Great game terrible main quest

Dragons dogma feels like a bethesda RPG where the main quest is dogshit and the side content is great the main quests have terrible level design and are linear the dungeon DLC packs everything that is good about DD people don't talk about that when they recommend this game

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  1. 6 months ago

    Erhmmm anon san please use proper punctuation in youre sentences!

    • 6 months ago

      Lizard people questline is a good example of this and it's a great quest but the way you interact with it is unique you don't even know you're doing a quest and the kind of thing that doesn't happen with the main quest they stall progression and are boring

  2. 6 months ago

    I really hope they fix a lot of this in the sequel -- stuff like sidequests being really easy to miss if you progress too quickly and how incredibly short and unengaging the main quest is. I honestly think the game is just okay because of this stuff. I didn't really feel compelled to try NG+ as a result.

    I also hope they don't do the "stats on level up are determined by Vocation" thing, unless they let you respec. It made being an autist physically painful.

  3. 6 months ago

    >play bbi
    >its the worst part

    Now I got DD on release week, and DA as well. I played the frick out of this game, farmed the UR dragon from gen 0. Im playing again, my 4th separate purchase.
    Im amazed people think bbi is the best part, its soulless copy pasted procedural ass. Every map is basically the same but modular, one time a corridor is blocked, next it isnt.
    I remember beating Daimon last time, I think I beat him 2 more times in a rush and stopped.
    For me this is a 10 but Im starting to see why subhuman muttood children are getting filtered, this game has a lot of warts and jank and obtuse shit and yes feels very much like a sp mmo.
    Anyways explain your like of bbi to someone who already knows all about it, I just dont understand.

    • 6 months ago

      It's like the base game but not quite as piss-easy, so you have a chance to actually use your skills and play properly.

    • 6 months ago

      I feel similar about the copypaste design, but I think it's the difficulty and the diabloesque looting that people enjoy

      the game has a lot of issues, most ppl agree on that, but it also showed lots of potential. It made magic fun - yeah mate is moronic, but sorc was fun n terms of risk/reward and the dual classes were incredibly fun in general
      it was always about the changes and additions the sequel would bring

    • 6 months ago

      >bbi has actually cool enemies and some tough encounters instead of the same bland garbage
      >bbi has an actually solid chance to get powerful weapons and different types of gear, contrary to the normal game where theres a 1/9999999 chance you get a cool piece of gear from anything that isnt a guaranteed drop
      >bbi has a remotely interesting bossfight compared to the boring slog that is Grigori (basically normal dragon but made larger and with some unskippable cutscenes or scripted slogs added in)
      It truly is a shame that BBI has repeated stuff up the ass, and that the way it handles gear isnt all that good. But it still manages to be a better dungeon than anything else the game offers, and its also aesthetically very solid

      • 6 months ago

        >instead of the same bland garbage
        instead of *always* the same bland garbage. of course BBI is still filled with some bland shit like in the early floors

      • 6 months ago

        BBI is great but the HP bloat is awful

    • 6 months ago

      I felt the same way. BBI sucked dick.

    • 6 months ago

      BBI sucked and honestly so did Daimon. He would've been fun if it wasn't for that bs instakill vortex. On my melee build, it was just "lol hope you get lucky enough to be able to climb him before he does the move and even then you only survive if you have 10 gorillion stamina items so you can whack him in the head for a full minute without stopping until he finally gives up. also all of your pawns are dead. oh wait you didn't bring a full inventory's worth of mushroom soups? damn guess you gotta teleport out to buy them and then do this entire awful dungeon again to get back." I'm sure ranged builds can just outrun it but frick me I hate that move.

      • 6 months ago

        Just one or two Liquid Vims, depending on your strength, is all you need.

  4. 6 months ago

    The real issue is the skillspam every vocations boils down to and how formulaic is fighting anything you face, which is why post game/dlc encounters where you can't still dps burst everything into oblivion instantly feels better than the base game despite being mostly recycled content

    • 6 months ago

      troony homosexual i see you and your moronic shitposting lies about skill spam, have a nice day discord troon.

      • 6 months ago

        he is right though

        • 6 months ago


  5. 6 months ago

    That quest where you cuck the king made me quit the game. Everyone about it makes 0 sense and the writing in general is subpar

    • 6 months ago

      yeah that shit was unfinished, still the combat is great so i didnt give a frick, also silk lingerie.

    • 6 months ago

      The storytelling in the game is bad and the duke drooling on himself while his wife that you talked to once and didn’t even realize you were having an affair with throws you under the bus was probably the peak of its half-baked absurdity. That and people getting Fournival as their beloved at launch when no one knew anything about the affinity system.

      • 6 months ago

        >half-baked absurdity
        For me, it was after you escape the jail and talk to him right after, he doesnt even acknowledge what happened

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah that was my one mark against it. Otherwise great fricking game.

      • 6 months ago

        >reach entrance to final area
        >Grigori tells you to talk to the Dragonforged to know what to do next
        >Dragonforged just tells you to go back and fight Grigori

    • 6 months ago

      >be me
      >roleplaying as an autistic child in Dragon's Dogma
      >lean into the "silent protagonist" thing, naively do whatever NPCs ask of me, use the same spells over and over again etc
      >get to the quest where the duchess wants me to meet her in her chambers secretly after dark
      >think it's because she wants to discuss a possible traitor or some such and doesn't want to risk anyone overhearing
      >get to her room and she starts getting all sensual
      >suddenly the duke bursts in and starts choking her out
      >gain back control of my toon; really confused and the preceding series of events
      >figure he'd see it was just me and calm down so I walk about from behind the cover
      >he lets go of her and starts acting all remorseful
      >"well that was a kind of confronting scene but I'm glad we sorted tha-
      >duchess accuses me of breaking into her room and trying to assault her and I get thrown into the dungeon
      >she eventually comes down to help me escape but now the entire court thinks I (a moronic little girl) tried to rape the duchess

  6. 6 months ago

    everything about it is dogshit outside of the flashy albeit shallow combat and a few unique gimmicky features like the pawn system
    probably the most overrated game ever

    • 6 months ago

      this i'd rather have a game where you dodge 40 times and attack once, now that's depth.

  7. 6 months ago

    Am i the only one that enjoyed the warriors vocation the most? Magic shit was way to slow for me

    • 6 months ago

      Warriors are second most fun next to fighters. No flashy shit, just good positioning and focusing damage to knock enemies down.
      Miss me with the whole blast arrows+periapts+multishot cheese.

  8. 6 months ago

    >feels like a bethesda RPG where the main quest is dogshit
    >implying any bethesda game has a serviceable main quest

  9. 6 months ago

    use punctuation next time, you fricking homosexual

  10. 6 months ago

    Do not respond to shazamgays.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't know who this resident schizo is, but videos have been popping up recommending DD and no one is talking about it. It's a 10/10 game, except for the main quest, which is just bad.

      • 6 months ago

        >I don't know who this resident schizo is
        He just told you.

  11. 6 months ago

    I hope the romance quests get full on cutscenes like with the shameless harlot plus actual reactions and consequences in the world, unlike the shameless harlot.

  12. 6 months ago

    >and the side content is great
    most DD side quest are terrible too.
    The one part that gets big praise (and unironically half the reason the game managed to have such lasting power) is bitterblack isle

  13. 6 months ago

    >everything past the pushing cart through the mountains is dog shit and unfinished

    Why bother praising it?

  14. 6 months ago

    The side quests are equally garbage

  15. 6 months ago

    im convinced that almost nobody would give a shit about this game in 2020+3+1 if not for bitterblack isle
    people wouldnt praise the potential of the combat anywhere as much if not for bitterblack's encounters
    people wouldnt be aching to replay anywhere as much if 2/3 of what they had to look foward to was just doing the gransys chore quests
    the hardest thing outside of bitterblack is everfall and it becomes a total absolute joke with nothing of value (other than 950242 wakestones, which you probably dont need anymore) before youre remotely near level 100

    genuinely, not a single soul has ever mentioned 2/3 of the base game's content in a single DD thread

    • 6 months ago

      >oh you like dragons dogma? ok, name all the content

    • 6 months ago

      >im convinced that almost nobody would give a shit about this game in 2020+3+1 if not for bitterblack isle
      Damn anon, it's almost like you were too young in 2012 to be on Ganker.

      • 6 months ago

        nobody is saying the game wasnt popular in 2012
        what im saying is that some shit has no lasting power compared to its early popularity. and thats precisely what old DD was, it was just lacking a place for way too many things to have a reason and intrigue that generates discussion. If not dark arisen (as in mostly bitterblack but also some of the more minor additions) then this game would have next to zero discussion outside of the context of dragons dogma 2

        as a very extreme recent example, armored core 6 was kino (and my goty, if i exclude games that arent publically available yet) and highly talked about but its carried a lot by things that arent really concrete gameplay qualities & it doesnt have reason for people to give a shit after a small number of months have passed

        • 6 months ago

          >nobody is saying the game wasnt popular in 2012

          im convinced that almost nobody would give a shit about this game in 2020+3+1 if not for bitterblack isle
          people wouldnt praise the potential of the combat anywhere as much if not for bitterblack's encounters
          people wouldnt be aching to replay anywhere as much if 2/3 of what they had to look foward to was just doing the gransys chore quests
          the hardest thing outside of bitterblack is everfall and it becomes a total absolute joke with nothing of value (other than 950242 wakestones, which you probably dont need anymore) before youre remotely near level 100

          genuinely, not a single soul has ever mentioned 2/3 of the base game's content in a single DD thread

          >im convinced that almost nobody would give a shit about this game in 2020+3+1 if not for bitterblack isle

          Yeah you're right, you just magically implied that without bitterblack, everyone that loved the frick out of the game would have magically stopped liking it somewhere between then and now...
          Stop backpedaling, you dug the hole, now fricking lie in it.

          • 6 months ago

            do you have no reading comprehension or just an absolute lack of abstraction and general cognitive abilities?

          • 6 months ago

            You see
            >nobody would care in 2020+3+1
            Almost automatically implies "its popularity would have died down"
            If one wanted to say that the game wasnt popular in 2012, they would say "nobody would give a shit about this game" in general instead of refering to the curent timeframe


    • 6 months ago

      base DD is better and i want an expanded upon version of it with more content.
      >make forgery of salomet's ring
      >it doesnt work when the duke wants to gift u some shit
      >gives the right tome to the guy in gransys
      >he actually uses against the griffin
      >can kill and resurrect Julien
      i like these things a lot.

  16. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      holy shit he posted that TODAY that's crazy

      • 6 months ago

        >capcom releases DD2 trailer
        >People start mindlessly hyping the game
        >I go back to playing video games (retail slave) and decide to post on Ganker my opinion of the game
        >Now I'm related to a "troll squad''
        I know they exist but this is my actual opinion of the game

        • 6 months ago

          listen i'm gonna let you in on a secret
          armored core and monster hunter were always objectively bad games with niche enjoyable features enjoyed by a quiet fanbase, until they both got their recent normiebait adaptations

          dragon's dogma is in the same former category. it's a game with flaws, a lot of problems and a history of dev time nearly being killed in the cradle - the game feels unfinished because some crapcom executives wanted to push the game out of the womb a year ahead of schedule
          in most contexts, the game is a miracle for what it is. the enjoyable parts are labors of love spilling between cracks in the duct tape that hold it all together

          it's not for everyone, and it shouldn't be. a DD fan will always understand why you didn't enjoy the game - these defensive homosexuals acting like it's the best game ever made are grifters or underage morons who watched a youtube vid by their favorite influencer

          • 6 months ago

            >armored core and monster hunter were always objectively bad games
            Stopped reading right there, what an idiot.

            • 6 months ago

              >nearly every monhun hitbox before 4th gen was broken or exaggerated in horrible ways
              >weapon balance in the absolute trash
              >armored core AI with the depth of a fricking puddle in every adaptation, mission difficulty tied to literal bullshit and/or time limits
              lol ok dude
              i love both series and pretty much always have, there's nothing wrong with your favorite game having flaws and you're a complete pussy if you refuse to accept that

  17. 6 months ago

    nice to see OP is still a gay
    merry Christmas everyone

  18. 6 months ago

    Skill issue.

  19. 6 months ago

    >king doesn't want you to engage the dragon
    >main quest is doing irrelevant shit

    The game just keeps getting better the longer you play it.

  20. 6 months ago

    I think the overall plot of the game is actually really cool and interesting, it's just told poorly. The everfall, seneschel, and grigori are all super sick.

  21. 6 months ago

    Make female pawn
    >game places her in your body

    great ending

  22. 6 months ago


  23. 6 months ago

    OP here I'm going to download the real vanilla version of the consoles what are the differences with the late versions ?

    • 6 months ago

      Dark Arisen added:
      >The whole BBI Area, items, monsters, etc.
      >Changed some interfaces here and there to make menu navigation better
      >Added a lot of extra port crystals out there in the world
      >Added an extra ring slot
      >changed how affinity works so you are less likely to end up with an unwanted beloved
      >balance changes
      I think that's the more important stuff, but I'm sure there's a lot of changes that I can't remember, further ports to PC and 8th gen consoles didn't change much in the games themselves, but I think they gift you a lot of stuff that used to be paid DLC and added item hotkeys for certain items.

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