Green flags for fantastic DND real roleplayers

>My fighter uses a greatclub because he's literally Hida Kisada from Adventures in Rokugan
>And the DMG says a tetsubo is a greatclub so that's what he uses
>I don't care that a tetsubo is weaker than a maul, I'm literally Gigachad and I don't care about min-maxing

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  1. 8 months ago

    >Any in character moment where they ask the GM afterwards to take a relevant mechanical penalty because it lines up with the story

  2. 8 months ago

    >Adventures in Rokugan
    That is a double red flag.

    • 8 months ago

      >my character is literally X from Y
      Twenty five red flags right away

      >wants every PC to be 100% donut steel OC or else it's indicative of a bad player
      baka red flagged

      • 8 months ago

        No. Just at the minimum do a character inspired by another character, not just literally the character. Being a lazy b***h is for gays.

      • 8 months ago

        lolwut? I made no commentary on the homosexualry of directly playing an existing character. My commentary was directed at the shittiness of the adaptation that is AiR. It is amazing in one way though, it makes the 3.0 L5R adaptation look at least halfway decent.

      • 8 months ago

        If you're incapable of original thought, you have no place anywhere near my table.

      • 8 months ago

        thats a moronic name for a character how can anyone take them seriously with a fricktarded name like that?

      • 7 months ago

        >if your PC isn't a carbon copy of an anime character then it's donut steel tier

  3. 8 months ago

    >my character is literally X from Y
    Twenty five red flags right away

    • 7 months ago

      Have you tried not?
      >real roleplayers
      Yeah that almost never happens, you might as well be discussing unicorns.
      >My [class] uses [whatever] because he's literally [just a character copied from from other piece of media]
      This is a pretty big fricking red flag.
      >... the DMG ...
      And that's another red flag.
      >... I don't care about min-maxing
      The only green flag and the only part of that sentence that is of any relevance. Gigachad? More like gigagay.


      >wants every PC to be 100% donut steel OC or else it's indicative of a bad player
      baka red flagged

      Yes. Every character should be a unique character in their own right, just like every person in the real world is. It's alright to be inspired by media for aspects of a character, taking impressions from different sources, but the second you're only pulling from one source or think of a character as just X from Y, you should have a nice day.

  4. 8 months ago

    >player says weeb shit is for homosexuals
    giant fricking green flag right there

    • 8 months ago

      >if relevant, alters their speech patterns to fit their character
      Don't care
      >does an accent for their character
      Don't care
      >comes to the table dressed as their character
      King shit
      >refuses to break character under any circumstances
      Honestly would be annoying but would pretty funny to talk about afterwards

      • 8 months ago

        >if relevant, alters their speech patterns to fit their character
        >does an accent for their character
        >comes to the table dressed as their character
        >refuses to break character under any circumstances

        Replied to the wrong post due to actual moronism

  5. 8 months ago

    >if relevant, alters their speech patterns to fit their character
    >does an accent for their character
    >comes to the table dressed as their character
    >refuses to break character under any circumstances

    • 8 months ago

      >rolls before narrating or saying things
      Indicates a desire to play out the game, not impose his will on it. A player who does this wont complain about misses, deaths, etc.
      >Narrates their dialogue more often than actually talking in character
      Indicates a respect for people's time, and these kinds of players naturally share the spotlight more. You avoid freakshitters this way too

      Red flags more than anything.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm not allowed to do this anymore because I play the Draconis Combine and calling my opponent a "dishonorabu gaijin" in a very thick japanese accent doesn't go over well in the game store anymore

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        remind everyone who won the fricking war and carry on

        • 8 months ago

          but the draconis lose most of their wars

          • 8 months ago

            >Fought 2 succession wars for the throne of the First Lord
            >Theodore Kurita becomes First Lord of the second star league
            >Even with experimental lostech the FedCom got their ass handed to them in 3039
            >The battle of Luthien is considered one of the few pre-Tukayyis clan defeats
            >The DCMS was the main force used in operation BULLDOG
            >The Dracs have captured New Avalon in the current era
            The Dragon is powerful

            • 7 months ago

              Scalie cope.

    • 8 months ago

      >refuses to break character under any circumstances
      while i appreciate this is supposedly a thing you're supposed to want and there are tables that do this and love it, any time one of these sorts ends up at one of my tables its a fricking miserable experience. we're there to have a fun time and hang out, not do 4 hours of fully immersed improv. if i wanted that i would go larp. not a dig at larpers. ive done it, its great fun

    • 8 months ago

      >plays as kenku
      >doesn't speak IC
      >only uses soundboard
      I don't know if that's a red or green flag but it sure is some dedicated autism

      • 7 months ago

        I had a player that did that, more or less.
        Was playing a 11yo kenku rogue kid (in kenku lifespan) as the "pet" of a band of bandits (the party).
        He had a pocket notepad he'd writte down sentences PCs and npcs said and the tone they said it, and would only communicate by parroting them. He'd limit himself to actual sentences and up to 5 per character, so no Youtube Poop tier voice mixing. He would, however, remark who's voice he was imitating, so you'd be talking to him and would say something in a deep, dwarvish voice and then follow it up with a little girl's quip.

        One of the best PCs I've run games for.

  6. 8 months ago

    Biggest, greenest flag;
    >Caring about the setting and the plot as intended/being invested in it
    There's nothing worse than a player who treats a game like GTA and is a fricking homosexual causing problems for everyone else because their character is 'too cool to care about the story/their lives/friendship/consequences/whatever'

  7. 8 months ago

    >another blogpost thread for things that never happened

  8. 8 months ago

    >He is literally X from Y!
    Red flag
    >I don't care if I am underperforming, its what my character would do!
    Strongly depends on context but I am willing to bet its also a red flag when aligned with the first example
    Anyway I guess I will share my green flags...
    >DND real roleplayers
    >roleplyaing in D&D

  9. 8 months ago

    >literally a character from other media
    Actual red flag.
    >unironically says shit like "min-maxing"
    Actual red flag.
    And the biggest red flag of all:

  10. 8 months ago

    doesn't storyshit, plays the fricking game

  11. 8 months ago

    Awful start to the thread, OP.
    >actually takes notes
    >asks questions, wants to know more about every scene, characters, and situation they are put in
    >shows up on time, every time, without needing to be texted or pinged online several times to remind them that the game that happens every week at the same time is happening
    >lets you know days or even weeks in advance when they won't be able to make a game
    >memorizes the basic rules after one session, instead of asking what dice to roll over and over.

    • 8 months ago

      What a homosexualry. For me it is obviously:

      > I've created my character prior the game by rules. I know how his abilities work. I DM myself, btw.

      Now you can anticipate a good role-playing and improv.

      Yeah, how could I forget
      >Actually reads and comprehends the fricking rules.

    • 8 months ago

      I always feel dumb being the only player to ask a ton of questions about the situation/room/fella I’m talking to after the dm sets something up but it’s good to know this is seen as a positive thing

      • 7 months ago

        That's the Public School Experience™ dictating your actions. Asking questions during class was seen as annoying and stupid by other students, so you got conditioned out of doing it. Answering questions was likewise seen as showing off or sucking up to the teacher.

        The opposite of the person you're describing just sounds like someone who doesn't even want to play.

        Many such cases!

      • 7 months ago

        Same. Makes me feel like I'm hogging the spotlight or being too egocentric, but the GM told me too that he appreciates a lot that I try to get a grasp of the situation and try to act accordingly.

        Guess it makes sense, the player I hate the most at the table I GM is the one who never engages. Not on yhe phone, but just sista there saying they don't know what to do or how to act in any situation, are clearly bored/not on board yet refuse to change anything.

    • 8 months ago

      I kneel

    • 8 months ago

      The opposite of the person you're describing just sounds like someone who doesn't even want to play.

  12. 8 months ago

    Okay so this is clearly a troll thread but we can ignore OP and make it good instead. Any time a player talks with the GM/DM about how to hook the character into plot or setting elements before the game starts is a green flag. You know they want to be involved long term at least.

    • 7 months ago

      Asking me for more information about the campaign setting to make sure my character fits/Having a dedicated session for character creation or sending me an intro packet I can work off of
      Instead of typing up their backstory, or picking "background" choices, going into depth about who they are right now. Wardrobe choices, speech patterns if not doing a voice, the characters gait, where their hands default to during conversation, what their character's favorite foods/hobbies are. I don't care what they did 10 years ago, I should be able to immediately pick their characters out at a rennfaire.
      Not rolling for everything. If our plan is dumb don't be scared to tell us we fail, unless it's because you didn't give us information we rightfully should've gathered. If I have a great idea, I describe it in detail, and my character has the pips or stats to reasonably pull it off, don't ruin the moment with a roll. Tell a damn story about what happens, if I want a glorified RNG and game engine I'll replay a CRPG, not stare at your pimple collection.

  13. 8 months ago

    Imagine having plot or setting elements lmao. dumb ugly storyBlack person

    • 8 months ago

      then don't play dumbc**t

  14. 8 months ago

    OP, that guy unironically sounds like the most annoying type of player there is.

  15. 8 months ago

    K, enjoy dying in the first encounter then

  16. 8 months ago

    >not a powergamer
    >plays for fun
    >plays his character
    >rule of fun/rule of cool/rule of funny
    >not an attention prostitute
    >interested in the game
    >interested in other players

    • 8 months ago

      >Describes their character based on their concept or motivations rather than a mechanical build
      >Has no multiclassing or feats

      those are red flags

    • 7 months ago

      >>rule of fun/rule of cool/rule of funny
      >>not an attention prostitute
      these directly oppose each other

    • 7 months ago

      >not a powergamer
      >plays for fun
      Not mutually exclusive

      >plays his character

      >rule of fun/rule of cool/rule of funny
      >not an attention prostitute
      Not mutually exclusive

      >interested in the game
      >interested in other players

      • 7 months ago

        They are individual green flags, autistanon. They're not inplied to be mutually exclusive. Consider autoeuthanasia.

        No it isn't, storyshitter.

        He's not a storyshitter. People that come to tables with premade characters and backgrounds regardless of tone or scenario are almost invariably storyshitters, and most of the time freakshitters, too, even when they're not specifically playing a freakshit race.

        • 7 months ago

          >They are individual green flags, autistanon.
          But you need both of them at the same time toake sense moron, that's why i said they're not mutually exclusive: for example, if you want a guy that goes for muh rule of cool OF COURSE it has not to be an attention prostitute in order for not being a red flag.

        • 7 months ago

          You play no games.

  17. 8 months ago

    >Describes their character based on their concept or motivations rather than a mechanical build
    >Has no multiclassing or feats

  18. 8 months ago

    >he's literally Hida Kisada from Adventures in Rokugan
    If he's so much like Hida Kisada, when's the last time he backhanded a samurai-ko?

  19. 8 months ago

    What a homosexualry. For me it is obviously:

    > I've created my character prior the game by rules. I know how his abilities work. I DM myself, btw.

    Now you can anticipate a good role-playing and improv.

    • 8 months ago

      >I've created my character prior the game
      >It doesn't matter what the game is, I have a character I'm going to use regardless
      That's a pretty big red flag.

      • 8 months ago

        No it isn't, storyshitter.

        • 7 months ago

          It's absolutely a red flag. Every time I've had someone submit a character they made before they joined it's their pet OC that they already have everything planned out for. They rarely gel with the rest of the party, or worse, the game's tone. Frick off with your forced meme word.

    • 8 months ago

      >I DM myself, btw.
      DMs and GMs make the best players, more often than not. I've only met one guy where this wasn't the case and the guy is God awful at running a game and even worse as a player.

    • 7 months ago

      >I've created my character prior the game by rules. I know how his abilities work. I DM myself, btw.
      "Bravo, now rip that shit and start over. This is the curated list of chargen options for this game"
      Not asking your GM about the game before making your character is a massive red flag.

    • 7 months ago

      >I DM myself, btw.
      >tfw everyone in my group has DM'd before both before we met and during our time playing together and everyone is willing to step up to run something when we need a break

      The best part is: I met my players through /tg/

  20. 8 months ago

    I always saw memes about wizard taking a long ass time during their turns so I decided to make myself my own "Spellbook" with basically every spell my character know with all the necesary info.Also I managed to keep track of all buffs i give to the party plus the debuffs to the enemy plus my minions in record time (I use a wizard specialist in Conjuration and Transmutation).

  21. 8 months ago

    The big one is
    >actually cares about characters other than their own

  22. 8 months ago

    >muh mechanical penalties and suboptimal choices are good roleplaying
    Idiocy of the highest order.

  23. 8 months ago

    a Greenflag would be asking about the setting and working their character around the setting and world. Especially when it's homebrew

  24. 8 months ago

    1. He's eager to play with any rulesystem. He's also agile enough to adapt to various frameworks instead of being rigidly fixated to a specific one.
    2. Likes to read (rules and game notes, also related fiction).
    3. Spontaneously engages. Comes at the table with a sane, vested interest in the activity.
    4. Doesn't have set expectations. He inquires the GM about the game, asks for suggestions about fitting character concepts.
    5. He's punctual, articulate and imaginative. He know what he wants and can communicate it without fail.
    6. He's a team player. Not only he actively play having the party in mind but also he's collaborative with the GM in various ways (helping him in explaining specific rules adjudications to the table, is suppertive in helping other players with chargen/advancements, takes notes, etc...).
    7. He's able to make a schedule to fit the game day. Can communicate ahead of time potential variations.

    1. Knows various rulesystems while also not being an ADHD tard that jumps to the next shiny new thing at the first occasion.
    2. Has a favourite rulesystem while also not being autistically fixated on it. Can list and argument pros and cons of it and acknowledge advantages of other games above the one of his choice.
    3. ALWAYS does Prep-work but he's also smart about, making all of the scenarios modular. Has a ready to access and browse library of ready-to-go scenarios, npc, maps and images he can fetch at any moment to wing articulate situations on the spot.
    3. Reads and Watches all kinds of fiction and isn't afraid to shamelessly steal ideas from them.
    4. He's punctual, articulate and imaginative. Makes short but effective descriptions, doesn't drag npc dialogues (and above all doesn't talk to himself like schizo tard when roleplaying a dialogue between two or more npc, he just kicks the IC dialogue in and then shortly paraphrases the rest), makes room to player interjections and swiftly grabs the reins of narration when needed.

    • 8 months ago

      8. Realises death is a part of the game and fails death saving throws already laughing and thinking of a new character
      9. Brings food and beverages for long games

      5. Plans the story of the game not with the players in center focus, but with them in mind

    • 7 months ago

      1 doesn't exist they play the first or second thing they last more than a session in forever
      2 doesn't exist no one reads anymore even in New Zealand
      3 players who do things without being prodded, even after driving to get there, don't exist, they just want a video game
      4 this one is realistic enough but a lot of times they need the gm to decide what they will play lol
      5 imaginative killed it, you were so close to another thing real players might be
      6 actually realistic, if uncommon
      7 again, realistic, just not common

      3 out of 7 are realistic criteria to look for

      1 Sorry I only know a few
      2 I can but /tg/ dislikes my system of choice now so you would count it against me regardless
      3 At first I did, then I gave up because my players didn't seem to require or care about it, then eventually I gave up being GM
      4 I did sometimes have NPCs talk to each other, for plot exposition or to tell the PCs key things about the world, my players could have interjected but never did
      So I am 0/4 GM

      8. Realises death is a part of the game and fails death saving throws already laughing and thinking of a new character
      9. Brings food and beverages for long games

      5. Plans the story of the game not with the players in center focus, but with them in mind

      8 nah they will always be salty and I would probably feel worse than them
      9 I have seen players supply drinks to the party regularly before

      5 I guess, I mean world events are happening and PCs have important influence in them but if a city is sieged it's sieged pretty much

      • 7 months ago

        >1 doesn't exist they play the first or second thing they last more than a session in forever
        I am that player, if you host a game i will play at it no matter the type of rulesystem. The only criteria i have us the type of game (eg: no ERP).

        >2 doesn't exist no one reads anymore even in New Zealand
        Oh come on, unless you play with zoomer to genalpha there must be some millenial Black person and backward that flips books.

        >3 players who do things without being prodded, even after driving to get there, don't exist, they just want a video game
        I am that player, before taking a sit to a table i will say in my mind "i'm going to have fun". Even if i don't know shit about your game and your setting i will ask questions and actively try to model a rough outline of it immediately.

        >4 this one is realistic enough but a lot of times they need the gm to decide what they will play lol

        >5 imaginative killed it, you were so close to another thing real players might be
        Maybe but a good group of olayer requires time and effort to be built. You're not going for average, you're going for the good side of the bell distribution.

        >6 actually realistic, if uncommon

        >7 again, realistic, just not common

        >1 Sorry I only know a few
        I didn't specify a minimum number

        >2 I can but /tg/ dislikes my system of choice now so you would count it against me regardless
        Caring about /tg/ opinion os a redflag

        >3 At first I did, then I gave up being GM
        Fair, no game is better than shit game

        >4 my players could have interjected but never did
        Paraphrasing the dialogue (instead of going the full way IC) could have helped there, either by just moving on

        >So I am 0/4 GM
        Nah you just need better players

        >8 I would probably feel worse than them
        Always telegraph impeding danger ahead of time and you're golden.

        • 7 months ago

          The problem is more that my party was well-built, not even OP just strong characters with organically good starting rolls with only like two weak characters, and it was a party of 5 or 6 depending on session so they were fighting things 1 CR above normal for single-target damage, and a lot of times I gave them 1 CR above their ECL to give them more challenge and reward
          None of them died for the longest time and the player whose character did didn't care anyways and at that level was res'd soon anyways

      • 7 months ago

        It's wishful thinking, I always make my characters with their deaths in mind, how i want them to die and shit, the best characters are martyrs
        yeah it's supposed to be TTRPG etiquette, I like to cook pic related and bring them over to game sessions whenever i can

        yeah the game is still half the players half the GM, but i think it's important to make them feel like they're a part of the game and not the game itself, like having their actions bear consequences rather than the world be their consequence

      • 7 months ago

        >doesn't exist no one reads anymore even in New Zealand
        How are these even related? Forget that it's blatantly wrong, I read 3-4 novels per year and so do plenty of other people. What does the dependent clause, "even in New Zealand" have to do with anything?
        New Zealand isn't even real as far as I'm concerned, it sounds like someone's magical realm full of communism and sheep. But go on, explain what it has to do with reading, I want to hear this.
        >3 players who do things without being prodded, even after driving to get there, don't exist, they just want a video game
        >4 this one is realistic enough but a lot of times they need the gm to decide what they will play lol
        >1 Sorry I only know a few
        >2 I can but /tg/ dislikes my system of choice now so you would count it against me regardless
        So here is your problem - you haven't been exposed to anything except D&D. Everything you mention is endemic to the D&D community. You are self-aware enough to recognize these issues, which means it's not too late for you.
        I suggest you aggressively try to find a group that runs another game. Grab some PDFs of core rules for a couple systems that interest you, and make a list of 3-5 you want to try and to find a group for ANY of them like you were trying to find a vet for your sick dog. Discord, driving to hobby stores you wouldn't normally go to.
        Eventually you will find a group that will at least be chill about you sitting in and learning the game. Obviously, finding a group with room for another player is ideal, but if a game is fun to watch, it's fun to play. Your endgame is to learn the system from watching and playing, and maybe even running a starter/one-shot module at a local store, well enough that you're comfortable running the game with your friends.

        • 7 months ago

          The problem with D&D players - putting aside flaws with the "game" itself - is that they don't want to play a tabletop. They want to play a videogame, as you've noticed. Rarely, you see someone who got lost on the way to community theater, but they usually end up wanting to play a video game, or they quit after a few sessions.
          The problem with GURPS players is they're literally just that Linux autist who won't shut up about how perfect Linux is. But GURPS.
          Look at Fantasy Flight, World of Darkness, even Pathfinder 2e is markedly better. Play GURPS if that guy is someone you get along with, there's nothing wrong with it.
          I did what I just told you to in my other post, and I ended up learning Dragon AGE, Fantasy AGE because that's what was available. Wasn't my first choice but I love it, and it's a way better system that draws higher quality humans than playing D&D

          • 7 months ago

            >The problem with GURPS players is they're literally just that Linux autist who won't shut up about how perfect Linux is. But GURPS.
            >tfw i'm actually both a linux gay and a gurps gay
            Well, frick me.

            • 7 months ago

              I rest my case. You can do anything in any setting with sufficient understanding of GURPS, and what you can't do you can emulate with WINE. I mean, you can buy additional modules.
              To be clear, I'm not shitting on either system, I just hate missionaries proselytizing at me.

    • 7 months ago

      1 is NOT a green flag, it's a red flag of a player who doesn't know what they like.

      • 7 months ago

        Point 1. doesn't imply the player shouldn't have favourites thought, just that is flexible enough to handle different games.

  25. 8 months ago

    chads don't call themselves chads

  26. 7 months ago

    >POSTS ON Ganker /tg/
    >or anywhere else online
    >has heard of the internet
    >isn't a 25 yo Amish woman learning new things about the world

    • 7 months ago

      i fricked up, i thought this was red flags, i mean that I want to play with an amish woman not you guys

  27. 7 months ago

    >follows railroad when i present them instead of complaining about them
    >follows 'gm is always right' rule instead of arguing
    >under a minute turns
    >takes notes
    >calls people by their in game names
    >isn't a part of scheduling hell

    • 7 months ago

      Oh and the final one
      >doesn't care about playing cliche characters

  28. 7 months ago

    did he finally make it a thing?

    • 7 months ago

      He'd have to be able to actually define it consistently while also explaining how it can't be explained as distinct from other issues for it to be a thing. Judging from this thread, the answer is no.

  29. 7 months ago

    >Doesn't pull up phone at any point
    >Respects when people have their own moment in the story without inserting themselves
    >Tries to determine their next combat action before their turn
    >Actually rolls dice for things they can't determine on the spot
    >Rolls the dice openly and plainly, leaves it to be inspected
    >Adds flair to their failures even if it isn't positive for their character
    >Finds ways to deal with party frictions without pvp
    >Arrives on time
    >Doesn't make it painfully obvious when it gets a little boring because his char isn't directly involved
    >Doesn't do a frick ton of out of character chit chat

  30. 7 months ago

    > can't smell them
    > can't smell them
    > can't smell them

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