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Grabbed this on sale, what am I in for?

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    It's OK.

    • 6 months ago


  2. 7 months ago

    a northgard clone with a dune skin and the depth of a modern strategy (so very shallow)

    • 6 months ago

      troony slop

      troony slop? Is that what that animation is called? Clash of Clans, Fortnite, Valorant, Northard. It's like the corporate Memphis of gaming.

  3. 7 months ago

    play Dune Wars for Civ 4 instead

    • 7 months ago

      Is the gog version of civ 4 good to use mods?

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, I (physical copy chad) can deal perfectly fine with mods. I believe it doesn't even have steam workshop support

      • 6 months ago

        play Dune Wars for Civ 4 instead

        Yeah, I (physical copy chad) can deal perfectly fine with mods. I believe it doesn't even have steam workshop support

        Got Civ IV on Steam and can confirm it has no Worshop support. You can probably use any version of the game with mods.

    • 6 months ago

      Make sure to get an older version that doesn't use the pictures from the new movie

  4. 7 months ago

    A mockery of Dune

  5. 7 months ago

    dev is a sperg
    >people ask for House Ordos(the one from Westwood studio Dune games) with dubious canonicity (apparently it sort of exists in Brain Herbert's works?)
    >devs says no because not canon or some shit
    >people ask for it again
    >dev: ok, maybe :^ )
    >people ask again
    >introduces wewuzartists'n'shit house that has nothing to do with book version
    >dev has a melty over people questioning it, MY GAME CHUD
    it was really easy to just say "sorry bro, legal disputes with EA are a bit too much for me, no Ordos"

    • 7 months ago

      >it was really easy to just say "sorry bro, legal disputes with EA are a bit too much for me, no Ordos"
      they're fr*nch, they're not apologizing for or admitting shit. They have a collective national megalomania syndrome.
      Every time something happens in world politics, Macron is there parading around in his Napoleon's hat replica larping as an emperor of a great european empire, proclaiming some moronic shit as if anyone cares or listens
      >introduces wewuzartists'n'shit house that has nothing to do with book version
      at least let's be happy they more or less "finished" the game. It's mediocre but oh well maybe someone else will do the license justice

      • 7 months ago

        >They have a collective national megalomania syndrome.
        That could also apply to germany, the UK, russia, etc...
        What you consider to be megalomania from my countrymens is a cultural heritage of being stubborn and argumentative to the bitter end when they believe they are in the right
        The frick does that have to do with this thread subject

        • 7 months ago

          >>when they believe they are in the right
          >the fr*nch
          >ever being in the right
          Pick one and only one

        • 7 months ago

          Historically this stubbornness has just turned into autistically fighting for a stupid cause instead of having some pragmatism.
          Tbh its probably because french are a celtic people brainwashed into thinking they're latin.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm pretty sure they get asked about it three hundred thousand times a day so I can understand the reaction

      • 6 months ago

        Mistake was being coy and giving people false hope with all maybes. They should said from getgo that there won't be ordos as they don't have license for them.

        • 6 months ago

          there will be Ordos though, just not right away

    • 6 months ago

      >apparently it sort of exists
      They are mentioned in a list of Great Houses. That's it. Just a name, not even a comment about them or any other infos.
      So technically you can make whatever the frick you want with the Ordos and it won't be not canon.

  6. 7 months ago

    troony slop

  7. 7 months ago

    i hate that every dune game is about the first book or like somewhat before its events without any real characterization of anyone in particular, i would kill for a god emperor game where you do all sorts of bizarre missions for leto before eventually overthrowing him

    • 7 months ago

      To be fair, Messiah is just the last third of the original book, and nobody enjoys Children, they just read it for the setup to Emperor.

      • 7 months ago

        I liked Children, mostly for the very intense and fast paced last few chapters

      • 7 months ago

        >Messiah is just the last third of the original book
        It is more correct to say Dune is the prologue to Messiah.
        Messiah was the original book herbert intended to write, but as we went on he realized he needed more and more space to establish the setting before he realized it needed its own book. Its partly why messiah feels a little disjointed from dune.
        I personally believe each of the original dune books are pleb filters of increasing fineness. I genuinely enjoy them all.
        I think children is worth it just for leto II's spice trip in the forbidden city.

        • 7 months ago

          I just was not a fan of the twins in Children, but I liked how Paul's sister becomes a disgusting fat degenerate as she's consumed by the Baron's spirit

          • 7 months ago

            >playing CKIII
            >have twins
            >the girl already has the name Ghanima

            • 6 months ago

              I love incest

              • 6 months ago

                >tfw the BG's official policy is: We don't like doing it, but it works.

          • 7 months ago

            man I read the Dune series in middle school.
            I cannot express how profoundly fricked up it was to learn what an orgasm was from *that scene* in God Emperor.

            • 6 months ago

              I didn't read the book, what's the context? Also I though the books were good

              • 6 months ago

                >Also I though the books were good
                They are, they also get weird as shit.
                I assume anon is talking about the scene where one of Leto II's personal all female army is assigned to be the body guard of the leader of the rebellion, and has an orgasm watching duncan climbing a cliff.
                Which comes well after the fish speaker orgy. Once a year Leto II calls all the leaders of his lady-army and they have a big lesbian party in his private chambers and duncan turns into a REEEEEEing anti-yurigay.
                Leto II made it a point that the only standing army allowed in the empire is his private guard of all female zealots, his reasoning being that an army of men is inherently rapacious, and when he smashed a shithole into the ground to prove a point, he wanted to make sure it was done by people with an inherent nurturing values - and because its a law that the longer a science fiction author write the hornier things get.

              • 6 months ago

                >duncan turns into a REEEEEEing anti-yurigay
                wow Duncan is literally me
                >and because its a law that the longer a science fiction author write the hornier things get.
                yeah,it's true. Ok, you got me, i'm going to read it

              • 6 months ago

                it's not just that she has an inexplicable orgasm over how...manly Duncan is I guess?

                it's that as soon as he reaches the top he brutally murders her while she's, uh, incapacitated. I remember it being really graphic too with him using the lasgun to carve her body into smoldering chunks in his rage.

      • 7 months ago

        I liked Children, mostly for the very intense and fast paced last few chapters

        >Messiah is just the last third of the original book
        It is more correct to say Dune is the prologue to Messiah.
        Messiah was the original book herbert intended to write, but as we went on he realized he needed more and more space to establish the setting before he realized it needed its own book. Its partly why messiah feels a little disjointed from dune.
        I personally believe each of the original dune books are pleb filters of increasing fineness. I genuinely enjoy them all.
        I think children is worth it just for leto II's spice trip in the forbidden city.

        Tbh I just felt disappointed that the payoff was so absurd. The whole series at that point had been a philosophical investigation of what's real beneath the veneer of religions, what's man's relationship to destiny, how can we avoid the cycle of civilisation's success leading to its own collapse...what was the answer that Leto II came up with to these fundamental questions?
        >turn yourself into a worm monster
        Like what the frick? I've never been so blueballed by a novel before.

        • 7 months ago

          >what was the answer that Leto II came up with to these fundamental questions?
          >>turn yourself into a worm monster
          Bro, the book that comes after children, God Emperor of dune is 400 pages of his internal monologue, with the next two books heretics and chapterhouse where the characters become aware of the scale and danger of the golden path.
          Leto turns himself into a worm because he knows it is the only way to break the human race of the spice addiction. He intentionally becomes a monster that reigns for 10,000 years because the plan is to become the boogeyman of the human race.
          He talks about becoming the "ultimate predator" of the human race because it is part of his forced evolution product. He is creating a psychic reflex against anyone ever again offering people "peace and prosperity" at the cost of liberty. Leto II spent 10,000 years shoving peace and prosperity down everyones throat to teach them the lesson.
          Just like how gazelles run so fast because they're eaten by cheetah, the prey stock is forced to adapt. But instead of a cheetah they have to outfox an omniscient immortal spice-monster. There is leto II's own plan with the breeding program of the bg to make a gene that gives someone enough prescience to be invisible to o other prescients, while not giving them enough awareness to force the timeline to fit their oracular vision that was killing humanity.
          First from the downward spiral of safety the spacing guild imposed, to the jihad paul created by spice overdose.
          It also forced Ix to invent a chamber hidden from oracular vision (the no-sphere) as well as a system that could navigate through foldspace without requiring a guild navigator (the no-ship) which let space travel break out from under the guild's monopoly.
          The third piece of the puzzle was the tielaxu creating artificial spice from their womb-chambers.
          Once these three elements are introduced then humanity is able to kill a god, and remove that yolk from their neck.

          • 7 months ago

            Also, I don't remember something, what did Tleilaxu artificial spice actually end up doing? I'm not gonna mention the stupid bullshit that happens in his kids' books, I'm only talking in the main plotline.
            I've read the series like 4 years ago and I've already forgotten a lot of the details.

            • 7 months ago

              >what did Tleilaxu artificial spice actually end up doing?
              It was just spice but didn't require worms or the spice cycle.
              The brian herbert/kja novels had some moronic ultraspice horse shit, but those books are so objectively garbage its not worth discussing.

              • 7 months ago

                >It was just spice but didn't require worms or the spice cycle.
                No I mean, besides the life extension, was it really relevant anymore? Considering the Ixian noships and the navigation computers, what was spice good for anymore?

                What I mean is if you insist on having an action or strategy game in the setting you're hamstrung by the setting itself.
                I've always maintained that, especially the first two books, they are greek classics. Especially messiah which could have been written by Sophocles and no one would know the difference.
                When there is action on the page it could be done just as well be performed with two actors and wooden swords.

                Some settings just aren't good for specific genres. Unless you handwave the shields away and basically ruin the uniqueness of the setting, you're stuck with presumably medieval-like armies.
                I do wonder actually, would the shield block a big rock?

              • 7 months ago

                >would the shield block a big rock?
                Like if you dropped a boulder on someone looney tunes style? I would imagine it would hit and bounce on the shield, but if it was set on top of you it would go through the shield since its a slow penetration.
                I want to say feyd rautha got shit thrown at him when he did the gladitorial thing and it just bounced off.

              • 7 months ago

                Sorry I misunderstood. People still used spice for life extension and prophylactic purposes, and the guild still exists and uses the spice, but now there are at least two sources the terraformed chapterhouse, and the tielaxu, plus the knowledge of how to create the spice cycle on other worlds. So the monopoly is broken, you can't have the hydraulic despotism that enshrined the old systems.
                Plus the sisterhood needs the spice to make new reverend mothers and pass on other memory.
                The honored matres used that weird spice alternative but their backstory is still pretty tenuous in chapterhouse. They're axlotol tanks that manumitted themselves during the scattering, but I don't think more detail is explicitly given.

              • 7 months ago

                >Plus the sisterhood needs the spice to make new reverend mothers and pass on other memory
                Ah, I had forgotten they needed it for the Agony.
                Thanks for clarifying.

          • 7 months ago

            Maybe I'll get around to reading God Emperor then, but man Children made me not want to continue with the series.

            • 7 months ago

              Children is my least favorite of the series. It's all kino from there imo

              • 7 months ago

                It covers most of the same beats as dune, but with more characters and locations. Its kind of the point though since paul chickened out when he realized the cost and magnitude of the golden path. This forced leto to step into the role. Paul was human and the idea of subsuming himself to this attrocity was opposed to the ideal of the Attreides.
                Leto was born an abomination and never had the same threat to his humanity, and hes less opposed to leaning into the price he had to pay.

              • 7 months ago

                Basically the books went off the rails in Children and then everything became weird.

              • 7 months ago

                >/ss/ is a major plot point in the final two books
                They're great.

          • 6 months ago

            good writeup anon. i finished an audiobook re-"read" just last year and i couldn't have summed it up better.

        • 6 months ago

          >turn yourself into a worm monster
          That doesn't even happen in Children though, he just sticks a punch of sand trouts to his skin as a form of armor.

    • 7 months ago

      The problem is that no Dune strategy game has come anywhere close to resembling a single thing from the first book, except sandworms.
      There's never been a real time adaptation of and you're already tired of it.

      • 7 months ago

        The dune universe is set in stone (its a major plot point). The neo-feudal system is set up specifically to avoid big costly conflicts.
        Feuds between houses were usually played out in economic warfare and spygames with the occasional raid on a spice hoard.
        The harkonnens attacking the duke on arakkis was decades of planning to put them in a place where they could do that. And then of course paul's jihad which wouldn't be a fun game because they steamroll everyone.

        • 7 months ago

          That's a simplistic summary of the premise but if you read the book you would know they don't actually have much action going on. It's a stage where 2 people walk on stage, give monologues and talk, then walk off stage. It's more like a play that is mostly all dialogue in a conversation each chapter. There is little context for warfare or spies doing spy shit. There is barely any material on other planets and houses in the empire. It's extremely focused on people talking about intangible things. The premise of this game revolves around the Harkonnen Ambush of the Atredies, but it makes a gameplay loop out of that. There are not several examples of this kind of thing in the books. It happens one time and there not much to make a game out of.

          • 7 months ago

            What I mean is if you insist on having an action or strategy game in the setting you're hamstrung by the setting itself.
            I've always maintained that, especially the first two books, they are greek classics. Especially messiah which could have been written by Sophocles and no one would know the difference.
            When there is action on the page it could be done just as well be performed with two actors and wooden swords.

  8. 7 months ago

    It's just not very fun and I moderately enjoyed Northgard

  9. 7 months ago


  10. 7 months ago

    Fun if you pirated it. Waste of money if you paid for it.

  11. 7 months ago

    Congratulations you played yourself

  12. 7 months ago

    It's fun. It makes 1337 RTS boomers seethe though

  13. 7 months ago

    It has sandworms. Which are cool. Until they eat your entire army.
    Territories and unit sizes feel smol. The long campaign is the only good game mode. I think they were going for Starcraft, but with a water and spice based economy.

  14. 7 months ago

    Dune is hard to adapt in screen and it's most certainly hard to adapt as war game because Frank Herbert didn't write much about the details of war. This game doesn't really resemble what happened on Dune nor has any game that attempted to do so in the past succeeded in that measure. However I will say they have done the best attempt at it. It makes more sense than the westwood games although I love them. I just am pretty forgiving when it comes to Dune games because the books really boil down to two people walking into scenes of two people entering a stage scene and having a conversation over and over.

    • 6 months ago

      Dune would be perfect for a walking simulator. 20 hours of walking through the desert while some guy lectures you about libertarianism while jerking off.

      • 6 months ago

        >20 hours of walking through the desert while some guy lectures you about libertarianism while jerking off
        What is Kenshi?

      • 6 months ago

        Herbert makes a point to not subscribe to one political doctrine or the other and goes to show that government is just another aspect of economics and ecology. The scattering after Leto II's death was to make sure that the only ideology humanity could agree on is telling anyone who offers them safety and security at the expense of self determinism to frick off, and that they should probably get a knife in the dark just for good measure.
        It goes into great pains about the how and why of government, religion, economics, all modes of control.

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah, that's libertarianism. Because this is what herbert was outside of being a weirdo perv.

  15. 7 months ago

    >what am I in for?
    A half finished skeleton of a game that promised a lot and then gave us an aborted fetus.

    • 6 months ago

      Even though it pissed off a lot of dinosaurs, I'm really glad they skipped out on the campaign to give more content to skirmish mode. Frick campaigns in strategy games, I don't want the devs to waste resources on a few hour campaign that's only good to play once and then never again.

  16. 7 months ago

    Crappy northgard clone that caters to dune nostalgia. This game would be far better as turn based game and space one on top of it where you conquer planets and dune governance or gaining throne is the main goal like in master of orion. But they decided to try to gain players by faking it being RTS and catering to nostalgia. So frick them and their crap game.

  17. 7 months ago

    Leto II did nothing wrong

    • 7 months ago

      >goes full worm mode
      >no longer has a penis
      >mentions how its the first thing everyone looks for when they meet him
      >Ixians engineer the ultimate waifu b8 GF
      >Leto II immediately begins to abandon his plan and makes plans to de-evolve back to a human while he calculates what he would need to do to breed his own ultimate femjak for when he finally gets his dick back
      The simp must flow.

      • 6 months ago

        I liked the Dune Encyclopedia's theory that the ultimete waifu was a female clone of Fen-Rau Harkonnen.
        Since Paul was surposed to be a girl and marry Fen Rau to breed the psychic messieh, female-Fen-Rau would have triggered all the same perfect genes in Leto II.

    • 6 months ago
  18. 6 months ago

    Were people expecting the board game

    • 6 months ago

      Tbh it is eerely similar to dune board game though

    • 6 months ago

      Anyone play during EA? I tried it a little bit and decided to wait for 1.0
      Only to find out they completely fricked over how water works in the most nonsensical way
      So now I'm waiting for that inevitable 2.0 patch

      well good news for everyone, it's here!! yes i'm still bitter as frick they haven't made a proper digital version of something that needs 5 players to enjoy

  19. 6 months ago

    It's hard for me to even try to appreciate the gameplay when it looks like such shit. There's only like a couple different units per faction. This is what they look like.

    • 6 months ago

      >when it looks like such shit.
      Graphics ruined games

  20. 6 months ago

    Pirated it and it was kind of cool
    I enjoyed the non-conquest missions the best because doing things like maximizing spice production to buy CHOAM stocks or getting elected to high offices in the Landsraad or selling water to the Fremen is way more fun (and lore accurate) than
    >build army to unit cap
    >attack enemy base
    >base AoE rocket launcher destroys all your units
    >recuit all your units again over the course of about 10 minutes
    >send them in again
    >repeat 20 times
    Not sure why the campaign I played was me vs. Shaddam IV and some black lady, with another black lady impersonating Chani's dad on the sidelines. I'd have to liked to fight that fat frick homosexual nonce Baron too, but oh well

  21. 6 months ago

    Why every fricking patch they nerf corrino's?

    • 6 months ago

      cause Corrino is stronk. I prefer patches that make other things more powerful instead of nerfing things though.

      Anyone play during EA? I tried it a little bit and decided to wait for 1.0
      Only to find out they completely fricked over how water works in the most nonsensical way
      So now I'm waiting for that inevitable 2.0 patch

      well good news for everyone, it's here!! yes i'm still bitter as frick they haven't made a proper digital version of something that needs 5 players to enjoy

      yeah the first patch after 1.0 overhauling politics and water, as well as introducing a bunch of bugs, just makes it feel like it's still EA. Absolutely disgusting.
      You didn't post the right Dune boardgame

      Tbh it is eerely similar to dune board game though

      Yeah the influences they took from it are really neat.

      Pirated it and it was kind of cool
      I enjoyed the non-conquest missions the best because doing things like maximizing spice production to buy CHOAM stocks or getting elected to high offices in the Landsraad or selling water to the Fremen is way more fun (and lore accurate) than
      >build army to unit cap
      >attack enemy base
      >base AoE rocket launcher destroys all your units
      >recuit all your units again over the course of about 10 minutes
      >send them in again
      >repeat 20 times
      Not sure why the campaign I played was me vs. Shaddam IV and some black lady, with another black lady impersonating Chani's dad on the sidelines. I'd have to liked to fight that fat frick homosexual nonce Baron too, but oh well

      You need to get armour shredding (demo units as well as the espionage mission) before you dive a base, anon.

  22. 6 months ago

    Will they add hero units or it was just EA promised feature that will be dropped?

    • 6 months ago

      they're in some gimmicky singleplayer missions. They suck, I hope they don't put them in multiplayer.

  23. 6 months ago

    Damn I will have to check out the Civ IV mod and read the books. There is a three hour fan edit of the original movie that's pretty good despite the flaws of the release cut.

  24. 6 months ago

    Does emperor know that gene Gesserit fricked him over by denying him an heir?
    Also why his wife and daughters frick him over bene geserit order?

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      He b***hes about it but the BG don't openly advertise what they are capable of so he sees it as shitty luck rather than them playing kingmaker and keeping the throne open for the offspring of an Attreides daughter and a Harkonnen heir.
      The whole thing with the bene gesserit is that they're the people in the shadows of the people in the shadows, its a long game they're uniquely positioned to play since other memory allows them to make plans on generational and geological time frames.
      Leto II is a constant thorn in their side because he can play their game better than they can, and his plans for them is to force them outside their comfort zone, make them put their hands directly on the wheel instead of playing shadow games.

  25. 6 months ago

    should I play DUNC?
    just play northgard instead

    should i play northgard?
    >just play DUNC instead

  26. 6 months ago

    so whats each faction strength/weakness?
    >Atraides: strongest at politics, strong at economy and holding territory
    >Corrino: two bases, strongest at CHAOM (at least they were in EA and till prev. patch) nothing else going for them except early sardaukar.
    dunno about any other faction except that smugglers have strongest solari income and fremen have best spice income

  27. 6 months ago

    Three words

  28. 6 months ago

    >An update before the holidays
    >Bug fixes
    Guess I'll wait until the DLC

    • 6 months ago

      Frickers promised heroes of dune update before end of year. If they won't do it, shiro can go frick themselves

      • 6 months ago

        they just followed the money instead

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