Grand Theft Auto 6

Would it really have killed them to make it completely optional as to which character you controlled and when? Like if a player wants to play the entire game from start to finish as Jason and never control Lucia even for a second, why not allow them to do this? Why force a player to play as a female protagonist he does not want to control?

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  1. 10 months ago

    You have to play as all 3 in GTA V
    Why would they change off this now?

    • 10 months ago

      >You have to play as all 3 in GTA V
      Yes, and it was godawful.

      >Why would they change off this now?
      Because it was fricking shit.

      • 10 months ago

        If you hated GTA V why do you even care about 6?

        • 10 months ago

          I hated aspects of GTA5. I did not hate the entire game. Are you mentally challenged?

          • 10 months ago

            Aspect? Character switching was the main selling point of GTA V.
            It was the only new thing they brought to the game.

            • 10 months ago

              I said aspects. Plural. Is English not your mothertongue or something?

              >Character switching was the main selling point of GTA V.
              It was a gimmick and reaction to it was lukewarm at best.

              >It was the only new thing they brought to the game.
              New != Good. Spastic.

              • 10 months ago

                What other aspects did you not like about GTA V?
                I'm curious to find out what you disliked that wasn't also in almost every other GTA.

              • 10 months ago

                >What other aspects did you not like about GTA V?
                - Awful characters, extremely unlikable and poorly written.
                - Story was thus boring and uncompelling since I didn't care about any of the characters, beyond Franklin slightly
                - lack of things to do in freeroam singleplayer
                - Inability to buy safehouses (this is intrinsically linked to the switching mechanic, and protagonists can share safehouses, which is a disaster)
                - map was poorly designed and balanced
                - lack of interesting weapons
                - gating the few interesting weapons that did exist behind story progression, among other things gated behind story progression

                And many more...
                I'm not sure why you seem to think these things need to have not been in past GTAs as well (like gating weapons etc. behind story progression) for me to not like them in 5.

              • 10 months ago

                Why are you so upset?

          • 10 months ago

            >he only played the online

      • 10 months ago

        No-one knows for sure yet, but I think it's a safe assumption that there'll be "Jason missions" and "Lucia missions" with the player having some control over order but subject to gates about which missions are completed first. And there'll probably be joint missions- likely more than GTA5 since they're a couple. Some of the joint missions might allow you to switch character but most of them will have had their dialogue written around having one of them as the lead role (PC) and the other as a following npc reacting to you.

        It's trivial to see that, no, you couldn't allow free choice of character without basically writing and writing/recording every mission twice. It's not like the character is just a skin. They'll each have fairly complex stories and probably won't be interchangeable for anything except random side content. It's already going to be an obscenely expensive production. It would be completely beyond question to make a whole other version of it. It would, in fact, "kill them".

        >it was fricking shit [in GTA5]
        Fair enough if you didn't like it there, but given that they decided to have it, surely you can see that it wouldn't be realistic for them to allow you to stick to just Michael or just Franklin? They all have their own interweaving stories and playing as all of them is essential.
        What you're actually asking them to do with GTA6 is make a different game. You want a game in which you only play as the man with the woman being a companion NPC, like TLOU1 or Bioshock Infinite. That's not the game they're making.

        Given that you know absolutely nothing about the characters except their genders and the fact that they probably have a Bonnie+Clyde-like dynamic, it's very strange that you've already decided you don't want to play as one of them.
        Do you refuse to watch films with female leads? Books?

        • 10 months ago

          >surely you can see that it wouldn't be realistic for them to allow you to stick to just Michael or just Franklin?
          Realistic? In a Grand Theft Auto game. Realism? This is like people trying to excuse awful, frustrating game design in RDR2 through the realism cope when they throw realism to the wall all throughout the game relentlessly in other ways.

          • 10 months ago

            No, I don't mean realistic in the sense of the fiction being lifelike. I mean it would be unrealistic from a production point of view. You could not, as a practical matter, make a game about 3 characters and then make 7 different versions of the story and cutscenes where you:
            >play as all 3
            >play as M+F but never T
            >play as M+T but never F
            >play as T+F but never M
            >play as M only
            >play as T only
            >play as F only
            It would be totally unworkable.

            • 10 months ago

              Then they should just make a single fricking character and if they want to do branching storylines have expansions like with GTA4. Idiot.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >Why force a player to play as a female protagonist he does not want to control?
                You people are so fricking stupid holy shit. Next you'll be crying that you have to play as a female character in Tomb Raider.
                GTA V had you play as 3 characters since they wanted to tell 3 different stories that were all intertwined. All of this culminates in you having to off one of the characters you've played the game with and maybe grown attached to. A lot of people liked that, it was popular.
                GTA VI will continue this trend because Rockstar wants to. And that's all there is to it.
                Don't want to play as a female character? Don't buy the game.

                Seems like an "issue" very few people will care about.

                Most people hated it.

                citation needed

              • 10 months ago

                >you'll be crying that you have to play as a female character in Tomb Raider.
                You do have to. Imbecile.

              • 10 months ago

                >Don't want to play as a female character? Don't buy the game.
                Don't worry I won't. I won't even pirate it actually.

        • 10 months ago

          >playing as all of them is essential.
          No it isn't. It really fricking isn't "essential".

          • 10 months ago

            They obviously didn't have to write the story they did, but the story they wrote does require all three characters.

            >Do you refuse to watch films with female leads?


            I don't know what to tell you then. That's very strange.

            • 10 months ago

              >They obviously didn't have to write the story they did, but the story they wrote does require all three characters.
              And it was shit. Easily the worst, least compelling story in all of GTA. A jumbled fricking mess stitched together in order to service their worthless switching gimmick which they also implemented terribly and forced the player to micromanage 3 different protagonists and end up with an overall lack of control over any of them seeing as they would do things and change their clothes and get into scenarios when you weren't controlling them. Cancer.

              >I don't know what to tell you then. That's very strange.
              What's strange about it?

              • 10 months ago

                I didn't particularly like GTA5 either. It had its moments but it's not half as memorable as San Andreas for me. I'm not defending it, I'm just saying that if they have made the decision to have more than one character then it isn't a reasonable ask to be able to ignore one of them. Both characters are going to be feature heavily. You'll have to either get over your aversion to playing as women or skip the game.

                >What's strange about it?
                To state the obvious, you're missing out on a great deal of excellent fiction by taking this stance. Even if we limit it to games: Tomb Raider, Mirror's Edge, The Last of Us (2 and partially 1), Life is Strange, The Longest Journey come to mind. If none of those appeal, there must be others that do (or would if they had male leads).
                Given that, it seems like there must be a really compelling and interesting reason why you're so eager to avoid them. I'd love to know what it is.

              • 10 months ago

                >Given that, it seems like there must be a really compelling and interesting reason why you're so eager to avoid them. I'd love to know what it is.
                I don't like them.

        • 10 months ago

          >Do you refuse to watch films with female leads?


        • 10 months ago

          >you couldn't allow free choice of character without basically writing and writing/recording every mission twice.
          They already did this in RDR2. They also don't even need to do this. Just allow the player to skip Lucia's exclusive content if he wants. I would rather skip it and miss half the game than spend a single second playing as her.

          >What you're actually asking them to do with GTA6 is make a different game. You want a game in which you only play as the man with the woman being a companion NPC, like TLOU1 or Bioshock Infinite. That's not the game they're making.
          Assassin's Creed games already do exactly this.

  2. 10 months ago

    He cute

  3. 10 months ago

    GTA peaked with San Andreas. 5 was horrible and I believe this one wi be even more, but people will buy it because of Online.

  4. 10 months ago

    It's not for you then. That's OK! There's lots of other games! Many people liked the multi-character control. That's OK too!

    • 10 months ago

      Most people hated it.

  5. 10 months ago

    obviously they should have just done an A and B storyline that has them interact but with different missions for each character. zoomers would cry that they couldn't do x mission with jason or whatever so it wouldn't work

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