the expansion of the second game.
      >I'm the chosen one? ancient evil awakens? oh boy
      >well that was an unbelievably shit ending, practically system shock 2 tier, what a mediocre game
      gothics (1&2) strengths are the small stories and the believable world. the main story isnt the strong point, its also very short once you do only the required quests good luck in irdorath tho, if you skip most the exp and have to face endgame enemies with lvl 10

      • 2 years ago

        >he can't kill orc elites with a heavy stick at level 0
        Into the colony with you casual

        • 2 years ago

          i think i could do one at a time, but 3-5?
          no chance.
          i once tried a min exp run in gothic2 notr but i stop at the switch riddle in irdorath because i didnt have enough scrolls to deal with all the enemies.

      • 2 years ago

        the mine randomly floods in order to further the plot. they didn't write something clever and I don't think there was even any foreshadowing. random shit happening is not a twist, or at least not a good one, and the only real surprise was that this game that I constantly saw being lauded as one of the best RPGs of all time has a lazily railroaded plot that has almost no roleplaying at all. can't forget the obnoxious fetch quests near the end of the game either. those were a real surprise considering how much I see morons say it has amazing quests.
        >gothics (1&2) strengths are the small stories and the believable world
        this is some oblivion fan tier argument, although at least with oblivion you have entire factions to play through, you just have forgettable 5 minute distractions in gothic. only side quests I even remember was fetching ingredients for some chef and getting a bunch of beer for various people. gothic is a bad adventure game pretending to be an RPG with an extremely lazy stat system, and you kraut bastards need to stop pretending anyone cares or should care about it outside of your delusional circle

        • 2 years ago

          >you kraut bastards need to stop pretending anyone cares or should care about it outside of your delusional circle
          that will never happen though

        • 2 years ago

          The flooding is pretty well set up with the bug infestation and their tunnels causing issues with structural integrity + digging too deep for magical ore. It's even possible that the cleaning of bugs you need to do earlier on is a major cause for the flooding cause all webbing keeping the caves together is diminishing once bug queen is gone.

          All of this is of course common knowledge and/or easy to deduce if you actually played the game.

    • 2 years ago

      >implying ss2 ending is bad

  21. 2 years ago

    janky combat
    It's literally dark souls, but with no stamina.

    • 2 years ago

      and no dodge roll, no backstabs, and every weapon has the same moveset

      • 2 years ago

        Dodge roll and it's consequences were a disaster for gaming.

  22. 2 years ago

    I can't think of anything more pathetic than knowing so much about this game/franchise and spending even a bigger amount of effort, time, energy sitting in a japanese oyakodon bowl making cafeteria and baiting attention and yous under the guise of "criticism" for a 20 year old game. While you ego is completely suffering from all this low self-esteem and this one upping eaching other that you're engaged in it's important to note that you've lost complete sight of your own perspective, which is completely pathetic, mentally unstable and absolutely insane. Gothic will continue to be played and nothing you will do or say here will ever change that. Keep wasting away your ego and your years pretending like it will.

  23. 2 years ago

    Im gonna take a chance an post Khorinis map interpretation made by Dalle2

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              The color differences really mess with ai understanding on how to connect all of those, but I feel like 3rd and 5th are looking pretty decent, if only they were touch up with more artistic vision too.

  24. 2 years ago

    Guys, the discussion should've started and stopped with the fact that not only has OP made a most janky and washed-out screenshot possible, but it's also made on a modded version.

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