>great puzzles throughout. >tons of weapon variety

>great puzzles throughout
>tons of weapon variety
>the dynamic camera angles are probably the peak of the franchise
>best soundtrack in the series
>best designs for Claire, Chris, and Wesker
>by far the best writing Wesker has had, just before he got turned into generic behind the scenes evil man
>best final level of the classic games, just a non-linear item hunt
>best knife

Why did CV filter so many?

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  1. 6 months ago

    >Why did CV filter so many?
    it was on the Dreamcast first

  2. 6 months ago

    >Why did CV filter so many?
    looked like shit, not spooky, dumb story, dumb protag, everything about it screams spin-off filler game and no one took reviews for sega games seriously


    • 6 months ago

      Exactly what someone who got filtered would say

    • 6 months ago

      But enough about RE3

      • 6 months ago

        What eceleb made everyone believe re3 was the best one?

        • 6 months ago

          None. It's just classic RE but with better controls (first game to introduce quick 180 degree turn and being able to dynamically walk on stairs) and faster paced action. Less backtracking, Jill as protagonist, great weapon and enemy design, being able to explore streets of Raccoon City, Nemesis, it all just clicked. It really felt like good evolution of RE2. In comparison Code Veronica took some steps back. Quick turn stayed but walking up and down stairs worked like in RE 2&3. Detailed pre-rendered backgrounds were replaced by dull and boring 3D environments. Claire couldn't stand up to Giga Stacy Jill. Worse weapons (crossbow was simply awful), not intimidating monsters, Steve and Cringe dialogue. Crossdressing villain was supposed to be reference to Hitchwiener works but turned out cringe. Dialogue was terrible and voice actors sounded like they didn't care and were just taking a piss (just listen to Alfreds laugh). It's not a very bad game on it's own (it has solid RE foundations after all), it's just looks meh when put next to previous entries.

          • 6 months ago

            RE3 also had Mercenaries, a shitload of costumes, and fun bonus weapons. What did CV have? A limp dick Battle Game, no extra costumes at all, and the only extra weapons were the basic rocket launcher in the main game and a shitty first person plasma rifle only usable in the Battle Game you were probably already sick of.

            • 6 months ago

              Another detail I like about Resident Evil 3 are the epilogues. Not because they add a lot to the mythos and story of the series but because they show the intention of the devs to try and get the player to engage with the game several times and using different approaches so the player can progressively explore all the routes and get consistently better at the game as he finishes and unlocks yet another epilogue chapter. Due to the open nature of Resident Evil 3's design this works wonderfully but I don't think Resident Evil 2 or even Resident Evil 1 (which has a similar design) would be able to pull it off.

              >Detailed pre-rendered backgrounds were replaced by dull and boring 3D environments
              It's obvious why this was done yet you re3 fans always try to paint it as a negative. You complain about weapons when CV was the first RE that made the knife useful. If you feel 1 and 2 are better than cv thats fine but 3 was just dlc and doesn't even feel like a new game to fans who grew up on these games.

              Knife in the classic PSX trilogy was meant to test the player's mastery of the gameplay mechanics and knowledge of the monsters/boss's design and programming, though. I get Code Veronica's approach to it but it diminishes the fundamental role the knife plays when a player truly sets out to challenge himself in the most extreme conditions.

              • 6 months ago

                The whole uselessness of the knife seems overstated to me. Once you figure out you can move back faster than zombies move towards you it becomes immensely useful in all of the classic games.

                even if you have a shit taste and you like it at least you still recognize it's inferior to the original right?

                Neither version truly outclasses one another. The REmake is very nice visually and sound-wise, but ruins the original's art direction. The dogs and the addition of Crimson heads improve the mid-game, but the underground section and the lab don't improve upon the somewhat bland feeling those had in the original. Also, all the neat little things the game adds like zombies breaking in from other rooms only really work if you played the original and weren't expecting it.

                You can't get soft locked anywhere in the game. Where did this meme even start? DSP's playthrough of it where he b***hes about how the game was designed in such a way he COULDN'T soft lock himself? I swear 95% of people on this board at this point have no experience with any of these games outside of watching someone stream them.

                Not one of the people whining, but couldn't you get softlocked against Alexia if you ran out of ammo beforehand? Since you can't attack one of her forms with the knife? If people are talking about having to use the knife in general, well, Veronica has it a hell of a lot better than the other games in the series, and if you're so bad you've run out of ammo you're going to lose anyway.

              • 6 months ago

                >Also, all the neat little things the game adds like zombies breaking in from other rooms
                There's an esoteric as frick Hunter spawn I've never seen brought up outside of threads on here. When Hunters destroy doors like this guy and the one in the hallway with Kenneth's body they remove the loading screens between those rooms too. Which makes me wonder if they were really necessary in the first place.

              • 6 months ago

                The loading screens were actually skippable if you mash a. So no, they were just for show.

              • 6 months ago

                >it becomes immensely useful in all of the classic games.
                Outside of finishing off grounded zombies no one uses the knife.

          • 6 months ago

            it also had the best puzzles of the entire trilogy and they are also better than those in code veronica.

            • 6 months ago

              I always looked at Nemesis as more of an expansion pack to RE2 since it came out only a year after and reused a lot of assets. Code: Veronica was exciting to me at the time because we finally got a game set outside of Raccoon City with a bigger scale.

          • 6 months ago

            >Detailed pre-rendered backgrounds were replaced by dull and boring 3D environments
            It's obvious why this was done yet you re3 fans always try to paint it as a negative. You complain about weapons when CV was the first RE that made the knife useful. If you feel 1 and 2 are better than cv thats fine but 3 was just dlc and doesn't even feel like a new game to fans who grew up on these games.

            • 6 months ago

              >It's obvious why this was done
              Yeah, it's obvious the devs they outsourced it to didn't have the artistic talent to make pre-rendered backgrounds.

              • 6 months ago

                Sounds like you've never played cv.

                Another detail I like about Resident Evil 3 are the epilogues. Not because they add a lot to the mythos and story of the series but because they show the intention of the devs to try and get the player to engage with the game several times and using different approaches so the player can progressively explore all the routes and get consistently better at the game as he finishes and unlocks yet another epilogue chapter. Due to the open nature of Resident Evil 3's design this works wonderfully but I don't think Resident Evil 2 or even Resident Evil 1 (which has a similar design) would be able to pull it off.

                Knife in the classic PSX trilogy was meant to test the player's mastery of the gameplay mechanics and knowledge of the monsters/boss's design and programming, though. I get Code Veronica's approach to it but it diminishes the fundamental role the knife plays when a player truly sets out to challenge himself in the most extreme conditions.

                I like doing tricky shit as well like triple head shottig zombies but it was just a gimmick.

      • 6 months ago

        I love Veronica but you gotta admit RE3 had more charming points.
        >Super friendly easy mode
        >Cooler guns like the mine launcher of whatever
        >Dodging, you probably didn't know how but you still dodged
        >More re-playable valuable with the mercenaries rewards, new clothes,and multiple options/routes (the 3 endings are basically the same but still)
        On top of that a destroyed city's a cooler environment than a research facility. Wish you could unlock the sniper or the anti bow weapon in CV, those were great, the latter you could only unlock it for the mini game.

        • 6 months ago

          A first person mode for the main game would have been cool and trivial to implement. But they only did it for the mini game for some reason.

        • 6 months ago

          >>More re-playable valuable with the mercenaries rewards, new clothes,and multiple options/routes (the 3 endings are basically the same but still)
          you just making shit up,there is 2 endings.

    • 6 months ago

      Code Shitonica is the turd game responsible for killing classic RE and forcing Capcom to change the formula with 4

      • 6 months ago

        >Code Shitonica is the turd game responsible for killing classic RE and forcing Capcom to change the formula with 4
        It was very well received at launch. People only started shitting on it over a decade later.
        Also, if Caca Poopronica is the bad one, then why didn't REmake, Zero and Outbreak 1&2 which all came out after save classic RE?

        • 6 months ago

          >Caca poopronica
          Frick I laughed like a child

        • 6 months ago

          >why didn't REmake, Zero and Outbreak 1&2 which all came out after save classic RE?
          they were all shit, CV killed classic RE and it never recovered, compare REtrash to the original RE1 or Zero/10 to RE2 or Buckbreak to RE3 and you'll notice something really fricked up has happened that something is CV

          • 6 months ago

            REmake is a good game and no amount of meme forcing will change my mind. I've liked it for 20 years and I'll keep liking it and there's nothing you can do about it

            • 6 months ago

              even if you have a shit taste and you like it at least you still recognize it's inferior to the original right?

              • 6 months ago

                I like them both. I don't know what is it with people here where one game has to be a masterpiece and the other HAS to be dogshit. It HAS to be both extremes

        • 6 months ago

          The real RE3. Don't care what devs say.

          Lmao. Every CV hater ever.

          None. It's just classic RE but with better controls (first game to introduce quick 180 degree turn and being able to dynamically walk on stairs) and faster paced action. Less backtracking, Jill as protagonist, great weapon and enemy design, being able to explore streets of Raccoon City, Nemesis, it all just clicked. It really felt like good evolution of RE2. In comparison Code Veronica took some steps back. Quick turn stayed but walking up and down stairs worked like in RE 2&3. Detailed pre-rendered backgrounds were replaced by dull and boring 3D environments. Claire couldn't stand up to Giga Stacy Jill. Worse weapons (crossbow was simply awful), not intimidating monsters, Steve and Cringe dialogue. Crossdressing villain was supposed to be reference to Hitchwiener works but turned out cringe. Dialogue was terrible and voice actors sounded like they didn't care and were just taking a piss (just listen to Alfreds laugh). It's not a very bad game on it's own (it has solid RE foundations after all), it's just looks meh when put next to previous entries.

          >CV bad voice dialogue
          Pretending that RE ever had good voice or dialogue lol? Tell me you're a zoom zoom that started with RE3 which was the most normie favorite game out of them all. It was the beginning for so many.
          >Moar OP weapons = Good game
          RE3 is broken in the players favor wayyyy too much. I got the dodging down pretty well too. Ammo was literally falling out of my pockets throughout the entire game. It's so boring in that the difficulty is just non-existent for anyone that's beaten the originals in under an hour and a half. The remake fixed the stupid lack of challenge the original had despite still being almost as boring as the original.

          Another detail I like about Resident Evil 3 are the epilogues. Not because they add a lot to the mythos and story of the series but because they show the intention of the devs to try and get the player to engage with the game several times and using different approaches so the player can progressively explore all the routes and get consistently better at the game as he finishes and unlocks yet another epilogue chapter. Due to the open nature of Resident Evil 3's design this works wonderfully but I don't think Resident Evil 2 or even Resident Evil 1 (which has a similar design) would be able to pull it off.

          Knife in the classic PSX trilogy was meant to test the player's mastery of the gameplay mechanics and knowledge of the monsters/boss's design and programming, though. I get Code Veronica's approach to it but it diminishes the fundamental role the knife plays when a player truly sets out to challenge himself in the most extreme conditions.

          The epilogues were meh. It was the only meaningful contribution to the RE story in RE3. The story of RE3 sucked.

          getting soflocked in the plane before fighting that boss was complete BS but Cold vegana gays will defend it

          Skill issue, get good. Then again I played and beat all the original and new RE games before playing CV. I beat RE2 no deaths in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Not impressive at all and nowhere near world record but still good.

          You can't get soft locked anywhere in the game. Where did this meme even start? DSP's playthrough of it where he b***hes about how the game was designed in such a way he COULDN'T soft lock himself? I swear 95% of people on this board at this point have no experience with any of these games outside of watching someone stream them.

          You can get soft locked in any RE technically if you suck and don't pay attention to shit. CV does have more spots where you can get soft locked which is hilarious cause it's a great way to filter bad players. RE3 gays think RE is just action and no story or inventory management, or which enemies to fight and which ones to avoid. RE3 is action "horror" and not survival horror.

          you're a fricked up moron spouting youtuber shit and assuming everyone ever who heard of a game at any point is just having no experience ever cause all we do is watch twitch and youtubers all day
          shut the frick up you stupid ass moronic c**t, I bought this game new and still have my copy and got softlocked on ammo.
          >where did this meme even start?! xD

          This is literally what happened to my sister who sucks at RE. Also you don't get soft locked on ammo if you're good with the knife lol. How did you soft lock on ammo lol? See this is how I know you're a RE3 gay too since you wanna just blow shit up and have action since that's what you think classic RE is all about. It's called survival horror, dodge the enemies, conserve ammunition, know your enemy, manage your inventory. RE3 makes dodging too easy.

          • 6 months ago

            >It's called survival horror, dodge the enemies, conserve ammunition, know your enemy, manage your inventory. RE3 makes dodging too easy.
            never had to dodge enemy in both RE1 and 2.

    • 6 months ago

      It's completely linear too. No second scenario or real branching choices. One playthrough and you've seen everything.

  3. 6 months ago

    O wow, look, it's another "bad game was actually good, guys!" thread

  4. 6 months ago

    Recently played it, liked it so no agenda, but it really has some of the worst writing in a videogame. Which is partially fine, it’s a game, but you’re constantly left cringing at everything that happens in the story, that really shouldn’t ever happen. Also, the Steve boss fight is so infuriaringly cheap. I think this is the one game that not even a remake could repair, Steve and Alexa are just so bizarre that there’s nothing that could be done about them.

    • 6 months ago

      I think the story is decent, but marred by the Dreamcast era voice acting. The Ashfords could be legitimately creepy villains in a remake of it. And no, Alfred is in no way trans, zoomers. The devs were referencing Psycho.

      • 6 months ago

        Zombies and other monsters on a remote tropical island is a great and time tested concept too. There's a lot of cool material to draw from there vs. setting most of the first half in a boring concentration camp.

  5. 6 months ago

    Pique of the series

  6. 6 months ago

    /v/-tier OP

  7. 6 months ago

    I also think that it's unfairly remembered as a 'bad' game, but I do have to admit it has some weak points. The map feels more linear than the prior games in the series, the story veers further into silly spooky territory and the knife might be a little TOO good (although I prefer it to having a useless knife like in RE1-3).
    I totally agree that the puzzles are cool, some monsters are awesome (Bandersnatch, Nosferatu for example), and I thought the Ashfords were cool villains. The idea of Alfred being the son of one of the founders but being a bit of a frick-up so they stick him on an island to get him out of the way is great.
    This is also my favourite look for Claire.

  8. 6 months ago

    >use ammo
    >sometimes miss
    >don't bring something without knowing ahead of time
    >sotflocked, can't finish the game at all
    most people who played it then weren't autistic enough to just reset the game and try again
    if it left you unable to finish then you put it aside, especially since the ammo check is so late into the game
    the only thing about the design people complain about is the freaky twins le japanese humor crossdressing shit

    • 6 months ago

      getting soflocked in the plane before fighting that boss was complete BS but Cold vegana gays will defend it

    • 6 months ago

      getting soflocked in the plane before fighting that boss was complete BS but Cold vegana gays will defend it

      You can't get soft locked anywhere in the game. Where did this meme even start? DSP's playthrough of it where he b***hes about how the game was designed in such a way he COULDN'T soft lock himself? I swear 95% of people on this board at this point have no experience with any of these games outside of watching someone stream them.

      • 6 months ago

        >You can't get soft locked anywhere in the game!!!
        >t. played with a guide

        • 6 months ago

          You have no idea what softlock means

          • 6 months ago

            and you have no idea what playing CV blind is like

            • 6 months ago

              I beat the game when I was 11 years old. I'm sorry you're mentally moronic.

              • 6 months ago

                >I beat the game when I was 11 years old using a guide

              • 6 months ago

                I'm really sorry you're so bad at video games the idea a preteen could beat the 90s equivalent of Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty campaign is an inconceivable act to you, but at least I know who plays games on the "Just for the story" option every game has now.

              • 6 months ago

                >shamelessly lie about no possibility of getting soflocked in Caca Shitonica
                >trust me bro i know what am talking about after all i did play and beat this shit game!!!
                go back to Ganker

              • 6 months ago

                where can you get softlocked in CV?

              • 6 months ago


                getting soflocked in the plane before fighting that boss was complete BS but Cold vegana gays will defend it

              • 6 months ago

                you can't get softlocked in the plane because hitting the tyrant with the crate enough times will auto knock him out of it without you ever even needing to damage him.
                so again, where can you get softlocked in CV?

              • 6 months ago

                >hitting the tyrant with the crate enough times will auto knock him out of it
                wowzers! have you learned this trick from reading it on some gaming forum?!

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah like 10 years after i originally played the game. I thought it was cool the game was designed well enough that they went to the extra thought of that in case the person playing is a massive moron and somehow managed to not have any ammo despite the 100's upon 100's of rounds the game has given you at that point.
                Then again its not really needed since you could always knife him regardless.
                So, where can you get softlocked in CV?

              • 6 months ago

                >Yeah like 10 years after i originally played the game
                i accept your concession

              • 6 months ago

                Where can you get softlocked though?

              • 6 months ago

                It wasn't that easy, b***h, if Myke Tyrant corners you, you're fricked and the crate releasing mechanism takes some seconds to reload.

      • 6 months ago

        you're a fricked up moron spouting youtuber shit and assuming everyone ever who heard of a game at any point is just having no experience ever cause all we do is watch twitch and youtubers all day
        shut the frick up you stupid ass moronic c**t, I bought this game new and still have my copy and got softlocked on ammo.
        >where did this meme even start?! xD

        • 6 months ago

          YouTuber shit is thinking you can get softlocked in a game deliberately designed to never allow it to happen.
          >got softlocked on ammo in a game that literally gives you 250 handgun bullets, 100 darts, and dual SMGs within the first hour of gameplay.
          Hilarious how the most common complaint about the game is that the people playing it are mentally moronic

          • 6 months ago

            Lots of people got fricked at that part on their first play through. Stop exposing yourself as a zoomer.

            • 6 months ago

              Lots of people are extremely bad at video games and think RE games are hard, or require planning when every single one of them are designed to let you kill everything in the game and have ammo to spare.
              People on this board genuinely find Zelda games to be challenging

              • 6 months ago

                >People on this board genuinely find Zelda games to be challenging
                I doubt you could beat Zelda or Zelda 2 on your own.

              • 6 months ago

                Enemies respawn in CV, so you will run out of ammo if you put the knife away, which most people would do their first time.

              • 6 months ago

                >Enemies respawn in CV
                No they don't. Enemies have set placements like every other RE game. You get new or replaced enemies in certain areas after a point in time also like every other RE game.

  9. 6 months ago

    I hate the new metacritic website, anyway to get the old layout back?

  10. 6 months ago

    How did this game ever get an M rating? There's 0 profanity, very little blood, no decapitation or dismemberment, and all the death scenes are extremely weak.

    • 6 months ago

      unironically, it was a different time. GTA3 would barely surpass a T rating in the modern day, and that just because you can blow someone's head off with a sniper rifle.

    • 6 months ago

      because of the Transphobic content

      • 6 months ago

        This. I was never able to play gba earthbound due to its misogyny as well.

  11. 6 months ago

    I never got past the airplane fight and never looked back. Code Veronica is a shit game

  12. 6 months ago

    Steve and respawning enemies are the only reasons I need to list. The knife is so good because you have to use it. Also don’t forget bandersnatch hitting from off screen.

    Dual machine pistols were cool, though.

  13. 6 months ago

    Jesus, you homosexuals never shut up about how you hate CV. It's alright as is.

  14. 6 months ago

    >great puzzles throughout
    Like the fricking lion? Frick you

    • 6 months ago

      I will however concede that as shit as the game is, anyone complaining about soft locking is a mental moron. Do you guys go into every encounter guns blazing? Do you not try to sneak past enemies, given your limited resources? Never mind that CV gives you a frickton of ammo so even when going ballistic you should never run out of ammo. How would you even have nothing to give to Chris/Claire, anyway, do you tards keep EVERY weapon on you at once? I'm sure that does you wonders when you find a new item but have a full inventory!

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